HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2013-04-25, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2013. PAGE 3. Concert fundraiserset for Friday night
Guess what? No birthdays for this
There were seven tables at play at
the April 15 euchre. Winners were:
high lady, Flo Simmons, 86; high
man, Randy Hugill, 74; ladies’ lone
hands, tied, Dorothy Carter, Betty
Archambault and Pauline
McMichael, three; men’s lone
hands, tied, Jewel Plunkett, Marilyn
Aitken, four; low lady, Mae Ritchie;
low man, Doug Cartwright; door
prize, Nancy Turner and Jean
Nethery; share the wealth, Jean
Nethery, Kay Hesselwood and
Harold McClinchey.
Next euchre is on Monday, April
29 at 1:30 p.m. in the Legion Hall.
Vacation Bible School will be July
15-19 this year. To register or for
more information call Valerie
Shortreed at 519-523-4903. Come
and enjoy a week of fun and
Sadie Chalmers and her
classmates are presenting a “Gospel
Concert for Nicaragua” on Friday,
April 26 at 7 p.m. at Blyth United
Church as a fundraiser for their
mission trip. Tickets are $10. For
more information call Sadie at 519-
By Marilyn
From Marilyn’s Desk
As part of regular system
maintenance, the water department
will be conducting a hydrant and
main flushing program during the
hours of 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from
Monday, April 29 through Friday,
May 3.
This procedure could result in the
discolouration of your water. It is
recommended that all customers
check their water for rust prior to
use each day as discolouration of
laundry, etc. could occur. Running
a cold water tap until the
discolouration has cleared is
Thank you for your co-operation.
P.O. Box 90, 274 Josephine Street,
Wingham, Ontario N0G 2W0
Phone: 519-357-3550 Fax: 519-357-1110
Crossing over
Author Anita Moorjani, left, was in Blyth on Sunday to speak to a sold out Memorial Hall
crowd. Moorjani is famous the world over as an author and public speaker, but she is mostly
known for her remarkable life story. Moorjani is a cancer survivor who says she was so close
to death that she crossed over into heaven, but came back to tell the tale. She is seen here
autographing a book for Susie Simonis, right. (Jim Brown photo)
Chalmers discusses mission trip
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on the third Sunday
of Easter, April 21 were Tom Cronin
and Brenda Brooks. Ushering were
Brenda Brooks, Tom Cronin, Nicole
Kerr and Arletta Hallahan. Floyd
Herman was music director and
Fred Hakkers and Steven ran the
power point.
Emily Phillips welcomed
everyone to church in the absence of
Rev. Gary Clark. Emily thanked
everyone who wore their favourite
hockey shirt. Last week everyone
was asked to wear their favourite
apparel when attending their hockey
games. Sadie Chalmers gave a short
speech about her planned trip to
Nicaragua with her classmates.
Emily welcomed Kathy Douglas,
youth minister for the Huron-Perth
Presbytery who was the guest
The call to worship was repeated
responsively followed by the
singing of the two hymns, “Dance
with the Spirit” and “Hey Now!
Singing Hallelujah”, the prayer of
approach repeated responsively and
the singing of The Lord’s Prayer.
The children were asked to come
to the front for their story time.
Kathy asked the children to play a
game with her. She had a bowl of
candy and asked the children to pick
a number that she had in her head. If
they were right she would give them
a candy. As the children guessed the
number and if they were wrong
Kathy ate the candy. She asked the
children if this was fair and what she
needed to do to make it fair. She
asked one of the children to be a
referee like in hockey. She
whispered her number in Reid
Button’s ear and the children
guessed again. Reid told the others
they were wrong until someone
guessed right. Kathy told the
children that Jesus was like a referee
and helped us stay on the right path.
They watched a short video from
the hockey tournament in January
that was sponsored by the youth of
the church.
Floyd Herman gave a short
history of the anthem “The Lord
Will Be My Shepherd” that the
choir sang.
Kathy’s message to the adults was
“The Good Old Hockey Game.” She
gave a brief account of her work as
a youth minister and some of the
projects that had been carried out in
the past years. People of faith are
like a hockey team. We need a
referee to keep us on the right path
and Jesus is that person in a faith
community. Many churches blame
hockey for the decline in attendance
in church but hockey teaches us a lot
of things like relationships, how to
be a team, exercise, anger
management and many other things.
In the scriptures Paul tells us to
live in the present and be ready to do
the hard things as well as the easy
things. The last hymn “What a
Friend We Have in Jesus,” was
followed by the commissioning,
benediction and the singing of the
response “Go Now in Peace.”
Everyone was invited for coffee and
fellowship after the service.
“It is appointed for man once to die--and after that comes judgment!”
Hebrews 9:27
The contracting walls!
(J.R. Miller)
There was a mediaeval dungeon of singular construction. When the prisoner first
entered it--it seemed very bright and pleasant. It had a cheerful appearance. But in
three or four days, he saw that the walls, which were of iron, were slowly
contracting. On oiled hinges and in silent grooves, the metal plates were ever
drawing nearer and nearer to each other.
By and by the prisoner could hardly move. Then the place was too small for him
to lie down in. The next day, there was only room for him to stand. Now he put his
hands frantically against the iron walls to keep them from crushing him. But all
was in vain. The walls silently and remorselessly closed upon him.
In the same way, your years are the walls of just such a prison. They are bright and
beautiful to you. But each day the prison is contracting, its walls are narrowing
around you. With every pulse-beat, the iron walls draw closer and closer around
your soul.
The only refuge from this prison, is Christ. Without Christ, life means nothing but
illusion and disappointment, ending in death and eternal damnation! Christ is the
only door into liberty, into blessedness, into joy, into Heaven!
“For the wages of sin is death” Romans 6:23
“I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved!” John 10:9
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956
Citizen of the Year award
nominees sought in Blyth
The deadline for nominations for
The Citizen’s annual Citizen of the
Year Awards has been extended until
May 31, 2013.
To date, several, though still not
enough, nominations have been
received for a Citizen of the Year
candidate in Brussels, but not a single
nomination has come in from Blyth
and its surrounding communities.
We at The Citizen know there are
plenty of deserving people in Blyth
and its surrounding communities, so
we’re hoping that Citizen readers will
step up and nominate someone they
feel goes above and beyond the call of
duty for their community and its
Recent Citizen of the Year Award
winners from Blyth include: Steve
Howson, 2012; Kay Hesselwood,
2011; Jean Nethery, 2010; Brock and
Janis Vodden, 2009; Joe Hallahan,
2008; Janice Henry, 2007 and Lois van
Vliet, 2006.
Let’s add another name to that list in
2013. A nomination form can be found
on page 13 of this week’s issue of The
Spring Breezes greenhouses
83189 Scott Line, RR 3 Blyth
(Check us out on Facebook too!)
Spring Breezesgreenhouses
Open daily Monday - Saturday
The plants are looking fabulous.
Looking forward to serving you for
another season.
Opening May 1st
Baskets, containers, annuals, perennials,
vegetables and much more!
Blyth Business
Improvement Area
Annual Meeting
Monday, April 29
7 pm
Bainton’s Art Gallery
All welcome.