HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-10-29, Page 8NOTHING MATTERS NOW VICTORY We have been following the war in the newspapers and on the radio. EVEN BUY A SECOND TIME! THE LOCAL VICTORY LOAN PUBLICITY COMMITTEE night when we are all affected us very much. BUY VICTORY BONDS — BUY NOW! NOTHING MATTERS NOW VICTORY $15.85, I MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Door PrizeSpecial Rounds 7 EVERYBODY WELCOME JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH this RED CROSS NEWS Simmons has ac- Floyd, eachand f home Bl visit­ meet- Mrs. i and Mrs. J. W. Powell. and WEEVIL has his Wireless School, on Friday of last Snow fell some time dur- early hours -of Tuesday It was scattered lightly Balkwill of weeks Milliken, Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 3 5.>0'0 100.60 Miss with MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH For Permanents Eugene, Spiral, bination, Mrs. Humeston’s daugh- Helena, spent the week- Mr., and MrS. Geddes. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH by two of the Red Cross Corps, Mrs. Fiddler -and Mrs. Mc- London. is with her in Sea- mother, Mrs. VERA C, DECKER, Prop. Phone 112 and daughter, returned to a.m.—“Modern Idolatry” and Mrs. Percy Stone and of London, spent the mother, of Lasting Beauty, Croquinole, Coni’ Machineless 63.59 2.00 20.00 9 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer mon. Preacher—The Hurford. This is a special service family is urged to be present. Evening service withdrawn in favor of Main St. Anniversary. Remembrance Day Service, November 18th at 11 a.m. Lucky Ticket Draw for Quilt Good Music volun- Cross Jessop, Home War Emergencies, Brancn, and a fully- Cross ambulance, Red Cross voluntary the serious illness of her Mrs. J. S. Riddell, was accompanied by Mrs. Thomas, (nee Ola Reid) | Archie Etherington E Phone 171rll, Exeter fjlllliliiiiiiiiliiliiiliiniiiiiiiiilliiiiiiliiiiir STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Day or Night STEWART BROS. GARAGE efficient and competent lec- and teacher and the nurses very enthusiastic and reported instructive and interesting This refresher course Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaui Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 22nd Sunday after Trinity . All Saints’ Day a.m.—Holy Communion Exeter Markets Wheat, 90c. Creamery butter. 39e. Eggs, A Large, Eggs, Medium,, Eggs, B, 40e Dressed Hogs, Bingo & Dance at EDEN SCHOOL •The Minister.7 p.m,- Monday, 8 p.m.People’sYou hi meeting. Tuesday, 3 p.m.-■C.C.C. at the home of Mrs. William Hatter.There will be a special speaker, Save Tires and Gasoline For your future convenience ship your hogs with local trucker where get the highest prices yield at EDEN SCHOOL THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 29th, 1942 by Red Cross Unit 17 Friday, Nov. 6 th at 8.30 p.m. 15 rounds 25c The Times-Advocate is now send­ ing the paper to many of the boys overseas. Nothing is appreciated more than news from home. It is a weekly letter. To new subscribers we will give the balance of year free. Subscribe now. The treasurer, Mr. W. J. has for acknowledgment: Grand Bend Unit, penny cards, etc............................$ Elimville Unit, Bingo ....... War Time Board i(per R. N. Creech) for yarn supplied Donation, Mrs. Helge Jensen Donation, Mrs. Verda Lownds The true spirit of Red Cross was exemplified last week when, with the kind permission of its president, Mr. John McClary Gunn, London Red Cross Branch loaned tarily to the Exeter Red Branch, Mrs. Florence O.B.E., Director of Health, Nursing and C.R.C., London equipped Red manned workers namely, Kay, of "War Emer- ex- her work with A.R.P. loaned by the London transported here by the Mrs. Jessop, in addi- All Friday afternoon and evening the ambulance was open for pub­ lic inspection and well over 100 availed themselves of the opportun­ ity afforded, all receiving the kind attention of the ambulance person­ nel. At 4 p.m. it was moved to the school where all the students were extended the same courtesy. Mrs. Jessop held a school of in­ struction on Friday afternoon and evening, Saturday morning and af­ ternoon for the graduate nurses of Exeter and vicinity on gencies” and “Gas Warfare”, emplifying equipment, Branch and ambulance. tion to being highly qualified, is a :most Uurer were very classes. equips our nurses to give competent service in training our Branch stu­ dents in the War Emergency course which will be held shortly. In ad­ dition, at the request of the High School principal, Mrs. Jessop de­ voted a half hour of her time to the High School students. The Exe­ ter Red Cross Branch owes and ac­ knowledges a debt of gratitude to the London Red Cross Branch, its •president, Mr. Gunn and Mrs. Jes­ sop for this service which may prove incalculably valuable in the event of emergency tn this vulner­ able area. T-he Visiting Committee from the Exeter Red Cross Branch made their first visit to the hospital at the Air­ port last week, calling on the boys confined to bed, and bringing them small treats. Christmas cards from Canada, par­ ticularly for men in the forces over­ seas are on sale at the Times-Ad­ vocate. SWING and SWAY at Exeter’s New — DANCELAND — (The old Opera House) with Benny Palmer Every Thursday Hight Dancing Saturday Night With Clayton Steeper V' _____ _*1 I I LOCALS i1■___1 Mrs. Thornton Baker visited in Aylmer on Sunday. Mrs. H. Jennings is visiting with friends in Exeter. Miss Ramsay, of Plattsville, vis­ ited for several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Irwin. Miss Joan Redfern was guest soloist in Elimville United Church on Sunday. Pte. Gordon May, of Ipperwash Gamp, spent the week-end at his home here. A.C.2 Freeman McGill, of To­ ronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. T. McCurdy and Miss Tenie McCurdy. Mr. Thos. Carling, of London, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Wm. J. Carling. Miss Vera Decker was a guest over the week-end with Misses B'etty and Jean Coates. Mrs. Wm. J. Carling picked two pints of raspberries from her gar­ den last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hawkins spent Sunday in New Hamourg with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Becker. Sgt. Bill Dunsford, of Ipperwash, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dunsford. Mr. and Mrs. John Hind spent last Thursday in London with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Statham. Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Archer, of Warwick, spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Luxton.. Mr. Josiah Kestle, who recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital/ London, returned on Sunday last. Mrs. William ing for a couple daughter, Mrs. • forth. Misses Vera Decker, Doris Hay and Dorothy Reeder attended the Hairdressers’ convention in Lon-> don on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hern, of Norwich, visited with Mrs. James Hern and Miss Olive Hern on Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ford and daughter, Dianne, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mrs. Chas. Box and other relatives. Mrs. Martin and son, of Galt, vis­ ited with Corporal Martin, of town, over the week-end and also with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Dr. and Mrs. Clive McAllister, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, are visiting with the latter’s parents, Dr. Mrs. D. A. Anderson. Sgt. Pilot Bill Wilson, who been on two weeks’ leave at home here, has resumed his duties in Charlottetown, P.E.I. Squadron Leader Gledhill, of No. 9 S.F.T.S., has returned from Tren­ ton, where he was taking a three- weeks’ course. Subscriptions to the Farmer’s Ad­ vocate are taken at the Times-Ad­ vocate. One year, 50c; three years, $1.00; six years, $2.00. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stewart, Joan and Jerry, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robinson, of Detroit, visited for a few week with Mrs. Elizabeth and other friends. Messrs. Gordon May Hackett, who have been ing at Listowel, have been trans­ ferred to Ipperwash. Lloyd A. Stephens, who lias been with the R.C.A.F, at Manning Pool, Toronto, has been transferred to No. 9 S.F.T.S., Exeter Miss Feme Welsh, R.N., of Sar­ nia, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Welsh. Miss May Thompson and Miss Amy West, of Owen Sound, visit­ ed over the week-end with JRev. A, B. and Mrs, Irwin at the James Street parsonage. A Western Ontario Motorways bus sank through the floor in the build­ ing recently purchased by Sandy Elliot from the Baker estate. For­ tunately there Was no cellar be­ neath, the bus sinking only a foot of so, days last Passmore and Mei. in train- Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Work Guaranteed Phone 245 and Mrs. Joseph Wenner, Alice q.nd Billy, of London, visited with Mr. J. H. Hookey and Mr. J. H, Hookey, Jr. Mrs. Robert Wenger and Barry Wenger visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Collins, in London. Pte. Lyle Roberts, R.C.A.M.C., of Stratford, spent the latter part of the week visiting with Mrs. Ro­ berts and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ‘Welsh. Miss Shirley Gregus visited re­ cently with Miss Betty Wainwright of Parkhill, and last week Miss Wainwright spent a few days with Miss Gregus. Miss Fern Welsh, Reg.N., has re­ cently accepted a position on the staff of the Polymor Corporation in connection "with -the synthetic rub­ ber plant at Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Merrill, Mr? and Mrs. Ralph Folden and daugh­ ter, Eleanor of Folden’s Corner's visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T, Dinney on Sunday. L.A.C. S. L. Hindmarsh, .of Ailsa Craig graduated as a wireless air gunner at No. 4 R.C.A.F., Guelph, week. Miss Coqueline cepted a^positioin m the Income Tax Department of the London Post Office and commenced her duties on Monday. Several Exeter girls were in Lu­ can on Thursday evening of last week i attending a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Alice Haskett, bride-elect. Fred Luxton, who has been em­ ployed with Silverwoods Dairies, at London, has enlisted with the Royal Canadian Ordinance Corps in that city. Captain W. E. Weekes was recall­ ed to duty at the Chatham military hospital on Tuesday, after holi­ daying for a few days at his home here. Mr. G. S. Howard, vice-president of the Huron County Temperance Federation, with Mrs. Howard and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, attended the annual meeting of the rederation in Hensall on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Roberts, Mr.- and Mrs. H. Roberts, of Sarnia, and Miss Ruby Welsh, of London, spent Sun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welsh. Pte. Stanley Frayne and Cpl. Ken­ nedy spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne. Both boys have been transferred from Listowel to Ipperwash. Exetei’ has had its rirst touch of winter, ing the morning, on the ground, and although light flurries fell during the day it was practically all gone by night.*- Miss Clare Adeline Batson, of 35 Cranbrooke Ave., Toronto, daugh­ ter of the late Charles Arthur ■ and Sarah A. Batson, and sister of John W. Batson, of London, died Monday October 26. The funeral was held Wednesday at Pt. Whitby. Preacher: Rev. H. C. Vernon, B. D., of Mitchell 47th ANNIVERSARY y- Tomlinson’s SUNDAY, November 1st, 1942 10.30 a.m.—Public Worship—“Daybreak Everywhere’’* "'Anthems—“All Hail the Power” “Jesus Lover of My Soul Solo—Mr. A. E. Wuertlh 7 p.m.—Public Worship—“The Dependable Map”. Anthems—“Praise Ye the Father” “Son of My Soul” Solo—-Mr. Kenneth Johns. Permanent Special ” • • genuine oil permanent regular $7.50 for $3.75 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Nov, John Galloway Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School Morning service withdrawn in vor of Main Street anniversary services. Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister’ Mrs. A. Y. Willard. Organist ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 10.30 a.m.—-Public Worship and Church School. Rev. H. C, Ver- non, B.D., of Mitchell. p.m.—Public Worship—Rev. H. 0. Vernon. Thursday, 8 p.m.—Midweek meet- - ing for prayer and Bible study. ll 3 p.m.—Sunday School Evening service withdrawn, afford­ ing the, congregation the oppor­ tunity of worshipping in Main St. church on the occasion of their anniversary. Monday, 8 p.m.—Y.P.U. under aus­ pices of the Missionary Committee PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Worship 7.3 0 p.m.—Evangelistic Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer ing. All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wildfong, Mrs. Susan Wildfong and Miss Ruth Wildfong visijed with friends in Toronto, Washago and other points for a few days last week. Mrs. Eva Humeston, of London, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes. ter, end Successful Apple Day The Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs held “Apple Day” on Saturday and those who purchased apples were treated to some extra fine McIntosh Reds. The boys disposed of some eight bilshels of apples, the Boy Scouts receiving $27.6i0' and the Cubs $14.35. The cost of the apples will be deducted from the proceeds. We have been, interested? Yes, in a remote sort of- way. bought the occasional War Savings Certificate, gave a little I and also bought a small Victory Bond. Can we not see that this is our war—that every last one of ufs should be in the fight—if not with the actual weapons in our hands, then with the money in our pockets or in our bank accounts. If we will think this matter oyer carefully—some alone—we will begin to see that this war has not We have been living our own sort of life. Three years of war and what have we done—just a very little after all. We have merely been spectators, leaving the fighting for the others. Mother Ill •Mrs. C. V. Pickard left Friday of last week for Frobisher, Sask., ow­ ing to •mother, Pickard Ellwood who will join her husband,' Tipr. Thomas, at Dundurn, Sask, Mrs. J. McTavish returned to Shakespeare Monday after spending two weeks with her Charlotte Taylor. Mrs. William Post Sheila Joan, have Windsor, after visiting for three weeks, at the home of her parents, Mi­ C.G.I.T. Hallowe’en Party An enjoyable Halowe’ep, partly was held at the home of Eileen and Grace Snell on Monday evening. The C.G.I.T. girls were ?n costume, the prize for the best costume being won by Orpha Gaiser. Games and contests were enjoyed and refresh­ ments were served at the close. Caven WAI-S. The Thankoffering meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the schoolroom of the church on Friday evening, October 23, with an encouraging attendance of members, home help­ ers and visitors. The president, Mrs. Sillery, presided over the meet­ ing and Mrs. Pollen offered prayer. Business, arising out of the various reports, was discussed. After the roll call, Miss Jeckell had charge Of the deyotional exercises. Migg .Mar­ guerite Hogarth favored with a solo. The guest speaker for the evening was Miss Adams, a returned missionary from Formosa, who had been engaged In kindergarten work there, teresting and informative, erdus offering was received the meeting closed with the tional Anthem. Her address was both in- A gen- and Na- Pheasants Seen in Exeter Neighbors Were amassed to six pheasants suddenly emerge from the privet hedge separating the pro­ perties of Mrs. William Ralkwill <nd E. J. Wethoy on John street. The two -male biMs and the four lady friends did not delay their de­ parture, and were miles away be­ fore the question was decided whe­ ther they were In or out of season. see Read and use the Times-Advo­ cate Classifieds. This space donated by Southcott Bros. It’s time to look to autumn! There’s nothing’like a new hat to put you in the swing. We have a handsome collection of Felts for Fall. Just the thing to give you the 'bes£»- . dressed feeling! These hats go anywhere, straight through your busy day! We Feature Famous Adam and Morgan Models W. W. TAMAN — The Store for Men — daughter, week-end with Mrs. Stone’s Mrs. William Smith. Beaver of last Sapper Eugene and Mrs. returned home Thursday week after visiting with the for­ mer’s brother, Mr. Vernon Beaver, at Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. Harrower, who has been vis­ iting with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, returned to her home in Toronto oil Friday last. On Thurs­ day last Mrs. Harrower gave a very fine address at Hensall-Exeter W.C.T.U. held in the Hensall Un­ ited Church which was very much enjoyed by the ladies. Mrs, Bea­ vers also gave some highlights of the provincial convention held in Ottawa recently. WE SPECIALIZE IN FROZEN FISH Cod and Haddock Fillets, Salmon Steaks, Kipper Herring, Whitefish (drawn), Smoked Haddie. Jumbo Ice Cream Bricks EXETER FROZEN FOODS STEP INTO FALL WITH A NEW FELT FOR lc PER BUSHEL YOU CAN TREAT YOUR GRAIN SUCCESSFULLY See Us First ... Your Drugs at 4, ROBERTSON’S l’hone 50 * Exeter The net profits from the St. Marys Rotary Club frolic amounted to $1,572.42, The frosts at night are a remind­ er that car radiators need careful . attention. 20c each