HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-03-09, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 'riii'K.sn.iY, march Mb. iosa For S i Years Vicks Advertising has been passed upon bv a Board of Physicians. HEADCLEARS STUFFY Helps Prevent the Development of Colds, too U. S. Air Corp Pilot Crashes •Into Barn Near Parkhill, NOW, it’s easy to relieve head cold discomfort. Just put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril and feel the tingle as Va-tro-nol’s stimu­ lating medication reduces the swol­ len membranes, clears away the clogging mucus, helps to keep the sinuses from being blocked by the cold-lets you breathe again, NEXT TIME, don’t wait until your head is all stuffed up. At the first warning 'sneeze or sniffle, use Va-tro-nol at once-it helps to pre­ vent many colds from developing. Va-tro-nol is specialized medica- tion-expressly designed for the nose and upper throat where most colds start. Used in time, it stimulates Nature’s own defenses to fight off many a cold, or to throw off % * ’gf T wj)head colds in VlCKS S-W SilearIy Va-tr&nol Is Killed Short Courses Are Popular at Shipka Upward of 50 farmers of Shipka district in Stephen Township are tak­ ing advantage of the short course lectures being given in the school of -S.S. No. 7. Blend Samuel T. Kellaway Killarney Pioneer, Dies An entire community mourned when it became known that Bam Kellaway, a pioneer of the 80’s and a well known resident of the district had quietly passed away, at the home of his brother, W- J. Kellaway, where he had made liis home for the past twelve years. He had been ill for only a few days, although he had not been in good health 'for some time. Funeral services were held Monday from First United Church, conduct­ ed by Rev, A. A. Boone, while a large concourse of friends gathered to pay their sad respects to the mem­ ory of the departed. The honorary (pallJbearefrs were all' old friends and neighbors: Jack Daly, W. J. Schnarr, H. Hysop, John Brown, A, M. High and Wm. Chat­ ham, Active pallbearers were: W. J. .Sanders, Geo. Campbell, D. Chris­ tie, W. K. McNamte, F. E. Stevenson and P. Hunter. Samuel Thomas Kellaway was born in Devonshire, England in 186 6, and came to Canada with his parents when but three years of age settling in Exeter, 'Ontario, where his boy-, hood and early manhood years were spent. After leaving school he worked in Carling’s general store in 1886 came west, to Killarney. He travelled on the first thro’ freight over the C. P. R. main line. He worked for the late A. J. Rollins during his year in the west and it was from' him that he bought the farm east of town which he cultivat­ ed successfully for many years. It was as a horticulturist that he was best known, and his farmstead soon became the show place of the district. He was first to demon­ strate that many flowers, vegetables and fruits could be successfully grown in Manitoba. His lovely well- kept grounds, with its hedges and clusters of lilacs and other flower­ ing shrubs were visited by many. He was the first to introduce corn as a field crop in this part of the country. Mr. Kellaway was a quiet home-' loving man of sterling character# a reader and good thinker with a live­ ly sense of humor that was at all times kindly. He was a member of the Killarney school board during 1914 and 191'5. In 1915 he was un­ animously selected as Liberal candi­ date for the provincial legislature, but was forced, through ill-health, to resign before the election. He is survived by one brother, W. J. Kellaway. The late Mrs. R. Arscott who died in 1936, was a sister, and another sister, Laura died in Septem­ ber of 1926. —'Killarney Guide, Manitoba bridges in 193 8 was re- the Dept, of Hghways. Hodgert and. 'Cooper: GLOBE & MAID SHOW LARGE PROFIT George McCullogh made an inter­ esting revelation in his final radio address when he declared that the Globe and Mail had made a net prof­ it of $21,235 during the year 1938. It was the prevailing opinion among the public that the Globe and Mail was losing money. Of course, as Mr. McCullogh pointed out, the owner of the Globe and Mail did not receive any return on his capital investment, which Was placed by Mr. McCullogh at six million dollars. He stressed the fact that Mr. • Wright had forfeited an income of nearly half a million dollars yearly by Trapped in an atmosphere of fog and many miles off his course, Sec­ ond Lieutenant N. A. Cowles, of the United States Army 'Corps Reserve met instant death 'Saturday night when his trim-lined pursuit ship plunged through the darkness to crash through the roof of a small stable near Parkhill. Its fuel exhausted by many miles of flying through thick layers of fog, the $40,000 Seversky plane tore earthward, striking the stable own­ ed by Jack Young, demolishing the building and killing two horses, in­ juring another and killing a cow. Had the crash occurred a few min­ utes earlier, Mr. Young would have' been killed. He left the stable less than five minutes before the plane came roaring out of the sky to smash into a thousand fragments. ! bably about forty feet from Scattered Over Fields USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of Usborne Township met in the Township Hall on March 4th with all the members present. 'Minutes of February 4th were presented and adopted on mo­ tion by Berry and Cooper. Routine correspondence was read and filed. Acknowledgment of receipt of Usborpe’s statement of expenditure on road and ceived from Filed. .Moved by That the south Huron Agricultural Society be granted $15.00 as usual for the Spring Fair at Hensail. Car­ ried. ‘On motion of Fisher and Berry the Clerk was instructed to communicate with District Engineer Fellows to arrange a special meeting of this ■ council to be attended by him at which tender will be opened and the Clerk to issue a tender call as soon as possible for power to operate the township crusher, for trucks to hqul the crushed gravel tenders to be by jthe yard mile and also a flat rate by the yard for any distance, haul to be from the nearest pit. Further tender call to be issued for a price by the, yard for crushed gravel to be laid down contractor draglines, stipulated on Tender Forms supplied by this Township and must be accompanied by a cheque, certified by a chartered bank for the sum of $5'0.00 for pow­ er, for $10 0.00 for trucking contract and for $200.00 in the case of tend­ ers for the entire work. Tenders not fully complying to receive no con­ sideration. Moved by .Berry and Cooper: That the Road Superintendent attend the Annual District Good Roads Conven­ tion. Carried. Date for the Court of Revision on the 1939 Assessment Roll was set at June 3rd, at 3 p.m. Relief Officer N. G, Clarke re­ ported three families on relief with a total expenditure in February of $37.75. Treasurer reported Cash on hand amounting to $476.10; receipts in February relief subsidy for Decem­ ber $47.04; taxes and penalties $313.39, On motion by Hodgert and Fish­ er the following accounts were proved and ordered drawn on Treasurer for payment: Road Superintendent’s voucher R. & B. expenditure $93.95; Relief and administration $37.75; grants to hospitals $20.00; miscellaneous $17.- 85. 'Council adjourned special Clerk. A. Cowles died instantly. The year-old pilot’s Sody was found feet away from the wreckage of plane. His jaw bones, arms, J and legs were broken. Parachute harness enclosed his body. The plane itself literally flew into fragments, and pieces of wreckage were found scattered over two joining fields. Wings, fuselage, gine, crankcase, instruments and landing gear were demolished in trrific impact. The stable 23- l 40 : his ribs the stable. He was dead when I reached the spot. There were a few cuts on his face, but from the way he was lying, I figured about every bone in his body had been broken. “I was certainly lucky,” said the farmer. “A few minutes saved my life. There wouldn’t have been much chance of escaping alive had I been in the stable when the plane struck it. I heard the engine of a plane, but there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with it. At least I didn’t think so.’’ 'Cowles leaves a wife and two- month-lbld child in Mount Clemens, Mich. He had left Boston at 3.30 p.m. for Selfridge Field, carrying 200 gallons of gasoline, sufficient for about five hours flying. According to David Morley, who lives a short distance from the Young home, the smooth roar of the engine changed to a stutter and his impression was that the engine stall­ ed just before the crash. The flare parachute was found intact there was no entry in the log book to give clue as to the trouble. Police found pieces of a map with a direct line drawn from Fort Wright to the west. Troops Guard Wreckage The courses are being held as a result of a( request by Miss Alma Ratz, school teacher there, and are sponsored by Agricultural Represent­ ative J. C. Shearer. Subjects allied with .veterinary science are being taken up and at the meeting Wednes­ day night Dr. R, A. McIntosh, of the Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, spoke, Other speakers -were Albert Gais- er, chairman of trustee board, Ed­ ward Lamport, deputy reeve and Roy Ratz, councilor, Stephen, Thursday Dr. McIntosh spoke again, and on Friday night. Dr. Ray Campbell, of Hensail, spoke. The women of the section are also holding meetings at the home of Mrs Arthur Webb, .Shipka, when Miss F Durnin, Dungannon, is giving in­ structive talks and demonstrations in table service and nutrition. These are the first short course lectures be given in the Shipka district. to I* and THE RURAL POSTMANN (By Ivan M. Lloyd, Courier R,R. No 1, Merlin, Ontario) In the cold and blustery weather, When the frost is on the rail, Would you love to face a blizzard With half a ton of mail? In the biting blizzard weather When snow comes to your knees, Would you love to fish for pennies While your feet and fingers freeze? When the gleaming snow is drifted Underneath a foot of sleet, Would you love to have the chilblains In your elbows and your feet? FORMER MERCHANT PASSES AT BLYTH ~~~ (Following a lengthy illness, James Dodds, former merchant in Blyth died at his home aged 5i8 years. He had been ill in bed for the past 15 months. He ran a gent’s furnishings store, which he sold out three years ago due to ill health, Mr. Dodds was active in municipal affairs, having served both as coun­ cilor and reeve, A Presbyterian, he was at one time teacher in the Sun­ day School and an elder* in the church. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. W Robertson and Miss Cassie, both of Blyth. on the Township roads, to supply crusher, power, trucks and labor. Motion that all. tenders must be to meet session at the call of ap- the for in the W. Morgan, Clerk of Usborne Thomson-Brown A charming wedding was solemnized at the home of William J. Brown, of Greenway, when his elder daughter, Lois Lenora, was united in marriage to Parry Alexander Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Thompson, of Lieury. Rev. J. B. Moore, of Grace United Church, London, formerly of Greenway, officiated. The bride, who was given in mar- miage by her father, was becomingly gowned in floor-length rose pink taf­ feta with white accessories and a making this capital outlay and that bandeau of freschias and Johanna he had done so simply for the pur- j-Iill roses. She carried a bouquet of pose of rendering a public service} longlflorttm and liiy-of-the-val- to Canada through the medium of a ley> The bridesmaid, Miss Violet -----—— of Toronto, wore a floor­ length gown of pale green taffeta and carried Colombia roses. The groomsman was Austin Secord, of Alvinston. During the signing of the register, Ross Brown, brother of the bride sang, “T (Love You Truly.” Following a wedding dinner at­ tended by 50 guests, Mr. and Mrs. Parry Thompson, left oil a trip to Winnipeg, Saskatoon ahd Regina. On their return they will reside on the groom’s farm north of 'Lieury. newspaper devoted to promoting the country’s best interests. From this standpoint Mr. Wright deserves the public gratitude for his patriotic and unselfish action. Inexorable Trifles Wise folks the greatest things plan To aid this world so big and And yet they cannot soothe the Who has a toothache or a cold. may old; man A “Cough-Cold” Is Dangerous Soihe people get a nasty cough and do not phy any attention to4 it, saying, “Oh, it will wear away m a short time?’ This is a mistake as setiotiS injury may be dohe to the bronchial tubes by neglecting 'the cough. You may get rid of the cough oil its inception by using Dr« Wood’s Norway Piiie Syrup, a remedy that has been on the market for the past 48 years. ’Dio T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. APPOINTED PATROLMAN Mr. Simon Hoffman, of the Gosh­ en Line, south, has been awarded the position of Patrolman by the Huron County Sarepta Carmel, Highways from Zurich to , and from Dashwood to Mt. a stretch Of eleven miles. Tongue-Tied me see your tongue,” said“Let doctor, “It’s no use,” replied his patient. 'No tongue can tell how badly I feel.” a ad- en- the the was wrecked as if hit with a high ex­ plosive shell. "I was in the house, having just come back from feeding the stock in the stable, when I heard a terri­ fic noise,” recounted Young. “I rush­ ed outside, and I’ll never forget the sight I saw. The barn was a wreck and the plane, or what was left of it, was mixed up in it. Two of the horses were stretcher out dead and I found a cow burid beneath twisted timbers. “I looked around for the pilot, but it was a minute before I found him,” said the farmer. "The body was pro­ Dr. A. R. Routledge, chief coron­ er for Middlesex, had the body re­ moved to the undertaking parlor in Parkhill on Sunday. It was claimed by officers from 'Selfridge Field and taken to Mount Clemens. Provincial police were placed on guard for the night and .Sunday they were reliev­ ed by troops of the Royal Canadian Regiment. Two gun sights, said to be secret devices embodying new features, were sought by officers and mech­ anics from Selfridge Field. Lieuten­ ant Mathers of the R.C.R. recovered one of the sights. A compass from the instrument panel ha'd not been found up to a late hour Sunday night FARM PRODUCE FOR CHILE All farm produce and other mer­ chandise going from Canada to Chile South America, must be accompanied by a certificate or origin, signed by a duly authorized official of any cham­ ber of commerce, board of trade, or other similar organization, and le­ galized <by the consul of Chile in' Canada. The consular fee is $7.85 irrespective of the value of the goods or method of transport. Chilean con­ sulates in 'Canada are located in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. When outdoors the wind is whistling And the air is full of snow, Would you love to have a jitney And the blamed thing wouldn’t go Yes, I’d love the good old fireside, Sipping coffee from a pail; But I have to buck the snowdrifts ’Cause the farmers mail. want their I If snowdrifts stiff with don’t mind the frozen When my kneese are cramps, you keep the bloomin’ pennies Buy a quarter’s orth of stamps. Tested Recipes RESIDENT OF MITCHELL, HENRY COLQUHOUN, BUY BEEF BY GRADE The following recipes are taken from the revised household bulletin “Beef; How to Choose and Cook It,’.’’ a copy of which may be obtained free on request from the Publicity and* Extension Division, Dominion De­ partment of Agriculture, Ottawa. Braised 'Short Ribs To each pound of meat, allow about 2 cups of water and 1 tea­ spoonful salt. Simmer for about 3 hours in covered vessel, turning the meat at end of first hour. Add more water if necessary during cooking to prevent meat from burning. At the end of cooking, most of the liquid should be absorbed. Remove ribs, season, and brown in hot oven for about half of the fat serve with an hour. Remove some from gravy, thicken, and the ribs. Swiss Steak Pound as much flour as possible into round or flank steak with edge of a plate or back of cleaver; brown steak in small quantity of fat in hot skillet, add some canned Canadian tomatoes, chopped onions, pepper and salt, and sufficient water to co­ ver. Cover dish and simmer until tender—about two hours. Add more water if necessary during cooking, and if gravy is too thin, thicken with flour before serving. Steak Rolls 'Season minced round, chuck, or shoulder steak, adding a small amount of fine bread crumbs. Form into rolls about the size small sau­ sages, and wrap with pastry rolled fairly thick and cut into four inch squares, moistening the edges and pressing well three-quarters ate oven, and sauce. together. Bake for of an hour in moder­ serve with tomato Beef with Rice Grind left-over beef with small amount of onion, and pepper and salt to taste. Heat in thin white sauce with which has been blended curry powder in proportion of one teasoonful with each cup, of sauce. Serve surrounded With boiled rice. MITCHELL MAN PASSES IN STRATRORfe HOSPITAL Followng an illness of five months Alfred Robinson Mitchell died in the Stratford General Hospital in his 65th year. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson of Mitchell. 'Born ih Fuliarton, Mr. Robinson had spent most of his life in Mitchell. 'Surviving, are three sons. The funeral took place from the resi­ dence of his son, Raymond, Mitchell on Friday. Interment took place in Woodland cemetery, Mitchell. Self-Praise depreciates. clW*.__. 'Tk« pnrtit fern la wBlcfe «•■ ba tnoliad" I get snow mixed in my -whiskers And I get it in my socks; But it never hurts my feelin's Like those pennies in the box! CANNED TOMATO TRADE Figures now available show that there was a general decline in im­ ports of canned tomatoes into the United Kingdom in the calendar year 1938. Canada and Italy, the two leading suppliers were both affected, Italy more proportionally than Can­ ada. Canadian shipments were 379,- 271 cases in 1938, and 445,529 cases in 1937, according to British figures but Canadian figures place the ship­ ments of 475,193 cases in 1938 com­ pared with 587,504 cases in 1937. The British figures represent only official figures of arrivals,, at the principal U. K. ports. Without rhyme or reason, Isn’t it quaint? love every season Just when it ain't. I "And now that I’ve told you that I am going to marry Mary, there’s one thing I want to get off my chest Doctor." “You just tell me about it, my boy.” “A tattooed heart surrounding the name Mabel. died at long ill- born in Mitchell, July 13, 1880. He was a 'resident of that municipality .For the past 25 years he had been associated with the monument firm known as Porterfield and Colquhoun, Mitchell. He was a member of the Masonic Or­ der, the Mitchell Golf Club and the Knox 'Presbyterian Church. Surviv­ ing are his wife, formerly Miss L. Smith; his father, Hugh ‘Colquhoun; one daughter, three sons and four grandchildren. Funeral service under Masonic auspices were held at the family res­ idence on Sunday. Interment in the Woodland cemetery. James Henry iColquhoun his home in Mitchell after a ness. Mr. Colquhoun was Mitchell, July 13, 1880 SEAFORTH MAN DIES William .Henry Stevens died at his home in Seaforth after an illness of four weeks in his 63rd year. He was born in Hullett Township, where he was married in 190 6 to Miss Alice Maud Woon, of Goderich Township. They resided on the homestead ir Hullett un-til her death in 1921. He was married the second time to Miss Catherine Matilda Farquhar, of Hul­ lett. In 1924 they moved to'Seaforth, where he had been employed as a truck driver by A. W. Crich, baker, for 12 years. He was a member of Northside United Church. Besides his widow, he is survived by two sons , William W. Stevens, Noranda, Que. and John C. Stevens of 'Seaforth. The funeral took place from the residence Wednesday afternoon with interment in Clinton cemetery. Rev. Workman officiated. THE ODD HOME TOWN There is a little town, of all the best Where kindly folk show homely friendliness, Where day gives happy toil and night brings rest— Your quiet little. old home town, and mine. Upon the streets of this fair little town Its sons hailed Error and nown—- Your quiet little old home town, and mine. of wealth and fame are as men, losses have but brief re­ Guardians of the Home/ ; •'Wsw 'la - W III • •• KF Your telephone, like the Long Arm of the Law, is always on duty. Throughout Ontario and Quebec more than 3,000 operators are at work at Bell switchboards along with other guard­ ians of the service. Far from the little town our course may run, •But shrines of memory it doth ever keep; To it we come when life’s brief day is done—• Your quiet little old home town, and mine. Wife (disguising her voice)— “Guess who this is!” Husband— “Is it, ah, Phyllis?” Wife (furiously“PHYLLIS!! ” Husband (disguising his Voice)— “Guess who this is!” There are 9,762 of us telephone people constantly working to keep the service at highest peak of effi­ ciency. You’ll notice among us a strong sense of loyalty to our company and a sincere friendliness, making the “voice with a smile” something more than a mere phrase! ISI Fl GEO* W* LAWSON Manager. Day and night, they direct the growing traffic on the voice-ways of the nation, so that you can talk easily and quickly to almost anyone*— anywhere—anytime. These are trained operators. They like their work and understand it thoroughly. Cool in emergencies, willing and able on all occasions to serve the Public* our operators give thought­ ful performance to every minute of their responsible jobs. Like the police forces, your telephone company 8lands guard, constantly striving to improve a service now famed for its efficiency.