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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-10-22, Page 8
Pago 8 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22nd, 1942 V’s Beauty Shoppe > • ♦ F'or Permanents of Lasting Beauty, Eugene, Spiral, Croquinole, Com bination, Machineless VERA C, DECKER, Prop. Phone 112 jExeter Markets Wheat, 90e. Creamery butter, 39c. Eggs, A Large, 45e Eggs, Medium, 43c. Eggs, B, 40c Pressed Hogs, §15.85, Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe AH Work Guaranteed CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev* John Galloway Mrs. J, (j, Qqiciipuiue, Organist OTWBffll Boy Scout Apple Day Will be held Saturday The annual Apple Day of the lo cal Boy Scout troop, and Wolf Cub pack will be held cm Saturday next, October 84. Apple day is the one. time in the year that the Boy Scouts' Association makes an appeal fco the public for assistance and the effort has always met with generous re sponse. Apple Day was observed in many of the Ontario centres last Saturday but was postponed in Exe ter in order to make way foi* the eek. b© tag day for China relief last w Your liberal cooperation will appreciated. Victory Flag Raised Exeter’s Third Victory Loan Flag was officially dedicated in a flag raising ceremony at the town hall Monday at noon with the scholars from the high and public schools present number Morley, lations flag to lor E. prayer Woods. in a body together with a of citizens. Mr. James chairman of the Public Re committee, presented the the acting-reeve, Council- M. Dignan, A dedicatory N. J.was offered by Rev. Mr. Us- Presentation William H. Reynolds, son of and* Mrs. .i Luther Reynolds, of borne, left for training in the R.C. A.F. on Monday morning. Before leaving he was tendered a party by his chums in Exeter at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Jones and was presented with a money belt and writing case, tion lunch Jones, the boys having spent very enjoyable evening together. After the presenta- was served by Mrs. a Pageant is Well Received “The Pageant of the Seasons”, scenes in Ontario in natural color, photographed by Rev. L. C. Har vey, of Byron, an Exeter old boy, and sponsored by the James St. Red Cross unit Tuesday evening attract ed an audience that packed the Sun day School room of the church. The pictures, practically all taken in Western Ontario, were of scenes that could hardly be excelled for beauty anywhere and were a de light to the audience. . win occupied the chair, vey operated the lantern. Rev. Mr. Ir- Mrs.Har- Open to the Public As a special feature in connec tion with the Victory Loan Cam paign, residents of this district will have an opportunity to see No. 9 Service Flying Training School carrying out normal operations be tween 2 p.m.’and 5 p.m. on Satur day, October 24. Foi* obvious reasons children can not be allowed on the Station. Re gistration cards will be required in order to enter the grounds. ARE YOU RUPTURED? ✓ Did You Ever Buy a Truss that Didn’t Fit? That Can’t Happen Here You are Properly Fitted by an Experienced Fitter in our Private Truss Room and Protected by a Signed, Money-Back Guarantee Your drugs at ROBERTSON ’S . Phone 50 Exeter STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Day or Night STEWART BROS. GAiRAGE Foot Sufferers! Special Attention! The Special Representative of Miracle Foot Aid HAMILTON, ONT. Will be at A. E. WUERTH’S STORE “The Home of Bunny White” where shoe repairing is neatly and promptly done Exeter, on Tuesday, Oct. 27 th 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. PLAN TO SEE HIM < No Charges for Consultation “Miracle” Method of Correction successfully proven by our many satisfied customers in this district. Exeter Phone 245 f. | Save Tires and Gasoline i E For your future convenience E £ ship your hogs with your £ E local trucker where you E E get the highest prices and = E yield E Archie Etherington Phone 171rll, Exeter o I I I LOCALS i I I MBHHHBaHMwaWMM• IIMH yiUjl iMW> iHMKrtlMHMBttUM Miss Alma Mooi'e visited on Sun day with Mrs. Ted Goddard, of II- derton. Miss Ruth Brown, of London, spent the week-end with Miss Vera Decker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Westlake, of St. Catharines, visited in Exeter over the week-end, Miss Hazel Hern, of Zion, has ac cepted a position on the staff of the Bank of Montreal. - Miss Edna Saundercock, of Hen- with hei* LOCALS Toronto, his par- E. Weeices, of Chat- Hospital, is visiting here on his annual sail, spent the week-end sister, Mrs. Vyrne Smith. Mr. Rowe Dinney, of spent the week-end with ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M.- Dinney. Mr. A. E. Wuerth was .the guest soloist at Emmanuel Evangelical Church, Zurich, on Sunday, Oct. 11. Mrs. M. McAvoy and Miss Anne Sanders are spending the week with Mrs. Bruce Bossenberry, Grand Bend. Mr. Harold Tompkins, of Lon don, spent the week-end with his uncle and aunt, Mr.’and Mrs. Wil liam Cutting. Mrs. Rhoda Westlake and Mrs. Wallace Makins, visited in London with the former’s sons over the week-end. Mrs. Wm. Baker spent a few days last week with her grand daughter, Mrs. Harold Rowe, of Woodham. Sgt. Bill Dunsford ■ spent the week-end at his home here. Bill has been transferred from Listowel to Ipperwash. Captain W. ham Military at his’ home leave of absence. Mr. A. R. Tomlinson, of • Wind sor, and Miss Lenore Lawson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. Tomlinson. Miss Hazel Elliot, ot Preston, and P.O. Harry Snider, of Arnprior, spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs-. A. O. Elliot. Captain W. Lawson has been transferred from Kitchener to Gor don Head, B.C., where he is taking a training course. Miss Margaret Fitzgerald, of the R.C..A.F. . (Women’s Division) at Aylmer, visited over the week-end with friends in town. Fire drill was observed at the Exeter High School on Friday of last week and the school was cleared in forty seconds* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Baker, of D.etroit, Mich., are visiting with the former’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Broderick. Miss Shirley Fairbairn, of Exe ter, visited at the home of her sjs- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Lennis O’Brien, of Zurich, during the past week. A.C.2 Gerald Lawson, of Toronto, spent the, week-end at his home. L.A.C. Orval Lawson has been 'trans ferred from Manning Pool, Toronto, to Chatham, N.B. Mr. Clarence Morley, sales man ager for the Wilson Meat Packing Co., at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is vis iting for a few days with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Morley. Mrs. T. McCurdy and Miss Tenie, of Exeter, and Mrs. Wm. McDonald, of Seaforth, attended Thames Road anniversary and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner on Sun day. Mrs. J, H. Williamson, of Calgary, Alta., who attended the Presbyter ian W.M.S, Council Executive in Toronto r visitor James Road. Mrs. to her home after spending a month with her daughter, Mrs, N. W. Stacey, in Mitchell. Mrs, Stacey is progressing favorably following a recent operation In St. Joseph’s Hos pital, London. Mt, and Mrs. Wm. Cutting have received word that their son, Jack, has arrived safely overseas. This makes their third son who is now overseas with the Canadian fotces, A ftepbew, Kenneth Cutting1, of Falmerston, has also arrived over seas safely. at H. j. 1 Snell’s Taxi Service Phpne 100 Council Executive ecently was a week-end the home of her brother, Harrison, of the Thames To- the two TO a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m,—-Morning Service* 7 p.m*—Evening Service. Rev. Duncan Farris, of Bethel, will conduct both services. The October Thankoffering of the W*M.& will be held Friday, Octo ber 23 at 8 o’clock at the church. Guest speaker, Miss Adams. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, N* «L Woods, M.A., Minister All’s, A. Y. Willard, Organist A Victory Bond is as ‘‘marketable” as cash. If you hold a bond you can go to any bank and sell it, or borrow money on it at any time, without delay. against emergencies, while being paid interest on your in vestment by the Government. Thus you are protected to Andrew Hugh son of Mrs. MC- and the late Wil- Rev. W. A. Gar- Every Earner Can10.00 a.m.—-Public Worship and Church School.—The Minister. 7.00 p.m,*—Public worship—The Minister. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—-Young People’s. Thursday, 8 p.m,—Midweek meet ing foi* prayer and Bible study. '-Sunday, November 1—Anniversary services Speaker, Rev. H. C. Vernon, B.D., of Mitchell. I visit- id rs. Mc- left way Mr. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. A, B. Irwin, B.A. W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—“A Regnant God"11 3 p.m.—Church School 7 p.m.—Youth Service—‘Speaker, Mr. J. B. Wadlaud, Y.M.C.A. su-1 pervisor. hold a fireside hour after service to which the young Air men and Airwomen are especially invited.* Rev. Wm. Mair, of Thames Road will be in charge. Wednesday, 8 p.m>.—Midweek ser vice. Monday, 8 p.m,—Y.P.U. The young people will j the ; is Jf* Be Property Owner With practically every employable Canadian now at work, authorities are" pointing out that wage earners can establish themselves as tomorrow’s “people of property”. Anyone who can save as little as $10.00 per month can buy a Victory Bond on the instalment , plan from his bank; and Victory Bonds represent the safest and most valuable property in existence. Reeve B, W. Tuckey was in ronto the forepart of the week. L.A.C, Laverne Christie, of R. C.A.F., Pendleton, is horn© on weeks’ furlough. Miss Ethel Kydd, of London, spent the week-end w’ith hei* parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kydd. Mr. and Mrs, W. G, Medd ed over the week-end with Bruce Medd, of Napanee. L.A.C. Milton Bridge, of No. 9 S. F.T.S, spent the week-end with his friend, Fred Luxton, of town. Mrs. Thomas Magwood, of Strat ford, mother of Mrs. Irwin, is vis iting at the James Street parsonage. Mrs. Carfrey Cann and daughter, Patricia, left "recently for Victoria- ville, Que., to join Mr. Cann, who is with the R.C.A.F. at the I.T.S. there. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford spent the week-end with the latter’s parents fn Hanover. They were ac companied by Mrs. Robert Wenger who visited with friends in the same town. Mrs. F. E. Guy, of Toronto, who has been visiting in the home' of her daughter, Mrs. (Sgt.Major) Leod, during the past week, on Monday for home. On her she will visit with her brother, and Mrs. W. Stewart, in Kitchener. ' Sgt.-Majoi* and Mrs. J. Norman [ McLeod, of Victoria St., were de-; lighted to have as visitors over the week-end the gentleman’s brother, L.A.C. Malcolm McLeod, of Sky Harbor, Goderich,* and his friend, Miss Helen Robertson, of Everton, Ont. Pilot Officer Donald French, with his brother, L.A.C. Gordon French, of Vancouver, B.C., who are at pre sent stationed at Aylmer, visited at the home of their aunt, Mrs. E. A. Follick, over the week-end. Mrs. Follick returned last week after' visiting for some time with her daughter, Mrs. E. Hearts, of To ronto. Sgt. Chas. Triebner, of Barry- field Camp, Kingston, and his son, Bob, visited with the former’s mo ther, Mrs. F. Triebner, and other relatives over the week-end. Sgt. Triebner was just finishing a two- weeks’ furlough and with Mrs. Triebner, of Windsor, and Bob, vis ited with relatives in various parts of Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kydd" and Sylvia and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Totty, of Toronto, spent the weel»-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd. Re cent visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Kydd were Mrs. M. G. Kydd, of Toronto; Mrs. Bloomfield, Mrs. S. Hedden, Mr. Gerald Hedden, Master Roy Austin and Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain and daughter Beverly, of London. n 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFauI Choir Leader, 21st Sunday . a.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. The Rev. A. H. O’Neil, B.A., B.D., principal of Huron College, will be the speaker. This is a special service and each family is urged to be present. Mr. Middlemiss After Trinity i PENTECOSTAETABERNACLE 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Worship 7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer ing. meet- All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens Sunday School Rally, October 1*0 a.m. Glasses for all ages. s. 25 at Eiil Southcott Brothers are pleased to assist the Victory Loan by using this space to urge Canadians, “Buy Victory Bonds!” PRESIDENT OF FEDERATION ENDORSES WAR LOAN Dear Editor Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY "Holiday Inn A musical comedy starring BING CROSBY, FRED ASTAIRE and an all-star cast ft MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY two features ‘They Flew Alone’ A story of Amy Mollison John ston starring ANNA NEAGLE and an all star cast. A MUSICAL,COMEDY with an all star cast. Coming— 'SOUTH AMERICAN GEORGE’ with George Formby ST. PETER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH South of Centralia on Highway No. 4 Mass will be ■celebrated as follows: . October 11th and 27tli at 9 o’clock All other Sundays at 11 o’clock TAXI SERVICE will leave Snell’s Garage each Sunday 30 minutes be fore each Mass and will return after the service. Regarding the Victory Loan, we have something to say to our fellow farmers throughout Huron County. This is our war and our Government is finding it necessary to raise un- } precedented sums or money to pro secute it as we demand. They have two sources of revenue, taxation and borrowing from Canadian citi zens. Victory positively necessitat es voluntary sacrifice, both of life and the giving up of things’ we want. Should _we fail to win the war, your farms, your homes, yoUr investments and your savings as j well as ‘the products of your labours will be Hitler’s prize. Youi* sacri- •| fice now will mean freedom later and your purchase of Victory Bonds now will mean money to use when the war is won. Some imagine that the smaller Bonds are unimportant but it is to secure these that we have Victory . Do not leave it all to the big fellow; there are not enough of them; this time every person’s help is needed.. Should you fail to lend to >the fullest extent of your ability, you have failed to do your part for Victory; you have failed to support the armed forces; you (have failed to do what you alone I can do to protect your home; your ' family and your investment in Can ada. Lend for Victory; Buy a Bond, be it small or large and let your ability and conscience be your guide. The Huron County Federation of Agriculture A. W. Morgan, President l STEP INTO FALL WITH A NEW FELT It’s time to look to autumn! There’s nothing like a new hat to put you in the swing. We have a haridsome collection of Felts for Fall. Just the thing to give you the 'best- dressed feeling! These hats go anywhere, straight through your busy day! Death of Brother Mr. W. G. Medd has received word this week of the death of his bro ther, John Herbert Medd, who died in Victoria, B.C., on Sunday. His death followed a comiparatively short illness. Mr. Medd is also a ! Loan drives, brother of Mrs. George Layton and ' Mr. and Mrs. Layton spent last win ter the and We Feature Famous Adam and Morgan Models W. W. TAMAN — The Store for Men — in Victoria and visited with family frequently. His widow two sons survive. Recent Recruits Among the recent recruits in R.C.A.F, at London are: Edward Keith Smith, of Crediton; Eric John Slater, of R.R. 1, Ailsa Oi’aig; Rich ard Samuel Box, of Seaforth; Pat rick Malachy Laverty, of Lucan; Hugh Alexander, R.R. No. 5, St. Marys. Those joining the army at London include William A. Graham, R.R. 1, Brucefield; Glenn B. Swan, of Brucefield; John E, Bibby, R.R. 1, St. Marys; Gordon'K. Craven, R.R. the Phone 145 S. Harvey has returned regular $7.50 for $3.75 Tomlinson’s w.M. S. Observe Anniversary UU. IVACVI J O, vUl tlvll Jti.4 vlO'YuUj- J'V.Xb, j * 2, Ailsa Craig; A. P. Lebeau, of Clin- I The W.M.S. of James Street Un ton; R. C. O’Neil, R.R. 2, Bayfield, j ited. Ghurclt celebrated their anni- jversary with special services oh =: Sunday. The pastor, Rev. A. B. Ir- !A' win, delivered two very fine ser- ] mons. in 'the morning he took for fills theme, “The Church’s Mission”. ' He spoke of the great work the I church is doing both at home and I abroad and that it must take its place in the new world order if we are to bring in a new tian bi’othbrhood. Mi lough, of ML Forest, ; friend of Mr. Irwin’s, Permanent Special s GENUINE OIL PERMANENT era of chris- A. T, Kel- a personal ------- — —----- - possessor of a rich bass voice, sang two solos. At th© evening service Mr, Holland ; sang a solo and Miss Margaret M01- j Ville sang a solo in the anthem-, 'Cockwi'llT—Wilds A pretty wedding was solemnized at Our Lady of. Mount Carmel Church parsonage on Saturday, Oc tober 10 at 1 o’clock, when Kath leen Marie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilds, of Dash wood, was united in marriage to Jack Borden Cock will, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cockwill, also of Dashwood. Rev. Father (Fogarty officiated. The bride was lovely in a heavenly blue suit of shetland wool with matching accessories. Miss Doro thy Wilds, as her sister’s brides maid, wore a heavenly blue dress I with blue and black accessories. Mr. Gerald Schenk, groomsman. Following the and groom left moori to Toronto and turn farm The two bridesmaids were Lezetta Shepherd and Miss Reddick, the flower Curry, of of Crediton, was ceremony the bride on a will reside on at DashWood. short honey- on their re- the groom’s Friday Presentation evening last a number gathered at the home Webber, to honor Mrs. who Is leaving for lu- Mrs. Webber read the On of neighbors of Mrs. Roy Harry Lewis, can shortly, address and Mrs. Robert Flynn made the presentation of a lovely mirror. Refreshments were served at the close of ait enjoyable evening, both of Toronto, girl was little Mar- Clinton, niece Of The best man Was A solo McKenzie—Robinson A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized in Egmondville United Church on Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock, When Isobel Ruth Robinson, of Egmondville, was un ited in marriage McKenzie, B.A., Kenzie, Hensall, liam McKenzie. diner, of Egmondville United church performed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. Mr. VeSsey, of Toronto Bible College. Miss iSfeta while garet the bridegroom. Daniel J. Firth, of Toronto, was sung by Earl F. Smith, of To ronto, while the music was iplayed by Miss Wilma Watson, of Toronto. The ushers were Douglas G. Seaton, Gordon Mclnnes and Charles Hep burn, all of Toronto. Following the ceremony a luncheon was served in the basement of the church with 80 guests present, The bride went away in a navy blue suit with match ing accessories, the couple leaving for Toronto and then to Edmonton, Alberta, where they will reside and where Mr. McKenzie has charge of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. Both are graduates of the Toronto Bible College.