HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-03-09, Page 11
Ladies’, Misses’ & Girls’ Spring Coats...
New Materials - New Styles Reasonable Prices
The New Coats for Spring are now in Stock. We have a large range to choose from in
Tweeds and Plain Fabrics, in Regular, Small and Extra Large also particularly featuring
Half-Sizes. Our prices are very reasonable.
Girls’ Coats with Hats and Purses to match are a Special Feature for Smaller Girls.
• •••••
Sixty-Sixth Year
Ladies’ & Misses’ Knitted Suits for Spring & Summer
These new knitted suits are really exceptional values in very smart styles and colors. You
will be surprised at the very low prices for such fine quality garments.
Summer Dress Fabrics
The Spring and Summer dress fabrics are here in Repps, Piques, Voiles, Rayons, Lystavs,
Etc. We will be glad to have you look them Over.
For Living Rooms—For Customers who
wish to get exclusive wallpapers for liv
ing rooms, we have Staunton’s special
Sample Book, which we will be pleased
to send to your home. It contains every
thing new in wallpapers. We will con
fine any pattern you select to you, so
you will have something exclusive.
At lowest prices they have ever been
sold at. Don’t risk catching cold, when
you can get Rubbers and Rubber Boots
so cheaply. At present low prices it
will pay also to buy Velvet Overshoes
for next winter. We have all sizes.
Spring Furnishings For the Home
We have an exceptionally large stock of Linoleums, Congoleums, Rugs, Table and Floor
Oilcloths, Curtains and Curtain Nets, Draperies, Shadow Cloths, Curtain Rods, Window
Blinds, Etc. Our prices are very attractive.
SPECIAL—Large size Linoleum Rugs in discontinued patterns at greatly reduced prices.
MEN’S SPRING FURNISHINGS—New Lines in Shirts, Ties, Sweaters, Etc.
fVTDA CPFPIAI .. Another Shipment of Super-Silk Crepe Hosiery, for CQa nr
kA I UH vl LUIHL"" Ladies, good spring shades, sub-standards, on sale UUv pl a
Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday
12 Ounce Bottles ...
Large 21 oz. Tins ........ " IHl® lot
Vanilla, Chocolate Butterscotch U*
New High Grade Com Syrup ....“ ivv
Ready Cut ..............................
St. Williams Brand, 32 oz........“<tCH
Hillcrest Brand, good quality ...•* 1M®«
Cleans Toilet Bowels
2 lbs. 9c
per tin 19c
Phone 32
Jones & May
■MllllllllllllllllWIIIIIIIli I®
• •
• •
• •
Lay Mash ....
Bran ..............Oyster Sheii .
Sulpher, 6 lb.
1.25 s
40 per cent Hog Con. $2.60
Chick Starter ........... 2.25
Grit ............................... 90c
Salts, 6 lb................... 25c
1,000 Chick Size Brooder Stove, Only ....................... $16.00
500 Chick Size Brooder Stove, Only ....................... $12.50
We make Brooder Pipes to fit any stove. A full stock of ’
Chick Feeders and Founts
$1.10SPECIAL—S gallon Side Rest Oil Cans
Dog Chow, per lb........ 15c Garden Seeds, 7 for ...... 25c
100-Watt Elec. Bulb.... 20c 60-Watt Bulbs 3 for ...... 25c
Pop Corn, 3 lb.............. 25c Toilet Paper, 3 for........ 25c
Traquair’s Hardware
Mr. Chas. Saltei’ has been confin
ed to his home iwith the flu. Miss
Meta Salter is also ill.
Some of the members of Exeter
Chapter Order of the Eastern Star
were in London Friday evening at
tending District Night of Ruth Chap
ter. Worthy Matron Mrs. I. Sanders
and Worthy Patron E. M. Dlgnan
assisted in putting on the work.
Mrs. Wm. Hodgins, who has been
convalescing at the home of her
father, Reeve W. D, Sanders, for two
weeks, left Saturday for (London,
where she will Visit her sister Mrs.
James Pomeroy, prior to returning
to her home in Lucan.
at 8.30 p.m.
Hams and Chicken
Door Prize
Admission 25c
ttA Ready Made Family”
The monthly meeting of the
Board of Education was held in the
Public Library on Monday evening,
March Gth, at 8 o’clock. Absent W.
H. Dearing. Previous minutes were
read and approved.
Chairman reported that the Com
mittee appointed had met the coun
cil and matters in dispute had been
satisfactorily adjusted and cheques
paid. Requisition had been placed
with them for* $10,000 for school
purposes during 1939.
Mr. May' reported that committee
had interviewed the Commission re
■waterworks and letter from the P.
U. C. regarding same was read by
the chairman. The committee was
asked to draw further attention of
the Commission to the letter and re
port later.
The H. S. Principal reported for
February: Number on roll 188, daily
average 179.75. School was open
every lawful day and staff complete.
Graduation diplomas had been made
out for 18 former students. Reports
had been issued to the parents; ex
aminations for next set were com
mencing and would be held with
minimum of interference to regular
lessons. Principal congratulated
the Board and it’s committees upon
the excellent new building recently
Pei’ Mrs. Beavers and G. Lawson:
That report be adopted, exam, re
sults tabulated and material for
cleaning blackboards obtained .Car
Public School principal reported
for February: Number on roll 209,
average attendance 202.45. School
had been open each lawful day. Mr.
Waghorn was absent i day teach
ing in Dashwood. Principal was
absent 11 days owing to an injury.
A few supplies as per list were need
Per C. V. Pickard and F. J. Del-
bridge: That, the report be adopted
and supplies , procured. Carried.
Mrs. Beavers reported for the
committee appointed re Home Econ
omic supplies. Miss M. Tape sub
mitted a list of the requirements,
stating that in some cases duplica
tion would be necessary. The mat
ter of blinds was also brought up.
The chairman gave a report on
the equipment with estimated costs
and list. This was generally dis
cussed. Miss Tape was requested to
get information re duplication arti
cles after which triplicate lists
would be made»and submitted to the
department 'for1 their approval.
Per A. O. Elliot and J. N. Willis:
That the following accounts be paid:
W, E.. Balkwill, labor and supplies
$2.25; D. Gestetner, supplies $3.60;
Robt. Bell Co., supplies $10.70;
Grigg Stationery, supplies $2ff.75;
Jones & May, ’ supplies $2.30; N.
Haynei’ Co., supplies $9.00; Times-
Advocate, supplies $16.50; Globe
Furniture, desks $517.55. Carried.
Chairman reported that a request
had been made to the council for
$3,000.00 new building purposes.
The High School Inspector’s re
port was read per chairman. Very
favorable comments were made in
this report on the work of the staff
and also the efforts made by the
Board to provide whatevei’ is
sary for carrying on the
school satisfactorily.
Communication from
Copeland was read.
Per J. M. Southcott
Beavers: That this lettei’ be ap
proved and teachers asked to co
operate. Carried.
Adjournment by W. May.
K. M. MacFaul, Secretary
of the
Three-Act Comedy Presented by
the A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul’s
Church, Kirkton, at
FRIDAY, MARCH 17th, 1939
Hydro service will be interrupted
in Exeter, Hensall and Rural lines
feeding from Exeter on Sunday,
March 12th, 1939, from 1:30 p.m to
5:00 p.m. H.E.P.C.
Hockey Team Entertained
The Crediton hockey team were
rewarded after eliminating Hensail
last Thursday night when they were
entertained to a lunch given by Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Smith. The players ex
pressed their sincere thanks.
A number of crows were seen in
the district lhst week,
Plays a Whole Evening
Admission 25c and 15c
..St. Patrick’s..
Exeter Arena
Commencing at 9:30
Dance to the Music of
and His 10-Piece Orchestra
Under the auspices of the Bad
minton Club. Novelties Galore.
Admission 50c
Fire, of an Unknown origin, in the
early hours of Friday morning com
pletely razed the garage of Mr. Or
ville Twitchell, of Hensall and ad
joining frame buildings owned by the
Canada Trust Co., ‘
Tho§. Parlmer and Mrs.
resided. The
Gladman, was also destroyed.
fire threatened to destroy the Town
Hall and it was only by the aid of
Hensall Zurich and Dashwood fire
departments and the volunteer fire
fighters that the fire was controlled
and the Town Hall, Chas, Jink’s im
plement shed and T. C. Joynt’s dry
goods store were saved, which were
separated from the burning building
only by alleyways, The fire is be
lieved to have started in Twitchell’s
garage and was noticed by Harold
Stade of Zurich, who was returning
from the hockey match at Clinton,
and roused residents by the honking
of his car horn. Before the fire reach
ed the homes of Mrs. Parlmer and
Mi's. Dick they were removed to
safety and most of their furniture
was carried out. Telephone com
munications were hit by the fire and
most of the telephones of the village
were out of order. The loss is con
sidered very heavy although the
garage was fairly well covered
in which
law office of
Second Fire at Hensall
Vacant House Destroyed
Hensall had its second fire Tues
day evening when a vacant house
was destroyed and for a time it was
feared that the flames might spread
to other buildings as wind carried
the burning embers over a wide area.
About 11.30 o’clock in the evening
tire was discovered in a frame house
on Richmond St., south of the Main
street. The firemen/responded but
so great a headway had the flames
gained that nothing coul^ be done to
save the building. The house had not
been occupied for several years and
belonged to the McEwan Estate in
Goderich. ’ It was located near the
homes of Village Clerk Patterson, A.
Foster and the Buchanan family.
Half a block away is the Owen Gei-
,ger flax mill and although burning
embers swept that way on more than
one occasion the mill did not take
The firemen are at a loss to know
how such a fire could get started
and incendiarism is suspected. Doors
of the ■house were open and windows
broken and considerable snow had
drifted into the building in recent
storms. According to fire chief, Lee
Hedden, a report would be made to
the fire marshall and possibly
investigation will be made.
nightPaul Schenk died Tuesday
at his home in Crediton in his 85th
year. Mr. Schenk was a native of
Germany and came to this country
in his early boyhood. He was a mem
ber of the Crediton Evangelical
Church. He is survived by his widow,
three daughters and five sons; Mrs.
Jos. Finkbeiner, Stephen; Maleeda,
at home; Beatrice, of Milton; Henry
of Grand Bend; Nelson, of Stephen;
Roy, of Brinsley; Hugo and Herbert
of Crediton. The funeral, private,
will be held Friday at two o’clock
with interment in the Crediton cem
The Late Frederick Hess
A .well known and highly esteem
ed resident of Hensall, Frederick
William Hess, passed away on
Thursday, March 2nd in his 71st
year, after a brief illness. Deceas
ed was born in Zurich on November
23rd, 1868, where he received his
early education. In 1892 he was
united in marriage with Miss Isa
bella Allan and they lived together
in Zurich until 1918 where Mr. Hess
carried on a successful jewelery
Mr. and
the West,
East and settled in the village of
Hensall. Having learned in his
early days telegraphing, Mr. Hess
years ago, was the first operator of
the village. For the past fifteen
years he has been carrying on a
printing and jewelery business.
Mr. Hess has endeared himself to
a great number of people in and
around Hensall because of his out
standing qualities of character. As
a business man he was quite populai’
and seemed to have the confidence
of the .whole community. Toward
all, young and old alike, he was
kind, sympathetic and friendly, and
his disposition remarkably even,
He was an industrious man and
had exceptional gifts as a precision
mechanic and his store became a
centre of attraction to those who
valued him for his genius.
Mr. Hess was a man of varied in
terests. His knowledge of subjects
was wide. He was a clear thinker
and wise philosopher. He appreciat
ed people with high ideals, and all
his days was identified .with the
Christian church. He had many in
terests outside his regular work. He
was passionately fond of music and
could play many instruments well.
When in Zurich and in the West, he
conducted the town bands with great
acceptability. For several years he
was the Scout Master of Hensall.
Mr. Hess was a great lover of na
ture. The processes of growth and
development attracted him, and to
get away from his work occasionally
into the out-of-doors, appealed to
him and refreshened and re-created
him. The Pinery near Grand Bend
was one of his favorite resorts,
where he had a summer home.
His sickness came as a surprise
to many foi' he kept at his work as
long as he could and never com
plained. Late in February, how
the whole community.
Mr. Hess will be greatly missed
in his home, in the business affairs
our village and in his church. He
leaves to mourn his loss his belov
ed wife and son George and two
grandchildren, Bobby and Ruth.
The funeral service was held at
the family residence at 2 p.m Sat
urday, March 4th. His minister,
Rev. R. A. Brook of the United
church conducted the service, assist
ed by Rev W. A. Young of the Pres-
Mrs. Hess then moved to
living in Biggar, Sask-
In 1923 they returned
Late in February,
he was compelled to take his
Medical advice
several doctors
his death was
shadow seemed
was sought
and finally
announced a
to fall over
Exeter Chapter Order of the East
ern Star held an afternoon Tea in
the Chapter Room on Saturday. The
guests were graciously welcomed by
the members and ushered into the
newly decorated and furnished
rooms which presented a very
tractive appearance. Bouquets
daffodils and flowers graced
room. A dainty lunch was served
to over thirty tables of four. Worthy
Matron Mrs. I. Sanders expressed ap
preciation for t'he loyal support ac
corded the Chapter and presided
over a short program. Mrs. William
Hodgins rendered a piano instru
mental; solo by Miss Reta Rowe ac
companied by Mrs. Carey; tap danc
ing by Dorothy Green accompanied
by Labelle Sims on the piano and
several readings by Dorothy Green.
All numbers were well received.
Eye-Sight Conservation
At the Lions Club supper meeting
in the Central Hotel Monday evening
Mr. John Vidt, of the Exeter Locker
Service, was the guest of the evening
and spoke briefly on modern refrig-,
eration stating that in the United.
States refrigeration plants were go
ing up rapidly. He appreciated the
splendid co-operation that has been
accorded him since coming to Exe
ter and that the patronage he has
received to date had exceeded his
expectation. Lion Sylvester Taylor,
chairman of the sight conservation
committee, reported that three per
sons had been fitted'With eye-glasses
and arrangements were being made
to have three others examined. Lion
J. B. Creech repotted that the milk
being supplied to the children in the
public school was having splendid re
A wedding, of wide interest was
solemnized at the Evangelical Par
sonage Crediton at 11 a.m. Tuesday,
March 7th, 1939, when Miss Lyla A.
Haist, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Haist became the bride of Ed
mund R. Hendrick, third son of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert' Hendrick of the
Blue Water Highway, Grand Bend.
The ceremony was performed by the
pastor, Rev. A. E. Pletch. The bride
made a dainty picture in a gown of
white sheer with a veil caught with
orange blossoms, silver slippers and
accessories to match. She wore a
corsage bouquet of carnations.
Miss Ruth Hendrick, sister of the
groom made a charming bridesmaid
in a dress of pale pink sheer, white
slippers and accessories to match. She
also wore /a corsage bouquet of car
nations. The groom was supported
by Earl Haist, the brother of the
Immediately after the ceremony,
a reception dinner for the immediate
relatives was held at
home which
orated with
ers and the
the bride’s
silver holders were used effectively.
Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick left on a
trip to Niagara Falls, Buffalo and
points enroute. For travelling the
bride wore a blue georgette dress
with accessories to match and a grey
coat with wolf collar. On their re
turn they will reside on the groom’s
fine farm two miles north of Credit-
on. Their many friends join in
heartiest felicitations to the estim
able young couple with best wishes
for a long, happy and prosperous fu
The groom’s gift to the bride a
ring; to the bridesmaid a gold locket
and to the bridegroom a gold tie clip
the bride’s
was very tastefully dec
pink and white stream
table was centred with
cake. White tapers in
byterian church. Interment
made at Bayfield cemetery.
The attendance at the ‘Service
unusually large and among
friends from a distance were
and Mrs Verne Bloomfield, Mr.
Mrs. Wylie Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Noble and Mr. and
Pike and Mrs. Truax,
grove, Mich., and Mrs.
ton, of Vassar, Mich.,
Martin, of London.
The magnificent
which banked the
fitting setting and
love and esteem
from many relatives arid friends.
The pallbearers were Messrs. ,Hy.
Howard, Dr. Alexander Moir, George
F. Follick, John Passmore, Cleave
Cochrane and Thomas Welsh.
“Earth to earth, and dust to dust
Calmly now the words we say;
Left behind, we wait in trust
For the Resurrection Day.’’
Mrs. William
all of Fair-
Bert Thurs-
also Thomas
floral tributes
bier afforded a
were tokens of
and sympathy
Crediton Wins From Hensall
Game is Protested
Although losing the game 4-2
Crediton won the round of the semi
finals against Hensall 9h8 ip the
Exetei* Arena Thursday evening of
last week. It was a typical play-off
game and both teams put up a real
exhibition of hockey. The Hensall
team has entered a protest and the
protest will be decided Wednesday
evening. In the meantime the play
off have been held up.
In the game Thursday evening
Hensall had their rivals 3-0, thus
tying the round but L, Haist spark
ed the winners with two goals and
edged out their opponents by one
goal. .Hensall opened the game at
a speedy clip trying desperately to
overcome the three goal lead Cred
iton had earned in the first game.
They missed a real chance to open
the scoring when Hudson set up a
pass to Nicholson in front of the net
but Smith met him with a spectacu
lar save. Smith again turned back
the visitors when Passmore rushed
in on him. Nicholson put Hensall
into the lead, banging in a rebound
from Brown’s long drive. Few min
utes later Tudor put them two up.
He rode in on Smith with Nichol
son’s pass and drove it into the hemp
In this period Hensall held a com
manding edge in the play over their
Hensall continued their terrific
pace in the second frame, but Cred
iton were getting into the play more
and held them to one goal. Smith
again robbed Nicholson of a counter
making another marvelous save. Bob
Wolfe split the defence and worked
right in on Moir only to miss the
cornei' of the cage. Passmore then
made it 3-0 for Hensall notching his
goal unassisted. Art Haist combin
ing <up the ice with Baynham
Faist missed a chance to score
he shot wide of the net.
Both teams went into the
period tied in goals for
two games,
vals to one goal while they them
selves notched two. Both teams be
gan to rough it up and tempers be
gan to flare as the play went on. G.
Haist scored Crediton’s first goal
picking the corner of the net with
Bawden’s pass. Hensall played every
man up but G. Haist broke away and
skated in on the helpless goalie to
bulge the twine for his second goal.
The crowd went wild with excitement
and Haist was given a great hand
when he skated off the ice. Hensall
scored their last goal when BrOck
whipped the rebound into the net af
ter Smith had made a brilliant save
on Brown’s shot. The teams lined up
as follows:
■Crediton---Goal, Smith; defense,
W. Fahner, B. Wolfe; center, H.
Wolfe; wings, Bowden, A. Fahrner;
subs., Faist, Baynham Zwicker, A.
Haist and G. Haist.
Hensall — Goal, Moir; defense,
Brown, Manns; centre, Tudor; wings
Hudson, Nicholson; subs., Brock,
Little, Brook and Passmore.
Officials, Balkwill, Joynt.
IFirst period: goals, Hensall, Ni
cholson, Tudor (Nicholson); penal
ties, Zwicker.
Second Period: goals, Hensall, K.
Passmore; penalties, Hudson, Zwick
Third Period: goals, Crediton, G.
Haist (Bowden); G. Haist; Hensall,
Brock; penalties, Hudson, Baynham,
A. Fahrner and B. Wolfe.
in goals for the
Crediton held their ri-
The general store of Restemeyer
& Miller, Dashwood, was broken into
I on Sunday night and a quantity of
merchandise stolen. The store was
just taken over two weeks ago by the
present proprietors. Included in the
loot were six pairs of trousers, two
windbreakers and a number of other
articles. Entrance was gained by
smashing a pane of glass in the front ' door then reaching in to snap the
j night latch.
I _--------------------------
i •
The marriage took place quietly
on Saturday at the home of Mrs.
Violet Quance, Cromarty, of her
youngest daughter, Dorothy Edna
to Edwin Taylor, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Taylor, of Hensall.
Rev. J. Riedie, of Cromarty, officiat
ed. The bride was given in mar
riage by her uncle, Edgar Allen and LAID TO REST
entered the parlor to the strains of
the wedding march played by her
mother, Mrs. V. Quance. Miss May
The funeral of the late Clayton
_____, ___ .. ______ ___ __ Cornish who passed away in St. Jo- Quance, sister of the bride, acted as'seph’s Hospital, London, last week
bridesmaid and Sydney Taylor, J was held on Friday from the home
brother of the groom, was grooms-1 of Mr. and Mrs. films.
man. The bride was attired in
powder blue crepe and carried a
bouquet of pink carnations,
the bridesmaid wore a dress
ise crepe and carried white
Hons. After the ceremony
paired to the dining room which was
decorated in pink and white, where
a sumptuous dinner ,was served. The
table was centred with the cake.
Only the Immediate relatives were
present. After the dinner was serv
ed the happy couple left on a motor
trip, the bride wearing a navy blue
dress with a blue coat and accessor
ies to match,
of cer-
all re-
Moving Pictures “King of Kings*’
in Centralia United Church on March
28th. *
of Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Jaques of Us-
j borne, Rev. Mr, Penrose officiated.
The bearers were Messrs, Delmar
Skinner, Norman Jacques, L. Hern,
Philip Hern, Harold Harness and
Oliver Jaques and the flower bear-
■ ers were Billy Ogden,
piess, Carl Jaques, Isaac
' man McGill and Ross
cousins of the deceased.
took place in Zion cemetery. Friends
and relatives were present from
Grand Bond, London, Exeter, and N.
Ontario. Beautiful tributes were
Herman Kyle, Lloyd and
Hern, Junior Bible Class, Zion
ckey club, Mr. Thos. Fenhale
the Rader family, The Cornish
union Committee, Mrs. Shipley
P Family, Mr. and Mrs, Charles
jques and Family.
Elmer Har-
Dann, Free-
Skinner, all
The Family pillow, Mrs.