HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2013-10-24, Page 12PAGE 12. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2013. Condolences offered as Raynard, 103, passes away The weather has certainly changed since the beautiful weather of Thanksgiving. All things farming have come to a halt with the wet, wet fields. There is always bookwork to keep up with and chores of course, but maybe a little extra rest before the corn harvest starts. The dull and dreary weather is obvious with the lack of news. As I stare out the window, I find itdifficult to think – my brain is alsodull and dreary on this Mondaymorning. We send get-well wishes or recovery wishes to Ruth Lowe. She underwent surgery last week and it is reported she is coming along nicely. We hope she is soon home from a London Hospital, so Murray can shower her with tender loving care. Our condolences to the Coleman family on the passing of Jack Coleman. I understand Jack was a member of the Coleman family who ran a restaurant in Brussels many years ago. Our condolences to the family of Cecil Raynard. An amazing gentleman living to celebrate his 103rd birthday and walked everyday up until a short year ago. Our sympathies to his family. Members of the supper committee of Duff’s United Church met to plan the annual turkey supper. Members will be contacted shortly about their volunteering. Please be available to help when called for Tuesday and/or Wednesday, the first week of November. Many hands make light work. This is the major fundraiser for the UCW. The board of Duff’s United Church met a couple of times this past couple of weeks. One thing discussed, was an idea to bring colour into the service. This week, we will celebrate the fall and attendees are invited to wear orange, to brighten ourselves, our outlooks and our attitudes. Celebrating birthdays this past week include Randy Fraser, Sarah Grobbink, Jessica Kelso, Mary Helen McLachlan, Adam Bauer, Travis Wilts, Harper Lee, BryanKelso, Ron McCallum, Brett Lee,Lois McCall, Janice McGillvary,Michael Parr, Doug Bauer, Wayne Todd and Andrew Groothuis. Happybirthday to all. Honouring your elders Honouring The Elders, an exhibit at the Huron County Museum, was unveiled last weekend. One of the locals profiled in the several one-hour documentaries was Leona Armstrong of Brussels, right, who is seen here at the unveiling with Morris-Turnberry Mayor Paul Gowing. (Photo submitted) See histories and historic photographs on the Huron History section of our website www.northhuron.on.ca The Citizen Huron East aims to bill turbine costs back to developers Several members of Huron East Council are concerned that costs associated with wind turbines have been slipping through the cracks. Councillor Allison Dekroon raised the issue of the municipality’s yet-to-be-finalized cost recovery bylaw. The spirit of the bylaw is to ensure that any costs incurred by the municipality due to wind turbines, whether they be staff time or damage to municipal roads, be billed back to the wind turbine company. Dekroon suggested that municipal staff begin to make a list of services and damages related to wind turbines, so that if challenged in court, the list will be comprehensive and detailed. Chief Administrative Officer Brad Knight, however, cautioned council against spending too much time on the issue right away. He said that the time would have to be divided between the two wind projects currently proposed to include Huron East and that time would have to be allocated properly. “I’d like to have it all laid out,” Dekroon told council. Councillors then asked Knight if he was preparing a running tally of the work being done, or if he would just be billing it all at the end of the project. If it was to be billed at the end of the project, councillors said, that might be contentious. Knight also said that defining what can and can’t be recovered by the bylaw is an important step for council to take in the near future. Knight said that he and the rest of the municipal staff would prepare a report for councillors to help get the process started. By Shawn Loughlin The Citizen By Jo-Ann McDonald Call 887-6570 PEOPLE AROUNDWALTON NEWS FROM WALTON Threadville Mysteries Stitches with a Twist 519-523-9449 Blyth, Ont. 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