HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-12-17, Page 10Page 8 TOE EXETER TJMES-ADYOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17th, 1942 V’s Beauty Shoppe » Iibr Permanents Eugene, Spiral bination, VERA 0. DECKER, Prop. Phone 11.2 of Lasting Beauty, Croquinole, Com- Machineiess Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.05. Ci tarn cry Butter, 41c. Eggs, A Large, 42 c. Eggs, Medium, 40e. Eggs* B, 34 c. Dressed Hogs, $16.00. itamBwwm Exeter Opt,Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Save Tires and Gasoline For your future convenience ship your hogs with local trucker where get the highest prices yield your you and Archie Etherington Phone 171rll, Exeter miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiinitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitr LOCALS AUkN HALE • ARTHUR KENNEDY Directed by Produced by RAOUL WALSH - HAL B. WALLIS Original Screen Phy by Arthur T Horman Music by Sterner WARMER BROS! SUCCESS Mon. and Tues., Dec. 21 afetid 22 two features ’s Elephant’ with LUPE VELEZ and LEON ERROL and a ‘Mexican TIM HOLT WESTERN Wed. and Thurs., Dec. 23 and 24 “Panama Hattie” with RED SKELTON, ANN SOTHERN and RAGS RAG­ LAND SPECIAL FEATURES FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON “Footlight Serenade” “The Big Street” “Tales of Manhattan” “Seven Sweethearts” “The Pied Piper” “Call Out the Marines” “Dumbo” CHRISTMAS CARDS a fine selection ofWe have a fine assortment ^Christmas Gifts for this year. Elizabeth Arden, Yardley’s, Formal, Muriel Astor, Chanel, Evening in Paris, Lucien LeLeong de Raymond. Eversharp Pens and Pencils Brush, Comb and Dresser Sets Wallets, Photo Albums and Stationery. Buy Early! Supplies are Limited. Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Day or Night STEWART BROS. GARAGE SWING and SWAY at Exeter’s New — DANCELAND — (The old Opera House) With Ted Pudney (fermerly with Betiny T'alme!*) Every Wednesday Night Dancing Saturday Night with Clayton Steeper '4* Wte is MerieW^I Time GREETINGS I Here’s hoping your happy, Your New Year so cheer You’ll think that it Christmas Until it is Christmas — Next Year! Christmas is full of good still must be CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Galloway Mrs. J, 0. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.-—Xmas Message 7 p.m.—Xmas Carol Service. Sunday School Xmas entertainment, Friday, December 18. Supper served at 6.30 p.m. Exeter MARION POOLEY Beauty Shoppe 245Phone STORE OPEN EVENINGS NEXT WEEK Gift Suggestions Snell's Taxi Service Phone 100 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Nt J", Woods, M.Am Minister BIrs, A, Y. Willard, Organist 10,30 a.m,-—Public Worship and IChurph SchooL—“Visitors to Bethlehem” The Minister, 7 p.m.—Candlelight Service, Minister. Christmas music at both services. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Y.P. Meeting Thursday, 7.30 p.m,—Midweek meet­ ing for Prayer and Bible study. Friday, 6.3-0 p.m,—Sunday School supper and entertainment. The » Bring your gift list her*©. There is something here for all your friends at the price Visit pur store for dozens of other useful gifts.you went to pay. Lovely All Wool 0. V. and Mossfield Blankets They are so warm and cosy and make a beautiful gift for Xmas. Our stocks are running low, We would suggest early selection. >Mi> iKM»«XHca» 11 yaw ■»Kinnxi iirmi u «»ii SEASON SKATING TICKETS A' season ticket for skating at the Exeter Arena will make an ideal Christmas gift. Public school child­ ren's ticket, $1.50; high school stu­ dents, $2.50; adults, $3.00. Tick­ ets not good for hockey games or carnivals. Tickets may be secured at the Arena or from W. G. Medd or at The Times-Advocate. Frosted Strawberries ... qts. 35c Jumbo Ice Cream Bricks 20c ea. If you want FRESH FISH, we have them. Salmon, Cod Fillets, Haddock, Kippers sc A very welcome gift for Xmas, These are very lovely coats and are sure to please, i EXETER FROZEN FOODS I Six more shopping days. Next Monday, December 21, is the shortest day of the year. Trooper Charles Snell, of Camp Borden, is spending eight days’ leave at his home here. Mr. Jack Frayne, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne. Congratulations to Sgt. Bill Duns- ford of Ipperwash on his promotion to the post of Staff Sergeant. Rev. Ernest Grigg has returned aftei’ a four-day business trip to London, Hamilton and Toronto. Sgt. Ted Wilson returned to Lon­ don on Sunday after spending two weeks' leave at his home here. Mrs. John Taylor, -Nelson Street, who has been quite ill during the past week, is improving nicely. Dr. and Mrs. George C. Hind and Harlene, of Walkerton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hind on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Traquair, nurse-ip- training at don, spent home here. Mr. and Belleville, are spendin; with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clarke. Sgt. P. H. Francis, of Prince George, B.C., spent one day last week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis. Tprs. Wesley and Mahlon Ryck- man and Bill Penhale, of Dundurn, ■ Sask., are spending two weeks’ Christmas leave at their respective homes here. Mr. Harvey employed in Gowan & Co., to Stratford new duties last week. The concluding meeting of the Board of Directors of the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co. for this year was held at Far­ quhar on .Monday, December 14. Captain William Lawson, who re­ cently returned from Gordon Head, B.@., has been transferred to New­ foundland. Mrs. Lawsdn and Jim­ mie will remain with Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson for the present. Sgt. and Mrs. Tom Page, Tommy and Teddy, of North Bay, are spend­ ing Christmas leave with Mrs. Page’s mother, Mrs. M. Hannigan. Gnr, Chas. Cox, of Hastings Park, Van­ couver, is also home for a few days. The Air Force Orchestra is pro­ viding the music for the benefit dance at the Arena this Wednesday evening. The proceeds will be do­ nated to the women’s canteen at S.F.T.S. rooms. L.A.C. S.F.T.S., TOMLINSON’S * * Our shop will be closed from Thursday, December 24th, until Monday, December 28, inclusive * The Week of Prayer will be ob­ served by Hie churces of Exeter dur­ ing the first week in January. Fur­ ther particulars next week. Mr. and Mrs. James Green have received word that their daughter, ■ ALs. J. I. Moir, is recuperating at | her home in Listov el aftei’ being a i patient in Stratford General Hospi-! tai. .Victoria Hospital, Lon- the week-end at her Mrs. Harry Miller, of g a few days Pollen, who has been London with James has been transferred and commenced his No. 9 for fixing up their James St. White Gift Service A White Gift service was held in the James Street United Church Sunday School on Sunday after­ noon. The Primary class paraded before a decorated Christmas tree and deposited their gifts. Represen­ tatives of the various classes also brought their offerings. A dedicat­ ory prayer was offered by the su­ perintendent, J. H. Jones. Miss Helen Shapton sang a solo. The var­ ious articles are being sent to Friendship House in London for distribution. Something over $25.00 in cash was contributed for the Queen’s Fund. Pupils Enjoy Toboggan Party The pupils of Form I, Exeter High School, enjoyed a toboggan party at Dow’s hill Friday evening of last week with the teachers, Miss­ es Tape, Ellenton and Linklater, sponsoring the event. About thirty persons were present. An unfor­ tunate accident marred the evening when Ted Hannigan fell from a toboggan, injuring his back. Dr. Fletcher was called and using a to­ boggan as a stretcher, Ted was re­ moved to the -doctor’s car and tak­ en to his home. His injury was not serious and he is again able to be 'around. The party wound up at the home economics room of the school, where doughnuts and cocoa were served. Tom Cruickshank, of No. 9 and Mrs. Cruickshank, are spending nineteen days’ leave at Elkhorn, Man., with their parents. Miss Alma Moore is relieving at Grieve’s Sandwich Shop during Mrs. Cruickshank’s absence, “They say Jones is devoted to his golf, and his wife is equally fond of auction sales.” “Yes, and the funny part about^it is that they both talk in their sleep. The other night the people in the next flat heard him shout ‘Forel' I and immediately his wife yelled, ‘Five!',” Pte Percy A. Noels returned to Camp Borden Monday after spending a five day leave;with Mrs. Noels at the home of Mr. E, C. Appleton, on Thursday of last week D.A.C. Stanley B. Noels, of Port Albert, visited with them. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Noels visited at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Beecher Noels, Of Saintsbury. Mr. and Mrs, Beecher Noels and son Wilfred and Pte and Mrs. Percy Noels visited in Aylmer, Tillsonburg and Brownsville, Ar- Donald Goodspeed Gets Second ‘Pip’ Donald Goodspeed, of Port thur, formerly of Exeter, was recent­ ly promoted to the rank of lieuten­ ant. He was one of a group of junior officers to gain their second ‘pip’ at the Artillery Training Centre at Brandon, Manitoba. Employed as a newspaper reporter in civilian life Lieutenant Goodspeed enlisted in June, 1940. From 1933 to 1936 the served with No. 3 -Company, 10th Division Signals and also served two years with Lake Superior -Reserve Unit. He went -overseas in Decem­ ber, 1940 and returned to Canada in June, 1942. Miss Love of Exeter public school staff is an aunt. PROCLAMATION BOXING DAY JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. W. R. Goiilding, A.T.O.M. Organist and Choir Leader CHRISTMAS SERVICES . a.m.—Morning Worship. Minister. p.m- Class. 7 p.m.—Evening Worship. The Min-I ister. “Christmas in Song and j Story”. Music! Carols! The >Mes-1 sage! Tonight, 7.30—Midweek Service. Monday, 8 p.m.—Young People’s Union. 11 3 The 13S “A Flash in the Dark” ■Sunday School and Bible' ■35 1 35 35. •35 35 135 ■35 35> 35 35 35 35 55 135 35 35 55 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss . MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Fourth Sunday in Advent 11 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Candlelight Service. Christ- mast carols. Preacher, Fit. Lieut. The Rev. <C. K. Sansbury. Sunday School. concert and supper Monday, December 21 at 6.3F p.m. The Christmas Service and Holy Communion will* be held Christ­ mas Eve at 11.30. All are wel­ come. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE' g Sunday School—2 Service—3 p.m. Evening Service—8 p.m. j Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer meet- I in- All are welcome. z Pastor—E. Clemens • p.m. For Ladies House Coats Parasols Night Gowns Pyjamas Kid Gloves Sweaters Hand Bags Bed Spreads Fancy Towels Fancy; Slippers Goloshes Fine China For Flannel Gowns Biltmore Hats Fine Slippers Sweaters Scarves i Goloshes Forsythe Shirts Kid Gloves Neckwear Braces Belts Sport Jackets Visit Qur China Department Our counters are filled with lovely china and glassware. Any of these pieces will make very acceptable gifts for Christmas. ............. ........ ........ . ...— ........... .........— . ...... .......................... Grocery Specials for Thurs and Saturday Aw— - l —-—■■Miwmii.—rm GRAPEFRUIT, large pink grape­ fruit.... They’re delicious ...........3 for 25c TEA, our good black tea We will reduce an extra 5c a pound. It sold at 85c a lb. Special ........... 70c POPPING CORN super pop ................. 2 lbs. 25c ORANGES They will be scarcer and more expensive. We offer for Xmas, per dozen ...........29c, .39c, 45c MACARONI, ready cut.................per lb. 6c TILLSON’S OATS, choice quality in packages for quick cooking, pkg. 15c SARDINES, Brunswick Sardines in tomato sauce ...................4 tins for 25c ' . , BEANS, new crop white cooking beans, hand picked ................... per lb. 5c § CHEESE, try our June cheese It’s really nice ....................... per lb. 29c Lettuce, Celery, Carrots, Turnips, Squash, Tomatoes. ST. PETER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH South of Centralia on Highway No. 4 Mass will be celebrated as follows: Decembei* 27th at 9 o’clock. All other Sundays and Holy Days at 11 .o’clock. Taxi Service will leave Snell’s Gar­ age each Sunday 30 minutes be- (fore each Mass and will return; ^g y^ ^J^^^adopted. after the service. i ExeterPhone 16 little folk. J. M. SouthCott was then called on to preside over a lengthy but interesting program? The pri­ mary sang three selections. Of the fifty-odd numbers, the majority were W. W. TAMAN — The Store for Men — James Street Y.P.U. i The Y.P.U. of James Street Un- i ited Church was held on Monday {evening at 8 p.m. with Vera Decker 1 presiding. The meeting opened With * hymn 181 followed by prayer by Rev. 1 Irwin. The minutes of the last meet- ----- Rev. j Woods and Clifford Quance yere • present, showing and explaining - very interesting lantern slides on -7TAMrx7Avric-T rnAT r’Tjfi Tor'ui “Africa". The meeting was Clos- ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH ed With hymn 101 and the Mizpah i benediction, i ■ - T-— j James St. Primary Has ‘ Christmas Party The Primary Department of James Street Sunday School enjoy­ ed a Christmas party Friday even- j ing of last week, the basement be­ ing filled with children and their parents. Miss May Jones, superin­ tendent of the department, welconn- Mrs. Sharpe, su- -----------------.— j perintendent of the Cradle Roll, Monday, -7 -p.-m.—Seniors will meet) Save a short address and spoke of at the ’church for caroling party. < th® splendid work being done for th© little folk. J. M. SouthCott was then EM Crediton .. — Minister — M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D. — Organist — HD’S. F. MorlOck i a.m.—“Xmas Message” . a.m.—Church School. 3'0 p.m.—Xmas Program, laneous items and cantata, of the Bells” i_____________ The public are cordially invited.! ed. the visitors. Miscel- “Heart Main Street W.M^S^ The Women’s Missionary Society I CL, ___‘___J____1 of Main Street United 'Church met recitations, interspersed with solos Tii XiAti /k £ jt?f ’T’i fT jri Zt A 4TiTi ¥4 ft -S Xi A*i rl Attractive . . . and useful GIFTS FOR MEN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26th to be observed as civic holiday In accordance with a request from the merchants of the Village of Exeter, the Municipal Council has declared Saturday, December 26th as Boxing Day and I hereby Call upon all citizens to observe the day as such. B. W. Tuckey, Reeve lOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII In at the home of Mrs. Medd on Thurs­ day last with a good attendance, the president, Mrs. Penrose, presiding; Hymn 67 was sung, followed by prayer by the president. Tl.L L- ___ing the last meeting of the year, the | w(n told a Christmas story, mite boxes were collected. It was conclusion of the program the schol- agreed that the executive meet on < ars. were seated in classes at small January 4 at 2.30 p.m. at the home .tables and were served ice cream of Mrs. Jacques. Mr. Woods was I and cookies by the teachers. Fol­ present and the installation Of of­ ficers took place. A Christmas story was read by Mrs, Jacques, 'the pro­ gram was then carried out according to the worship service In the Mission­ ary Monthly, in the form of a candle­ light service. A trio sang: “Gentle Mary Laid Her Child’'. Quite a num­ ber of women took part in the pro­ gram, The meeting was closed with prayer. As <a Christmas treat candy was passed by Mrs. Medd. by Marilyn Bissett, Trudy Pickard and Ronald Gunning; duets by Don­ nie and Amy Fisher,' Marie Cutbush and Jean Taylor. There were three This be- (exercises by classes. Rev. Mr. Ir- . At the Mr. Woods was i and cookies by the teachers. I lowing the refreshments Santa ap- Ipeared ahd distributed presents for the Cradle Roll members and Stockings with oranges and candles for the Frimaty. It was a successful evening. Very Annual Meeting of Caven Red Cross Unit The annual meeting of Caven Unit of the Red Cross was held on Mon­ day, December 7. The following of­ ficers .Were elected for'1943; Pre­ sident, Miss L. M^Jeckeil; vice-pre­ sident, Mrs; K, Fulce; secretary, Mrs, G. Flynn; treasurer, Mrs. -H. Whyte; quilt convener, Mrs, R, Rus­ sel; assisting committee, Mrs, c. Simmons, Mrs. E, Johnston, Mrs; Whyte, Mrs. Fuke, Miss Hatter. Mother of Huron Officer Mrs, E. Patterson Dies GODEDICH—Mrs. Eliza Lawrence Patterson, widow of Donald Patter­ son, former warden of Huron Coun­ ty and for 17 years county engineer, and mother of T. R. Patthrson, pre­ sent county engineer, died Monday at the home of her son, in her 89th year. Praise is a spur to virtue, Whatever the attainment the of the goal has been experienced in {the adventure. best “Wife: “Dear, i’ve set my heart on a Rolls Royce?’ “Hubby; “Yes? Well, that’s the only part of your anatomy that’ll ever set on one?' ‘Is there a word in the language which contains “Unquestidii- ‘What is it?* So: Butch; English all the ..vowels ?' Bo ably? Butch; ’I just told you? 1)0 nothing to excess.JI