HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-10-01, Page 8THE OTB TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1st, 1942 V’s Beauty Shoppe ft * «! For Permanents of Lasting Beauty, Eugene* Spiral, Croquinole, <?<W* bination, Mackhieless WM C. DECKER, Prop. Phono 112 Evenings by Appointment Exeter Markets Wheat, 87c, Creamery butter. 39 c. Eggs, A Large, 43e. Eggs. Medium, 42c. Eggs, B, 31c. Dressed Hogs, $14.3$. HuiiiiiiiiniHiiiiinuinHiHinnHiiiiHHin s GOOD EYESIGHT Stewart’s laxi Save Tires and Gasoline For your future convenience ship your hogs with local trucker where get the highest prices yield is your PATRIOTIC DUTY e Whether you sit at home knitting for the Bed Cross or work at a bench, youth­ like vision makes you more efficient. The better you see the better you work. your and We are now in a position to give prompt Taxi Service to and from Airport and also to neighboring towns and villages. Most modern transportation at no extra cost. Call ——— 155w, Exeter—— anytime during the day or night Stewart J — Garage □ * SWING and SWAY at Exeter’s New — DANCELAND — (The old Opera House) vritli Benny Palmer Every Thursday Night Dancing Saturday Night A The Hairdressers of Exeter, Hensail, Zurich and Dashwood will observe the following hours: * | Archie Etherington | ~ Phone 171H1, Exeter = ^liinHiinniiiniuiniinniniiiniiniiiiinT C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Office open every week day except Wednesday IIHlIUHUlHIIlIlinillllHUIlIIIIHniUllllll I i ! 1 11 nwu 11 irrn iHaw» i I I Snell, of Camp week-end at his LOCALS Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe AU Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday 9 to 12 a.m. Friday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. A WOOD’S ELECTRIC GRINDER IS A FARM NECESSITY r Now, more than ever, a Wood’s Electric Grinder is a necessity on your farm. It saves labor, tires, gas and chopping costs. Owing to Government restrictions limiting the number of Grinders to be manufactured, we suggest you get in touch with us at once. WM. J. THOMSON * - Agent —■ Centralia Phone Kirkton, 48r4 Leavitt’s Theatre- ^Exeter Ont.Phone 135 -'Owing to the necessity of saving power the show will start at 8.15 promptly. One complete showing ■ only, except Saturday, when it will is tart at 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY —Two Nights Only— two features “Canal Zane’ Starring— CHESTER MORRIS, STEWART ERWIN and an All-Star cast “The Gang’s All Here” starring— EDWARD EVERET HORTON and OTTO KRUGER FRIDAY AND SATURDAY —Two Nights Only- A Jack London story with—GLEN FORD and CLAIRE TREVOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY Tivo Nights Only-— Virginian” starring'—FRANK MORGAN Newly-Wed Husband: “Do you mean to say there’s only one course for dinner tonight? Just cheese?” Wife; "Yes, dear. You see, when, the ehops caught fire and fell into the sweets I had to use the sotip to it out,” Trooper Charles Borden, spent the home here. Mr. Silas Reed, the week-end with his. aunt, Miss Alice Handford. Mr. W. J. Powell, who has been on business in Stratford, was home for the week-end. Mrs. H. Dayman, of Hensail, spent a few days last week with friends in Exeter. Spr. Gordon McTavish, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with his grandmother, Mrs. Taylor. Mr, George S. Beavers, of Blan- shard, is visiting his brother, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F.^Beavers. Mrs. E. H- Beaver ’is in Toronto to visit foi* a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patrick. Mr. and Mrs. ited on Sunday Albin Fawcett, Miss Ferrol spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher. Visitors over the week-end with Mr.'and Mrs. W. T. Quinn were Mr, and Mrs. Jack McAvoy, of London. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, as_ county delegate, is attending annual week. Miss arines, her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. William Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wanless and Miss Marguerite Vincent, of London, vis­ ited with Mrs. C. A. Southcott on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A, Inglis and children, of Forest, spent Sunday with Mrs. Inglis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Darling., Private Jean R. Wilson, of the C.W.A.C., N.M. hospital, Nanaimo, B.C., visited with Miss Annie iFish over the week-end. Mrs. William Dow, Mrs. Ernest Dow and Miss Bessie Dow, of Roy’s, were ■'recent visitors with Rev. and Mrs. James Anthony. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie have been transferred from Hespeler to Centralia where Mr. Lammie is em­ ployed at the C.N.R. depot. Mrs. McAvoy and Miss A. -L. .San­ ders have returned home after iting for two weeks with Mr. Mrs, H. Gill at Grand Bend. Sgt. McKay and Mrs. McKay family have moved into one of _ Jas, Lawson’s apartments” recently vacated by Cpl. C,' R. and Mrs. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gould, of Clin­ ton, and Mr. Thos. Elliott, of town, visited with the - Mr, William Elliott, of Kirkton, on Sunday. Mr. Robert Johnson, of Brantford, and Mrs. Johnson, of Wingham, spent the week-end with the lat­ ter’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. E. R.- Hopper. Messrs. Leslie Mitchell and George Andrew, of town, left Sunday after­ noon for Fort William, where they will be engaged with a construction company. Mr, J. E. Thomson and son Craig, of Toronto, visited with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Thom­ son and other relatives during the past week. Pte. S. Grant Sanders, of Haddon­ field, N.J., U.S. Army to become Sioux City, Mr. arid have returned to their home in To. ronto. nursing her Walker, of Stephen. The Main Street United Church Young People are resuming their fall activities this week with a wein- er roast on Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuokey. Mr. and Mrs. William Corbett, Cpl. and Mrs, Douglas Triebner and son and Mr, Jetson Corbett visited relatives in Exeter over the week­ end. Cpl. Triebner received stripes lakt Week. Mr. and Mrs. I. O’Neil, Mr. Mrs; C, Reynolds'and Mr, and ____ K, J, Bell and daughter Carolyn, of Hamilton, were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs; Emerson Cornish and daughter Donna, of town, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wenner, Alice and Billie, also Mr. and Mrs, Ed Bates, an of London, spent the week-end with Mr. J, H. Hookey and Mr. X H.^Hookey, Jr., on the occasion of Mrs. Helen Wenner’e 'birthday. Of Sarnia, spent Wilbert Martin vis- with Mr. and Mrs. of Orangeville. Fisher, of Sarnia, ■to convention in Edith Hunter, is spending /•1 the W.C.T.U. Ottawa this of St. Gath- this week with vis- and and Mr. latter's brother enlisted recently in the and, is taking a course a wireless operator at S.D, Mrs. Richard Penhale Mrs. Penhale has been sister, Mrs. .George Taxi Service —Phone— Day 100 Night 371 Bicycles to Rent SNELL BROS. & CO, Phone 14-6 t ICAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bev. John Galloway Mrs. J* Cortirajie, .Organist 10 a.m..—Sunday School. 11 ami.—Morning Service. 7 p.m.—Evening Service. Caven Congregation' Circle will meet October 6, at the home of Mrs. Mason, MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev. N,. J. AVpods, M.A., Minister Mi's. A. Y. Willard, Organist 10,30 a.m.™-’Public Worship Church School.'—Communion, 7 p.m,—Public Worship—-The Min­ ister. Wednesday, Sept. 30, 8 p.m.—Y.P, at Oscar Tuekey's. Monday, October 3, 8 p.m.’—Quar­ terly meeting of the Official Board, JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, A. R. Irwin, B.A. , W. R, Goulding, A.T.O.M. ' Organist and Choir Leader HARVEST HOME SERVICES Under Auspices of Women’s Assoc, 11a.m.—“The Consecration of Life” 3 7 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class p.m.—“God’s Acreage” The Minister will preach. Special music by the choir as­ sisted by Arthur Palmer, of Lon­ don, TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFauI Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity 10'a.m.—Holy Communion 11 a.m.—Sunday School ■Evensong and \Sermon Tomlinson “Hair Dressers” specializing in Personality Haircutting Fingerwaving PERMANENTS l7 ThT’Rev. Canon James Exeter ’ We offer a fine selection of the newest styles, Lovely tweeds in fitted and loose models These aye very smart numbers. Also a fine range pf fur collared coats that are out­ standing values ■iiiniiiiniiHjiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiHiBiiniiniiniiu Kenwood AW Wool Blankets Jn all the best selling plain shades. As well as two-toned reversible. Let us put pne away for Christmas. Pay a dollar a week down and a dollar a week until paid for. When you buy Kenwood you buy the best. w Girls’, Boys’ and Men’s All Wool Sweaters These were all bought months ago and we cannot duplicate them. We offer a big range of patterns and we would suggest that you buy early. Ibex and Fancy Check Flannelette Blankets- We have about 100 pair left with colored borders and fancy checks. We offer these at the very low price of per pair $2.65 Check Esmond Blankets This is a warm cosy blanket that gives lots of wear and gives splendid satisfaction. Buy several at this very special price. Each $2.50 / / Beautiful New Curtains for Living and Dining Rooms We have been waiting for them for weeks. Lovely new patterns and weaves that will brighten up youir home and make it look so much cosier. At per yard % 89c $1.00 to $1.75 l WE SELL WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Get the habit of buying them each week. Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday arid Saturday LOCALS Mr. Ernie Hill, of Port Huron, visited with friends around town. Lieut. Grafton Cochrane, of Kit­ chener, visited at his home here over the week-end. Mrs, John Kemp, of Toronto, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. and Mr, Kenneth Hockey. Mr, and Mrs, B. M, Francis visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Francis in Woodstock on Sunday. Pte. Stanley Frayne, of Lis^owel, spent the week-end with his par­ ents; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne. Mr. Barry Wenger -spent the week-end as the guest of IF'lying, Officer H. G. Keillor at the Hagers- ville Airport. Mrs. Chas, Birney is .leaving next week to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. D. F. Ferguson and Mr, Ferguson, in Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Quance were in Kippen on Saturday l.gst attend­ ing the wedding of Miss Doris Alex-' ander and Mr. Cecil- Dilling, which took place in the Kippen United Church. On Friday last .Herbert Jones, Kippen and his father, Mr. Win. Jones, of St. Thomas, Where he living with his son, Arthur, formerly of Exeter, enjoyed a pleasant visit with W. H. Johnston. Herbert had been one of Mr. Johnston’s pupils in No, 14, Stanley, and,, the father was. one of his trustees for several years. On Sunday another of Mr. Johns­ ton's former pupils in the same school, George E, Stephenson, -C.E., county engineer for Bruce, and his two sons, Robert and George, all of Walkerton, and accompanied by his mother, Mrs, Robert Stephenson, her son, Herbert, and her nephew, Les­ lie Alton, all of Varna, came for a little reunion with W. H. Johns­ ton, who is delighted "beyond mea­ sure that his old friends and pupils do not forget to come to see bim. On Saturday his niece, nee Miss Grace Blake, B.A., late principal of Drumbo Continuation School, and her husband, Mr. Donald T. McIver, of Lucknow, were also welcome visi­ tors with Mr. Johnston. The hap­ py young couple had been married on Thursday and were on their honeymoon among friends and for­ mer pupils of the bride. After their return they will live on the groom’s farm near Lucknow. of J. is PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Worship ' 7.34) p.m.—Evangelistic Wednesday, 8 p.m.’—Prayer meet­ ing. All are welcome. pastor—E. Clemens ST. PETER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH South of Centralia on Highway No. 4 Mass" will be celebrated as follows: August 16th and 30th, Septembei 13th and 37th, October 11th and 27th at 9 o’clock 3 All other Sundays at 11 o’clock TAXI SERVICE will leave’ Snell’s Garage each Sunday 30 minutes be­ fore each Mass and will return after the; service. Miss -Doris Hay was in " Toronto Friday of last week. 4. Pte. Wes. Ryckman, of London, s$ent the week-end at his home here. ■■ ■ A.C.2 Gerald Lawson spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson. Gerald has been transferred from Camp Borden to the Bglington Hunt Club, Toronto. GIVES ALL THE NEWS TILLSON’S QUICK COOKING OATS Large Package..........................................19c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR s .Per package— ............ ............................16c NEW DATES Limited quantity, perFpound, GREEN GAGE PLUMS ,'15.oz. till, per can........... GOLDEN -WAX BEANS Aylmer brand, per tin..... Pastry flour Snowflake brand, 24 qz. bag................69c FLUFFS Large pkgk 39c; medium 29c; 8 qt.. 19c QUICK PUDDINGS Gold Medal brand, per package.... CATELLFS cut noodles Per" package..............................•»........... NEW PACK GREEN PEAS Choice quality. ... 25c 9c,14c 2 tins 25c12c ...,5c Phone 16 Exe- of the an and the use of . The certificates were given In the absence of Mrs. Creech, Jeckell called attention to er- in the knitting, some knitters joining their yarn with l<Ots> STEP INTO FALL WITH A NEW FELT RED CROSS NEWS A general meeting of all the .un­ its of the Exeter Red Cross Branch in Caven Presbyterianwas held ichurch on Monday afternoon, Sep­ tember ! Mrs. The ■ and The I (I 28. The vice-president, I. Sanders, occupied the chair, meeting opened with a hymn, prayer by Rev. Mr. Galloway, roll call by units was respond­ ed to by a goodly representation from nearly all units. The treasur­ er’s report showed a balance on [hand at the present time of $3,700. [The report of the jam committee was [given by Miss Jeckell and showedIf you want all the news of _ ter and its trading area, read the j 720 lbs. of jam and 1 case of hon- Exeter Times-AdvOcate.’ $2.00 a(ey shipped to headquarters. yeai’ and worth .more. : ARE YOU RUPTURED? Did You Ever Buy a Truss that Didn’t Fit? That Can't Happen Her© are Properly Fitted byYou Experienced Fitter in oiir Private Truss Room and Protected by a Signed, Money-Back Guarantee Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter a(ey shipped to headquarters. The [committee Wished to thank all who •contributed money for fruit “m'! James St, church for the j their splendid kitchen. Mrs. Weekes, convener Home Nursing course, reported 327 istudents had taken the course and 1278 had attended 7'5% of the lec- '[ turns, ! out. ‘Miss i rors (still some knitting too tightly and some [too loosely. Mrs. T. Coates favor- !ed with a solo. Mrs. Sanders wel- 4 corned Squadron Leader Rev. F. F. ’ Crankshaw,- padre at the Centralia Airport,- who was the speaker for the Harvest Home Festival James St. United Church W.A Sunday, October 4th Mrs. REV* A* B. IRWIN will be thb miriisfer at both services SPECIAL MUSIC WILL BE RENDERED BY THE CHOIR assisted by Arthur Palmer, boy soloist Bt. Paul’s Cathedral It’s 'time to look to autumn! There’s nothing like a new hat to put you in the swing, We - have a handsome collection * of Felts for Fall. Just the thing J;o give you the best- dressed feeling! These hats go anywhere, straight through your busy day! We Feature Famous Adam and Morgan Models W. W. TAMAN The Store for Men afternoon. The padre spoke ‘Cameos of War Time Britain” his address was most interest- and entertaining. He said the Cross was doing wonderful work in relieving the suffering caus­ed by the war and the Red Cross parcels were the 'bright spot in lives of the prisoners of war. described life in England at present time and said, “Bombs 1 great levellers in both senses of | word.” Mrs. Sanders thanked the He the are the .. . . ____ all |who had assisted at the meeting, and the managers of the church for the use of the building. The meeting closed with the National Anthem and one minute of silent prayer,, \ Notice Is hereby given to all stu­ dents of. the Home Nursing Course that the Course starting this week is hot the Wai* Emergency Course •but a repetition of the Home Nurs­ ing Course of last spring, This i I class is now fined. • Wins Scholarship Miss Margaret IzE, Wethey, R.N., who received her High School train­ ing in Exeter, and who now resides in Orange* N»J., has* received a telegram from Caroline Di Donato, director of Public Nursing for New­ ark, informing her of the award of a Federal scholarship at Seton Hall, The scholarship carries with it tu­ ition fees and sustenation allowance. Miss Wethey, who is a daughter of E. J, Wethey, of Exeter, has for some time upon her completion daily of her hospital duties, devoted eve­ nings to study for her -degree in public health nursing1. Now, af­ ter completing about 70 per cent of the required Work all with “A” standing, she began -this week car­ rying a full-time semester schedule, at the govern- in the At graduation she will be call of the United States ment for service anywhere Union. Times-Advocate Your Weekly News Letter If you want to-buy it week .by week it may be bought at Chainway Store Cole’s Drug Store Browning’s Drug Store Robertson’s Drug Store Times-Advocate Office 1 Have you wnM youi* subscrip­ tion^ .M a copy