HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-12-31, Page 6A I- THE EXETER TIMES-AOVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3Ut, 1942 Home Economics and, Manual Training: .... Agricultural Grant ....................... Public School Grant ..................................... Auxiliary Grant .......................................... . Refund. (Unemployment Insurance) .......... Npn-Resident Fees ........................................ Stephen Assessment........................................ . Usborne Assessment ..................................... Share in Town Taxes ........................... DISBURSEMENTS General Abstract Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the Year 1942 up to December 15 Balance January J, 1942 RECEIPTS 1942 Taxes ............................. •............ 1942 Interest ................................... »Arrears of Taxes including Penalties ........ Bank Loans ................... ...................* Accounts Receivable ........................... Dog Taxes ............................................. Poll Tax .......................*.........«.......................P.U.C. Waterworks re Debentures and Interest ............. ........................... Fines ................................ «................ Licenses .................................................... Government Grant for Relief ....... .... Rents ........................................................... Subsidy, Province of Ontario ....................... County of Huron, share of temporary bridge Street Lighting Rebate .............................. County of Huron, rebate road expenditures Miscellaneous .................................... Second Victory Loan Bonds sold ................ . Bank Third Teachers’ Salaries .... Defence Tax ............................. . Supply Teachers ............................ Mimic Teacher ..... Music Supplies ........................ Teachers’ Supplies ....................... Library Equipment, etc. ............... Pupils’ Supplies ................... Office and Administration Secretary-Treasurer’s Salary Janitor .......................„................... Unemployment Insurance ........... Caretaker’s Supplies ............ . Repairs ............... ,.......... Furniture ............................. Insurance ................................. Hydro ....... , Auxiliary ...................................... . Fuel .......................................... ....... Permanent Improvements ..... . Agriculture ................................... Taxes .......... .... Unemployment Insurance Refund, Balance ................................. R, N, Creech, Chairman V Loan, Third Victory Loan Victory Loan Bond sold ., TOTAL RECEIPTS $63,238,15 Total to be accounted for $66,663.53 DISBURSEMENTS Loan repaid ....Bank Salaries and Allowances ............................. Street Lighting .............................................. Hydrant Rental ........................ ................. Highways and Streets, calcium and cleaning Highways and Streets, repairing and Main­ tenance ...... ..................................... .Debentures and Interest paid ................ Fire Department Expense ..... ..................... 'County Rates ................................................ School Purposes ............. ■.................... County, Hospitalization ............................. . Town Hall, upkeep ..................................... Board of Health ........................................... Immunization of School Children ................ Printing, Postage and Stationery .... ........... Telephone ......................................................... Audit and Legal Fees .................... ................ Division Court Fees ................... ......... Insurance and Bonds ................................... Grants ..........................................'......,............ Town Band ...................................................... Public Library ................................................ Unemployment Relief ..................................... Bank Interest ■ .................................................. Share of Temporary Bridge ......................... Miscellaneous .................................................... Removing Snow .............................................. Tax Refunds .................................................... Gifts for Active Service Men ........................ Bank Charges, collection of taxes ............ Second Victory Loan Bonds purchased ..... Third Victory Loan Bonds purchased ......., Part Bank Loan re Third Victory Loan repaid TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $62,732.99. TOTAL RECEIPTS .✓.$66,663.53 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS . 62,732.99 BALANCE I School RECEIPTS 300.100 36.16 510.67 2.53 11.00 4Q.OO 150.00 88.11 5,800.00 $ 7,866.54 Did You Borrow This Paper ... Perhaps you’ve borrowed this edition of the Thnes-Advoeate from your neighbor. If you have) we trust you’re enjoying the news of the district, the interesting features and the value-giving advertisements, If the neighbor is willing to lend his newspaper, it is, of ■ course, no concern of ours. But have you ever stopped to consider that you’re causing him considerable inconvenience at a saving so small that it’s hardly worth considering? For just $2,00 a year you can have your own newspaper every week. You’ll be under no obligation to anyone, and you’ll doubly enjoy the paper when it bears your own name on the label, K. M. MacFauJ, $ 7,866.54 Sec.-Treas. 25tll WEDDING ANNIVERSARY $2.00 a year in advance Professional Cards GLADMAN (F. W, barrister, Money to Loan, & STANBURY Gladman) SOLICITOR, Ac. Investments Made, i Insurance Safe-deposit Vaults for use of our Clients without charge EXETER and HENSALL ♦ Department Abstract of Receipts and Disbursements from January 1st, 1942 to December 1st, 1942 Cash Balance, January 1st, 1942 ................ $ 2,15i8‘.25 Revenue from January 1st to December 1st, 1942 $12,004.45 . 7,031.64 . 3,829.55 997.83 2,586,56 . 3,984.81 499.53 435.i00 368.98 60.40 366.92 Domestic ........................... Commercial ........................... Power .................................... Dominion War Tax .......... Street Lighting .................. Lamps and Supplies .......... Bond and Bank Interest .... Consumers’ Deposits ,....... Waterworks Department Pole Rental Miscellaneous Revenue TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPTS ‘x.$32,165.67 $34,323.92 Less Disbursements from January 1st to December 1st, 1912 Distribution System ........................................ Transformers .................................................... Meters .................................................................. Office Equipment .......................................... Supplies Purchased ........................................ Power ................................................................. Line Maintenance ............................................ Street Lighting Maintenance ......................... General Expense ..... ......................................... Depreciation - Replacements ....................... Investments ....................................................... Truck Maintenance .......................................... Billing and Collecting ...................................... Undistributed Expense ................................. Transformer Maintenance .............................. Meter Maintenance ........................................ Consumers’ Deposits Refunded ..................... Waterworks Department .............................. Waterheater Maintenance ............................. Accounts Payable January 1, 1942, ................ Dominion War Tax .......................................... Unemplpyment Insurance ...... .............. Refund to Street Lighting and Waterworks Refund to Consumer ................. .................. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 5 / $32,384.56 CASH BALANCE DEC. 1st, 1942 $ 1,939.36 ♦* Waterworks Department CARLING & MOREEY BARRISTERS, SOLICTORS, &c. LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S,, D.D.S. DENTIST Offices, Morley Block EXETER, ONT, Closed Wednesday Afternoon CREDITON EAST ,Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Merner and family spent Christmas with Mrs. Re­ becca Stewart in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Glanyille and and and Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Office Next <to the Hydro Shop Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36 j Closed Wednesday Afternoons son and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Sims son spent Christmas with Mr. Mrs. Tom Kennedy at Shipka. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton----- —I— and son, of Grand Bend, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. H. Lewis. Mrs. Wilson Anderson and Mr, and , Mrs. Charles, Anderson and Mr, Irvine Motz, of Sarnia, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Schroeder at Fairfield'. Mr, Eli Lawson is daughters in Windsor. Privates Alvin Sims Edwards, of Chatham, Christmas leave at ’their here. Pte. and Mrs. Howard Truemner and son spent the Christmas holi­ days with the former’s father, Dan Mrs. visiting his and James spent their homes Truemner, and with Mr. Saunders, near Exeter. A Mr. and will Mr. A very happy evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ fred Doupe on Saturday, December 26, when 35 brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews gathered to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. At 6.30 Miss sins, chell; a goose dinner was served by Roxie Doupe and four cou- Miss Audrey Avery, of Mit- Miss Ruth Harding, of St. Marys; Mrs. Lome Hodge, of Staffa; of Hensall. The. in renewing ac- playing games. Goderich, spoke Hodge family, ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY * PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dasliwood R.R. No. 1, DASHWOOD Mrs, Harvey Hyde, evening was - spent quaintances and Walter Hodge, of on behalf of the Wishing Mr; and Mrs. Doupe another 25 years "of happy married life, and William Harding spoke on be­ half of the Doupe family. Guests, were present from Goderich, Mitch-’ ell,' ton, FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 138 Staffa, Hensall, London, Ildbr- Kirkton, St. Marys and Oshawa. Balance, December 31st, 1941 .......... Home Economics and General Shop .. Perth ...................................................... Middlesex, 1940, 1941w ............. Hensall ..'.........................’........................ Huron County ....................................... Legislative Grant .................................. Sec. Music Grant ................................ Dividend Insurance (F. J. Delbridge) Refund (Unemployment Insurance) Caution Fees (G. C. Koch) ..... ........ Interest .............................................. . Town Taxes ............................................ Debenture ................ ............................... $23,068.37 Abstract of Receipts and Disbursements from January 1st, 1942 To December 1st, 1942 Cash Balance January 1st, 1942 SHIPKA meeting of the Ladies’ Aid be held Thursday, January 7. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Tetreau, and .Mrs. Ira Tetreau -and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Divine and Lome Divine attended the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. P. Eisenbach, of Grand Bend; last week., Mr. and Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner and family spent Christmas day with relatives in Sarnia. Mr. Theodore Deitrich, of Wind­ sor, spent the holiday with his bro­ thers, Lome and Roy Deitrich. Mr-,, and Mrs. Arthur Dinsdale, of London, spent Christmas with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ratz. Miss „Nola Sweitzer, Reg.N., of London, spent Christmas at her home here. Miss Jean McKenzie, Reg.N., of London, spent the. week-end at her home here. Miss Violet Sharpe, of Peterbor­ ough, is spending the holidays with her mother and brother, Mr. Ivan Sharpe, A number from here attended the ■funeral of the late Mrs. Frank Tur-, ner, of Parkhill • to Grand Bend Cemetery on Sunday last.iMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Love, of Lon- j don, spent the week-end with Mr. > and Mrs. Ross Love. I of and Revenue from January 1st to December 1st, 1912 WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of your property.’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or Phone 43-2 and [ and WOODHAM Christmas visitors in and out the village were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson and children and Mrs. (Rev.) Thompson, of Parkhill, with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Louth and son, Franklin, of Toronto, with Mr. M-rs. W. Sweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. G. Dykeman children, of Galt, with Mr. Mrs. McNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson! and daughter, Shirley^ of Washing-1 ton; Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone j and daughter Donna, of Kirkton, and Mrs. Gambrill and Violet, of Lon­ don, with Mr. and Mrs. James Squire, Pte. George Webber, of Petawawa at his home here, Norman Hazlewood, of the R.C. A.F.) Galt, with Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Hazlewood. Mr. and Mrs. William- Thompson, Rhoda, Clarence and Dorothy, with} Mr. Johp.; Knox-at Granton. Mr. Wendell Camrn, of London, nurse-in- Mr. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ont. President ............ JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont. with 'es ........ T. G. BALLANTYNE Woodham, R.R. 1 DIRECTORS ( COATES ..................... Exeter HACKNEY .... Kirkton, R. 1 . Mitchell R. 1 Cromarty R. 1 AGENTS JOHN ESSERY ........ Centralia ALVIN L. HARRIS .......... Mitchell THOS. SCOTT ................ Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER . B. W. F. BEAVERS ............ Exeter H. JOHN ANGUS SINCLAIR WM. HAMILTON ... W. and .Miss Evelyn Camrn, training, of Stratford, with John Camrn. I „ Mr. and Mrs. Art Rundle Mr',' E. McIntosh, St. Marys. Miss Ethel Wilson, of St. Marys, with Mr. and Mrs.. Wilfred Wilson, Mrs. Selves with .her son at Thames Road. Our deepset sympathy goes out GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter Teachers’ Salaries ........................ Defence Tax ..................................... Music Supplies .......... ■, Teachers’ Supplies ......................... Library Equipment, etc. ........... Home Economics Supplies ............. Manual Training Supplies ............ Manual Training Equipment ........ Office and Administration ............ Secretary-Treasurer ......................... Janitors ..................................... Unemployment Insurance ............. Caretaker’s Supplies .................. Repairs ................................ . Insurance .................. Furniture ....................................... Hydro ............................................... Fuel .......................................... ...... Permanent Improvements ........... Departmental Examinations ........ Taxes ................ ....................... Rent, Arena ..................................... Unemployment Insurance Refund H. D, Sturgis, music, balance .... Debenture .............................. Balance ................. DISBURSEMENTS $10,061.08 369.90 13.75 176.19 32.64 123.64 90.62 9.75 72.22 58.34 815.98 11.58 99.68 40.31 99.91 53.66 250.47 1,125.76 77.88 27.50 344.76 200.00 11.20 24.55 . 2,591.50 , 6,285.50 '4'1 R. N. Creech, Chairman iC M. MacFaul, $23,068.37 Sec.-Treas. ft Public School RECEIPTS Haiahce Deeembet 31st, 1941 ...... Music amt % 449 Domestic ....................... Commercial ..................... Power ............................. Fire Protection ............. Supplies .......................... Bond and Bank Interest Refund on Power Bill . Miscellaneous Revenue TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL $ f 7,810.99 Less Disbursements from January 1st to December 1st, Mains ........... ............................ Main Maintenance ........................... Pumping Plant Maintenance .......... General Expense ........................... Debenture Payment ........................ Power Purchased ......................... Bonds Purchased ........ «». -Tools ........................................... Accounts Payable Jan. 1st, 1942 Refund to Consumers ..................... Unemployment Insurance* TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 'fl CASH BALANCE DEC. 1st, 1942 Exeter Cemetery Total Receipts, General account, up to Bed. 15, 1942 . Receipts for Perpetual Gate Fund General Disbursements on hand in Current Account ............... amount in Perpetual Care Fund amount in Perpetual savings account 141 1942 7,296.40 514.59 Cash Total Total 5,366.68 1,876.76 4,265.42 1,015,50 40,007.41 106.18 Guests with Mr. and Mrs. T. Kin- t,°.Mr-_?obfeLt.2Vi!e?a^h?Jhe/?.l’ ney on Christmas we?e M.r. and Mrs. H. Swartzentruber and baby, of Zurich; Mr. and Mrs, (--------- Glanville and family, Mr. and Mrs. den and unexpected death of his sister, Ida, on Saturday last. She» Charles Passed away following a heart at- vricmvxiit: auu idiuii,, xvax . auu xvxi d. t --- ' \ Sims and family and Mrs. J. Wil-1 day afternoon of this week. tack and buridl took place ,on Tues- liams and family, of Crediton. Next Sunday will be missionary day in the Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs, Milton Walper and Carroll, of Ingersoll and Mrs, P. Fassoldi of Dashwood, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Milton'Ratz. with Wes. Gordon Craven, of Camp with his parents, Mr. and L. 'Craven. BRINSLEY Week-end visitors were: Gerald Lewis, of Peterboro, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Pte. Borden, Mrs. L. Raymond Pierce, of Crumlin, with his family. Mr. Dan Lewis visited his daugh­ ters in Toronto for . Christmas. Mr:. and Mrs. Ken Slioidice and daughters, of Windsor, with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Shoidice. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mrs. James Dixon iii the death of her husband. Mr. Dixon was a well known and highly esteemed resident of McGillivray Township. Christmas Entertainment There was a splendid attendance at the Christmas entertainment in the Orange Hall on Tuesday eve- , ning last.^ The first part of the/ evening was put on by the public school children with /W. R: Gould- ing, of Exeter, Miss Trewartha as­ sisting. It featured a play with . three acts, “Make Believe Santa”, which was very worthwhile and done I ' well by the children. It was en- i joyed by all. A flag drill by Aud­ rey Parkinson and Carol Mills was followed by songs by Verne Webev and Helen Webber. Recitations and choi’usOs were given by a number of the Sunday School scholars and a tableau on “Christ’s Birth” was presented by the Cheerful Workers class and some of the Philitliea class. When the curtains webe drawn the light focused on the Na­ tivity Scene which depicted the an­ gels, Mapr, .mother of Jesus beside the cradle and Joseph. At the close Santa arrived and the Christ­ mas tree was unloaded to the delight of the children. At the Sunday School last Sunday rings were presented by the School to Pte. George Webber and Norman Hazlewood of the R.C.A.F. who are now training and who were home for Christmas holidays. It is the cnstohi to present a ring to every boy who leaves for training. We have piles of them on hand. They are No. 1-XXXXX Best Grade. THE PRICE IS RIGHT. We expect a car load of High­ land CEDAR POSTS this week. A. J. CUTWORTHY Phone 12 Granton We Deliver How Does Your X_4^]bel Read? 1 StaBMi Cases of Constipation Those who keep a mass of impurity pent up in their bodies, day after day, instead of having it removed aS nature intended, at least once in every- twenty-four, hours, in­ variably suffer from constipation. The use of cheap, harsh purgatives will never get you any where as they only aggravate the trouble and in­ jure the delicate mucous lining of the bowels, and are very liable to cause piles. If constipated take Milbum’» Laxa-Livor Pills and have a natural movement of the bowels. They do not gripe, weaken and sicken as many laxatives do, Tho T, Mlifentft Cd., Ltd., T'oroJito, Ont. ./