HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-02-02, Page 141 tv L A ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 2nd, 1939 $Sixty>Sixth Year t a1, =i. I Fl 0 1February bale •••• of •••• PAINTERS AT WORK The painters started to work de- cora^ng the home economics room at Exeter's new school — The carpenter work is completion. The hydro and plumbing are well Tenders have been let for the wood­ working benches, tables and several cabinets. The committee in charge are now considering the purchase of machinery and tools for the manual training room and equipment for the domestic science room. All pur­ chases must have the approval of the Department Of Education. on Monday* fast nearing installation under way, TO TAKE ART COURSE Mr. Will Penhale left Tuesday for Toronto where he will take a course at the Canadian College of Art. Bill has shown splendid talent as an ar­ tist and has been doing much of the lettering on the new trucks and most of the sign painting around town. He decorated the hall for the Bowlers’ Dance. On one side of the large hall showed a bowler who had just relivered a bowl and fol­ lowing this large letters spelled out the Exeter Bowling Club. At the end was the picture of a woman coaxing the bowl toward the kitty. HOCKEY The little number of attendance, and was a Winter Merchandise Winter is only half over, so many items in this list may be of interest to you. Look over this list of bargains and select the things you require, and ask for them, as space in the store does not permit the displaying of all goods on sale. The sale prices are very low, and are for cash only. Produce of course is taken same as cash. Shoe Department Women’s Velvet Overshoes,, Top Grade ......................................... $2.00 pair Misses’ Velvet Overshoes, Top Grade ........................................... $1.79 pair Women’s Rubber Overshoes ... $1.00 pair Children’s ....................................... 95c pair Men’s Rubber Boots, our best grade........................................................$2.50 pair Men’s Lighter Rubber Boots at-.....$1.75 pair Men’s Lumbermen’s Rubbers ... $1.59 pair Boy’s ... $1.29 Youth’s ... $1.19 pair Dr. Neilson Arch Support Oxfords for Women ................................ $3.00 pair About 200 pair Women’s Fancy Oxfords, Strap Slippers, Pumps Et.,"at........................................... $2.00 pair Clothing Department Men’s High Grade Overcoats, Regular $19 to $22.50 on Sale $14. each Student’s Overcoats at ............. $11 each Men’s Genuine Mountain Fleece English Raglan Overcoats at... $21 each 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT* On Men’s Windbreakers of all Kinds SPECIAL OVERALL BARGAIN Men’s Heavy Weight 8-ounce Over­ alls, Regular $1.75 Value, while they last ..................................... $1.50 pair 20 per cent. Discount on All Skate Outfits Right now, when Skating is at it’s best, your chance to get an Ace Bailey Skate Outfit at 20 per cent. off. This gives you an outfit at practically wholesale price. BARGAINS FOR MEN AND BOYS Men’s Heavy Fleece Lined Undershirts and Drawers on Sale at 65c per garment Men’s Heavy Fleece Lined Combinations, Regular $1.50 on Sale at $1.19 each Boy’s Heavy Fleeced Undershirts and Drawers on Sale at 49c each; Combinations 79c each Men’s Stanfield’s Red Label Heavy All Wool Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, Regular $1.95, On Sale at $1.49 each. Men’s Stanfield’s Gold Label All Wool Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, Regular $1.50 for $1.19 Men’s Wool and Cotton Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, Regular $1.00 on Sale for 79c each Men’s Wool and Cotton Ribbed Combinations Regular $1.95 for $1.19 garment Men’s Stanfield’s All Wool Gold Label Ribbed Combinations, Regular $2.75 for $1.95 Men’s Lined Kid Gloves, Values to $1.50 on Sale at 98c pair Men’s Heavy Work Shirts, Regular $1.50 for $1.19 each Men’s Fine Shirts, Regular $1.95 for $1.49 2 for $2.95 Men’s Fine Shirts, Regular $1.59 for $1.19 2 for $2.35 Men’s Neck Scarves, Regular $1.25 on Sale for 69c Men’s Ties, Regular 50c, on Sale 39c 2 for 75c Men’s Ties, Reg. $1.00 on Sale 69c each Ladies’, Misses’ & Girls’ Winter Coats at Real Bargain Prices Large 12-4 Ibex Flannelette Blankets White or Gray with Colored Borders on Sale $2.15 pr. Extra Large all White Flannelette Blankets, 70 x 90 ins. Whipped Singly on Sale at $2.19 pr. Ladies’ and Misses’ House Dresses, Regular $1.00 on Sale at 69c Girls’ and Misses’ Skating Jackets at Greatly Reduced Prices Figured Flannelette Night Gown and Underwear Cloths, 36 ins. Wide to Clear at 25c yard Heavy Cotton Plaid Dress Goods, Regular 45c yard, on Sale at 29c yard. 25 per cent, off Ladies’ and Misses’ Silk Crepe Dresses MANY OTHER BARGAINS THROUGHOUT OUR STORE Special Values Thursday, Friday, Saturday Hillcrest Shortening O IL IQ Very Special Price ............... Ct IDS. Tomatoes or Pumpkin O 10^. Aylmer Brand; large tin ..... Ct 101 luC Aylmer Golden Bantam Corn9 IQ- Choice quality, No. 2 tins lOl JLuC Princess Soap Flakes 9 9A- Splendid value, reg. pkgs. lUi Jvu ROLLED OATS £ lLe 9Q_ Best quality, fine or course .V luo. IUI DRIED PEACHES IL 1 7^ Fancy quality, California .....pCl ID* 1/C Santa Clara PRUNES . 0 |Le OC Medium size, good quality «Do. IUI ROYAL YORK COFFEE 1 IL A New Blend ........................1 ID. [ID J I C Your Superior Store THE LATE ALFRED HUNKIN One of Exeter’s oldest and most highly respected residents in the person of Alfred Hunkin passed away on Friday, January 27 th in his 87 th year. Deceased although in failing health for some time had only been confined to his bed the past two weeks. The late Mr. Hunkin was born in Usborne Township. Later he learned the blacksmithing business at Cromarty where he spent fourteen years. He then purchased a threshing machine which he oper­ ated for fourteen years again return­ ing to his farm on the eighth conces­ sion of Usborne. Fifty-eight years ago on January 26tli he married El­ len Anderson and twenty-one years ago they retired and came to Exeter to reside. Deceased is survived by his widow, two sons and two' daugh­ ters, John, of town: (Florence) Mrs. Amos Darling, of Ailsa Craig; Al­ fred on the homestead and (Ethel) Mrs. John Selves, of Usborne; also one brother, Mr. Harry Hunkin, of Mitchell, and one sister, Mrs. Eliza­ beth Passmore, of town, 13 grand­ children and 5 .great grandchildren. The funeral was held on Monday af­ ternoon from Caven Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev. D. C. Hill, assisted by Rev. Wm. Mair. Rev. W. A. Young sang a solo “The Old Rugged Cross.’' Owing to the severe storm many of the relatives and friends were unable to be pre­ sent. 'Interment took place in the Exeter cemetery. OLD TIME BLIZZARD An real old time blizzard visited Western Ontario on Monday. Traf­ fic was tied up all through the dis­ trict, but only for a short time. The Highway was blocked about a mile and a half south of town and cars could not get through in the even­ ing. The snowplows opened the highway early Tuesday morning and motor traffic was resumed. Ex­ eter’s main street is piled high with snow but workmen are now engaged in carting it away. The Highway running East and West has been kept open and the Dashwood bus has made its regular runs. The Credi­ ton side-road has been closed to mo­ tor traffic owing to the drifts. YOUNG SON PASSES Mr. and Mrs. J. R. C. Moffatt and family will have the sympathy of many friends in the death of their youngest sop Allen who passed away Wednesday morning following an illness from pneumonia, lad had been ill for a days with two nurses in He was in his 8 th year pupil in the second grade of the Ex­ eter public school. Mr., and Mrs. Moffatt and family moved to Exeter from Torono in the fall of 193 6, Mr. Moffatt succeeding Mr. R. H. Sayers as manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Besides the bereaved parents two children James and Mitzi are left to mourn the loss of their younger brother. The fun­ eral, private, will be held from the home Friday afernoon at two o’clock with interment in the Exeter cem­ etery, Cyclone League Organized Hockey fans from Exeter Hen­ sall, Crediton and Zurich met in Hensall Wednesday evening of last week and reorganized the Cyclone league. Officers were appointed and a schedule was drawn up, 0. H. A. rules were adopted and eleven play­ ers were allowed for a team. Offic­ ers were elected as follows; presi­ dent, Fred Smallacombe, Hensall; vice-president, Leroy O'Brien, Zur­ ich; secretary-treasurer, Claud Blow­ er, Hensall; Executive, R. J. Black- well, Crediton, C. Cornish, Exeter Leroy O’Brien, Zurich; S, Tudor, of Hensall. Referees, H. J. Blackwell, Crediton; H. M. Lewis-, Exeter; Len O’Brien, Zurich; E. Shaddick, Hen­ sail. 4 ANNUAL MEETING OF HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Exeter Horticultural Society was held in the council chambers of the town hall on Saurday evening. The president Mrs. N. J. Dore was in the chair. The secretary’s report by E. C. Har­ vey showed a membership for the year of 117 an increase of 20 over the previous year. The gross receipts during the year were $261.64 and after paying all expenses there was still a balance of $50.90' in the treasury. The outstanding event of the yeai* was the holding of the dis­ trict flower show. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Hon. Presidents, S. J. Hogarth, Wm, Ward.^Rev. J. J. Brown, of Lucan; Dr. Campbell, of Kirkton and Rev. W. A. Young, oi Hensall; president, Mrs. N. J. Dore; vice-president, Dr. Roulston; 2nd vice-president, C. V. Pickard; secretary-treasurer, E. C. Harvey; directors for two years, Dr. Anderson, Miss Jeckell, Mrs. T. M. Dinney, Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, E. J. Wethey; Parks Committee, Mrs. E. Walker, S. B. Taylor, Wm. Ward, E. Walker, K. Committee, Wm. J. Smith, W. Ward C. V. Pickard, Miss Jeckell, Miss R. Rowe; Auditors, Andrew Campbell and Geo. Mawson. Premium deliv­ ery committee, W. H. Moise, J. R. C. Moffatt, C. V. Pickard. The premium list for the coming yeai’ was submit­ ted and accepted. The list this year has been greatly augmented from that of other years and comprises gladiolus bulbs, Hybrid Tea roses, Polyantha roses, grape vines, currant bushes, fruit trees and fall bulbs. A canvas for membership will be made during the month of February. Each member is to be supplied with a package of Giant Brego, wilt resist­ ant, Aster seed. Clarke; Exhibition Musical Program Following the Sunday evening ser­ vice in James Street United Church the choir rendered a short musical program of special request numbers with Mr. W. R. 'Goulding at the organ, A quaretette was sung by Mrs. T. Coates, Mrs. Elliott, Messrs. W. Cutbush and A. J, Fawcett; solo by Mrs. M. Fletcher; choir selection "Whispering Hope’’; solo Miss Pearl Wood; quaretette, Messrs. Goulding, Lindenfield, Cutbush and Wuerth. Rev. Mr, Page' resided. EASTERN STAR CHAPTER MOVING TO NEW QUARTERS The Eastern Star Chapter which was organized in Exeter last year and since its organization has been quite active, will in the near future move into new quarters. The ch'ap- ter have been meeting in the Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall and have now leased the top. storey of the Frayne building. The large room to- the north is being divided. On the south side of the room will be an ante-room a kitchen and' a ladies’ dressing room The hall is being nicely decorated and will make comfortable and com­ modious quarters for the new order. . Arena Committee Reorganize The Exeter Arena Committee held their inaugural meeting for the year at the Arena Tuesday evening. Officers were elected as follows: Chairman, Thos. Pryde; Vice-chair­ man, F. A. May; Sec’y-Treas., W. G. Medd; Finance Committee, Thos. Pryde, W. G. Medd and F. A. May; Property, Light and Fuel, B. W. Tuckey,.J. M. Southcott, J. W. Hern; Gymnasium, W. G. Medd, C. V. Pickard: J. M. Southcott; Rink, C. V. Pickard, B. W. Tuckey and J. W. Hern; Printing and Advertising, F. A. May, Thos. Pryde. J. M. Southcott. An additional $300 insurance was placed on the sound system and other equipment. Arrangements were made for an Old Time dance Febru­ ary 10th. The Badminton Club are arranging for a dance March 17th and the Canadian Legion for a Vimy Ridge dance April 10th. DASHWOOD SHORT COURSE CONCLUDED JAN. 27 WITH BANQUET AND DANCE The four-week short courses spon­ sored by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, in Home Economics and Agriculure at Dashwood came to a grand finale with a banquet and frolic in Tieman’s Hall. There were 61 registered members in the Home Economics class and 74 in the class in Agriculture, the largest enroll­ ment at any county short courses in the Province of Ontario this year. The staff included James C. Shear­ er, Agricultural Representative; R. M. McKenzie, Pakenham, Assistant; Miss A. Smith, Glanford, Foods and Nutrition, Miss E. Watt, Toronto and Mrs. D. B. MacDonald, Ripley, Sew­ ing. This was the first course to be held in the community. Over one hundred and fifty mem­ bers and guests were seated at the tables, attractively decorated in a green and yellow color scheme. Mrs. J. M. Tieman conducted a sing-song, with Miss Gertrude Hoffman at the piano. Mr. Shearer was toastmaster. After the toast to' the King, Alvin Walper proposed * the toast to the Guests, which was responded to by Robert Turner, Goderich, Warden of Huron County, Ex-Warden, Wilmont. Haacke, of Goderich Township, L. E. Cardiff, Reeve of Morris Township, and chairman of the Advisory Agri­ cultural Committee of Huron County also Reeve George Armstrong, of Hay; Reeve Chester Mawhinney, of Stephen and Dr. R. H. Taylor, Dash­ wood, representing the Village Trustees. The toast to the Girls’ Class was proposed by Arthur Gaiser and re­ sponded to. by Miss G. Ratz, while the toast to the Boys’ Class was posed by Miss Jean McKenzie responded to by Melvin Stade, guest speaker of the evening Mr. A. H. Martin, Assistant Director, Department of Agriculture, Toronto. Musical numbers were provided between toasts by Miss Betty Taylor and Mr. Norris Webb. The banquet was served by the ladies of the Luth­ eran and Evangelical Dashwood. Following the floor was cleared was enjoyed to Stan, chestra from Exeter, per acted as flood manager. The guests at the head table were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shear­ er, Clinton; Warden, Mr. Robert Turner, Town of Goderich; Ex-War­ den, Mr. Wilmot Haacke, Reeve, Goderich Township; Reeve of Morris and Chairman of the Advisory Agri­ cultural Committee Of County Coun­ cil, Mr. L.’E. Cardiff; Reeve of Hay, George Armstrong; Reeve of Step­ hen, Mr. Chester Mawhinney; Dep­ uty Reeve of Stephen, Mr. Ed. Lam­ port; Miss Bessie Watt, Secretary, Agricultural Office, Clinton; Dash­ wood Village Trustees, Mr, Addison Tieman, Mr. Ed. Nadiger, Dr. R. H. Taylor; Members of Local Organiz­ ing Committee, Reuben Goetz, Ed­ mund Walper; Hay councillors, Ro­ land Geiger, Max Turnbull, Wm. Haugh, F. J. Haberer; Stephen Coun­ cillors, Ed. Shapton, Thos. Love, Roy Ratz; Wm. Sweitzer, Ex-Warden of ♦Huron County; Miss Kay Merner and Mrs. Kellerman, Dashwood. The course in Agriculture cover­ ed both instruction and demonstra­ tion in Livestock, Field Crops, Cash Crops, Poulry, Fruit and Vegetables, Farm Mechanics, Insects, Soils and Fertilizers, Farm Forestry, Farm Management, Civics and Rope Splic­ ing. The course In Home Economics covered Foods and Nutrition, House­ hold Management and Sewing. The class officers were as follows: Agriculture—-Pres., Melvin Stade; Vice-Pres., George Link; Secretary, Gordon Ratz; Committee, Eagleson, Lome Rader. Home BconomMs—Pres., Miss dean McKenzie; Vice-Pros., Miss Ada Hoffman; Secretdry, Aldene Eagle- SOn, Miss Fdiia Willert. Cyclone Schedule Hockey Schedule drawn up season is as follows: The for the January 30—Crediton at Zurich January 31—Exeter at Hensall February February February February February 2— Crediton at Exeter 3— 'Hensall at Zurich 6—'Crediton at Hensall 9—Hensall at Exeter 9—'Zurich at Crediton Both Games Played at Exeter February 14—Exeter at Zurich February 16—Zurich at Exeter February 16—Hensall at Crediton Both Games Played at Exeter February 20—Zurich at Hensall ■February 23—Exeter at Crediton At ExeteV Arena Ribs Fractured At the hockey match in Goderich Friday afternoon last between the Exeter and Goderich High Schools teams Austin Fahrner, of Crediton, had a couple of ribs broken when he was body-checked against the boards by one of the Goderich play­ ers.z Simpson-McVey quiet wedding was solemnized pro- and The was Exeter Wins Opener The Exeter hockey team opened the Cyclone League schedule in Hensall on Monday evening, winning a close decision over the home team 1-0. The game was fast throughout with both teams displaying a good brand of hockey. There was no scoring in the opening period. The home team almost scored a few minutes after the period opened, the puck hitting the goal post. Reg. McDonald scored the lone goal of the game midway in the second period when he took a pass from Vernon Heywood. During the final period the Hensall boys put on the pressure and gave the vis­ itors many anxious moments. Ford in goal, made many fine stops as did Tudor in the opposing net. Foster played a good game f>r the losers but was given little opportunity to get away. Hy. Lewis of Exeter and M. Farquhar, of Hensall, handled the game. The next game is at the Exeter Arena on Thursday night when Crediton comes to town. The line-ups: Exeter—Goal, Ford; defense, Cor­ nish and Heywood; centre, Snell; wings, Beavers and Dinney; subs., McDonald, Lutman, Ryckman, Cree'ch and. Putherbough. Hensall—'Goal, Tudor; defense, Manns and Foster; centre, Passmore; wings, M. Tudor, Hudson; subs., Brown, Little, Brock, Simmons and Campbell. churches, of the banquet, and dancing Smith’s or- Edmund Wal- Buys Brucefield Transport The T.uckey Transport has pur­ chased the Forrest Transport of Brucefield and Tuckey’s will extend their service to cover HenSall, Kippen Brucefield, Clinton and1 Seaforth. A at Lucan United Church parsonage when Rev. S. R. Johnston united in marriage Florence Agnes, only dau­ ghter of Mrs. McVey ond the late William McVey, to William Clare, eldest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simpson, Clandeboye. The young couple were unattended. After a short honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson will reside on the groom’s farm near Clandeboye. McRae-Gallop A pretty wedding took place at the parsonage at Kirkton, when Rev. C. L. Lewis united in marriage Ina Olive, third daughter of Mrs. Gallop and the late Edwin, and Don­ ald Frank McRae, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McRae, of Sudbury. The bride Was lovely in a gown of blue miracle crepe with cor­ sage of roses and lily of the valley. The bridegroom’s brother, Christo­ pher McRae and Peggy Gallop, sis­ ter of the bride, were the attendants. Afer the ceremony the wbdding din­ ner was held at the home of the bride’s mother. The couple return­ ed to Conlston,- where they will re­ side, the bride travelling in a chat Of WOOd’S green, trmmed with black Persian lamb and with black acdes- SOfies. Lloyd Exeter H. S. 9-Goderich 2 ■ The Exeter H. S; team travelled to Goderich for their second game of the season on Friday of last week and returned victors by a decisive margin. The game was wide open throughout with Exeter having the better of the play. Jack Moise, of Exeter, was the star of the game when he secured five goals. Exeter went ahead in the first period with a commanding margin Five goals were chalked up Moise on an unassisted play; Moise from Brook; Moise from Brook; Moise from Ryckman; and A. Fahner from Heywood. Three of the goals were scored in less than five minutes. In the second period, the Exeter team added two more counters when Moore scored on a pass from Brook’ and W. Fahrner scored on a solo rush. In the third period Moise got his fifth goal when he banged in Moore’s pass. Beckler then scored the first goal for Goderich on a pass from Mason; Wuerth scored the second goal for Exeter with Ry­ ckman getting the assist; Hill scored for Goderich when he netted John­ ston’s pass and the game ended with Exeter winning fl-2. The line-ups: Goderich: Goal, Mc-Nall; defense, Costello, Mason; centre, B. Hill; wings, McIntyre, D. Johnson; subs. Vines and. Beckler. 'Goal, R. Southcott; defense, Ver- non Heywood and W. Ryckman; cen­ tre, j. .Moise; wings, M. Moore, and Brook; subs., A. Fahrner, ner, R. Wuerth Bhynham land. W. Fahr- and Eng- juvenile League Away to Good Start The Juvenile hockey league spon­ sored by the Exeter Liotis Club play- (Continued on Page Font)