HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2013-08-22, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2013.
Wawanosh 4-H starts canning club
By Ellen Jefferson
On Aug. 10, members of the
Wawanosh 4-H club met at the
Auburn Hall at 9:30 a.m. to begin a
food preservation club. In this club
members will learn the basics of
preserving foods through canning,
freezing and dehydration. Members
will have the opportunity to make
canned jam, pickles, salsa and
stewed tomatoes, plus freeze and dry
fruit and vegetables.
Leader Mary Ellen Foran began
the meeting by asking members why
people choose to go to all the work
of canning. Members suggested that
it was because people want to know
what is going into the food they are
eating, they have more control over
the ingredients and to preserve
produce to eat later in the year.
Next, the members moved onto
the election of officers. The results
were: president, Reba Jefferson;
vice-president, Loretta Higgins;
press reporter, Ellen Jefferson and
cover design, Maisy Jefferson.
Members will take turns writing the
meeting minutes. A club name will
be decided on at the next meeting.
Loretta led roll call where
members discussed if they had ever
made jam or jelly. Approximately
half of the members had helpedmake some kind of berry jam.Mary Ellen then showed the club avideo of how to make peach jam.
This procedure was to be followed
for the peach jam being canned.
After washing their hands, the group
divided into two groups to make two
different batches of jam. The
peaches had been purchased at the
St. Jacob’s Market on Thursday by
Mary Ellen. Members of each group
started dicing peaches, while the
others sterilized the jars. Once the
jars were ready and the fruit was cut,
members let the fruit simmer on the
During this time, members took a
quick break outside to play SPUD.
Members took turns watching thejam during the game. When thecooking time was completed, sugarand pectin were added according to
the recipe and then allowed to boil
for one minute. The jam was then
put into jars and canned for 10
minutes. Each member who
attended the meeting had a jar of jam
to take home.
A discussion was then led by
Cathy Drennan on the ingredients
used in jam making and their
purpose. The members learned
about the importance of pectin and
other thickeners and sugar. Loretta
closed the meeting with the 4-H
motto. The next meeting will be
Aug. 26 at 7 p.m. at the Auburn Hall.
Volunteers are an essential part of
the fabric of our society. Huron
Hospice Volunteer Service knows
this very well. The support of our
dedicated team of volunteers caring
for those with a life-threatening
illness and supporting their families
through this important journey
would be impossible without
hospice volunteers. We are grateful
to those volunteers who give of their
time, dedication, love and care to
help families along their journey.
Huron Hospice is conducting a 30-
hour training program beginning
Thursday, Sept. 19 and running until
Thursday, Nov. 28 for those persons
who want to understand better the
On Saturday, Sept. 21 The
Longest Play is being held at Knox
United Church, Belgrave from 8
a.m. to 8 p.m. Organizers are
planning a day full of activities and
yummy tasty treats starting with a
brunch cooked by the men of the
congregation. There will be coffee,
cookies and muffins available all
day and from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. the
UCW will be serving chili and a
bun. They are also planning a bake
and preserves sale and silent auction
and organizers are welcoming all
donations to these. Please have
items to the bake sale delivered
Friday night between 7 and 8 p.m. or
Saturday morning by 9:30 a.m.
For the silent auction items
please let Connie Shiell or John
Cartwright know what you are
planning to donate as soon as
The UCW are planning a display
of interesting items and there will be
activities for the small folk and
maybe even face painting. Please
mark Sept. 21 on your calendar and
plan to spend as much time as you
are able and enjoy the music, food,
and browsing the items for the silent
auction and the bake and preserves
The guest speaker student
Minister Brian Hymers from
Dungannon/Trinity Pastoral Charge
will be at Knox United Church on
Knox Anniversary Sunday. There
will be lunch following the service,
so please bring sandwiches or
Thanks to John Cartwright for
painting the sanctuary floor.
‘Longest Play’ coming to Knox
28. Visualized
30. Remain as is
32. The Volunteer state
33. Chinese painter Zhang __
34. Small young herring
36. Reverences
39. Cape Verde capital
41. Optically formed duplicates
43. Travel around the world
46. Chills and fever
47. Tennis player Erlich
48. Elicit or derive
50. Small scissors cut
51. Thin continuous mark
52. Prevents harm to creatures
53. Belonging to a thing
54. A boy or youth
55. Old small French coin
28. Saddle foot supports
29. Encircle with lace
30. Hindu religious teacher
31. Haulage
34. Faucet
35. 1509 Portuguese/Indian battle
37. Good Gosh!
38. Frame-ups
40. Pentyl
41. Covered with ivy
42. Painting on dry plaster
43. Colombia's 3rd largest city
44. Short fiber combed from long
45. Tolstoy's Karenina
49. Cologne
'&%$#"10!# #*1'$
1 341321."/1
1 34132
1 3414
1. Current unit
4. Antidiuretic hormone
7. "What's up?"
10. A female domestic
12. Animal catching device
14. Large tailless primate
15. Forearm bones
17. Agarwood oil
18. Japanese waist pouch
19. 36th President
22. Largest Mediterranean island
23. Nicklas Grossman's birthplace
24. Point that is one point E of NE
25. 1841 Rhode Is. rebellion
26. Largest CA city
27. Michigan
1. A Dalton (physics)
2. Shopping complexes
3. Chinese transliteration system
4. Lack of normal muscle tone
5. Clobber
6. Pilgrimage to Mecca
7. Divine language of Hinduism
8. A sudden outburst
9. Laborer who does menial
11. Move to music
13. Unit of loudness
16. Suitable for use as food
18. Financial gain
20. 14760, NY
21. Possessed
The Citizen Crossword
Chain Maille Supplies
Stitches with a Twist
Blyth, Ont.
By Linda
Learning to preserve
Amanda Morrison, left, and Loretta Higgins, spent some
time dicing peaches at the Wawanosh 4-H Club’s new
venture into canning and preserves. Peach jam was on the
agenda the night of the first meeting. (Photo submitted)
Continued on page 20