HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-11-19, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THUHSPAY MORNING, NOVEMBER WK 1042 Canadian Ix’gion Exeter-Hensall Branch 167 at HENSALL Wed., Nov, 25th at 8.80 15 rounds — Chickens & Ducks 10 extra rounds — Choice Geese Special Door Prize „ MURDOCK’S ORCHESTRA General Admission 35c HENSALL Toronto, his par- Parker. Lome Elder, of Hamilton, a pleasant visit with her Mr. and Mrs. John Pass- Rev. William Weir spent several days in London recently. Mrs. Verne Smith, of Exeter, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Annie Saundercock. Mrs/ Jack Corbett and Connie spent a few days this wbek visiting with Mrs, William Parke, Mr. Ronald Parker, of was a week-end guest with ents, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mrs. enjoyed parents, more. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Love and fam­ ily, Of Hillsgreen, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mj'S... Robert Mc­ Kenzie. Messrs. Leonard Noakes, Jack Cor­ bett and William days this week North Huron. Pte. Wilfred Klopp, of Woodstock, were week-end visitors with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins. Mr, William Reynolds continues quite ill at his home here, suffer­ ing from a throat infection. He is being attended \by Mrs. Bessie Mac­ Donald, of Cromarty. Word has been received here that Provost Harold Hedden, arrived safe­ ly overseas with a Canadian contin­ gent. Harold is a son of Mrs. Cath­ arine Hedden,' of Hensall. Mr. H. O. Dayman, accompanied •by Messrs. Homer Tinney, of St. Catharines, Ben Tinney of Hay and Campbell Eyre, of Chiselhurst, are enjoying a hunting trip up north. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ab Passmore, of Delhi; and L.A.C. Kenneth Pass- ».more, of Brantford, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. John Pass- more. The many friends of Miss Goldie Cross, nurse-in-training at St. Mich­ ael's Hospital, Toronto, are pleased to know that she is convalescing af­ ter her recent operation in Seaforth ! Hospital. Mi\ and Mrs. Jack Verbeen and. family moved to Ipperwash this week in their new and up-to-date rolling home which the former con­ structed" himself and 'which shows the result of splendid workmanship. Rev. William J. Isaac, of the Uni­ versity of Western Ontario, con­ ducted the services in Carmel Pres­ byterian Church on Sunday in the absence of Rev. William Weir, who conducted anniversary services “in Auburn. Marathon Bridge Club Entertains Parke spent a few hunting deer in Klopp and Mrs.,, A very enjoyable evening spent on — Marathon at a double marathon in chamber of -the town about fifty- present, games refreshments were served, after which the president, Mrs. E. Johnston, thanked all the members for their kind and efficient cooper­ ation in making the evening such a splendid success. Miss Katie Scott announced the high score for the evening being, won by Mr. Harry Lawrence. The awards were pre­ sented and the president called on the Red Cross treasurer, Mr, Law­ rence, for a financial report from the club, which was most gratifying. The evening concluded by singing- “O Canada”. Another marathon be held Friday night Bridge Club was theWhen entertained the council hall, with Following the an interesting paper on the ’’Intro­ duction of the Study Book”. The meeting closed with the singing of J “O God of Bethel” i prayer in unison, Young I’eople’s Union Miss Margaret Shepherd was the convener of the Young People’s , meeting held in the schoolroom of' -^e.* the United Church on Monday eve-1 stating that he has arrived safely ning, Miss Elya McQueen presid- overseas, and from Pte. Wallace S. ed and the opening hymn, “What has been transferred a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine' J - was The read next vember 30, with Miss Lenore Nor- minton Hymn and very and tens. with a piano instrumental and the meeting closed by singing “Rock of Ages” and the benediction. Miss | friends at Detroit and Ypsilanti CREDITON Mrs. S. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Os- and th© lord’s? car Greb and son Glen visited at the home -of Mr. Chris, Fahrner and | Mabel on Sunday. ? Mr. and Mrs. E. K» Fahrner and (Elaine have received a cable from Austin E. Fahrner, R.C.O.C., followed by the Lord’s prayer. Scripture, Matt. 5:1-12, was by Miss Donna McEwen. The meeting will be held on No- as missionary convener. “He Leadeth Me”, was sung Miss Annie E, /Consitt gave a interesting a.ddress on “Mary Martha”, famous Bible charac- Miss Gladys Luker favored to Red Peer, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haist, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hendrick and Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haist vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Sweet, of Usborne. The annual meeting of the Credi- ton Red Cross Society will be held in the town hall on Monday evening, November 30 at 8.15 p.m. Every­ one is requested to attend. Mr, and Mrs. Alf Holtzmap Mr, and Mrs. Horace Pfaff Marilyn visited with relatives and and and _______ _ and Gladys McKenzie directed contests.. a^so attended the Holtzman-Braun wedding which took place Hope Evangelical Lutheran Detroit. - Nomination Meeting Nomination meeting is to be held in the town hall on November 27 between the hours of 7 and '8< pan. for the purpose of nominating can­ didates for councillors, one Public In the event are necessary, held on Monday, December 7. tween the hours of 9 a.m p.m., with the following being in charge: Poll 1, A, Parker, deputy returning and Harry Horton, poll clerk; Poll IB, George Follick, dep'uty return­ ing officer and Mervyn Brown, poll clerk. “ ■ - - officer. ------- ---- — vised on Wednesday, November 18 by Judge T. M. Costello, County Judge. (Oliver the offices of ” reeve, 3 school trustees and Utilities Commissioner, of more qualifying than an election will be be- . and 5 officials Gordon officer at the Church, in the 10/ iQpened in the usual way. ‘The past is still in God’s the future His mercy will Roll call was answered by Orediton W.I. The Crediton W.I. met town hall Tuesday, November at 2 p.m. with the president, Mrs. M. Ewald, occupying the chair. The meeting Motto: keeping, clear.” the displaying of antiques, which proved very interesting, some of them being over 100 years old. A quilt was made for the 'navy. Mrs, W. Mack took charge of the pro­ gram which was as follows: song, topic, Historical Research. A well-James A Patterson, returning,wc^- r. The voters' list will be re-' Prepared paper was given by Mrs. E. :Geiger. Passes Shortly After His Father Geiger, manager of the Montreal branch at F'ene- died( suddenly at the He was One week ago he Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriain, Notices 50e for single verse, 25c extra for each addi­ tional verse. Engagements 50c BIRTHS CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham re­ ceived a cable on Friday from their son, Gordon,. R.C.A.F., saying he had arrived safely overseas. W.O.2 Donald Hicks, Hagersvllle, is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Mr. Walter Mitchell,> N.V.R., left last week Mrs. Ed Willard, of visited over the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. Connor. Mrs, H. Wainwright, of Park­ hill, spent Thursday with Mrs. George Flynn. Mrs* L. McTaggart, of Glencoe, spent the week-end at the home of her niece, Mrs. Dloyd Hodgson, Mrs, Frank Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. William Connor left on Tues­ day for Huntsville to attend the funeral of the late William Hark­ ness on Wednesday. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, the former Gladys Connor, and three children. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family, Mrs. George Flynn spent the week­ end with her son, Mr. and Mrs, Ce­ cil Flynn, at Port Colborne. Mrs. Lloyd Johnston and daugh­ ter, of Ailsa Craig, are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Lewis. Mr, George Hicks and Frank are in the north country this week on a hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Elliott visit­ ed in London on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Jinkins. Mr. and Mrs. H. Harltou, of Ship- ka visited, on Tuesday of this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard. Rev. A. Sinclair, of Blyth, a for­ mer pastor of this church took charge of the morning service here on Sun­ day last'. The annual Thank-offering service of .the W.M.S. was held in the evening with Mrs, T. C. Ball, of London, speaking on the work of the Women’s Missionary Society. Miss Mary Cooper, of No, 9 S.F.T.S. as­ sisted the choir and sang a solo, ac­ companied by Alan Elston on the violin and the church pianist. The Centralia Home and School Club will hold their November meet­ ing in the scho.ol on Tuesday even­ ing, November 24, instead of Wed­ nesday as announced in last week’s paper. Mr, Wadland, of the Cen­ tralia Airport,,, will entertain with pictures, “The Tour of the King and Queen in Canada”. There will also be -musical numbers and readings on the program. Everybody is welcome. Come and bring your friends. DASHWOOD Mr. Sam Wltzel, of Toronto, .spent a few days with his mother last week.. Miss Margaret Guenther, of Exe­ ter, spent the week-end with her grandmother, Mrs. Guenther. Mr. Elgin Sehats, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schatz, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schatz. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Raschke and family, of Detroit, were week-end visitors with Mrs. Merner. Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman spent the week-end with friends in Tavistock. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Kellerman were Sunday visitors with friends in Exeter. Mrs. Mervyn Tieman and Nancy are visiting with her sister in Kit­ chener. Mrs. R. Geiger, of Zurich, visit­ ed with Mrs, E. Bender fox* a few' days lest week, Russell Hopcroft was the fortun­ ate winner on the Page-Griffith’s radio show of November 6, in which he received a cheque for $25.00 and .a Westfield watch sent by the Bulova Watch Co. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schatz are, spending a few days in Toronto this week, Mrs, Hamilton, of Grand Bend, called on Mrs, Hopcroft on Satur­ day. Cpl. Al Philipps, of Florida, is spend­ ing a few days as the guest of Miss Rose Guenther. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong, of Lonodn, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs, Hamacher. L.A.C, Howard Klumpp, who has been successful in passing his^ exams at Toronto University as a' radio technician, is home on two weeks’ leave. Mr. and Mrs. H, R. Miller visited at the home of Mr. Chris Burmeis-^ ter on the occasion of their daugh­ ter’s birthday. Mrs. John Berry visited with her sisters arid brothers over the week­ end and left on Sunday afternoon for her home. Pat Carty had a very successful auction sale last week He intends going tb Alberta to live. His many friends and neighbors will be sorry to see him Rave. Mrs. Elizabeth Regier has return­ ed home after visiting with her daughter and family in Detroit. She had an enjoyable visit with friends who were glad to see her again. Red, Cross Shipment The following is the Red Cross shipment: 3 bed jackets, 3 hospital gowns, 7 bed pan cover’s, 4 pairs service socks, ,3 pairs 18 inch sea­ men’s socks, 7->spair.s whole mitts, 4 pairs gloves, 4 alternative caps, 1 turtle-neck tuck-in, 2 aero caps, 3 v-neck sweaters,. 1 turtle-neck swea­ ter, 1 wash cloth, 1 baby’s bonnet, 1 baby’s sweater, 1 pullover, size; 1 pullover, 2 year size; sea boots, 7 large quilts, quilts. R.C.A.F., of his parents, Hicks, of the R.C. for Halifax. Port Hope, Fahrner on the subject. An approp­ riate poem was read for the open­ ing for .the iperiod of silence which was observed in honor of the mem- 1 ory of those who died for their coun- ' try. The silence was ’closed by the playing of a verse of “The Old Rug­ ged Cross”. Miss L. Mollard gave a piano instrumental which was, en­ joyed by all. A vote of thanks was tendered to the hostesses, Mrs. Mack, Mrs. C. Sims and Mrs. Telfer, by Miss A. Smith, seconded by Mrs. A. Wein and also to all those who help­ ed to make the meeting a success. The meeting closed by singing' the National Anthem. I Oliver Bank of Ion Falls, i bank from a heart attack, in his 57 th year, attended the funeral of his father, Owen Geiger, at Hensall. He was born in Zurich and attended school there, the high school at Clinton and business college at Stratford. He started his career with the Mol- sons Bank at Hensall and later mov­ ed to Waterloo, Kitchener, London, Toronto, Bridgeport, Paris and Fene- lon Falls. His widow is the former Frances Langhurst, of Waterloo. He also leaves five brothers, Edmund, of London; Sydney, of Gore Bay; Dr. William, of .Waterloo; Bora, of Kitchener; and Ira, at home; and one sister, Mrs. Kennedy, sail. The funeral day at Waterloo afternoon. Council The balance of this year wall be free' to new subscribers of the Times-Advocate. ELIMVILLE Sgt. Clarence Ford, of Aylmer, is . his ning, in his 6 2nd year. Funeral service will take place from his late residence, Con. 17, McGilliv­ ray Township, on Friday, Novem­ ber 20, 1942, at 2 p.m. Interment in Parkhill Cemetery. ENGAGEMENTS was held at 1.30 spending two weeks’ leave at home .here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long Un- De­ of Hen- on Mon-.in * the'llttle daughter, Marian, -of near At- j wood, ’ ” ' B I at the ; Johns, j Next and visited over the week-iend home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Meeting The .statutory meeting of the vil- . lage council was held Monday eve- j Varna, ning, November 16, at 8 p.m. in the ning service, which will be under the council chamber with all members; auspices of Mrs. W. Batten’s group present. ' . . * _ _ ’ ( : meeting were read and adopted on1 ial motion of Councillors Horton and j .Cameron. R. J. Patterson, tax col- [ of leCtOr, ]---•■*-= ----’•--J'-rr. $1,385.00 in prepayment and $2,139.83 in cash or a total of $4,024..83 on 1942 taxes to date. J. A. Patterson, treasurer, presented •the financial statement for the year and after consideration by the coun­ cil he was ordered to have the same printed for distribution. Reeve Shaddick reported in connection with the salvage collection and Councillors Kerslake and Parkins were appointed to look after the I south side of King Street and Coun-' cillora Horton and Cameron to look [ a~ after the north side of King Street, i HU vo oe none jjuiure jwevumuer xt>, •----------- ------- --------------- ------. -which is the deadline set by the J Uuesf0d to order repairs this fall order from Ottawa. |f01’ s»rhlg' requirements. The eve- Correspondence was read as fol- < lows: J. T, Crawford, representing Strath Craft; Gunner D. Hoggarth, ^Canadian Legion, Imperial Oil, Township of Hay, F. Fingland. Same were filed. On motion of Council­ lors Kerslake and Parkins the coun- cir<adjourned to meet on December 7th or at the call of the reeve. J. A. Patterson, Sunday Rev. Reba Hern, of will speak here at the eve- Minutes of the previous | of the W.M.S. There will be spec- l music. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Whiteford, Ingersoll, and A.C.2 Clayton reported having received j Herdman, of Toronto, were visitors receipts ; over the week-end at the home of ; Mr. John Herdman'. <• i Hawn Forum Meeting The Elimville North Farm Forum met at the home of Howard Johns on" Monday evening with 26 mem­ bers in attendance. The topic for the evening' was “Neighbors Must Work Together”. The discussion centred around ordering of parts and repairing of farm machinery both as a community project and as an ’individual effort. This week 5s farm repair week throughout anVbZ dok7 before** December* 1£ ICanada and farmers are urgently re- Clerk will on January 15. W.M.S. Meeting November meeting of was held in the schoolroom theThe W.M.S. Of the church on Thursday at 3 p.m. with Mrs. J. Patterson presiding, and opened by singing “0 Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love”, af­ ter which Mrs. Weir led in prayer. Miss Minnie Reid read the Scrip­ ture and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall fa* vored with a piano instrumental en­ titled “Safe in the Arms of Jesus,” with variations. Mrs.. Patterson and Mrs? Weir were appointed to the visiting committee for the com­ ing month. Mrs. Jean Manson gave . KIRKTON Mrs, Jack O’Oallaghan and little daughter, Margaret, are holidaying with her brother, Dr. Glen Sawyer, of St, Thomas. Little- Miss Marilyn Marshall is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs, Loriie Hodge, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. W, Blatcliford and family^ of Detroit, spent the week­ end with Mr, and Mrs. R. DobsoU, Mr. K, B. Clysdale, B.A., of St. Marys, was the guest speaker at the Sunday morning service at the Kirkton United Church.. Quite a iiUiilb&i* bf men left day to hunt in Bruce County. Hunters Rctum H. Berry, William Arthur, old Wallace and I. N. Marshall re­ turned ’Saturday night from a t^b weeks’ hunting trip in the north country. Mr. Berry claims that this is some 22 years he has been taking this holiday. The weather tvas much the same as xve had in this district with lots of rain and a heavy fail of snow. Mon. Star j xur sprxug mjuirtJiucuiB. The eVC- ’ ning was brought to a close with an . enjoyable game of charades. The next meeting will be held at Thames Road Church with the two Thames Road F'orums. Eliin.vi.lle W.A. The W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Jack Deibridge on Thursday after­ noon of last week. Mrs. Allen Johns had charge of the meeting which' opened with the hymn “On­ ward Christian Soldiers”. Mrs. Charles Stephen read the Scripture lesson, prayer was repeated in unison poem, “The Star was read by Mrs, and hymn “Lead nal” was sung. gave a very interesting talk on “Christian Homes”, Mrs. William Routly read a poem, “My Creed”, and the minutes of- the last meeting were read and adopted, call bets tion* held Mrs, officers for 1943 were elected at this meeting: President, Woods; vice-president, Deibridge; secretary, j Dickey; treasurer, Bell; organist, Mrs. net*; asst, organist, Johns; singing leader, Mrs. Hubert Heywood; asst, singing leader, Mrs. Harold Bell. The meeting was clos­ ed ’with a hymn and the Mizpah j benediction. I Psalm '91, and the Lord’s A Spangled Banner” Franklin Skinner, oil 0 King E ter­ Mrs. (Rev.) Mair The roll was answered by fifteen mem- on “A Christmas Gift Sugges- *. The next meeting is to be on December 17 at the home of Harold Bell. The following Mrs. Jackson Mrs. Jack Mrs. William Mrs, Harold Franklin Skin- Mrs. Kenneth 4 year 2 pairs 2 crib spent Ulens and week Mrs. Sun- Sin- KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. William Mason, Ila Baker and Joan visited on day with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson clair at Greditou. Miss Evelyn McCann, of Windsor, and Miss Leona McCann, R.N., of London, spent last week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Mc­ Cann. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eagleson and faipily and Mr. arid Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson and Donna spent Sunday with relatives near Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lippert left last week for Manitoulin Island for the deer season. Mr. and Mrs. Greenway, visited on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Willert. GREENWAY The Christmas -concert of the ited Church js to be held on cember 22. Berton Brophey, R.C.A.F., of St. Thomas, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bro­ phey. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shettler left last week to spend the winter at their home in Buffalo. Miss Ula Ulens, of London, the week-end with Mrs. W. T. and Dorman. Mrs. Emerson Woodburn Leona spent a few days^last with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris, of Brinsley. Messrs. Seibourne English and Harold Pollock, of Detroit, 'spent the week-end at their homes here. Mrs. Ross Griffith and infant son returned from the hospital last Thursday to the home of her .par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks. The Harmony Club meeting of the United Church which was postpon­ ed last week on account of the storm will be held on Friday eve­ ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curts. George Gollen, of with WHALEN and’ Mrs. Donald Marshall THAMES ROAD The Farm Forums of this neigh­ borhood will meet next Monday, No­ vember 23, in the Thames Road Church basement. Do your best to come. Meeting begins at 8.30 sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kydd left to spend the winter at Shallow Lake. Rev. Reba Hern, of Varna, will speak next Sunday at Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner Mr (nee Eunice Parkinson) of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Parkinson. Sunday visitors out of the com­ munity were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning and Bud McKerlie with. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Westcott, Usborne; (Jack Hodgert, ofwExeter. Mr. and Mrs. E. Squire with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym; Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire Mrs, N, Squire Squire, The W.M.S. with Mr George Henry of themeeting on Thursday af- VWilliam Hodgson’s members and three Bev. Merriam pre­ election of officers follows: President, 1st vice-presi- and Shirley with Mr. and Ogden, Exeter; Mrs. and Harry of Exeter. November was held ternoon at Mrs. home with 10 visitors, present, sided over the which are as Mrs. Edgar Sqtiire dent, Mrs. George Squire; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. John Hazlewood; secretary, Mrs. Sari Johnson; cor­ responding secretary, Mrs. George Arksey; treasurer, Mrs. H. Ogden; pianist, Mrs. Milne Pullen. Rev. Sinclair, of Blyth, had charge of the services in the United Church lie’re on Sunday. _, Miss Maida Morley, of Elmira, was a week-end visitor with her ents. par- curShoppei'-*-“I want some good rout literature.” Bookseller ■— “Here are some books on electric lighting.” The Thames Road corner Forum met Monday at Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ballantyne’s home. They had a good meeting. Lloyd Ballantyne is the president. ZION W.M.S. Meeting The November meeting Zion W.M.S. was held at the Mrs. Edgar Baker. The opened with the watchword and a hymn “What ‘ Jesus”. The utes read and Mrs. Warren mlstifie program Jacques took charge. __ ___ Anthem was sung, the Lord’s Pray- er repeated and the Scripture les­ son was read by Mrs. Wellington j Brock. Hymn 478 was sung, fol­ lowed by a reading by Anna Brock on “India” and a reading by Mrs. Harold Hern. The study book was taken by Mrs. Allen Jacques and several other members in the form of a discussion. Hymn 38fi tvas sung and Mrs. Warren Brock closed the meeting with prayer. of the home of meeting a Friend We Have in roll was called, min- the offering received. Brock led in an Ar­ aud Mrs. Allen The National l 1 i i CHAPPEL-—At Mrs. Godbolt’s hos­ pital, on Sunday, November 15, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Chappel, of Woodham, a son. MacKINNON—— In Hensall, at Mrs. Saundercock’s nursing home, to L.A.C. D. E. and Mrs. MacKinnon, on Saturday, November 14 th, a son. PARISH—At Dr. Fletcher’s hospital on Tuesday, November 10, 19 42, to Flying Officer and Mrs. C. C. Parish, a daughter. TAYLOR—In Hay Township, on Friday, November 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Taylor, Jr., of Chisel­ hurst, a son. DEATHS HARNESS—In Exeter, On Sunday, November 15, 19 42, Hazel" Mar­ jorie Preszcator, beloved wife of Walter H. Harness, in her 42nd year. JOHNSTON—In Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, November 13, 1942, William H. Johnston, in his 85th year. GLENDENNING — In McGillivray Township, on Monday, November 16, 1942, Thomas A. Glenden- See our A . Thomas C. Brock,of Kirk­ wishes to announce the en­ gagement of his daughter, Verna Lorene, to John McElrea, son of Mrs. James McElrea and the. late James McElrea, of Woodham, the marriage to take place in Novem­ ber. CARDS OF THANKS L.Cpl. Douglas Triebner wishes to thank his many friends for the military pen and pencil set which, he received before leaving for Camp. Shilo, Manitoba. the the GRAND BEND The November meeting of Red Cross Society was held in schoolroom with the president, J. W. Holt, in the chair. A community sale date was set for December 12. It as reported that the fo'wl supper held last month realized $340. The following list of articles were com­ pleted: 3 pairs socks, 1 turtle-neck tuck-in, 2 pairs seamen’s socks, 3 hospital''gowns, 3 bed jackets, 2 washcloths, 6 hot water bottle cov­ ers, 1 quilt, 1 girl’s sweater, 1 three- piece infant’s set. Mrs. Russell Webb was in charge of the program- Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. How Does Your Label Read? Christmas Cards A new line of Coutts’ famous cards iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii Do not delay in making your selection of Christmas Cards. We feel that this, is the widest and finest display that we have yet been able to offer you. At the Times-Advocate you will find hundreds of cards to select from ■— beautiful etchings, snow scenes, marine scenes, old-fashioned Christmas scenes, English prints, religious cards, cards with Edgar Guest and Charles Dickens’ quot­ ations, humorous cards and numerous assortments. WE HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF CARDS FOR THE AIR FORCE THE TIMES-ADVOCATE