HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2013-06-06, Page 17TWO TWO-BEDROOM UNITS and one studio unit for rent. Includes heat, hydro, appliances, parking, Blyth. Available now. 226-222-1429. 23-2p -------------------------------------------- BRUSSELS AREA – THREE-BED- room house, no pets, no smoking, first and last month’s rent plus utilities. $700/month. Phone after 7 p.m. 519-523-4863. 22-2 -------------------------------------------- NEW IN SEAFORTH – TWO- bedroom apartments suitable for a couple, include four appliances. Now available. Lower $700 and upper $800 plus utilities. Phone 519- 685-2254. 22-tfn -------------------------------------------- APARTMENT IN BLYTH FOR seniors – large two-bedroom apartment with balcony. Available now. Includes stove, fridge, coin washer and dryer. Phone 519-524- 4680. 20-4 JAMCO ALUMINUM LIVESTOCK truck box, 14 ft. x 8 ft. with rear doors and side access door. Excellent condition. Jeff Cardiff 519-887- 6162. 23-2 -------------------------------------------- 2013 PHONE BOOKS are available to purchase at The Citizen, 413 Queen St., Blyth and 541 Turnberry St., Brussels for only $1.00 each. tfn -------------------------------------------- REPRINTS OF PHOTOS taken by Citizen photographers are available to purchase. All are in colour. 4x6 – $4.00, 5x7 – $5.00, 8x10 – $8.00. Phone to order 519- 523-4792 or 519-887-9114. tfn CALDWELL. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their concerns and cards during my recent stay in Clinton Hospital and Stratford Hospital. Thanks to all the nursing staff. Your excellent care was much appreciated. Many thanks to Dr. Salsbury. Also my loss of my son George. It was greatly appreciated. – Erlene Caldwell. 23-1p HUNKING. You may have sent flowers or a card, or gave a great big hug, or a gentle hand squeeze. Perhaps you baked a pie, prepared a meal, shed a tear, gave a hearty laugh or said a prayer, mowed the lawn, walked the dog, cut a limb, gave a ride, a telephone call, paid a visit. No matter how little or big, noticed or unnoticed, there are no words we can use to thank you. The love and support you gave Kim during her short battle with cancer, to Robert, Sydney, Sara and Shayna since Kim’s battle ended, these will never be forgotten. Kim lived and loved life to its fullest. May we also thank you from the bottom of our hearts. – Pat Hunking and family. 23-1p SOUP AND SANDWICH LUNCH- eon, Blyth Legion, June 13, 11 - 1, $6. Dessert $2.50 extra. Take-out and deliveries 519-523-9535. 23-1p -------------------------------------------- LASER HAIR REMOVAL. NEXT sessions July 9 and August 20. Please call Bonnie Sallows for free consultation, 519-887-6661. 23-1 -------------------------------------------- BRUSSELS FARMERS’ MARKET Fridays 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Different vendors each week. Food, music and fellowship. 23-1 -------------------------------------------- SPRING BREAKFAST, VAN Egmond House, Egmondville, Sunday, June 9, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Adults $7, children under 10, $3, preschool - free. 23-1 -------------------------------------------- COME AND GO BRIDAL SHOWER for Lindsay Malhiot on Sunday, June 9 from 1 to 3 at Belgrave Community Centre. Gift registry at Stainton’s Home Hardware and sears.ca 22-2p -------------------------------------------- DUFF’S IN WALTON WELCOMES you to their anniversary on June 9 at 11 a.m. Guest speaker will be Bruce Whitmore. Lunch and fellowship will follow. 22-2 -------------------------------------------- FATHER’S DAY OLD TYME Country Breakfast, Sunday, June 16, 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Londesborough Hall. Eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes and homefries. Adults $7, children under 12, $3. Sponsored by Londesborough Lions. 22-2b CASH-CROP LAND WANTED TO rent or share crop. Competitive price. Peter Rastorfer, 519-347-2669 or 519-276-9405. 33-52p LOOKING FOR RESPONSIBLE and dependable teen to do weeding two to three hours a week. Must know the difference between a perennial and a weed. Phone: 519- 523-9541 anytime and leave a message. 23-2p THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2013. PAGE 17.Classified Advertisements – RATES –20 words or less only $7.00 + HST. Additional words 20¢ each + HST. 50¢ will be deducted if ad is paid in advance DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 519-523-4792 or 519-887-9114 ccommodation for rentA Articles for sale All word ads in The Citizen classifieds are put on our webpage at www.northhuron.on.ca Coming events Help wanted Cards of thanks Cards of thanks Farmland Help wanted Help wanted Help wanted In keeping with directions outlined in the Ontario Comprehensive Mental Health and Addictions Strategy, the Avon Maitland District School Board is seeking a Mental Health Lead to coordinate, align, and implement a board-level comprehensive student mental health and addictions strategy. Reporting to the Superintendent of Education – Learning Services, the Mental Health Lead will provide leadership within the board and community in the area of school mental health, the incumbent will serve as a liaison with provincial mental health initiatives, and will monitor and share our implementation progress and learning. Moreover, the Mental Health Lead will support district capacity building for mental health services and support schools, evidence informed practices, and system navigation. Qualifi cations and Experience: • Completion of a graduate degree (minimum Masters) in Social Work, Clinical/School Psychology • Registered with a college governing mental health professionals; • Extensive clinical experience working with children and youth, across the tiers of mental health intervention (promotion, preven- tion, intervention, crisis, system navigation); • Demonstrated knowledge and experience in strategy development, coordination, and implementation, • Experience providing and/or facilitating adult learning, professional learning and training. yourschools.caTED DOHERTY Director of Education COLLEEN SCHENK Chair Mental Health Lead at the Education Centre in Seaforth The Avon Maitland District School Board invites applications for Mental Health Lead Posting Avon Maitland District School Board Email: HR@fc.amdsb.ca i AM education Position Eff ective Date & Length: This is a full-time, 12 month, 35 hours a week term position and is expected to be of one year duration, subject to renewal by mutual consent. Qualifi ed applicants are invited to submit a detailed cover letter and resume clearly outlining their education and experience prior to 4:00 p.m. Thursday, June 13, 2013. Visit our website at yourschools.ca/ employment-opportunities/ for more details. We thank those who submit a resume and advise that only those who are chosen for an interview will receive a reply. Note: A criminal background check that includes a vulnerable sector search that is satisfactory to the board as well as a third party background screening will be conducted prior to an off er of employment.     Currently are seeking Service Technician / Installers full time positions available Qualifications Familiar with general construction, electrical and barn control systems Strong ability to troubleshoot and solve problems Valid  licence a must Capable of occasional heavy lifting Offering Competitive wage and benefit package Deliver resume and cover letter to 92 Railway Street Seaforth, Ontario   The MVCA is accepting applications for an at the Administration Centre in Wroxeter. This is a short-term, contract position. Visit www.mvca.on.ca for the job description and application details. Forward resume and covering letter by June 17, 2013 to: Brandi Walter, Environmental Planner/Regulations Technician Maitland Valley Conservation Authority 1093 Marietta Street, Box 127 Wroxeter, ON N0G 2X0 Fax: 519-335-3516 Email: bwalter@mvca.on.ca No phone calls please. Environmental Planner - Regulations Assistant The MVCA is an equal opportunity employer. We thank all applicants for their interest however only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. e leoppplhenda CARNE On oiJ n iylentdenepdnie vilo t Suyitnummo C &emo HECAR esmhon owrheitn seicvre StroppSu :snoiatcifaliuQ yadnoMderiuqerytilibaliava tropsnarT,sleehWnoslaeM erpnitroppusevitartsinimda aemoh-nignidivorp,ycnega mmoC&emoHERACENO ntatsissAmargorP ivreSlaicoSroytinummoC cyradnoces-tsopmuminiM orpetacinummocotytilibA pmocfoesuniycneiciforP RPCdnadiAtsriFtnerruC      rpgninevednayadrof,yadirFoty sihT.ssenlleWdnahtlaeH,noitat ssmargorpgnirevileddnagnirape gorPehT.secivresytinummocdna cepserasisecivreStroppuSytinu sec ciffffO,ssenisuBniamolpidegelloc ilchtiwylevitceffffednayllanoissefo ciffffOtfftosorciM,lecxE,droW(retu     .smargor htiwnoitisoplausacasi ,sroineSrofgniniDsahcus sedivorptnatsissAmarg ytinummoctiforp-nondetc ,htlaeH,noitartsinimdAe .cilbupehtdnastne )e ceblllilwsweivviretniinroffodetceles htthyllynO.stsnacillippallllaknahttheWWe 8941-284-915: axF cirve sgnitruicre: limaE enJuelindaedniotalicppA      ww.detcatno esoh ac.rtouppsreaceno@se .m.p4 3 20119,e     ca.torppuesraonec.ww tisvionitpircse dob jllu f aFor Person required for full-time employment to start immediately Experience necessary Drop off résumé to Matt at MGM Townsend Tire 40356 Londesboro Rd. 519-523-4742 REWARDING OPPORTUNITY: Tell the story of your community. The Citizen requires a community correspondent to tell our readers of the news in the Auburn community. Small remuneration. Contact Shawn Loughlin, The Citizen, 519-523-4792 or email: editor@northhuron.on.ca e4w Get information on Huron County attractions on the Stops Along The Way section of our website www.northhuron.on.ca BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED Hey Brides! Check out our new Brides in Huron Website for everything bridal! www.northhuron.on.ca (click on Brides In Huron)