HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2013-03-14, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2013. PAGE 3.
We might find it filled with sharp thorns under the flowers!
(J.R. Miller)
“Then He said to them all: If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny
himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” Luke 9:23
It is our own cross, and not some other man’s--which we are to take up. It is the
particular cross that God lays at our own feet, which we are to bear. We are never
to make crosses for ourselves--but we are always to accept those which our
heavenly Father has allotted to us. Each one’s own cross--is the best for him.
Sometimes we think that our circumstances are peculiarly hard, and we compare
it with the circumstances of this or that other person, and wish we had his cross
instead of our own. But we do not know what other people’s crosses really are. If
we did, we might not want to exchange. If we put that cross which seems woven
of flowers on our shoulders--we might find it filled with sharp thorns under the
flowers!That cross of gold which seems so bright--we would find so heavy that
it would crush us!
The easiest cross for each one of us to bear, is our own!
“Brothers, each man, as responsible to God, should remain in the situation which
God called him to!” 1 Corinthians 7:24
“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be
in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being
content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in
plenty or in poverty. I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength!”
Philippians 4:11-13
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956
Sorry to hear that Grant Sparling
is in hospital. Hope he is soon home
and feeling better.
Congratulations to Andrew and
Kelly Wharton on the birth of their
baby girl.
Happy birthday to Braidon Abell-
Rinn and Steven Sparling, who
celebrate March 16; Madison Lee,
March 17; Kathy McNichol, March
18 and Fred Meier, March 20.
There were eight tables of euchre
players at the Blyth Legion Hall on
March 4. Winners were: high lady,
Kay Hesselwood, 71; high man,
Mae Ritchie, 69; ladies’ lone hands,
tied, Marj Vere and Betty
Archambault, four; men’s lone
hands, tied, Hugh Cook and Bernice
Moore, three; low lady, Frances
Siddon, 48; low man, Edyth
Glousher, 47; share the wealth,
Grace Cartwright, Gloria McEwing
and Harold McClinchey; door prize,
Doris McClinchey and Jane
Glousher. The next euchre is March
18 at 1:30 p.m. at the Legion Hall.
Come out and enjoy the fun.
The Legion is holding its monthly
lunch on Thursday, March 14 from
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Menu is ham and
scalloped potatoes. Takeouts are
available. Come out and support
your local Legion Branch.
Trinity Anglican Church is having
its Toonie Tuesday on March 19
from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Menu is
meatloaf, potatoes, salad and
dessert. Come out and enjoy the
Having a bite
It was time to celebrate on Saturday when Londesborough
United Church’s Sunday School held its annual skating
party at the Blyth and District Community Centre. Jake
Yantzi was one of the many young men and women taking
in the festivities. (Vicky Bremner photo)
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on the fourth Sunday
of Lent, March 10 was Nicole Kerr.
Ushering were Elaine Chamney,
Nicole Kerr, Lissa Kolkman and
Lavern Clark. Floyd Herman was
music director. Steven ran the power
point and Tye Fraser and Braidon
Abell-Rinn lit the candles on the
Rev. Gary Clark welcomed
everyone to church and drew
attention to the announcements in
the bulletin. Special mention was
made that the Sunday school is
asking everyone to wear green next
Sunday, March 17 to their St.
Patrick’s Day lunch of Irish stew,
homemade bread and ice cream
sundaes for a donation to the Sunday
school. The call to worship was the
singing of two hymns, “I Have
Called You by Your Name” and
“Dance with the Spirit”. The prayer
of confession and assurance of
pardon were repeated responsively
followed by the singing of The
Lord’s Prayer. The scripture
reading was from Corinthians 2: 1-
The children were asked to come
to the front for their story time. Rev.
Clark asked the children to smell the
few things he had on the altar. The
children then identified them by
their smell. He told them often when
we smell things they bring back
good memories. He explained to
them the scripture reading this
morning, where Paul talked about
everyone smelling different. Often
smells contribute to our behaviour.
They make us feel good and remind
us of places where we feel safe.
Floyd Herman told a short history
of the anthem, “Breathe on Me
Breath of God” that the choir sang
with some changes to work with the
morning theme.
Rev. Clark’s message to the adults
was “The Nose Knows”. The nose is
a very powerful part of our bodies. It
transports us to things that we
remember that make us feel good.
Paul tells us in the scriptures that he
was all for community, we should all
strive to work together even though
we smell different and that
community is the core of people. If
someone has left the church we
should welcome them back with
open arms and tell them we have
missed them.
The next hymn was, “Come Let
Us Sing of a Wonderful Love”. The
offering was received followed by
the offertory response, “What Can I
Do” and the offertory prayers, the
prayers of the people and silent
prayer. The last hymn was, “May the
God of Hope Go With Us.” The
commissioning and benediction was
followed by the singing of the
response, “Go Now in Peace”.
Everyone was invited for coffee,
treats and fellowship with one
The first 2013 tax installment for the Township of North Huron is
due on Tuesday, March 26, 2013. Interest at 1 1/4% per month, or
any part thereof will be charged on unpaid accounts as of March
27, 2013 and the first day of each month thereafter. NOTE:
Persons who have acquired properties and have not received a
tax bill should contact the Municipal Office. Failure to receive a
tax bill does not relieve a taxpayer from responsibility for
payment of taxes, nor from penalty for late payment.
Please contact the Treasury Department in regards to the various
payment options available. Pre-authorized payment sign up
forms are available at www.northhuron.ca or at the Town Hall.
Donna White
Director of Finance
Township of North Huron
Township of North Huron
Public Meeting
RE: 2013 Township
of North Huron Budget
The 2013 Township of North Huron Draft Budget will be presented on
Monday, March 18, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers — 274
Josephine Street, Wingham, ON prior to the regular council meeting.
Please accept this invitation to attend.
Gary Long, CAO/Clerk Donna White, Treasurer
519-357-3550 ext. 24 519-357-3550 ext. 26
St. Patrick’s Day lunch scheduled
By Marilyn
From Marilyn’s Desk
Erica Clark, daughter of Joan
and Lavern Clark received a
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in
Experimental Medicine from the
University of British Columbia at
convocation on November 23,
2012. Erica is employed as the
Epidemiologist at the Huron
County Health Unit in Clinton,
Ontario. Congratulations Erica,
with love from your family.
Boys, girls win gold at CHSS tournamentBy Colton RodgerThe intermediate divisions ofHullett Central and Clinton PublicSchools played volleyball at Central Huron Secondary School last week.Hullett Central brought home thegold for both the girls and boysteams. The exciting news filled the school. The Hullett team would liketo thank Janet and Crystal (coaches)for taking the students. We wouldalso like to thank Central Huron
Secondary School for putting on the
Thanks to students and
everyone who participated in the
On Friday the intermediate
volleyball teams challenged the
teachers to a tournament which the
students won hands down. Although
the teachers tried hard they were no
match for the students. What a
lovely start to our March Break.
Hullett Central is entering acontest to see which non-profitorganization can collect the mostunwanted cell phones and chargers,
if you have them. This is a contest
with “Think Green”. The contest
runs from March 1 to April 30. The
top three collectors will win cash
bonuses in addition to the rebate
For every 24 cell phones collected
a tree will be planted on Hullett’s
behalf. Please look through your
homes and offices for unwanted cell
phones and drop them off at the
Toonie meal set for
March 20 at church