HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-11-05, Page 5/ * THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THUWAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5th, M HENSALL Mrs. D, Walks is spending a pleasant holiday with relatives and friends at St. Marys, Pte. Edward Little, now station­ ed at Ipperwash, spent the week­ end at nis home here. Mrs. Beatty and Miss Mossop, of Varna, called op Miss Elizabeth Slavin during’ the past week. Mr, and Mrs, Robert McKenzie and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. William McKenzie at Kip- >pen. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Corbett, and tConnie, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz, of Dashwood. Mrs, Fred Beer recently attend­ ed the convention held in London as representative of the Hensail Wo­ men’s Institute. Mrs. Gilbert, of Ailsa Craig, is spending a pleasant visit at the •home of her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Orr. The Exeter-Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion intend holding a bingo and dance in the town hall, Hensail, in the near future. Mr. and Mrs, Norval Reid moved into the dwelling owned by Mr. Peter Moir which he recently pur­ chased from Mr. Harry Smith. George Hawkins has been his home for several to illness, His many to see him out again Mr. confined to weeks owing friends hope soon. Mrs. John Ross It was decided to hold the regular meeting once a month on the fourth ^Monday. Womens , The November Hensail Women’s held at the home Laren on Wednesday evening, No­ vember 11, with Miss Florence Welsh as do-hostess. The following interesting items will be present­ ed: Roll call, ”A Cure for the Blues", The guest speaker, Miss Margaret Buchanan, will give the address (the subject to be selected). Motto, “Good Health and Good Sense are two of life’s greatest blessings” by Mrs. Thomas §herritt; demon­ stration, “How to Bathe and Dress an Infant”, Mrs. James Patterson; current events, Mrs. W, A, MacLar- en; recipe, Mrs. Roy MacLaren; social committee, Mrs. N, E. Cook, Mrs. John Shepherd, Mrs. W. O, Goodwin and Miss Beryl Pfaff. Each member is reminded to 'bring pencil and paper; also tea and su­ gar. Institute meeting of the Institute will be of Mrs. Roy Mac- Simmons and Mr. Jas. Vance, of Chiselhurst, are getting nicely settled in the dwelling which they recently moved into on No. 4 Highway. Messrs. William Harding, Lindsay Brazier and Robert Robertson, of London, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Fred ‘Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. Mr. Henry Horton, who has been confined to his home owing to ill­ ness, continues seriously ill and was removed to the hospital in London on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Routcliffe vis­ ited this week with the latter’s bro­ ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacL’ean and their daughter, Donelda, who is ill. The many friends of Mr. George C. Petty were greatly pleased, to see him up in the village on business on Saturday after his recent illness, having been confined to his home for several months. Mrs. Stokes, of Sussex, N.B., is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Carlisle, and also visited with, her father, who underwent an operation on his foot recently in Toronto. Mr. Carlisle had the misfortune to receive in­ juries in both feet wheh the scaf­ fold on which he was working gave way. We understand he is- improv­ ing following the operation. Presentation In honor ou Miss Irene Douglas, a valued worker in all church activi­ ties, who is leaving shortly to reside in London, Rev. and Mrs. Bropk en­ tertained the teachers and officers of the Sunday School at the parson-, age on Monday evening. The eve­ ning was spent in amusing contests and games, under the leadership of Misses Greta Lainmie and Dorothy Dougall. Miss Edna Saundercock then presented Miss Douglas, the guest of honor, with a beautiful coffee table, the accompanying ad­ dress being read by Mi*. Edison For­ est, Sunday School superintendent, after which the recipient voiced her appreciation and thanks in a fitting manner. A dainty lunch brought this delightful affair to a close. Young People’s Union The Young People’s Union of the United Church met in the school- . room on Monday evening with Miss Elva McQueen presiding. After singing “We’ve a Story to Tell” Miss Mina McEwen read the Scripture and Georgia Cook led in prayer. The roll call, minutes and offer­ ing followed. The next meeting will ’ be held on November 16 With Miss Margaret Shepherd as convener. Miss Gladys Luker read an inter- , esting paper on the life of Madame Chiang Kai-Shek. A humorous skit, “Poor Joe" was then presented by the following cast: Lenore Normin- ton, Audrey Russell, Elva McQueen, Ruth Hess, Marion Sangster, Bob Hess and Mervyn Stephen. The hymn “He Leadeth Me" was follow­ ed by the Mizpah benediction, af­ ter which Bob Ness directed con­ tests. Rev. Weir Addresses Young People’s Society* The Young People’s Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church com­ menced their fall and winter meet­ ings on Monday evening with Rev. Weir in the ’chair. After singing “Breathe on Me, Breath of God , Mr. Weir took the Scripture lesson from John 14, then led in pray­ er. Miss Beryl Pfaff was appoint­ ed secretary in the absence of Har­ ry Dougall. Following the sing­ ing of ,a hymn Mrs. Charles Forest was elected president for the com­ ing season and Harry Dougall was re-elected secretary-treasurer. The business was then taken up and the offering received. Mr, Weir gave a very interesting and informative address on “The Oxford Group , The meeting closed by singing ‘‘Come Holy Spirit” and the 'benediction. Jones - Love A charming autumn wedding of wide interest was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. John Love, Varna, on Saturday, October 31, at 11 a.m. when their eldest daughter, Margaret Anna, becahie the bride of Harold William Jones, only son of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Jones, of Kippen, The ceremony, solemnized by Rev. William Weir, minister of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hen­ sail, was performed under an arch of evergreen and autumn flowers. The bridal music was played by Miss Ellen Love, cousin of the bride, who .during the signing of the register played “I Love You Truly”. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a floor-length gown of white sheer, with lace inserts, long bishop sleeves, pleated vestee with satin covered buttons. Her floor* length silk embroidered net veil was caught with orange blossoms and her floral bouquet was silver sheen mums. The bridal attendants were the bride’s sister, Miss Jean Love, as bridesmaid, costumed in floor­ length pink sheer with sequin trim, pink wreath* in her hair and hei’ flowers were golden glow mums. Her little sister, Edith, was a dainty flower girl frocked in blue taffeta, knee-length, carrying a bouquet of golden glow and pink mums. Her small brother, Jimmy, was a smart little ring-'bearer, carrying a silver basket in which the ring reposed in a bed of sweet alysum. Mr. Gor­ don Westlake, of Bayfield, was groomsman. The wedding dinner was served to thirty guests and Mrs. Love received wearing a dress of rose crepe and was assisted by Mrs. Jones gowned in orchid crepe. Both wore corsages of pink and white snapdragon's. The dining-room was attractive with pink and white streamers while the bridal table was centred. with the wedding cake, white tapers and vases of pink and white snapdragons. Serving were the Misses Ellen . Love ’ and Phyllis McBride, cousins of the bride and Mrs. Roy McBride and Miss Agnes Love, aunts of the bride. For their wedding trip the bridal couple mot­ ored to Orangeville, St. Thomas and Toronto, the bride donning a cin­ namon brown dress with sequin trims dark , brown coat, and acces­ sories in brown. Mr. and Mrs. Jones will reside on the groom’s farm near Kippen. Additional Hensall news will found on page 6. • DASHWOOD ‘ The Women’s Missionary Society of the Evangelical Church will ob­ serve their annual thankoffering service next Sunday evening, No­ vember 8i at 7.30. The guest speak­ er will be the Rev* Reba Heim, of Varna, one of thq few ordained wo­ men preachers in Canada and one who needs no introduction to many congregations in th© surrounding community, where she has won many friqnds. We invite you to hear her. Mr, and Mrs, R, Gbetz and Miss Catharine; Fiukbeiuer spent the week-end with their sister, Mrs. Humble, in Sarnia, Mr. S. Surrie spent a few days in Fort Hope this week. Mrs, Stadelbauer and family, of London and’Mr. and Mrs, Heywood of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft. Miss Ella Witmer was taken to Victoria Hospital, Loudon, in H. Hoffman's ambulance last Sunday, where she will undergo treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schatz, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schatz, Miss Shirley Murray, of Greenway, spent the week-end with Miss Eunice Qestreicher. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Bender. "During the entire month of No­ vember the Dashwood Red '.Cross unit will ask for good used clothing or new clothing to. be sent to Rus­ sia. Anyone wishing to contribute to this worthy cause may leave such articles at Tieman’s hardware store, V. Schatz’ store and Restemeyer and Miller’s store. Mr, apd Mrs, E. A. Meldorf, of •Sebringville and their daughter, Miss Dorothy Meldorf, R,N., B.A., superintendent of nurses in the Dixie Hospital, Hampton, Virginia, spent the 'week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Henry Restemeyer Aaron Restemeyer and Mr, and Mrs. meyer also visited Prating >a happy that of their town p.m. Also he WOODHAM The Mission Band held their uual Halolwe'en evening last in t. church with a large attendance. an­ ti social on Friday the basement of the A considerable number were dressed up in Hallowe'en attire, and a num­ ber of them received prizes. A ‘ba­ zaar was also held which netted con­ siderable for the Mission Band. The program consisted of recitations and singing by the children and a splendid dialogue,+ was presented by a number of t-he girls, those who received prizes follows: Anna Jean Spence Bo-Peep; Mrs. Oscar Brine and Mrs. Fred Thompson, best 'comic couple; Helen Webber as a pumpkin; Jim­ mie Sinclair as an Indian; Audrey Scott and Miss Harris, best dressed Miss Harris took the prize , dressed gentleman. This evening was ‘brought to a the singing o‘f the National Some of were as as Little couple; : for best splendid close by Anthem. There Sunday morning owing to anniver­ sary services at Kirkton United church, A large number from this vicinity attended the services there, and many spent theiday there with friends. ' Visitors last week with Mrs. John Routley were Mr. and Mrs. M. Tal­ bot and son, Ernie, oY Briicefield, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Neil and two children, of Hillegreen. We are sorry to report that Mr. Ben Wilsin was taken to a London hospital the other ’day for an opera- tion. We hobe for his speedy re­ covery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis and baby were week-end visitors at the 'home of liis barentsf Mr, and Mrs. Hd, Davis. were no church services on and Mrs, [ Mr. and Mrs. and son Leelan Leonard Reste- with them, cele- double birthday, ___ __ ___ father, Mr. Henry Restemeyei’ 'and grandson Leelan, CREDITON The WX will meet at the hall Tuesday afternoon at 2 Don't forget your antiques, come prepared to knit, H, K< Eilber was in London and Chatham last week attending group meetings -of the different Mutual Fire Insurance companies. Hallowe’en passed off quietly. There, were* a few instances where the boys got a little beyond bounds but as a whole things passed off without any -damage being done. Corporal Lloyd England, of Chat­ ham, was home for the week-end. A banquet of the Dorcas Band and the C.I.C, Adult Bible Classes took place in the Evangelical Church on Monday evening. Rev. Reuben act­ ed as chairman and Rev. N. J. Woods of the Main Street United Church, Exeter, was the guest speaker. Chor­ uses were rendered by members of the two classes and readings were given by Mrs, Chris, Reuber. Howard Beaver is illia, where - ‘he has . _ He has had an infected finger, de­ veloping blood poisoning. We hope he will soon be able to return to his duties. At Shipka churches the his series of Prayer when the subject “Thy Kingdom Come", The bi-weekly meeting C.G.I.T. will be held in the School parlor of the United next Saturday at 2 p.m;. under the leadership of Mrs. S. King and Mrs. H. Mitchell. A very successful Sunday School rally was held in Crediton United church last Friday, phen Mathers, United Church, special speaker. Haist home been and Mrs, from Or- workl'ig. and Crediton United minister will continue sermons on the Lord's will be of the Sunday church ■IE iv and every can make to Vicforyl The Rev. Ste- of St. James-Bond Toronto, was the Supper was served by the Women’s Association of the church. The annual training for Sunday School teachers opens its doors this week in the Evangelical church, be­ ing held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of ‘this week and Tues­ day and Wednesday of next week. Rev. Norval J. Woods, M.A., of Exe­ ter, is the dean of the school with Rev. C. Becker, of Dashwood, as director of recreation. The follow­ ing three courses are offered: “The Work and Teaching of the Prophets” by Rev. N. Reuber, of Crediton; “Your Church, and its Task”,, by Rev. Lawrence H. Turner and “The Teach- Children in the Sunday by Mrs. Desjardine, of Grand CENTRALIA Mr, T. Pollock, of Ripley, spent the week-end with his daughter, Mrs. Lorne Hicks, and Mr. Hicks. Mr. Rupert Merriam, of the R.C. A.F., and Miss Ruby Merriam, of Delhi, spent the week-end with their (______parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. J. Mer-'jng 4 of riam. . ! Mrs. Elston, of London, is visiting with her niece, Mrs. G. F. Penwar- 'den and Mr. Penwarden. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie have taken ‘tup. residence in part of Ma­ guire’s house. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Lewis are moving this week into the other part of the house. Sunday guests with Rev. and Mrs. ___ _ ______ _______ ______o_ Merriam were Mrs. M. Hilliker and ’ Mrs. Jackson Woods, the end of I ! School” Bend. EL1MV1LLE Mrs. Allen Bray and Douglas, of Exeter, spent a few days last week i with Mrs. Kenneth Johns.| Mrs. 'F*. Gollings visited her daugh- her daughter, Miss Mary Hilliker, ’ Miss Dorcas MacFarlane and Miss Minnie MacDonald, of Tillsonburg; Misses Helen Rafuse, Belle Wiles and Aileen Hales, of No. 9 S.F.T.S. Mr. Carl Theander. had the mis­ fortune to have a toe fractured while at work last' week. He is able :to be around on crutches. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. .Gerald Ford in Stratford. Miss Beatrice Bssery, R.N., spent the week-end with Mr. and. Mrs Fred Penwarden. Mrs. Thos. Brooks and grandsons, Larry and Garry McFalls, of Lucan, visited on Friday with Mr. and I'.~. J. Pollard. Mrs. - GREENWAY The Red Cross Society is -holding its meeting in Corbett School .on Monday evening, Mr. R. E. English, Mrs. R. L. Sheppard and Mrs. A, McIntosh vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Pollock, of Grand Bend* Mr. and Mrs. flay Eagleson, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Eagleson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belling and family, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bropliey and family. A number from here attended an­ niversary services at Grand Bend on Sunday to hear Rev. Mathers, of Tironto, a former minister. Miss Ula Ulens, of London, spent 'the Week-end with Mrs. W» T» Ul- ’ens and Dorman. -Mr. and Mrs. on Sunday with Messrs. Albert of Brinsley. Mrs. Donald Dennis, of Lansing) on relatives here one day last week. Berton Brophey, R.C.A.F., of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bropliey. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honsberger, of Port Albert, spent the' week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Ham Hicks. last week. Sergeant 'Clarence Ford, of Ayl­ mer S.F.T.S., was home over the week-end. - 1 A.G.2 Clayton4 Herdman, of To­ ronto, spent Sunday at his here. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns several days last week with John Hern, Sr., of Zion. The first meeting of the Forum was held at Rev. Mair’s home on Monday evening. The topic was “Can Canadian farms produce enough food?" After the broad­ cast the company divided' into three groups and lively discussion follow­ ed. During the business period the following officers were appointed: Pres., Gilbert Johns; sec., Mrs. W. Elf ord; social conveners, Hazel Wil­ liams, Bessie Johns and Doris El­ ford; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Howard Johns. It was also decided that there will be no lunch served ■this season. The next meeting will be at the home Mr. Charles Miller. home spent Mrs. Farm Dean Brown visited Mrs. J. Snowden and and William Bean, Webb, Heather and Mich., called KHIVA Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hopkins, of St. Thomas, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Stade. Mr. Wallace Becker, of Sarnia, spent the week-end at his home. wMiss Eileen Willert left on Mon­ day for London where she has se­ ctored employment. Mr. and Mrs. William Mason spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mason, near Grand Bend. Mrs. Ed. Wurm received word last week from her husband, Gnr. Ed. Wurm, that he had arrived safely at Aldershot, N.S, Mrs. J. Eaglesoh and son, ham, of Parkhill, spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eagleson. Mr. Gordon Surerus and his ther, Mrs. G. Surerus, cf were Sunday visitors with Mr. Wilier^ Gra- with mo­ ot Zurich, \ Otto • We have the men, and they have the courage and the will to win. What is needed now is a steady increase in production of the weapons of war that will make our forces invincible. Hydro powered machines in hundreds of Ontario’s war plants produce weapons to provide greater fighting power for our men at sea, in the air, on the battle fields. To train, equip, transport and maintain our armed forces, each of us must work harder, save a little more and lend all we can to Canada. The more Bonds we buy, the greater is our investment in Victory. To safeguard and conserve our vital supply of electricity—in our homes, offices and shops—is a paramount duty. There are opportunities every day, every night, for each of us to save Hydro for our war industries. These plants need all the power they can get. Every Victory Bond you buy and every “bit” of electricity you save are contributions you M THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO ' WHALEN Wedding bells are ringing. Mr. Billy Ogden, of the R.C.N.V.R. Toronto, spent the week-end at his home. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. E. John­ son in the loss of Mrs. Johnson’s mother, the late Mrs. Cann. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. ( Anderson, ***,*,„*„the home of Mr. Melville Gunning. I Yas.,sP®nK ?n tlie community. Mr. and Mrs. George Millson were ,n 110 'u,‘ac‘1’ °'lD recent visitors with Mr. ___ Arthur Gunning, Granton. > Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood, | Mr. and Mrs. William Morley at- ■ d tended the Kirkton United Church <! anniversary orn Sunday and spent husband) tlie late Joh* Cann who the day with friends. I - ,*■ Morley and preacher in the former Methadist**.... . wag a talented music­ THE LATE MRS. CANN The funeral of the late Mrs. John Cann, of Usborne, who died in To­ ronto at the home of hei’ daughter, Mrs. Chester Merkley, on Tuesday, October 27, was held Friday after­ noon from the Thames Road United Church following a short private ser- <,«.**** (Vice at the home. Mrs. Cann, who^Stevens and was in ller 68th year> was a daugh- Clarence Stevens, of of L1\e Jat® Thomas Passmore and were Sunday visitors at! Margaret McDonald. Her whole lite -- -- ..... ........Jn *ov*x April of this year she went to To-and Mrs° ronto and about the middle,, of May she was taken ill, her last illness ■being a peculiarly painful one and I elicited the sympathy of all who ' knew her. She was a devout chris- ■ tian woman, a fine helpmeet to her was an earnest and acceptable local Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gunning spent Church. Sunday with Mrs. Alice Gunning, 1 Exeter. | an'd KIRKTON . Mrs. John ‘Williams spent part of the past week with her sister, Mrs. John Robinson, of Carlingford. Mr. John Thomson and Mr Mrs. William Thomson, of Centralia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Copeland. Mrs. W. S. Cluff and sons, and Paul, of Kitchener ing with the former’s I. ‘ Don , are holiday­ mother, Mrs. Win be presented by the LONDESBORO UNITED CHURCH CHOIR in WOODHAM HALL Thursday, Nov. 5 at S.30 p.m. Assisted by the Paul Family of Kirkton Owing to war conditions the annual oyster supper is withdrawn. Admission 35c and 20cian and a diligent teacher in the | Thames 1 one time she was president and an inspired member of the W.M.S. There [was nothing for the welfare of the ’neighborhood in which she was not . interested and to which she did not ! give of the best of her splendid I talents. Mr. Cann predeceased her |April 4, 1940. Surviving are six children, Mrs. Win. Jeffery, Usborne; Mrs. Earl Johnson, Whalen; C. Merkley, Toronto; Robert, men and William, of Usborne, also ! two brothers and three sisters, John ' Passmore, of Hensall Usborne; Mrs, berta; Mrs. Usborne and of Kirkton. Was killed in the last Great War. The funeral on Friday was conduct­ ed by Rev. William Mair and was very largely attended. Mrs. John ; Hodgert sang a solo. The bearers w&re all nephews. Carl Passmore, Garnet Johns, Robert Maver, Lorne Passmore, Melvin Gardiner and Kenneth Duncan. Four grandchild- ■ ren were flower bearers, Gordon and Ivan Johnson, Jean Cann and Mary Johnson. Present at the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Merkley, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Millar, of Palmerston. Inter­ ment took iplace in the Exeter ceme­ tery* Road Sunday School. A' Under auspices of the L. O. L. Woodham ERNIE FOSTER, W.M. HSR* Mrs. -Car- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9th Thames Road United Church Mr. and Mrs. MacDuff Copeland will give a sacred concert.Percy, of Rd. Thornton, of Al- Arthur Gardiner, of Mrs. Gilbert Duncan, One brother, Robert, N. Marshall. Entertained S.S Mrs. Wesley Batten entertained some 2'0: members of her Sunday School Class at her home Thurs­ day evening. Contests and games provided entertainment and a very dainty lunch was provided by the Committee in charge. Sunday guests Frank Routly Allen Somers, M. ROutly, of Mrs, Carter Kerslake, 'of Cr-omarty, with Mr. Alex Crago. Class Mrs. Copeland is Canada’s outstanding gospel singer* Free Will Offering WINCHELSEA Quite a number from this munity attended the bingo held in Exeter on Satui'day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry March, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. Reg. Delbridge. y Mr, and Mrs. George Bailey visit­ ed on Sunday at the home of Mr. Chas. Del'bridge. Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Pooley and family and Miss Ella Francis spent Sunday with friends in London. Mr, Horace Delbridge attended the annual Sunday School conven­ tion held at Grand Bend on Friday last.Mrs, Jack Delbridge and Kevin visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hunter.t . Mrs. E. Willard, of Hensail, spent r, and Mrs. George Wil-com MT* CARMEL PARISH MALL ZION The Farm Forum meeting be held in Zion school on Monday night at 8.30, Will z FEEDING OIL If you bought a bushel of wheat yoiPd want to know how many pounds per bushoh When Cod Liver Oil be4 Sure to many vitamins per gallon* Ours contains 4,000 VILA Vit. you a$k buy iiow and to iov cvery teaspoonful I Friday with Mr .*».«* »***.*-Davis.$2.50 pee gMion, container extra Mr<‘ and Mrs. Glenn and Returnable for Credit Bobbie, of Brinsley, visited on Sun- ——*—————— •■-— ’ day with Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood * Youi Dntgs at , Mrs. Murray Gibson, of Denfield# I ROBERTSON’S spoilt a few days last week with her , .. i parents, Mr. and Mrs, ClaronceI Rhone 80 Exeter 1 Fletcher* with Mr. and Were Mr. and of St. Marys; Woodstock; Mr Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. and. ■ a 25th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher, of Usborne, on Monday celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary by pleasantly entertaining a number of relatives and friends. About thirty sat down to a six o'clock dinner, the tables being laid with silver paper and decorated with white and yellow mums, used, roses, picked from the Mrs, Sidney Davis, of Exeter presented to Mrs. Fletcher our other beautiful gifts were pre­ sented. The evening was spent in games and at cards and at the close the guests gathered in a circle and sang “For They Are Jolly Good Fel­ lows.” FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6th Shipley Orchestra Dancing: 0.00 to 2.00 Admission 50c Free Lunch' ALSO Silver serviettes were also A beautiful bouquet of red garden of was Niimer* THAMES ROAD The first farm forum of the sea­ son for the group from the Thames Road south to EHmville was held at the manse Monday evening. There was a splendid crowd and the radio topic FOWL BINGO was much enjoyed. GRAND BEND Gunner IT. M. Gill, 48th Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery, Wat­ ford, accompanied the Battery to the artillery ranges camp at Ipperwash, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10th At 0 p.m. Under auspices of the C.W*L GAMES 3 SPECIAL IHHjsES Chickens, Ducks and Turkeys EVERYONE WWB Tickets 25 c; Ticket 10c