HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2013-10-31, Page 27THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2013. PAGE 27. Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILD- INGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca MORTGAGES AS SEEN ON TV... NEED A MORTGAGE Home Equity Loan, Better Rate? Bad Credit, Self-Employed, Bankrupt? Been Turned Down? Facing Foreclosure Power of Sale? CALL US NOW TOLL-FREE: 1-877-733-4424 (Live Operator 24/7) And Speak To A Licensed Mortgage Agent MMAmortgages.com specializes in: Residential, Commercial, Rural Agriculture, Farms, & Land Mortgages For More Information Visit: www.MMAmortgages.com (Lic#12126) $$$ 1st, 2nd, 3rd MORTGAGES - Debt Consolidation, Refinancing, Renovations, Tax Arrears, no CMHC fees. $50K you pay $208.33/ month (OAC). No income, bad credit, power of sale stopped!! 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The OPP have already stated there have been numerous deer collisions this year. Dawn and dusk are the peak times, but I recall hitting a deer at 2 p.m. Drive carefully and for the hunters, hunt safely. The Walton Inn looks different without the front awning. Its state of disrepair called for its removal. Now the sun – when we have seen it – shines brightly in to lighten the room. A little hard on the eyes as the sun rises, but you can always wear sunglasses. We understand a few Walton areafolks are in hospital. Ian Wilbee is apatient in Stratford Hospital. We hope he is feeling better soon. Lavern Godkin is a patient in Seaforth Hospital. He has been there for a couple of weeks and we hope he is doing better. Velma Stephenson is a patient in Seaforth Hospital at this time. Get well wishes to all. Our condolences to the Patrick and Gordon families on the passing of Pam Gordon. She will be sadly missed by her husband Barry and children Christina, Amy and Ian. The Gordons lived and farmed near Seaforth and most recently lived in Bayfield. Pam was a lovely, pleasant and caring individual who had worked in the medical field. She will be missed by her family and her many friends. Our sympathies to all. Good news is that Ruth Lowe is home from hospital. She had underwent heart surgery two weeks ago and was released the first of last week. We send our best for her continuing recovery. The Knight family had a special treat this past weekend. Janine Knight was home for the weekend from Huntsville. She has spent four weeks working in a Newfoundland hospital and then a New Brunswick hospital. She has been in Huntsville for two weeks with two weeks to go. She will have another four weeks to work in Listowel Hospital. She has finished her three years of medical school and is now doing her practical. The family including Jack and Donna, Steve and Marni Knightgathered at Brad and ChristineKnight’s in Mitchell for dinner anda great visit. They also celebrated Janine’s upcoming birthday, which is on Halloween. A sadness, but no tragedy when a fire engulfed a home owned by Brett Lee in Egmondville. Fire broke out on Friday evening and was fought by the Seaforth Fire Department. The tenant in the building was home at the time and didn’t know the home was on fire. When he became aware of the situation, he tried to get his cat and flee the building. The frightened cat ran, and the tenant had to get out. A Seaforth firefighter recovered the animal. Thought to be gone, they noticed a small tremor and gave the cat oxygen and he regained more movement. The cat is amazingly surviving after spending time at the vet hospital. The building ignited again later in night and has suffered severe water and smoke damage. Thankfully, no one was hurt and now begins the horrible job of assessing the damage, the loss of possessions and dealing with paperwork. Our family celebrated a belated Thanksgiving with the McDonald side of the family on the weekend. Rick’s family, Neil and Karin and Aunt Peg from Clinton joined us on Sunday for a visit and dinner. Neil McDonald arrived from Vancouver last week and will be home for about 10 days. The usual plan for his fall visit is to help with the corn harvest, but the obvious wet weather certainly put that out of the plan. The family did have time to have a fewfamily pictures taken with Neil,Karin and Rick and Aunt Peg.The congregation of Duff’s United were aglow with orange for service on Sunday. Rev. Peter congratulated those celebrating birthdays and to Murray and Olene Dennis, who were celebrating their 57th wedding anniversary. When I spoke to Murray he reported that he couldn’t believe time had went by so fast. It didn’t seem that long ago they were married. Jo-Ann McDonald read the Minute for Mission and the scripture readings. Collection was taken by Jo-Ann and Don Baan. A reminder about the turkey supper was made and the cleaning bee. Advance tickets only are available from UCW members and Walton Inn, Phyllis Mitchell and Jo-Ann’s in town. They are going quickly, Glenda reports, so get yours today. Celebrating birthdays this past week include Teresa Baan, Tanner Leslie, Dan Taylor, Megan Flaxbard, Murray Dennis, Douglas Wey, Shannon McGavin, John Steffler, Carol McLachlan, Helen Boven,Brianna Williamson, Liam Sutcliffe,Brent Alexander, MacKenzieMcGavin, Janine Knight and Davis Steffler. Watch for hunters, animals as deer season starts By Jo-Ann McDonald Call 887-6570 PEOPLE AROUNDWALTON NEWS FROM WALTON Read Rhea Hamilton Seeger’s Gardening column on the Huron Home and Garden Guide section of our website www.northhuron.on.ca