HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1939-01-05, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE THURSDAY, JANUARY Mh, 1989 HENSALL Mrs. Walks visited last week with relatives at St. Marys. Mrs. Geo. Walker is visiting this week with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Jack Farquhar spent the week-end with friends in Exeter. Miss Mabel Hill, of London, visit­ ed ever the week-end with relatives here. Mr. Roy Kyle, of Sudbury, spent the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kyle. Mr, Harry Hoye, of Kitchener, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fink. Mrs. E. L. Mickle was confined to her room last week suffering with an attack of tonsilitis. Mr. Ray Foster, df Toronto, spent the Christmas holidays with his par­ ents Mr. and Mrs, A. Foster, Mr. Ferris Cantelon, of Schom­ berg, visited over the week-end with hie mother Mrs, D. Cantelon. Miss Irene Smale, of London, vis­ ited over the week-end with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smale. Rev. R. Keith iLove, of Kintore, visited over the holiday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love. Miss Sadie Fletcher, of Moore­ field, is visiting her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fink. Mdss Grace Brock, of London, vis­ ited over the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. [Brock. Miss E. Johnston returned from Toronto after spending (Christmas with her friends on Douglas Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman, of Blen­ heim, visited over the week-end with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. C. MoDonell. Mrs. Lou Simpson is very poorly at date of writing suffering from a severe attack of sinus trouble, which i? very painful. Miss Victoria Bolton returned to Toronto after spending the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Bolton. Mrs. W. R. Davidson and son Al­ len returned home ion Saturday after a very pleasant visit with relatives at Wingham. Billy and Betty Mickle have been confined to their rooms during the past week with cold and inflamma­ tion in their ears. The many friends of Mr. Lome Foster will be pleased to hear he is able to be up and around again af­ ter his recent illness. , Miss Patsy MoDonell returned to her home on Saturday after a very pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman at Blenheim. - Miss Martha Carlisle returned to London last week after spending the holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook return­ ed to Toronto after spending the holiday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Conk. Mr. Robt. Passmore returned to Toronto on Monday after spending the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. Howard Hemphill and sister Miss Mary, of Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill. Miss Adams, of Toronto, returned home -on Monday after a very plea­ sant visit with hex- uncle and aunt Dr. and Mrs. I. G. Smillie. Miss Mildred Forest, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, visited this week with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forest. Mdss Margaret E. Grieve has re­ turned to her duties at teacher at S. S. No. 10, Hay after spending the Christmas holidays with her friends at Seaforth. Mrs. W. Pfaff and daughters Miss Beryl and Alice returned home from Delhi after spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pfaff and dau­ ghter Sheila. Miss Joyce Scruton returned to Toronto on Monday after visiting over the week-end with hex' mother Mrs. A. Scruton and sister Mrs. P. McNaughton. Miss Lettie Love has returned to her duties as teacher of one of Tor­ onto’s schools after spending the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wnx. Love. Miss Kilpatrick has returned to her duties as assistant teacher at i the Hensail Continuation School af­ ter spending the holidays at hex’ home at Strathroy. Mrs. A. L. Case is in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where she is re­ ceiving treatment suffering from a severe throat infection. Hex’ many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Simpson, of Detroit, spent a few days iix town owing to the illness of the former’s mother Mrs. Lou Simpson. Mrs. W. Simpson will remain for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patterson ob­ served their 25tli wedding anniver­ sary very quietly at their home on Friday owing to the illness of the former’s mother Mrs. Hannah Pat­ terson. The many friends of Mr. Ross McKay will be pleased to hoar he is somewhat improved iix health. Mr. McKay has been confined to hie homo for soxne time suffering from an attack of bronchitis. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Bert McBride, formerly Miss Mae Coward in the death of her mother Mrs. Geo. Coward, of Wincholsea, who pased away on Saturday night Boiled Kettle With Old Crutches Once Used Them Because of Rheumatism He was not wrong, either — this man who concluded that he would not need his crutches again. Writ­ ing of his experiences, he says:— “Foi' five years I suffered terribly from rheumatic pains, and I began to think my case was hopeless. I al­ so had a bad stoixiach, and I rarely had a meal without my food repeat­ ing on me. One day an old friend told me to try Kruschen Salts. So I bought a bottle and gave it a trial. “After some time I was able to enjoy a good meal and to walk more freely. One morning J g-oit up and lit the fire, and my mother thought 1 was crazy, because I sawed my old crutches up boiled the kettle for coffee with them. That was six years ago, and I am now back at my old job as a chef.”'—H.A.B. Do yoxx realize what causes a good deal of rheumatism? Nothing but sharp-edged uric acid 'crystals which form as the result of sluggish elim­ inating organs. Kruschen Salts can always be counted upon tO' clear those painful crystals from the sys­ tem. lightful solo. These services were all very well attended. Celebrate 40tlx Wedding Anniversary the Mr. Among those who attended fortieth wedding anniversary of and Mrs. Chris. Haugh, celebrated t the home of their son Mr. Wallace Haugh, Brucefield on December 2'8, were: Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale, Miss Kay Drysdale, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hess, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hess, Bobby and Ruth and ’Misses Marion and Lois MacLaren. A very dainty buf­ fet lunch was served, from a prettily decorated table centred with a'three- storey wedding cake by Mrs. Mac­ intosh and Miss Hazel Haugh and Mrs. Geo. Hess and Miss K. Drys­ dale. Mr. Geo. Howard of Exeter, was master of ceremonies and George Hess, Bobby and Ruth “The World is Waiting for the rise” accompanied by Mr. Fred on the guitar. Betty Allen the “Sailor’s Hornpipe,” Mrs. Howard was -present and was the | bridesmaid at Mr. and Mrs. Haugh’s wedding. The groomsman was Mr. Robt. Drysdale of Sandusky, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Haugh family namely Miss who is supervisor at pital, Toronto; Mrs. Wallace Haugh and Haugh, of Toronto, whO' was unable to attend. The family presented them with a beautiful cabinet of silverware. There were about 50 guests present from ter and Dashwood. Mrs. sang Sun- Hess danced Geo. have four of a Hazel Haugh, Wellesley Hos- Maclntosh, Mir. Dr. Garman CREDITON after a short illness. Mrs. McBride delivered is well-known here having been om-Mrs. ployed with Mr. T. C. Joynt fox* some time. Miss Hazel Thompson returned to hex- d'uties as teacher in the Parry Sound district after spending the holiday with hex’ parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson. Business Sold Mr. T. D. Wren has sold out his business here to Mr. Henderson, of Glencoe, who gets possession im­ mediately. 'Sir, and Mrs. Wren moved to> Mrs. Bertha Bell’s house oxx Monday and Mr. Henderson with his wife and family will occupy the rooms vacated by Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Wren. United Church Services The services in the United church Sunday were very well attended in spite of the weathex’ and condition of the roads. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was dispensed at the morning service and a very beauti­ ful quartette “The Old Rugged Cross” was sting by Mrs. M. Drys­ dale, Miss Ruth Brook, Mr. W. O. Goodwiix and Mr. Harry Horton. Miss Lettie Love of Toronto sang a delightful solo at the evening ser­ vice. The minister Rev. R. A. Brook delivered a very fine sermon. Clxiselhui’st Young People Meet The regular devotional meeting of Chiselhurst, Young People’s Society was held on Tuesday evening and was in charge of Mrs. Thos. Brint- nell. Irma Dell Chambers and Adeen Chambers sang a delightful duett. Aftex’ singing a hymn Miss Beatrice DroVer presided ovex’ a contest on questions from the Old and New Testament. Aftei’ the closing hymn the Mizpah benediction was repeat­ ed. A contest “Springtime and Ragtime” was given out by Miss J. Venner. Cannel Church. Services The services in Carmel Presbyter­ ian Church were well attended on Sunday. In the morning service Rev. W. A. Young delivered a spec­ ial New Year’s message and the choir sang an anthem with Mrs. J. W. Bonthron taking the solo part. Mr. Andrew MacKenzie, who is studying for the ministry preached a very fine sermon at the evening service. Rev. W. A. Young sang an excellent solo. Mrs. Young very ably presided at the organ in the absence of the organist Mrs. John Murdock. Hockey Meeting A well attended meeting of hockey fans took place in the Town Hall Friday, December 29 th. It was de­ cided to enter’ a team in the Cyclone league. Hensall can boast a young but keen team this year. The offic­ ers elected are as follows: Honorary President, W. H. Golding M.P.; President, James Ballantyne M.L.A., Manager, Orville Twitchell; coaches John Passmore and Morris Farqu­ har,’ secretary - treasurer, Claude Biowes; Committee, Garnet Case, F. Smallacombe, Ernie Shaddock, Jas. Patterson, Joe Flynn, Harry McMil­ lan, Stanley Tudor and T. C. Joynt. Week of Prayer This being the Week of Prayer all over the world services wore ar­ ranged in the three local churches. On Tuesday evening the service was held in the United Church when Rev. R. A. Brook delivered the ser­ mon, assisted by Rev. W. A. Young in the absence' of Rev. M, A. Hunt, who was unable to be present. Mr. W. 0. Goodwin sang a beautiful solo “Prayer Perfect.” The service on Wednesday evening was held in St. Paul’s Anglican church when Rev. W. A. Young preached an excellent sermon on “Prayer.” The choir was assisted by members of the Presbyterian and United Church choirs. On Thursday evening the service was held in Carmel Presby­ terian Church and Rev, R. A. Brook a very fine address and J, W. Bonthron sang a very do- Funeral of the Late Hensall, Exe- Wm. Jarrott late Wm. Jar­ thresherman, his 7 3rd year United The funeral of the rott, merchant and who passed away in was held from Hillsgreen Church on Friday at 2 ip.m. with interment in Exeter cemetery. The pastor Rev. E. F. Chandler conduct­ ed the service assisted by Rev. W. A. Young. The deceased was well known and highly respected and was presi­ dent of the Western Ontario. Thresh­ ers’ Association and membei’ of the I. O. F. His wife who was former­ ly Miss Christina Bonthron passed away nine years ago. Surviving is one daughter Annie at home; also two brothers and two sisters: Nor­ man Jarrott, of Toronto and James Jarrott, Hillsgreen; Mrs. W. J. San­ ders, London a-nd Mrs. Richard Jones Seattle, Wash. Messrs. Clive rott, Charles Davidson, Dr. Murtrie. The munity is extended to Miss Annie Jarrott in the loss of her father. of the blind. Morlock and Mr, Oscar the sick list. He hope recovery, Hedden, of Lucan, is Miss Lenora Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. James Brock return­ ed home Saturday after spending Christmas week with friends in Sar­ nia. Mr. Chas. Fahnex* is Bpending a few weeks vacation at her home here aftei’ which he intends returning t-o- the Institute for the Blind at Lon­ don, where he will continue taking up the work Mr. Albert Pfaff are on for a speedy Miss Ray visiting with We regret to' report that Mr. John Smith has been quite ill. We wish him a speedy recovery. Kenneth Lillow, Rodney Bowman Nola Faist and Marguerite Guettin- ger motored to Chicago, last week. Mr. Harold Pletch returned to Queen’s University, Kingston, after spending the holidays with his par­ ents Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Pletch. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and son Gerald returned after a few days last week at Mich. Mr. Henry F. Eilber was St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last Friday where he underwent an op­ eration. He is getting along as well as can he expected. ' “‘Mr. Harry Radei' and son George, of Dashwood, Mrs. George Lawson and daughter Alice, of Stephen left last week nia. They Lawson’s that city. Mr. Lewis Faist left foi’ Chicago last Thursday to finish his course in Diesel training for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lowry, of Camlachie, spent New Years at Mrs. C. Roeszler. Rev. E. E. Pletch, Oif Stratford, a nephew of Rev. A. E. Pletch, will preach next Sunday morning and evening in the Evangelical Church. spending Pigeon, taken to for Los Angeles, Califor- will be the guests of Mrs. daughter Mrs. Prest of Young People’s Union Reduced Prices on Cars a very who* re- Joseph’s success- DASHWOOD Dr, W. D. Bryce, L,D.S., D.P.S. PENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week at office ever the p-ost Office, in rich, last three days of week. Huron County Short Courses Hay and Stephen Townships in Agri­ culture and Home Economics com­ menced on Tuesday with good attendance. Miss Oneida Restemeyer cently graduated from St. Hospital, London, has been ful in obtaining her registration ex­ amination which entitles her to her R. N. At present she is engaged on the staff at the Hospital. We extend congratulations. Rev. H. E. Ropp-el visited his brother in Tavistock this week. Miss Catharine Finkbeiner has re­ turned home after spending a few weeks in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook, o-f Hensall, were Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. D. Tieman. Mrs. Luft spent New Years lier parents in Ktchener. School opened on Tuesday the same staff of teachers. Mrs. Clayton Pfile had the fortune to< slip' and fall on the icy sidewalk in front of the shoe store on Saturday afternoon striking her head on the cement step cutting a nasty gash in her head which re­ quired several stitches. Death of Ernest Rader and with with mis­ The Young People's Union, Cred- it.on United Church held their regular meeting o-n Friday night at tb,e home of Rev. and Mrs. Gladman. Mr. Gladman opened the meeting with a short prayer. The election of officers j for the coming year were elected as I follows: President, Gerald Schoeder; ! Vice-President, Nelson Lamport; Se- j cretary, Grace Hill; Treasurer, Rus-! Ernest Rader, a lifelong resident of this community died at his home on the Goshen Line after a lengthy illness. He was in his 63rd year. Mr. Radei- is survived by his widow one son Alvin at home and a daugh­ tei’ Mrs. Oscar Miller of the Lake Road; his mother Mrs. Jacob Rader, of Dashwood; three brothers, Louis and Fred, of Dashwood; Theodore, of t-he Goshen Line; a stepbrother, William Rader, of Zurich; three sisters Mrs. Susan Haberer and Mrs. Clara Decker, of Zurich; Mrs. Louis Kraft of Dashwood and a stepsister, Mrs. Joseph Willert, of DaS'hwo'O'd. The funeral service was held at the home on Sunday at two o’clock, fol­ lowed by a service in Zion Lutheran Church with Rev. T. Luft officiating. Interment took place in Bronson Line Lutheran cemetery. The New Ford V8 De Lux Tudor 85 h, p. motor has been reduced in price from $985 to $915 delivered in Exeter, Full Front Seat, Twin Air Horns, Crome Windshield Frame, Two Crome Windshield Wipers and 600 x 16 inch tires are Standard Equipment This means our used cars are greatly reduced in Price 1929 1929 1929 1930 LOOK THESE OVER Plymouth Coupe $95 Plymouth Coach $125 Chevrolet Sedan $150 Ford Coach like new $175 1928 Ford Coach, new tires, new radiator and all over- Several Good Used Trucks hauled and repainted $125 1937 Ford Coupe with heat­ er and defroster, a nice one ................................. $495 1938 Ford Coach, low mile­ age, with heater and de­ froster, only ...............$650 1-2 ton to 2 ton, up to 1937 Phone 64 SANDY ELLIOT -:- Exeter, Ont. WINCHELSEA County snowplow Marys road o-pen for from Highway No. 4 has New Roy and The pall bearers were Cochrane, John Jar- Robinson, William.____ Moir and Hugh Me- ' sei Finkbeiner; Music Convenor, Mrs. sympathy of the com- (Intended for last week) who was a very of the Church years and who' and accepted a brother Dr. Murray ef- for re- po­ I a few days we shall be in of our Christmas joys and hearty wish of the mem­ adherents of the United Hotnor Organist The official of the United Church recently forwarded a beautiful aero­ pack completely furnished' to Miss Eleanor Fisher, ficient organist the past twelve cently resigned sition witn her Fisher at Gravenhurst. Following is the address: Deal’ Eleanor: Within the midst it is the bers and Church Hensall, that your Yuletide happiness will be unsurpassed. We want to seize this holiday as an op­ portunity to express to> you our sense of deep appreciation of the services that fox’ many years you have rend­ ered us as oui’ organist. It came aS a surprise to- us when you decided to resign your position, and the re­ gret was felt throughout the whole congregation that we were obliged to- release one whO' has been so faithful and dependable in the dis­ charge of all her duties. We cannot adequately express the gratitude we feel toward you, but we would ask you to receive from us this slight token of o-ur esteem and appreciation We hope you will always look back with pleasure to the years you have spent with us, and remember that in all the, changes that have taken ■place your steadfastness and loyalty have greatly assisted in the building up cf our church life here in Hensall. Again we wish you success in your new venture and trust that good health and a full measure of pros­ perity will be yours in the coming years. United church: H. Horton, Clerk of the Session; M. Drysdale, Secretary of the Official Board and Rev. R. A. Brook, pastor. Signed on behalf of Hensall SWEET 'The purcil form in which tobacco can be smoked” He was at his club and he had talked politics for an hour and a half. “That’s the situation in a nut­ shell,” he declared at the close. “Good gracious!” exclaimed a mem­ ber to his neighbor. “What a nut!” o “Spent your vacation on your uncle’s farm, oh? Any fly-fishing up that way?” No swatting.” term of three years. Mr. G. Davis was elected as auditor for >1939. It was voted unanimously to purchase a piano for the teaching of music in the school. ELIMVILLE the report last week of the service. The name of Mr. Lutheran Ladies’ Aid The Ladies’ Aid of Zion Lutheran Church held their annual meeting J. Galloway; Program -Convenors,, on December 14th in the basement Group 1, Jack Galloway and Jack! of the church. The ip-astov Rev. T. Anderson; Group 2, Alfred Mathers and Ted Wright; Group 3, Doreen Baker and Lillian Finkbeiner; .Lunch committee, Mrs. A. Mathers', Doreen Baker, Rhena Yearley, Edith King, Howard Lightfoot; Treat committee, Mrs. J. Galloway and Mrs. Gladman. We decided to ing on January Rev. and Mrs. mainder of the games and contests after which a dainty lunch was served by Gladman. hold our next meet- 13th at the home of Gladman. The re­ evening was spent in United Siimday School Mrs. The annual United Church Sunday School meeting was held December 29 th with. Rev. Mr. Gladman in the chair. Opening exercises were con­ ducted and reports of last year’s work showed a successful year. The election of officers for 193 9 is as follows: Superintendent, H. Mitchell Assist., E. Chambers, J. Mawhinney; Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. Gallo­ way; Envelope Secretary, J. Gallo­ way; Assist., W. Woodall; Treasur­ er, E. Chambers; Musical Supervisor Mrs. J. Galloway; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. S. King; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. J. Lovie; Assist., Mrs. D. Gladm-an; Teachers, Class 1, Mrs. W. Mack; Assist., Mrs. E. Chambers; Class 2, Mrs. T. Trevethick, Assist., Lillian Finkbeiner; Class 4, J. Woodall, Assists-., Russel Finkbein­ er and Roy Lamport; No. 5, Mrs. J. Galloway, Assist., Mary Chambers No. 6, Mrs. Mitchell, Assist., Mrs. S. King; Missionary Committee, Mrs. Garfield Hill, H. Mitchell; Mrs. F. Yearley, Mrs. Roy Swartz, Mrs. L. Swartz, Mr. and Mrs. J. Galloway; Temperance committee, Mr. T Trevethick, Lawrence Swartz, W. Mack, J. Mawhinney, Mrs. Pen'hale; Flower committee, Mr. Mawhinney, Mrs. A. King, Mrs. Hill. The Young Ladies’ class elected their officers: teacher, Mrs. J. Wood- all, Assist., Mrs. Garfield Hill; Pres., Doreen Baker; Vice-Pres., Grace Hill Secretary. Tlene Mathers; Assist., Rhena Yearley; Treasurer, Lillian Finkbeiner; Social Convenor, Helen Finkbeiner. Luft opened the meeting with prayer and discourse oil St. Matthew, Chap. 1, verses 18-25 followed by singing of hymn “Silent Night”. The business meeting was then taken over and conducted by the president Mrs. T. Luft. The minutes of the previous meeting was read approved and adopted. Aftei’ the various commit­ tees reported on the activities of the month the meeting held its election of officers for the following year: Hon. President, Mrs. K. Rader; President, Mrs. H. Wein; Vice-Pres., Mrs. J. Schroeder; Secretary, Mrs. H. Restemeyer; Treasurer, Mrs. R. Hayter; Work Committee, Mrs. H. Rader, Mrs. D. Schroeder, Mrs. Schu­ macher; Social Committee, Mrs. M. Laub, Mrs. P. Fassold, Mrs. T. Miller Entertainment committee, Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver, Mrs. E. Willert, Mrs. T. Luft; pianist, Mrs. T. Luft; Member­ ship committee, Mrs. O. Miller, Mrs. M. Kraft; Librarian, Mrs. Neusch­ wanger, Mrs. G. Merner; Auditors, Mrs. F. Guenther, Mrs. F. Messner; Visiting Committee, Mrs. H. Reste­ meyer, Mrs. F. Schlunt. The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer in unison. “My good man, was it you who saved my husband from drowning?” “Yes, madam.” “Then where is his hat?” KHIVA annual meeting of S. S. No. 6 house on Bible Class Social of the rate- was held in Wednesday Mr. Ted chairman and Mrs. E. Ct. R. A very pleasant social evening was spent by tin- Adult Bible class at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Garfield Hill on last Friday (-veiling. A business mooting was hold at which the elec­ tion of oftioers took place. Then a number of games and contests wore enjoyed and dainty lunch served. The newly elected officers are as follows: Teacher, J. Mawhinney, As­ sist., IT. Mitchell; President, Mrs. G. Hill; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. A. King and Mrs. J. Lovie: Secretary, Mrs. J. Mawhinney, Assist., Mrs. A. Baker Convenor of Good Cheer committee, Mrs. r. Hill: Convenor of Social Committee, Mrs. F. Clark, The 'payers the school morning December 2iSth, Denonime acted as Thos. Mawhinney as secretary. The books were audited by Peter Regier- and Rueben Davey and found to be correct. Mr. jinx Mawhinney was re- The Huron kept the St. motor traffic to Kirkton. Mrs. R. D. Hunter, who was in­ jured in a motor accident last week spent a few days with hei' daughtei’ Mrs. Jack Delbridge. We are pleased that she is sufficiently recovered to return to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns spent Years eve with Mr. and Mrs., Brock of Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch Donna, of Elimville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Delbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington. Brock and family, Zion, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bailey. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Brock, of Kirk­ ton, spent New Years with Mr. Mrs. Frank Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock family spent New Years with and Mrs. L. Rowcliffe. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns, In death of Mrs. Wm. Johns an error was made in omitting the name of Rev. Mr. Penrose as conducting the funeral Penorse was in the copy submitted by oui' correspondent but was in­ advertently omitted when the type was set.—Ed. MOUNT CARMEL Miss Mary Regan, of Lucan, is visiting her sister Mrs. Joe Dietrich. Mr. and Mrs. George family spent at Arkona. Mrs. Geo. sad news onMr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns, MrJ 'of ^he death of her sister Allen Johns spent New Years with I ot:iiy Cohan, of Detroit. j Miss Camilla Glavin, of is spending her holidays sister Mrs. Joseph Carey. Mrs. T. Denomme, of Detroit, call­ ed on friends here last week. Miss Madeline Glavin left last week for Ottawa where she will visit her sister Miss Clara Glavin. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morrissey and family, Mrs. Joseph Glavin, Mrs. Gus. Morrissey and Mrs. Martha Mc­ Phee attended the funeral of the lat­ ter’s daughter Mrs, Cohan in Detroit on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carey and babe spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. James Glavin of Centralia. On Monday evening Miss Mary G. Mahoney, bride-elect was given a surprise party when a number of her girl friends gathered at the home of her uncle Mr. Joseph Mahoney and presented her with a miscellaneous shower. and and Mr. and their fam- holi- and and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Duncan, of Plug­ town. Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Horne, and Kathleen spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitlock, Eilmville. Mr. and Mrs. John Prance family spent the holiday with friends at Greenway. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Veal and ily, Mr. Lome Elford spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns, of Elimville. New Years visitors with Mr. Mrs. Jack Delbridge were Mr. Mrs. John Hunter, of Exeter; and Mrs. R. D. Hunter, of Eden; Miss Catherine Peters, of Varna; Mr. Howard Hunter, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. R. Dickens, of Saints- bury. We regret to report the death o-f Mrs. Geo. Coward Jr., who passed away suddenly on New Years Day. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper and Isabel and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Coop­ er and family spent Monday with Mr. and Mr. Horace Delbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fletcher and Marjorie Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, of Exeter. elected trustee for a three-year term. The caretaking of the school was awarded to Mr. L. Dearing. Inspect-I ors report for the last inspection | shows the work ol’ the teacher is be­ ing done very satisfactory. School re-opened, here on Tuesday after the Christmas holidays with Miss Leila Mossey as the. teacher. Mr. Matthew Clark is confined to his bed with a heart attack. His many friends hope for a speedy re­ covery. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stebbins and Mr. Jacob Hanover, spent a few days last week with relatives in Kit­ chener, Miss Mota Sure-rus. of Toronto, vis­ ited last Thursday with Mr. ami Mrs. Otto Willert. Mr. and Mrs. New Yea is with Mr. and Mrs. T. Miss Edith Warm, of Hoiisall, is visiting her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Matthew clarke. The. Misses L< reon and Dorothy Becker, of London, fqrnt Now Years at their homo. Pius Dietrich spent the latter’s parents Ayotte, of Drysdale, i Annual School Meeting Christmas Morrissey Thursday Clark and with friends received the of BRINSLEY last week Mrs. Tim- Centralia, with her spent John of S.The annual school meeting S. No. 6, Usborne, was held in the school an Wednesday morning, De­ cembei' 28th with a fair attendance, despite the bad weather. The meet­ ing was called to order by Mr. Ed. Johns, chairman of the board who also- acted as chairman for the even­ ing. Mr. W. J. Veal, the veteran secretary, of the section acted as the secretary. Minutes of the last annual meeting togethei- with those of the trustee meetings for the-past year, were read and adopted. The audit­ or’s report was given by Mr. Wm. Routly which showed a very satis­ factory balance. Mr. Ed. Johns the retiring trustee was replaced by the election of Mr. Nelson Coultis for a The Junior farmers of Ailsa Craig are putting on a play “Here Comes Charlie” in the hall at West McGil­ livray on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lee are all smiles. It’s a boy! Reta Lewis, of Hamilton, spent Christmas with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lewis. Mr. Earl Marley is sporting a new Plymouth. Several people of this vicinity have been laid up with bad colds. School opened on Tuesday last with Miss Robertson, of Ripley and Miss McLeod, of Ailsa Craig in charge. Many farmers are hauling water owing to the shortage of rain. Mrs. J. Turner and Mrs. Herb. Sherritt are visiting at the home of Mrs. George Hodgson. Mrs. B. D. Niles visited at the home of her sister Mrs. J. L. Amos. Bowles: “Did the specialist make yon give up anything?” Smith: “I’ll say he did. Smoking, drinking and ten dollars.” ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES From EXETER January 12, To C.N.R. Stations in the Maritime Provinces Province of Queboc, New Brunswick* Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia JAN. 13-14 T.o OTTAWA $9.40 To MONTREAL $10.75 QUEBEC CITY $14.75 STE ANNE DE BEAUPRE $15.35 Tickets. Faros, Transit Limits and Information from Agents T2A CANADIAN NATIONAL