HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-02-02, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Coming to Hensall C. R. Wilkinson, R.O Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the. purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those . that have, not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con­ sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 16 Hensall for appointment HENSALL over Kit­ fun- Exe- An Amateur Night will be held in the Town Hall, Hensall, Friday, Feb­ ruary 10th, under the auspices of the Young People’s Society of Car­ mel Presbyterian Church. Four class­ es: 1st—Juvenile 12 years and un­ der; 2nd—'Intermediate 12 to 18 yrs; 3rd—Senior 19 yrs. and over; 4th—Dancing any age. Prizes up to $5.00. No entry fee. All entriep to be handed in to Harold Bonthron by * February 7. General admission 25c. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLaren call­ ed on friends in Exeter on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dayman spent Sunday with friends in Exeter. Miss Sadie Fletcher visited the week-end with friends in chen er. Mr. Alf Taylor attended the eral of the late Fred Hunkin in ter on Monday. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the Bowler’s Dance in the Exeter Arena*on Friday night. Mr. W. L. McLaren has been con­ fined to his room, during Week with a severe cold. Master Ross Corbett is .with his grandparents Mr. „ _ _ . .. Albert Morenz, of Dashwood. UjJ!r, Robert Drysdale, of London, sp^nt the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, of Exeter, called on relatives in and around town on 'Sunday. Mr. »and Mrs. Jas. A. Patterson spent the week-end visiting with rel­ atives and friends in Kitchener. , The many friends of Mrs. J. Jones will regret to hear that she is con­ fined tO' her room through illness. Mr. John Miller, of Exeter, is vis­ iting with his son-in-law and dau­ ghter Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dayman. Mr. Mervyn Schwalm, Strat­ ford, spent the week-end with his patents Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwalm Mr. Murray Parkins has accepted a position 'w'ith Mr. .Herb in Zurich as age. Miss Jean visited over parents Mr. . thron. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Toron­ to, visited on Sunday with the form­ er’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook. Don’t forget to make your entries now for the “Amateur Night” to be held Friday, February 10 th, in the Town Hail. ’ We are. pleased to report that Mr. Thos. Dickson is able to be up a little each te his bed result of a Quite a attended services in the Main Street United Church in Exeter on Sunday when Gypsy Simon Smith preached in that Church. •Mr. Joe Flynn has been conf in­ to his room during the past week owing to illness. Mr. B. Taylor, of Crediton has been harboring for Mr. Flynn, during the last week. The Senior Women’s Institute will be held on Wednesday evening, Feb­ ruary 8th at the home of Miss G. Luker. Mr. W. G. Medd, of Exeter will be the special speaker. The Bingo held in the Town Hall on Wednesday night under the aus­ pices of the Canadian Legion B.E.S. L., No. 167 was largely attended and twenty prizes were distributed. •Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson, Miss Violet Hyde, Miss Margaret Hobkirk attended the funeral of the late Fred Hunkin which was held in 'Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, Mon­ day. Miss Mary Stinson, of London, has accepted a position as bookkeeper with Cook Bros., during the absence of Miss. Margaret Hobkirk, who is taking a two months’ trip in the interests, of her health. The services in the United church Sunday were very well attended and the minister Rev. R. A. Brook deliv­ ered very fine sermons. The choir sang two anthems while Miss Greta Lammie presided at the organ. Rev,. W. A. Young was in Exeter on Monday assisting Rev. D. C. Hill at the funeral of the late. Fred Hun­ kin,. tyh,o /passed avay Friday, Janu­ ary. 27th in,his ,87th-year. Mr. Young also contributed a solo at this ser­ vice. Mrs. A. W. Kerslake was called to St. Marys Saturday owing to the ill­ ness of her mother Mrs. Walks, who has been in St. Marys for the bast monthi during the illness and death of. her father the late Mr, John Brydgman. Missqs Minnie Reid and Margaret Mtobkirk left oh Tuesday for an ex- mechanic in Bonhron, of the week-end and Mrs. J. the past visiting and Mrs. Mousseau his gar- London, with her W. Bon- day, after being confined for several weeks, as the fall. number from the village tended trip to California, Miss Hob« kirk’s position at Cook Bros, garage is being taken by Miss Mary Stinson, , of London, who comes very highly recommended. The first hockey match on the schedule was played Tuesday evening on the local pink between Exeter and , Hensall. The local players sporting . their new lto’ckey sweaters which are ■ red and white. The committee re­ cently purchased these sweaters for the boys and this was their first ap­ pearance .in them. The Sacrament or tne Lord’s sup­ per was dispensed at the morning service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday with eleven new members joining, Mr. and Mrs, W. A. MacLaren took solo parts in the anthem. At the evening service Rev. W. A. Young preached a very in­ spiring sermon. Miss Irene Hoggarth and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren taking the solo parts in the anthem. Mrs. W. A. Young very efficiently presided at the organ. Next Sunday morning Rev. W. A. Young will preach on a very important text “Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep it Holy.” Funeral of Mr. Wm. N. Glenn There passed away on Saturday morning at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, William N. Glenn, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Glenn, of the Northeast Boundary Usborne (pioneer of this district.) The de­ ceased, gentleman, although not en­ joying good health for the past few years continued to reside on his farm until his last illness. He was married in 19 05 to Miss Annie McMo-rdie, of Kippen, who predeceased him nine years ago. Of a family of three, one brother, Mr. R. R. Glenn, Tor­ onto survives and the late Mrs. Jackson, of Listowel, was a sister. The funeral service conducted by the Rev. W. Mair was held on Mon­ day afternoon from the Thames Rd. • United Church with interment at the MacTaggart cemetery. The pall-bear­ ers were Messrs. Stewart McQueen, Wellington Kerslake, John Glenn, John Bolton, Allen Miller and Alfred Buchanan. Friends from a distance in attendance at the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Henry, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. W. Annis, Jackson and the Gladys Jackson,' Thos. Roney, Mitchell; Mayor Roney and Mr. and Mitchell; Mr. Glen Misses Gwenie and of Listowel. Congregational Meeting • The annual congregational meet­ ing was held on Monday, January 30th in the United Church with a good attendance in- spite of the stormy weather. The meeting open- ey singing a hymn. The Scripture was read by Rev. R. A. Brook, who also led in prayer. Rev. R. A. Brook was appointed chairman for the ev­ ening and Mr. W. O; Goodwin, sec­ retary. The- minutes of the two pre­ vious meetings were read an.d adopt­ ed. Reports were' given by the var­ ious organizations and showed an increase > in receipts. The total amount 'raised by- all organizations amounted'to about-$5,000. The siyn of $9'00 was sent -to the M. & M. | Fund. An excellent financial report of the Women’-s Missionary Society was given -by Mrs. Cornelius Cook and Mrs. W. B. Cross gave an out­ line of the Society’s work. The audi­ tors’ report Was given by Mr. W. O. Goodwin • and Mr. 'Elgin Rowcliffe gave the report of the-Sunday School The Mission Circle report was given by Miss Norma Cook and Mr. G. M. Drysdale gave a report from the Mission Band in the-absence of the leader Miss Kay Drysdale. A very interesting report of the Baby Band was given by Mrs, E. L. Mickle. The election of officers then took place with all being re-elected. and the following .additions, to the Board of Stewards: Messrs. Robt. Moore, Geo. Jackson,. James McAllister and John Pepper.'. To ushers, Messrs. Walter Spencer, E. L. Mickle, Har­ old S. A. Bell and Kenneth Hicks. During the program the Y. P. U. fur­ nished the following number. A vocal -duet by Mrs. Geo. Hess and Rev. R. A. Brook “Whispering Hope’ accompanied by Miss Greta Lammie; a piano solo “Annie Laurie” was played by Miss Gladys Luker. A vocal duett by Mrs. Geo. Hess and Mrs. Maude Hedden “Sunrise To­ morrow” ' accompanied by Miss G. Luker. Three impromptu numbers were also given. The meeting closed by singing “There Is Work to Do for Jesus” and the benediction. A very dainty lunch was served at the close by the Young People’s Union. (Intended .for last week) A large crowd of hockey fans wit­ nessed a tie game on the Hensall ice on Wednesday evening between Crediton and Hensall in the Cyclone Hockey-League: The 'Crediton line­ up was:. Goah Smith; defense, H. Wolfe, Wolfe; centre, England; wings, Bowman and Fahrner; alt., Taylor, Baynham, Bowden and Haist. ^‘rSl BRAY HATCHERY, EXETER, Rhone 246 or Beii Case* It. R. No, 3, Exeter Hensail line-up: Goal J. Tudor de­ fense, Brown and Manns; centre, G. Passmore; wings, M. Tudor, Hudson; alt.» Little* Brock, Passmore, Sim­ mons and Campbell, The scorers for Crediton were Fahrner and Bowden for Hensall, D. Brown and K. Pass- more. The score was a tie, 2-2. Church Meeting (Also intended for last week) The annual congregational meet­ ing of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. with the Rev. W. A. Young pre­ siding over the meeting, which open­ ed by singing a hymn; Rev. Mr. Young then led in prayer followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. .The Scripture was read by Mr. Young who- then led in prayer. The meet­ ing was then open for business and the minutes of the previous annual meeting were read by the secretary, Mr. J. W. Bonthron and were adopt­ ed as read. Reports from the var­ ious organizations were then read and adopted as read. The report of the Session, which was outstanding was given by Rev. W. A. Young, who expressed his appreciaton to the con­ gregation for their moral support during the past year. The report of the Women’s Missionary Society was given by the Treasurer, Miss Jean Dougal Miss Hannah Murray gave the report of the Ladies' Association Mr. J. W. Bonthron gave the Sab­ bath School report in the absence of Mr. Allan Davidson; The Mission Band report was given by Miss Irene Hoggarth. Miss Hannah Murray, in the absence of Miss Beryl Pfaff gave the Arnold Circle report. Mr. J. W. Bonjthron .gave the report of the Hensall Union cemetery. The treas­ urer’s report was given 'by Mr. J. W. Bonthron, in the absence of the treasurer, Mr. F. G. Bonthron and showed a very prosperous year with a balance on hand. A short address was .given by Mr. Ross MacKay, of appreciation and thankfulness for the welfare of the church; also a moved a hearty vote of thanks to Rev. W. A. Young and Mrs. Young for their untiring efforts as spiritual leaders, of the church. The officers were re-elected by acclamation. Mr. Malcom Dougall was appointed as manager in place of the retiring man­ ager Mr. Andrew Dougall. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mr. A. Dougall for his long years of service as manager. A short address was given by Mr. Geo. Walker on Sab­ bath School work and proposed we protest the open Sunday. After sing­ ing a hymn Rev. W. A. Young closed the meeting with prayer. THAMES ROAD AND ROYS A keen interest is being taken in the Agricultural and Domestic Science classes at Woodham. Several of our young people are attending. Mr. Ivan Stewart was among those taking the short course at the 0. A. C. at Guelph in farm mechanics in January. Miss Iva Fisher, of Exeter, is stay- j ing with Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Allen at Kirkton on Saturday. The Women’s Institute held their annual social at the Church Wed­ nesday. Mrs. Will Etherington continues quite sick at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. We extend our good wishes and hopes for her recovery. The rink is the centre of tion these evenings. The ice Thursday evening the local team played Zion. A win for the home boys, 9-4. Broom ball was the attraction .Monday night which prov­ ed a good night’s fun. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stone were visitors with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stone on' Sunday. The W. M. S. is meeting this Wed­ nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. P. Stone. Several old friends and neighbors of Mr. F. Hunkin attended the fun­ eral services at Caven Church Mon­ day afternoon. The rabbit hunters report good sport and plenty of rabbits around Dungannon, where they lately been hunting. attrac­ ts fine, hockey have MOUNT CARMEL Joseph Glavin and Margaret attended the Ilderton Mr. Flanagan Dairymen’s Dance held in the Lon­ don Hotel, London, recently. A number from here attended the banquet in Dashwood on Friday ev­ ening and all report a good time. Mr. Henry Miller was taken, to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last week when he underwent an operation. Mr. Miller is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. Joseph Ryan is seriously ill at her home on the 20th concession of McGillivray. We hope for a very speedy recovery; A number attended the Social held in the Hall on Friday evening, Mr. Noah Hartman was rushed to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, Thurs­ day of last week for treatment, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Overholt, of Zurich, called on friends here week. last Mother: “You were a very boy not to throw your orange on the floor of the bus. you put it?” Johnny: “In the pocket of the man next to me.” tidy peel Where did DASHWOOD CREDITON Pr. W. D. Bryce, L.D,S>, D.D.S, .JWfTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week at office over the Post Office, in rich, last three days of week, and Zu- report that confined to We wish1 her a very Mrs. C. her hed , NOTICE Notice is hereby given that store, name sold. All immediately and can be paid, on or before February 10th, to Mrs. J. C. Reid, after which time any unpaid accounts will be handed over for col­ lection. the theformerly operated under of J. C. Reid & Co., has been outstanding accounts are due J, C. REID & CO, ltc the ev- We Mr. Gordon Doerr, of Laird, Sask., is visiting with relatives in this com­ munity. Mr. E. C. Bartliff and sister, of Clinton, were Sunday visitors with Miss Kathleen Merner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Toron­ to, were Sunday visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Tieman. Miss Mary England who has been on the sick list for some time is very poorly. A public dance will be held in Tie­ man’s Hall on Monday night. The proceeds will go towards the Com­ munity- hall. A Badminton Club has been or­ ganized by a number of young people in town, with Miss E. Nott as the president and Stuart Wolfe, secre­ tary-treasurer. Mission Circle was held at home of Mrs. E. Gaiser Tuesday ening. Herb Ness is on the sick list, hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Walter Weston and wife spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller on the 16th of Hy. Lutheran League ■On January the third the meeting was opened with various business af­ fairs. The president broached the matter of having a district young people’s rally, outlined it and asked the members tO' think the matter over by the next business meeting. Mission study was then conducted by the Rev. Theo. Luft. The next week’ the pastor gave a tract discussion “When did-you attend Communion last” which was very timely since a common negligence in attendance at the Lord’s Supper is noticeable in our day. On- January 17th the first part .of the evening was spent on topic study “Living with Yourself, Your Life” while the latter part of the evening was enjoyed by a contest having two sides boys against the girls. Rev. T. Luft asked questions on certain parts of the Bible. The contest ended with!' the boys winning the last boy being Carl Wein. The following week the society had the pleasure of trying something new in contests. Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer played the opening bars of hymns commonly used in church services ahd the contestants were required to name the hymn. This contest brought •many surprises and ended with the girls winning. the month the pastor Rev. T. Luft gave a lecture oh -Saxon immigration to the United States in 1839 and lat­ er the Missouri Synod in 1847. How the early pioneers sought religious liberty and brought many sacrifices for their faith. In this manner the meetings encourage us to carry -on devotedly. We regret to Zwicker is still through illness, speedy recovery. We are glad to see Gerald Schenk out and around again after being un­ der the doctor’s care for nine weeks. Town doctors and business men are handicapped when wintry .gales close the sideroads, They don’t own horses anymore, and there are no livery stables. The regular meeting of the Young People’s League of the Evangelical Church was held on Friday evening with Mr. H. T, Scherbarth as the chairman. The topic on ' “Peace” was very ably discussed by Mrs. L, Wein with corresponding scripture -by Gladys Schenk. Mr. Lawrence Wein rendered a vocal solo. A. half- hour Bible study conducted A. E, Pletch concluded an ing meeting. Miss Helen Telfer, of spent the week-end with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Telfer. •Rev. D. J. Gladman gave a very inspiring and practical discourse on Sabbath Observance at the United Church Sunday evening last. Miss Greta Pollard, of Centralia, who has been engaged as pianist for the com­ ing year, presided very satisfactorily. Congregational Meeting The annual congregational meet­ ing of the United church was held on Tuesday evening with a good atten­ dance. Rev. Mr. Glad-man took the chair and called for reports from all the various organizations church which all showed favorable financial year, lowing officers were elected: Treas­ urer, Mr. T. Trevethick; Stewards, Messrs. F. Kerr, I. Hirtzel, the re­ tiring Stewards were re-elected; Mr. J. Woodall was added to the Trustee Board; Missionary & Maintenance Com., Messrs. T. Trevithick, G. Maw- hinney, A. Kestle, W. Mack, Jack Galloway, Gerald Schroeder; Ushers, Ted Wright, Jack Galloway were the newly appointed ushers; Auditors, Messrs. F. W. Clark, M. Telfer; Press reporter, Mr. J. Woodall. At this time a brief period of silence follow­ ed by prayer was held in memory of the late Mr. M. Finkbeiner who for; many years was a member of the Session. Mr. Garnet Hill was elect­ ed to fill this vacancy. A vote of appreciation was tendered ’ to Mr. and Mrs. Gladman services rendered during year. ! by Rev, interest- London, of the a very The fol- for the Rev. | their past I The last meeting of wo- the The Quiggle: “Why it is that you men always insist on having last word?” Mrs. Quiggle: “We don’t, only reason that we get it is that we always have a dozen arguments when you stupid men are all out.” WHALEN left run vis-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gunning ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Rinn, near Woodham. Master Harry Squire is confined to the house with Scarlet Fever. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley and Mr. and Mrs. E. Squire spent Fri­ day with Mrs. J. Morley, of Wood­ ham, the occasion being her eight­ ieth birthday. Mrs. Geo. Mardlin, of London Township, is attending her father, Mr. Geo. Millson, who has been quite ill but at the time of writing his condition is slightly improved. Miss Gladys Squire holidayed London during the past week. Several from this vicinity are tending the Short Courses at Wood­ ham which commenced on Tuesday morning. in at- theof church was at the home The 284.! THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1DRO ELIMVILLE The meeting of the Mission Circle was held at the Church on January, 28th fifteen members were present. Jean Davis and Mildred Veal presid­ ed. The meeting opened with hymn 220 and Audrey Prance led in prayer After singing hymn 258 Dorothy Johns read the Scripture lesson. Eva Penrose gave a reading and hymn 358 was sung. .Hazel Johns read “Refugees of Chung King.” The de­ votional leaflet was given by Doris Elford. The meeting was closed with singing hymn 109 and Mizpah bene­ diction. Miss Ina Ford visited in St. Thom­ as last Saturday. The storms have made travelling a doubtful pleasure 'as its neither good for wheels nor runners. A goodly number of the young people are taking; the short courses at Woodham this month DANCE to BENNY PALMER and His Orchestra at KIPPEN, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7th General Admission 50c. C. Watson, Manager Y. P. U. The regular meeting U. of Crediton United held on Friday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hill, meeting opened with hymn Andy Mathers lead in prayer follow-] ed with 'Scripture reading by Harvey! Lovie. The devotional part, of the meeting closed by singing hymn 372. ] The minutes of the . last meeting were read and twenty-seven members responded to roll call. Rev. ( Mr. I Gladman took charge of the rest of the program by giving an interest­ing talk and slides on India after] which he lead in a quiz contest. It was moved that we invite Centralia* Y. P. U. to spend Thursday evening”e‘n« “ wih us. The next meeting will be I tnends wish her many happy retur: held on Friday evening, February ”, ' .V „10th, at the home ot Mr. and Mrs.lw/6\E f.®6 Some iitjier son Ever- (Intended for last week) Mrs. Lloyd Johns and Patsy visit- 1 ed in St. Marys over the week-end. i The Mission Circle held a pot-luck ^'supper and crokinole party in the v■ basement of the church last Friday I evening. The young'men were invit- ■ ed and nearly fifty in all were pres- i ent. I We are very pleased to report ithat Mrs. Wm.' Skinner was able to (visit at Mr. Franklin Skinner’s last i Thursday it being her birthday. Her •ns i of the day. She has been ill for some Alvin served Baker. A dainty lunch was at the close of the meeting. HARPLEY and Mrs. Newton Hayter vis-Mr. ited o-n Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Statton at Grand Bend. Miss Willa Carruthers has gone to- London -to be with her sister Mrs. Willis I-Iotson for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison and Au­ drey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson and Nathalie visited on Sunday with Mrs. Joseph 'Carruthers, Sr. Mr. Mauriee Murray spent week in London with Mr. Carruthers. I GRAND BEND the Gerald Mr. sick vis- SHIPKA The Y. P. U. Society held their regular meeting on Wednesday ev­ ening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lamport. Miss Barbara Dinney, of Exeter, is at present visiting with MiSs Ada Gaiser. The Stewards of the Unted church invited the men of the community to a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Sweitzer on Thurs­ day evening last. Next Sunday being Missionary Day irt the Sunday School special in­ structions will be given. There was no preaching service in the United church on Sunday last owing to the condlions of the roads. | Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Statton, of Forest, visited on Sunday with and Mrs. J. W. Holt. Mr. Wm. Stebbins is on the list. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter ited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stat­ ton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig were vis­ itors in Blyth last week. Miss Edith Love was unable to take her school on Monday morn­ ing owing to illness but all hope for her recovery, Mrs. Abner Mollard is on the sick list but is some better. Miss Mona Dewey and Miss Doris Baker visited in St. Mrys on Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull vis­ ited friends in Greenway. The funeral of the late Mr, Abe Shank took place to the Grand Bend cemetery conducted by Rev. C. Bea- com. Mrs. Richard Webb of Mr life in California. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sunday visitors with Mr Elmer Webb. The ice harvest has just started and as there are thousands of ice blocks to put up, it will take some time to complete. ett, but is r,gaining ■hr strength al­ though slowly. .. Mr. and, Mrs. Murch was host and hostess to the W. ,M. S. and their husbands on Wednesday evening of last week, the occasion being their Annual Social evening. The new president Mrs.' R. Batten was in of­ fice and .opened with call to worship and hymn 519 and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Roll was called and the minutes of last meeting read and adopted, A short memorial service was held and one minute’ silence in memory of our two members Mrs. W. Johns and Mrs. G. Coward, who late­ ly passed on. The 23rd Psalm was repeated and hymn 1718" was sung. Mrs.'Bell read “The Theme of Jesus at Work.” The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. W. Johns and, prayer by Rev. Mr. Penrose. Mr. W. Eilford gave a reading “Suggestions for a New Year”; Mr. Alvin Pym gave a good synopsis of the Second Chapter of the Study Book, “Work of the Pioneers in Canada.” “God Bless our Mission Boat” was given by Mrs. Wes. Johns. The meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction. The social part of the evening opened with a solo by Mrs. Hubert Heywood "The Lost Chord"; Mrs. Elf ord gave a reading and Rev. Mr. Penrose fa­ vored us with two numbers on the concertina. About twenty subjects for stump speeches were distributed and afforded much amusement by the discourses which we're given. A num­ ber of games were enjoyed and the lunch was served. WOODHAM The annual congregational meet­ ing that was to be held on January 25h was posponed and will take place Friday evening, February 3rd of this week. Supper will be served in the basement of the church with a committee in charge. Those who attended the Perth Presbyterial at Stratford on Thurs­ day of last week were as follows: Mrs. (Rev.) Laing, Mrs. Gorby, Mrs. F. McNaughton, Mrs. Wm. Mills, Mrs. W. Switzer and Mrs. F. Patti­ son. The W. M.. S. will meet this week at the home of Mrs. Ray Mills with group No. 2 in charge, Mrs. J. Squire, convener. We are sorry to report that Mr. Bert Duffield was taken to a Lon­ don Hospital on Friday night last for an operation for appendicitis. We hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. Edgar Mills who is in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is grad­ ually improving but in will be a few weeks yet before he will be home again. We hope for his speedy re­ covery. Miss Olive Thacker, school teach­ er at Laverie, spent the week-end at her home here. ZION Mr, Shank is a Shank spent most brother of this village, of his Webb •. and long “were Mrs. For Eczema - - Skin Troubles Make up your mind today that you are Koimr to Kive your skin a teal chance to get well. Go to any good drag- store and tret an original bottle of Moone’s Emerald Oil-- centra ted. The very relief—the StOppt'T Mil,.----.... .mu pviut' on lr ? ',<Xy few The same is true of Ttch- j ‘It8 an. * cet‘ h^her’s Itch, Salt Uheum and Other skin troubles. "?we,mber Boone’s EmeraM Oil fc n {■penctratlnK Antiseptic Oil ComnloS m °r Cav<s a «rC8sy residue,complete satisfaction or mon&s backs On Wednesday night Zion and Elimville Hockey teams played a very exciting game of hockey at Granton. The score was 10-1 in fa­ vour of Zion. On Thursday evening Zion played at Thames Road, the score being 9-4 in favour of Thames Road. Zion School is closed on account of scarlet fever in the neighborhood. A number of the young people are attending the Short Courses being „ held in Woodham Hall. (Too late for last week) Miss McKee remained over the week-end at the home of Mr. Well­ ington Brock. A number of the young people went skating on Saturday at the Ex­ eter Arena. Mr. W. Stephen, of Port Stanley, spent the week-end with his sister Mrs. E. Hern. 'On Friday evening the Zion Com­ munity Club held their social even­ ing in the school house. Those in charge were Mr. and Mrs. M. Skin­ ner, Delmar Skinner, W. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. C. Jaques. The meet­ ing opened by all singing the Maple Leaf Forever. A very Interesting mixed program was enjoyed by all. The Ask It Basket was won by Mor­ ris Hern. The guest speaker of the evening was Mr. Shearer, of Clinton, Lunch was served followed by sing­ ing "God Save the King.” The next meeting will be held in February in charge of those of on the West line. days beci,use 5t highly con- first application will Kive yoU itching of Eczema is instantly ptions dry tip and scale off in Too Frank “He’s too frank to be a good poll- tician.” “Why?” “When he has said something that the people don’t like, he does not deny that he said it.”