HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-10-08, Page 5*•*»1 A / uj > 's--4 HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family spent the week-end with-the former’s parents In Ridgetown. A.C.J; Douglas gangster and A.C.2 George Sangster, of Lachine, Que., spent the week-end at their respec­ tive homes. A.C.2 David gangster and A-C.2 Harold Newman, of the R.C.A.F., St, Thomas, spent Sunday and Mrs. .Jas, gangster Miss Jean Murray left day for Kamloops, B.C., will spew an exteuiea visit with' Dr, I. G. and Mrs. Smillie. ' Mr, and Mrs, Jack Corbett family attended the funeral of Corbett’s uncle, Mr. Louis Morenz, vhich wasjheld at Dashwood op Sun­ day last. ’ ,, The Library Board would like anyone having books to donate to the airports In the vicinity to leave them at the library where they will be forwarded . The Library recent­ ly donated some 300 which were greatly appreciated by the Centralia airport. So hejp> the boys and girls by donating your spare books and making their stay in camp sant. Witll Mi\ »i. S *>4 0 1 i 0 *1 < I j y t. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8ft, 1942 BINGO CREDITON A group of local men have re­ turned home after spending several weeks harvesting tobacco in' the southern counties of Ontario. The C.G.I.T. of the Crediton Un­ ited church will hold a meeting on .K K the basement of the DASHWOOD Mervyn Tieman spent a few -days in Toronto last week. Pte. Ross Guenther, of Halifax, is spending three weeks* leave at his home here. Mr* and Mrs. Herb Gaiser, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with his brother, Chester, Murray Wolfe, of Hamilton, spent the week-end at the home of his parents. Mr. Frank Morenz and Mr. Ed. Morenz, of Detroit, attended the funeral of their brother, Louis, on Sunday, Mr. Roy Neeb and sister, Mrs, Mosher, of Pontiac, Mich.,, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Mary Neeb. George Schefbuch has been call­ ed to the army and left for Lon­ don last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keller, of Niagara Falls, Mrs. Henry Glazier, of Clinton and Mr. Keller and family, visitors on Sunday Keller and family. Death of Louis Morenz Lopis Morqnz passed away Westminster Hospital, London, Thursday, October 1, in his. 50th year. Mr. Morenz was a veteran of the last, war and has been in poor health for some years, He resided at Sarepta, one and a half miles east of Dashwood, for the'past 20 years, and was an active member of the Dashwood Evangelical Church, He is survived by his wife; three sisters, Anna and Catharine, of De­ troit • and Mrs. Edith Mason, of Dashwood; four brothers, Albert, of Stephen township, William, Edward and Frank, of Detroit, A private funeral service was held from his late .residence at Sarepta on Sun­ day, October 4, with interment in the Goshen Line cemetery, Rev, C. Becker, of Dashwood, officiating. M ■ xoaKHiiiM UB& HA UU atNOT BOMBS •••Just dirty stove pipes at ZION SCHOOL HOUSB FRI.DAY BV&j. OCT. 15 games for 25q Prizes and War Savings Stamps. Poor Prize Proceeds for the Red Cross — Qctober 1>Q in church. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. tained the boys of the Sharon ball team and their lady friends. The evening was spent in games, music and singing, after which weiners and rolls were served, The anniversary services of Cre­ diton United Church will take place next Lord’s Day, October 11, when the Rev. W. J. Moores, of Lucan, will occupy the pulpit in the morn­ ing, with the Rev, A. B. Irwin, B.A., of Jgmes Street Church, Exeter, occupying the pulpit in the evening. An augmented choir under the dir- ection of Mr. Lawrence Wein will be in attendance at both services. The home minister, Rev. Lawrence H. Turner, will substitute for Mr. Moores at Lucan in the morning and in the evening at James St. Church in Exeter in the Absence of the Rev. A. B, Irwin. Former members and friends are cordially invited to share in the inspiration of the day. Silver Wedding Annivei’Sary Mr, and Mrs. Albert King, of Crediton, celebrated their 25th wed­ ding tober black roses served at 1 p*m centred with a beautiful” wedding cake trimmed in silver with tall sil­ ver candles on either side, and with beautiful bouquets of roses. Mr. and Mrs. King were the recipients of many beautiful gifts. Out-of-town guests were present from Toronto, Centralia, Windsor and Detroit. evening of last week Ross Krueger enter- will proceed immediately to a study of the lesson. At present the ar* rangement will hold for a month by way of experiment and then a final decision will he made. Thanksgiving will be suitably ob* served ,on Sunday, October II, In Hensail. United Church. At 11 a.m. Rev. R, A. Brook will deliver an address on “The Farmer’s Pa­tience.” At 7 p.m. he will speak on i “Lessons We Learn From Natttre”, .The chpir^ under the leadership of , |W, O, Goodwin, will present spec- on batut" Thanksgiving music and the} where sne (guest soioist for the day will he . boy chorister of j St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, who j was with us on May 31 at the an­ niversary and delighted all with his fine talent. Miss Greta Lammie- will be at the console for the day, WA1.S. Meeting A delightful afternoon was spent in the schoolroom of the United .Church on Thursday afternoon of last week, when the W.M.S. of that church entertained the members of the Baby Band and their mothers, Mrs. Ballantyne presided for the meeting; Miss Murray led in a de­ votional period;’® two piano solos, “Cradle Song” and “Humoresque” were given by Mrs. Albert Shirray; recitations by Teddy Norminton, Wayne Welsh, Eudora Hyde, Pat- j Sy Steer and Elaine Beer; a piano duet by Betty Mickle and Eleanor Cook and a solo by Claudette Blpwes, all of which were very much" enjoyed, A very interesting story was told to the children by Mrs. Middleton. In answer to the roll call twenty-seven little tots plac­ ed their mite boxes ip a decorated basket at the front of the room. The graduation exercises were in charge, of Mrs. Hess, Mrs.* McLar- non and Miss Doris Buchanan, with Miss Florence Welsh at the piano. The following are the names of the children who passed through the gates from the B'afey Band to the’ Mission Band; Marlene Rich­ ardson, Eudora Hyde, Judith Shad­ dick, Ronald Rowcliffe, Wayne Welsh, Matney Twitchell, ' Eric Smale and Alexia Lostell, Lunch was served at the close of the meet­ ing. and Mrs. plea­ Hen- held Hensall W.I. The October meeting of the sail Women’s Institute will be at the home of Mrs. C. Cook on Wed­ nesday evening, October 14. The co-hostess will be Miss Greta Lam- mie| Special guests at this meet­ ing will be the grandmothers. The following interesting items will be. presented: Roll call, “My Grand­ mother’s Maiden Name”. An able speaker will be on hand to take the topic, which will be “Characteristics “ and Heritage of our Grandmothers”; the mottq, “Recall Now the Ancient Landmarks”, by Mrs. Kennedy; de­ monstrations “Fashions of Long Ago”; recipe, Miss Florence Welsh; current events, by Mis's Sally Man- son, Lunch committee consists of Mrs. Orr, Mrs. Smale, Mrs. Mickle, Mrs. Dayman, Mrs. Passmore, Mrs. Kerslake, Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Wein. • Each member., is reminded to bring enough tea and sugar for two (herd­ self and guest), also a pencil and paper. Red Cross Notes Monday evening last saw another fine shipment of jams and jellies being packed for the good people of Britain. This shipment consist­ ed mostly of pear and ginger mar­ malade, but there was also ’grape jam and plum jam. All in all, 12 cases of 12 cans (4 lbs.) each were sent on their way last Monday. This means that up to date the Women’s Institute of our village have made and sent 1,392 lbs. of jams and jel­ lies and the end of their labors and generosity is not yet in sight. In addition there has been shipped through the Hensail Red Cross Branch on behalf of the Kippen • * East ladies, 17 cases or 816 lbs, of jap and they too have another and a larger shipment to get away. Again this column expresses itfei admiration and its thanks to all those who in any way contributed to the making of all this nourish­ ing food for our friends overseas. Church Notes The annual Rally Day service of the Sabbath School, was observed in Carmel Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning when the school worshipped with the congregation. The minister was assisted by mem­ bers of the school in conducting the worship, Miss Lilia Moir and Billy Campbell reading the scripture pas­ sages and Miss Betty Moir leading in prayer. Miss Jean Love and Miss Margaret Love added much to the service by singing a lovely du§t, “Near to the Heart of God”, Mr. Weir preached on the. subject pre­ scribed for the- day, “The Bible in the Home”, and dwelt on the im­ portance of the home on the lives of the young and the consequent need of family worship in which the Bible would have a central The subject of the evening was “A Personal Matter”, under the leadership of the anthem, hi arrangements ill which the made last in Sunday in Carmel school will morning place, service The ch oil’ W. A. MacLaren, sang “I Cannot Know”. Announcement was Sunday of a change School Church ’ meet immediately after worship instead of at 10 o’clock as heretofore. It is hoped ‘that the service will be confined to one hour, permitting the sabbath School to convene at 12:05 and the school We have piles of them on hand. They are No. 1-XXXXX Best Gradb., THE PRICE IS RIGHT. We expect a car load of High­ land CEDAR POSTS this week. ily were former residents of Hen- sgall, Mrs. Filshie being principal of I the her continuatiou school for a num- of years, ZION The October meeting qf the W.M.S. which was postponed last week, will ,be held at the home of Mrs, James Earl on Thursday afternoon. A 10’ (cent tea will be served at the close. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern, Mrs. Malcolm Spence and Miss Hasel ‘Hern attended the McKeen-Steven- json wedding on Saturday. Mr. and [Mrs. Hern were guests at the recep- i tion held at the Highland Golf Club. < There will be no services in Zion church next Sunday as it is the oc- [casion of Woodham anniversary.^ j Mrs. H. Kyle visited on Wednes­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern, I Marjorie Earl spent several d'ays with Mr. and Mrs, lake. [ Mrs. Harold Hern, Mrs, R, Herb, Mrs, Melville Hern, Mrs. Malcolm Spence and Miss Hazel Hern at­ tended the trousseau tea held last Thursday evening in honor of Miss Laurene Stevenson, bride-elect last i ■ i Howard' Kers- Mrs. Malcolm. of Saturday. ELIM VILLE Mathers, of Fullarton,Rev. .preached a splendid sermon here on Sunday morning in the absence of Rev, Mair, who was preaching anniversary services at Carlingford on Rev..Mathers’ circuit. 1 Mr. Laurie Stephens, of Sky Har- - Post-Nuptial Shower ibor Airport, spent the week-end -at honor of Mrs, Wilfred Klopp , his home! Miss Enid Parkins) a recent ■at her home on Friday During the- evening the presented with a lovely miscellaneous gifts, the In i(nee bride, Miss Edna Saundercock was a hostess evening, bride was array of accompanying address being read by Gladys Luker, after which Mrs. Klopp made a fitting reply. Sev-' eral appropriate contests were en­ joyed. Those assisting the hostess at the lUnch hour and throughout the evening included Mrs. Saun­ dercock and June, also Mrs. John Farquhar and Mrs. Parkins, mother of the bride. Mrs. Klopp left on Saturday to take up residence in Woodstock, where her Private. Klopp, is stationed, following is the address; Dear Enid We, your JHensall friends neighbors, desire to express to our realization of the great loss we are about to sustain, due to your re­ moval from our midst; As a slight expression of our esteem, we ask you to accept these gifts which we trust you will receive in’ the very hearty spirit in which they are given, coupled with our best wish­ es for’ your future health and happi­ ness. years filled husband, The and you j The will be day of this week, Miss Margaret Brown, guest speaker at the afternoon ses­ sion. All ladies of the community are cordially invited to be present. With, the recent enlisting of Mac Cornish in the R.C.A.F. this is the fourth son of Mrs. John Cornish in active service in this war. They are Mac, who leaves this week for Manning Pool, Ewart, of the R.C. G;C., overseas; Cyril, of the R.C'. A.F., in Quebec and Ralph, of the R.C.O.O.C., overseas. Mrs. Cornish also had two sons and a step-son in the last war, John, of Brucefield; David, of Clinton and Dick, of Sky Harbor, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Hilson Whiteford, of Ingersoll, were Sunday visitors at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. Herdman. W.M.S. district convention held in this church on Fri- o£ West China, will ,be the J. Along the roadway..of the may every day for you be with skies of blue. —Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors. Married at Cbesley White and bronze chrysanthemums decorated St. John’s United Church, Chesley, for the marriage recently of Doris Helen, daughter of Mr. C. R.. Ankenmann and the late Mrs, Ankenmann, to Ian Stewart Filshie, of Belleville, son of Mrs. A. Filshie, of Toronto, and the late Mr. Filshie. Rev. W. /Gordon Prosser officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father,, wore a graceful gown of shell-white satin, with Peter Pan collar. A narrow band of, shirring extended from the shoulders down the fitted bodice to form a waist­ line with a full Skirt, From a halo of - white orange blossoms fell a finger-tip veil and white rOses form­ ed the bride’s bouquet. Mrs. Al­ bert E. Krug was matron of hon­ or and Miss Mary Louise Anken­ mann, sister of the bride, and Miss Marion Filshie, were bridesmaids. The- attendants were gowned alike in gold silk jersey with high neclc- lines, caught in loops of fitted skirts. They wore matching lace and brown veils and carried bouquets Richard of the bride, Mr G, BRINSLEY Mr. and Mrs. A.’ E. Craven, Toronto, on Sunday last, ven had been attending the silver wedding . anniversary 'of Mr. and Mrs. Albert King, of ^Crediton, on Saturday. Mr. Gordon Craven has enlisted Vfith the Canadian Army. Friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Row and presented Ralph Row and his bride with a' studio couch on Fri­ day evening. MrB, John . Morley is visiting his daughter, Mi’s. Russel Glenn, of Arkona. Carl Trevethick and Gerard Doyle have secured positions in London. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Wes. Marys Fair. Miss Marvel visited at her home, with Mr. Mrs. of called on relatives here Mr. and Mrs. Cra- Wes. White and Mr. Lewis attended -St. Watson of London, and Wm. Watson, oil Sunday. Ilf and Mrs. Riney of Exeter, were with Mrs, Chas. in on anniversary on Saturday, Oc- 3. Mrs. - King received in crepe with a corsage of red and baby mums. Dinner was The table was lace and halos of shoulder of bronze D. A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 , Granton We Deliver mums. Sub.-Lieut, Ankenmann, brother was groomsman and Langford and- Lieut. Langford were ushers, ding music was played by Mrs, Howard Vincent and M. Morrow sang. A reception followed of the bride’s father, was gowned in maroon crepe with matching hat of corsage of roses, the bride wore a green wool with brown accessories, Filshie will reside East, Belleville. Mr, and Mrs. A. ■. Extence Kenneth The wed- Mrs. George at the home Mrs. Filshie felt and wore a For travelling suit of soft blue- ■mlnit collar and . Mr. and Mrs. at 65 Bridge St., Filshie -and fam- GRAND BEND You are invited to the Red Cross meeting .on Tuesday evening, Oc­ tober 13. The election of officers will take place. Please note the change in date. Mrs, Ken Lovie spent the week­ end iii London. Mr. and Mrs. Galt Were in Wind­ sor for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wild have gone to Windsor to spend the win­ ter, Mrs.. Mary Turnbull the, winter Ingersoll. Mr, and Saskatoon, last week'. Mr. and Red 'With Greenway on Sunday. Gbr. Ivan Desjardine, and Mrs. Les^me Desjardine. Moncton, N.B'o is home on furlough visiting with relatives and friends. Mrs. Geromette, who Is confined .to her bed with the shingles, is some­ what im^foved. I-ter daughter, Mi’s. Dodds, of Buffalo, who has been, with bar for the past, few weeks, returned to her homo on Sunday last, with her Mrs. Sam visited in V is spending daughter in Schrader, of the village Mrs. Mansel Mrs. Eddie Mason Mason. son of vis- of Mr. b£ *9UlPMEi|TIt can and it will happen here—-perhaps in your very home! If you allow fouled stove pipes, flues or chim­ neys you are courting with such disaster. Do you know that practically every farm house fire is the result of faulty heating equipment or chimneys? An ounce of prevention NOW may head off irreparable loss this winter. Clean out your stove pipes and replace any poor ones. Clean out your chimneys and make any necessary repairs, Clean out your stoves and furnace—tidy up the cellar. Never quicken a fire with coal Oil or gasoline. Never light a fire ina hot water heating system or in a stove with a water front if there is any chance of the waler pipes being frozen or clogged—it way cause a fatal explosion. Make every member of your household a fire warden. Never before has the need for fire prevention been so urgent. Remember that buildings are now next to impossible to replace—that your loss is the Nation’s loss now. THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES: H9 MOUNT CARMEL Don’t forget the dance in the hall on Friday night. Miss Winnie Madden, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister, Bernie. Mrs. Jos. Fallon and children, of London, spent Sunday with Mr, and Ratz^ of Stephen Township. Mrs. Jos, Dietrich. r--- — The sympathy of the community is’ited Church, Greenway, officiated. extended to the family of the late The wedding music was played by Mrs. Thomas Rowland, who passed Miss Ula Ulens, of London, away last Saturday night. ( .................... Miss Francis Mahoney, of Lon- her _ donpspent Sunday at her home here, gown, made with fitted bodice, of tralia. Th*. LJL *, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Conlin spent chalk-white satin with sweetheart tailor-made suit with brown accessories and a corsage of red RATZ-ISAAC »A charming wedding was solem­ nized on the lawn at Mr. and Mrs. Thos. their elder daughter, became' the bride of Ratz, son of Mr. and the home of Isaac, when Nola Eliza, Ervin Albert Mrs. William Rev. Hay Township Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Zurich Ontario East Williams Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Nairn Ontario BLAIR-FLANAGAN A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized in St. Martin’s Church, !|SB — » OVJ.GlUli.lZxCU. AjU. ATX.CVA till -p X/ll LL1 VJJ-4W. T. Cleave, minister of the Un- London, by Rev. Fr, SFailon, when ifprl nniTrAn RrApnwn.v .Miss Kay Flanagan, daughter ‘ of and Mrs, Leo Flanagan, of Clandeboye, was united in mar-I The bride, given in marriage by riage to Jack Daniel/Blair, son of her father, wore a floor-length and Mrs. Janies Blair,-of Cen- The bride choes a green The common cold is a big factor in lost time from your’ work ------Start soon to take------ Nyal Vita Vim capsules—they 1 will keep you on the job Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dietrich. Mrs. Paul Masse, of Windsor, vis­ ited bert with her daughter, Mrs, Carey. HARPLEY Mrs. William • Hayter, of Hu- Grand Bend, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLinchey. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love and family spent Sunday in Thedford with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love. Mr. and Mrs, Herb Sherritt and Miss Dora attended the wedding of Miss Evelyn Harlton, R.N., at Shipka 'on Saturday, Pte. Clarence Stone, and his mothei’ visited over the week-end in Chat­ ham. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Mellin. Mrs. Austin Hayter has gone to London to live with hei’ daughter, Mrs. W. Churchinard. Miss Jean Love, of Hillsgreen, and friend, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Love on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marriage, of Dela­ ware, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey at­ tended the wedding of her niece, Miss Evelyn Harlton, R.N., at ka oil Saturday. Ship­ CENTRALIA Jose, of 'Kirkton, will be pre- Thomas, and daughter, of Wednesday Dr sent at the Sunday .School on Sun­ day and give an address on Missions. All are invited to hear him. The Centralia United Church will observe the annual thankoffering services on Sunday, Octobei’ 18. The guest preacher will be Rev. M. G. Newton, of Thorndale, at 10.3'0 a.m. and 7.30 pan. Mrs. Spencer, of St. Mrs. Ross Hitch and Toronto, visited on with Mrs. H. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. T. McMahon and Helen, of London, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson. Mr, and Mrs. Amos Wright, Clare and Evelyn, spent friends in Stratford Rev, and Mrs. W. family, of Stratliroy, day of last week with Mr. Lloyd Hodgson. Mrs. Jack Andrew, of spent the week-end* with Mrs. Geo, Hicks and Mr. G. R. Andrew. , Mr and Mrs. Rex Mills s lyn, of Wyoming, spent Thursday with Mrs, H. Mills. Sunday with and St. Marys. J. Smale and spent Wednes and Mrs London Mr. anc and Mrs and Mari THAMES ROAD The Thames Road provided the music Sunday eve­ ning at the Carliugfoi’d United church anniversary. United church neckline. The bouffant skirt of. accessories and a corsage of red silhouette net was appliqued with Taiis.xn.an roses and wore a gold chain satin bows and her finger-tip veil and cross, gift of the groom, and of embroidered silk net fell softly [carried a white satin-hound prayer from a coronet of orange blossoms. book with pink and white stream-A She carried a bouquet of Briarcliffe ers> Miss Margaret Flanagan, sis-1 roses. ,Her only ornament was a i of bl-ide> was her attendant gold locket, the gift of the groom. Miss Doris Isaac was her sister’s bridesmaid, wearing a .gown of tur­ quoise blue net over taffeta, with a matching headdress of flowers. She carried a bouquet of delicate pink- gladioli. Marlene and Mar­ garet Rose Woodburn, nieces of the bride, were charming little flower girls in floor-length frocks of pink taffeta and carried colonial nose­ gays of carnations and 'snapdrag­ ons. Mr. Milton the .groom, was the signing of Douglas Gill, of cause.” The wedding f Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter in a dark green wool flannel suit with green and brown accessories and wore a corsage of 'yellow Talis­ man roses. Corporal Donald Blair, brother of the groom, was best man. Messrs. Andrew and Bernard Flana­ gan, brothers' of the bride, were ushers. ' .The wedding dinner was serve'd at the home of the bride to the im-( mediate families. Misses Grace And-' rew; Xva Fisher and Marie Buswell, ’ friends of the bride, served the din­ ner. In the late afternoon Mr, and Sweitzer, cousin of best man. During the register, Mr. Mrs. Blair left for the States on Clinton, sang “ Be- - • — .... I _ ____________ dinner was served 1 and t___- ' •' to over sixty guests by Misses Na-|broWn accessories. thalie Hutchinson, -Evelyn * Curts, Olive Walpei’ and Mrs. Douglas Gill. For her son’s wedding Mrs. Ratz chose a dress of aqua green wool with corsage of pink carnations, while Mrs. Isaac wore a dress of Canadian blue crepe with corsage of pink carnations. The bride and groom left on a motor trip to northern points, the bride travelling in a two-piece suit of brown wool with matching ac­ cessories. On their return the young ( couple will reside on the groom’s; farm in Stephen Township. their honeymoon. The bride tra­ velled in a mist brown wool dress ----1 camel -hair polo coat with On their return on the groom’sthey will reside farm. Post-Nuptial Shower miscellaneous shower was heldA at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles ’Rollings last Thursday evening in ! honor of the former Miss Kay Flana- ’gan, who was married recently. The J forepart of the evening was spent , in games and community singing I and readings by Miss Vioia Rollings, “The Farmer’s Life” aiid “An Es­ say on Man” by Mrs. Donald Mc­ Williams. Mrs. Joseph Conlin acted as chairlady and Mrs. James Hall read an apropriate address, after which Lena Futton and Jean Flana­ gan, dressed as bride and groom, drew in a wagon laden with pink and white boxes in the form of a wedding cake, containing many use­ ful gifts. Atei* a brief word of thanks from Kay, lunch was served. GREENWAY’ Anniversary services will 'be held in the United Church on Sunday at 2.45 and 7.30 p.m. with Rev. Cleave, as the minister. The monthly meeting of the Red". Cross Society will be held in the? Corbett School on Monday eveningj, October 12. Bert Brophey, of the R.C.A.F., To­ ronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brophey. Mr. .and Mrs. Russell Brown vis­ ited on Sunday Arkona. Mr. troit, home Mr. London, spent the week-end with •her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stee­ per. A large crowd attended the Red Cross chicken supper * last Wednes­ day night. Proceeds amounted to over $300.00. with relatives- at English, of De­ week-end at his Seibourne spent the here, and Mrs. Doug. McGregor, of KIRKTON Agnes Ross, of the R.C.A.F., Gu­ elph, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Truman Tufts. Private Mildred Gallop, of Trin­ ity Barracks, Toronto, was a week­ end guest with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marshall. Miss Shirley Moser, of spent the week-end with trice Doupe. Miss Roxie Doupe and zel Williams, of Exeter, spent Sun­ day with friends at Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hodge and Miss Gladys Hodge, of Goderich, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe. Miss Ha- Stratford, Miss Bea- •f 0 v