HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-11-12, Page 8Pag® 8 V’s Beauty Shoppe «■ . e ' « For iVrmanents of Lasting Beauty, Ihsgene, Spiral, Croqxiinole, Com­ bination, MaeMneless VERA C. DECKER, Prop. Phone 112 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12th, 1942 Mrs. Mary Gillard Passes in London The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Gillard was held Saturday after­ noon i ■ ’"y the residence of her sis­ ter, Mrs. Samuel Ross, with inter­ ment in the Exeter Cemetery. Mrs. Gillard died in Loudon on Wednes­ day, November 5, in her 7Srd year. She was born in Hibbert Township, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Towers. Aftei' 'the death of her husband about 16 years ago, Mrs. Gillard moved to Exeter from Stratford.i but for the past two years resided in London, She was a member of the Main St. United Church and the Women’s Associa­ tion. Surviving are five sisters, Mrs. M. White, Hamiota, Man.; Mrs. Ag­ nes Hocking, Mitchell; Mrs. Annie McCurdy, of Cromarty; Mrs. Donald Park, Hensail and Mrs. Samuel Ross, Exeter. Relatives were present from Nor­ wich, London, Appin, Mitchell and Hensall. The funeral was conduct­ ed by Rev. N. J. Woods. The pall­ bearers were B. W.‘ F. Beavers, W. G. Medd, B. M, Francis, E, F'anson, Wilbert Martin and William Ryck- man, * R.C.A.F. Enlistments The following are among those who have enlisted with the R.C.A.F.: Robert Bruce Hodgins, R.R. 8, Park­ hill; James Lloyd Mellor, St, Marys; Charles Edward Richardson, St. Marys; Albert Daniel Eekmeyer, R.R. 5, Mitchell; John Steel Goetz, Mit­ chell; Roy Harris-, R.R. 2J_Jlublin; James Kent Stanley, Lucan; Edwin Kestle Walper, Woodstock; Douglas Fraser Hendry, Lucan; Donald Gra­ ham Mason, Grand Bend; Carl Fred­ erick Daters, Hensall; Clarence Reg­ inald Knight, R.R. 3, Exeter; Jack Racey Paton, Parkhill. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Leavitt5’> Theatre Exeter Ont.Phone 135 "49th Parallel” or “THE INVADERS” A Canadian picture for Canadians 6 star entertainment with LAWRENCE OLIVIER, LESLIE HOWARD, RAYMOND MAS­ SEY & ANTON WALLBROOK A startling drama that throbs with the peril that beset our own country. Admission 25c and 40c MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 2 special features Beyond the Blue. Horizon” in technicolor with DOROTHY LAMOUR, .RICHARD DENNING & JACK HALEY s« “Design for Scandal” with WALTER PIDGEON (Can­ adian star of ‘Mrs. Miniver’) and ROSALIND RUSSELL Coming “RIO RITA” with Abbott and Costello “WOMAN OF THE YEAR” with Spencer Tracy “HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY” “THIS ABOVE ALL” “HERE WE GO AGAIN” with Fibber McGee and Molly “MRS. MINIVER” STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Day W Night STEWART BROS. GARAGE (W SWING and SWAY at Exeter’s New — DANCELAND ■— (The old Opera House) *»• Every Thursday Night Dancing Saturday Night with Clayton Steeper fixeter Markets Wheat, 91c. Creamery butter, 3sc. Lggs, A'Large, 45c Eggs, Medium, 43 c. Eggs, B» 40 c Dressed Hogs, $ 15.90, Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe AU Work Guaranteed Exeter r Rhone ,245 1 Save Tires and Gasoline | E For your future convenience E ~ ship your hogs with E local trucker where E get the highest prices s yield your you and | Archie Etherington = E Phone 171rll, Exeter = fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHniiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiF I * MUNICIPAL The Voters’ lage of Exetei’ vised. The which names November 20, name is on the list. Newcomers to the village are asked to call at the Clerk’s office and leave their names. C. V. PICKARD, Clerk LOCALS MM MU39OHMSa»4l BAZAAR Do not forget the bazaar to 'be held Saturday, November 14, at the Boy Scout rooms. Rev. E. Grigg is spending a few days in Orangeville and Toronto, Miss Isabel Turnbull, of London, visited in town over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. L. Baker and fam­ ily are this week moving to Wind­ sor. Mr, R. J. Eacrett, of Brantford, visited with his sister, Mrs. B. W, F. Beavers, last week. Gunner Reg. McDonald, of Peta- wawa, is on leave for several days at his home here. Mrs. Oscar Tuckey was in Toronto last week visiting with Cpl. and Mrs. Wilkie Fleury, Mr. Stanley Walter, of Mt. Forest, spent the week-end with his fa­ ther, Mr. H. S. Walter. Rev. James Anthony conducted the services in Cromarty Presby­ terian Church on Sunday. A.C.2 Thos. Walter, has been transferred from Brandon, Man., to Boundary Bay, Ladner, B.C. Ship’s Writer Frank Strange, of the R.C.N.V.R., Toronto, spent the week-end at his home here. Misses Ferrol Fisher and Betty Bailey, of Sarnia, spent the week- ( end at the former’s home here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boyle and family, ■ of London, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs'. B. Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reeves and daughter, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. E. Salter. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Patterson, of Detroit, spent the week-end with friends in Exeter and Grand Bend. Rev. J. W. Down and Miss Flor­ ence Down visited in Stratford over the ..week-end with Miss Ella Jones. Mrs. Fred Gammenthaler, of Har­ per, Texas, visited last week with Mr. Isaac Dunsford and Mrs. Gould. Mr. and Mrs. George Willert, of Petrolia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn Broderick over the week­ end. Corporal Mel. Hackett ana% Pte. Gordon May, of Ipperwash, spent Sunday at the latter’s .home in Exe­ ter. Mr, Herb Elliot, of Yorkton, Sask., arrived in town last week to spend the winter with his Fred Elliot. Mr, and Mrs. John with Dr. George C. home in. Walkerton the latter part of last week. A.C.2 Jack PTyde and A.C.2 Eld- rid Simmons, of Manning Depot, To­ ronto, are spending several days at their homes here. Mrs. C. F. Chambers, Billy and David, of London, spent the week­ end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Winer. Miss Verna Huston, of Vancouver, and Mrs. Patsy Laugheed, of Lon­ don, were the guests of the Misses Huston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and Miss Isabel Turnbull, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Beavers in Sarnia. Sgt. Bill Dunsford, of Ipperwash, and Miss Mary Baker, of Brussels, visited over ‘the week-ettd with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunsford, Mrs. Robert Graves ana son are visiting in Toronto this week with Mrs. Graham Johnston, (nee Stella Spackman, formerly of Exeter). Messrs. Gordon Gaiser, of Detroit, and Wilbert Smith, of Toronto Vis­ ited with Mrs. L. Sweitzer over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Mefvin L. Sims, of Windsor, and Mr, and Mrs. Austin Ford, of Detroit, visited with their parents in town over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. V.* L. Roulstou and daughter, Gail, of Simcoe, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs, G. F. Roulston and Mr* and Mrs. E. A. Howald. Miss Alma Winer, R.N„ of Byron, and Mr. Campbell McLagan, of Wes­ tern University, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Winer. brother, Mr. »» rA I *Snell’s Taxi Service Phone 100 VOTERS’ LIST List for the Vil- is about to be re­ closing date on may be added is Make sure your A meeting of garage operators and service station operators of Exe­ ter and the surrounding municipal­ ity will be held in the town hall, Exeter, Friday evening at"8 o’clock. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bev. John Gallaway Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. OrgmUst IP a.m —Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Sermon 7 p.m.—Evening Service Monday, 8‘ p.m.—Young Society in the primary the church. People’s room of Anni- meet- We offer several pew patterns in smart dress goods th.at should be popular this season. They come in stripes and smart checks 79c 89c $1.15 $1.29 MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH Ilev. N. Woods, SLA., Minister Dlrs. A. Y, Willard, Organist ■Public Worship and Rite of Infant 10.30 a.m.- Church School. Baptism. p.m.-—Evening service withdrawn in favor < versary, Wednesday, People’s. Thursday, 3 : Thursday, ing for prayer and Bible study. Sunday, November 22, 10.30 a.m.— W.M.S. service. Rev. E. Grigg. 7 of James Street 7.30 p.m. — p.m.—W.M.S. i p.m.—rM id week Young JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH AT PRESENT WE HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF YOUTH’S AND MEN’S OVERCOATS. A NUMBER OF THESE CLOTHS CANNOT BE DUPLICATED, IF IN NEED OF A WARM, SERVICEABLE COAT, WE WOULD SUGGEST BUYING EARLY, Striped Flannelette For children’s wear, men’s pyjamas and nightgowns. This is a splendid cloth, gives good wear and comes in a fine, range of patterns. at per yard 30c Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. W. R. Goulding, A.T.O.M. Organist and Choir Leafier ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ’ a.m.—Rev. W. A. Beecroft, B.D., | I NEW DRESSES FOR FALL In good fitters and smart styles in popular materials. These are outstanding values at $4-50 $5.95 $7.95 $10.95Mr. Robert J. Green, of Pt. Stan­ ley, visited last week with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Green, of Exeter, also with his sister, Mrs. John W. Stewart, of Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs. Green returned to Port Stanley to visit for a few days, also visiting with Miss Wilma Green at Byron. Mrs. J. E, Whiting, of Bella Coola B.C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce. Mrs Whiting with her baby, Betty, travelled to Vancouver by boat, then to Toronto by plane, visited for a few .days with Dr Whiting’s parents and pro­ ceeded by train to London and to . Exeter by bus. | I I Five Cars of Western Cattle ; The following item was inadver-1 tently omitted, last’ week: Five carloads of Western cattle, comprising 126 Herefords, mostly two-year-old -steers and a few hei­ fers, arrived in Exeter Wednesday of last week for Mr. Milo Snell. Mr. Snell spent about a month in the West, visiting one of the larger cattle ranches in Saskatchewan, where he purchased the animals. They are of pure-bred stock. Mr. Snell made his headquarters while in the West at Moose Jaw, Sask. The crops in ■that district have been exception- ' ally good this summer and when he left there about one-third of the wheat was still to be harvested. Al­ together he purchased seven load’s of cattle and disposed of two of them on the Winnipeg market. While at Winnipeg he met Rev. W. A. and Mrs? Donnelly, who wished to . be remembered to their old Exe­ ter friends. Mr. Snell will accom- ■ modate the majority -of the cattle in ; his own barn for feeding. Ba Red Cross PENNY DRAW See prizes in E. R. Hopper’s Furniture Store Window. Draw for prizes made Dec. Sth I Hind visited Hind at his Hold your tickets until Nov. 24 when boxes will be provided to deposit them. Watch this newspaper for announcement. n of Wingham i p.m.—The Church School in ses- | sion. (< p.m,—Rev. W. A. Beecroft, B.D. I II -Rev. W. A. Beecroft, B.D.7 Appropriate music will be rendered by the choir. Monday, 8 p.m.— the Y.P.U. Wednesday, 6.30 cial Evening, -Weekly meeting of .. i ■ ". . —Congregation So- 10 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Runt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 21th Sunday after Trinity a.m.—Morning ‘Prayer and Ser- mon “Wise Unto Salvation” 11 a.m.—Sunday School Evening service withdrawn in fa­ vor of James St. .Anniversary. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 10 a.m.—Sunday. School 11 .a.m,—Worship 7,30 .p,m.—Evangelistic Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer ing. All are welcome. Pastox'—E. Clemens meet- I I Cpl. Douglas Triebner, Mrs. Trieb-| ner and Roy, and Mr. Jutson Cor- j bett, of London, spent the week-end with relatives here. Cpl. Triebner is being transferred to Brandon. Ladies’ Fall and Winter Coats We still have a good selection from which to make a choice. Most of .these cloths cannot be duplicated. Specials for Thurs., Friday and LARD, home rendered per pound ........................... PICKLES, sweet mixed large refrigerator jar ....... LEMON JUICE, free sweet 6 oz. tins ............................... 14c 29c CRISCO, in 1 lb. cartons per pound ....................... SARDINES, Brunswick 4 tins for .............................. .................. JAM, strawberry, raspberry, cherry large jar ....................... each CHEESE, good Canadian per pound 25c 25c 35c per tin 12c POPPING CORN super quality, 2 for 25c .... 29c a variety i 'B The Late John Fahrner Was Stephen Pioneer John Fahrner passed away on Wednesday, October 2>8, at his home, concession 7, Stephen Township;. He was one of the pioneer settlers of the community and was a member -of the Crediton Evangelical Church. On January 3, 1882 he was united in marriage to Catherine Gaiser, who predeceased him six years. Surviv­ ing are five children, Mrs. William Ratz, of Shipka; Mrs. Clinton Sweet and Mrs. Edward Westcott, of Usborne; Edwin and Pearl, who live at* home; and one brother, Chris Fahrner, of . Crediton. The funeral was held at his home on Saturday, October 31. Rev. N. Reuber delivered the funeral ser­ mon. ■ Rev. and Mrs. Reuber ren- dered a duet. The bearers were i Earl and Erwin Ratz, Roylance and 184.75! jack Westcott, Gordon Haist and 65.35 i william Gaiser. Friends and re- I latives attending the funeral were Red Cross News The treasurer, Mr. W. J. has for acknowledgment: Zion Unit, bingo proceeds....$ Thames Rd. Fed. of Agr., banquet ............................... Crediton Unit, Victory Loan concert ............................. Caven Unit, collections ..... Grand Bend Unit, fowl sup­ per, etc- ............................... Unit No. 17, bingo and sale of quilt ............................... Thames Rd. Unit, collections * ' * * Friday, November 13, is shipping j Mrs. Charles Koeltzpw, Mrs. Ed Sit- day. ' j ter and Mrs. G. Gaiser, of Detroit; ......-....... I Mr and Mrs. Jack ’.Long, of Ko- moka; Mr. and Mrs. Fend Haberer, Mr. and Mrs. ‘ William Decker, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, of Zurich. In­ terment took place in the Crediton cemetery. Floyd, 86.09 93.53 '14.68 10.44 218,79 ' * Sunday, November 15th REV. W. A. BEECROFT, R.D., OF WINGHAM at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. neighbors On five of Us- met tonight, Sweaters, Scarves Braces, Socks, 9 Spats and Gloves W. W. TAMAN The Store for Men — You Are Cordially Invited to These Services SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR Permanent Special n Tomlinson’s Phone 146 GENUINE OIL PERMANENT regular $7.50 for $3-75 i Usborne Couple Wed 50 Years ; j ■ (Continued from Page 1) The following address was read by Garnet Hicks and the presenta- ; tion of the tea service was made jhy Harold Jeffery: ] We, 'the friends and concessions four and •borne township have November 9, 1942, on this, the 5'0'th anniversary of your wedding day, to convey to you our best wishes for i your future welfare and to express jour appreciation of your mahy acts (Of kindness and neighborliness dur- jing the 48 years you have lived on WI this line, and for your never-failing — hospitality. You were always ready ' to ItOlpin time of! trouble, in the house or stable, and to assist in, tbllvl W CvSp'lEJv All ' your capable way with all kinds of <’work whenever called on, qariy or {late. Your cheery presence and gift’ of song has added to the pleasure of ! many social gatherings, and your | buggy, *cutter, sleigh or car’ seemed j always to be able to fake one or •several more to, choir practice or church, here, the?e and everywhere. • May the future hold in store for ;you many years of good health and prosperity together, and may we as • friends and neighbors enjoy many social .times. Faileth”, giving a full description May you face the future filled with ~4’ 4-u- - - •- . courage and love, Grow old along with me; The best is yet to be, The last of life for which 'the was made.- My times are in His hands who said The noble whole I planned; • Youth sees but half; Trust See all, nor be afraid. (Robert Browning) May your last days be your best days, first God Community Night at Hurondale A very successful community night in connection with the Federation of Agriculture was held in S.S. No, 1, Usborne, on November 6, under the chairmanship of Archie Ether- ington. The committee in charge provided the following programs Opening song, “O Canada”, followed by the chairman’s address; a darkle song by Velma Ferguson, Pearl Mc­ Leod and Marjorie Oudmore; instru6- mental by Benson Stoneman; recita­ tion by Jimmy Etherington; solo •by Alvin Oudmorej reading, Lloyd Ferguson; humorous contest con­ ducted by J. Ferguson; solo by Miss Jenny Jolly, of Kippen; recitation by Velma Ferguson, speaker, Rev. Brook, spoke on “The Light The guest of ttensail, That Never of the wonderful work of the Red Cross Which proved most interest­ ing. A solo hy Benson Stoneman was enjoyed and a sing-song was conducted by Edgar Oudmore. A ’ most humorous and successful play entitled “Henry’s Mailorder Wife” was then given by the young people. It was decided to hold the next meet­ ing the first Friday in December. The National Antheih. was sung, af­ ter which a delicious lunch served. was CROMARTY Privates Frank and Wilfred sipent the week-end at home their parents. Both are looking hale and hearty, Mrs. Millei’ returned hoine on Wednesday last after spending a week with friends in Varna. A number-from here vievred the plane that was wrecked between Dublin and Mitchell, airmen were badly hurt, Rev. James Anthony, Occupied the pulpit here on Sunday last. Scott with The three ■s of Exeter, Phone News Items to the Times- Advocate* Tips on happenings uro always appreciated*