HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2013-01-31, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 2013. PAGE 15. Mark Beaven, former councillor with Huron East and Morris- Turnberry and current Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies (OAAS) general manager, was the headline speaker at the BrusselsAgricultural Society’s annualgeneral meeting on Friday last week. Beaven, who was recently named to the part-time position, said that while there was great debate among members of the OAAS, he looked forward to taking on the position.“The OAAS has run for 100 yearsand it has been all volunteer,” he said. “The decision to hire a general manager was a hot topic and it took years to figure out, but that’s good. The debate shows the passion and the commitment that the members of the group have.” Beaven explained that the hiring process for the position started 11 months ago and that, five months ago, he received notice that the task of being the first paid member of the OAAS would fall to him. He said he intends to meet issues, challenges and success stories throughout the province by travelling and getting to know people. “There are good people here in Brussels that volunteer with the Agricultural Society and the fair, but there are the same people across theprovince, repeated 220 times,” hesaid. “I want to meet them and work with them.” Beaven explained that his first job as the general manager was a kind of baptism by fire as he had to deal with “swine flu,” a problematic disease that was more prevalent in the United States than it should have been in Canada. “I had to explain to the government organizations that things in the United States were different,” he said. The biggest difference, he said, was that there isn’t really a swine show industry in Canada, which is where a lot of the contact was being made in the United States. “Here contact is limited and we wanted to avoid any scare because of the issue,” he said, indicating that people might stop going to fairs ifthey were under the impression itwas dangerous. “We avoided some serious ramifications there.” He said that having to deal with that issue made him think about the issues that face the fair in general and began looking at biosecurity and its applications. Other issues he said he was looking into on behalf of the OAAS included insurance for the fairs, fair improvement programs for struggling fairs and partnerships. Beaven said that through developing new contacts, he hopes to create partnerships, pointing towards finding sponsors for contests. He said that the OAAS could brand competitions as a means of raising funds and helping the fairs become more self-sufficient. Snowarama will be entering its ninth year as the primary fundraiser for Easter Seals in North Huron. Hosted by the North Huron Trail Groomers and the Wingham and District Snowmobile Club the event raises money for Easter Seal kids and, like last year, the event will be running whether it’s rain, sleet or, hopefully, snow. “We had fun last year with the cars and just being there, but it’s nicer to sled,” President of the Trail Groomers and Snowarama Chair Adrian Salverda said. The event, which is held on the third Saturday of the month in February, is part of a tradition going back 25 years in the province, is set for Feb. 16 starting at the Londesborough Lions Community Hall at 282 King Street. Breakfast and registration will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at the hall. The day consists of a 130- kilometre ride through the North Huron trails and ends with a barbecue and events at the North Huron Trail Groomers club house. The only major change to the event this year, according to Salverda, is the ability to donate online at www.snowarama.org Salverda originally got involved in hosting the event nine years ago when he decided to lead it. Inspired by the birth of his daughter Marita who has a brain stem ailment, Salverda and his family received much needed assistance from Easter Seals to help with her care. The organization helped Salverda and he feels that everyone needs to realize the good work they do and help out in any way they can. In a previous interview with The Citizen,Salverda’s wife Dorothy explained that, while they have the equipment to help with Marita, the need for Easter Seals is still a strong one. “We’re pretty stable here,” she said. “We have the equipment we need but other kids need that money too, so Adrian keeps doing it.” For more information contact Salverda at 519-482-9113 or Leah Ledgley of Easter Seals Ontario at 1- 888-278-8898 extension 223. Easter Seals Snowarama returns to North Huron Beaven speaks at society’s annual meeting New OAAS general manager Former Morris-Turnberry and Huron East councillor Mark Beaven was named the general manager of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies recently and was the guest speaker of the Brussels Agricultural Society’s annual general meeting last week. (Denny Scott photo) Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. ADVERTISING LOOKING FOR NEW BUSINESS and added revenue? Promote your com- pany in Community Newspapers across Ontario right here in these Network Classified Ads or in business card-sized ads in hundreds of well- read newspapers. Let us show you how. Ask about our referral program. Ontario Community Newspapers Association. 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