The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-12-03, Page 5.................................. ~~...-..■.~j • '■ •h. -u *THE EXETER TIMES-APYOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 194? A f •* V HENSALL Amy Reynolds is confined room owing to illness. John Taylor, of Grand Bend, with friends in town on Sat- I to get; to serve, not to be served’^ 1 will be taken >by Mrs. N. E. Cook;, J » ft ft. A rk v ■ -r of with Mrs. Lon- with ** > K X> * * MiSS to her Mrs. visited urqay. Dr. William T. Joynt, of London, visited on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. Mrs, Roy Smale and baby return­ ed home after a pleasant visit with relatives at Staff a and Mitchell, Pte, Wilfred Klopp, of Kitchener, s$ent the week-end with Mrs. Klopp and Mr, and Mrs. James Parkins. Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, of Toronto, was the week-end guest of Rev. Wil­ liam and Mrs, Weir and Freddie. Miss Kate Scott has been confin­ ed to her home during the past week with the effects of a severe cold. Pte, Harold Bonthron, of London, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bon- thron. L,A.C, Ken Passmore, of Brant­ ford, visited over the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pass- more. Mr. Donald Willard, of St, Cath­ arines, visited over the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Willard. ' Mrs. Ross MacLean, of Detroit, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Mary Jackson, and brother, Mr, Robert Jackson, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Corbett, Ross and Connie, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz, of Dashwood. Mrs, Norman Stanlake, of Exe­ ter, spent a few days last week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Hannah Workman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Windsor, spent the week-end the former’s parents, Mr. and Cornelius Cook. Little Miss Elda Kading, of don, is spending two weeks her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Co­ lin S. Hudson, Miss Margaret Mousseau, of Lon­ don, was a week-end guest with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mous­ seau, and brother, Wilfred. Flight Sgt. Gerald Passmore has returned to Patricia. Bay, B.C., af­ ter spending his leave with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. , Miss Jean Murray returned home after a very pleasant ’ trip to Kam­ loops, B.C., where she visited with Dr. I. G. and Mrs, Smillie and baby. The many friends of Miss Eliza­ beth Slavin regret, to hear she has been confined to her room during the past week with an attack of in­ fluenza. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKenzie and family and Mrs. Peter Schwalm vis­ ited on Thursday with the latter’s daughter, Miss Mae Schwalm, in London. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hudson, of London, who were married on Sat­ urday, spent a few days visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Co­ lin Hudson. Special services will >be held in the • United 'Church next Sunday when a musical trio, comprising Miss Mary Goodwin at the organ, Miss Greta Lammie, violinist, and Miss Gladys Luker at the piano will render “Nearer My God to Thee”, and “The Holy City”. Mr. John MacLean returned home after spending several weeks with his son and daugh'ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacLean, in Detroit, and also visiting with his grand­ daughter,. Miss Donelda MacLean, who has been seriously ill, 'but is somewhat improved at date of writing. Mrs. Margaret McLean has just received a letter from- her grand­ daughter, Mrs. T. J. McLean, Win­ nipeg, informing her that her grand­ son, Dr. T. J. MCLean, who was in the Winnipeg transferred to medical officer Grenadiers. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted the Sunday services in the United Church, delivering very inspiring messages on the following texts: “And Jesus said, ‘For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind’ ”, and “Jesus in Bethlehem”. The choir sang two anthems, “The Knowledge of the Lord”, and “Who Follows in His Train”. Foot Injured When Struck by ; Falling Tie Jack Corbett, an employee of the C.N.R. met with a very pain­ ful accident while assisting, in un­ loading ties for the tracks oil Mon- . day, when a tie slipped and fell on his foot, fracturing two bones On the front part of thd foot. He was attended by Dr. D. G< Steer and re­ moved to the office Of Dr, Dunlop, Exeter, local physician for the C.N.R, cast and he was later moved to home here. It is expected the jured foot Will have to remain in cast for seven or eight weeks. Senioi1 Women’s Institute The December meeting of the Sen­ ior Women’s institute will be held at the home of Miss Beryl Pfaff on Wednesday, December 9, with Mrs. K. Hicks as co-hostess. The roll call will be answered with a gift for the Sick Children’s Hospi­ tal. Miss Mattie Ellis is to be the I guest speaker, subject to be select-1 ed. The motto, “The glory of life1 demonstration, “Filling the 'Christ- mas Stocking”,. Mrs. Harvey Mc- Larnon; recipe, Mrs, Drysdale; cur­ rent events, Mrs. Shirray; social committee, Mrs. H, Dayman, Mrs. Drysdale, Mrs. James Patterson and Mrs. Robert Cameron. Nomination Held The nomination meeting held in the town hall Friday evening for the purpose of nominating a reeve, four councillors, three school trustees and public utilities commissioner was fairly well attended, Mr. J, W. Ortwein acted as chairman for the meeting. Nominations were as fol­ lows: Reeve—-R. E. Shaddick, moveq by J, W< Ortwein, seconded by E, Fink (acclamation). Councillors— E, Fink, moved by J, W. Ortwein, seconded by Janies Sangster; James Parkins, moved by William Shep­ herd, seconded by James Sangster; James Sangster, moved by W. F, Smallacombe, seconded by William Shepherd; Robert Cameron, moved by George Hudson, seconded by James Sangster; Alvin. Kerslake, moved by George Hess, seconded by W, E, Foster; F. Smallacombe, mov­ ed by J. W. Ortwein, seconded by George Hudson. Four to qualify. School trustees—Jas. Flynn, moved by George Hess, seconded by R. J. Cameron; George Hess, moved by R. J, Cameron, seconded by R. E. Shaddick; E. L.' Mickle, moved by R, J. Cameron, seconded by George Hess. Acclamation, Public Util­ ities Commissioner, Charles Moore, moved by R. J. Cameron, seconded by G, R. Hess. At the close of the nomination two minutes’ silence was observed in memory of the late Owen Geiger. Councillors Elected by Acclamation The following were elected by ac­ clamation for councillors; James Parkins, A. W. Kerslake, Fred Smallacombe and Ed Fink, Robert Cameron (a former councillor) and James vor of Sangster, withdrawing in fa- the two latter. Oaiinel Church Notes splendid and inspiring ser­ vices were held at Carmel Presby­ terian Church last Sunday. In the morning Mr. Weir had for his sub­ ject, “A Change of Heart”, which was based on the parable of the pro­ digal son. The choir, under the leadership of Mrs. J. Murdock sang “Give Thanks” and Mr. and- Mrs. Weir sang a duet, “Have ‘Thine Own Way, Lord”. The evening ser­ vice saw a continuation of the ser­ ies of sermons on “The Lord’s Pray­ er in Wartime” as the minister dwelt on the Kingdom of God. There will be . a meeting of the Young People’s Society on Monday evening next when it is expected that Donald Ross, of Brucefield, will bring a message. W.C.T.U. Meets The Exeter-Hensall branch of the W.C.T.U. held their regular meeting in the schoolroom of the United Church on Thursday at 3 p.m. with the vice-president, Mrs. Brook, in the chair. The opening hymn, “Res­ cue the Perishing”, was followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison and Mrs. R. A. Brook took the devotion­ al on Jinks titled which Beavers and Mrs. Jinks, den contributed a vocal solo en­ titled “Leave It There”, with Mrs. Ed. McQueen at the piano. Mrs. Mc­ Queen and Mrs. Brook were appoint­ ed to select a secretary. The De­ cember meeting will be held on Thursday, December 17 at the home of Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, in Exe­ ter. Mrs. C. W. Christie was ap­ pointed superintendent for »the non­ alcoholic food product department. Mrs. Pearce gave an interesting pa­ per written by Miss Stirling and given at the sectional meeting at Elimville. The theme, “Liquor in Wai* Time” was very ably taken by Mrs. Brook, Mrs. Pearce, Mrs. Beavers,.’ Miss Moore, of London, Miss Jean Murray, Mrs. Johns, Mrs. Hedden, Mrs. Jinks and Mrs. Fee. The meeting closed by singing “Faith of Our Fathers”, after which Mrs. Brook led in prayer. Hudson - Dicker A quiet wedding was solemnized at New St. James Presbyterian manse, London, at 4 p.m. on Sat­ urday, when Velnta Murreita, third daughter of Mr. Thos. Dicker, of London, and the late Mrs. Dicker, Was united in marriage to William George Harvey Hudson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Colin S. Hudson, of Hensall. The ceremony was per­ formed by Rev. T. J. Watson. The bride looked charming in a dei- phinium-iblue street-length dress with navy accessorie&<and wore a corsage of Briarcliffe roses. Mrs. Bert Thomson was matron of honor, wear­ ing a navy dress, sories and corsage roses. The groom Ml4. Bert Thomson, lowing the ceremony a reception Was held at the home of the bride’s cousin, Mrs. Alfred Davies, The bride’s table was tastefully arrang­ ed with piftk and white streamers and candles and baby mums nnd, centred with the weddiftg cake. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson will take up re­ sidence in London. Rod cross Notes ed. The motto, “The glory of life' These are days when our boys is to love, not be loved; to give* hot | overseas are pressing towards ob- Hospital, has. been Prince Rupert as with the Winnipeg local physician for His foot was placed in a his in- the Two “Secret Power”. Mrs. Chas, gave an interesting poem en- “The Best for God”, after prayers were offered by Mrs. Mrs. Hed- matching acces- of Johanna Hill was attended by of London. Fol- A POT EWK SUPPER under the auspices of the Thames Road Unit of the Red dross will be held in the Thames Road Church Basement FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4th Adm,: Adults 25c .Children 15c followed by a program* jectives and, they are reaching them. The knitters of the Hensall Red Cross Society have been assigned, another objective and the tools with which to achieve it are on hand. This is the latest quota our branch has been given; Thirty sleeveless sweat­ ers, 40 ribbed helmets, &0 pairs of socks. 1'00 steel Pelmet caps. This is, therefore, another call to all the ladies of our district who are able to wield the needles. We realize that this is a 'busy time of the year, but war has no holidays and 'the needs of our troops do not lessen just because Christmas is around the cornel’ . So please obtain your wool from Mrs. R. Cameron at the library or from you can, carefully struotions wool will shortage of wool socks are to be made shorter. The leg should mea­ sure only eleven inches to the bot­ tom of the heel which means that there will be four inches of cuff, four inches plain before setting up the heel. The foot length of the socks will be as usual, 10, 11 or 12 inches, Please measure carefully all the garments you knit as we have only just enough wool to cover our quota and if any garment is knitted too large it means that we won’t be able to send what is expected of us. Don’t forget to get your wool and so do your bit to reach our objective. The boys overseas are reaching theirs. , There will be a shipment of goods going from Hensall ‘O.n Friday eve­ ning, We will let you know next week what was sent. The executive of the Red Cross So­ ciety will meet on Friday, December 11 in the Council Chambers to .make plans for the annual meeting be held early in the New Year. Parkins - Mousseau A quiet but pretty wedding • solemnized at 10 o’clock on Tues­ day morning in the Lutheran Church, Zurich, when Rev. Heimerich unit­ ed in marriage Norma Catherine, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mousseau, Zurich, and James Murray, only son of Mr. and r He resumes his work in Oshawa for apartment above the Mrs. Melton Walper household effects to Xn« <b? Mrs. Goodwin as soon as All knitters are asked to study the following in- . They are given that no be wasted. Owing to the the to was THAMES ROAD Misses Edna" Martens, Jean and Betty Coates, of Exeter, spent the week-end at the home of Miss Mary Gardiner. Miss Helen M. Rafuse, of Cen­ tralia Airport, was a guest at the manse on Sunday, Roland Williams, Jim Hodgert, Percy Passmore and Ray Cottle spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week in Toronto attending 'the Farmers’ Federation banquet in the King Edward Hotel. Miss Onah Williams spent week-end in London. Miss Hazel Williams returned home on Sunday from St, Joseph’s Hospital, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. The Farm Forums of the Thames Road district met at the following homes on Monday evening; Thames Road West group at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Orval Beavers; Thames Road East group at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Cbttle; Thames Road North .group at the Lumley school; Thames Road South group at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William El- fordz Don’t forget the pot luck supper and [program in the Thames Road Church basement on Friday even­ ing. Proceeds for the Red Cross. ./ Rev, Merriam, of Centralia, preached at Elimville, Thames Road and Roy’s on Sunday. Mr. Bob McCurdy, who has been employed with General Motors in Oshawa, returned home last week and has now joined the R.C.A.F. DASHWOOD Mrs. Hooper has moved into E. R. Guenther’s post office. Mr. and moved their gersoli where he has secured em­ ployment. Mr. and Mrs, A. White and two daughters, of Detroit, spent Thurs- : day with her mother, Mrs. Witzel. I Tpr. Ross Guenther left this week for Halifax, Miss Dorothy Ratz, of Shipka, has taken a position with Mr, E, R. Guenther in the post office. Mrs, T, Hopcroft is spending a week with her father in Chesley » Walter Ness and friend, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs, Ness. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Cook, of Windsor, were week-end visitors here and in Hensall, Misses Isabelle and Lily How­ lett, of London, were week-end visi­ tors with Hoffman* Mrs. A. spent the Mrs. Floyd Wein, who underwent an operation in a* London hospital, was able to be brought home on Sunday. Pte, Ralph Weber, of Chatham, was home for the week-end. Mr, and Mrs, Sam Oestreicher spent last Friday in Kitchener, Oestreicher staying over for week-end. Mr. and Mrs. G. Harry E. Oestreicher and Eunice week-end in Toronto. Mrs, the an St. Her along as well as was in Hamilton week.' There is real good money to be made in cattle this Dairy Beef *••* Dual Purpose. Grains, when fed alone, do not make a balanced ration. They are wastful and inefficient. You simply cannot rnake max­ imum profits from feeding an unbalanced grain ration fcp yodr cattle. Balance your cattle rations with SHUR-GAIN Concentrates and those extra dollars. SHUR-GAIN 35% Dairy Concentrate makes the '■cows shell out and the profits roll in. SHUR-GAIN Beefmaker Concentrate puts on rapid gains with smooth even finish at low cost. SHUR-GAIN 25% Calf Meal mixes into a palatable nutrit* ious gruel — builds Sturdy calves. We; sell Cod Liver Oil Royal Purple Poultry Specific $1.30 and $1.85 a gallon ..............................15c a lb* G. A. Cann & Sons Phone 35 Exeter, Out, Mrs. James Parkins, Hensall. The charming bride chose a floor-length gown of white lace, made on prin­ cess lines, with long sleeves taper­ ing to points over the hands and falling in a graceful train. Her wedding veil was of Parisian point d’esprit net, and formed a high fan­ shaped headdress, and was adorned with clusters of white carnations. She carried a shower bouquet of pink carnations and a white prayer book with long white streamers and tiny clusters of white flowers. Mrs. Garnet* Walper, of Detroit, was mat- ron-of-honor and chose for her gown a floor-length heavenly blue rayon sheer, and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The groom was attend­ ed by Mr. Garnet Walper, of De­ troit. Following the ceremony a recep­ tion was held for the immediate re­ latives at the bride’s home. Mrs. Mbusseau received . in royal blue crepe and Mrs. Parkins received in soldier blue triple sheer and both wore corsages of carnations. The .groom’s gift to the bride was a fox fur cape. Later the young couple left on a motor trip to Toronto and points east. They will reside in Zurich. PUBLIC! MEETING The annual .meeting of the Hay Township Federation of Agriculture Will be held in the town hall, Zur­ ich, on Thursday, December 10, at Miss Agnes McPhail will Everybody wel- Ladies are especially Invit- to attend. B, W. KLOPP, President THEO. STEINBACK, Sec.-Treas. 2 p.m. be guest speaker, come. ed BRINSLEY The chicken supper held in the basement of the United Church was a huge success. Those taking part in the program were MV. Lon. Hed­ den, of Lucan; Mrs. Gordon Maines, LUcan; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Thomp­ son, of Lieuryj Miss Marjorie Bice, Ailsa Ci'alg, and Mr. Earl Walls and daughter, of London. Pte. Art Hodgson, of Camp Bor­ den, spent Sunday with his wife and parents. Pte. Donald Sutherland, of Chat­ ham, visited with his grandmother, Mrs. Slack, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Craven nad Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Watson spent Sat­ urday in London. Rev. Mr. Cleave, of Grand Bend, is to preach at the United Church next Sunday. KHIVA Miss Reta Willert spent Sunday with Miss Dorothy Hayter, of Dash­ wood. Mr. and Mrs. T. Baird and family, of Grand Bend, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Mason. Mr, and MrS. E. G. Kraft spent Sunday with relatives near Hills- green, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Willert en­ tertained about relatives and friends to a' fowl supper last Thurs­ day evening. Henry Ziler, of Petawawa. spent the week-end with his [par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Ziler, * two more months. HARPLEY Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Love on Sunday were Mr. John Love and Mrs. Gill, of Grand Bend; Mr, Eddie Gill and Mr. and Mrs'. William Love and family. Mr. and Mrs, Willis Hayter and Mrs. Mark Miller, of Detroit, visit­ ed over -the week-end with Mr. New­ ton Hayter. Mr,'and Mrs. Will Hodgins, of Cor­ bett, spent Frjd^y evening with Mr. Joseph Carruthers. Mrs. William Hayter has gone ito Detroit to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Mark Miller. Mr, Jack Hutchinson spent Mon­ day evening at the home of Newton Hayter. Colin Mr. SHIPKA Comunity Gathering Thursday evening last theOn people of this community gathered 1 at the pubile school to spend an evening together. Matt. Sweitzer acted as chairman' and the meeting opened with community singing. The Junior Red Cross had made a num­ ber of articles for sale and the com­ munity donated others. Roy Ratz acted as auctioneer. Proceeds -of the sale will be used for the Red Cross work. The Junior Red Cross articles sold for $13.2'0 and the re­ mainder for $10.80. Following this auction Emerson Lovie, who is with the R.C.A.F., was called forward and Arthur Webb read the address and Milton Sweitzer presented Emer­ son with an Air Force kit. He made a very suitable reply. All joined in singing “For He’s A Jolly Good F'ellow”, after which lunch was serv­ ed and the evening was brought to a close with the singing of the Na­ tional Anthem. The Y.P.S. were in Exeter on Mon­ day evening, taking the devotional part of the meeting. Charles and .Donald Lippert re­ turned home to Crediton on Sat­ urday last after spending a couple of weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ratz while their par­ ents Were on a hunting trip. CENTRALIA Mrs. Richard Hicks and Maxine, of Olio, Mich., visited with rela­ tives over the week-end. Mr. C. A. Reeve, of Weiland, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Essery. Mrs. Hubert Neil underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, on Tuesday, We hope for a speedy recovery. Choir practice at 8.30 sharp oh Thursday night. A A very successful bingo and dance was held in Cook’s hall last Fri­ day evening when around $95»>0ro was realized for Red Cross. Tickets wets sold on a quilt and over $20.00 real­ized on it. Earl Schroeder, of the R.C.A.F. in Edmonton, was the lucky winner. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Essery have moved Into Hugo Theander’s house. Phono NeWs' Items to the Times- Advocate. Tips on happenings ate always appreciated. CREDITON Mrs, Chris. Haist underwent operation for appendicitis at Joseph's Hospital, London, many friends will be pleased to learn that she is getting can be expected. Mr. H. K. Eilber for a few days last Miss Mabel Waldock, of - Long .Beach, Cal.; Mr. .and Mrs. J. B. Mountain, Mrs. Joseph Mountain, Miss Josephine Mountain, Robert Mountain and John Mountain, of Avonbank; Mr, and Mrs. Louis Marshal, of St. Marys; Jack Mar­ shall, of Galt; Mr. and/ Mrs. Bal- Ian tyne Thompson, Jean, Anna May and well gins gal, and Vernon Thompson of Mother- and Mr, and Mrs. Carman Hod- and daughter, Joan,’ of Done- visited last Bunday with Mr. Mrs. Earl Haist. Mr. Arthur Haist spent a few days last week in Chicago. Mrs. E. Guet- finger and Mrs. Susie Bowman ac­ companied him as far as Windsor. 'The Crediton Women’s Institute will hold their annual Christmas party in the Town Hall, Saturday. December 12th at Sp.m. There will be an exchange of gifts not exceeding 25 cents. A goodly attendance is ex­ pected. KIRKTON Mr, Lewis Fletcher has leased the property of Mr, G. H. Burgin, for­ merly known as the Mills property. Mr. John Hanna has leased the pro­ perty of Mr. Clarence Switzer. We welcome them to the village. Mr. Robert Roy has been doing some interior decorating at the Kirkton Public Library. Miss Shirley Holmes, teacher, is busy getting ready for the public school concert. Miss Lorene Russell, of Anderson, is holidaying with her grandmother, Mrs. D. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin and sons, George and Harold, and Mr. and Mrs. I. N, Marshall spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cluff, in Kitchener. Mrs. Pearson, who has spent the past summer with her son, R. Pear­ son, of Collingwood, is holidaying with her daughter, Mrs. George Hall. Miss Joan Parker, of London, was a visitor at her home in Kirkton. Howard Hodge, of Ilderton, call­ ed on Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe on Sunday. Pte. John E. Bibby, of Chatham, home over the week-end.was CORBETT and Mrs. John Steeper,Sr., and A Record Yield threshing is the order of in the community and some Bean the day very good yields are reported. Ed. Hendrick threshed 4'00 bushels from 12 acres which yielded 33 1/3 bush­ els to the acre. ' -*» WOODHAM /2* Pte. George Webber, of Petawawa, is at present spending 16 days at his home here and visiting friends. Those who spent the week-end at their homes were: Misses Laura Rundle, Viola Jacques and Gladys Shier, of Hespeler, Ont.; Wendell C'amm, or London and Miss Flor­ ence Kirk, of Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shier visit­ ed last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stevenson, of‘Thorndale. Miss Dorie King, of St. Marys, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Wilson. Miss Jean Martin, of Hespeler, spent the week-end with Miss Gladys Shier. ' ’ On Thursday evening, December 3 the members of the Official Board of the three circuits, Woodham, Zion West and Zion on the Mitch­ ell Road, and their wives, will meet in the basement of the Woodham church to discuss the problems the church is facing. A committee from the Lay Association of Perth Pres­ bytery will be there to discuss these problems. Wednesday afternoon the W.M.S. met in the basement of the church With Mrs. Delmar Johnson, conven­ er of group No. 4 in charge of the program. On Friday evening of this week a concert will be held in the Orange Hall in the interests of the Red Cross. Major Watson will be the guest speaker and will also show DicturGs Oil tllO The Young People of Woodham presented their play, “Uncle Si Meets a New High”, at West Lorn6. ZION The December meeting of the Zion W.M.S. will be held at the home of Mrs, J. T. Hern on Thursday, De­ cember 3. The meeting will begin at 2 o’clock, The officers for the coming year will be elected. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern, Frances and Keith, visited on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Howard Kerslake. Mrs. P, Hunter is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Wellington Brock, Laurene Hern spent Sunday af­ ternoon at her home. i Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas George Billy, of Ingersoll and Pte. Milton Steeper, of Ipperwash Camp visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gar­ field Steeper and Lyle. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce called 'on Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young on Sun­ day. M.r. and Mrs. Maurice Murray motored to London on Thursday. Mr. Gordon Young has been- ill with a bad cold. Mrs. Garfield Steeper visited on Wednesday with Mr,s. Roy Hutchin­ son. ELIMV1LLE Farm Forum meeting . . the home of William Elford The broadcast wasThe held at with 21 attending, was “Manpower and Farm Labour”. Some highlights of the discussion were that government policies and regulations have failed to hold manpower on the farms. The meth­ od of military call-up is not satis­ factory, as a. whole, too much un­ certainty resulting. Emergency help in the peak season was not completely satisfactory. The far­ mers felt that if they were assured of the necessary help for eight months of the year they would be willing to let their help do essential war work ill the winter and return to the farms in the spring and not be forced into the services. Recom­ mendations for improving manpow­ er situations were by by giving the soldiers vest leaves, the stores more half-holidays in close an hour earlier in the after­ noons so their employees could help on the farms. The next meeting will be held on January 4 at home cooperation, longer har- could take harvest oi' of Roland Williams. the CROMARTY Mr. Hagan, of Toronto, occu-Rev. pied the puplit here on Sunday last and gave a very acceptable sermon, Mrs. (Rev.) McKay, of ^Wood­ bridge, who has been attending her mother, who is ill, returned to her home last week. Mrs. Taylor, of Chlselhurst, spent a day last week with Mrs. Quance. Mr. and Mrs. Barker of Seaforth, visited Oil with Mr, and Mrs,. Otto Walker. The Two Mission Bands will un­ ite in holding a bazaar in the base­ ment of the ehureh on Saturday af­ ternoon next. A ten-cent lunch Will be served, Como, if you want some suitable presents for Christmas gifts. her mother and family, Sunday last Ki SAINTSBURY Presentation On Friday evening members of • the St. Patrick’s Church Sunday School and Girls’ Guild met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs in honor of Miss Lorraine Dobbs, bride-elect. Miss Dobbs wa.s the recipient of a lovely wo’ollen blan­ ket from the Sunday School, Mrs. Fred Dobbs reading the address and Miss Barbara Hunter making the presentation. The Girls’ Guild pre­ sented her with a silver flower’bas­ ket. Mrs, (Rev.) James read the address and Mrs. Harry Carroll pre­ senting the gift. Following are the addresses; Dear Lorraine: We, 'the members of St. Patrick’s Sunday School, take great pleasure in coming to your home tonight to honor you on your approaching .mar­ riage. You have been a willing helper in all our church activities and we will miss your smiling pre­ sence from our midst. We ask you to accept this -blanket as a small tok­ en of our esteem. —Signed on behalf of the mem­ bers of the Saintsbury S.S. Dear Lorraine: It affords us much pleasure to spend this happy evening with you in your home prior to your marriage. We regret that we are about to lose you from our neighborhood. We realize that you will be a great loss to our church and its organizations. * We, the members of the Guild o-f St. Patrick’s Church, wish to take, this opportunity to show our appre­ ciation for your kindly interest and: untiring labor in our work as well as your very pleasant companion­ ship. No matter what the task, we knew that we could always depend, on your cooperation and we feel that we cannot thank you enough for all • you have done for us. As a small remembrance we ask you to accept this gift with our best wishes for a very happy future and we ipray that God may richly •bless you both in your new home. —Signed on behalf of the Guild Lorraine thanked them all in a few well-chosen words, after which all joined in singing “For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow”. Lunch was served by the hostess. Social Evening On Wednesday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs en­ tertained in honor of their daugh­ ter, Lorraine, a bride of this week. About forty friends were present and presented Lorraine with a num­ ber of useful gifts. Lorraine assist­ ed by her sister, Marie, and Miss Merle Squire, of Whalen, display­ ed the trousseau. The evening was spent in playing euchre and danc­ ing. Lunch was served at the close. Friends were present from Sea­ forth, Exeter, Lucan, London, Whal­ en, Elimville, Winchelsea and Saints­ bury. v Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs have returned home after spending a few days in Toronto. Miss Nellie Dobbs returned with them and will spend the winter here. We welcome her back again. Engagement Anoiincedl Mr, and Mrs. George A. Glenn, of Hensall, have announced the en­ gagement of their elder daughter, Helen Cavelie, to Morley Clinton Sanders, B.A., 'youngest son of Mrs. E, M. Sahd&rs, of Richmond' Hill, Ontario; the wedding to take place December 26. As reported: “The happy couple will make their home at the old manse.” As printed: “The happy couple will make their home at the old Man’s.” * # * Judge: 'Alibi, yon mean.* Witness: 'Begging your pardon, it was a lullaby; .■ at two o’cloelt in the morning I was walking the floor witfy the baby?