HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-12-10, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10th, 1942.B Coining to Hensail C. R. Wilkinson, R.O. Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the. purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con­ sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 16 Hensall for appointment HENSALL Pte. Edward Little, of Ipperwash, spent the week-end at his home here. Miss IMargaret Grieves, of Sea­ forth, spent the week-end with friend here, Mj£. Fred Corbett visited last week with her daughter, Mrs. Roy MacLaren and Donald. Mrs. Norman Stanlake, of Exe­ ter, spent Tuesday with her moth­ er, Mrs. Hannah Workman. Mrs. Nichols, of Parkhill, is the guest of her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hicks. The annual meeting of the La­ dies’ Aid of Carmel Church will be held on Tuesday evening, Decem­ ber 15. Rev. W’iHiam Weir was in Toronto this week attending meetings held there in connection with the work of the church. Mrs. D. G. Steer and Patsy return­ ed home after- visiting with the former’s mother, iMrs. Brazier in London, (Mrs. William Weir and Freddie left this week for an extended visit with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, David JBailey, in Huntsville. Mrs. Hannah Workman returned to her home here after spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Norman Stanlake, in Exeter. Mrs. Demorist left on Monday for her home in Regina after spending the past two weeks with her sisters, Miss'Amy Reynolds and Mrs. Fran­ cis Robinson. An auction sale of the property and household furnishings of the late James Preist was held on Tues­ day afternoon and was largely at­ tended, the weather being fine. The Arnold Circle of Carmel Church will entertain the Home Helpers in the church on Monday evening, December 14. All members are urged to be present. , Mr. Thos. Hawkins, of Windsor, visited With his brother,5* Mr. Geo. Hawkins,who has been ill. The form­ er is nearing 'bis nintieth birthday and is wdnderfully smart and active. The orchestra dance sponsored in the town hall, Hensall, on Tuesday evening by the young business girls was largely attended; This was the second appearance of the Pudney orchestra here and their music was much enjoyed. Mr. Peter Moir, Miss- Helen Moir and Mrs. Lawrence Baynham, Bobbie and Jimmie visited on Sunday at the home of the former’s daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuck- ey and family, Exeter. IMr. A. L. Case returned home after accompanying Mrs. Case to the Private Patients’ Pavillion >at Tor­ onto General Hospital where she will undergo further treatments in the interests of her health. Rev. William Weir conducted ser­ vices in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday and delivered very in­ spiring messages on the following subjects, “Truth Shall be Known” and -“Thy Will Be Done.” The choir sang splendid anthems under the leadership of Mrs. John Mur­ dock. z Rev. R. A. Brook delivered in­ spiring messages at the Sunday ser­ vices in the United Church and the choir sang -two anthems, “Shepherd Divine’’, and “The Knowledge of the Lord.” At the evening service two delightful musical trios, “Nearer My God to Thee” and “The Holy’ City” were played by Miss Mary Goodwin at- the organ. Miss Gladys Luker at the piano and Miss Greta Lammie, violinist. Young People’s Meeting The regular meeting of the Young People’s Union was held in the Un­ ited Church on Monday evening and opened by singing “Yield Not to Temptation”, followed by prayer by Georgia Cook. The Scripture was read by Ruth. Hess and hymn “Lead Kindly Light” was sun,g. A social meeting will be held on De­ cember 28. Miss Audrey Dinnin very ably gave the topic on “China” and Lenore Norminton favored with a short story. The meeting concluded by singing “Work For the Night is Coming” and the benediction. Ruth Hess presented a skit at the close. CartnOl Church W. M» $• The annual meeting of the W. M. S, of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday afternoon in the schoolroom of-the church with 'Mrs. C, Hudson in the cliair. Tlie opening hymn, Moy To The World/ was followed by prayer by Mrs. Hud­ son and the Scripture lesson. The Roll call was answered with a Christ­ mas message. Hymn “Holy Night, Silent Night/ was followed by the reports which were most gratifying. Rev, William Weir presided over the election of officers and Mrs. Weir presented the report of the nominating committee as follows: Honorary president,Mrs, H, Arnold; president, IMrs. C. Hudson; vice- president, Mrs. R, Y, MacLaren, Mrs, Jean Manson, Mrs, J, Dallas; sec­ retary , Mrs, George Walker; treas­ urer,. Mrs. A, D. McEwen; supply sec­ retary, Miss Minnie Reid; Welcome and Welfare secretary, Mrs. J. W, Bonthron; Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. H. Workman; Home Helpers secretary, Mrs. A. Logan; assistant helpers secretary, Mrs, Weir; Stud­ ents secretary, Mrs. R. Y, MacLaren. pianist, Mrs. W. A, MacLaren. Rev. Weir gave a very interesting and inspiring address and the meet­ ing closed with a hymn and prayer by Rev. Weir, M’’s. Donald Ross Addresses Cannel Young People The December meeting of the Young People of Carmel Presbyter­ ian Church was held on Monday eve­ ning in the schoolroom of the church with the president, Mrs. Charles Forrest, presiding. The meeting opened with a piano instrumental by Miss Margaret Dougall, follow­ ed by the singing of the Christmas hymns, “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night”, “0 Come All Ye Faithful” and “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear”, after which Bob­ by Cameron led in prayer. The Scripture was taken from differ­ ent passages and read as follows: “The Prophecy”, by Mrs. Lawrence Baynham; "Time of the Enuncia­ tion”, by Mrs. Melvin Moir;. “The Magnificant and the Nativity”, by Miss Margaret Dougall; “The Vis­ ible Shepherds”, by Harry Dougall and “The Visit of the Wise Men” by Mrs. Baynham. After singing “Joy to the World”, the business was taken up and Bobby Cameron was appointed pianist. Misses Beryl Pfaff and Violet Hyde were appointed to take charge of the Jan­ uary-meeting. Miss Irene Hoggarth introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Donald Ross, formerly of Auburn, who gave an inspiring address on “The Ten Wise Virgins'. The meet­ ing concluded by singing “As With ' Gladness Men of Old” and the Lord’s prayer in unison. W. M. S. Elects Officers The annual meeting of the W.M.S. of the United. Church was held on Thursday at '3 p.m. in the school­ room of the church with Mrs. Brook in the chair. The opening hymn,‘My Faith Looks Up to Thee,’ was fol­ lowed by the Lord’s Prayer in Uni­ son, after which the Scripture was read -by Mrs. Milton Love. Mrs. Chas. McDonald led in prayer and Mrs. Alf Clark favoured with a vocal solo, ‘Let the Lower Lights Be Burning/ accompanied by Mrs. Grace Harpole at the piano. Splendid and encourag­ ing reports were, given, followed by an interesting paper entitled, ‘Facing the Facts’ by Miss Jean Murray. A. letter whs read from Mrs. Cross, who is retiring owing to ill health, ex­ pressing thanks for loyalty extended to her. Rev. R. A. Brook was in charge of the election of officers as follows: Honorary president, Mrs,. Chas. McDonell; past president, Mrs. Cross; president, Mrs. R. A. Brook; vice-presidents, Mrs. Ballantyne,. Mrs. Harpole, Mrs. Drysdale; record­ ing secretary, IMrs. A. Spencer; as­ sistant, Mrs. T. Sherritt; Corres­ ponding secretary, Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill; treasurer, Mrs. C. Cook; Associate Helpers, Mrs. N. E. Cook, Mrs. V. Fee, Mrs. E. L. Mickle; Mis­ sionary. Monthly, IMrs. Drysdale; pianist, Mrs. Harpole; assistant, Mrs. Sherrit; Christian Stewardship and finance secretaries, Mrs. W. Carlisle and Mrs. Harpole; Temperance sec­ retary, Miss Jean Murray; supply secretaries, Mrs. J. Elder, Mrs. S. Merner, Mrs. C. Cook; strangers’ secretary, Mrs. Mickle and Mrs. Mer­ ner; press secretary, Miss Hattie Sutherland; Mission Band Super­ intendant, Miss Mattie Ellis; iBaby Band superintendant, Mrs. A. B. Rowcliffe ; assistant, Mrs. J Pass- more; representative on Official Board, Mrs. Ballantyne. Mrs . N. Cook and Mrs. V. Fee were appointed as a committee to select a Mission Band superintendant. Council Meeting The "‘regular meeting of the vil­ lage council was held on Monday evening at 8 p.m. in the council chamber with all members present. The minutes of the previous meet­ ing were read and adopted, on mo­ tion of Councillors Horton and Cam­ eron. Robert Middleton and George Hess appeared as delegates from the Chamber of Commerce in con­ nection with the observance of fox­ ing day, December 26, 1942. It was moved by Councillors Horton and Kerslake that the Reeve proclaim December 26, Boxing Day, as a holi­ day in the Village of Hensall. R. F. Patterson, tax collector, (reported having received $280.00' in .prepay­ ments and $1,711.77 in cash since the last mooting or a total of $6,- 037.8'1 off tlie 1942 roll. Corres­ pondence was read as follows: De­ partment of Municipal Affairs, in connection with subsidy of $3 85.94; City of Toronto, Canadian Mother- craft Society, Wartime Prices and Trade Board, W1838 Pte. Margaret Bell. Same was considered and fil­ ed, On motion of Councillors Parkins and Kerslake the following bills and accounts were ordered paid: Canadian Legion, wreath, $5,0'0’; Hensall Hydro, hall, $12.'03; 0, Twitchell, supplies, Fire Dept., $5.39; J. Bonthron & Son, wreath, $5.00; Drysdale’s Hardware, supplies, hall, $6.44; I. Geiger, snow plowing, $6.00; George Hess, printing, $40.00; Huron .Expositor, printing, $2.45; R. E< Shaddick, reeve’s salary, $42.00; A. W. Kerslake, councillor’s salary, $28.00; James Parkins, coun­ cillor’s salary, $28,00; R, J, Camer­ on, councillor's salary, $2(8l,i00; H. Horton, councillor’s salary, $28.00; Thos. Kyle, salary, $7'0', 0'0; James Patterson, balance salary, $137.50; O. Twitchell, mechanic, fire dept., salary, $35.0-0; R. J, Patterson, sal­ ary and postage, $6*3.64; James Patterson, revising voters’ list, $49.20; R. J. Patterson, revising vo­ ters’ list, $5.00; total, $59G>£5. On motion of Councillors Cameron and Horton the meeting was ad­ journed till December 15 or at the call of the reeve. Jas. A. Patterson, Clerk CROMARTY Rev, Mr. Cranston, former minis­ ter* of this congregation, occupied the pulpit on Sunday last and dispens­ ed the Sacrament to the congrega­ tion in a very able manner, It is 41 years since Mr. Cranston was in­ ducted into the charge of Cromarty and Roy’s and dll were pleased to have him here again. Although that number of year has passed, Mr. Cranston still retains his youth­ ful vigor and the same youthful disposition which-goes to show that years have dealt very lightly with him. Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, Jr., visited on Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald. Mr. Wilfred Scott, who has been holidaying at his home in. the vil­ lage, will return to Camp Borden this week. The snow storm and blizzard which visited this community last week and made the roads impassible, necessitated the use of the snow plow. The evening service of the Staffa United Church was largely attend­ ed by this congregation. .The male quartette, of the Cromarty Church assisted with the music at the eve­ ning service. The annual sale of work under the auspices of the Marion Ritchie Junior Auxiliary-, and the Annie Reidie Mission Band, held on Sat­ urday afternoon in the basement of the church was successful. A light lunch w^also served. MiSs Wilma Jean James visited with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Hodgson, in London. • ', Mrs. Margaret Tuffin has gone to Fordwich to live with her mother. Rev. R. A. Cranston was entertain­ ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. And­ rew McLachlan over the week-end. HARPLEY Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eagleson and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Statton of Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter. , Mr. and Mrs. Elison Whiting spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Lovie and family. » Master Glen Hayter spent last week-end with Mr. Jack Hutchinson. Miss Donna Hayter -spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Pauline Mason. The Ladies’ Guild of Grace Church, Greenway, are holding a euchre party Thursday evening, December 19, in the parish hall. GREENWAY The annual meeting of the Red Cross Society will be held in the Corbett School on Monday evening, December Y4. A good attendance is requested. Mr. Seibourne English, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. English. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson en­ tertained several friends to supper on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horner wel­ comed a little son to their home last week. On Thursday evening a number of neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson to spend a social evening with them before leaving for their home in Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Hut­ chinson and Nathalie will be greatly missed in this community. The Harmony Class of the United Church are holding their monthly meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bro- phey. ’ STAFFA The Staffa United Church cele­ brated the 65 th anniversary of the present -church building with spec­ ial services on Sunday. Splendid congregations were present both morning and evening with many former residents present. Rev. Mr. Mathers, of Fullarton, conducted the morning service and Rev. Mr. Grigg, of Exeter, was the special speaker at the evening service. Mr. Grigg was accompanied by Messrs. C. E. Aidworth and William Rivers. CENTRALIA Mrs, Jack Andrew, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Andrew. Mrs, E, Flynn and Marjorie spent the week-end with friends in To­ ronto. Mrs, M. Kershaw visited over the week-end with relatives in London. Mr,, and Mrs. Alonzo McCann and Mary and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cop­ lin were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Conlin, Mrs, Arthur Hodgins and Glen are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Ford at Stratford, Don’t forget the Christmas con­ cert in the school on Thursday eve­ ning, December 17. A pageant, “The United Nations”, will be put on under the direction of Lawrence Wein -and a cantata, “Santa’s Joy Factory", by Mrs, L. Hicks, Come and bring yxujr friends, A real treat is in store for you, WXS. Meeting The December* meeting of the W.M.S, was held in the schoolroom of the church on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. W. Skinner presiding. The meeting opened with hymn 6 7. in the hymnary, followed by prayer by the president. The slate of of­ ficers brought in by the nominating committee was accepted. All the old officers were returned to office with the exception of the commun­ ity friendship secretary, Mrs. Geo, Hicks. . Mrs. Penwarden was elect­ ed in her place. A reading, “Christ­ mas Bells in England”, was given by Mrs. F. Bowden. A committee was named to plan programs for the coming year. Rev. Merriam and Mrs. B’. Hicks were appointed to audit the books. A duet by Mrs. Penwarden ,and Mrs. Brown was greatly appreciated. The next num­ ber on the program was the Christ­ mas candlelight service, “The Chris­ tian World at One in Prayer”, with Mrs. W. Skinner leading and Mrs. Skinner, Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Merriam, Mrs. Bowden 'and Mrs. Elliott as­ sisting. The meeting was closed with prayer. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Merriam assisted by Mrs. M. Elliott and other members of 'the society. Phone News Items to the Times- Advocate. Tips - on happenings are always appreciated. THAMES ROAD Miss Mary* Gardiner visited with Mrs. Harry Greason, of London, over Sunday. Mrs. Tookey, of London, and Mrs. A. Gunning, of Exeter, were visitors at the home .of Mrs. Percy Passmore on Sunday. Roland William's spoke over’CK NX on Monday night. His subject was “The' Widei* Outlook for the Federation”. Mr. Leonard Harris was . in To­ ronto over the week-end visiting his son, Charles, who received an injury to his eye while at work. Norman Ferguson, of Sarnia, was home over Sunday. The Farm Forum of the Thames Road Centre group met at the home of Mr. and- Mrs.- Charles Borland on Monday night. Over 30 gathered for 'the meeting. At the close of the meeting a social time was enjoyed by all. Mary Borland was appoint­ ed to attend the Farm School to be held at Guelph at the end of Decem­ ber. Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson, Roy, Wilmer and Norman, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Ferguson’s mother, Mrs. Bruce, who is in St. Mary’s Hospital at present. The Mission Circle are holding a crokinole party this Friday in the church basement. Mr. and Mrs. Will Etherington and Mr. and Mrs. R. Williams mo­ tored to Wingham on Monday. Mrs. William. Dow, known to some around Thames Road, died sudden­ ly at her home near Roy’s Church on Monday. Miss Morley, of Whalen, visited with -Miss Alice Passmore over Sun­ day. KIRKTON Private M. E. Pridham, of Kit­ chener, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. G. H. Burgin. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dobson and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marshall spent Sat­ urday in Brampton. With tpe recent heavy fall of snow we see sleighs and cutters and pro­ vincial and county plows in opera­ tion. Little Miss Grace Doupe, of Wood­ ham, spent 'the week-end with her aunt, Miss B'. Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin and sons, Harold and George, attend­ ed a birthday celebration at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pridham in honor of their mother, Mrs. Frank Pridham, of Mt. Pleasant. DANCE TIEMAN’S HALL, DASHWOOD New and Old Time FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11th MURDOCK’S ORCHESTRA Admission 35c CREPITON : Mr. Sam Lamport is visiting In Detroit. Mrs. Chris Haist, who has been a patient at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, returned home Sunday and is getting along nicely. Mrs. Harry Haist has returned home from St. Joseph’s Hospital where she was a patient for a few days for treatment. Mr. Oscar Pfaff, of Sarnia, spent the week-end at his home here, The ^Evangelical Mission Circle held their annual Christmas party at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. K. Eilber on Monday night, Miss Verna Cunningham spent the week-end at her home near Lu­ can. Mr, Carman Whitmore spent the week-end at his home neai* Seaforth. Next Sunday evening carols will be sung in the United Church and the minister’s subject will be “The Sigjxificance of Advent in War­ time”. Come and share with us the inspiration derived from the fellow­ ship of praise. Mrs, L. H. Turner presided at the organ, rendering Lohengrin’s wed­ ding march and during the sign­ ing of the register she played “Per­ fect Love” and “Evening Chimes”. The wedding supper was served at the home 8of the groom, after which the happy couple motored to De­ troit and adjacent points. Upon theii* return they will reside in Centralia. Enjoyable Evening The members of the Women’s As­ sociation of the United Church spent a very enjoyable evening at the home of one of their members, Mrs. Wilson Anderson, on Friday evening, it being the eve of Mrs, Anderson’s 80th birthday, Mrs. Ezra Lamport, anothei* member, who is severing her connection with the W.A., was also honored. The eve­ ning was spent in singing favorite hymns and carols, after which jokes were enjoyed. Following a few well-chosen words by the president, Mrs. W. Mack, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Lamport were presented with gifts. A dainty lunch was served, including a birthday cake, decorat­ ed with eighty candles, presented by Mrs. Mack. All joined in wish­ ing Mrs. Lamport happiness in her .new home in Centralia and promis­ ed to accept Mrs. Anderson’s invi­ tation to come back and help cele­ brate her nintieth birthday. Presentations Neighbors and friends numbering about 1'00 gathered at S.S. No. 2 schoolhouse last Friday evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamport and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lamport, who were married recently; also .Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lamport, who are leaving the community to reside in Centralia. Following a splendid program ‘the young couples were each presented with beautiful chime clocks. Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser and Mrs, A. Bakei* read the address­ es and the presentations were made by Edward 'Chambers and Howard Lightfoot. Mrs. Clayton Sims then read an address to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lamport and Mrs. Frank King presented them with a lovely, wool­ len blanket. All replied expressing thanks for the gifts. All joined in singing “Foi* They Are Jolly Good Fellows”. Lunch was served and a social time was enjoyed by all. DASHWOOD Dashwood Public School Christ­ mas concert will be. held on Decem­ ber 15 in the school. Keith Weber, of the R.C.A.F., in Vancouver, spent the past week with his parents owing to the illness of his brother, Walter, who is in the hospital. Keith returned to Van­ couver Monday morning. Mrs. Edwin Miller underwent an operation 'for appendicitis in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital last week. We hope for a speedy recovery. Murray Wolfe, of the R.C.A.F. Manning Pool, Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents. Miss Shirley Clark and friend, of London, spent the' week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman. j Mr. and Mrs. Graham Arthur J of I Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft. Theo Luft, who is employed, with the Bell Telephone Co., spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. ( George Bullock en-1 tertained about 20 relatives and; friends to a fowl supper last Sattfr- • day evening. i Dr, Tayloi* is attending the Con­ servative convention in Winnipeg this week. Miss Verna Vincent, of Grand Bend, is spending some time with ’ Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock. ! Mr. and Mrs. William Hooper, of j Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther and Mrs, Hooper.Mi* .and Mrs. Harold E. Prance I and daughters, Shirley and Betty, of j Thedford, spent the week-end with I Mrs. Prance’s sister and brother-! in-law, Mr. and Mi's. George Bul­ lock. j Miss Evelyn Vincent spent a few ; days with her sister, Mrs. Harold E. France,..of Thedford, la$t week. A manufacturer is developing a rear-engine auto, if someone will shift the steering wheel, back seat drivers will call it a complete vic- ' tory, j Feeding Cattle for Profits There is real good money be made in eattle this yw™. Dairy Beef - Dual Purpose. Grains, when fed alone, dp not make a balanced ration. They are wastful and inefficient. You simply cannot make max­ imum profits froxn feeding an unbalanced" grain ration to year cattle. Balance your cattle rations with SHUR-GAIN Concentrates and get those extra dollars, SHUR-GAIN 35% Dairy Concentrate makes the cows shell „ out and the profits roll in. SHUR-GAIN Beef maker Concentrate puts on rapid gain? with smooth even finish at low cost. SHUR-GAIN 25% Calf Meal mixes into a palatable nutrit­ ious gruel -- builds sturdy calves. •a We sell Cod Liver Oil.........................$1.30 and $1.85 a gallon Royal Purple Poultry Specific.........................................15c a IK | G. A. Cann & Sons i = Phone 35 Exeter, Ont. = niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiii? CLANDEBOYE The W.A. and Ladies’ Guild of St. James Church held theii* meeting at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Cunning­ ham. Mrs. James Hodgson, of Lon­ don, gave a very interesting paper on “Bethlehem”. The next meet­ ing will be held at the home of Mrs. H. E. George. The Ladies’ Guild, Christ Church, McGillivray, meets Thursday at the home of Mrs. Tom 'Cooey. The W.M.S. of the United Church was held on Thursday last at the borne of Mrs. Rupert Williams. Of­ ficers for 'the coming year were elected, 'Mr. and Mrs. Otto Darling moved to the residence recently occupied by Mr. ■ and Mrs. Russel Schroeder on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McRann spent Saturday in London. Mrs. Elva Dobbs returned home aftei* visiting friends in Clinton. Mrs. Borden Webb, has resigned her duties as teacher in 'the public school at the close of the term in December. • BOARD OF EDUCATION (Continued from Page 1) paste and colored chalk are needed.. The report was adopted on mo­ tion of Mrs. Beavers and J. N. Wil­ lis. Mr. J. M. Southcott was asked to be chairman for the concert on mo­ tion of the chairman of the Board, seconded by W. H. Dearing. Discussion followed the sugges­ tion ' that a curfew be rung on ac­ count of the late hours kept by the children. Rev. Woods, secretary of the Ministerial Association interviewed the Board in response to theii* re­ quest that . religious instruction be given in the school by the resident clergy. The Board was congratulat­ ed by Rev. - Woods for theii* efforts in this direction. It was hoped to begin the instruction at the first of the year. It was moved and second­ ed by Mrs. Beavers and J. N. Wil­ lis that the religious intsruotion (non-denominational) be given in Rooms 4 and 5 from 1.30 to 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoons beginning after New Year’s. Moved by G. Lawson and E. R. Hopper that two books, “Picture Gallery of Canadian History” and “Just Mary Stories”, be placed in the school library. Payment of the following accounts was ordered on motion of G. Lawson and J. M. Southcott: Times-Advocate, supplies, $12.53; Traquair’s Hard­ ware, supplies, $2.45; Jones & May, supplies, $7.98; G. A. Hawkins, sup­ plies, $2.67; D. Gestetner, supplies, $27.16; London Cleanser, supplies, $26.42; A. E. Wuertli, repairs, $1.50; H. Horton, repairs, $1.50; B. W. F. Beavers, supplies, $4.50; Harvey & Harvey, supplies, $12.41; Grigg Stationery, $21.38; Huron Lumber Co., $1.00; Miss Bissett, $2.00. The members whose terms expire in 1942 are W. H. Dearing, J. N. Willis, E. R. Hopper. The meeting adjourned on motion of William May. K. M. MacFauI, Sec. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiniiiiiniHHiim THIS SATURDAY NIGHT The King of Hi-De-Ho CAB CALLOWAY and his Cotton Club Orchestra Dancing s to 12 Admission $1,215 Advance tickets $1.00 up to O p.m. Saturday at London Heintzman & Co. Record Dept., Embassy Grill, Hotel Rldout, Freddy*® Smoke Shop. St. Thomas—Harding’s MoiVs Wear By Mail, Arolia Box Office, Limited ticket sale .....LONDON ARENA....... iiinniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu Auction Sa/e.... GRAND BEND Community Auction Sale under the auspices of the Grand Bend Red Cross Society SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12th at 2 o’clock in the UNITED CHURCH SHED Christmas Fowl, dressed or alive, Fruit, Potatoes, Vegetables, f Grain, Home Cooking, Canned Goods, Organ Kitchen Cabinet, Furniture, Imple­ ments, Wagon Springs and other odds and ends. REFRESHMENT STAND Frank Taylor, Norman Turnbull, !Auct. Clerk MRS. WM. DOW PASSES IN HIBBERT Mrs. William Dow died very sud­ denly at 9 o’clock on Monday morn­ ing at her home, lot 4, concession 11, Hibbert Township, in her 86th year. The former Eliza Jane Love, daugh­ ter of the late Samuel Love and Eliza Simmons, she was born in Us- borne Township on August 21, 1857, and afterwards lived in Morris township until her marriage on March 18, 1884, to William Dow, when she moved to Hibbert Town­ ship to live. Her husband died in, June, 1919. She was an active­ member of Roy’s United Church and’ a life member of Lhe Women’s Mis­ sionary Society of that church. Sur­ viving are three sons, Clifford, Staf­ fa; Stanley, near Cromarty; and Roy, on the homestead near Cro­ marty; three daughters, Mrs. Bert Russell (Florence), Russeldale; Mrs. Hugh Dalrymple (Ellen), Cromarty; and Miss Bessie Dow, Cromarty; two brothers, George Love, Seattle, 'Wash.; William Love, Ewart, Mani­ toba; two sisters, Mrs. William Me- narey, Everett, Wash.; Mrs. Thomas Kirkconnell, Shepherd, Mich.; 24 grandchildren and four great grand­ children. She was predeceased by 'one daughter* Gertrude, one son, Lloyd, and one grandchild, Jean Dow. The body was resting at the family residence, where the funeral service was held on Wednesday af­ ternoon at 2.3’0' o’clock, with Rev. William Mair officiating. Inter­ ment was made in Roy’s Church cemetery. ROBERTSON’S CONDITION POWDER 3 lbs. — $1.00 9 lbs. — $2.45 Guaranteed no Filler Results considered, you Will find this powder unequalled as a tonic for all farm stock <ijt * * Robertson’s Drug Store Cann’s Grist Mill Roy Francis, Kirkton E. Allen, Cromarty