The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-09-24, Page 61942
haven’t been fortunate
1 Survey Regt,
assisted his
to go
you people back there
the brunt of rationing
for your kind re-,
the boys overseas.
most of the Exeter
the First Hussars
they all seem to
very well, but I
lovely and
• weeks’
she carried
take up
the fall
Everything fitted in
was indeed a great
We moved to a new camp the
following the arrival of your
The move, taking four days,
left me With no spare time on
L.Bdr. G. O-. DesJardine,
12th Army Field Bty., R.C.A.,
7th Army Field Regt., (A.F.),
Her brown
.green bows
she wore an
green coat
parcel yesterday
glad to get it as
We are very
hardly get any . time
so when we get a
write letters. •■
anything new over
Yours sincerely,
■Spr, D. W. Fritchard
* *
Somewhere in England,
August 10,
Your friend, •'
Cpl. Allen, L. A4214,
C, Sqn.,
Army Overseas
jp y *
Somewhere in England.
August 7, 1942
daughter of Mrs. James Coo-
12th A.T.Bn.,
Axmiy Overseas.
* * *
England, August 2, 1942
this way ahead of
to face much more
It seems that the
kind of beverage
one’s meals should
• ........ - ■'■■■ •• ■ i ~
* *
put in onions
drain, Cover
mixture made
Received your
welcome parcel ;
being on a two
* * *
+ *
single day,”
away to play.
—Lois Snelling
Picture show ci ;
rotk, on tm portant
part of a recent
Hydro power
• development '
Letters to the War Jime Board
4 Woman’s Workshop {from the Boys in England
5, 1942
Here’I sit, at my breakfast, with the morning sunshine lying across
the cloth. Outside the window-pane the morning glories bare their blue
bosoms to reflect the September sky. A tiny white butterfly comes
hovering for a moment and is we. Then a great blustering bumble
bee comes for his morning rneul, dragging down the gossamer bell, as
he talm his fill. In all humility I ask myself how this should be, that
I (and you) should be allowed to pass our days amid such loveliness,
while the rest Of the world walks the tortured path to. martyrdom.
Assuredly it is not of our own deserving that thus it is. Let us remember
that “to whom much is given, of him shall much be required.”
-—The Missus
as bad as a bunch of children at
Xmas time.
Thanking you again for the par
cel and ^wishing you the best of
Conforming to the regulations
for the use of a minimum amount
of material, the new dresses are
built on slim,, close-fitting lines, in
many eases showing fulness around
the hips. Trimmings of fringe
and sequins are again in evidence.
These have not been seen for a long
For farm buildings a disinfectant
whitewash may be desired. Here is
a recipe recommended by the Do
minion Experimental Station
Scott, Saskatchewan. Dissolve
pounds of lime in eight gallons
boiling water; add six gallons
hot water which has ten pounds
salt and one pound of alum dissolv
ed in it. Add a can of lye to every
25 gallons of the mixture. Add
a pound of cement to every three
gallons gradually and stir thorough
ly. The alum prevents the wash
rubbing off, and the cement makes
a more creamy mixture easy to apply
and covering more surface. A quart
of creosol disinfectant may be used
instead of lye, but lye is preferreftd
when the color is to be kept white.
* * *
“Blessed be grain-sacks,"' the far
mer’s wife said,
As she stitched away with down
bent head;
Here’s skix-ts for Nancy, and shirts
for Jack,
If they do say “Lay-Mash” across
the back—
Hexje’s towels and lunch-cloths and
curtains too,
Colored nicely, I’think they will do.
They are just as clean and white
as snow
the homespun ones we used
long ago.
“Blessed be grain-sacks,” the
farmer's wife said
As she sang and stitched with down
bent head..
* * *
When. Bunnies Px*ay
I like to watch a bunny pray—
He does it such a cunning way.
He sits upon his fuzzy tail
Beside the lettuce dr the kale;
And then, as solemn as can be,
He folds his paws so quietly.'
He nevei* moves h part of him
Except his lips ... I think with them
He says, “Deax' Lord, fox' all the
You give the bunnies, when they’re
I thank you
And then he
It has been announced that the
British government has taken ovex’
all stocks of tea and will ration
these to the Empire as a whole. We
will only be allowed our proportion,
so we may have
limited rations,
matter of what
one drinks with
not be so important, but an amazing
number of people depend greatly
on the “cup that cheers”.* *
A while ago we spoke in the
“Workshop” of the dairying activi-.
ties that had been portrayed in the
sculptures of Babylon. Now there
have been discovered, amid the ex
cavated ruins of buried Pompeii,
dry-cleaning establishments. The
cleaning was done .with a fine white
clay. This is still use.d in cosmetics
and we know it as “fuller’s earth”.
It must be a very old bleacher, for
you may remember that the Bi'ble
i speaks of robes that were white
I “as no fuller on earth can whiten
I them”. These little common house-
. hold needs seem to make for a
I continuity with bygone ages, andt
help us to realize that we are not
greatly .different from all the women
who have passed
Thirty-seven of every hundred
planes turned off the assembly lines
in Britain are made of salvaged ma-
; terial. This knowledge gives a J
greater significance to oux* small
contribution of scrap.
• * ♦
About the very best thing we saw
at the Fair was a small. girl with
a package of Kreckley-Nut.
be done with a small amount of
material skilfully mishandled.
The exhibits in the women's sec-
' tion seemed to be below par in quan-
• tity, but, some of the work was
lovely. I thought the pansy quilt
a great success', the shades of color
were so well chosen and the quilt
ing very nearly perfect. Noticing
the luncheon sets of heavy crochet,
it seems that women are at last
■ showing sense in getting away from
all the work entailed in laundering
heavy white cloths, especially dur
ing the winter months. No one who
lias once fallen to the lure of the
luncheon doilies, will ever want to
return to the old table-covering.
One could not help feeling sorry
for the poor Shorthorns. They
were undoubtedly the most impor
tant of the exhibits, -but fox* all that
they were more aware of the heat
than of the honor-and-glory. If
one of the big lads had suddenly
broken loose from his stanchion,
wouldn’t there have been a scatter
The Red Cross exhibit was inter
esting. It is wonderful what may
be accomplished hy determined and
united effort. Organization does
the trick.
Xt would have been a great year
for a baby show. There were plenty
of them there and all in class “A”.
These young mothers certainly know
how to bring up healthy and. hap-
py children. Book-babies seem to
prove the rightness of modern in
vestigation into the subject of pro
por feeding. One seldom hears
crying baby any more.
i, •* # * 4r * sir $ sir Si’
Olive oil applied to the hair
or any other object will re- *
move gum. *I* $ i|i * * * * # * ifr * * * >
had done things to that other-
tidy tid-bit, and the little one
smeared from chin xto heels
oh! how 'she loved it.) She
a living example of what nan
England, Aug.
Exeter War Time Comm.:
Received parcel—-many
everything was wonderful,
over here are hard to get
'we have to have coupons for nearly
Sincerely yours,
Boy Kirk
England, Aug. 8, 1942
* *
Exeter War Time
I received youi'
and sure was very
everything is very useful to use ovei'
here. We can’t get anything with
out coupons and they are very dear,
just like buying gold,
busy now and
to ourselves,
break we just
There isn’t
here, just the same thing day after
The weather this last month
nasty. It rains near-
It sure can raiix here
starts it don’t know
We haven’t had any
am, but in some places
has been very
)y every day.
and when it
when to quit,
raids now for months,
where I
they sure are getting it.
Well, I don’t know any more
news now so will close, thanking
you and all who made it possible
for us to receive parcels. I sure
appreciate it very much.
Yours sincerely,
Sgmn. C. C. Cornish
scheme up into Wales it was sure
swell to return and find mail for
us. It sure gives us fellows over
here a different outlook on life
when we receive word from home.
I suppose
are feeling
So far I
enough to meet any of the Exeter
boys but most of them are in anoth
er branch of the service. I really
don’t suppose I’d know many of
them, as it seems some time since
I attended high school there.
Well, I’ll say ‘so long’ and thanks
a million for the gifts; Hope this
finds all you people, back there in
the be'st of health.
Your indebted friend,
G. O. DesJardine
7th Canadian Field Coy.,
Royal Canadian Engineers,
Canadian Army Overseas.
England, Aug. 8, 1942
Exeter War Time Comm.:
Received the parcel that was sent
ovex' by the town and district, I
wish to thank you all for the parcels
that have been sent ovei’ and I as
sure you that we all appreciate them.
As anything from Canada comes
first in quality to us, the parcels
sent over by the committees of the
various towns are certainly appre
ciated, but most of all by those who
have actually no relations back home.
Believe me, when those lads get a
parcel from a town or community
that they Iiv$d in or worked in it
sure does them a world of good.
Thanking you again fox' the par
cel and wishing you all the best' of
9 Hydro powers hundreds of plants that
produce the weapons to bring peace.
The tempo of the war effort is increasing
.,, More weapons must be produced ...
As a result, the demand for electricity
is intensified.
Before the War.there was power to
spare...Now, even with greatly increased
supplies... as a result of important new
developments, either completed or {under
construction ... a critical power shortage
threatens our War effort.
To meet this shortage, lights In streets,
shops, show windows arid signs are being
strictly curtailed or turned out, by Order
of the Dominion Power Controller. This
however, will provide only part of the
saving necessary..
Why these restrictions now? The effect
of the shorter hours of daylight and the
seasonal changes in the use of electricity
during the Fall and Winter months together
With added war load, impose greatly
increased demands on present plants now
loaded to capacity.
Each one of us must do our “bit.” In
the home, office or shop, the “turning-on"
of one unnecessary switch is a waste of
Hydro. Our War plants must have the
power they need, Do your part—-see that
they get ill Save electricity today and
every day in every way possible.
Directions fox* making relishes
and pickles, togethei’ with many re
cipes, will be found in the circular,
“Wartime Pickles and Relishes”,
which may 'be obtained by writing
to Publicity and Extension Division
Dominion Department of Agricul
ture, Ottawa.
Dill Pickles
Place a layer of dill in the bottom
of a crock. Fill it to within three
inches of the top with washed cu
cumbers of from three to four in
ches in length. Add another layer
of dill. Prepare a brine, using 1
lb. salt, 1 pint vinegar, and two
gallons boiling water. Allow to
cool to room temperature and pour
over cucumbers. Cover with a plate
and weight so that the brine com
pletely covers the cucumbers. Let
stand ten days to two weeks or un
til active fermentation has stopped.
When scum forms it should ‘be re
moved. Pack pickles in sterilized
jars, adding a little dill to each. jar.
in a
Just a few lines to express my
sincere gratitude to each and every
member of the Exeter District War
Time Committee for remembering
me with such a lovely gift in the
hour of need,
perfectly and
I manage to
boys who are
quite oftexx and
be getting along
don’t think any of them, including
myself, will be sorry when this
dreadful affair is over. We do,
however, have grand times on
our leaves and the people treat us
wonderfully well.
Thanking you again for youx'
lovely gift, I’ll close. Always glad
to hear from you.
Sincerely yours,
-Andrew Bierling
A516 Tpr. A. J. Bierling,
H.Q. Sqn., 6th Armored Div., (1H,),
5th Canadian Armored Division,
Canadian Army Overseas.
England, Aug. 3, 1942
Exeter and Dist. War Time Comm.:
Am happy to be able to send my
heartfelt thanks for the parcel
which I received yesterday, like
wise to announce that I am out of
the hospital and ba‘ck to work.
Yours sincerely,
E: L. Cornish
A29154 E. L. Cornish,
26 L.A.D., R-C.O.C.,
Att. No.
powei* canal
blasted through
tell you
-it' is
is to be hoped
with the job
To get it over
back home to
brine 5 minutes, cool, and
over pickles. Seal and. store
cool place.
(For Salad for Winter Use)
Wash, peel, and slice cucumbers;
pack in a crock in .layers beginning
wit-h a layer of salt, then a layer of
sliced cucumbers until the crock is
filled; finish with a layer of salt;
put a plate and weight on top. Soak
in cold water overnight -before us
ing, changing the watex* several
Sour Pickles, Vegetables
(Onions, cucumber, cauliflower
green tomato)
These' vegetables may be
separately or mixed. Wash
prepare; make a brine, using
quarts of boiling water and
stand for two days,
covex' with more brine,
two days and drain again,
using onions, take fresh brine and
heat, to boiling point’;
and boil 3 minutes;
vegetables with pickle
as follows:
Tie spice in cheesecloth bag
. boil in Vltiogai’ 1'0 minutes;
oven vegetables; bottle.'
pour over vegetables and let
Drain and
Let stand
gallon vinegar
cup sugar (optional)
red peppers
sticks cinnamon
tablespoons whole spice
tablespoons mace
* * *
England, Aug. 11, 1942
Deai’ Friends:
• Many thanks for your gift re
ceived a few days ago. I am very
sorry I didn’t answer it immediate
my hands. I do wish to thank every
one concerned
membrance to
These gifts are appreciated right to
the bottom of our hearts.
There isn’t much to
about our life in England-
very monotonous. It
we soon get started
we came over to do.
with so we can come
live our lives in a normal manner.
I shall close now, trying to show
my appreciation once more by
thanking everyone a million times
for your splendid parcel.
Ydurs respectfully,
Jack Brintnell
A4099 Pte. J, C. Brintnell,
R.C.R.,' H.Q. Coy.,
Canadian Army Overseas.
* * *
England, Aug. 5,
Exetei’ War Time Comm.:
I wish to thank you for the par
cel. I was so pleased t6 receive it.
There are always a few of the boys
around when you open your par
cels, looking for something to eat.
When they saw those biscuits and
bars there was no getting rid of
them until I had passed them around.
But we are all the same as fax’ as
parcels go. I think we are just
Fijw people, especially children,
'escape an^ attack of summer Com
plaint during the hot weather.
Summer complaint begins with a
profuse diarrhoea very often accom
panied by vomiting and purging.
The matter excreted from the
stomach has a bilious appearance,
and that from the bowels Watery,
whitish, ill-smelling, or even odorless.
When the children show any sign
of looseness of the bowels the mother
should administer a f ew doses of Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw
berry so aS io bring Quick relief,
This medicine has been on the
market for the past 94 years. Re
fuse substitutes. They may bo
Get “Dr. Fowler’s’' and feel saf&
, T, Milburn Co., Lid., Toronto, Ont.
Dear Friends:
Just a few short lines to let you
know I received youi’ vexy welcome
parcel yesterday. It is certainly
.appreciated. I am . in a barrack
room with four other fellows and
we all had- a share of it.
ly is
fifteen months.
present and find it quite interest
ing. Have been on it three months
now and have fourteen weeks
The summer here has been
a wet one. Have had very
nice weather.
Well, must close now. Again
thanks very much for the very wel
come parcel. Best regards to all
at Exeter. „
Yours sincerely,
•E. P. Learn
A2355 Sgt. E. P. Learn, '
No. 1 Radio Location Unit,
Canadian Army Overseas.
It certain-
nice to hear from you people
home. Seems quite a while
I left and I’ve certainly Seen
a bit of old England. Have
shifted all over for the past
A>m on a course at
The following account was taken
from the Windsor Daily Star and
refers to .a grandson of Mrs. John
Snell, of Windsoi’, a former resi
dent of Exeter. The groom’s moth
er is an Exetexvold girl, hex’ maidexi
name being Miss Vera Snell:
“In an exquisite setting of all-
white flowers, gladioli and chrys
anthemums, banked before the fire
place to form a background for a
small altar in the living room of the
bride’s mother’s home, “Cooper
Court,” Miss Geraldine Edith
pex’ and the late Mr. Cooper,
united in marriage, at high
to Mr. Robert Churchill McDonald,
of Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.
Herbert McDonald, of Victoria ave
nue. The Rev. Dr. H. M. Paulin, of
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church,
■ The bride,-who was given in mar
riage by hex’ brother, Mr. J. Scott
Cooper, was smartly gowned in
beige taffeta, the bodice fitted, with
elbow-length sleeves featuring turn
ed-back cuffs, and a V-neck, offset
by a pearl necklace, and a very full
skirt of narrow horizontal bands of
the taffeta and matching net. Her
'tiny off-the-face straw featured
apple-green flowers, the stems form
ing the cap itself, and her bouquet
was of palest mauve bebe chrysan
themums around a centre of rust
colored asters,' tied with green rib
bon to match her hat.
Hei’ sister, Mrs. Webster T. Ma
guire, of Vancouver, who is here
especially to attend her as .-matron
of honor, was in apple green crepe,
fashioned on princess lines, with a
V-neck, and elbow-length ’ sleeves,
and over it went a redingote of the
same hue, embroidered down the
front. Her tiny hat was of black
ribbon, off-the-face, with pale' pink
camellias in front, and
pale pink asters and
Mr. Jack E. Smith
cousin as best man, and Miss Anna
MacVicar, of Toronto, a former
classmate of >the bride at the Toron
to . Conservatory of Music, wearing
a princess style frock of dark blue,
with a white pique collar and dark
blue felt hat tr.immed with a veil
and feathers, played the wedding
Table in White
The bride’s table was centred with
the wedding cake in a bed of white
flowers, flanked by burning white
tapers. .
Mr, and Mrs. McDonald flew east
fox' theii’ wedding trip, the bride
traveling- in a brown crepe frock,
the bodice all accordion pleated,
with a round neck, and a front pep
lum similarly pleated,
hat was trimmed with
and brown veiling, and
orchid, and carried a
trimmed at the neck
with beaver.
On itheii" return they - will
residence at 1084 VanDyke
The bride attended Tochterinstitut
in Teuson, Switzerland, and also the
Conservatoire de Ribaupierre, in
Lausanne, well as the Toronto
Conservatory of Music, and
bridegroom, attended Grinnell Col
lege, in Grinnell, Iowa, and was
graduated from the University of
The regular meeting of the La
dies’ Aid will be held Thursday,
October 1st, in the evening at 8,.3z0
in the United church. AU
are asked to the present,
ments will .be made for
Anniversary services which were
held at the United church on Sunday
last were well attended and the
church was filled to capacity at
both services to hear Rev. Reba
Hern, of Varna. The choii’ render
ed appropriate .music.
Dr. and Mrs. Beau, of London,
were Sunday visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Divine.
Mr. and Mrs. Ford McGregor and
son, of Parkhill, visited on Sun
day with the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W, Desjardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mollard, >of
Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lamport,
of -Crediton, attended the anniver
services here on Sunday.
Mrs. Mollard were guests
and Mrs. L. Finkbeiner
and Mrs. Lamport visited
and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer.
■Sunday next, September 27,
ly Day service will be held at
at the church. A program is ‘being
prepared with Mrs. Milton Ratz in
(Corn picking is the ordei’ of
day in this community.
Mr. Garfield Brock, of Thedford,
visited on Sunday with Mr.
Mrs. Sherwood Brock.
Mr. Wilbert Batten and Mr.
net Johns were in Chatham on
urday with their beet seed.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ^Prance and
baby, of London, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mi’S. John Prance.
Mrs. Harry Murch and < Lonnie,
of London, spent Thursday with her
mother, Mrs. George Delbridge.
Sunday visitors with Mr,
Mrs, Wm. Patton, of Detroit;
and Mrs. Glenn McLean,
elhurst, Mr. and JM
Kenneth and Jack,
Mr. Philip Hern.
Mrs. S» A. Davis,
spending a tew days
Mrs. Theron Greery,
ing .her birthday,
Theron Or eery were. Mr. and
of Ollis-
X L. Hern,
of Zion, and
of Kirktdii, is
with Mis and
also celobrat*
* Varnishes • Paints
Enamels -Wax
sale H.S. WALTER
“w Exeter