HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-10-22, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22nd, 1942 Page S HENSALL Urgent Appeal for Support for f tWistftws'"Boxes An urgent appeal Is now being made for donations pt money and other gifts tor Christmas boxes for the local boys overseas. These box­ es must be packed and shipped by November 1. AU rural and local citizens are ashed to leave their contributions at any of the Hensail stores not later than Monday, Oc­ tober 26, or remit money direct to Gladys Luker, president of the lo­ cal Institute. The Hensail Wo­ men’s Institute and the Waf Services committee will attend to the pack­ ing, Your co-operation is needed at once. Do not disappoint the boys. Mrs. 0. Hedden, who spent a week or so in Clinton, has returned home, Mr, Harry Smith, of London, paid a short visit to Hensall recently. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Corbett and family spent the week-end in Lon­ don. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Davidson, of London, spent the week-end in Hen­ sall. A report of the Women’s Instit­ ute meeting will be published next week. Miss Margaret Wildfong, of neai* Exeter, is spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. George Walker, Miss Hazel Smillie, of Gadshill, spent the holiday week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Smil­ lie. . Mr. arid Mrs, Harold Shepherd, of Toronto, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. .Smillie and also with Mr, and Mrs/ John Shepherd. •Mr. Fred Smallacombe and daugh­ ter, Mrs. Boyd, are spending a fpw days this week with relatives in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Livermore and baby and Mr, and Mrs. Whitney Carter and Catherine, all of Clin­ ton', spent Sunday with Mrs. C. Hed­ den. Mr. Wilson Carlyle, who has been in Scott Memorial Hospital for the past week or so, was* taken to To­ ronto on Sunday for further treat­ ment. Mr, and Mrs, A. L. Case are spend­ ing a short time in Toronto in the in­ terests of the latter’s health. . Mr. Case’s place at the station is being filled by Mr. Guenther, of Hespeler. Don’t forget the euchre and dance on Friday evening sponsored by the Five Hundred club. Music for the dance will be supplied by Murdock’s orchestra and proceeds will be ’used for war work. Mr. Jack Shepherd, who has been in training foi* some time for active service in London and Kitchener, and who suffered a severe attack of pneumonia some time ago, has been discharged from, the army and has returned home. The annual thankoffering meeting of the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church will be held on Thursday, Oc­ tober 22 at 3 p.m. The guest speak­ er will be Miss Ada Adams, of To- onto, who will also address the Ar­ nold Circle, which will meet at the ■home of Mrs. .George Moir on Thurs­ day evening. f On Wednesday, October 28, the annual convention of the Huron County Temperance Federation will be held commencing at 1.45 p.m. at Hensall United Church. The el­ ection of officers for the new year will take place. Prominent speak­ ers from Toronto and this vicinity will be present to address the gath­ ering. All interested in temperance are urged to be present. During the absence of Rev. Wm. Weir on Sunday last, the service in Carmel Presbyterian Church ,at 11 a.m. was taken by Mr. E. G. Davis, of London, who took for the subject of his address, "The Omnipotent Je­ hovah”, Mr. Davis also took charge of the Bible Class after the morning service at Which there was a good attendance. There was no evening service owing to the anniversary ser­ vices Which were being held in Cav- en Church, Exeter. A commjunity patriotic service will be held in the town hall, .Hen­ sall, on Sunday, October 25, at 8.&0 p.m. The guest speaker will .be Squadron Leader the Rev. F. F. Crankshaw, formerly of Leeds, Eng­ land, chaplain of No. 9 Service Fly­ ing Training School. The commando dagger, used by our boys at Dieppe, will be on display. Choirs from all the churches are invited to attend. They will meet in the council cham­ bers at 18.15, no surplices being re­ quired. You will want to attend this community expression of pat­ riotism sponsored by the Hensall and District War Citizens’ Associa­ tion. , James Priest James Priest, a well-known Hen­ sall resident, died at his home here early Friday morning. Al­ though not enjoying the best of health for the past year or So, he had been able to do light work around the house until about a week ago, when he was taken ser­ iously ill and from which he failed to rally. He was born in West Monkton and had been a resident of Hensall foi* the past 42 years. He was a member of St Paul’s Anglican Church and also a mem­ ber of tile Masonic Order. He is survived by two sons, James, of Port Huron, Mich.; and Morrison, at home; and one daughter, Mrs. Alpine McEwen, of Hensall. His wife predeceased Jiim about two years ago, A public service was held frojjfi. the home on Monday, October 19 and was conducted by Rev. M, A, Hunt, of Exeter, with interment in Elma Cemetery, At­ wood. United Church Services Fine weather on Sunday last, en­ abled a record number to attend Sunday School and worship on Sun­ day morning and an encouraging number in the evening. At the morn­ ing service at Hensall United Church Rev. Mr. Brook took his text from Deuteronomy, chapter 4, verse 6, to develop the theme, "Has Religion a Place in National Life?” The thought was expressed that a nation that calls itself Christian should be more than Christian in name, Both Govern­ ment and Church should work co­ operatively to make it easy for all citizens to follow that which is good and to keep the statutes of God. In all international contacts, no con­ tacts or transactions should be en­ tered into that did not manifest a, true Christian attitude and foster the spirit of good will and mutual understanding. A Christian vnation could not afford to be compromising or fearful of vital issues nor be guil­ ty of duplicity in dealings for com­ mercial or economic gains. The evening theme was "The Onward March of Truth”, and was an at­ tempt to answer the often-heard query, "Why does not God stop the War?” The choir rendered accept­ ably fine anthems at both services. Dr. Endicott Presents pictures of Bombing of Chungking On Monday evening in Hensall United Church an inspiring and in­ structive meeting was held under the auspices of the Huron Presby­ tery Missionary and Maintenance Committee. Many charges in tlie southern section of the presbytery were represented by their ministers arid, congregational delegates. Rev. H. V. Workman, of Northside Unit­ ed Church, Seaforth, the efficient chairman of the/vl. and M. commit­ tee of, the presbytery, was in charge of the meeting and the guest speak­ er was Dr. James G. Endicott, M.A., of Chungking, China, This is Dr. Endicott’s second furlough, and coming to Canada at this time of international crisis he has a vivid story-to tell of China’s part in the democratic struggle and stressed the opportunity in war-torn China and the period after the war. At the close of his brilliant address Dr. Endicott presented moving pictures' of the bombing of Chungking which gave a thrilling description of the terrible devastation, caused by the Japanese bombs in that-city. A male quartette sang a challenging num­ ber, “Followers of the Man of Gal­ ilee”. Tuesday morning Dr. Endi­ cott visited the public and continu­ ation schools at,the invitation of the staff, when the children enjoyed very much the films of Chungking. W.M.S. Meeting On Sund.ay morning, October 25, the W.M.S. will hold their autumn thankoffering service at 11 a.m. The service will be in charge of the Rev. William J. Paton, B.A., of McKil- lop. The guest speaker will be Mrs. William Gould, of Toronto, who for many years, along with her husband, was engaged in missionary work in Formosa. Rev. Mr. Patton will preach at Chiselhurst on Sunday afternoon, October 25, at 3 p.m., and at Hensall at 7 p.m. " He will also represent Mr. Brook at the de­ dication ceremony to be held at 8.30 in 'the Hensall town hall. Mr. Brook has been invited to preach anniversary services at Caven Un­ ited Church, McKillop, CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson left on Monday for their new home at Janes­ ville, near Bowmaiiville. We re­ gret the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson from our midst. Mr. Jamieson has undertaken a larger and more ambitious field of labor and best wishes go with him in his new undertaking. , Mr. and Mrs. Scott arrived home on Sunday after spending two weeks in Toronto and also visiting with Mr. and Mrs. McKay at Woodbridge. Miss Bessie McKellar has gone to Toronto where she has taken a position foi’ a short time. Miss Margaret Hodgert, of Exe­ ter, is at present visiting with her aunt, Mrs. James .Scott. Mr. Frank Scott, who has been stationed at Niagara, is at present sipending a few days’ leave at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott spent a few days in Toronto last week with friends. KHIVA- Mr. and Mrs. s, Adams and Miss Lorna Kraft, of London, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. E. G, Kraft. Pte, Henry Ziler, Of . Chatham, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ziler, Mrs. Claude Gelinas and family, of London, visited the past week with her mother, Mrs. L, Dietrich. Miss Eileen Wiilert spent a few days last week in London. Mrs. Noah Dietrich and family visited on Sunday in> Chatham. EMMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of Exe­ ter, visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs, Lewis Johns, last Sunday, There being no preaching service here la,st Sunday, quite a number from this congregation attended the anniversary services at Thames- Road and Zion churbhes, Next Sunday anniversary services will be held here, morning and evening, with special music by the choir, Miss Ola Johns spent the week­ end with her cousin, Miss Marjorie Smith, near Lucan. Miss Veda Clinton, of London, spent the week-end with Miss Mar­ ion March. ° Mr/ Will Routly attended a con­ vention in Toronto for a couple of days last week. The Bed Cross unit held a meet­ ing at the home .of Mr. R. Williams on Tuesday night of last week. Miss Bessie Johns presided. Mrs. George Davis read Psalm 100 for the Scrip­ ture lesson, Mrs. Pooley read "A Soldier’s Prayer” and Miss McGugan read an article, "Britain Carries On”, Mrs. Franklin Skinner* gave “Tom Howard, Hero 6f Sea Zones”, and Miss Hazel Williams read a humorous poem, "Levinsky at the Wedding”. A sing-song was en­ joyed by all present. Miss Ruth Skinner took charge of the business. The treasurer reported a profit of over $100.00 from the bingo held recently. It was decided to have a pot luck supper in the church base­ ment on- November 17 and have Miss McDonald, of No. 9 Service Flying Training School give a talk on the work of the Airwomen, if possible. It is hoped that there will be enough interest shown to have a good attendance. Articles sent last shipping day were: 2 V-neck sweaters, 1 turtle- 'neck sweater, 1 pair mitts, 2 aero caps, 2 alternative caps, 1 pair 26- inch socks, 1 pair 18-inch socks, 1 bed jacket, 2 shirts, 2 blankets, 1 quilt, 1 girl’s sweater and coat, size 16; 5 wash cloths, CENTRALIA Miss Mildred Elliott, R.N., ol Sarnia, is holidaying with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Elliott. Miss Wilda Pollock, R.N., of Kit­ chener, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. and Mr. Lome Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson. Mr. Robert Field is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Field. Mrs. H, Mills, who has been con­ fined .to her home, owing to illness, for the past few months, was taken to the home of her sister, Mrs. W. Spencer, in St. Thomas, on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard RavelleJ and Teddy, of Grand Bend,* visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard. Guests with Mr. and Mrs, Murray Elliott on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. S. McCoy and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ball, of London, and Miss Ruth Hexemer, of Buffalo, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carruthers, of London, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham. Word was received here on Tues­ day of this week of the sudden death of Mr. Richard Hicks, of Clio, Mich. The deceased was a formal’ resi­ dent of this ‘community, Mr. Fred t Baynham, of the R.C. A.F., Ottawa, and ’’Mrs. Baynham; are holidaying with the former's par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bayn­ ham. , Thaiikoffering Services . The • annual thankoffering ser­ vices- were held in the church here on Sunday. The Weather was ideal and there was a good attendance. The church, decorated with autumn leaves, flowers and fruits, made a very , attractive appearance. Rev. Newton, of Thorndale, was ' the speaker for both services and deliv­ ered very fine sermons.- Splendid music was provided by the choir. In the morning Mr. Simpkins, a mem­ ber of the service police at No. 9 S.F.T.S., assisted the choir and sang two very acceptable solos. In ihe evening the Whalen choir assisted with the music and Mr. Fred Ball, of London, sank two solos in ex­ cellent voice. GREENWAY Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, and Mn. Claude Fallis, of Mount For­ est, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and fam­ ily. Mrs, A. Gollen is visiting with Mi*, and Mrs. '-Prod Kading, of Grand Bend. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Guenther (nee Pauline Eagle- son) Who were recently married. Mrs., Harold Honsberger, of Port Albert, visited a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hicks. Mrs, Win, Meliln, Sr., is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartle, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gallagher and family, of London, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs, James Wilson. Mrs. Joe Hodge and -daughter, Joanne, of Detroit, are visiting with Mr, .and Mrs. Albert Bollock. CREDITON A meeting in connection with the Victory Loan will be held next Tues­ day evening at 3 o’clock. Special numbers will be rendered by the children of the different schools, Films will be shown, A hearty welcome will be extended to all. Mr, and Mrs, Beuben Schwarz, of South Cayuga, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schwarz and daughter Elsie, of Welland, spent a few days with relatives in this community, The W.M.S. of the United Church are holding a special missionary service on Sunday evening, October 25, The choir loft will be occupied by the C.G.LT. girls, who will pro­ vide special music. Rev, L, H. Turner will occupy the pulpit. A cordial invitation is extended to all to be present at this service. * Sunday, Oct, 25, at Crediton Un­ ited Church Sunday School -Squad­ ron Leader F. F, Crankshaw, chap­ lain of No. 9 S.F.T.S., will be the guest speaker. The theme for the day will be temperance. 'The W.M.S., under the presidency of Mrs. John Lovle, will meet Thurs­ day at 2-30 p.m. in the Sunday School parlors of the church, The Crediton Red Cross Unit has shipped .the following articles dur­ ing the past four months: 10 pairs service socks, 11 turtle-neck swea­ ters, 6 v-neck sweaters, 2 aero caps, 6 alternative cups, 10 pairs 18-inch stockings, 4 pairs 26-inch stockings, 1 girl’s sweater, size 6; girl’s swea­ ter, 12 years; 13 pairs whole mitts, 8 pairs gloves, 9 wash cloths, 7 tuck-ins. girl’s knitted dress, size 4 years; boy’s unit, 5 men's shirts, 51 handkerchiefs, 2 boys’ suits, 16 wash cloths, 3 pairs boys’ shorts, 6 boys’ shirts, 2 pairs knickers, 3* girls’ skirts, 2 girls’ blouses, 9 re­ fugee articles, 1 bonnet, 1 afghan, 17 quilts. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Schroeder, of Detroit, called on Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Haist on Monday. Rev. Reuber, of the Evangelical Church occupied the pulpit in the Zurich Church’ last Sunday, it being the occasion of their anniversary. Mrs. Reuber 'took the service in the morning in the church at Crediton and Squadron Leader the Rev. F. F. Crankshaw of the airport took the evening service. H. C. Beaver, William Sweitzer and H. K. Eilber attended ‘ the dir­ ectors’ meeting of the Hay Town­ ship Insurance Co. in Hensall on Saturday. Rev., .and Mrs. A. E. Pletch and Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Hauch, of Ches- ley, visited friends here on Tuesday, on their way home from Napierville, Ill., where they attended the General Conference of 5 the Evangelical Church. * Mr. and Mt's/'’Sidney Brown, of Goderich, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wein over the week-end. The teachers of the township met in the Crediton School on. Monday evening, when several discussions took place, after which lunch was served. ' * Victory Flag Raised The Third Victory Loan Drive started on Monday and will con­ tinue until the 9th of November. The allotment for Stephen Town­ ship is $94,300. Last spring $70,650 was obtained. This means every­ body has to do more than the last time. We cannot afford to let our boys down who are fighting our battles for freedom. Canvassers are now busy throughout the town­ ship and are expected to cal) on everyone. Monday afternoon the Victory Loan flag was raised at the town hall by little Jeanette Beaver, the smallest pupil of our public school. It was an appropriate sym­ bol that "we’ll • never let the old flag fall!” The school children sang “O Canada” and the Nation­ al Anthem. It is hoped that a pub­ lic meeting will be held in the town hall shortly when several numbers will be given by the children of lo­ cal schools and an effort made to secure a speaker for the occasion and the showing of films giving the public an idea Of • Canada’s war ef­ fort. KIRKTON Mrs. Lome Marshall and son, Bil­ lie, of London, returned home, hav­ ing spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts and family, of Toronto, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fletcher were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Hind, of Exeter, Pte. Herbert Ross, of Ottawa, spent the week-end with his cousin, Mr, Ross Tufts. FEEDING OIL If you bought a bushel of wheat you’d Want to know how many pounds per bushel* 'vVhon you buy Cod Liver Oil be sure to ask how many vitamins per gallon. Ours contains 4,000 Vit.A and 400 Vit. D iov..every teaspoonful $2.50 per gallon, container extra Returnable fob Credit Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phnne RO Exclcr Nothing Matters Now But Victory THE LARGEST BUYER OF CATTLE IN THE COUNTRY WISHES TO BORROW MONEY FROM YOU TO PUR­ CHASE YOUR CATTLE AND FARM PRODUCTS. ,3 %, OR DOUBLE BANK INTEREST, WILL BE PAID. ■ I ■ I Apply to Yow Local Victory Loan Canvasser <p SHIPKA The regular meeting of the Y.P.S. was held at.the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sweitzer on Tuesday evening last with the president, Kenneth Baker, in charge. The meet­ ing opened by singing a hymn and prayer by Rev. Turner. Reports were given, after which a paper was read by Lila Finkbeiner. Aud­ rey Finkbeiner and Verna Baum­ garten presented a basket- filled with gifts to Mr. and Mrs. Scott (nee Hazel Pickering) who were recent­ ly married. Mr. and Mrs. Scott re­ plied in a few fiting words. Mrs. Turner and Verna Baumgarten dir­ ected a number of contests, after which lunch was served. The meet­ ing closed by singing "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows”. Mrs. N. Clarke has been confin­ ed to her bed for the past week. We are glad to report she is somewhat improved. Mrs. Henry Kraft, who has been with Mrs. Clarence Gale, has re­ turned to Stratford to be with her daughter, Mrs. F'red Preeter. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hanna,' Mrs. Annie Reid, of Seaforth, spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keys. Mr. and Mrs. W. J Clarke ■ and daughter, Doris, of Varna, spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Mildred Lamport, of Strat­ ford, was a week-end visitor with her parents,'Mr. and Mrs, Edward Lamport. Mr, and Mrs. William Clarke and Miss Doris Clarke, of Varna, spent Sunday with relatives here. Wedding bells are -ringing in the vicinity this week. Corporal Art. Gaiser, of Kingston, is on two weeks’ leave at his home here. Miss Mildred Lamport, of Strat­ ford, spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Ruth Kinney returned home on Saturday after spending a week with' her sister In Zurich. Miscellaneous Shower Complimenting Miss Gertrude Ratz, bride-elect of this Week, - her aunt, Mrs. Jacob Ratz, entertained at a miscellaneous shower at her home. Mrs. Gordon Ratz and the Misses Alma and Ruth Ratz assist­ ed the hostess in serving refresh­ ments, BRINSLEY Mrs. Leach, of London, and Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Thompson, of Lieu- ry, spent; Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Morley,. Silo-filling is the order of the day, Mrs, Grant Amos, who underwent an operation In St. Joseph’s Hospi­ tal, London, has returned home. Mrs, Dan Lewis and Douglas spent the Thanksgiving holiday in Ham­ ilton. • '£■) This advertisement is sponsored, by the Huron County Victory Loan Committee in the interest of the Third Victory Loan; WHALEN Mr. George Parkinson is serving on. the jury in Stratford. At the anniversary services held in the United Church on .Sunday next, Rev, Ernest Grigg, of •ftill be the guest speaker morning service and Rev. for the Moores, of Lucan, for the evening service. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Millson and Gerald, of Prospect, and Pte. Ralph Millson, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tookey, of London. Mrs. Milne Pullen/ who is a pa­ tient in Victoria Hospital, London, Want Ads — World’s greatest salesmen at your service. The old coal oil short-cut to breakfast has cost many a life, and home! Can YOU afford the high cost of taking chances with this dangerous fuel? Play safe with yourself and family. Resolve never again to quicken a fire with coal oil or gasoline. Provide sufficient dry kindling ahead of time, Lamps and lanterns are another cause of loss rind death every year. Fill them by daylight. Both lamps rind lanterns should have broad, heavy metal bases. Don’t let children use them alone. Never set lanterns down, even on window ledges, but hang them well up. Keep matches in a tin box, in a safe place, well out of the reach of children. Never carry loose matches* Remember that fire prevention now is more important than ever, since buildings are next to impossible to replace, Make every member of your household a fire warden and fight Z>y preventing fires, THIS AUVERTISEMENT IS SPONSOREb BY TUB FOLLOWING COMPANIES: Hay Township Farmers* Mutual Fire IrisulrabcG Co., Zurich Ontario East Williams Mutual Fire Insurance Co*, Nairn Ontario #- <- is expected home this week. Mr. and Mrs, Melleville Gunning were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper, of Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Squire visited Exeter,, ^ast Sunday with Mr. gj^d Mrs. Jas. Anderson, Thames Road. Serious Accident Mr. Norman Brooks, who works at the Central Aircraft plant, in London, had the misfortune to fall and fracture his spine. Norman was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital. His many friends hope for a speedy re­ covery.