HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-11-12, Page 5TOE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12th. 1942 Page 5 Coming to Hensall C. R. -Wilkinson, R.0, . Ophthalmic Optician Wingrhatn will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those . that have not been properly fitted^ specially recommended to con- suit me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m, Phpne 16 Hensall for appointment awssn HENSALL / A nwber from here attended the reception, held in Kippen Hall pg Monday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs, William Glenn, who were re­ cently married. cently married. Mr, and Mrs. plena were the recipients of a lovely stu­ dio couch, Mr. T» N. Forsythe read­ ing the address. Murdock’s orches­ tra furnished the music. Refresh­ ments were served. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr, and ’Mrs, Har­ vey Hyde last week when. Rev, Wil­ liam Weir baptised their infant son, James Malcolm, the occasion being the fifty-first wedding anniversary of the baby's great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, George Ferguson. A family dinner marked the occasion. House Burned Saturday Evening Fire of an unknown origin com­ pletely destroyed the house owned by the late Owen Geiger omthp north side of the town on Saturday eve­ ning, The dwelling was unoccupied, Mi\ and Mrs. Alt Smith and fam­ ily 'having moved" out of it the pre­ vious Thursday, " Wohelo Class Meets Miss ^Margaret Shepherd presided when the Wohelo Class of the Un­ ited ing Ing was The read by Ross Forest, utes, followed by a poem, “Remembrance Day”,-very ably given by Elva Mc­ Queen. Edison Forest took the top­ ic on “Christian Service”, Mary Goodwin favored :with a 'piano solo and the meeting concluded with the business, followed by the singing of “O God Our Help in Ages Past” and the benediction, ected contests were served. Remembrance The annual T4 a wr TIEMAN’S HALL, DASHWOOD New awd Old Timfc FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13th MURDOCK’S ORCHESTRA Admission 35c has De- London, Dr, and London, Park attended the sister, the late Mrs. Mr, George Hawkins 'continues' quite ill at his home here. Mr.- and Mrs, A, Qrr visited with relatives in Ailsa Craig on Sunday, ’ Pte. Edward Little, of Ipperwash, spent the week-end at his home here. Rev. William Weir, Mrs, Weir and Freddie spent Thursday ih London. Miss Irene Douglas left on Mon­ day for London where she will take up residence, ' Dr. W. T, Joynt, of London, spent a week’s vacation with his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt, Mrs, Harold Shepherd, of Toron­ to, i» visiting with her parents, Mr, » and . Mrs. James Smillie. Miss Dorothy Brazier, of was a. week-end guest with Mrs. D. G. Steer and Patsy. Pte. Harold Bonthron, of spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. J. W- Bonthron. Mr. George Otterbein, of Galt, was a week-end visitor with his par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. William Otter­ bein. Mrs. Donald funeral of her Mary Gillard, in Exefei’ on Satui> day. Miss Margaret MacLaren, of Wa­ terloo, spent the week-end with hei' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.'Y, Mac­ Laren. Mr. Uavid Sangster, of A.F., at Galt, spent the with his parents, .Mr. and Sangster. Mr. and Mrs-. Alf. Smith ily moved into the dwelling on Main Street owned by Mr. John Zuefle on Thursday, Mrs. James Parkins visited dur­ ing the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn and Miss Edith Par­ kins, in London, Pte, 'and Mrs. Wilfred Klopp, of Woodstock, visited last week with the latter’s, parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins. M?r. and Mrs. Wm. Smale and fam­ ily moved into the dwelling recent­ ly vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Verbeem this week. •- Mr. Levi Rands and family, of Listowel, have moved back to the village where Mr. Rands is employ­ ed with the C-.N.R. We are pleased to report that Mr. Henry Horton was_able to return to his home following treatment In -the hospital in London. Mrs. Leitch, of Ailsa Craig, and Mrs. Zavitz, of Windsor, are spend­ ing a few weeks at the home of Mr. and-Mrs. A. L. Case, L.A.C. Ken Passmore, of S.F.T.S., Brantford, visited over the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. Alvin Bell, of the R.C.A.F., left for Chatham, N.B., on Saturday, after visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William ’ G. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hayter and Donnie, of London, spent the week­ end visiting with Mrs. Hayter’s pat­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. R, D,. Bell. The Ladies* Aid of Carmfel Pres­ byterian Church quilted two quilts for the Red Cross in the council chamber at the town hall on Wed­ nesday. Mr. William Cook, of London, and son, Mr. Corbett Cook, of the- R.C. A.F., St.* Thomas, visited on Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Cath­ arine Devlin. Mr. and Mi’s. Robert Dick moved on Monday into the dwelling which Mrs. Hannah Taylor recently pui?- chased from the estate of the late Mr. Conrad Volland, The many friends of Mr. Wilson Carlisle are- pleased to hear he was able to return home from -the hos­ pital in Toronto this tfeek follow­ ing an operation on his foot, Mrs. Hannah Workman returned to her home here on Saturday after spending the past week at the- home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stanlake, in ter. Recent visitors- with Mr. and Harold Parker were Mr. and Jack Corbett,. Mrs. Catharine iin, Mr. and Mrs. William Cook and son, of London, and Mr, Corbett Cook, of the R.C.A.F., St. ThoinaS. Mr. A. L. Case spent the week­ end in Toronto and was accompan­ ied home by Mrs. case, who has been convaleseiiig following a serious operation in Toronto General Hos­ pital. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Carey Joynt Vocal solo, “Face to memorial service held byterlaa oh-urch on Sunday in memory of -the late Alex son of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Quite a number * of friends latives from here attended* the R.C. week-end Mrs. Jas. the Exe- Mrs. Ml’S. DeV‘ contributed a Face”, at the in Caven Pres- evening Strang, Strang, and re- Church held their regular meet- on Friday evening. The sing- of “Onward Christian Soldiers” followed by the Lord’s Prayer. Scripture:, Matt. 25:31-46, was The min­ i-oil call and offering were Gladys Luker dir­ and refreshments Day Services Held Remembrance Day service was held in the United .Church on Sunday at 2.30 p,m. with Rev. William Weir presiding, assisted by Rev. M. A. Hunt and Rev. R. A. Brook The hymns sung were ‘‘0 God of Bethel”, “.God of Our Fa­ thers” and “O God of Love”, Rev. Hunt read the Scripture from Psalm 46 and Revelations 7:9-17. The Last Post was. sounded by Bugler Fred Beer, of London, and the choir sang “Peace, Be Still", with Mr. Harry -Horton as soloist. Rev. R. A. Brodk delivered a very inspiring me­ morial address. Following the ser­ vice "the members of the Legion marched to the cenotaph, where ■the-’ service was concluded by the plac­ ing of wreaths in memory of soldiers who -sacrificed their lives.. Reeve Shaddick, Mrs. Sangster and Mrs. Hudson placed the wreaths. „ Local 'Citizens Present, Victory Loan Program. Hensall and rural citizens listen­ ed with keen interest to the Third Victory Loan- Campaign program presented on Thursday evening over OKNX, Wingham. R. H. Middleton acted as master of ceremonies and E. L. Mickle delivered a very in­ formative address on the subject “Why. We Should Buy Mpre Victory Bonds”. Misses Lois and M'arion MacLaren sang a-duet entitled “Land of Glad Tomorrows”, accompanied by Miss Irene Hoggarth at the piano. Billy Campbell, junior champion at ■the South Huron Field Meet, a®i Lenore Norminton, who won the oratory championship for Huron County in 1939, 1940 and 1941, both gave readings and Claude Blowes pleased the audience greatly with his imitations. James Bengou.gh contributed violin selections, Ben­ son Stoneman rendered piano selr ections and Doris Buehanan sang a solo entitled “The White Cliffs of Dover” accompanying on the guitar. Mission Circle and W.M.S. Hold Pot Luck Supper The Mission '.Circle and of the United Church held successful pot luck supper schoolroom on Friday evening when the tables were laden and beauti­ fully arranged with profusions of mums. Mrs. W. B, Cross, presi­ dent of the W.M.S. and Miss- Mar­ garet Shepherd, president of the Mission Circle, presided over the evening’s entertainment. A spec­ ial feature of the program Was the presentation of a Life Membership in the W.M.S. to Miss Irene Doug­ las, Who is leaving to take up resi­ dence in London, also the presenta­ tion of a useful gift from the Mis­ sion Circle. Mrs. Charles McDon- ell read the accompanying address for the W.M.S. and Mrs. Carrie Bal- lantyne -made the presentation while Miss Gladys Luker read the ad­ dress fer the Mission Circle and Miss Elva McQueen presented the gift. Following are the. addresses: Dear Miss Douglas: A little duty rests upon us to­ day when wb recall this will pro­ bably be the last time you will meet with us in our Society here dt Hen­ sall, as one df our citizens all deeply regret that you have de­ cided to leave Hensdn for Lon­ don. Add so, recalling the many years of your association with us, and the variety of ways In which you have rendered service to our church and people, it is our duty to thank you most sincerely for alhyou have done as one of our co-workers. Wo reeog'nlze that your service has not only had a wide scope, hut it has been fundanmnlal to the W.M.S. W.M.S. a very in the work by virtue of your position as leader or superintendent of the Mis­ sion Circle. This itself wag a large undertaking and a heavy responsi­ bility which you have carried and discharged with commendable capa­ bility and efficiency. We have all admired the way in which you have succeeded in keeping interested and attached to the work of the church, the older girls and young women. We know that your work was not always easy or encouraging, but we Want you .to know how much we have appreciated ‘your ability and faithfulness and assure you that all your efforts -have meant much to the life of o’ur church. We are also grateful to • your help in the Senior Whenever you were asked us in the program or to officiate at the piano, you cooperated to the fullest to our We record to express our esteem and affection for you by presenting you with a Life Membership in the United Church Women’s Missionary Society. We* know that this is something that will will the life attach your membership, cerely hope you will be as great a blessing in your new' church fellow­ ship as you have been with us, and we wish you every joy in your new home, and an extensive life of use­ fulness and Christian service in the Master’s kingdom. Oestreicher and Fred London, spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Oes- CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. Russel Clark and Glenn, of Detroit, and Mr. V. Kestle and Janet, of Exeter, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Francis : Clark. Lewis .Falsi* of Ottawa, spent a few days at his home. He left Mon­ day for No* 5 Manning Depot at La- chine, Que. Week-end visitors at the home of Mr* and Mrs* Herb Fahrner were Mr* and Mrs. C. Berg, Detroit; Pilot Officers L. Hoar and Don Brigen, Crumlin, and Misses Alice Bernardo and Shirley Fahrner, of London, The post office has been trans­ ferred to the site formerly occupied by the late Clinton Moriock. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Lippert, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Lippert, of town, and Mr,. and Mrs. Dave Lippert of Mel­ bourne, have gone ito Manitoulin Island for the deer season. Mr. J. M. Bradley, of Waterloo, has arrived to fill the vacancy at the -bank occasioned by the enlist­ ment of Mr. Mac Baliantyne, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pryde, of Exe­ ter, Miss Laura Woodall, of London, and Mr. Bill Woodall, of Tilbury, visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Woodall, C.GJ.T. Meeting The C.G.I.T, girls of the .Crediton United Church met in ‘the basement on Saturday, November 7. The meet­ ing was opened with a prayer by Lois Swartz, After the prayer the girls repeated the pledge and sang the C.G.I.T, hymn. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the roll call was answered with' apples. Mrs, Mitchell read a let­ ter which had been received and the business was discussed. Hymn 92 was sung by the girls, after which a poem was read by Elaine Mitchell and Donna Wright led in prayer. The Scripture was read by Edith Hill, A short story by Marion Wright was followed by a story of China by Edith Hill, Hymn 257 was sung. Games and Taps closed -the meeting. The next meeting will be held in *the church basement on. No­ vember 20. HURON COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE Annual Meeting TOWN HALL, CLINTON Election of Officers at 10:00 am. .9 The speakers will be Dr. H. Barton, Deputy Waster of Agriculture, iSubjecf; “Wartime Agriculture in Canada”, W? D;’ Haskins, Secretary Canadian Federation of Agric» W. Porter, Editor of The Farmer’s Advocate. A member of the National Selective Service, Ottawa. ACL LADIES ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND W. L. White, Vice-President A. W. Morgan, President W. J. Dele, Sec.-Treasurer * DASHWOOD Mr. Carl Oestreicher, who. has been out West with the o.A.C* students, working in the harvest, has return­ ed home. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gossman, of Port Huron, and Mrs. Westlake, of Wyoming, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rinker. Mrs, Lucinda Mclsaac, who been visiting in Windsor1 and troit, returned home Saturday. Miss Lucille Schmook, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mrs, Mary Tieman and other relatives, * Mrs. Otto Restemeyer is visiting with friends ip London. Dr, Read and Mrs. Read 'and fam­ ily, pf London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hop­ croft, ■ a.0,2 Howard Klumpp-, of Toron­ to, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. T. Klumpp. M-rs. Q. Pedersen spent a few days with friends in London las-': wook, Donald Haegy, of end with treicher, Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Kellerman are spending a few days in Chatham this week,^ Mrs. Emma Dietrich, Mrs. Jack Ryan, MrS. William Ziler and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Dietrich and Vera spent the week-end in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Milford Dietrich. During the month of November, Dashwood Red Cross Unit will ask for good used clothing or new cloth­ ing to be sent to Russia. Anyone wishing -to contribute to this worthy cause may leave such. articles at Tiernan’s Hardware store, V. Schatz’ store or Restemeyer & Miller’s store. Miss Evelyn Vincent on Friday motored to Cape Croker with Mr. and' Mrs. Harold Prance and family, of Thedford. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vincent were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, of the- Haig Farm; Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock and family, of Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prance, Shirley and Betty, of Thedford, the occasion being the -n/r.., an<j MrS. Harold E. Prance, of Thedford. ............... Miss Evelyn Vincent returned We shall" al- hoffle 011 Sunday after visiting at you for Society, to assist extent and added strength work and fellowship. desire to put ourselves on as abundantly grateful and not grow old with the years and identify you immediately with missionary side of the church where you eventually decide to We sin- But while we say good-bye today anniversary of Mr. i We THAMES ROAD The W.M.S. held S, good attendance, the vice-president, and following the heir meeting at Coward on Wed- we hope that whenever an ’oppor­ tunity comes for you to visit® that 1 you willnot hesitate. ____ — ways feel that we have a friend in London who will come to our help if we are definitely stranded. ■ Signed on behalf of the Hensall W.M.S. Leola P. Cross, President Ada M. Spencer, Rec. Sec. ' • i ■ <-**■•* Dear Miss Douglas: At this time, we, the ’members of the Mission Circle, desire to join with the ladies of the W.M.S, in con­ firming all that has been said about your helpful influence and service to us in the days now gone. We shall not forget your faithfulness and- your patience. The lessons and the ideals you have • put before us will remain with us and we hope that the .missionary fervour will burn within us as it has within you. We, too, wish you every perfect wish and express in a tangible way our' heartfelt gratitude by present­ ing to you this token of our sin­ cere affection and esteem. Signed on behalf of the Mission JJircle, M. Shepherd The recipient made a very fitting reply, expressing her thanks. The Mission -Circle held gular meeting following per and presentation and opened by singing the National Anthem, af­ ter which Miss Gladys Luker read the Scripture from Matt. 5:38-48 and Miss Gladys McKenzie led in prayer. Miss Ellisul favored with a humorous reading in her usual pleas­ ing manner. Miss Gladys Luker fa­ vored with a piano instrumental and MiSs Elva McQueen gave a read­ ing entitled. “Remembrance”. The devotional,.J.*Can a Christian Go to War?” was very ably taken by Mrs. Lome Chapman. The meeting con­ cluded with -a hymn and the bene­ diction. heartfelt their re- the sup- ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dafoe, Dor­ een, Gerald and Teddy, of London, were guests of Sunday, Corporal and and family, of tors over the week-end at the home of Mr, Chas. Stephen. Next Tuesday evening the local Red Cross Unit is holding a pot supper in the church basement, tion Officer McDonald of the men’s Division, No. 0 s.F.T.S. be the speaker. Everyone welcome. Mrs. A. McFalls, of Exeter, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wes. Home. L.Bdr. Eric Carscadden spent the week-end here with his wife. He is taking ’a course at Petawawa at present. The Farm Forum was not held this week until Tuesday night on ac­ count of the concert in Thames Road church, Those attending enjoyed the program given by Mr. and Mrs, Copeland. A.O.2 JT-Oliii Miners spent part of his two weeks* leave at his heme here. At present he 1$ in Montreal and will return to Summerside, P.E.t. A.C.2 Earl Oouitis and L.A.C. Wm. Bjorlson, of Camp Borden, spent the week-end at the former’s home. Mrs. Ed. Johns’ on Mrs. Harry Murch London, were visi- luck Sec- Wo- Will Thedford for a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Harold Prance. Eve­ lyn was assisting in the Thedford celery gardens while there. CENTRALIA Pte. Walter Mercer, of Brantford, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. George Flynn. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins visited for a few days, this week with friends at^alkerton and Wiar- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boyle and family, of London, were Sunday vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Boyes. Mrs. George Flynn received word on Saturday of the death of her bro­ ther, Mr. G. Scott,, of Windsor, who passed away suddenly as the result of a heart seizure. The sympathy of this community is extended to Mrs. Flynn in her sorrow. Rev. Arthur Sinclair, of Blyth, will 'be the guest speaker at Cen­ tralia and Whalen United churches next Sunday morning and afternoon, November 15. He hopes to meet all old friends and many new ones also. At the evening service in Cen­ tralia the W.M.S. will hold their annual thankoffering service with Mrs. F. C. Ball, of London, vice- president of Middlesex Presbyterial, as speaker, A pageant, “The Blue Bowl From China”, will be present­ ed by Elimville young ladies. The choir will be assisted by Miss Mary Cooper, of No. 9 S.F.T.S. These will be very interesting- services and it is hoped that everyone will make a special effort to attend. Mrs. W. Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Mackay and Edna, of ! were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, J, Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wright, Clare and Evelyn, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ed. F'aulder On Sunday. The Home and School Club meet­ ing will be held on Wednesday, No­ vember 25. The guest speaker will be Mr. Wadland, of the Y.M.C/X. at No. 9 S.F.T.S Mrs. Hodgert,; of Exeter, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. T. Willis. Mrs. M. Kershaw spent the week­ end in London with her niece, Mrs. Thompson, who is quite ill with pleurisy, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP FARMERS The annual meeting of the Ste­ phen township unit of the Federa­ tion of Agriculture will be held in Crediton on Monday, November 16 at 18.3 0 p.m. Program of local tal­ ent, contests and songs will be fol­ lowed by election of officers. Lunch will be served. Come! the home of Mrs, nesday with a Mrs. Ferguson, was in the chair opening hymn offered prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Kirkland, followed by prayer by Mrs. E, Pym, Mrs. W. Etherington acted as secretary owing to the ab­ sence .of Mrs, were read,, also tion. Business it was decided Hern 'as guest speaker for the morn­ ing Thahkoffering service on No­ vember 22. Christian Homes was the topic for the day. Those taking part in the program were: Reading on Canadian Youth by Mrs. Rhode; instrumental by June Coward; read­ ing by Mrs. Mair on Christian growth; solo by Marion Hodgert. Mrs. Morgan then took the topic Wiseman. Minutes a letter of -apprecia- was 'discussed and to have Rev. Reba and we hope you will have as much pleasure in using them as we have in giving them. Please accept them along with our best wishes for your future health and happiness and along the roadway of the year may every day for you be filled with skies of blue, —Signed on behalf of your friends and Mission Circle members of ’ Thames Road. Contests were enjoyed, after which everyone spent a social hour over the tea cups. KIRKTON Mrs. Maude McLennan, of St. Marys spent part of the past week with her sister, Mrs. M. Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gray, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. Maxwell Gray. Mr. and Mrs, Truman Tufts and son, Leroy, spent ilie week-end. with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts, of To­ ronto. Mrs. Maitland Hammond and daughteis, Joyce and Shirley, spent part of the past week with Mr. and, Mrs. J. Hammond, of Stratford. Mr, Gerald Cluff, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. John Cluff. Mr. and Mrs. John Cluff spent a day during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. R. Robinson, of Varna. Mr, and Mrs. John Sawyer have returned from a pleasant week-end with their son, Dr. Glen Sawyer, at St. Thomas. Mr. Preston Morrison is assisting Mr, Duncan Lamond at the Lamond Fur Farm, London, through the pelting’season? Celebrates Birthday Mr. Thomas Washburn celebrated his 75th birthday at his home on Sylvan^ "Sunday and had as his guests his Ir and twin brother, Mr. Frank Washburn, SA1NTSBURY 3 Lorraine. Crouch and Crouch, of with Mr. J CLANDEBOYE The W.A. and Ladies’ Guild of St. James Church held their regu­ lar meeting on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Andrew Carter. It was decided to have a bazaar in the public school off Saturday after­ noon, December 5. The Bible con­ test was won by Mrs. James Paton, from the study book on Christian Lunch was served by the hostess Homes. The closing hymn was sung,1 and committee. followed by prayer by Mrs. Fergu-1 Mrs. Karl O’Neil entertained the son- , members of her Sunday School class Arthur Rhode is home for two at a Hallowe’en party at her home weeks’ leave. ‘ On Friday evening. The winners Marie and Earl Heywood sang a of the contests were: throwing jel- duet at the Thames Road church My beans, Jack Atkinson; paper bag. Sunday morning. ‘contest,- Mary Carter; side biting '“’The Farm Forum met at the home the apple, John Simpson; over my of Mr. Charles Miller on Tuesday iiead, Joan Simpson’s side; raisin nishfc- . | racQ. Martha Dodge; this is my nose, The Thames Road Mission Band Ruth Gunn; .musical chairs, girls, held their monthly meeting in the Shirley McRann; musical chairs, basement of the church Sunday morn- boys, John Simpson; pinning tail on ing with Mary Borland and June Coward in charge. Shower for Bride-Elect More than seventy people gather­ ed at the home of Miss Lillie Miller on Tuesday evening for a shower •in honor of Jeanette Stone. A short program was given, aftei’ which little Mi^s Barbara Allison, pink bride’s gifts, following address; Dfear Jeanette: Knowing that a°very happy event is to take place in ybur life, we, your friends and -members of the Mis­ sion Circle have gathered here this evening to wish you much happi­ ness in Your ingness missed church is our Good friends and we know you will have many in- your new community. It is right and natural that every­ one should have a home of their own and a good life partner. While it would be very romantic to live on love alone, yet it has been found very unpracticable. Many things are necessary for our material com­ fort and convenience and we wish to help you begin your household ■du­ ties with a few of the necessary gadgets to lighten your labor and also to make your home attractive, So we ask you to accept those gifts dressed and white, carried in Mrs. Mair read in 'the the cat, Bob Simpson. Phyllis Cunning­ ham and Mary Carter assisted the hostess. * Miss Jean Darling, R.N., of Lon-* don, visited with her parents over . ■the week-end. On Friday last the members of the L.O.L. 493 held their annual goose dinner, success. The ly delicious. Mrs. Arthur which was a grand dinner was extreme- Simpson held a sew­ ing bee on Tuesday for missions. your new venture. ’ cheerful disposition, will- and sunny smile will be at our gatherings and all functions but we feel what loss will be Credit-on’s gain, i friends always find good no matter where they go GREENWAY The Harmony Class of the United Church are holding their meeting on Friday evening in the church. Mrs. Russell McIntosh, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with re­ latives here. Mrs. William Hicks and Mrs. Har­ old Honsberger spent last week with Mrs. George Darling and family, of Byron. Mr. and Mts. Milton Pollock, Ross and Carl, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Taylor and family, of Grand Bend. Mrs. Carman Woodburn and Mar­ ion visited a few days last week with and of Guelph, and his three daughters and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. C. Routly, Mr. and Mrs. William Middleton, of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Doupe. We all join in wishing Mr. Washburn many hap­ py returns. Anniversary Services Large congregations attended the annual autumn anniversary services at the Kirkton United Church on Sunday, November 1, when Rev. M. G. Cook, of Granton, had charge of both services. His morning subject Was “God Who Made and the God We Made”. In the evening he Spolte on “He That is Faithful in a Very Little, is Faithful in Much”. The choir under the direction of Mrs, Truman Tufts and Mrs. Alex Crago were assisted by the Paul family and Mr. Ray Mills, of Woodham. Various 'colored chrysanthemums banked the altar. Over $300.00 was realized aS a thankoffering. . a Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau- Marilyn, of Kippen. Mr. Seibourne English, of -troit, spent the week-end with parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. English. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Roy Hutchinson has been ill. We hope to see her out again soon. De­ nis * Shur-Gam Feed Service ; Assist the war effort and yourself, by feeding Shur-Gain 41 % hog concentrate. We have a fresh supply of prepared feeds on hand at all times. Mr. spent Fred Miss Frank’ Sunday Dobbs. Quite a number from the com­ munity attended the Orangeman’s dhnee in Mooresville, the W.A. from the church sponsoring the hot, dog stand which was quite successful, The Farm Forum was held day night at ths home of Mr Mrs, Cliff Abbott. 'The many friends of Miss guerite Davis will be glad to know that the cast has been removed from her leg which was broken a few weeks, ago while playing baseball. She is able to be around the aid of crutches. Mrs. Earl Atkinson has fined to her bed With flu. she is soon up and well again. London, and. Mrs, Mon- , and Mar now with been coil- We. hope ZION Mrs, L. Kyle visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern, . The Farm Forum meeting was held at Zion School on Monday night. * Next Sunday the speaker will bo. Rev, Greenwood, of Munro. The Red Cross quilting was held at the school on Saturday after- ■noon. Two quilts were finished. The service on Sunday was taken by the school children. Rev, Being gave the address. 19 % pig starter ....... $2.55 18 % laying mash... $2.55 13 % fattening mash...2.35 16 % hug grower ........ $2.15 18 % hatching mash ...$2.80 See us for quantity discounts. We are unloading a car of Bran, Shorts and Midds about Nov. 12. $1.00 per ton discount for taking off the car* See us about your supply of potatoes. After the cold weather arrives they will be worth more money; now $1.65 per bag. G. A. Cann & Sons Phone 35 Exeter, Ont.