HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-02-02, Page 4THVBSDAY, JflSBBVABX 2, XOSO THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Monster Carnival
Exeter Arena
Friday, February 3rd
Prizes awarded as follows:
Couple .................................... $5.00
Costume ..................................... 2.50
Costume ..................................... 2.50
................................ 2.50
.............................................. 2.50
Best Dressed
Gent’s Fancy
Ladies’ Fancy
Gent’s Comic
Girls’ Fancy Costume 16 years and under.
Boy’s Fancy Costume, 16 years and under 1.50
- . 1.50
. 1.50
.. 1.00
. 2.00
Comic Boy or Girl under 16 years
Open Race, Men ...........................
Open Race, Girls ............................
Boy’s Race, 16 years and under
Clowns ...............................................
Door Prize 15 -Pound Turkey
Grand Parade at 8:30 for those in Costume followed by
Ice Reserved for Those in Costume until After Judging
TWO HOURS SKATING Admission: 25c; Children 15c
R. C. Moffat, in his Sth year. The
funeral, private, will be held Fri
day at 2 pan. with interment in
the Exeter Cemetery.
Renewed & Guaranteed
Coupe Bargains
1938 Ford V8 Coupe with
Heater R&G only ..... $590.00
1937 Ford V8 Coupe with
Heater, R&G only $490.00
1935 De Luxe Ford V8 Coupe
with Heater ................. $390.00 ,
1934 Ford V8 Coupe, new tires,!
new rings, and looks like a new
car R&G.........................$340.00
1933 Ford V8 Coupe, a dandy
only ............................... $290.00
1931 Chevrolet De Lux Coupe
with rumble seat, clean inside
and out, only ............. $225.00
1929 Essex Coupe, newly
painted .......................... $75.00
1929 Plymouth Coupe
only ................................. $95.00
1929 Durant Coupe, extra
Our stock is out of balance.
We have too many coupes and
all in first class condition and are
ready for the road. We have
cut the price away below market
values for. cars in this condition
and as. an inducement we will put
new license plates on the first
three coupes sold.
Sandy Elliot
Ford Distributor
Phone 64 Exeter
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Rowe wish to
thank the many friends who have
so kindly remembered Mrs. Rowe
during her illness; also for the flo
wers, cards and treats.
Miss Marjory Heywood wishes to
thank ail those who remembered her
so kindly while a patient in St. Jo
seph’s with flowers, treats and cards.
Mr. Ed. Treble and Leon wish to
thank the friends and neighbors for
the kindness and sympathy extended
during their bereavement; also to
those who- loaned, cars and for the
floral tributes.
Mrs. Fred Hunkin and family wish
to express their appreciation for all
the kindness shown them in their
recent sad bereavement; to Rev. Mr.
Hill, Rev. Mr. Mair and Rev. Mr.
Young, also to those who sent flow
ers and to those who loaned cars.
HAMILTON—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos
pital, on. Thursday, Januarj* 26th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hamilton
a daughter (Janice Marlene.)
HUNK1N—'In Exeter, on Friday,
January 27, 1939, Alfred Hunkin',
in his 87 th year.
MOFFATT—-In Exeter, on Wednes
day, February 1st, Allen Moffatt,
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
HILL—In loving memory of a dear
mother, Mrs. Richard Hill, who
died five years ago, February 7,
Nothing can ever take away
The love a heart holds dear
Fond memories linger every day
Remembrance keeps her near.
Sadly missed by son Lawrence and
Family. ' . ltp.
HERN—In loving memory of my
dear mother, Mrs. Thos^ Hern^ who
passed away on$ year ago, Janu
ary 30 th, 19 3 8.
There is an angel who bears a light,
And he comes at close of day;
When the sun goes down on a well-
spent life
He lights up the last dark way.
And He whispered “Tired one give
me thine hand,” 3
And with spirit brave and steady,
She faltered not from the‘unknown
But answered, “I am ready.’’
Sadly missed by Daughter and
The annual meeting of the Hay
Township Farmers* Mutual Fire In
surance Co., was held in the Town
Hall, Zurich, on Monday, January
30th. Due to the storm the attend
ance was not very large.
The three retiring directors were
re-elected as follows: Geo. Arm
strong, Albert Hendrick and Oscar
Klopp. The auditors, Jacob Haberer
and Kenneth Routledge were also
Following the annual meeting the
Directors elected Wm. Sweitzer, of
Dashwood, President, and Thomas
Webb, of Grand Bend, Vice-Presi
dent for the year X939.
John Armstrong, President of the
Company, was chairman and H. K.
Eilber acted as Secretary. The fol
lowing is the Director’s Report as
read by the President:
Zurich, Ont., Jan. 30th, 1939
To the Members of the Hay Town
ship Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insur
ance Co.
The Directors take pleasure in
presenting you with the 64th Annual
Report of the Company for the year
ending December 31st, 1938.
During thd year, we issued 669
policies representing an amount of
$2,605,650 and the number of poli
cies on the 31st of December 19 3 S
is 2,063 with a total amount of in
surance in force of $8,218,570.00.
Although we have only increased the
number of policies by 8 the risk has
increased $231,400, We have tried
to educate our policy holders to in
crease the insurance carried on live
stock to 80% per cent, of it’s value
as required by the terms of policy
contract, at the taking of the appli
cation. Failing to do so renders
the Assured liable to bear that pro
portion of any live-stock loss that
the amount actually carried falls
short of the 80% requirement.
While troubles from this source are
being gradually eliminated through
the splendid co-operation of the
members in placing the required
amount of coverage, odd cases do
occur where the insurance is ex
tremely low and in the interests of
using all policy holders alike, the
payment of such claims must be ad
justed as provided.
Unfortunately we have had sever
al large losses the past year. The
total being $14,381.35 and of this
amount $8,684.65 from an unknown
origin. $1,063.65 was paid for los
ses occuring from stove, stove-pipes
and chimneys. These losses repre
sent 17.49c. per $100.00 insurance^
whereas we only collect 15c per $100
on our policies. Our surplus for the
year has therefore decreased $3,069.-
04. The most of these losses could
have been prevented if proper pre
cautions had been taken. Are we
going to allow this controllable loss
to continue? Every policy holder
should consider this loss with alarm.
We have been trying to educate
our policy holders by distributing
folders with the polities on Fire Pre
vention and we earnestly urge you
to clean your chimneys and pipes
regularly; remove all rubbish from
the stoves and furnaces; deposit
ashes only in metal containers;
avoid use of gasoline and do not
start fires with kerosene. The use
of cigarettes around the buildings
should be prohibited and care should
be taken by smokers about the use
of matches. If you use hydo, do
not change the wiring or size of
fuses without consulting a qualified
The Board of Directors has been
considering the purchase and distri
bution of fire extinguishers and met
al spark arresters among the policy
holders but thought it might be a
matter for discussion at this .meet
ing. An^ analysis of results over a
period of four years has been made
by a Company which shows that in
that time out of a total of 1,47 6
fires, 1272 ox* 86.18 per cent, were
put out; 104 were checked and 100
failed. The total amount of the
loss was $70,060.17 out of an Insur
ance of $2,133,000 affected. The
price of these extinguishers is $1,25
on lots of two dozen or more.
February 2nd, 3rd and 4th
Double Feature
Hopalong Cassidy Series
Metro Goldwyn Meyer Picture
February 6th, 7tli and Sth
the animal’s carcass. Notwithstand
ing the Company’s freedom from
liability under such circumstances,
an Inspector is usuany sent out, only
to find perhaps a badly decomposed
carcass, on which it is impossible to
detect any evidence of marks of
During the summer, we held a
picnic at Grand Bend with the idea
of getting our people together to
discuss fire prevention. Unfortunate
ly the attendance wasn’t as large as
desired due to the harvest being un
derway. We were favoured with a
representative of the Fire Marshal’s
Office, Mr. A’. Gillanders, of Ridge
town, who gave a talk on “Municipal
Fire Protection,’’ Mr. W. R. Cross,
secretary of the Mutual Underwrit
ers’ Association and Mr. Vanskiver,
of Picton, who gave a demonstration
on the value of fire extinguishers.
Our company during the year made
donations to a number of Fire Brig
ades who gave valuable assistance in
putting out fires which might have
meant a greater loss of property
than actually happened. We under
stand there is a movement under way
to start a Municipal Fire Protection
System in the Township of Hay. This
we heartily endorsA and we trust the
idea will be carried into effect.
Our Directors also attended the
special meeting of Group No. 4 which
was held in London last Fall and
were given the privilege of listening
to an illustrated lecture delivered
by Mr. Bishop of the Fire Marshal’s
Department on the dangers of gaso
line and electrical wiring. Mr.
Easton, of the Ayr. Mutual spoke
briefly on their .s.uccess with spark
arresters which are ’ fastened to
chimneys. They have proven very
successful and have saved consider
able property. He said these ar
resters cost from $2.10 to $2,70 each
depending on size and are sold to
the policy holders for $1.50 each.
This is paid in three instalments of
50c a year for three, years when the
annual instalment becomes due.
The Company hires, a man with a
truck and after a directors’ meeting,
the Secretary gives .this man a list
of names. of those who have asked
for the arresters and the work is
then done at once. If the work were
to be done by the policy holder, it
mightn’t be done at all.
Due to the fact that Pasteurization
Plants are now being installed by
dairymen all thro’ the' Province our
Board of Directors, at the request
of the Department of Insurance and
the Fire Marshal, increased the an
nual rate of insurance to 30c per
$100 on such plants and on all
other insured property isolated less
than eighty feet from the building
in which the Pasteurization plant is
Our Secretary and Agent attended
the Convention of the Mutual Under
writers in Toronto, March 15th and
16th where they gained cosiderable
valuable information. Our company
had the honor of having their sec
retary appointed a member of the
Executive of this Association;.
(Continued From Page One)
ed their first scheduled hockey game
Thursday evening of last week. The
league includes lads from town and
from the surrounding country. Some
of the boys played their first hockey
match. There is some promising ma
terial. The league is divided into
four team: (A) Alerts; (B) Flashes
(C) Whirlwinds and (D) Whizz-
Bangs. In the first game at 7 p.m,
the Alerts and Flashes clashed and
the Flashes were the winners, In
the second game the Whizz-bangs
defeated the Whirlwinds.
The second games were played
Tuesday evening nghen the Flashes
defeated the Whizz-bangs and the
Alerts won from the Whirlwinds.
The schedule:
Feb. 7—7 p.m.—Alerts vs. Whizz-
8 p.m.—Flashes vs. Whirlwinds.
iFe'b. 14—7 p.m. — First and Third
8 p.m.—Second and Fourth teams
Feb, 21—The Finals
The team managers are; Alerts,
George Evans and C. V. Pickard;
Flashes, J. B. Creech, J. M. South-
cott, J. W. Hern; Whirlwinds, T. O.
Southcott, Ulric Shell and B. W.
Tuckey; Whizz-bangs, Sandy Elliot
and W. H. Moise.
The teams are:
A, The Alerts—Goalie, G. Bayn-
ham; defense, G. Kleinfeldt, W.
Coward, R. Kirk; First Forwards,
J. England, F. Statton, G. McTavish;
Second Forwards, J. Page, D. Cope
land, M. Stanlake, R. Wuerth, B.
Balfour, J. Triebner.
B, The Flashes—Goalie, B. Pilon;
defense, T. Walker, E. Penhale; First
Forwards, J. Sweet, E. Jennings.
B. Sanders, R. Keyes; Second For
wards, D. Case, S. Frayne, D. Whit
ing, J. Westcott, D. Restemeyer.
•C, The Whirlwinds—Goalie; de
fense, C. Knight, M. Grebb, J. Mof
fatt, J. Kestle; First Forwards, N.
Hannigan, G. Ballantyne, D. Pilon;
Second Forwards, J. Westlake, B.
Brock, D. Pryde; Q. Hicks, G. Hunt
er, D. Harness, B. Mair, M. Gaiser.
D, The Whizz-Bangs—Goalie, R.
Southcott; defense, W. Reynolds, R.
McCurdy; First Forwards, J. Law-
son, J.'Miners, C. McDonald; Sec
ond Forwards, B. Kestle, G. Statton,
B. Fields; S. Green, C. Heywood, C.
Hicks, W. E. Essery, A. Ellis, 'F.
These line-ups are subject to
The standing:
B-—Flashes ..............
........ 2
A-—Alerts ....................... 1 1 2
D-—Whizz-Bangs ............. 1 1 2
C--Whirlwinds .......■.....'0 2 0
Exeter P. $. vs. Crediton P. S.
Exeter Public School defeated the
Crediton Public School last Wednes
day after school by the score of 3-0.
The game was featured by wide open
playing on each side. Two' of the
goals were secured by Gib. Statton
and the third by Roy Kirk.
The line-ups:
Crediton—Goal, C. Fahrner; de
fense, C. Finkbeiner, C. Roeszler;
forwards, H. Finkbeiner, E. Schenk,
W. Wein; alts., G. Wuerth, K. Tay
lor, G. Roeszler, O. Gaiser, A. Sims-
Exeter—Goal, C. Hewitt; defense
R. Kirk, Dick Pilon; forwards, F.
Statton, Gib. Statton, Cal. Heywood;
Alts., Doug Harness, Jimmie Trieb
ner, Alex Ellis, Eric Jennings.
2 lb. tin Wax.....................70c 1 lb. tin Wax.........................43c
Calf Meal ........... $3.10 cwt
Lay Mash ........... 1,95 cwt
Chick Starter ..... 2.40 cwt
40% Hog Concentrate $2.60
40% Hen Concentrate $3.00
Oyster Shell ............... $1.00
X-Cut Saws $3.75 to $8.00 Handles 50c pair
We have a full stock of Chick Feeders, Fountains and
Buttermilk Feeders, also Brooder Stoves in different sizes.
We also take, orders for Embryo Fed Chicks. See us for
your poultry equipment *
Royal Purple Poultry, Stock and Hog Specific....... 15c a lb.
Granite Puds................... 15c
Granite Pie Plates ..... 15c
Granite Sauce Pans ..... 25c
Traqu air’s
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith are vis
iting for a couple of weeks with rel
atives in Palmerston.
The S'chool and Home Club held a
very successful meeting in the school
on Friday evening of last week. The
president, Mrs. Pen war den presided
and the meeting opened by singing
“The Maple Leaf Forever” followed
by the Lord’s Prayer. Two choruses
were sung by the school during the
program “Abide with Me” and the
Junior Red Cross Song. Addresses
were given by Mrs. Herman Powe
and Mrs. Lome Hicks, former teach
ers of the school. The reminiscences
of bygone days as told by these lad
ies spoke for themselves in the peals
of laughter that burst forth at in
tervals during the evening. Miss
Kleinstiver spoke briefly on the new
course of study. A duet by Mrs. H.
Lightfoot and Marjorie Essery was
greatly appreciated. The meeting was
brought o a close by repeating the
Mizpah benediction. Lunch was serv
Centralia Y. P. U.
(Crowded out last week)
The -Centralia Y. P.U. held then*
regular meeting Tuesday evening
with a good attendance. The presi
dent Reg Hodgson opened the meet
ing with a hymn followed by prayer
by Arthur Hastewell. 'The minutes
of the last meeting were read- and
adopted followed by buiness dis
cussions. Marlys McFalls, then took
charge. Stanley Hicks read the Scrip
ture lesson; -Greta Webber and Mar
ie Buswell sang a duet and Florence'
Mitchell gave a reading. The topic
was given by Frank Hicks. Meeting
was closed with a hymn followed by
the Mispah -benediction.
Another Version
Beneath the spreading chestnut tree
The village smitfi he' snoozes;
No nag, since 1923,- ,
Has been to- him for shoeses.
February Sale
Prices Greatly Reduced on Granite
Copper and Sheet Iron Ware
Make This Your Opportunity to Save
Copper and Granite
Potato Pots ........... $1.29
White Chambers ....... 39c
Bread Caddies ........... 98c
Copper N. P. Tea
Kettles......... $1.98, $2.19
White Cdmbinettes $1.29
Dairy Pails ................. 59c
Ivory & Green Dish
Pans.............49c and 59c
Copper Boilers ......... $2.49
White Wash Bowls......- 29c
Lunch Boxes less
Bottles ............. 59c
Galvinized Pails ....1..... 59c
Galvinized Boilers ...... 93d
Many Other Items not Mentioned. It
Always Pays to Shop at
Phone 181 Exeter
By examining the report you will
find the amount collecter for instal
ments, membership fees on new risks
and interest, we were $38.27 short
of paying our losses and as a result,
the bank balance has been reduced
from $7,893.83 as on December 31,
1937 to $4,974.90 on Dec. 31, 1938.
Fortunately we have been able to
meet all our obligations without
cashing any investments. These
bonds and debentures are gilt-edge
and if sold on the market at to-day’s
quotations, we would realize a pro
fit of over $3,800.
Your Directors desire, through the
medium of this annual message to
call attention to certain deficiencies
which occur in connection with
claims for live stock losses, frequent
ly delaying payment of and some-
,times entirely invalidating such
claims. In doing so there is no
thought of intimidating the members
into stricter compliance with theii1
policy conditions, but it is confident
ly felt that a better co-operation vol
untarily will result from an under
standing of the matter. Perhaps
the most frequent of these is the
failure to report the loss as specified
in the policy, within twenty-four
hours of the storm during which it
is alleged to have occured; very)
often due to delay in the finding of
Outstanding Speaker
Gypsy Simon Smith was the speak
er at three services in the Main St-.
United Church on Sunday. There was
a fair crowd at the morning service
in spite of the storm. The other ser-
7ices were well attended as was the
service Monday evening. Gypsy
Smith is an outstanding speaker and
his messages were appealing to his
hearers. He was the guest of Mrs.
Chas. Johns while here.
16 Cash Prizes will be given away
in the Times-Advocate Subscription
Just Planning '.' ’
The farmer was showing his new
hand around the farm, explaining
all the jobs he Would have to do.
When the list had been complet
ed the man asked: “How about
clearing the snow from around the
Farmer: “What on earth do you
mean? There’s no snow at this
time of the year.”
New Hand: “No, but by the time
I've finished my jobs there will be.”
9- f
Dashwood Public School Holds
Crediton to Tie
The first of a series of open-air
hockey games between Dashwood
and Crediton Public Schools ended
in a 1-1 tie at the Crediton open-air
rifik on the Aux Sable River Tues
day, January 24th. Despite a very
heavy snowfall which might have
stopped sturdier teams these young
enthusiasts battled through three
periods of thrill-packed hockey.
Dashwood scored after seven minutes
of play. This aroused the young
blood of -Crediton and during the
second period -they beat the Dash
wood goalie by landing the puck past
his nimble limbs. Any further at
tempts seemed futile and 'the third
period ended in the 1-1 tie.
The Stephen Teachers* Association
was entertained by the staffs of S. S.
No. 2 and S. S. No. 5 (Crediton) on
Monday evening, January 15 th. The
teachers met first at Miss Reed’s
school No- 2. After viewing -the
achievements of teacher and pupils
there they assembled at Creditor
School. Here they were to enjoy a
talk by Mr. Shearer, Huron County
Agricultural Representative. But due
to another and unexpected meeting,
Mr. Shearer was unable to attend. A
“Prof. Quizz” program was led by
H. G. Scherbarth, of Crediton, while
Miss Knott, of Dashwood, led- in
a few social games. A review of fa-(
vorite songs was enjoyed by all as
was the lunch served by the enter
taining teachers.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Godbo’lt and
daughter of Centralia, were Sunday
guests with Mrs. D. Roger.
The snow plows in Hlanshard and
Usborne have be'eii very busy after
the recent heavy snow storms.
Mr. R. Humphreys while walking
across the road in the blinding snow
storm got hit with a car Saturday ev
ening. Fortunately no bones were
Mrs. Ethel Carruthers, of Toronto
attended the funeral of her mother
the late Mrs. W. Atkinson this past
A number of young people went
to London Thursday evening to see
some of the local boys play hockey
with a London team.
Mrs. Chas. Waghorn is nursing her
mother and father, Mr. and Mrs.
Neil, who are quite ill at time of
Miss Lois Waterton, of London,
was the guest with her grandfather
Mr. E. Switzer this past week-end.
■Miss Elaine Robinson spent Sun
day at the home of Mrs. Wes. Shier
St. Marys.
that all creditors and others having
claims against the estate of ELLEN
J. COULTIS, late Of the Village of
Exeter, Widow, who died on the 21st
day of January, 1939, are required
to forward their claims duly proven
to the undersigned oft or before the
20th day Of February, 1939.
and Notice is further giv
en that after the said date the Ex
ecutors will proceed to distribute the
estate having regard .only to the
claims of which they then shall have
notice. J
DATED at Exeter, this 30 th day Of
January A.Ih 1939.
j. Hubert Jones, Ray L. Francis
F. W, Gladman, Solicitor j
While cutting wood in the bush
on Thursday last Bert Greenlee had
the misfortune to get a piece of steel
in his eye. Bert has been under the
doctor’s care in Victoria Hospital
ever since.
Mr. E. Volk, of Calgary, has been
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Hodgson.
Owing to the bad storm on Mon
day there was no school or Young
People’s Society.
Miss Robertson spent the week
end in Ailsa Craig with Miss Mc
Brinsley Mission Circle
The Brinsley Mission Circle GU’ls
held their regular meeting on Sat
urday January 7th in the basement
of the United Church. The president
Miss Myrtle Neil presided and the
meeting opened by singing a hymn
-followed -by the Lord’s Prayer in
unison. The Scripture lesson was
read by Miss Reta Hodgson and Mar
garet Amos gave an explanation on
the Scripture reading. The minutes
of the last meeting were read by
Vera Wasnidge. The‘roll call was
answered by a New Year’s resolu
tion. Miss Myrtle Neil gave the to
pic from the first chapter of th.e
Study Book. Verna Robinson gave
an instrumental on the piano; Mar
ion Morley and Ruth Scott read a
parable. This part of the meeting
was brought to a close by sin-ging a
hymn. Lunch was served and the
Mizpah benediction was repeated in
The W. I. At Home was well at
tended considering the cold night
and the condition of the roads. Sup
per was served in the basement after
which a splendid program was pre
sented by local talent in the hall.
Rev. Mr. Gilmore was chairman.
The program included an instru
mental by Marian Drake; dialogue,
“Tom’s Practical Joke,” by Misses
Colquhoun and Templeman and Ross
Parsons; also by Freddie Colqu
houn; dialogue, “No Lawsuits in
Heaven,” by Robert McCauhey and.
B. O. McDonald; “Starting an Old
Car,” by G. Houghton, Reg. Stagg
and Don Scott; instrumental by
Annie and Ruby Mahaffy; dialogue,
“Watermelon Pickle,” by Mrs. Mc
Lellan and Laura; reading by Mrs.
Gilmore; dialogue, “The Umbrella,”
by Agnes Scott and Marie Hamilton;
solo by Wilma Hamilton; dialogue
by Mrs. A. Worden, Ruby Mahaffy,
Bert Mahaffy and K. Burns; drill by
nine girls; instrumental by Miss In
glis brought a very enjoyable even
ing to a close.
Mrs. Les. Butson visited with her
parents in Stratford.
Mrs. Angus Earl, of Whalen, vis-'
ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Sadler.
Mrs. H. Leslie visited With her
parents in Toronto.
Mr. W. Sadler and Mrs. R. Cillery
are on the sick list.
Mr. W. Bain spent the week-end:
in Sebringville.
A. Hogarth, of London Medical
College visitdd with his parents.
The annual meeting of the'mem- .
bers of the Usborne & Hibbert Mu
tual Fire Insurance Company will
be held in the Public Hall, Farqnkar
on Monday, jPebrUafy 6th, 193'9 at'
2 pan. for the purpose of receiving
the reports of the Directors and Au
ditors, for the -past year, and for the
election of two Directors fo-r a three
year term, and for any other busi
ness that may be in the interest of
the Company.
The Directors whose term of of
fice expires, but Who are eligible lot
re-election are W. H. Coates ’ and
John McGrath,
B. W. F. Beavers, Sec’y.-Treas.