HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-02-02, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE thuilsday, eebbiluiy a, wa
Unless you are a exceptional in
dividual, you are like most of us,
quite apt to have periods of dis
There comes, a time to nearly all
of us when the struggle seems hard
ly worth while and ’because of this,
I'd refer you to the following reflec
tion which we have taken from ‘The
Pantry Shelf”—
—Charles Williams Post made the
first ‘Postum’ in a Darn.
Messrs. Loose and Wiles were re
tail bakers and confectioners.
J. L. Kraft was a .grocery clerk
who< started with a capital of $65.00
to peddle cheese from a one-horse
—‘Charles Hires a-an a drug store in
-—In 1869, H. J. Heinz planted a
small plot of horseradish, and then
he and two women and a boy .grated
and bottled the root.
—Mr, Gorton worked in a cotton
mill. He had a liking for fish and
packed salt mackerel in his cellar
after working hours.
—‘Coca-Cola was first made in the
kitchen of an old home adjoining
Dr. Pemberton’s drug store.
—E. A. Stuart, president of the Car
nation Milk Products Company,
drove a team of m'ules in a construc
tion .gang on the Santa Fe Railway,
Later, he ran a .grocery store in
V1899 bought a bankrupt condensary
in Kent, Washington.
* * *
t The Height of Disappointment
Is the .girl who tries to vamp a fellow
wi jh a pink garter and a cami-shoul-
■derstrap—and then finds he is a
lingerie manufacturer’s traveling
* * *
Trees are beautiful — yet they
wear the same styles every spring.
# * *
If there is eough meat to keep
the knees from looking honey—there
is too much elsewhere,
* * *
Streets have a way of acquiring
reputations, good, bad and indiffer
ent. Here is how one traveler des
cribes the most remarkable streets
of the world:
“The richest street is Fifth Ave.,.
New York City;
“The widest, Market Street in
“The shortest is the Rue Ble, in
“The dirtiest is that of Tehanksti
in Nanking, China;
“The cleanest is the Via Castila
in Seville, Spain;
“The most aristocratic one is the
Grovesnor Place in London;
“The.most beautiful is the Avenue
des Champs Elysees, in Paris;
“The narrowest is Via Sol in Ha
vana, Cuba which has a width of
no more than 42_inches;
“While the most historic is Appia
Via, the road to Rome over Which
the. Caesars passed, and by which
the Apostle Paul reached that fam
ous city two. thousand years ago.”
* * *
According to Prof. Henri Vallois,
who reported his .findings to the
French Academy of Science, Cave
men weren’t so hardy. Most of them
died at forty, almost none reached
the ripe age of fifty.
* *
The idealist of today is the build
er of tomorrow.* * *
In the course of his practice, Dr.
Edward Parrish, stated that the one
question he was most often asked
was: “When is a person considered
His answer is enlightening—
“Middle age is the period when
you have a fifty-year-old- brain, a
twenty-year-old appetite, and a nine-
ty-year-old stomach. Man is as c<ld
as his arteries. Keep them young
thru proper diet, plenty of sleep and
a'ealm emotional balance, and you
will have twenty-year-old brain to
govern that twenty-year-old appe
tite and a fully active, twenty-year-
old stomach to digest and convert
the food into energy to live a full,
happy, young life.
“There is no set limit, no defin
ite age, when you can say that a per
son has stopped being “young” and
has become “middle-aged”. It all de
pends on the individual and his ha
bits!”* * *
That extra ton of coal came in handy.
Ms Ms i)t Ms M> * M>
Johnny doesn't take kindly to the snow shovel.
Exeter is deservedly known as the friendly town.
Ms Ms Ms Ms * sis * Ms
Old Man Winter grips hard, but the sun loosens his cruel grasp.
A job well done day by day
Keeps the dumps and the sheriff away.
Ms Ms M> M< Ms M‘ MS Ms
Our schools are a big asset,
this line.
Nothing like a good reputation in
Ms Ms Ms * * * * *
Oh that smile on
ice and snow!
the blacksmith’s face at the advent of the
How the youngsters enjoy those snow fights,
we were in one with them.
ijs Ms Ms M= M1 Ms M= :|S
We know for
The Exeter Eligible Maidens are petitioning the provincial gov
ernment to reduce the price of electric pads.
Crediton Lady
Writes from China
Intuition — the strange instinct
that tells a woman she is right—
whether she is or not.
—.Epitaph: He walked on the, sui
cide of the road.
—People who have an houi' to. spare
usually, spend it, with somebody who
— Sales resistance ■— the triumph
of mind over patter.
—What the new models need is
‘chatter - proof’ glass behind the
-driver's seat.* * *
Inquiring reporter: “They say you
are the logical presidential candi
date.” , ,
“Yes.” answered Senator Sorghum
“but the trouble is that the average
voter hasn’t the slightest comprehen
sion -of or reverence for logic.”
Children’s Coughs
Quickly Relieved
Only the mother knows how hard
it is to keep the children from taking
cold. They will get overheated and
cool off too quickly, get their feet
wet, kick off the bed clothes at night,
and do & dozen and one things the
mother can’t prevent.
There is nothing better to help
children’s coughs and colds than Dr.
Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup. It is
.so pleasant to the taste the youngsters
take it without any fuss.
The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
Science doesn't ridicule the fact
that man is superstitious — that
trait seems ingrained in his make-up
Most of us play ‘hunches’ or, to use
more scientific language, obey our
intuitions. There is a body of know
ledge many people have without
knowing how they acquired it.
But science does laugh at such old
beliefs as these which are common
in every community. It will NOT
AGEE that:
Spilling salt means a quarrel.
Crossing fingers will avert evil.
Handling toads will cause warts,
i Stepping on a spider wil cause rain
Fat people are always good-natur
Dropping a knife or fork means
company is coming.
An itching palm means you will
receive money.
Getting out of the wrong side of
the bed ruins your disposiion for
the day.
Tickling baby will cause it to stut
Good people die young.
Picking up a straight pin means'
good luck.
To sing before breakfast means to
cry before supper.
Rain before seven — clear before
There is a pot of gold at the end
of the rainbow.
IFish is good for the brain.
Putting your shirt on inside out
brings good luck.
Ligtning never strikes in the same
place twice. x
Or even, early to bed, early to rise,
makes a man healthy, wealthy and
* * ■•><
Answer to- Prankish Problem No-.
50 which appeared in this space last
week: The amount of the cheque
was $5.10. (
Prankish Problem No. 51: There
are two’ tanks containing gasoline
The first tank contains a blend of
two kinds of gasoline, containing
7.3 per cent, of A grade and 92.7 per
cent of B grade. The second tank
contains 100 per cent. A grade. It
is required to- blend the contents of
the two- tanks into a tank car in such
proportions that the tank car shall
contain 2-5 per cent, of A grade and
75 per cent, of B. grade when fully
How should this be done?
‘Correct answer Will appear in this
space next week.
Ms M‘ Ms
There are three kinds of people
in this world:
The wills,
The won’t,
The can’ts
Question: To which class do YOU
Ms M< Ms
Some are wondering what will be
come of Italy when Miussolini dies.
Yes, and we are wondering what will
become of Mussolini?
Ms * *
Mary had a little lamb—because
she was reducing.
Ms M< Ms
He is indeed a wise man wlio< gets
back his income tax from war bonds.* * 1 *
“(Canadian dairymen increases
milk output by use of electric light”
it also effects, to a marked degree,
the wild oat crop.
MS Ms Ml
I may drop my H’s,
Not even cross my t’S,
But I most sincerely try
My best to please.
Ever visit our Sunday Schools, you grown-ups? Drop in some
day as they are in session. They are the home’s constructive hand
* * « 9 V * * -.*
As we grumble about public 'debts, let us not forget that, in
this country the will of the people determines the expenditure of
groveruing bodies,
i|s Ms M< Ms M= M< Ms Ms
If they make up their minds to> do so, the democracies of the
world may effectually check the aggressiveness of dictators, big or
♦ »*«****
Our Exeter merchants are not resting on their well-won laurels
these ’days. Never in our history were our shops more attractively
arranged and never were our stores offering better bargains. Busi
ness is good.
Wise, informed men of the democracies the world over, fear
that trouble is not far off. International seas are dark with wrath.
No matter where we look or how w-e regard the situation, the situa
tion is fraught with peril. It remains for all iof; us to- read the signs
of the times and to do our duty as we see it. That duty becomes
clear to brave men as they do the day’s work with manly hearts.
The following letter from China
■was received by Mrs. G. E. Faist, of
Crediton. It was written by Mrs.
Kellofer, daughter of the late Gott
lieb Brown, of Crediton. The letter
will he of interest to our many read
ers, particularly to the friends and
acquaintances Mrs. Kellofer. Next!
week we will print a letter written
by Mr. Kellofer.
University of Shanghai
Shanghai, China
November 12, 1938.
Dear Friends:
Nearly three, months have passed
since we arrived in Shanghai and we
are now part of the 4,500,000 others
who are going about in this great
Our trip across the Pacific on the
President Collidge, was a perfect one.
Never before have we crossed the
ocean when it was so calm and beau
tiful every day of the entire trip.
Since the Coolidge did not stop at
Shanghai, we were obliged to change
boats at Kobe, Japan. After waiting
five days we were able to make re
servations on the -Canadian Liner,
Empress of Russia.
As our ship entered the Hwangpoo
River, the sight that met our eyes,
of total destruction of the town of
Woosung, which so recently had been
rebuilt after its destruction in 1932
when Japan made war on Shanghai
truly sickened -us, and the ten miles
up the river, passing our own Uni
versity of Shanghai, gave us a pan
oramic view of the fiendish work of
the war-mad militarists of Japan.
OUr first sight of the many friends
waiting at the wharf to bid us wel
come, touched our hearts and it was
difficult to control -o-ur tears. Their
faces bore marks of suffering and
hardships, but the smiles and the
warm hand shakes and the words,
“we are glad to see you back” made
us truly glad to be back in China and
to do our bit in sharing the burdens
and the sorrows of our Chinese
M-’ M< Ms * Ms * * *
As General Franco marched his troops into Barcelona, the other
d’ay Mussolini said what we all along had suspected, viz: That the
Italians were supporting Franco up to- the last -bran and the last
gun. Mussolini declared to- the world that the war had been won
by his soldiers, upon his bayonets the blood of the Ethiopians hau
not dried. Anyone who- listened to the Italian bully’s talk could
not but infer that his ultimate move is to- be on 'London. The Me
diterranean -Sea is again to become a Roman lake, according to his
purpose. It London does not come under his domination and the
Mediterranean under his control, it will be because he lacks the
power to bring these ends about. Jiust now there is one serious
difficulty in his way — a partially awakened iBriitain.
Frequently we hear it said by way. of their excusing their do-
nothing policy that our rural members of parliament would- not be
heeded in parliament should they venture to -open -their mouths in
behalf, of public service. The statement is utterly without founda
tion. The big shots in parliament did not win their place simply
because they were voted in by city constituents but because they had
sense, were well-informed and had some snap. Thomas Bain, of
Wentworth County and Arthur Meighen and now IMr. Wood illus
trate this fact. Only last week a farmer got up in his place and made
a speech at Ottawa that has been’ recognized' as being the real thing
in utterance on public questions'. * Ninety-five -per cent, of the back
benchers say nothing because they have nothing to say. About the
only purpose they serve is the doling out of patronage on a purely
partisan .basis. The remarks of -the late 'Mr. Flatt in the Ontario
House illustrate our point. This rural stalwart was brought up on
the carpet for disloyalty t.o the party whip. Said he: “I was elected
to serve my.county, not to do as I was told by folks who don’t care
a last year’s bird’s nest for me -or my -county.”
Premier Hepburn has a way -of asking some good questions.
Among other questions he asks “are democracies, that is self-gov
erning people, going soft.” The answer is plain. Some such people
are not only going soft, but have gone very soft, very soft in fact.
Parents who walked three miles to school drive -their offspring to
school in heated cars. Parents who swung axe and flail produce
youngsters who- whine like weaned' kittens if asked to- buck a wood
boxful of wood. Folk who- were raised on oatmeal porridge or
pease broth twenty-one times a week for a rarity go into ecstacies
of delight taxing themselves to afford able-bodied unemployed who
refuse to earn their board and keep unless paid cushy jobs of their
own picking and choosing. Yes, and we elect 70 or 80- men to run
the business -of the province, only to- smile enigmantly as these selt-
sacrificng sons of toil select from their number 12 or 14 men to run
things and then have this dozen odd good, brave souls and true sel
ect one man to run the whole works. Going soft? Why ask?
We’re soft enough in muscle and such. We can endure neither cold
nor hunger, build a house, catch a deer or foil an enemy. We are
softer, still of heart and immeasurably softer of head. Why should
we try to deceive ourselves?
Farmers’ Club
Had Good Year
The annual meeting of the Kirk
ton Woodham Farmers’ Club was
held in Aberdeen Hall with about 50
members present. The Secretary-
Treasurer, reported a membership of
208 during 1938, with a business
turn-over of over $21,000. This Is
the largest year’s business on record
being an "increase of $3,000 over
1937. The auditors report showed
the Club -to be in a sound financial
position with a surplus over liabil
ities of $955.00.
The Club decided to give a grant
to the Kirkto-n Agricultural Society
to he used as prize-money in an at
tempt to encourage the production
of a better type of seed grain in this
district. The officers were re-elected
as follows: President, Clarence Rout-
ly; Vice-President, Fred Switzer;
Rec. Secretary, John Berry; Secre
tary-Treasurer, T. A. Crago; Direct
ors, Harry White, Herman Paynter,
Ben Williams, Wilfred Wilson, Fred
Jamieson, Milton Hooper, F. Swit-
ger, John Stephen, Fred Roger, o.
Sawyer, Fred Johnson, Cecil Dob
son, Ray Francis, Win, Urquhart, P.
Armstrong, H. M. Crago.
After Christinas
“Ah, me, there’s change in every
The old man sadly sighed;
“I find none in my pocketbook^”
The weary father cried.
. We have listened to- terrible tales
of suffering, and we marvel at the
endurance of these people, and their
determination to go on suffering and
sacrificing in order to save their
country. We hear again and again
this statement, “The enemy may con
quer our territory, but it will never
conquer our spirit.” We marvel most
of all at the spirit of the Chinese
Christians, who can pray for the en
emy, and who find in -Chrisianity
comfort and strength to endure and
to sacrifice.
I do not think it is possible to
convey to the people outside of
China what an awful thing this war
is and what it is continuing to be.
The destruction of property is no-th
ing at all compared to- the most bar-
borous atrocities that have been
committed on human being. In or
der to hold on to ones faith it is
necessary again and aigain to re
remember that “God’s still in His
heaven” ruling over mankind; and
justice and righteousness must tri
umph in the end.
One of the encouraging things that
we find, is the growing, interest in
Christianity and the desire. to learn
the truth, on the part of many in all
walks of life. The lives of the Chin
ese Christians have been witnessing
truly for Christ. As one high offi
cial who was seen reading the Bible,
said, when asked if he were a Chris
tian, “No-, but I have noticed that
the people who are sacrificing most
for their country are Christians. I
have'seen the missionaries risk lives
lives to help save our Chinese people
and I want to find out what this
Christianity is.” Many Chinese who
never were interested in Christian-,
ity are no-w manifesting a desire to
know the Truth. The fields are ripe
unto harvest. “The harvest is truly
great but the laborers are few.”
There never has been in the history
of Missions a greater opportunity for
service, and it is a challenge to the
Church and to Christians everywhere
to meet this great need.
The enrollment in the College and
the Middle Schoo-l is the largest in
the history of the Institution. Work
is carried on under great difficulties,
crowded quarters, lack of proper
equipment. Since the College Lib
rary and all equipment of the Sciense
building and music department were
looted by the Japanese, the College
has been able to share the equipment
of St. John’s University, which was
not in the war zone,
versity, a Methodist College,
Hangchow College,
School, are also sharing the same
equipment. Students and teachers
alike are trying to> co-operate and
make the best of a difficult situation.
The Institution is carrying on its
work in the quarters of our School
of Commerce. From eight to twelve
the Middle School conducts classes;
from one to five College classes meet
and from five to nine the School of
Commerce conducts its classes. The
teachers and students come from the
the routine continues week after
week and as the days go- by, we pray
that some day soon there may be
peace, and that we may be permitted
to go back tc- our once beautiful
No American has been permitted
to go to- see the Campus, since it was
occupied by the Japanese militarists
on August 15, 1937. Reports have
come tc- us through many Chinese
coolies, who were pressed into ser
vice by the Japanese on the Campus,
that everything has been taken away
from all the buildings, and there is
absolutely nothing left but the empty
buildings, and some of those are
minus doors, windows and floors,
which seemed to have been needed
for firewood.
It seemed strange to be living any
where but in the house which for 27
years was home to us on the beau
tiful Campus. We are living in the
home of a Chinese. There is a beau
tiful little -garden about 15 by 18 ft.
We are surrounded by a brick wall
about ten feet high. This is all very
different from our spacious Campus
■of more than sixty acres. At first
we felt somewhat imprisoned, but we
have gotten used to it and are kept
too busy to think much about our
We have had several very chilly
rainy days this autumn, and we
shudder when we think of what this
means to the thc-uands of poor re
fugees whose suffering must be in
tensified by the addition of .c-old add
ed to their present misery. Shanghai
still has about one hundred refugee
camps with about 100,000’ refugees.
This past week I visited several of
the -camps. Words fail me in trying
to give yo-u any idea of a refugee
camp. If nearly all the misery
cauld be pictured in one scene, 1
think it might be called “A camp of
war refugees.” Gne camp I Visited
is for women and children whose
husbands and fathers have either
been killed or carried off by the war
machine. Here in these camps they
are crowded into such close quarters
so that a mother and perhaps three
or four children have sufficient floor
space to lay enough boards on which
they may sit in the day time and
sleep at ni'ght. These 'improvised
beds are so- close together that it is
necessary to climb on them from the
foot end. Between these rows of
boards r-uns a two-foot path, the only
unoccupied space in the mat-shed.
Each mat-shed holds about two hun
dred women and children, and this
camp consists -of eight or nine such
sheds. I shudder when I think of
how these people will suffer when
the cold weather comes.
The three trunks we brought with
us from America full of clothing for
refugees were as a drop in the buc
ket of great need. However, we
were very thankful to- be able to
bring a bit of comfort and- warmth
to some, even if we could not bring
■relief to all. <■
The most pathetic sight was at
the refugee camp for homeless and
unclaimed babies. A very wealthy
Chinese offered his large three-
storey house to be used as a refu
gee for these >untortunate little
ones. The Chinese Red Cross is
carrying on the work, with volun
teer doctors and nurses. Hundreds
of babies have been cared for. Homes
h^ve been found for many. of them,
but there are still ever one hundred
babies to be cared for. Many b-f these
little ones lost their mothers thro’ illness; some mothers were ihjiired
by bombings; some mothers died as
a result of terrible treatment by the
Japanese soldiers. Some of these
babies have been placed by their
mothers where they would be pick*
ed -up and cared for, because mothers
had no food for them and no means
with which to ‘buy food for their
little ones.
There is so much to make our
hearts -sad, and that calls for sym
pathy, but because of the courage
of the Chinese Christians and their
readiness t’o Sacrifice, we are glad
to be called fellow-laborers with
them in the work of the Kingdom.
•Our thoughts are being directed
toward the coming Christmas Season
when we shall be celebrating the
birth of “The Prince -of Peace" whose
one great message and desire is
“Peace -cn earth, good-will toward
men.” Will you not at this time pray
that war with all its fiendish activ
ities may cease, and that Peace may
come to- this sad and stricken people,
and that Justice and Righteousness
shall prevail.
With the Season’s Greetings.
Married 50 Years
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Miller, Staffa,
Ontario, celebrated their golden wed
ding anniversary at the home of their
son in Los Angeles, California.
Residents of Hibbert Township, re
siding on the one farm for 50 years,
Mr. and Mrs. Miller were married at
Staffa on January 30th, 1889. The
bride of that day was Elizabeth
Worden, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. William Worden, -of Staffa.
Their family are Will’iam, Wor
den and Clifton, of Staffa; Percy,
St. Marys; Roy, Mitchell; Robert,
Mrs. James Hodgert, Mrs. M. Mc
Curdy, Usborne; Gordon, Los Angeles
a daughter, Mrs. John Ballanty-ne,
died eight years ago.
Charles Hodgins, of Grand Bend,
pleaded not guilty to a reckless driv
ing charge in London police cbuYt
and the case was adjourned until
February 27 when the court was in
formed one of the crown witnesses,
Glen Fryfogel, ’ injured in the acci
dent, was unable to attend court.
The accident occurred December
27 th, on Highway No. 7 and 8' near
Shakespeare, during the blizzard
which struck this part of Ontario.
Young Fryfogel suffered shoulder
injuries. Hod-gins was freed on his
own -bail of $200,
Mrs. Crabit (complaining to store
keeper) : “I sent my little boy for
two pounds of plums and you only
sent me a po-und and. a half.”
Storekeeper: (calmly): “My scales
are right, madam. Have you weighed
your little boy?”
Clubbing Rates
Soochow Uhl
four corners of the city. We live
miles from any other faculty mem
bers. It takes us fifty minutes by
bus to go from our home to the Uni
versity, and of course fifty minutes
back again. I go- every morning and
Ernest goes every afternoon. Thus
Toronto Globe & Mail and Times-Advocate ..................$ 8.00
Globe and Mail, 6 Months ............................... 3.25
Toronto Daily Star and Times-Advocate ....................... 9.00
London Free Press and Times-Advocate .......................... 8.00
London Free Press, 6 Months ............................................. 3.25
Family Herald & Weekly Star and Times-Advocate 3.00
1 Canadian Home Journal and Times-Advocate ............... 3.00
Country Gentleman and Times-Advocate ....................... 2.25
Good Housekeeping and Times-Advocate ....................... 5.00
Ladies* Home Journal and Times-Advocate ................... * 3.00
McCalls Magazine and Times-Advocate ......... 3.00
National Geographic and Times-Advocate ..................... 6.00
Farmer’s Advocate and Times-Advocate ......................... 2.50
Ontario Farmer and Times-Advocate ............................... 2.60
Saturday Evening Post and Times-Advocate ................. 4.00
Saturday Night and Times-Advocate ............................... 5.00
Woman’s Home Companion and Times-Advocate......... 3.00
Cosmopolitan and Times-Advocate ................................. 6.00