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PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 2013. Classified Advertisements
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Legal notices
Notice to Creditors and Others
in the Estate of
Clifford Ross Schultz
All persons having claims against the es-
tate of Clifford Ross Schultz, late of the
Municipality of Huron East in the County
of Huron, who died on or about the 20th
Barristers and Solicitors, 217 Josephine
Street, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2WO on
or before June 29, 2013 the their names
and full particulars of this claims.
Immediately thereafter, the undersigned
will distribute the assets of the said es-
tate having regard only to the claims then
Dated at North Huron this
3rd day of June 2013.
Crawford, Mill & Davies,
Barristers and Solicitors
217 Josephine Street, Box 1028
Wingham, Ontario
N0G 2W0
Solicitor for the Estate Trustees
Services Services
Custom Hay &
Straw Service
Cutting, Baling & Wrapping
Buying and selling hay & straw
Wanted to rent ~ standing hay ground
Blake Cardiff
Ethel, Ontario
Cell 519-357-8407 or 519-887-9867
Individual Baling & Wrapping
~ 3x3 square bales
* loader provided
Cutting ~ Hesston Steel on
Steel Discbine
CCuuss tt oomm BB aall iinngg
&& WWrraappppiinngg
Baling rounds with precutter
and cover edge net wrap.
Wrapping round and square
bales up to 5 feet.
Dave Boonstoppel
Replace existing duct work with PVC coated spiral ducting
and cover existing ceiling with vinyl ceiling liner.
Quotation forms are available at the Huron East Municipal Office
or available on the website (
Quotations will be received from the undersigned until
Friday, October 25th, 2013 at 4:00 p.m.
The lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted.
John Hill,
Building & Property Maintenance Coordinator
Municipality of Huron East
72 Main Street South Seaforth, ON NOK 1W0
Request for Quotations
Get information
on Huron County
attractions on the
Stops Along The Way
section of our website
519-523-4792 or
The Citizen
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Continued from page 12
troubles are achieving for us an
eternal glory that far outweighs
them all.” (2Cor 4:16-17) Paul’s
eternal perspective helped him grasp
the hidden value of suffering, its
‘redeem-ability’: suffering can be
for a purpose, if we will recognize
Yet even those who have difficulty
believing in God as revealed in
Christ and the Bible may find reason
to resist institutionalization of
euthanasia merely on the grounds of
what we can deduce from general
observation about the depravity and
fallenness of human nature. “All
have sinned, and fall short of the
glory of God...” “There is no one
righteous, not even one...Their feet
are swift to shed blood...” (Romans
3:10, 15, 23) Our sinful nature is
prone to selfishness, to taking
advantage of others (dog-eat-dog /
“nature red in tooth and claw”).
In our current economic and
social setting, we see an increasing
strain on our provincial health care
system. There is constant pressure to
cut costs, even if this means
reducing services to the public. The
prevalence of aging failing
numerous Boomers threatens to
weigh perilously on a flattened
population pyramid, consisting at
the lower levels of relatively fewer
younger members of the workforce
(Busters and Gen-Xers). This means
there will be increasing pressure to
“phase out” the lives of the elderly
and feeble because they’re putting a
strain on limited health-care
Euthanasia measures may be
introduced as if they’re to be strictly
on a voluntary basis, but in just a
short time there would be pressure
to broaden this to those deemed
mentally incompetent. Two BC
physicians, Drs. Pankratz and Welsh
writing in “A Christian Response to
Euthanasia”, note that so-called
“quality of life” [QOL] judgements
“are often made by a third party on
behalf of an incompetent person and
amount to an outside observer’s
judgement of the value or quality of
another’s life. Therefore, those who
possess a “high” QOL end up
deciding that someone is better off
dead, often simply because that
person can no longer decide for
themselves (since a high QOL value
is placed on rational thought). Some
proponents of the QOL criterion
even believe that an individual’s
QOL is reduced if he or she is a
burden to society and caregivers.”
Our fallen nature tends to push
measures further down a “slippery
slope” beyond the limited types of
cases legislation was supposedly
originally designed to address. In
Belgium, for example, where
euthanasia is legal, 32 per cent of
people who are killed under that law
are killed without their requests and
without their consent. In the
Netherlands, a study commissioned
by the government revealed
disregard for guidelines: “a third of
lethal injections are given without
the patient’s consent, and despite the
requirement for persistent request,
59 per cent of cases occur on the
same day they are asked for, and 10
per cent within the same hour! The
study showed that physicians also
frequently falsify death certificates
and disregard the requirements for
consulting a second physician.”
(Pankratz and Welsh)
Our human tendency to push the
limits must surely have been
recognized by Hippocrates, the
fourth-century B.C. Greek physician
whose famous oath underlies
modern medical practice – “I will
use treatment to help the sick
according to my ability and
judgment, but I will never use it to
injure or wrong them. I will not give
poison to anyone though asked to do
so, nor will I suggest such a plan.”
What’s happening that is nudging
physicians to consider overturning
2,000 years of experience and
undermine their own code?!
The Supreme Court of Canada
(Rodriguez v. British Columbia) has
recognized that Canadian society is
“based upon respect for the intrinsic
value of human life and on the
inherent dignity of every human
being.” There are much bigger
issues at stake than just human
comfort and our level of pain. In
conclusion, the Evangelical
Fellowship of Canada notes in its
“talking points” on the issue: “Given
Canada’s rapidly aging population
and our strained healthcare system,
the legal and social acceptance of
euthanasia may lead to untenable
pressure on individuals who are
dying or disabled to end their lives
early. Once the presumption in
favour of life is lowered to allow for
early deaths, there will be more
deaths than intended in the
legislation. Abuse will increase, as is
already chronicled in other
jurisdictions, such as Holland.”
Let’s not go there! Who knows – the
life you save MAY turn out to be
your own.
Strain on healthcare
system coming: Dow
Picnic this Sunday
On May 21, seven members of the
Walkerburn Club met at the home of
Christena Gross.
Betty Archambault opened the
meeting with the reading “A Smile”,
followed by prayer. Eileen
McClinchey read the minutes of the
last meeting followed with the
treasurer’s report by Ila
Plans were made for the
community picnic on June 23 at
12:30 p.m. at Manchester Park by
the river in Auburn. All members of
the community, as well as former
members, are invited. In case of rain,
call a club member as the group may
have other arrangements.
Ila Cunningham had a contest
using the letter of your mother’s
name, followed by the reading, “The
Apron”. Betty held at contest on
May 24.
Dorothy Schneider was a very
humorous auctioneer for the plant
and miscellaneous sale. Christena
served cake and ice cream for