HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2013-02-07, Page 14PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2013.Winthrop construction delayed due to rising waters
The weather has covered almost
everything this past week. Cold,
rain, ice, mild temperatures,
flooding, fog, high winds, colder,
flurries, sun and a groundhog who
did not see his shadow, so an early
spring ahead!
Last weekend the snowmobileswent by our place constantly. Thenthe snow disappeared and there were
very sad snowmobile people. Mid-
week and there was only mud. Then
the snow began again and by
Saturday, the groomer was back on
the trail trying to get it ready again
and so were the sleds. Obviously, if
there is snow – you’ve got to go!
Congratulations to Rob and
Andrea Shortreed on the birth of a
precious little girl. The birth of
Loralie has made a very happy
family. The four big brothers, Adam,
Bryce, Liam and Emmitt are very
excited. Congrats to all!
Our get-well wishes go out to
Kelly Dalton who is a patient in aLondon Hospital. He has undergonea valve replacement and we hope he
recovers quickly and soon returns to
the area.
Returning to the area are Paul and
Carolyn Somerville and Murray and
Cathy McNichol. They spent about
five days in Las Vegas celebrating
Murray’s 50th birthday. They did a
little gambling and saw some very
nice shows.
The work continues in Winthrop
with the digging out of the property.
It became a little tricky to dig on
Monday when the rising waters
began to fill the hole. Tuesday
morning the water was at the top. A
pumper truck arrived to try and get
rid of some of the water, but I would
think it was a lost cause, as workersdid not stay all day.The former Traviss home that was
torn down a week ago, had the
backhoe there this week and the
remnants of the house loaded and
taken away. The foundation was
buried and the lot cleaned up.
Looking at the lot, it is already hard
to believe that there was actually
room for a building there.
February is Heart and Stroke
month and canvassers will be calling
at your door. I have been organizing
the Heart and Stroke campaign in
Grey Township for 25 years and I
have some very dedicated volunteers
who give of their time year after
year. Please “make death wait” and
support this years campaign.
The Cranbrook dart league met onJan. 30 and all 24 players were onhand.
They had a fun evening with Sarah
Klingenberg hitting the high score of
101 for the ladies and John Gillis
hitting 138 for othe men. A delicious
lunch was enjoyed by all before they
headed home.
Celebrating birthdays and kicking
off February include Thys deJong,
Sarah Mitchell, Brian Williamson,
John Driscoll, Marilyn McDonald,
Mike Durrell, Amy Whyte, Pamela
Hackwell, Abby McNichol, Arnold
den Dekker, Katie Dionne, George
Kruse, Heather Williamson, Dianne
Williamson, Emilee Bennett, Cody
Nichol and Lois Todd. Happy
birthday to all.
By Jo-Ann
Wacky hair
Students at North Woods Elementary School celebrated their school spirit with a wacky hair
day last week. Shown sporting some wild doos are, from left, Abby Strome, Samira
Rechsteiner and Amanda Morrison. (Denny Scott photo)
HE donates to park
At the Jan. 22 meeting, Huron
East Council authorized a
contribution to the Seaforth
Optimists Club for up to $22,500 for
improvements to the Seaforth
Optimists Park.
Robert Dinsmore of the Seaforth
Optimists told council that the last
time the fences for the baseball field
at the park had been updated was in
1972 and they were due to a face-
lift. However, his hope was that at
the same time, the bleachers could
be replaced and the field could be
He told council that it would be
ideal to make all of the
improvements at the same time, but
that it would be a substantial cost to
the club.
Dinsmore said that if the field
improvements were to be included
in the project, it would total in the
neighbourhood of $45,000.
He said that there are currently no
railings running up the sides of the
bleachers and no bar across the top
seat, which is a safety hazard.
He told council that the club has
between $15,000 and $20,000 in the
bank, but that they will continue to
fundraise for the project throughout
the year.
“We’re already committed to
doing the fence,” Dinsmore told
council, “so we’re going to do it
anyway, but it would be good to do
the rest at the same time.”
Originally the club was asking for
$15,000, but with the increase to the
project, council decided to
proceed as it has in the past with
community sports projects and fund
half of it.
The money will be taken out of
the municipality’s parkland reserve.
The cap of $22,500, however, was
crucial for some councillors, who
felt it needed to be included after a
recent project that council
committed funds to went drastically
over budget.
“The St. Columban soccer project
left a bad taste in my mouth,” said
Councillor Andy Flowers.
Flowers is referring to the soccer
association’s plan to build a
clubhouse that nearly doubled in
cost while the association failed to
report back to council on the
increase in costs.
“That’s not going to happen
again,” Flowers said.
When asked about the park’s
usage, Dinsmore says the park is
used between four and seven times a
week by baseball teams of all ages,
including some of the members of
the Huron County Fastball League.
Dinsmore told councillors that
improvements were necessary if the
municipality wanted to keep usage
of its parks up.
“A lot of teams went to Clinton
when they fixed their parks up,”
Dinsmore told councillors.
He added that Seaforth is a tough
town to fundraise in, but that the
club was committed to making it
Council approved the contribution
from the municipality’s parkland
Looking for local heroes
There are so many people out there who do
so much to improve their community.
Now you have a chance to say thanks.
Nominate that special person for the 28th
Annual Citizen Citizenship Awards.
Each year a committee chooses an outstanding citizen from each of the Blyth and area
and Brussels and area communities to receive an award for contribution to the
community. If you know someone you think should be honoured, please fill in the ballot
and send it in. You may attach a longer explanation of why you think your nominee
should win, if you like. If you have nominated someone before and he or she didn't win,
please feel free to try again.
I nominate
as Citizen of the year for
I feel she/he deserves this award because
Nomination Deadline April 30, 2013.
Name and phone number of nominator
& area ❑Brussels
& area
By Shawn Loughlin
The Citizen