HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2013-10-17, Page 14PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2013. A@?>=<;:987=654@:@370=/;=.7-,7=+;9* )=(5,@'0;&=(-@,7%=A7&05::%=$#="5&5'5=!= )=!=*>'4*;&*45 AAAAAA@@@@@@@???????????????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>=<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<;;;;;;:::::::::::::::::99999999999888888888888777777=66666555555444444@@@@@@@:::::@@@@3333333333333333377777770000000000=//////////;;;;;=......7777777777----------,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77777777777777777=++++++++++++;;;;;;;;;999999*** 7/7- @:05="-5@? 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We had family pictures taken and had the customary turkey dinner later. A double celebration of Thanksgiving and a wedding was celebrated by the Rutledge family. Brian and Marlene attended the wedding celebration of their granddaughter Amanda Rutledge to Dave Blake. Amanda is the daughter of Marty and Kathy. The weddingwas held at the St. Marys Golf andCountry Club in front of a smallgathering of family and close friends. An open reception was held following the family dinner. Congratulations to the happy couple who reside in St. Marys. We are happy to see George Adams and friend Marg Underwood return from a 15-day trip to the west. The pair took turns driving and visited with relatives in Saskatchewan. They had stays in Regina, Moose Jaw and Winnipeg, to name a few. They went by Ontario’s north, both ways and only experienced rain one night while away. The drive was very beautiful through the north with the lovely colours of the trees. Welcome back to George!Congratulations to Jean Bewley asshe has become a great-grandmotherfor the third time. Jean’s grandson Mark and partner Jess welcomed a sweet little girl to their lives. Little Ella Lynn and her parents live in Sydney, Australia. Jean reports she saw the newest addition to the family via Skype within an hour of her arrival. Hooray for technology! The first-time grandparents are Wayne and Mary Baker of Bolton. Congrats to all! Arriving home from B.C. to spend Thanksgiving with her parents and family was Linda Ten Pas Lang. She flew in early Thursday morning. She is spending the weekend visiting with her family. She travelled to Hanover to visit with TenPas relatives on Friday after getting agood night’s sleep. Many friendsdropped by to visit upon hearing ofher arrival. Henk and Agnes are thrilled to have her here, if only for the weekend. Linda and her family have just moved to Chilliwack from Hope. Henk and Agnes were anxiously waiting to visit with her and hear about the new home. The days will fly and by the time the paper is out, Linda will be settled at home again in B.C. Celebrating birthdays this past week include Jared Kelso, Cheryl Ryan, Greg Ducharme, Kathy Huether, Stefan Nichol, John Lowe, Brian Love, Jim McDonald, Dianne Bennett, Maxine Marks and Owen Taylor. Happy birthday to all! Families enjoy Thanksgiving, homecomings, wedding NEWS FROM WALTON By Jo-Ann McDonald Call 887-6570 PEOPLE AROUNDWALTON Pulling ahead North Woods Elementary School students participated in their annual cross country meet last week. They took the nature trails around the school to test their endurance. (Photo submitted) Council debates $800 clothing allowance At its Oct. 9 committee of the whole meeting, Huron County Council tabled a motion that would authorize an $800 clothing allowance for the warden’s position. The motion, which was brought forward by current Warden George Robertson from South Huron, would give the warden, starting in 2015 when the two-year term of warden is expected to begin, a $500 allowance for clothing and a $300 allowance for dry cleaning over the course of the two years. The allowance would be paid out in two $400 yearly payments. Bluewater Councillor Paul Klopp felt the motion was being considered too early. With it not being proposed to take effect until 2015 and a municipal election next year that could change the face of council drastically, Klopp said he felt the incoming council should consider the issue. Council then passed a motion that tabled the issue until budget discussions begin early next year. *** Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh’s Neil Rintoul says he’s concerned about dust control on some of the county’s gravel roads. He cited a recent situation where an emergency vehicle had to get through on a dirt road and a number of cars pulled over to the shoulder, creating visibility issues and an unsafe driving environment due to the dust. Rintoul said he would like to see chloriding gravel roads considered in next year’s budget. Public Works Director Dave Laurie said it is certainly something that can be done. It would add some cost to the 2014 budget, but not much, he said. Laurie said he would prepare a report examining the costs of the process and present it to council at budget time. *** A report from county staff was appreciated, but ultimately ignored, regarding a code of conduct for contractors bidding on county projects. The report, which was presented to council by Director of Planning and Development Scott Tousaw and Public Works Director Dave Laurie, was viewed by some councillors as being simply another “hoop” contractors would have to jump through and many councillors were not in favour of the new policy. “I just see this as more red tape for contractors and I don’t think we should go any further with it,” said Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Reeve Ben Van Diepenbeek. Bluewater’s Paul Klopp made a motion that council note and file the report, taking no further action. Klopp’s motion was passed. *** A group of citizens who have identified themselves as anti-wind turbine made a presentation to council, led by Anita Frayne of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh. Frayne explained both sides of the debate, saying that there is insufficient science on both sides of wind turbines and, for that reason, council should declare the county an “unwilling host” to wind turbine projects. There was little discussion by the councillors, who referred the issue to staff, who will prepare a report, which will come back to council at a later date. *** Veronica Stevenson, an employee of the county’s treasury department, made a presentation to council on behalf of the county’s 308 non- union employees. Stevenson asked for six changes to their current work agreement, which would bring them in line with the county’s unionized employees, including a two per cent raise in each of the next two years. Goderich Mayor Deb Shewfelt suggested that the issue be referred to county administration, as council is not accustomed to negotiating in public, which would be the case with non-union public employees. Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Reeve Ben Van Diepenbeek said he didn’t have a problem with any of the requests Stevenson had made. He said that it has always been council’s intention to keep non- union employees on par with the unionized ones, and that’s all Stevenson’s requests were doing. Huron East Deputy-Mayor Joe Steffler agreed with Van Diepenbeek, saying that he felt the requests were fair and that they should be granted. The issue was directed to municipal staff, who will prepare a report and present it to council at a later date. By Shawn Loughlin The Citizen