HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2013-09-26, Page 23THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2013. PAGE 23. “I will give you a trout.” Thosewere the words delivered by one Central Huron resident after hearing a road allowance that is currently posted as closed by a new property owner appears to remain under municipal ownership. In appearing before Central Huron Council on Sept. 17, Mill Street resident Paul Webb, who was speaking on behalf of several Mill Street residents in attendance, asked council why a portion of land that was always open to foot traffic is now closed. “It’s not private, but there are signs all over the place,” said Webb, while urging council to take action on the matter since he has traditionally accessed the site to fish at Piper’s Dam. While noting more investigation is needed into the matter, Central Huron’s roads manager, Tom Sinclair, said Central Huron is not in the practice of selling road allowances near water so the one in that area, which was one of the areas heavily hit during the Aug. 21, 2011 tornado, remains in the possession of Central Huron. Sinclair noted while the previous owner registered no objections withpeople cutting across his property toaccess the watercourse, the newowner might have other preferences.Sinclair also confirmed the property owner has expressed interest in buying the road allowance though “we don’t sell it.” Councillor Marg Anderson suggested the creation of a policy to spell out that road allowances accessing waterways are not for sale, though Sinclair noted this incident is the first of its kind in Central Huron. “The best thing to do is a road tour in October and have a look at what is there and come back and decide what to do,” said Sinclair. Webb told council he plans to again begin using the access until the matter is settled. *** Central Huron councillors met behind closed doors for a half-hour session with their newly-hired lawyer, Valerie McGarry, and planner, Allan Ramsey, on Tuesday night. Councillor Marg Anderson confirms Central Huron is now planning to move forward with its appeal to the Huron County Official Plan at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). Council had earlier discussed possibly dropping the appeal after its first lawyer appointed to the task, Alan Patton, and first planner, JohnCox, recommended against movingforward, suggesting the appeal wasnot “winnable.”Council ultimately chose toreplace both the planner and lawyer,and it has now chosen to moveforward with an OMB hearing on the basis of an appeal to the county’swording relating to commercialwater taking and to Appeal moves forward with new planner, lawyer Seeing what’s up Representatives from North Huron Council toured the Maitland River Elementary School for the first time since its opening earlier this month. Led by Principal Alice McDowell, third from the right, the group is shown here admiring the skylights in the gym ceiling that provide natural light, saving energy and resources. (Denny Scott photo) Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. 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