HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2013-10-24, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2013. PAGE 3. Trick or Treaters will be collecting “Treats” door-to-door for the local Food Bank October 31 Non-perishable items, produce welcome Anyone wishing to join in the fun please meet at Blyth United Church at 5:30 pm For more information call 519-523-9819 Wawanosh Nature Centre November 2 9:00 - 12:00 $5 per person AM noon Learn about the conservation of native pollinator species and their habitats. Find out what we can do in our backyards and communities to support pollinators. Dr. Peter Kevan and Dr. Vernon Thomas from the University of Guelph will lead the workshop. For information visit www.mvca.on.ca or call 519-335-3557. To reserve a spot RSVP to edolmage@mvca.on.ca .P o l l i n a t o r s W o r k s h o p Silently entwining their invisible threads into a cable! (J.R. Miller,“Help for the Day”) “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:22 We do many things which to our own eyes appear innocent and harmless--but which have in them a hidden evil we cannot see. We indulge ourselves in many things which to us do not appear overtly sinful--but which leave on our soul a touch of blight, a soiling of purity, of which we do not dream. We permit ourselves many little habits in which we see no danger--but which are silently entwining their invisible threads into a cable which some day shall bind us hand and foot! We spare ourselves self-denials and sacrifices, thinking there is no reason why we should make them--unaware that we are lowering our standard of holy living and permitting the subtle beginnings of self-indulgence to creep into our hearts. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God!” 1 Corinthians 10:31 Christians today are in great danger of allowing the world’s sinful media and entertainments into our minds and hearts! A Grace Gem Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church, Listowel, ON 519-291-1956 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION - BRANCH 420 BLYTH The Poppy Campaign money collected in 2012 was $5,292.31 THE FOLLOWING IS A REPORT OF THE POPPY ACCOUNT POPPY ACCOUNT Bank Balance Sept. 30/12 $3445.04 Collected in 2011 Campaign 5292.31 Total $8737.35 EXPENDITURES Poppy Supplies 946.45 Printing & Advertising 502.18 Posters, Poems & Essay Contest Prizes 745.96 Parkwood Hospital Visit & Bursary (Veteran's Comfort) & Charitable Foundation 2550.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS $8737.35 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4744.59 BANK BALANCES SEPT. 30/13 $3992.76 Poppy Chairperson Donna Govier would like to thank all who made the 2012 Campaign a success, final calculations indicate gross receipts approaching $5,292.31 earmarked for service to veterans and their families. As the 2013 campaign approaches it seems appropriate to thank all who donated during the door to door canvass last November. A special thanks to all the businesses and organizations for their continuing support and also to comrades Thelma and Andy. The Legion has a supply of canes, crutches, wheelchairs, walkers, raised toilet seats for any person in our district who may require the use of them. A special thanks goes out to the Legion and Ladies Auxiliary members and any others who have assisted in making this one of the best poppy campaigns ever. Poppy Week will go from October 25th to November 11th. Yours truly, Poppy Campaign Chairperson Donna Govier October 26, 2013 POPPY DAY CANVASS Door-to-Door will start at 9:15 a.m. Those Legion and Ladies Auxiliary members who can attend will please meet at the Legion at 9:00 a.m. Your assistance will be appreciated. Let us make this another great campaign. Blyth Legion Branch 420 Greeting worshippers at Blyth United Church on Sunday, Oct. 20 were Mary Lou and John Stewart. Ushering were Karen Glousher, Rob Mason and Terry Richmond. Floyd Herman was music director. QuintonHakkers ran the power point. PastorSandra Cable lit the Christ candleand welcomed everyone to church. She drew everyone’s attention to the announcements in the bulletin and those rolling on the power point. Next Sunday, Oct. 27 is the anniversary Sunday service at Blyth United Church and they will be joined by Brussels United Church to celebrate and the next Sunday, Nov. 3, Blyth United Church will join Brussels United Church to help celebrate their anniversary. There will be no church service in Blyth on Nov. 3. Kathy Douglas will be the guest speaker for the Blyth serviceand Gary Clark will be the guestspeaker for Brussels United.The worship service began with the singing of the hymn, “Lord, Prepare Me to Be a Sanctuary”. The call to worship was repeated responsively and the opening prayer was repeated in unison followed by the singing of The Lord’s Prayer. The first hymn was the first two verses of “Come Let’s Sing of a Wonderful Love.” The children were asked to come to the front for their story time. Pastor Cable asked the children how many times people prayed and there were many answers from never to three times a day. She told the children that Jesus taught us that it is important to pray and talk to God. The children, along with the congregation, said a prayer and while they were going downstairs for the time of fellowship the congregation sang the last two verses of the hymn, “Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love.” The prayer of illumination wasrepeated in unison. The scripturereading was from Luke 18: 1-8. Thechoir favoured the congregation with two songs in one. One being American and the other being African “Peace is Like a River” and “Amen”. The anthem was followed by the prayers for the people. Pastor Cable’s message to the congregation was “Does Persistence Pay?” Pastor Cable started by saying that a squeaky rocking chair often gets the WD40. The persistence of the squeak makes us pay attention. When people are chronic complainers they often get their way. If we pray to God no matter where we are, God will hear us. In the parable, Jesus tells us that if we knock, doors will open and if we ask it will be given to us. God listens to us and grants our prayers. We should love one another as we love ourselves. Jesus encourages us to pray and God is listening. The next hymn “God of Grace and God of Glory” was followed by the receiving of the offering, the singing of “Grant Us, God, the Grace,” the prayer of dedication and the last hymn, “Though Ancient Walls” was sung followed by the blessing and the singing of the “Three Fold Amen”. Everyone was invited forcoffee and treats and fellowship withone another.Persistence of the squeaky chair pays off: Cable By Marilyn Craig Call 523-9318 From Marilyn’s Desk Happy anniversary to Mac and Brenda Brooks who celebrate Oct. 24. Happy birthday to Carson Lee who celebrates Oct. 24; John Nesbit, Oct. 25; Bob Scott and Dave Craig, Oct. 28; Bonnie Bearss, and Danielle Bromley, Oct. 29 and Cecil Wittich of Waterloo, Oct. 31. Don’t forget Monday afternoon euchre on Monday, Oct. 28 at the Legion Hall at 1:30 p.m. Come out and enjoy the fun and fellowship. Weekly euchre provides fun, fellowship SHEAR TALENT Hair Design & Tanning Perms $57 + taxPartials $46 + tax 45 West St., Goderich 519-524-6555 Fifty years of fighting fires Blyth’s Jim Howson, left, was recognized for an unheard-of achievement, according to Fire Department of North Huron representatives, when he received recognition for his 50 years as a volunteer firefighter. Shown presenting him the award is North Huron Reeve Neil Vincent. (Denny Scott photo) See histories and historic photographs on the Huron History section of our website www.northhuron.on.ca