HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-01-19, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 'ruciisuAi-, januam wa>, i»w> HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Al. Kerslake visited on Sunday with relatives at Sebring- ville. Mr. and Mrs, James A. Patterson visited last week with relatives and friends in Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Stewart,, of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Coleman, Reeves Shaddock and Geo. Arm­ strong of Hay, are attending County Council in Godeiich this week. The annual icongregational meet­ ing of the United church will be held ■on, Monday evening January 30 th. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess, Bob and Ruth returned home a very pleasant visit in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry spent the week-end with the form­ er’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hay ter, of London, visited o-n Sunday with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. R, D, Bell, Mrs. John Hudson, Mich., has time with town. Mr. and visited over the week-end with the lattqr’s parents Mr. and Mrs, Colin Hudson. We are pleased to report that Mr. Harry Arnold is able to be out again after suffering from a heart attack last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin and daughter Eleanor, of Thames Road visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell. The annual congregational meet- ting of Carmel Presbyterian church will be held on Tuesday evening January 25 th. ° Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale visit­ ed this week with relatives in Tor­ onto and attended ’ the Furniture Show held there'. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tudor ac­ companied by Mrs. Lawrence mo­ tored to Detroit on Friday and spent the week-end there. Mr, Robert McMartin returned heme on Sunday after visiting for several weeks with his son Mr. Wm. McMartin in Detroit. An auction sale of household fur niture and residential property of the late Mrs. Helen Meir will be held on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Knight, of Komoka, who has been visiting for the past week with Miss Clarissa Mitchell, returned to her heme on The many Goodwin are again after home with a Miss Farr, R.N., of London, is nursing Mrs. A. L. Case, who return­ ed from St. Joseph’s Hospital, on Sunday after her recent illness. Mrs. Hannah Workman and dau­ ghter Miss Mabel Workman visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Her­ bert Britton and family at Dublin. Mrs. A. L. Case, who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, for the past two weeks returned home on Sunday much improved in health. We are pleased to report that Mr. Thos. Dickson is getting along nicely after being confined to his room fo-r the past two weeks suffering from the effects of a fall. Miss Lizzie Slavin returned home on Monday after weeks visiting at the home of her brother Mr. Wm. Slavin and mem­ bers of the family near Chiselhurst. Mrs. Geo. Walker had the misfor­ tune to slip and fall on Sunday on returning home from church. For­ tunately no bones were broken but Mrs. Walker’s leg. is badly and very painful. At the demonstration of posters at the Institute last week by Grade IX and X of the Hensail Continuation School prizes were awarded to Gwen. Cooper, Em­ ily Hoskins and Blanche Thompson. Miss Kilpatrick' was the teacher. The services in the United church on Sunday were very well attended. The minister Rev. R. A. Brook preached fine sermons and the choir sang “Remember Now Thy Creator” and “Incline Thy Ear.” Miss Ruth Brook took the solo part. Rev. W. A. Young delivered very inspiring sermons at the services in Carmel Presbyterian church Sunday, both services being very well attend­ ed. The choir sang two anthems Next Sunday the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be dispensed and preparatory service will be held on Friday evening at 8 p.m. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Walks and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake in the death of the former' father Mr. R. Brydgman in his 85th year. Mrs Walks has been at St. Marys since Christmas owing to the illness, of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Kerslake attended the funeral which was held on Wednesday, Charged With Rdbbei’y Charged with robbery of the hard­ ware store of Bonthron & Drysdale, Hensall, some week ago-, Jack Short 30, Wihdsbi’r was brought from Windsor and lodged in the County jail at Goderich on Wednesday, Jail, lltli. Albert Pentland, of Windsor held at Goderich on the same charge was released to Windsor police on a charge of being in possession of stolen goods. Monday after with relatives Cook, Toronto of Marlete, been visiting for some relatives in and around Mrs. E. Hading, London, Sunday. friends of Mr. W. O. pleased to- see hint out being confined to his severe cold. R.N., epending several bruised health meeting Mission Circle The January meeting of the Mis­ sion Circle of the United Church was held at the home of Misses June and Edna Saundercock. The first hour was spent in planning of the quilt donated to the Circle by Mrs. Tudor. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and Pearl Harpole led in prayer. “The Old Rugged Cross” was sung followed by a short talk by Miss Douglas. Miss J Mur yay then gave an interesting topic an the early day® of the church. The meeting was closed by repeating the Lord’s School Board Given Oyster Supper The first meeting of the Hensall School Board for ‘1939 was held last Dance at Kippen TUESDAY, JANUARY 24th tp BENNY PALMER AND HIS MUSICI General Admission 50c C. Watson, Manager HKOI Prayer ado-pted, the business was discussed. Mrs. Colin Hudson read a letter from the Council Executive. After the of­ fering was received, Mrs. Young gave a full report of the Presbyterial meeting held at Clinton on Tuesday. Mrs. John Dallas read a paper on “The Indians in Canada” and Mrs. Young sang a beautiful sole. After a period of silent prayer Mrs, B. C. Edwards led in prayer. The meeting closed Lord’s Wednesday evening. The following officers were appointed: Chairman, Alfred Clark; Secretary-Treasurer, A. L. Case; Truant 'Officer, J. W. Ortwein. Rev. W« A. Young, retiring chairman gave a very fine address and thanked the members for the help they had given him during the past year. At the close of the meet­ ing the Board was treated to an oys­ ter supper at the Kosy Korner res­ taurant by Rev. W. A. Young. Death of Oliver L, Petty 4 There passed away on Tuesday at his home about two miles northwest of Hensall Mr. Oliver L. Petty in his 81st year. The deceased suffer­ ed a heart attack from which he failed to rally. He has spent his entire life in this community and was a member of St. Paul’s Anglican Church. His wife predeceased him a ■couple of years ago. Surviving1 are three sons John of Toronto; Geo., of Detroit and William at home; also four daughters, Mrs. T. D. Wren (Beatrice) Chiselhurst; Mrs. Chas. Green, (Nellie) Egmondville; Mrs. Tibbett (Elsie) Bayfield and Olive at home. One brother George C„ Petty, Hensall and one sister Miss Blanche Petty, also survive. The funeral will be held Thursday after­ noon at 2 o’clock. Interment in the Exeter cemetery. Service conducted by Rev. M. A. Hunt. Election of Officers The election of officers of dies’ Association of Carmel terian Church was held Monday at 8 p.m. The meeting opened by sing­ ing a hymn followed by the Lord’s prayer in unison. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Reports were given by each group leader and the treasurer Mrs. Workman gave her report. The President Miss Hannah Murray thanked the ladies for their co-op­ eration during the past year. Mrs. Y^ung presided over the election of officers. President, Mrs. John Mc­ Ewen; Vice-President, Mrs. Frank Farquhar; Secretary, Mrs. Roy Mc­ Laren; Treasurer, Mrs. Hannah Workman. The following group lead­ ers were appointed: Miss Hannah Murray, Mesdames John Stewart, Lome Luker, W. G. Bell, J. W. Bon­ thron, Manson, Wm. Douglas. After singing a hymn the benediction was pronounced.1 Play Presented The three-act comedy-farce “Here Comes Charlie” which was present­ ed in the Town Hall, Friday night," by the AilSa Craig Junior Farmer’s and Junior Institute, under the aus­ pices of the Senior Women’s Insti­ tute of Hensall was excellently pre­ sented. Every player taking their parts splendidly. The play was di­ rected by Mrs. Love, wife of Mr. W. W. Love, bank manager in Ailsa' Craig and son of Mr. and Mrs. An-'. .drew Love, this village. Between the tlle secretaries acts Miss Florence Welsh played the ?.J" piano and Miss Greta Lammie play­ ed several violin solos accompanied by Mrs. Young on the piano. The caste and musical entertainers were served a dainty lunch at the conclus- sion of the play by members of the Institute. Bride and Groom Honoured. The brothers and sisters of Mr. Robert Dalrymple gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalry­ mple who were recently married and presented them with a full dinner set. The following address by Mrs. Albert Hey, of Thames Road and .Mr. Hugh Dalrymple made the pres­ entation: Dear Brother Bob and Sister Flo: , Since adventuring' you would go, And are taking the second trip, On the matrimonial ship; Yours and hers have gathered here, One might say, we stand on the pier And say nice things about good luck A safe voyage, good times and such All extends our very best wishes, We really came to present these dishes, Just a tangible, expression, Of the above confession, Signed on behalf, Mother, Brother and Sisters Card playing and dancing were indulged and a .good time had by*all. M. S. Meet The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday at 3 p.m. in the church. Mrs. C. Hudson presided and opened the meeting with the call to worship followed by singing a hymn, Mrs. 0. Hudson then led in prayer. The Scripture from Pro-v. 15 Chapter was read by Mrs. Peter Manson. The roll was called and answered with a New Year’s .Sug­ gestion. After the minutes of tile previous meeting were read and by singing a hymn and Prayer* in unison. Y, P. U. Young People's Union of Church met on Monday the the ev- La­ The United ening in the church with a very large attendance and the newly-elected president Mrs, Ken. Hicks in the, chair and the newly elected Secre­ tary, Miss Gladys McKenzie taking the minutes. Miss Gladys Passmore presided over the first part of the meeting which opened by singing three hymns. Miss Ruth Brook led in prayer. The Scripture was read ■by Gerald Passmore, Carry Joynt and Howard Love. The devotional read­ ing was taken by Miss EFdna Saun- dercock. Miss Gladys Luker played a piano instrumental and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Miss played a piano solo. was discussed and it purchase five copies finders” and one copy of the “World in Canada.” The name of Mr. Elgin Rowcliffe was to be added to the Citizenship Committee. It was also decided to have a membership fee ana add a roll call to the meetings. The social committee was appointed to provide the lunch and musical numbers for the ’ congregational meeting to- be held Monday, January 30th. Next meeting the news of the week is to be presented by Kenneth Passmore and the roll call to be ans­ wered with the name of a mission­ ary. The meeting closed with benediction. Greta Lammie The business was decided to of the “Path- i the Presby- CROMARTY the CRPDITON Mr. Charles Jones of Marmora, visited over the week-end with his sister Mrs.5$erb Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eilber and Mrs. Sam Eilber, of Ubly, Mich., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eilber and Mr, and Mrs. William Kuntz, of Exeter. The annual reports of the Hay Township Fire Insurance Co., and calendars have been mailed to all policy holders last week. The annual meeting of the company will be held in Zurich on Monday, January 30th. Mrs.' Earl Young and Mrs. Dan Mclsaac returned home after spend­ ing a few days in Detroit last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Penhale and family, of Elimville and Mr. and Mrs. Alios, Culbert and son Freder­ ick of Lucan were guests on Monday evening of Mr. and Mrs Fred Kerr. The young people of the Evangel­ ical church are presenting a program at the Oyster Supper at Brinsley United Church on Wednesday even­ ing January 25th. Mr. and Mrs, Ferdinand Haberer and family, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Gaiser. ■On Monday evening a surprise party was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hy. Fahrner in honor of their daughter Berneice’s birthday. About twenty friends from Exeter and the community were present. The evening was spent in games and music after which lunch was served and a very enjoyable evening was spent by all. Mission Circle Elect Officers The Young People’s Mission Circle met recently at the home of Miss Nola Faist for their annual election of officers. The meeting opened by singing ‘I will be true” followed by prayer and reading of the Scripture Lesson in unison. Miss Jean Moun­ tain then discussed the third and fourth chapter of the Study Book on India. Rev. A. E, Pletch conducted the election of officers which result­ ed as follows: President, Mrs. F. W. Morlock; Vice-President, Mrs. Law­ rence Wein; Recording Secretary, Nonna Finkbeiner; Corresponding Secretary, Jean Mountain; Treasurer Irene Fahrner; Pianist, Gladys Ratz; Assistant, Leila *Mollard; Convenor of Finance Committee, Erma Fahr­ ner; Convenor of Literary Commit­ tee, .Alma Ratz; Convenor of Mem­ bership committee, Lyla Haist; Con- Committee, The execu- lunch at Mrs. Thos. Mawhinney; Recording Secretary, Mrs. H. M. Falst; Corres­ ponding Secretary, Mrs. H. K. Eil* ber; W. M, S. Treasurer, Mrs. Alb. Morlock; Ladies’ Aid Treasurer, Mrs. Hugo Schenk; Pianist, Mrs. Emery Fahrner; Assistant, Mrs. H. Morlock Auditors, Mrs. H. K. Eilber and Mrs. E. K. Fahrner; Chorister, Mrs. H. F. Eilher; Convenor of Social Commit­ tee, Mrs. R. Finkbeiner; convenor of Sewing Committee, Mrs. Hy. Kuhn; Convenor of iFlower and Good Cheer Mrs, E. Wenzel; Convenor of Fun­ eral Decoration, Mrs. Jno. Morlock; Convenor of parsonage Committee, Mrs, Mabel Ewald; Convenor of Transportation, Mrs, E. K. Fahrner; Secretary of Tithing, Mrs. A. E. Pletch; Secretary of Prayer League, Mrs. C. Hill; Secretary of Temper­ ance, Mrs. ,W. Wein; Convenor of Membership and Magazine, Mrs, J. Finkbeiner; Mission Circle Advisor, Mrs. H. K. Eilher; Little Heralds, Mrs. A. E. Pletch, The meeting was closed with prayer by the pastor. United Church Y. P. U. The Young People’s Union of the United church held their regular meeting on Friday evening at the parsonage. The president, Gerald Schroeder, took charge of the meet­ ing. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 77, the scripture was read by Doris Wright. Nelson Lam­ port lead in prayer. Hymn 73 was sung. The roll call was read and twenty-nine members responded. The topic was given by Rev. Mr. Gladman on '‘Canadian Poets and Poetry.” Several Canadian poems were read by different members of the league. An instrumental was given by Rhena Yearley and a read­ ing by Helen Finkbeiner. Hymn 74 was sung followed by the Mizpah benediction. It was decided to hold the next meeting on January 27th at the home of Garnet Hill, Lunch was served at the close of the meet­ ing. KHIVA and Mrs. Wm. Eagleson and A good Chick Guard like this keeps your cliicjlqs close in to the warmth of the brooder the first few days . . . prevents bundling in corners » , . prevents floor drafts. Order 200 or more Bray Chicks before January 3.1, attach thj§ ad to yopr order and get one FREE, ' GET TH 18 CHICK GUARD CASH IN On the High-Price Months SEPTEMBER . . . OCTOBER t . . ' NOVEMBER. Every year these are the months of highest egg prices . . . the months when you can make the most net profit from your birds by far, PROVIDED yon have eggs to sell, PROVIDED that you have your pullets in full production of big eggs. To get your pullets laying plenty of big eggs by September you ■have to get them fully developed and laying by July or August, And that means starting your chicks EARLY. Early broilers are the ones that pay best, too. And if you carry theni through to roasters, it’s the early birds that hits the tourist market. START EARLY Miss M. B. Currie has gene to Tor­ onto to visit her sister Mrs. Tuff ord. Mr. D. D. McKellar has returned home after an extended visit in Nia­ gara Falls with his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and children visited friends at Carling­ ford on Friday last. Rev. Mr. R'eidie leaves Thursday o-f this week for a six weeks’ trip to Scotland. We hope his health will be benefitted by the change. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Lindsay McKellar is on the sick list We hope she will soon be well again. The Ladies’ Aid held their regu­ lar monthly meeting at the home of I Mrs. Keith McLaren on Wednesday afternoon last, with a fair attend­ ance. After all business matters had been dealt with, plans were made for this year’ work. The committee in charge served a dainty lunch. The annual meeting of Cromarty congregation was held Thursday af­ ternoon last. Splendid reports were good financial standing. Much credit is due the board cf managers for having had the church sher remo­ delled in such a satisfactory way. venor of Good Cheer Marguerite Gett(inge'r. tive served a delightful cluse of the meeting. United Church W. A. The Women’s Association of the United Church held their regular monthly meeting in the church base­ men on Thursday January 12 th. With the new president, Mrs. Roy Swartz presiding the meeting open­ ed with hymn 120. Mrs. Woodall offered prayer followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Scripture les­ son was read by Mrs, |A. Baker. 17 members responded to the. roll call and two- visitors. Miss Rhena Year­ ley favored the meeting with a well rendered piano solo and Mrs. W. Wright with a New Year’s reading. Both these numbers were enjoyed by all. Several letters of appreciation were read from shut-in members who had been remembered at Christmas time. Reports of committees were given and were very encouraging. Plans were made to- serve a Hot Roast Beef Supper on February 1st. Hymin >171 was sung followed by the Mizpah benediction. A dainty lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs. T. Yearley and Mrs. A. Baker and a j social half hour was spent. Women’s Institute the Mr. family, of Parkhill, spent last Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eagle- son. Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood, of Brucefield spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. T. Ayotte, of dale visited a, few days with their daughter Mr. Pius Dietrich. Miss L. Mossey spent end at her home in St. on Monday attended the her aunt Mrs. J. Mossey at Granton. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mason, of Sask­ atchewan spent last Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Mason. last and Drys- week Mrs.I I week- ’the Marys and funeral o-f Why not cash in on these top prices, both for eggs and meat birds? For it isn’t luck—it’s planning . , . getting started EARLY, with the RIGHT KIND of chicks. Anyone who has raised them will tell you that Bray Chicks are the right kind. Chicks with the ability to live, the ab­ ility to grow and the ability to lay bred right into them. Place your order with us for 200 or more Bray Chicks before January 31, and get the Chick Guard pictured above—free. Remember to pin this ad to your order. — ORDER NOW Hardy, vigorous chicks that develop into pullets with the bred-in ability to lay early and the stamina to keep right on laying at top speed through the top price months, into cockerels that grow rapidly into well- fleshed broilers or real roast­ ers. If you ORDER BRAY CHICKS EARLY, you’ll be headed right for 19 39 poultry profits. FRED W. BRAY, Limited John St. N., Hamilton BRAY HATCHERY, EXETER, Phone 346 or Ben Case, R. R. No. 3, Exeter Death of Cecelia Denomme The next Valentine Brock Mr. WINCHELSEA The second meeting of the School and Home Club cf S. S. No. 6 was held on Tuesday night January 10th with a good attendance. The presi­ dent Mrs. Kenneth Johns had charge The meeting opened with a short sing-song. The guest speaker for the night was Mr. Shearer, of Clinton, the Agricultural Representative, speaking on Civics then several musical selections were given. Lunch was served at the close, meeting to be held on night in the School. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood and Mrs. Norman Middleton visited on Sunday with Mr. Donald Brock, of Byron. Mr. and Mrs. E. Willard, Hensail, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. John Prance spent a few days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prance of Thedford Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clark spent & few days recently with friends in Toronto. Mr. Reg. Delbridge spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Walker Kerslake and Genevieve spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, Will Stone of Thames Road. Miss Marjorie .Fletcher spent the week-end with gert of Thames My. and Mrs. Ed. Stone and Miss Goldie Walker with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fletcher on ■Saturday. Miss Mildred Hod- Hoad. of Kirkton, visited 16 Prizes will be given away in the Times-Advooato subscription eon test. itor among her relatives here for a few days. We are glad to hear Mrs. Morgan is recovering from her recent indis­ position. Mr. and Mrs. V7'. Stone and Mr. and Mrs. Gollings were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter I Whitlock on Sunday. Mrs. Parker, Sr., is under medical care at the time of writing. A fine address was delivered on Sunday by our Pastor “The House of Seven Windows.” Rev Ernest Grigg will have charge of the ser­ vices next Sunday on the circuit. Thames Road United church held, their annual meeting Tuesday even­ ing, Reports were received from the various organizations and all showed a favorable increase for the year. The meeting carried unani­ mously a resolution expressing a de­ sire that no change be made by the Provincial government in the Sun­ day observance laws. Presentation The Young People’s meeting on Friday evening was in the form of a social time with an attendance of 60. Progressive crockinole was played when Mr. and Mrs. O. Cann were the winners. At the close of the evening the president, Miss Lor- een Borland on behalf of the Young People, presented Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Allen with an upholstered chair with their united good wishes for a happy future. After expressing their ap­ preciation all joined in singing “For they are jolly good fellows.” Farmer’s Club Report a Big Year The annual meeting of the Thames Road Farmers Club was well attend­ ed at the home of Mr. Hy. Rhode. President George Chambers was in the, chair. The secretary gave a good report of the year’s business. The election of officers for 1939 re­ sulted as follows: President, Wm. Stone; Vice-Pres., Jas. Hodgert; Sec’y-Treas., P. Passmore; Directors, Charles Allison, Ray Cottle, Roland Williams, Joe. Ferguson; entertain­ ment committee, Hy. Rhode, Edgar Monteith, Percy Passmore. It was decided to hold one 'social evening and business meeting each month foi* the next three months. Next Monday they will have a social ev­ ening at the hall. Business of the year amounted to approximately $10,060. I THAMES ROAD AND ROYS Stewart Dow was taken to London , last -week for an appendix operation. ' At present he is improving nicely. I Roys Church held its annual i meeting last Friday. A good number A shadow of gloom was passed ' heard the various reports, which over this community on Sunday ev- were all satisfactory. The minister ening, January 15 th when it learned that Cecelia Denomme dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Denomme ' India, will speak at both churches had passed away in her 12th year. on Monday.The deceased had not been enjoy- ] Mr. Peter Whitlock is in? the best of health fo-r the pastjed to his home. He has few months, but was thought to be J some months, considerably improved and was able < to be up and aro-und again. | But on Saturday morning she was • week. .. 21— taken seriously ill and from the first' year over eighty dollars having been little hopes were held for her re-1 sent to Missions. co-very. All that medical skill and j loving hands could 'do was done, but were the Saviour’s call must be obeyed and on Sunday evening her spirit took its flight and Cecelia had gone (to be with her Maker where pain and Thames Road Mission Circle met at sickness shall be no more. I the church on Friday evening, Jan. In all her sickness she was always '13h, with a large attendance. After cheerful and patient and looked for- the Devotional exercises and minutes . ward to the time when she would be of previous meeting the remainder fable to go back to school and join of time was spent in making out the her schoolmates again. She was a programs for the coming year. The very bright scholar and was in ' i new officers are as follows: Hon. seventh grade. The deceased was of' President, Mrs. W. Mair; President, a kind and loving disposition and was beloved by all who knew her. She is survived by her sorrowing parents, five sisters Doris, Marie, Marjorie, Delaine and Shirley Two brothers Jerome and Valere and a host of relatives who- have the sin­ cere sympathy of their many friends in their sad bereavement. The '-funeral which was largely attended was held from her late home Tuesday morning January ‘ to the Mt. Carmel Roman Catholic church where High Mass was sung by Rev. Fr. Fogarty at 10 a.m. Inter­ ment in the Mt. Carmel cemetery. She was too bright a flower to last, Was only to us given To cheer us for a little while Now gone to bloo-m in heaven. She has gone thro’ the beautiful gate Away to the city of gold, Which knows no sorrow, sin or pain She is safe in heavenly was , was invited back for his fifth year. The Rev. Ernest Grigg, of Burma, I still confin- < been ill for The Sunday School Road held its annual meeting They reported a very fine of Thames Iasi Rev, and Mrs. Peters, of Varna, guests at the Manse last week. Mission Circle Officers The first meeting of the 1939 The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held on Monday evening in the Township Hall, the president Mrs. L. England presiding. Mrs. Ewald gave a re­ port of the District Rally. It was de­ cided to have a Valentine supper on February 14th, tot invite the public and to charge twenty-five cents for adults, fifteen cents for children. Mrs. Aaron Wein took the chair for the program. Health talks prepared by Mrs. G. Zwicker and Mrs. M. Tel­ ler, were read. Mrs. J. Woodall sang a solo. Current events were dis­ cussed by Mrs. Emery Fahrner and Miss Skinner of Exeter contributed a piano solo. There was a demon­ stration on “How to Make Pillows of Yarn” by Miss Mountain. The hostesses Mrs. R. Finkbeiner, Mrs. E. K. Fahrner, Mrs. Eli Brown, Mrs. A. Wein and Mrs. L. Wein served a delightful lunch. Evangelical Ladies’ Aid The annual meeting of the Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S. was held recently. The meeting was opened in the us­ ual way. The roll was called when 16 responded. Letters of appreciation were Wd from a host of sick and Shut-ins that were remembered at Christmas, A short playlet was given by Mrs. Thos. Mawhinney and Mrs. Art Amy entitled “Changed From Self to Service.” Rev. A. E. Pletch then took charge of the election of officers. Gratifying reports were given by Officers and Convenors of Committees. The Ladies’ Aid Treas­ urer reported having a balance in the bank of $232.76 and $118.67 was raised for Missions. The election of offeers were aS follows: President Mrs. D. Finkbeiner; let Vice-Pres., Mrs. Art Amy; 2nd Vice-Prcs., Mrs. A. Hr Pletch; 3rd We-'Prssident, KIRKTON fold. wereA number of young people at Granton Saturday night skating at Granton arena. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hotson, Avon* bank spent the week-end with their son Mr. Geo. Ho-tson, The annual mooting of the Aber* deen Hail was held this week. Great credit to the managers for decorat­ ing and remodeling the Hall and the reports am all in good condition. The Paul brothers wore plowing this past week. Mary Borland; 1st Vice-President Shirley Duncan; 2nd Vice-President, Margaret Allison; 3rd Vice-President Anne Morgan; Secretary, Jeanette Stone; Treasurer, Helen Selves; Sup­ ply Secretary, June Coward; Mite Box Secretary, Anne Morgan; Corres­ ponding and Literary Secretary, D. Duncan; Pianist, Evelyn Hunkin; Assistant Pianist, Alice Passmore; Birthday Box Secretary, Alma Bor­ land; Temperance Secretary, Mrs. W. Mair; Auditors, Helen Morgan and Loreen Borland; Lunch and Program Committee, Helen Morgan, Shirley Duncan, Mildred Hodgert and Dorothy McCurdy. Roys Church The annual meeting of Roys Church W. M. S. was held at the home of Miss Marjorie Graham. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. John Hocking; vice- presidents, Miss Marjory Graham,' Mrs. A. Christie, Mrs. Moir; secretary Miss Bessie Dow; assistant, Miss M. Dow; treasurer, Mrs. A. Hey; pianist, Miss M. Dow; temperance secretai’y. Mrs. S. Dow; Homo Helpers commit­ tee, Mrs. Campbell Dew and Mrs. E. Dow; flower committee. Mrs. J, G. Scott, Mrs. Dalrymple; quilt fund treasurer, Mrs. Roy Dow; missionary and maintenance secretary, Mrs. W. Tremeer; finance committee, the exe­ cutive; auditors, Mrs. Clifford Dow and Mrs. Percy Parsons. the dust was flying in clouds the week of Jaiwary loth. Miss Marjorie Fletcher whs a vis* M. P.: “Gontiemen if this meas­ ure goes through Parliament we will be on easy street.” Od. Elector: “Aye, sweeping it.” * * * Old time Mosquito (to young mos­ quito)—“And to think that when I was your age t -could fmiy bite girls on the face and hands.”