HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-03-02, Page 5Coming to Hensail C. R. Wilkinson, R.O. Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will bp pt W, O. GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those t that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con* suit me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 pan* Phone 16 Hensall for appointment HENSALL The Huron Farmers’ Co-Operative Co., of Hensall, open the season of 1939 with a full line of; Cedax* Posts 1 car of Manitoulin Red Cedar; fer­ tilizer (ingredients) mixed if desir­ ed; corn and other feeds and meals. English barbed wire and motor oil. William Pepper, Manager. 2-16-5tc Mr. Harold Higgins, of Exeter was in town Saturday on business. Mrs. W, W- Chapman is visiting with relatives in Hamilton. Miss Sadie Fletcher spent the week-end with friends in Kitchener. Mr. Donald MacDonald, of Eg- mondville called on friends in town on Friday.. Mr^ Harry Horton returned home after a very pleasant visit with rela­ tives in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Dayman visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hawkins and Joyce of Clinton. Mrs. Martha Murdock who has been confined to hei’ room during the past week owing to illness is able to be out again. Miss ‘Florence Welsh returned home from Toronto last week after a very pleasant visit with relatives and friends there. Rev. G. M. Young and Mrs. Young of Lucknow, visited on Saturday at the home of theix* son Rev. W. A. and Mrs, Young. Mrs. W. J. Jones, who has been confined to hex’ room for the past several weeks owing to illness, still continues quite ill. Miss Eleanox’ Cook entertained a few of hex* chums to’ a birthday party at hex’ home on Saturday. , Eleanor received many gifts. Mr. T. C. Joynt has been confin­ ed to his room for the past few days suffering from a severe cold. His many friends hope to. see him out again soon. .. T.; Messrs. Ted Munn, Roy Brock, D. Kyle, Russel Kyle and Dr.. W. T. Joynt spent the week-end in Toronto and attended the hockey match Sat­ urday night. The Bingo held here on Friday night under the auspices of the Canadian Legion was very well at­ tended. Twenty prizes were .given out during the evening. A large crowd of hockey fans wit­ nessed a real good game of hockey on the local rink here on Friday ev­ ening between St. Marys and Hen­ sall. The score was 8-6 in favour of Hensall. Mrs. Wm. Luker has been spend­ ing the past week at the home of her brother, Mr. John Baker, on the Town Line, west of. Hillsgreen. Mr. Bakex* has been quite ill and at date of writing is somewhat weaker. Miss Mary Stinson, bookkeeper at Cook Bros, garage, returned to her duties here Monday after spending the past week at hei' home in Lon­ don owing to the serious illness and death of her mother, thq late Mrs. Robert Stinson, who passed away in Victoria Hospital, February 21st. The sympathy of this community is extended Miss Stinson in hex- be­ reavement. Quite a nurnbex' from here attend­ ed the carnival held in Exeter on Friday night, when Mr. Clarence Hislop, professional of the. London Skating Club and gold medalist of the National Skating Association of England gave an exhibition. Misses Edith Dick and Shirley Fairbairn were prize winners at the carnival and Rev. W. A. Young assisted with the judging. Mr. and Mrs. jAs.' A. Patterson ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Patterson spent the week-end in Toronto. While there Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Patterson visited with theix* son Ray and also had.' a very pleasant visit with Mrs. R. J. Patterson’s niece Miss Noel MacDonald, of Edmonton, one of Canada’s greatest basket-ball players, who was playing ixx Toron­ to. Rev. R. A. Brook preached fine sermons to large congregations in the United Church on Sunday. In the morning service the choir sang axx anthem and nt the evening ser­ vice Miss Bella smale sang a delight­ ful solo. Mr.. W. B. Carlisle also sang a solo, and the choir an anthem. The services in the Carmel Pres­ byterian Chiirch on Sunday were Very well attended in spite of the stormy Weather. At the morning service the choir sang an anthem and at the evening service Miss I. Hoggarth and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren sang a beautiful duet. Rev. W. A. Young continued the series on the Shephard’s Psalm, Mrs. Young pre­ sided at the organ at the evening service, Dr. p, G. Steer together with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bell and daughter Miss Reta Bell left on Wednesday fox’ Montreal, where Miss Bell will undergo a serious operation. Reta has been in ill health for some time and following an. X-ray, an operation was deemed advisable, which will be performed by Pi*. Fisher, one of Canada’s outstanding specialists. The many friends of Miss Bell hope the operation .will prove beneficial and successful. Arnold Circle Entertained The Arnold Circle and friends oxx the Presbyterian Church were enter­ tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McEwen on Wednesday night, with about fifty present. The evening was spent in playing a variety of progressive games. The first prize being won by Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake and the consolation prize by Miss Alice Pfaff and Mr, James Bengough. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and Miss Mabel Workman moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mr, and Mrs. McEwen. Bible Society to Meet Next Sunday evening the annual meeting of the Western Ontario Bible Society will be held' in St. Paul’s An­ glican Church here at 1.30 p.m. when Rev. Denny Bright will give the address. These meetings have been held in the Town Hall in the past year on week nights and have not been very successful and it is hoped that, the change in time and place will enable a large attendance to be present at the meeting. The services ixx the Presbytex’ian and the United Church have been withdrawn. " Carnival Well Attended The Carnival held on the rink here Thursday evening was very well attended in spite of the inclemency of the weather. Prizes were awarded to the following: Ladies’ character, Misses Helen Moix* and Edith Dick; girl’s character, Misses Lenore Nor- xninton and Shirley Hedden, Miss J.’ Kennedy, Miss Doris Buchanan; gent’s character, Mrs. H. Hedden, boy’s character, Billy Mickle, Donald and Mac Grant; girl’s race undex* 12 Gloria Twitchell; girl’s race ovei* 12, Gloria Twitchell; boy’s race under 14, Alvin Smale; boy’s race open, R. Brock. The judges were Messrs. G. Case, Claude Blowes, J. Pattersoxx and Reeve E. Shaddick. Play Off Hockey Match A real fast hockey match was witnessed oxi the local rink Monday evening when Crediton and Hensall played for the final play off. Goals scored for Hensall were four by the following Max Hudson 2, R. Foster I, Floyd Brock 1; goals scored by Crediton three; A. Fahrnei* 2, Bow­ den 1, Faist 1, making Crediton J goals ahead of Hensall: The line-ups Crediton, goal, Smith, defense Wolfe and Wolfe; centre, W. Fahrner; wings, D. Fahrnei* and Bowden; subs Faist, Haist, Faist,anti Taylor. Hensall, Goal, Moir; defense, K. Manns and R. Foster; centre, M. Tudor; wings, Brown and Hudson; subs, L. Brock, E. Little, K. Pass- more, Ralph Brooks, G. Passmore. Young People’s Union Holds Missionary Meeting The Young People’s Union‘of the United Church was held on Monday evening with Miss Doreen Farquhar as Missionary Convenor, presiding over the following program. Hymn 145 was sung followed by prayer by Miss Shirley Fairburn. The roll call was answered by a verse from the Bible. The minutes of-the previous meeting were read and adopted and the business was discussed. Miss Minnie Sangster sang • a delightful solo accompanied by Miss ‘Greta Lammie on the piano. The Scrip­ ture reading was taken by Miss Edna Saundercock. The topic “The Work i the Missionary has accomplished in regard to educating the Indians in the Western Provinces’’ was very ably taken by Miss Minnie Sangster. Miss Greta Lammie played a beau­ tiful piano instrumental. After sing­ ing hymn 85 the benediction was pro­ nounced. ■ Young People’s Society Show Interesting Lantern Slides The regular missionary meeting of the Young People’s Society was held oxx Monday evening with the president Mrs. A. W. Kerslake pre-’ siding. Aftei* singing a hymn the devotional paper1 was given by Mrs. Roy MacLaren on ;“The Early Days of Christianity” followed by the Scripture reading by Mrs. Douglas Sangster. Mrs. Kerslake welcomed all present at the meeting and the minutes of the previous meeting Were read and adopted. The roll was called and the Offering received. The business was discussed and Miss Helen Walker, missionary convenor presided ovex* the remainder of the program and read a few introduc­ tory paragraphs to the slides shown on the “Pioneei* Work in the North­ ern provinces.” The slides were very Interesting and picturesque. Miss I. Hoggarth and Miss Beryl Pfaff read the literature with ^the slides; Mrs. J. ' W. Bonthron sang a beautiful so­ lo ‘The Beautiful Garden of Brayer’ Mrs. W1. A. Young accompanied on the piano. Aftex* singing hymn “From Ocean Unto Ocean” Miss V. Hyde led in prayer, World’s Day of .Prayer The World’s Bay of Prayer service Was held Friday afternoon in the United church with h very good at­ tendance. I'he vice-president Mrs, 857 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE USED CARS THAMES ROAD AND ROYS Owing to severe wither the day of prayex* wag postponed and the W, M. ;S. are having their regular meeting on Friday this week in the church. Mr. and Mrs. P. Passmore attend­ ed the banquet Friday night at Woodham at the close of the short* course. Mrs. Fred Hunkin, of Exeter, is staying for a time with her daughter Mrs, John Selves. Five New Ford Y8 Cars were de­ livered last week and the follow­ ing five good used cars were traded in: 1938 FORD V8 TUDOR SEDAN with heater and special trac­ tion Tires. This car to be sold; on the Ford R. & G. Plan. | Entire satisfaction or all your money back. Only $675.00 1938 HUDSON TERREPLANE 2 DOOR SEDAN with hot water heater, small mileage. A1 car that has been very care-| Nellie Gray' fully cared for. This car sold I lantyne and sung by choir; Miss E. new for over $1,100. Our !j?unk^’ “Pegg{, f5?1611” ®ung by 'Mrs. Margaret Fletcher; “When You and I Were Young Maggie” Mr. and Mx*s. John Allison; “Red Wing” Social Evening The W. A. held a successful social evening Thursday. It was very stormy and several were unable to get in on account of heavy roads. The setting of the evening was “Sweethearts of Other Days,” with a dreamex* and othex* characters ap­ peared in succession with solo or duet and choruses. The dreamer. Rev, Wm. Mair sang “Love’s Old Sweet Song” followed by “Darling ” as Miss Margaret Bal- CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke have moved into the residence of the late Jas. Clarke south of town. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Morloek have purchased the residence of Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Clarke and will move in the near future. Mr, and Mrs. Aljoe Culbert and son Frederick spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr, Credition Ladies’ Aid The meeting of the Ladies’ Aid and W, M. S. was held at the home of Rev, and Mrs, A. E- Pletch on Thursday afternoon. The roll was twenty-one members three visitors. The !. D. Finkbeiner, had devotional exercises, present reported 24 visits, 3 6 treats, 2 cards sent. The busi- THLliSl'AY, MARCH 2nd, 1!I3I> It Is Now Time to Order Your Chicks Make Them This Year Hogarth Chicks Our prices are very reasonable for High Q^lity Chicks. ilUYV 1U1 MV*?*’ - .--- price today .....................$785.00 1938 PLYMOUTH COACH — Small mileage. This car has Margaret Allison accompanied on the extra size 6-inch tires. Our price ............. $675.00 1937 FORD V8 TUDOR with trunk. In nice condition throughout. Only $565.00 1935 FORD V8 DE LUX TU­ DOR with trunk, heater, radio and new license. All good tires a nice clean car. Only $450.00 Every used car thoroughly re­ conditioned in our modern re­ pair shop WE SELL AND WE SERVE Sandy Elliot Distributor of Ford Cars, Trucks and Fordson Tractors Phone 64 Exeter Carrie Ballantyne presided over the first part of the program in the ab­ sence of the President, Mrs. W. B. Cross. After the call to worship, ■followed by prayer in unison the hymn “Love Divine All Loves Exel- ling” was sung. This was followed by a period of praise and thanksgiv­ ing. Miss Fee, president of the An­ glican church society, then presided and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang a very beautiful solo “The Christ of the Cross.” Mvs. W. A. Young accompan­ ied on the piano. • After a period of responsive readings and prayer, led by Miss Fee and a hymn “Immortal Love Forevei* Full" the president of the Presbyterian church society, Mrs.' .Colin Hudson then presided. Hymn, “Rise Up O Men of God” was sung followed by Intercessory prayers by the following: Mrs. Chas. McDonell, Mrs. Lammie, Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, Mrs. P. Manson and Mrs. W. A. Mac- Laren. After a prayex* for World Peace in unison Miss Jennie Murray gave an interesting address. Hex* theme was “To put our love into deeds and make it real.” Following this Miss Greta Lammie played quiet music while Mrs. Cornelius Cook took up the collection. Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne presided over the remain- dei* of the program. After the ded­ icatory prayer in “We Thank Thee Unsleeping” was the benediction. mouth organ by Arnold Cann; • “Sweet and Low” Mrs. Leslie Thom­ son solo by Mrs. M. Fletcher; “Down by the Old Mill Stream” Shirley Duncan; “Till We Meet Again” duet Miss A. Passmore, Arthur Rhode; “My Wild Irish Rose," Helen Mor­ gan, duet by Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Fletcher; “Put on Youi* Old Grey Bonnett,” Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardiner; “Annie Laurie," Helen Selves, sung by Mrs. John Hodgert; “The Rose of No Man’s Land,” Jeanette Stone, solo by Mrs. Morgan; “Two Little Girls in Blue,” Marion Hodgert, duet by Allison and Beverley Morg­ an; “The Old Spinning Wheel,” Mrs. Stan. Coward; “School Days," Grant Morgan and Donna Parker, solo Marjorie Parker; "I Love You Truly,” Wm. Cann and Mary Gard­ iner,” solo by Mrs. Fletcher; “Silver Threads Among the Gold," Mrs. Wm. “Old sung son; Fall, Day,” Mrs. Kay, solo Mrs. Hodgert; “Auld Lang Syne God Save the King." All the char­ acters were dressed in old time cas- tumes. No effort had been spared to make them effective which add­ ed to the interest. Mrs. Gollings was accompanist. called when 1 responded and President, Mrs charge of the The members calls, 24 sick plants and 10 ness of the meeting was then trans­ acted. The ladies have a nurnbex* of quilts to do in the near future. Mrs. Jno, Morlock then took the chaix* fox* the program which opened with a song. Mrs. H. Kuhn read the chaptei* in the Study Book after which Miss Norma Finkbeiner fa­ vored with a solo entitled “King of Kings”. The program concluded with a song and the Lord’s Prayer A dainty lunch was served and a hearty vote of thanks to the lunch committees and to the hostess. Dr. of Elmira, and unisoxx the hymn that Thy Church sung followed by FARMERS’ DAY You are cordially invited to attend the McCormick-Deering Powex* Farm­ ing Show to be held • in the Lutheran Church Shed, Dashwood WEDNESDAY, MARCH Sth at 1:30 p.m. Farm Machinery and TraCtox* Prob­ lems will be discussed H. C, Engineers and also Mov­ ing Pictures 7:30 p.m. Alf and Tommy- Famous World Wax* Veteran and “Professox* Askins” which by I. At This team is very interesting. Besides there will be new Sound Moving Pictures. Plenty of them, Educational Comic. This is entirely free everyone. V. L. BECKER International Harvester Co, Dashwood Zurich and for ELIMVILLE Miss Grace Brock very pleasantly entertained'.'her girl friends on her 12 th birthday. The Mission Band met at Patsy Job ns* oh Saturday last. The meet­ ing opened with hymn 614. Mrs. ■Sherwood Brock read the World Friends Day of ’Prayer service for Mission Bauds. The Lord’s Prayer iix unison followed. Grace Brock and ■Shirley Murray read Psalm 31. Sev­ eral members told short stories. Mrs. Geo .Davis read a letter, ’the meeting closed with prayer by Lois Go Ward, ........................ ■ ” 41 <■<*• II. I- See us at once about opr Special Discounts for orders re* ceived this month for delivery throughout the season. Mr. Hogarth will be glad to help yop with any of your poul­ try problems. WlNCHELSEA The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Freeman Horne in the death of her father, the Tate Mr. Petex* Whitlock. CENTRALIA Dance at Kippen.. TUESDAY, MARCH, 7th BENNY PALMER Mr. and John Cann; “Mother,” Mrs. Kay, solo by Mrs. Morgan; Black Joe,” Darrell Parker, by Wm. Cann and Fred Daw- “We.’ll Never Let the Old Flag chorus; “The End of a Perfect John and Old & New lime Dance in Centralia Hall THURSDAY, MARCH 9th WITH UKULELE BILL AND HIS HILL BILLIES Something New in Floor Shows boys are sensational, to Hear and! See them Person General Admission 30c. C. Watson, Manager Featuring These Don’t Fail in DASHWOOD W. D. Bryce. L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartlelb Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich. last three days of week. ■Miss Ella Martinson, spent the week-end with Mr. Mrs. A. E. Oestricher, Miss Ruth Hopcroft spent week-end at St... Marys. Donald Oestricher and Hope pel who are attending Western versity at London spen^t the week­ end at their home here. Miss Grace Guenther, of Kitchen­ er, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther. Miss Helen Morgan, of Thames Road spent the week-end with Miss Eunice Oestricher. The Evangelical W. M, S. attend­ ed the World’s Day of Prayer Ser­ vice at Grand Bend on Friday. Miss Waldie spent the week-end at hex* home in Goderich, ■Mr. Fred Hopcroft is spending a couple of weeks with his aunt Mrs. Thomas Roundtree, Woodbridge. Miss Ruth Tieman, of London, spent the week-end with her parents 'Mr. Albert Goetz was on the sick list for a few days last week> Mr. E. Koehler is confined to his bed through illness. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. p, Fassold has returned to hei* home aftei* spending the past two weeks with her sister in Inger­ soll. The Badminton Club held a social evening in the club room Tuesday evening when a very pleasant time was spent. Mrs. Harold Weber and daughter Joan spent the past week in Zurich at the Siebert home. and his Orchestra Admission 50c the spent the in London. Brooks and visited Sat- Mrs. Thos,. Clandeboye, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard. Norris has resigned his Penwarden’s garage and SHIPKA The Y. P. Society xnet on Thursday evening last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keys. The meeting was opened with Dorothy Harlton in charge, by singing a hymn and pray­ er by Rev. D. J. Gladman. John Lam­ port read the Scripture lesson after the business .part was ovei* Miss Alma Ratz’s group was in charge. Miss Ratz gave a talk on some of the noted hymns in the hymn book. Rev. Mr. Beacorn, of Grand Bend, gave a very interesting talk on the condi­ tions in China and Japan. After discussion it was decided to invite the Grand Bend Y. P. S. to join our society. Lunch was served by the so­ ciety aftei* which Rev. Mr, Gladman thanked the host and hostess their hospitality. The meeting closed with the Lord’s prayer in son. Mrs. L. Schrader is at present con­ fined to her bed with her daughter Mrs. Dougall, of London, nursing her. •Misses Lorraine Baker and Ida Sweitzer, of London, visited Sunday at theii* homes here. ■Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer spent Sunday in Thedford with Mr. and Mrs. G. Clark. Mr. Howard Shepperd, of London, visited on Monday last with relatives here. Death of Mrs. Henry Miller \ Mrs. Henry Miller formerly Mary Ann Held died at hex* home hex*e on Friday, February 24th in her 78 th year. The deceased has been ailing foi* some time and is survived by her husband one daughter (Laui*a) Mrs. August Millex* and one son, William, both of Dashwood; two sisters Misses Barbara and Margaret Held also of Dashwood. The funeral was held on Tuesday morning at 9.30 at the home and at 10 o’clock at St, Boniface R. C. Church, Zurich, where requiem high mass was sung by Rev. FT. L. W. Powers. Interment took place in Zurich R. C. cemetery. Lutheran League fox* was uni- HowYouiayReduci Varicose or Swollen Veins--Meal Ulcers A Simple Home Treatment The World profrmsM. Today many mintf allhients that took weeks to overcome ca! be helped much mn,,e fein’ckly, If you hav varicose veins or bunches, start today t< lirinjr thetfi back to normal siite and if yoi are wise you will do so. Just feet an original bdttld of Mootie’ Emerald Oil at liny dispensing pharmaCis and apply it night and morning to the en larged Veins, In ft short time the vein, should begin to grow smailor and by regulai Use soon approach normal. People who want to reduce varicoso veini or swellings, should not hesitate to try i bottle at once, It ift so penctratinjr and cco nomical that a small bottle lasts a long time The Walthei* League of Zion Lu­ theran Church opened the February meetings with mission study entitled ‘Our Mission to the Deaf and Blind’ which was conducted by the pastor Rev. Theo. L. Luft. February fourteenth being Saint Valentine’s day the society had the privilege of having a social evening at the home of Miss Dorothy Rader, a menibei* of the League, The even­ ing was spent in aeroplane bunco which was .very exciting. The high­ est prizes Went to Leona Fischer and Garnet Weiberg while the con­ solation prizes went to Freida Rader and Lloyd Weido. False or true questions were then asked by Miss Amelia Baker^ Aftei* a delicious lunch was served by the committee, everyone joined in singing favorite songs with Miss Martha Rader at the piano. The party1 then came to a close after thanking Dorothy for the very enjoyable evening. The following week Bible study was conducted by Rev. T. L. Luft. It was left fox* the audience to look up certain passages in the Bible. This made it very exciting and In­ teresting as everyone tried to get ahead of the other. Cn the last Tuesday1 of the month the subject was topic study on “(The •duty ents’ ---------- ----- —---- ness. AU in all, the Leaguers feel ■that their program is producihg in* tense interest end worth while stu-l dies. A three-act play “Whittlin’’ will be .presented by the Crediton Y. P. in the Centralia Church on Friday, March 3rd undex* the auspices of the Y. P. U. Come and enjoy an even­ ing of wholesome entertainment. Miss Mary O’Brien, of London, spent the week-end with her mothei* Mrs, C. J, O’Brien. Miss Margaret Cook week-end with relatives Mr. and Harold, of urday with Mr. Ray position at has accepted a position in Belmont. Mr, Earl Carl, of Anderson, will take Mr. Norris’ place here. Mr. Hartman who recently pur­ chased the chopping mill from Mr. W. J. Smith has moved with his wife and family into the residence of Mr. Smith and has taken sion of the mill. Moving Pictures “King of will be given in the United on March 2i8th. Centralia Y. P. U. The Centralia Y. P. U. held their meeting on Monday evening with theix* president Reg. Hodgson presid­ ing. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 347. Rev. J. Falcon­ bridge then lead in prayer. Margaret McIntyre then took charge, opening her meeting with the use of hymn 239, Gerald Godbolt read the Scrip­ ture lesson. Mildred Elliott and Mr. Falconbridge gave the topic. The meeting was closed of hymn 179 followed by benediction. Home and School The Home and School Club held its February meeting in the school on Friday evening of last week. Mrs. Penwarden presided and the meeting opened by singing one verse of “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” fol­ lowed by the Lord’s Prayer in unis­ on. In memory of Founder’s Day Interesting articles were read by Mrs. Field, Mrs. Bowden and Mrs. Essery. A pleasing solo entitled “My Task” was sung by Mrs. Pen­ warden. Aftex* a short business ses­ sion the meeting was handed over to Mr. Falconbridge for election of of­ ficers. The officers fox* the coming year are as follows: Hon. President, Mrs. George Hicks; President, Mrs. Penwarden: 1st Vice-President. Mrs. Field; 2nd Vice-President, Miss R. Kleinstiver: Rec. Sec,, Mrs. Bowden; Assist., Mr. Field; Corr. Sec., Mrs. Brown; Assist. Mrs. R. Smith: Treas Mrs. Blair: Pianist, Mrs. Essery; Assist., Mrs. Beaver; Membership Convenor. Mr. Wm. Willert; Pro­ gram Convenor, Rev. Mr. Falcon­ bridge; Social Convenor, Mrs. Bayn- ham; Membership Committee, Mr. Sleamon, Mr. Brown. Mr. Penwar­ den and Mr. Pollard; Program Com­ mittee, Miss Kleinstiver, Mr. Mol- ner. Mr. Blair and Mrs. Beaver; So­ cial Committee, Mrs. Molner, Mrs, Tasko, Mrs. Lightfoot and ■Smith. The meeting was to a close by repeating the tion. MOUNT CARMEL Miss Marjory Regan, of London, Mr. Joseph Regan, of Staffordville, spent a few days last week with their mothei* Mrs. M. Regan. Mr. Gus Morrissey, who has been on the sick list, we are pleased to say, is improving. Mr, Norman Geromette left last week for London where he intends to remain for a time. Miss Geraldine Harness, of Strat­ ford, visited her aunt Miss Annie McPhee and grandmother Mrs. Mar­ tha McPhee last week. Mr. Joseph Carey has Gerald O’Brien to work on fox* a year. Sister Avalon and Sistei* St. Joseph Order, London/ visited with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Gus Morrissey last week-end. Mr. George Clark was in London on Saturday on business. engaged his farm Ilene, of posses- Kings” church ZION Community Meeting. will Friday evening in the chief event will be a na- sang’ by the use the Mizpah Club SUFFERS BROKEN LEG of St. Thomas, with his sis tel* spexxt several The Zion be held oxx school. The tional debate on England, Ireland and Scotland. 'Mr. W. Stephens, spent the week-end Mrs. E. Hern. Mrs, Angus Earl days last week with hex* mother Mrs. ■Sadler of Staffa. The sympathy of the community goes to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cornish owing to the death of their younger son Clayton on Tuesday. Last Fri­ day Clayton underwent an operation for appendicitis in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London. The official boards of Centralia, Whalen and Zion met in Zion church on Monday afternoon to discuss the question of a three-point circuit. The W. M. S. yf'ill hold their meet­ ing on Thursday at the home of Mrs. James Earl. Mrs. D. brought benedic- onMITCHELL — While skating the Fullarton rink, Lome Doupe fell and broke his leg. of children toward their par- followed by their regular bust-; their program is producing in- KIRKTON G. Doupe has returned homeMr. from Victoria Hospital, London, hav­ ing taking -treatment for ear trouble. Miss E. Walkom, teachex* is at her home in Munro on the sick list. Mrs. Clarence Routly and Rev. C. L. Lewis attended the Inter-Church Rally at London this past Wednes­ day, February 22. Mrs, Routly gave a very fine report at the Sunday School on Sunday. The Women’s Institute met at the home of Miss D. Doupe on Tuesday with a good attendance. The Woodham ladies and Anglican ladies xnet in the United Church on Friday, February 24th and observed the World's Day of Pi'ayex* along with the ladies from Kirkton. . Mrs. Wilfred Doupe spent the past week with hex* mothei* Mrs. Hodge of St. Marys, who has been quite ill. Quite a nurnbex* from the village attended the banquet held at Wood­ ham Friday night. This social func­ tion closed the Short Course which has been held the past month at Woodham. Mb ...BABY CHICK TIME... THIS YEAR SAY: Leghorns mated to males from hens four years old or over. Watch For Further Information. Order Now! D KT ETV■>« Emm rvVLtl WlNCHELSEA