HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2013-10-24, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2013.4-H leaders honoured as group in Huron Visitor traces roots to Blyth A group honour Erica Murray, centre, president of the Huron County 4-H Leaders Association, accepted the Huron County Federation of Agriculture Award for Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture on Friday night from Director Grant Jones, left, and the Federation’s President Carol Leeming, right. The award was given to all 4-H leaders, past, present and future, for their outstanding work. (Keith Roulston photo) Normally the Huron CountyFederation Award for OutstandingContribution to Agriculture isawarded to an individual, but on this, the 100th anniversary of the 4- H movement, the federation did the unusual. “The award goes to a lot of dedicated people who have moulded youth over the years,” Grant Jones, a federation director told the audience Oct. 18 at the HCFA annual meeting at Holmesville as he announced the award would go to all 4-H leaderspast, present and future.Accepting the award was EricaMurray, president of the Huron County 4-H Leaders Association. “I can’t think of a group more deserving or one more appreciative,” said an emotional Murray who said she had benefited as a past 4-H member as well as a present leader. “There are so many leaders I see sitting in this room who have made a difference,” she said. THE EDITOR, I recently turned 60 years of age. It is amazing the effect of such a milestone. Suddenly I became more curious about my ancestors, wanting to learn more about family members who are no longer with us. It is for this reason that I visited Blyth this fall since my father before his passing had shared with me stories about his growing up there. However, much remained unclear to me. I knew that my father was born in a house that was located next to the mill. The house is gone, I discovered, but the mill is still there, although much, much larger and operated today by Howson and Howson. The house he grew up in had backed onto the CPR rail line and I had been told about his mother sharing produce from her garden with those who rode the rails during the Great Depression. The rails are gone, replaced today by the Blyth Brook Community Greenway. During my visit I learned that my great-grandfather Emmanuel Hilborn purchased the Blyth flour mill in 1917 and after his death my grandfather Leslie Hilborn operated the mill until 1934. This and much more I discovered thanks to so many thoughtful and generous people I met during my visit. There was Mary Lou, an employee of Bainton’s Old Mill who went out of her way to locate a book that chronicled the history of Blyth; Kim from the Festival theatre who showed me a photo on the rear wall of the theatre of my grandfather who was a World War I veteran and of his brother who died in action in October, 1918; and Rob of the Township of North Huron staff who helped me find the graves of my grandparents and great- grandparents in the Blyth cemetery. I learned much about my family during my visit. But my lasting memory is of the wonderful people of Blyth and of how special is small town Ontario. Ann Hilborn 35. Sanctify 37. Hyperbolic cosecant 38. Central Standard Time 39. Seed of the legume family 40. Drove in golf 41. Without difficulty 43. Without (French) 45. Politicians (informal) 46. Not happy 47. Spiritual being 49. Male child 50. The cry made by sheep 53. Handheld image enlarger 57. Inventiveness 58. Column style 59. Impudence 60. 33 1/3 records 61. Berkeley's sister city 29. Salem, MA, teachers college 30. Container for display 31. Ink writing implement 33. Hogshead (abbr.) 35. As much as one can eat 36. Puts in a horizontal position 37. Cotangent (abbr.) 39. Vitamin H 42. Book hinges 43. Voiced musical sounds 44. In the year of Our Lord 46. Japanese entertainment firm 47. Comedian Carvey 48. Bird reproductive bodies 49. Rests on a chair 50. River border 51. Largest continent 52. Plural of ascus 53. Prefix for ill 54. Small bark 55. Geographic Information System 56. Mauna __, Hawaiian volcano &%$#"!! #!!####&   !   # &#%$ %# !# ! # &#% $ ! # &#%&$ 10/.-,+**),(1,'&%$#*",+! *-,%""* 0!,/%",( * ,/*.,0),1,+( +*)('&%$%#'"%! #&&!)'%#'"!% ')(''$)&'%)'$*)'%%' &)'"' '%!&'!'$#! ! ' '*&'%)$'(%)'*)'&%&'+'$%' '!'!'$*#%' ! '+(%)'%''%') )(% '!'&)% '!*#&'!'%*$'!'%)(!' #!$'%!       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