The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-01-19, Page 4THUHSBAY, JANUARY ltWh, 1039
January 19th, 20th, 21st
Double. Feature
a Metro Gokhvyn Meyer picture with
January 23rd, 24th, 25th
Double Feature
is offering
greatly reduced prices
on all articles over 25c
from January 19th to February 1st
to make room for new stock.
Early Shoppers Have the Best Choice
Miss Irene Allan, of Mooresville, The president presided
spent the week-end with her parents meetin
at Denfield. Our jjelp in Ages Past” followed by
A large crowd, attended the dance j prayer. The chapter in the study
in the school last Friday evening; book «<piantiUg the Church in the
sponsored by Miss Robinson. Docr’C(intrp of the Life of Canada” was
prize was won by Harold Cunning-; verv ably taken by Mrs> A McFalls,
ham. Balloon dance by Wes. Wat-’Mrs. w< Isaac and Mrs< A. Mitchell,
son, Ailsa Craig; illumination dance'Hvmu was sung. ___ _ _ __
by Edna^ Hodgins, of Lucan and N. bridge read an article on Temper-
’ auce. Annual reports were then given
by the different secretaries of the
Society. Following the business the
meeting was brought to a close with
prayer by the president, Mrs. A. Mc-
Blake, of Ailsa Craig,
A pleasant evening was spent at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Brook, when a few friends and neigh
bors gathered to celebrate the fifth
wedding anniversarj’ of their son
Mr. Grant Brook, of London. The ev
ening was spent in games and etc.
During the evening Mr, and Mrs.
Grant Brock was presented with a
lovely set of dishes with the follow
ing address:
Dear Edith and Grant,
We, your friends and neighbors
are joining with you this evening to
celebrate your fifth wedding anni
versary. May prosperity and happi
ness continue to Bless you and your
family through many coming years.
As a token of our friendship we ask
you to accept this gift.
Signed on behalf cf your friends
and neighbors.
Mr. Grant Brook made a fitting re
ply. Lunch was served by his mother
Mrs. Thomas Brook.
Mrs. Massey Burled
The funeral of Mrs. Joseph Massey
was held from the family residence,
Granton. Rev. L. 0. Harvey conduct
ed the service, while the Granton
male quartette sang. Interment! was
in St. Mary’s cemetery. The pallbear
ers were Kenneth Tilson,
Massey, Clarence Beecroft,
ters and T. Jones.
Let’s Start 1939 Right
By Shopping at Lindenfields
It pays to feed Cod Liver Oil and the best is the cheapest.
Per Gallon $1.00 and $1.25
Large Assortment of Mitts and Gloves ............15c to $1.50
Blatchford’s Calf Meal, is
ideal for little pigs and all
calves. A trial bag of 25
lb. for $1.00 will convince
Every year more farmers
realize the value of mineral
for stock and poultry* Per
cwt.................................. $3.50
Pratt’s poultry, stock and
hog tonic at bulk prices.
Per lb. ...........•••'.............. 15c
Pure ground flax seed in
bulk, per lb...................... Sc
Phone .181 Exeter
Miss Mary O’Brien, of London,
spent the week-end at her home
Mr, Wm. Skelton, o-f Clinton, has
been taking charge of the Creamery
here for the past week owing to the
illness cf Mr. Dave Smith.
On Thursday evening of this week
the Centralia United Church will
hold then- annual Congregational
meeting in the schoolroom of the
church. A supper will' be served
from 5 to 8 p.m. and will be follow
ed by the meeting,
Mr. Cyril Hennessey was in Tor
onto for a couple of days last week
attending the Wawanesa Insurance
On Monday night of this week Mr.
Cecil Skinner entertained the teach
ers and officers of the Sunday
School to an oyster supper at ho-me.
W. M. S.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W. M. S. was held in the church
i on Tuesday afternoon of last week,
_ ,J'_1 and the
g opened by singing “O God
The Y. P. S. held their regular
meeting "Wednesday evening of this
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Major Baker.
The annual congregational meet
ing will be held Friday evening of
this week at the United Church. All
reports will be given from different
Mr. Ed. Lamport is attending
County Council meeting at Goderich
this week.
Mrs. Ernie Perry had her tonsils
removed last Thursday at Dr. Tay
lor’s Hospital at Dashwood.
Kenneth Baker had the misfortune
to be kicked in the face by a horse
which required several stitch oe. He
is getting along nicely.
The Y. P. Society held their reg
ular meeting on Wednesday evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Major
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, of London,
visited Sunday last at the home of
the latter’s father Mr. T. Baynham.
Miss Nola Sweitzer nurse-in-train-
Hospital, London,
C. Met- ing at Victoria
visited Sunday at her home here.
STONEHOUSE-—In Aylmer cn Sun
day. Jan. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon stonehouse, a daughter.
JACKSON—In Scott Memorial Hos
pital, Seaforth, on Wednesday
January 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. G.
Jackson, Hensull a son.
BUCHANAN-—At the home cf Mrs.
Annie Saundeneock, Hensail, on
Friday, January 13th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Alt. Buchanan, Hibbert, a
DYER-HURDON — In Detroit, on
Sunday, January Sth, 1939, to Mr.
and Mrs. John Dyer-Hurdon, a
daughter. Joyce Arlene.
BENDER—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos
pital cn Wednesday, January 11.
1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Bender, of Hay, a son.
MASSE—In Hay Township on Mon
day, January 2nd; to Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Masse, a son.
PROUTY—In Victoria Hospital, Lon
don, on Tuesday, January 17th,
Phyllis Louise Prouty, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Prouty,
in her 19 th year. The funeral
will be held from the home of her
uncle, Mr. Thos. Collingwood, Ex
eter, Thursday, January 19th, at
2:30 p.m.
FISHER—In Exeter, on Tuesday,
January 17th, 1939, Martha Kestle
beloved wife of Jeffery Fisher in
her 69th .year. The funeral,
private, will be held Thursday af
ternoon at two o’clock.
DENOMME—In Stephen, on Sunday
January 15th, Cecilia Denomme,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted.
Denomme, in her 12th year.
PETTY—In Hay on Tuesday, Janu
ary 17th, Oliver' L. Petty, in his
81st year.
LAMPHIER—In Biddulph Twp., on
Thursday, January 12th, Anthony
Lamphier, Sr., in his SO th year.
BALKWILL—In loving memory of
Viola Balk will, who passed away
one year ago, January 15th. 19 38.
One year has passed since that sad
When one we loved was called away.
God took her home, it was His will,
Within our hearts she liveth still.
Sadly missed by Aunt and Uncle,
Husband and Daughter.
In loving memory of our dear
who passed away
January 19thj 1937
“Until the Day Dawns”
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brock wish to
thank all those who sent cards, or
flowers and fruit or remembered Mr.
Brock in any way while a patient in
Victoria Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brock and fam
ily attended the funeral of Mrs.
Brock’s step-mother Mrs. Wm. Oke
at Seaforth last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Allison, Spring
field visited at Mr. P. Whitlock’s last
Friday. Mr. A. G. Whitlock, of St.
Thomas also visited here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johns were
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Py-
bus at Chiselhurst on Friday last.
The January meeting of the W. A.
was held at Mrs. (Rev.) Penrose’s on
Thursday of last week. The leader
was Mrs. Alviii Cooper. The Scrip
ture lesson was read by Mrs. Harry
Murch and Mrs. Harold Bell favor
ed with a solo. Miss Eva Penrose
gave a nice reading. Mrs. Franklin
Skinner, Mrs. Freeman Horne, Mrs.
Garnet Johns and Mrs. Geo. Davis
gave stump speeches which added
variety. Arrangements were made
for an oyster supper to be held on
January 26 th in the church. Look for
advertisement elsewhere.
Mr. and Mrs. Enos Herdman, of
Varna, were callers in this vicinity
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns and
Bobbie also Miss Phyllis Bierling, of
Exeter went to Kitchener on Sunday
the latter has a position on the staff
of the hospital there and returned to
take up her duties.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Boyes, Strat
ford, visited with-Mrs. John Johns
oh Sunday.
Mrs. M. Routly spent a couple of
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. Routly
"Did you have a good time shop
ping yesterday?”
“No, indeed, I found the dress I
wanted in the very first store I went
Dr. W. D. BryCe, L.D.S., D.D.£.
Al office in Hartlelp Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the post Office, ip Zu
rich. last three days ot week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fee, of Hensall, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
S. Gottschalk.
Mr. George Kellerman who spent
the holidays with his sons in. Water
loo has returned heme.
Miss Waldle spent the week-end
with friends in Stratford.
Mrs. AUemang and two daughters
Gertrude and Esther and son Carl,
< f St. Clemens and Mr. and Mrs. Os
car Strome, of Elmira, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Edgai*
Lutheran Church Elect Officers
Zion Lutheran Church held its an
nual meeting on Monday, January
16th. The financial report of the
congregation and organizations with
in the church were presented and all
of them showed a healthy state of
affairs. Messrs. Ed, Steuer and W.
Stade were elected trustees for a
term of three years while Mr. Herb
Wein was appointed caretaker and
Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer organist.
Other routine matters cf business
were disposed of under the able
chairmanship of Mrs. Louis T. Rader.
Annual Meeting
The Hendrick Memorial Band of
Dashwcod held their annual meeting
and election of officers Monday ev
ening in Tieman’s Hall, At seven
o'clock the members sat down to a
bounteous chicken dinner prepared
by the Koehler Bakery, to which all
did full justice. After this a jolly
time was spent in games and con
tests. The president, Addison Tie
man, then called the meeting to or
der and transacted the closing busi
ness of the year. The treasurer, Miss
Helen Nadiger, reported as follows,
balance on hand at the beginning of
the year $305.80; amount raised dur
ing the year $139.09; expenses of
the year, $267.47 and a balance on
Hand of $177.42, The election of of
ficers resulted as follows: President.
Sidney Baker; Vice-President, Addi
son Tieman; Secretary - Treasurer,
Miss Helen Nadiger; Leader, Harry
Hoffman; Assistant Leader, Howard
Mission Circle
The Young People's Mission Circle
of Dashwcod Evangelical Church
held their annual business meeting
and election of officers recently at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oes-
tricher. Alvin Willert acted as the
chairman for the pi .'gram which was
arranged by Miss Gertrude Amy and
Harry Hoffman. Rev. H. E. Roppel
led in prayer after which the Scrip
true lesson was read by Roy Bender.
The chapter in the Study Book
“Dinabandhu” was given by Miss E.
Oestricher; a vocal duett by Harry
Hoffman and Stuart Wolfe and a
reading by Miss Myrtle Gaiser. Rev.
Mr. Roppel then took charge of the
business. The secretary, Miss Al-
dene Eageson reported an average
attendance for the year of 20. The
treasurer, Miss Myrtle Gaiser report
ed the total raised for missions dur
ing the year was $46.05. The new
officers are: President, Mjss Phyllis
Reid; Vice-President, Harry Hoff
man; Treasurer, Miss Mrytle Gaiser;
Secretary, Miss Aldene Eagleson;
Pianist, Miss Gertrude Hoffman; As
sistant, Stuart Wolfe; Librarians, G.
Mason and Ralph Weber.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gill and Mr. and
Mrs. Carlyle Taylor, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love.
Mr. Lloyd Love, of London, called
Sunday on Mr. Ross Love
We are glad to report Mr. Joseph
Hickey able to be out again after
his illness.
Mr. and Mrs. CoJin Love and Mr.
and Mrs. Will Love attended the
funeral of their cousin in E. Wil
liams on Friday.
Miss Isobel Watson, of Parkhill,
is at present employed with the
Sherritt Bros.
Bluewater Highway U.F.W.O.
The U. F. W. O. Club met at Mrs.
Sam Hendricks for the January
meeting. After singing the opening
song the Women’s Creed was read
in unison. A poem was given entit
led “At Eventide It Shall Be Light”
by Mrs. E. Gill, The December
questions and answers were given
and the January bulletin questions
were discussed. A letter was read
by Mrs. Will .Love on suggestions for
the Club’s use. The Club arranged
to hold a series of group meetings in
the community for the purpose of
studying the question of ’“Peace and
[War,” Rev. E. C., ot Grand
[Bend United Church will lead the
group in study and discussion “The
Quest of Peace.” The first meeting
will be held at Mrs, Lloyd Taylor’s
on Monday e,veiling January 23, A
short program will also be given fol
lowed by a light lunch. All who are
interested ih this course of study
is heartily welcome, A travelling
library is secured by the Olttb fol’
tile community use, The meeting
closed and lunch was served.
Exeter Locker Service
Next Week
Official Opening
Mr, and Mrs. David Sturgeon and
son Russell, of Grand Bend, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. El
don Merner.
Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and two
sons, of Gyand Bend, spent Sunday
with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton and
son, Barry, of Grand Bend, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis.
Mrs. Harry Lewis spent a few days
last week with relatives in Parkhill.
Mrs. George Hayes and two dau
ghters, of Exeter, visited Saturday
with Mrs. Wilson Anderson.
Mr. Thomas Anderson, of Exeter,
spent a few days last week with his
daughter Mrs. Ed. Penhale.
Mrs. Aaron Wein, who has been
confined to. her home with an attack
of the “flu” is able to be out again.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mather and
family of Simcoe, spent the week-end
with Mrs. Mather’s father J. Carey.
Mr. William Hodgins, of the 12th
concession of McGillivray Twp. pur
chased the 100-acre grass farm of
late Louis Rowland being on the
14th concession of McGillivray.
Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Bedard, of
Zurich, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Gus Morrissey.
Mr. Edward Doyle, of London, re
turned home after spending holidays
with his grandmother Mrs. Catherine
Mr. Melvin Potter purchased the
125 acre farm on concession 15, Mc
Gillivray, the estate cf the late Louis
Rowland last week.
Mr. John McCarthy spent a few
days last week with friends at Sar
Mrs. John Morrisey, of Centralia,
and her mother Mrs. Annie Mulligan
of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Josepn
Glavin last week.
Miss Lizzie Miller, of Zurich, is
spending a week with her parents
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Denomme, of the
Blue Water Highway spent Tuesday
of last week with the latter’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. D, Geromette.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dayman, Kippen
were Sunday visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Squire.
Misses Mabel and Olive Elliott, of
London, spent the week-end with
Mrs. Wm. Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Squire, of
Detroit, are holidaying this week in
this vicinity.
s Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson
and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson at
tended the 25th wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Parkinson
on Saturday evening.
W. M. S. and IV. A.
The January meeting o-f the W.M.
S. and W. A. were held at Mrs. Wil
son Morley's home on Thursday af
ternoon with fifteen members and 5
visitors present. Mrs. Hazelwood was
in charge. Meeting opened with a
hymn followed' by the Lord’s Prayer
in unison. The Scripture Lesson
was read by Mrs. Geo. Squire and
Rev. Falconbridge offered prayer.
The study book was taken by Rev.
Falconbridge assisted by several of
the ladies. Mrs. F. Squire favored
with a solo and the meeting was
closed by Mrs. Hazelwood.
A short meeting of the W. A. was
held with Mrs. Wm. Morley in the
chair, Plans were made for a Val
entine social evening. Maida Morley
gave a reading. Singing and bene
diction closed the meeting. Lunch
was served.
that all creditors and others having
Claims against the estate of GRACE
BROCK, late of the Village of Ex
eter, widow, -who died on the 27th
day of December, 1938, are requir
ed to forward their claims duly prov
en to the Undersigned on or before
the thirtieth day of January, 1939.AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GlV-|
E'N that after the said date the Ex-1
Ccutors will proceed to distribute the
estate having regard only to the
claims of Which they then shall have
Dated at Exeter this tenth day Of
January, 1939.
Barrister, Etc.
Exeter and Hensall
The biggest coward in the world .
is the man who te afraid of a new
Comparative Costs
Tax collector W. C. Pearce has es
timated the comparative figures of
what its costs a taxpayer over a per
iod of three years by paying taxes
in different ways. A tax payer whose
taxes would average $50 a year by
paying his taxes at the beginning of
each year and taking advantage of
the discounts would pay $145.50 in
three years. The tax payer who pays
his taxes when due would pay $150.
in three years and the person who
allows his taxes to fall in arrears
would pay $163.50 which includes
interest and penalties.
There will be offered for sale by'
Public Auction on 1
at 1:30 o’clock p.m.
at the residence of the late Helen
Moir, in Hensall, Ontario
much of the household furniture
and effects of the late Mrs. Helen
Moir, consisting of living room, din
ing room, bedroom and kitchen
furniture and furnishings, garden
tools and household accessories.
The above will be sold without re
At the same time and place there
■will be offered for sale, subject to a
reserve bid and other conditions of
sale the residence and appurtenant
lands of the said Mrs. Moir in the
Village of Hensall, The residence
is of brick construction, in good re
pair, with hot water heating newly
installed, and on the lands is said
to be erected a barn in good repair.
The lands consist of foui’ and one-
half village lots.
For further particulars apply to
the undersigned.
GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer
LAND, Executors of the estate of
Helen Moir.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis spent the
week-end in St. Marys.
A presentation was held for Mr.
and Mrs. Cooper (nee Lilia Rowe)
on Monday evening at the Township
Hall at West McGillivray.
Mr. John Kh’kpatrick, who has
been staying at the home of Mr. J.
L. Amos has returned to Toronto.
its agin the law
to use a gun .. .
The best way to HUNT
CUSTOMERS is to use
It wouldn’t do to take a gun to go out for customers.
Hunting customers requires a clever technique, but some
business men are blind in their search for more business.
They are blind to the fact that advertising is good
business. The investment in space in the columns of
The Times-Advocate is an investment which will return
quickly and many times over in an increased sales vol
Form the habit of keeping the news of your business
befor the public through The Times-Advocate. Our
readers are quick to take advantage of shopping oppor
tunities. Your business will increase and more trading
will be done at home by the shoppers.
It is more convenient to trade at home - - -
Readers of the home-town paper patronize our
advertisers. You don’t need a license to adver
tise. Just phone ns. We’ll be glad to help you
solve your advertising problems.
Exeter Times-Advocate
Mrs. R. L. Sheppard, of London,
spent a few days lust week with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. R, English.
Miss Lois Brown spent the week
end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs.
Byron Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Pollock, Ross and Cdrl,
Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Woodburn ana
Marlene visited Thursday evening
witth Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Taylor ar
Grand Bend.
Miss Gladys Stewardson, London,,
spent a few days last week with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. L, Stewardson,
Miss Beatrice Green, of Grand.
Bend, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheppard vis
ited with friends in Detroit last
The meeting of the Harmony Class
was held on Friday evening with a
.good attendance at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, John Steeper. The president
Mr. Milton Brock was in charge and
opened the meeting with a hymn af-
tert which Rev. Mr. Beacom led in
prayer, The roll call was answered
by a verse answered “Peter.” The
Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. E.
Curts and the topic “Why Share our
Religion" by Mrs. McIntosh. Two
hymns were sung and the devotional
part of the program was closed with
.the benediction. The minutes of the
last meeting were read by the secre
tary Mr. Elton Curts and approved-
Many items of business were discuss
ed after which the ladies served the
lunch and all expressed their thanks
to Mr. and Mrs. Steeper for their
kindness and felt that an enjoyable
and profitable evening had been
‘You want a job as herring pack
ing? Have yon had any experience.?”
“Yes, I’ve been a street car con
<< * *
The Belgian Government has im
posed a tx on all foreigners who re
main in Belgium more than 15 days.
* $
“So the banker put you on youi’
feet again?”
“Did be give you another lean?”
“No he foreclosed on my car."
Germany, after seizing control of
Austria has repudiated the debts of
that country. Nice work if you can
get it Hitler,