HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2013-06-27, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2013. PAGE 19. Groups urge council onwith official plan appeal Quite an honour Blyth Lion John Stewart, left, recently received the International President’s Certificate of Appreciation at the Lions Multiple District ‘A’ Convention, which was held in Richmond Hill. The certificate, presented by Lions Club International First Vice-President Barry Palmer of Australia, right, is one of the highest honours a Lions Club member can receive. (Photo submitted) The Huron Perth Landowners Association is urging Central Huron Council to continue its appeal of Huron County’s Official Plan. During a presentation to Central Huron Council June 18, association spokeswoman Cindy Moyer says it is imperative for council to continue with its planned appeal at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), though Councillor Burkhard Metzger introduced a notice of motion at council’s last session that could mark an end to the appeal. While Metzger’s notice of motion pointed out that both the municipality’s lawyer and planning consultant recommended against moving forward, Moyer said the issue has become one of principle. Moyer said the fact that both she and a fellow ratepayer have been granted participant status in the OMB appeal is proof that there is more at stake that the two specific questions on the agenda. “Upholding the law. That is really important to the people of this community,” she said, adding Central Huron Council should remember that its role is “doing what is right and good and honourable in the County for Huron.” She said the fact that Central Huron only found out “by accident” that the amendments to the Huron County Official Plan were approved by the province is disturbing. “Your role here is acting as police,” she said. “And to sweep this under the rug is not doing your due diligence.” Emphasizing the “rule of law” is “meaningful and important,” Moyer called Central Huron Council the “first and last line of defence.” During a question period, Councillor Brian Barnim wondered if Moyer could carry on with the appeal if Central Huron drops out. “If the appeal is dropped then we don’t get our day of justice,” replied Moyer. Metzger said he introduced the notice of motion in response to calls from ratepayers who are concerned about the possible costs associated with an OMB hearing. He added the two issues being heard before the OMB are specific and do not address concerns with the process. In echoing Metzger’s concerns, Councillor Alex Westerhout said perhaps a better option is to appeal the entire Official Plan. Moyer contended the entire Official Plan can still be addressed even with a focus on two issues. “The process is to start with the tribunals and the OMB is one,” she said. In making a presentation on the same subject, ratepayer Dave Hemingway said concerns remain with the process’s lack of transparency. He added, “Central Huron Council has to be commended for their good action.” Hemingway also expressed frustration with the fact three of ratepayers’ concerns with the Huron County Official Plan, specifically commercial water taking, and petroleum and aggregate extraction, have been removed from the original list. Hemingway also expressed frustration with the fact no minutes were taken during a May 2012 meeting with regard to the matter among Central Huron, Huron County and ministry officials. He said it seems unfortunate Central Huron’s planner cannot comment to the public on the matter and that the solicitor of record also works for the county. “This puts our municipal council at a serious disadvantage in this municipal appeal,” suggested Hemingway. While referencing a petition circulated by industrial wind turbine Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. ADVERTISING REACH MILLIONS OF CUSTOMERS IN ONTARIO WITH ONE EASY CALL! Your Classified Ad or Display Ad would appear in weekly newspapers each week across Ontario in urban, suburban and rural areas. For more information Call Today Toll-Free 1-888-219-2560, Email: k.magill@sympatico.ca or visit: www.OntarioClassifiedAds.com. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. 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