HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-12-31, Page 4£> * 4 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31st, 1942 t' Eng., War Victim’s Fund Two dollars has been added to the Exeter, Eng*» War Victims’ I fund, bringing the total to $255.02. i The above contribution was made by Mr. R. N. Creech. While the ob­ jective for the fund hasnot been reached will be year. it is expected; the money I forwarded early in the new 8iim Announcements Ulrtbse. Oft-Rtbi Marring Noticeu o«s inserted free of charge. Curd of Tb wW 50c. In Notices 50e for «Ingle Verse, 25e extra tpjf each addi­ tional verse* ISngagem enta 50c 1 ELECTION CARDS THE RATEPAYERS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen J On my record for the past three years as Reeve X solicit your vote and influence in my re-election. If elected I promise to give the same faithful seryice in the future as I have in the past. To one and all I extend the Season’s Greetings. —ALONZO McCANN BIRTHS TO THOMSON—In St, Joseph’s Hospi- tai, London, on Wednesday, De­ cember 23, 1H2, to Mr, and Mrs. William*!. Thomson, of Usborne, a sen. HUFFMAN—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital, on Thursday, December 24, 1942, to Flight Liept, and Mrs, L, H. Huffman, -of No. 9 S.F.T.S., a son (Leonard Howard). DEATHS ' tired farmer should be represented on the municipal committees. Nine- * ty to one hundred per cent of the work necessary in a municipality is familiar to a retired farmer. How are we going io maintain harmony in a municipality it the retired far­ mer is not represented. Inefficien­ cy and dishonesty are two bad traits to be found in men m office. He was afraid he could lay that'charge to some of our officials, inefficiency was shown in taking up a six-inch tile drain on Station street and re- . placing it with an eight-inch tile at •dpuble the cost, He said that the gravel placed on our streets -yvas {screenings from, the gravel used at the airport and was half clay, I Mr. Sanders stated that taxes the county, for the school and for the . village and ’the money raised forGeorge*A?mstrong'(acch). these purposes could only be used Roland fw such purposes. He objected to NOMINATIONS Stephen For Reeve—Alonzo McCann, Roy E. Rau. Deputy-Reeve — Thomas Love, (acclamation). Councillors—-Arthur J, Army, Herman Bowe, Nelson Schenk (ac­ clamation), Grand Bend Trustees — Bruce Bossenberry, Joe Desjardins, Russell Page, Mil­ ton Webb. (Three to be elected) Usboime Reeve—Percy Passmore (acch). Council — Hugn Berry, Bruce Cooper, Clark Fisher, John Hodgert,1 were raised for three purposes: for (accl.) Ilay TO THE ELECTORS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP - Having been nominated for reeveship of Stephen Township, the and having served six years on the Muni­ cipal Council and having attended County Council for three years as deputy-reeve, I am a candidate for reeve. I respectfully solicit your vote and influence and, if elected, will serve you to the best of my knowledge and ability, Sincerely yours, ROY RATZ TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen-—I have decided to let my name go before the electorate, with one object in view, tn give Exeter honest and sane government, with no thought Of self interest. If elected I will give the affairs of the town my best thought and care for the welfare of all the citizens, canvass but will best judgment, compliments of BiURRIDGE—Suddenly, in London, on Friday, December 25, 1942, Roy S. B’urridge, beloved husband of Beth Burridge. WISEMAN-—Suddenly, in Blanshard Township, on Saturday, December 26, 1942, Ida J. Wiseman, daugh­ ter of the late John and Margaret Wiseman, HEAMAN—At his late residence, 540 Queen’s Avenue, London, on Saturday, December 26, 1942, Wil­ liam, beloved husband of Florence M. Heaman and father of 'Col. W. J. and Albert M. Heaman, in his 92nd year. IN MEMORIAM Reeve- Council >— Alex Crerar, j Geiger, Fred 4. Haberer, William Hauch (accl,). Tuckersmith Reeve—S. H, Whitmore (accl.). Council—Andrew Bell, R. E. M. Chesney, Arthux' Nicholson, Harold -Jackson (accls.), Stanley Reeve—Fred Watson, A. T. Keys. Council — John Pepper, Elmer Webster, W. 'Clark, S. Thompson, Charles Farquhar. Blanshard Reeve—Dr. G. H. Jose (accl,). Council «—- William G. Arthur, Alec N. Irvine, Truman Tufts, H. L Ruthig (accls.). ■School Area Trustees — Nelson Baker, Fred Jamieson (accls.). McGillivray Reeve—Wilbert Young (accl.). Reeve—Freeman Hodgins I do not intend to trust to your Wishing you the season. Respectfully yours, W. D, SANDERS own the TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Having been nominated for the office of Reeve for 1943, my name will appear second on your ballot. I respectfully solicit your vote and influence and if elected will -con­ tinue to give the village the same faithful service in have in the past, a peaceful and prosperous New Year. BENSON W. TUCKEY COWARD—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Geo. Coward, who passed away four years ago, January 1, 1939. Surrounded by friends we are lone­ some, In the midst of pleasures we’re blue; We smile, but our hearts are broken; We’re lonesome, dear Mother, for you. —Sadly missed by her husband and family. CARDS OF THANKS Deputy (accl.). Council W. John (accls.). — Gordon Cunningham, Thomson, David Morley Biddulph Reeve—Joseph Bryan (accl,), Council—John Park, Myron Cul- bert, C. W. McRoberts, Leo Morkin (accls.), 1 the future as I 'Wishing you all tro THE RATEPAYERS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen:—Having served the Municipality of Exeter as Councillor for a number of years, I am again in the field fol’ re-election. It will be impossible to make a personal canvass and if you see .fit to elect me I will en­ deavour to advance the interests of, Exeter as I have always tried to do. Wishing you the compliments of the season, I am, very truly yours. EDWIN M. DIGNAN ex-Mrs. Hubert Neil desires to press to her many friends her sin­ cere thanks for the flowers, cards and other kindnesses extended to her at home and while a Victoria Hospital. patient in c to thank for cards, Mrs. John Bell wishes the neighbors and friends flowers and treats and those who called during her illness. and Mrs. William Mawhinney to express to their many Mr. desire friends their thanks for the flowers, cards, and other Kindnesses extend­ ed to Mr. Mawhinney while a pa­ tient in Victoria Hospital; also thanks to Rev. L. H. Turner, of 'Cre­ diton, for his friendly visits. * TO tHe ratepayers of the VILLAGE OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen:—Having' Lloyd W. Heaman, of the R.C.A.F. Toronto, wishes to express his ap­ preciation and thanks to all the ladies of the Centralia Red Cross Unit for the lovely box of Christ­ mas treats and other articles which he received from them. I "am sending my sincere thanks and appreciation to Mrs. Harveyserved on the municipal council fori^V™;?.^. seven years and being willing .fo’Perkins, the fi lends and nei^hbois, continue I immediately filed my I i°r their gift -of a parcel which ar- qualification papers with the Clerk rived safely and in good condition, following the nomination meeting Monday at noon. I promise to fur­ ther devote my attention to the best interests of the municipality and to that end I solicit your support at the polls on Monday next. Season’s Greetings to all. J. WELLINGTON HERN Thank you. I extend good wishes for a happy New Year. Signed, Pte. P. Gregus Classified Directory DON’T WAIT FOR PROSPECTS—GO AFTER THEM WITH A CLASSIFIED Classified Ads-— l^c Per Word Each Insertion, Minimum Charge 25c per Insertion; 10c Extra when re­ plies are delivered to the Times-Advocate office. A charge of 10c Is made if not paid within ten days. wanted LOST AMP FOUND WANTED—A cheap saddle. Harold Horn, phone 4ri4, Kirkton, R.R. 1, Granton. 31* TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER , Ladies and Gentlemen:—I have served for the past three years on the Council to the best of my abil­ ity. If returned at the forthcoming election I will continue best for the ratepayers and I respectfully solicit and influence. To one extend Season’s Greetings. S. B. TAYLOR to do my of Exeter your vote and all I TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen: — Your vote and influence in the forthcoming election Will be greatly appreciated. I have endeavored to serve the municipality faithfully in the past and I c.an assure you the welfare of Exeter will have my first considera­ tion. May we all hope that peace and prosperity may come in 1943. Sincerely yours, HERBERT O. SOUTHCOTT TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Ladies arid Gentlemen:—For a number of years,! had the pleasure of serving on the Municipal Coun­ cil of Exeter, I am again a candi­ date for that position, believing that Exeter North should have represen­ tation, I respectfully solicit your vote and influence and if elected will give of my best to serve the municipality. Greetings to all, H. BIERLING ZION Laurene Hern spent Christmas at her home. Visitors in the community on Christmas Day were: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hunter and family, Mrs. P. Hunter an Jack Hunter with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stephens and fam­ ily with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hern; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart, Mr. Geo, Stewart and with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock; Mr. and Mrs. J. Johns and Tenny­ son Brock; Harry George Pullen Pullen Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Christmas with liam Thompson. Mr. and Mrs, and Mr, and Mrs, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern, Francis, Keith and Morris Hern and Mrs L. Kyle with Mr. and Mrs. Myron Cul- bert. Mrs. A. Gunning, of Exeter, is vis­ iting in the community. The trustee meeting will be held, at Zion Church on Thursday after­ noon. Miss Hazel Stewart with Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern, and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs: Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Milne and Donald and Mr. Tom with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Edgar Baker spent Mr. and Mrs. Wil- James Earl,. Mary Everard Miller KIRKTON Mrs. S. Tufts left this past week to spend some time’with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Tufts in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wib Williams and son, Norman, of Woodstock, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Williams. Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Pridham and family, Mr. arid Mrs. Lorne Mar­ shall arid Billie and Mr, and Mrs. Edward Waterton and Norman, ail — ------ ----- -— — ------ of London, spent the holiday week- day’ £?r Iertd in and around the village. " I Misses Ruth a$?i Blanche Bimp- ’son, of Welland, and Mr. and Mrs, | M. McKenzie, of St, Catharines,HT>n an. I were holiday guests with Mr. and A ZnSWahzBS Fted Swlteer. TO THE RATEPAYERS AND VOTING PUBLIC OF EXETER As you will Hnd my name on the ballot for cmmdilldr on voting vor for my Election, if you see fit to elect me, I assure you that I will serve the municipality to the best of my ability. Thanking you one and all? Hibbert Reeve—W. J. Kay (accl.). Council—James Atkinson, Hackney, F. Allan and L. Colqu- houn (accls.). Lucan Reeve—Harold Corbett, Harvey B. Langford, U. F. Stanley. Council (four to be elected) — T. C. McF’arlane, John Lankin, George Paul, Gordon Maines, U. F. Stanley. School Board — Lome Beattie, Earl Haskett, (accls.). Hydro Commissioner—Henry Lan­ kin (accl.). John Election in Exeter for Reeve and Council in for pur- Vic- sold the had been $6.30 to of the $10,'00'0 Third Victory (Continued from Page 1) the amount of money raised Huron county and in Exeter the Victory Loans., Exeter had chase'd $10,000 in the Second tory Loan and these at a cost of only municipality. $1,'000 subscribed in the Loanhad. been sold without the loss, of a cent. Inside of a year the people of Exeter had subscribed $25'0',000. In good faith that the people of Exeter were desirous of helping the war effort the town had subscribed to both loans. During the construction of the Airport and since, the council had done their utmost to find accommo­ dation for the many workers and families who wished to locate here and at 'present there are ap­ proximately 150 new families in our midst. Housing accommodation and rentals have been investigated and found satisfactory. With an increase of one mill in the county rate and with an increase of two mills to the on the the be pa- He also referred to County He qualified again for meet the new school debentures, council had been able to carry with only a two mill increase in tax rate. Mr. Tuckey . reviewed financial statement which will found on another page of this per. IX ' " ' ' matters. reeve and said he would serve as he had in the past to the best of his ability. J. w. Hern Councillor Hern stated that the council had had a very busy year. They may have missed the mark at times. Six hundred yards of gra­ vel, at a cost of $348 had been placed on the streets and the streets were never in better condition than they tare today. The drains of the town have given no end of trouble and sooner or later Exeter will be con­ fronted with providing an ample drainage system. The fire hall had been redecorated. Herbert O. Southcott Councillor Southcott thought that the business of the town had been well taken care of. The cemetery was in capable hands and he paid tribute to the officers, pleasure and a privilege sent the ratepayers. B. Taylor Councillor Taylor said biggest part of his Work was to try and secure accommodation for the new families coming to Exeter. It was a big job and had taken a lot of time. A new Voters’ list had to be printed this year and raised the printing account. A grant of $200 had been made to provide some comforts for the women’s dry can­ teen at the airport. W.». Sanders Mr. Sanders took the council to task for subscribing to the Victory Loan. He said It was absolutely contrary to municipal law for a municipality to contribute money for War work, The Exeter War Committee had done a good job. It was of no value to the government, to buy War Bonds and dispose of them again, he said. If equality and democracy prevailed in Exeter a re­ It was a to repre- that the . He objected to the money being raised in Exeter to provide for pleasure at the airport when our own sons and daughters are sweltering from* daylight to dark, If pleasures must be provided no favoritism should be shown. He also stated that it was 10 Q per cent non-essential to provide rings for the soldiers in the service. How can it help when soldiers are crying for ammunition to, show their rings to Hitler? He made several charges that members of the Council and Board of Education were dipping their hands into theirtthiic treasury and perjuring themselves when they took the oath of office, He accused Mr. Taylor for supplying rings and Mr. Tuckey for trucking calcium chloride. One of the accusations was levelled at the editor of the Times-Advocate, a member of the Board of Education, for printing and supplies for the school. The editor, on asking for per­ mission to reply, stated that accord­ ing to the revised statutes of Ontario (Section 53) the Act does not ap­ ply to a person by reason only of his being the proprietor of -or other­ wise interested in a newspaper. A. J. Sweitzer Mr, Sweitzer said that it was the first time he had ever stood before an audience. He was not a speech­ maker but he was interested in the welfare of Exeter, He would not cause an election but if there was an election he solicited the support of his hearers. Practically all of the speakers .thanked the mover and seconder who had placed them in nomination and extended, season's greetings. Mr. Tuckey, in his reply to Mr. Sanders spoke of letters and cable­ grams of appreciation received from boys overseas who felt that with the little remembrance town was back of them, to think that the boys community who the home He liked .from this are posted in camps all across Canada are receiv­ ing some care and consideration, for their welfare from the municipali­ ties in which 'they dre situated. In reference to the gravel placed on the streets, his only regret was that they had ,;not secured more of it as the ' county engineer had bought up for the county roads all that was left. Mr. W. C. Pearce brought up the question of why should the Public Utilities charge a double rate for bwdro when accommodation was afforded in a home for the new­ comers to town. Mr,„, Tuckey ex­ plained -that it was a ruling from the Ontario H.E.P.C. Where two families were using from one cir­ cuit the additional power used would entitle the users to the ex­ tra power at the lowest rate per kilowatt hour, so that the second family would only be paying at the lowest rate available, which was unfair to the other users. MASONIC OFFICERS ARE INSTALLED At a special meeting of Lebanon Forest Lodge, A.F. & A.M., No. 133, Monday evening the new officers for the coming year were installed by the Installing Master, Wor. Bro. E. M. Dignan. .The officers installed were as follows: WiM., Wor. Bro. J. B. Dawson; I.P.M., Wor. Bro.^II. H. Cowen; Sr. War., A. E. Buswell; Jr. War., H, W. Lewis; Chaplain, E. M. Dignan; Treas., W. W. Taman; D. of 0., G. W. Lawson; Sr. D., J. F. Dawson; Jr. D., W. M. Cann; Sr. S„ E. J. Green; Jr. S., B. D. Field. At the close of the installation an rid" dress on Masonry was given by Rev. N. J. Woods. Sandwiches and fee were served at the close. cof- GRAND BEND Sgt. and' Mrs. Morris Webb, Brandon, Man.,, are visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb. Sgt. Webb recently received his wings at Brandon. Quite a number from different parts of the country visited with parents dr friends over the.^Christ­ mas holiday. Mr. Norman Turnbull is in Xilsa Craig this week remodelling a house for Mr. Ritchie. The Junior Red Cross succeeded in collecting over $60.00 for par­ cels for the boys overseas and in the army. Miss Cora Oliver had the misfor­ tune to have a very bad accident, spraining hei* ankle. She will be laid up for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Emery DesjardinO and Murray spent Wheatley. Mr, and Mrs. W. ed in St Marys for Mrs. Walter Statton is at present. 5 Mrs. Joe Sebringviile her mother, Mrs. Gib visiting with Mts. H. Green, Congratulations are extended of B. Oliver visit- ' Christmas. quite Ravelle'^was owing to the called death Station, of Sarnia, ill WANTED—A girl for general house­ work. Mrs, W. Taman, Exeter phone .95, 31c WANTED—Flocks, all breeds, to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1943 hatching season. Flocks culled and bloodtested under Gov­ ernment Supervision free charge. Guaranteed bonus Grade A Large price with : • tional hatching premiums, chance to make up.to 23c dozen premium over the price of Grade A Large. Also turkey flocks wanted for hatching, Also wanted pullets all breeds and ages, yearling hens, cockerels suitable for breeding, Write for full par­ ticulars, Tweddle Chick Hatch­ eries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 10:17:24:31c 1 of over addi- Youv per CASH FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser­ vice day or night. Phene Credi­ ton 47rl5, collect. Jack Wil­ liams, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—A lovely 2-storey brick house nicely located in Exeter. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 26* FOR SALE—55 acres, good land, brick house, bank barn and silo; Well located. This farm will be sold at a very reasonable price and terms. Other farms,. C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. HOMES FOR SALE—C. V. Pickard. Comfortable Cottage in good re­ pair. Quick possession, Exeter. Three IJ-storey houses. All well located in Village of Exeter. Good values. • C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. FOR SALE FOR SALE— . ‘ coat in goo< Apply at C A gent's coonskin fur cm condition. $20.00. Times-Advocate. * FOR SALE—Your choice of a young sow due middle of January. Ap­ ply to Ewart R. Pym, Exeter. 31* PERSONAL l|| Sufferers of bleeding andal protruding Piles should ^now Bunker’s Herbal Pills 'treat the cause at its source. Money back if not satisfied. Buy from your local druggist. STRAYED STRAYED—Onto lot 137 conces­ sion 4, Usborne, a yearling steer, black. Owner may have same by claiming property and pay­ ing expenses. Luther Rowcliffe, phone 172r21, Exeter. 31:7:14* There’s no dead heads here— every Want Ad works hard. LOST—Car license No. 6L$83 and hub cap for ’35 Chev. Gerald Lawson, R.R. 3, Exeter, Phone Exeter 172r24. 31* FOUND—-A set of keys on ring; also a pair of boy’s boots and skates, size 3. Exeter Flour Mill, phone 35w, MISCELLANEOUS SEE GEO. F, CLARK for all kinds of windmills, pump jacks, pumps and piping. Repairing windmills and pumps, Phone Crediton 23-6 R.R. 3, Dashwood. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Thames Road Farmers’ Club will be held Monday, January 4th at 8 p,m. at Henry Rohde’s. Election of of­ ficers and other business, A good attendance is requested. P. Pass- more, Secretary. c in the event of more candidates be­ ing proposed and qualifying for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1948 when polls will be opened from 9 o’clock a.m, until 5 o’clock p.m., at the following places with the under­ mentioned officers in charge as fix­ ed by village by-law, viz; 1. Graham Arthur’s Service Sta­ tion, on Main Street, Ed. TreHTe, Deputy Returning Officer, Earl Par­ sons, Polling 'Clerk; 2, Town Hall, Main Street, (A), L A, Stewart, D.R.O,, Frank Coates, Polling Clerk; (B) E. Irwin, D.R.O,, John Gamp­ bell, Polling Clerk; 3, Residence of Roy Webber, corner Main and Victoria Streets, George Jaques, D.R.O., Mrs. Margaret Fletcher, Polling Clerk; 4, Residence of Thos, Webster, William St., North, Rd, Welsh, D.R.O., John Kydd, Polling Clerk. All Electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. C, V, PICKARD, Clerk Exeter, December 15, 1942, AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS ESTATE OF THE LATE JAMES GARDINER auctioneer has to sell by pub^ McGillivray TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Stephen will be held in the Town Hall, CREDITON The undersigned received instructions lie auction on LOT 5, CON. 23, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1943 at two o’clock, the following: Real Estate—100 acre grass farm, being Lot 5, Concession 23, in the Township of McGillivray, County of Middlesex. Chattels — Wheelbarrow, galvan­ ized sheets, grindstone, 2 cross-cut saws, cedar posts, hay knife, pair whiffletrees, grain cradle, brace and bit, lantern, wrenches, draw­ knife, grain bag, cook stove, tea­ pot, tea kettle, box stove, frying pan, pots and pans, 2 bedsteads, table and dishes. Terinq of Sale—Chattels, Real Estate, 10 per cent on day sale, balance in 30 days. GEORGE W. LAWSON, ELI LAWSON, cash, of Executors FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer NOTICES VILLAGE OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that meeting of the Electors of the in a Village of Exeter will be held the- TOWN HALL EXETER, ONTARIO at the hour Of 12 o’clock noon MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1942 For the purpose of making and receiving nominations of Candidates for the offices of- Reeve and four Councillors, Public Utilities Com­ mission and for the Board of Edu­ cation. And further take notice that on MONDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1942 at one o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of making and receiving Nominations for Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councilmen. And further Notice is hereby giv­ en that in the event of more can­ didates being proposed and qualify­ ing for any particular office, than required to be elected, the proceed­ ings will be adjourned until MONDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1943 When Polls will be open at 9 a.m. at the following places as fixed by the Township By-law: 1. Henessey’s Office, Lot 5, Con. 1, W. B. Willert, D.R.O,, Lloyd Hodg­ son, Poll Clerk; 2. Penhale’s Kitch­ en, Lot 20, Con. 2, Preston Dearihg, D.R.O., George Walker, Poll Clerk; 3. Wenzel’s Barber Shop, Lot 11, Con. 6, Thos. Trevethick, -D.R.O., F. W. Morlock, Poll Clerk; 4. Town Hall, Lot 1'0', Con. 7, J. T. Hirtzel, D.R.O., J. H. Gaiser, Poll Clerk; 5.. O'Rourke’s Kitchen, Lot 10, Con. 12, Pat Sullivan, D.R.O., Jas. Ma­ whinney, Poll Clerk; 6. Koehler’s Store, Lota23, Con. N.B., Ed. G. Kraft, D.R.O., Chester Gaiser, Poll Clerk; 7. Sweitzer’s Kitchen, Lot IQ, Con. 17, John Houlahan, D.R.O-, Majoi’ Baker, Pbl( Clerk; «8'. Pollock’s Store, Lot 40, Cori. S.B., Wm. Hicks, D.R.O., Mansel Hodgins, Poll Clerk; 9. Ravelie’s Store, Lot 1, Con. Sauble, Isaac Bestard, Jr., D.R.O., Well­ wood *Gill, Poll Clerk. And all Electors are hereby re­ quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. ' Crediton, December 7th, 1942. HERBERT K. SILBER, Returning Officer Al I A {Blair; Mr. Melvin Harlton,' of Wind- t_.fc.rM 9 rY/41— 1A j sor, and Mrs. Morley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conlin and °f ParkhUl, and;-Mrs. J. Armstrong Bernice Conlin, R.N., spent’Christ-' with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Harlton; mas with the former’s brother, Mr. ■ 77rs' and Mrs. John Conlin, .of Granton, "mvld with Mr. ■' be taken Mr-and Mrs. James Sunday School Ne11 Wlth Mr‘ and Mrs- G®or&e Ad- • — - . amac; Mr. and Mrs. P. Simpson with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Simp- 'son, in Ailsa Craig; Master Marvin J Bowden with his grandparents, Mr. 4and Mrs. J. McDonald, Exeter;, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lightfoot and fam­ ily with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Essery; Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. R, Smith and Marlene, of Simcoe, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Mc­ Cann and Ronald of Stratford. I Mr. T. Pollock, of Ripley, spent a , few days with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks. i Mr. Harold Flynn, of Windsor, and Mrs. John Cqnl A special coliecub; Sunday morning in for the Russian Relief Fufid* Christmas visitors in and out of,, the village: Miss Laura KnighL^of ? London, with her parents, Mr. aiMj, Mrs. E. Knight; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis , Davey and family and Mr. an$ Joe Smith and Shirley^ and Mrs. Richard Davey> bert Field, of the R.C.N.' Quebec, with his parents, Mrs. Bruce Field; Mrs. Willis and Miss Flossie Da George Flynn, Marjorie and and Mrs. James HARPLEY Vern Ridley and Ridley, of Grand on and Mrs. and Mrs. motored to Burlington Mrs. r. Mr. Jean Bend, Thursday to spend Christinas with Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliphant. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter and family spent Christmas Day at Grand Bend with Mr. and Mrs| F. Statton. Mr. and Mrs. F’red McLinchey spent the Christmas holiday with. Mr. and Mrs. Robert English at Greenway. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. David Eagleson for Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eagleson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgins, Mrs, Joe Hodgins and Misses Irene and Joyce, of 'Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. W. Eagleson and family. Mr, and Mrs. L. 'Stone and Mr- Charles Stone spent Christmas with friends in Chatham. Guests for ^Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Colin? Love were Mr. and' Mrs. Alex Love, of Mossbank, Sask.; Miss Ruth Love, Love rind Miss Bend; Mr. and Junior and Mrs. ily. Mr. J. Love, Mr. Alex Love, Of Mossbank, Sask., and Mr, Robert Love, ’ of Thedford, called on Mr. B, J, Hodgins on Friday afternoon. Mr, William Love and family and' Mr, Alex Love and family called on Mr, J. H. McGregor and Mr. Lloyd Taylor at Exeter on Sunday, Miss Ruth Love, of Ottawa, Miss Helen Love, of Hamilton, i holidaying with their parents r. and ho mas y with Mr. and Mrs. Whitney CoateS; ““ Rupert Merriam, df the R.C.A.F., and Mrs. Merriam, of Toronto, with - . -the former’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. spent the holidays with his mother, R, J. Merriam; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ste->MrS‘ Flynn. phens, of Woodham, and Mr., and Mr. and Mrs. Harris West are vis- Mrs. W. Essery ah‘d family, of Us- ' Ring for a week With Mr. and Mrs. borne, with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. , John Talbot at Grand Valley. Penwarden; Miss Agnes Andefhon | W.0,2 Donald Hicks, of Hagers- with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Elliott; lyille, spent his^ Christmas leave with Mr. George Cook and family, of London, and Miss Margaret, Of Lu­ can, with Mr, and Mrs. B. D. Cook; Mr. and. Mrs. E, Carruthers, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. George Baynhant; Miss Catherine White, of Windsor, with her father, Mr, Joe. White; Mr. Steve MOlriar, of Dundas, with Mrs. Molnay Steve; L.A.C, and Mrs. C. — with the former’s parents in Mont- ants at Brookville, real; Sgt. ahd Mrs. D. C. Scott with I Fit. Sgt. and Mrs. Jack Andrew relatives in Detroit; Mi*, and Mrs. J spent Christmas leave with their Ken Hodgins and family with Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hicks and and Mrs. Norman Mitchell; Mr. and (Mirand Mrs^G. Andrew. _ Mrs^ J^Edwards? Mrs. B."Hicks and ' family visited with Mr. and Mrs. family and Mr. and Mrs. William j Garfield Steeper at Corbett and Mr. ■ xv-u. Ma and and Mrs. Hugh Hodgins at Green- Mrs. John Essery; Mr. and Mrs. way. on Sunday. ■ 1G. R. Andrew and Miss Grace And- Mr, and Mrs. Fred Penwardon rew with relatives at Avon; L.A.O, ■ were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wel- and Mrs. Drennan with the former’s I Hngton Brock on Saturday even­ parents at. port Albert; Cpi. Donald; log of last week, Blair, of Simcoe, and Andrew Blair,! Mr, and Mrs. Ray spring andr,1------\ . of the R.C.A.F., in Quebec, with {Gail spent the Christmas holidays day at his residence interment wa& their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James with relatives in Brantford. ,ln West’s Cemetery, McGinivray*i •1 Mt. his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. ! Mr. Toronto, were week-end guests Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson.} L.A.iC. Tripp, Mrs. Tripp ■family spent Christmas leave their parents at Wellington. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgson, of with and With tolnar and Cpl. and Mrs. B. Mackenzie are C. Fregeau holidaying with the latter’s par- of Ottawa; Mr. d'­ Helen, of Grand Mrs. Robert LoVe Thedford arid Mr. and r, of William Love and fam Mrs. Thomas’ Smith With Mr. arid j Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgins and ’ friends in this violnitv Mrs. J. Edwards: Mrs. B. Hicks and'family visited with Mr. and Mrs. °~-£LmenUs ln tllls vicUlitY to,____ of • Essery and family with Mr. is Congratulations are extended to Mr. Thomas Love, who was elected by acclamation as deputy-reeve of Stephen. * and' are and David Robinson, of Ailsa Craig, well-known retired farmer of Me- . Gillivray Township, and one of Middlesex County’s oldest residents, died Monday at the age of 92 years, Funeral service was held Wednes-