HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2013-04-04, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2013. PAGE 15. Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne visited the Regional Equine and Agricultural Centre of Huron (REACH) in Clinton for a summit on agriculture and, despite anti- turbine protesters forcing her to forego addressing them as a group by rushing her vehicle, she still addressed the issue. Wynne, who was not at the summit to necessarily discuss turbines, started her keynote speech by addressing the fact that she had not been able to talk with the protesters. She said that she realized they were there and that she wanted to deal with the issue. “I know a lot of people are concerned about wind turbines and the placement of wind turbines and that is something that the Minister of Energy is working on,” she said. “That’s something we’re working on to have a better process. I just want to acknowledge that because its very much present.” After her speech, Wynne made time to talk to the protesters in a limited fashion. She invited three members of the group to sit down and discuss the issue with her including Tom Melady of Huron East Against Turbines (HEAT), Lorie Gillis of the Ontario RegionalWind Turbine Working Group andDave Griffiths of Bluewater Against Turbines who later spoke to local media about the meeting. His message, however, was not one of impending change. “We said our points as to what we wanted to say but I am still of the opinion that the government will proceed,” he explained, adding that he believed Wynne was misinformed as to the popularity of wind turbines. “The one comment that kind of threw me off is that she feels there’s as much opposition as there is those for it and we’re in rural Ontario and that isn’t a fact,” he said. “The fact is we’ve done our surveys in all of our communities and we know for a fact that 80 to 90, up to 96 per cent of the populations out here is saying no to wind turbines and yet they are still not showing with these NTPs (notices to proceed).” Griffiths went on to say that he didn’t believe that Wynne’s presence here would have much of an effect when the next provincial election rolled around. “After seeing what happened in the last election, I would almost think she is trying to do the band- aid, she is trying to do the repairing and she’s come up here to get some of the votes back but I think you’re going to see a lot more votes go against her,” he said, adding that the government hadn’t really changed. “One comment I keep hearing is that this is a new government, but it’s not a new government. Premier Wynne has been involved with this government for years and part of the [former Ontario Premier] Dalton McGuinty crew and I’m sorry, but it’s the same old government.” While Griffiths felt the trio’s message was received, he believes it likely won’t be heeded. “In her own way [she listened],”he said. “The thing is, you’re talkingabout an individual wanting to do something versus the machine that takes over. She’s part of the machine, she’s the head of the machine and she’s going to let that machine drive in any way it’s going to go. That’s my opinion.” After the meeting, he said that he didn’t feel things were going to change and that, even with impending health studies intended to determine the effect turbines may or may not have on individuals, the government still isn’t addressing the issue. “I’m not hopeful at all,” he said. “We’ve asked her explicitly to stop approving these machines that are costing us hundreds of millions every year as we ship excess electricity to Ohio, Michigan, New York and to Quebec and it was avoided, there was no definitive answer.” He also said that he didn’t think a new government will be the answer and that the health studies are questionable. “I don’t believe in any way shape or form that any government will change, it’s like they drink the same Kool-Aid. They get in power and all of a sudden the promises from the election are forgotten... Again, that’s my opinion.” “I’m really concerned about the new health study we’re all anticipating for 2014,” he said, urging everyone to read it. He explained that the questions had nothing to do, in his opinion with the maladies allegedly caused by turbines. Video of the protest and Central Huron Mayor Jim Ginn attempting to set up the meeting with Wynne and the protestors is available on The Citizen’s website at www.northhuron.on.ca Wynne encounters protests during Clinton visit Making their voices heard Protestors against both wind turbines and the decline of the horse racing industry in Ontario were out in force to greet Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne as she made a presentation at the Regional Equine and Agriculture Centre of Huron in Clinton on March 26. Video of the protest is available on The Citizen’s website at www.northhuron.on.ca (Denny Scott photo) Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. 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