HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-09-24, Page 44 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24th, 1942 nr MOTHERLANDSNEIL Amid a beautiful setting of flor* al decorations, the, altar- of Brins* ley United (phurch beckoned forth Myrtle Ethelda Neil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Neil, of Brinsley, and Orville Evan Sutherland, of • Mt. Brydges, to their nuptials, the officiating minister being; the Rev. Lawrence church."' the bride displayed ed -by the church being ly filled. -qiuj jeq 4q e^pyjipUT uj: WAif) - er, the bride was lovely in a floor­ length gown of white lace and net over satin fashioned pn princess lines. Her finger-tip veil was held in place with white flowers and a pearl bandeau. She carried a white prayer book with long white strea­ mers and tiny flowers. Mrs. George Lackie, formerly Miss Laura Dixon, the matron of was beautifully gowned in length turquoise blue with Ing shoulder veil. Miss Neil, sister of the bride, in the role of bridesmaid, was becomingly garb­ ed in pink Bheei* with shoulder- length veil to harmonize. The du­ ties of flower girl were charmingly carried out by Ilene Sutherland, „ youthful sister of the groom. Mr. .Aimer Banting, of the R.C.A.F., on furlough from his station in Alber­ ta, very capably supported the groom With Murton Neil and Glair Suther­ land, brothers of the bride and groom respectively carrying out the duties of ushers. Approximately thirty guests hon­ ored the wedding dinner served at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Neil, Later the couple left on a wedding trip to Northern Ontario and upon their return will reside in the Mt. Brydges district. The wedding music was efficient­ ly rendered by Mrs, (Rev.) Law­ rence H, Turner, Mrs. Dan Lewis rendering the vocal selection “Oh Perfect Love”, accompanied by Mrs. Turner, during the signing of the register. Hi Turner, pastor of the The affection ip- which was held and the interest in this event was evidenc- comfortah- honor, floor­ mat ch- Gladys Want Ads — World’s greatest salesmen at your service. |Miss. Lillian Huston; longest putt,. {Mrs, H. H. Cowen; aggregate for sealed holes, Mrs. (Floyd.| Bridge—High score, Mrs. Ri N. j Creech; others in order, Mrs- Earl {Russell, Mrs, Teller,. Mrs. Ulric ! Snell, Mrs. L. Howey, Mrs. G. Lam- STTm™and Si port. Mrs. T.-O. Southcott, Mrs. ». RICCI-PAYNE A pretty wedding was solemniz­ ed in St. Michael’s Cathedral, To­ ronto, on,, Saturday. September 12, at 11 o’clock , high 'mass by Father Lee, when Doris daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Payne, of Exeter, j was united in marriage to Sgt. Vai. ‘ Ricci, R.C.A.F., bw uf M*. .****; Joseph Ricci, of Aidershot. ; C. Si?e, Mrs. A. Elliot* Mrs. Ted < The bride, given in marriage by Davies. Mrs. R. W. Tqckey, Mrs.’ C. her father, was lovely in a floor* lv ■Pip.wwi length gown of white satin on fit-1 v* ted lines with .a long flowing train and a floor-length veil caught with prapge blossoms. She carried red roses and baby’s breath.Mrs. Kepneth Mitchell, of To­ ronto, as, matron of honor and Miss Betty Payne, of Exeter,, as brides­maid, wore gowns of pink and blue taffeta on similar lines with match­ing shoulder-length veils and head­dresses ofi flowers. They carried bouqqets.iM, blue and. pink asters. Mrs. Mitchell wore cameo earrings and Miss Payne a silver bracelet,1 both sifts of the groom. M,. T Ricci assisted his brother as grooms-; man and the ushers were Fit. Sgt. [ Stewart and Cpl. Cooper. A lunch*) eon was held following the eere-j vaiuJU. mony at the Old Mill, the bride’s (Wes. Dearipg. mother receiving in a black triple ------—sheer dress with a silver fox fur,' and matching accessories. The ^room’s mother wore a black crepe dress with matching accessories and both wore corsages of red roses.The young couple left on a honey- P3P0P tp, Niagara Falls, the bride donning a brown tailored suit with Ann&uncemenfs ITS* i ft Birth, Dewth and Marriage .ax^ ire# ht ciiarjfe. Card of Thaakw 50c. .In Ateiaarlnrii tee# 5Qe Xor al»sle- ■yerse, extra. ior eacp addi- Aionrtl verse, Engagement# 50c Classified Directory WHAT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ISN’T ABLE TO SELL THE WORLD POESN’T NERp ATTENDANCE DOWN AT ZURICH FALL FAIR (Continued from page 1) ; Koehler, Russel Manson,Holstein—-Del, Geiger,I Polled Angus—B. Klopp.[ Herd Prize, Beef Type—Wm. Oestrelcher,’ Baby beef in Hay and Stanley- Mr. Jack R, M- Peck & Son. Sheep Lincolns—A. D. Steeper.Oxford Downs—Orval McGowan, Shropshire’^' Downs—Orval Gowan,Leicester—D, A, Graham. Hogs Yorkshire—Del. Geiger, Tamworths—Russel Manson. Three export bacon hogs—D. ____ Qeiger.a red fox fur and brown accessories. Poultry—J. B. Mills, J, Battler, On their return they will reside in Lee O’Brien, H, Block & Soh, D, A. Toronto, ♦ Graham, F. McClymont, Thiel Bros., Mel. Smith,Garden Vegetables—O, Battler, Mrs. H. Fuss, L. Klopp, Henry Flaxbard, Mrs. A. Melick, F. Mc­ Clymont, E. Ducharme, E. Willert, H. Truemner, Snowden & Grange, R. Geiger. H. Block & Son.Dairy Products—Mel. Smith, F, McClymont, Del. Geiger, O, Battler, Mrs. A. Melick,Horticultural Products—F, Mc­Clymont, Laithwaite & Son, O. Battler, Snowden & Grange, Thiel Bros., Del. Geiger, R. Geiger, Hen­ ry Flaxbard, Mel. Smith.Grain and Seeds—Del. Geiger, O. Battler, H. A. (Fuss, H. Trum- ner, Mrs. J. Quinlivan.Floral Exhibits—Mrs. J. Quinli­ van, Mrs. A. Melick, R. Geiger, Del. Geiger, O. Battler.Domestic Science—Mel, Smith, C. Hay. Mrs. A. Melick, E. Ducharme, F. McClymont, H. Becker, -Sr., O. Battler, Claire Melick; Mrs, Hy. ULadies’ Work—H. A. Fuss. O. Battler. M. Rader; H. Block & Son, Mrs. H. Fuss,’ Mrs. A. Melick, C. Hay, H. Becker, Sr., Henry Flax­bard, Claire Melick, Milton Oesch.Art Work—®. Ducharme, Henry Flaxbard, H. A. Fuss, Mrs. Hy, Fuss, Dick Creech and Bob Dinney Win Exeter Golf Tournament (Continued from Page One) M. W. Teller; low, first 9, C. H, Mc­ Avoy; low, second 9, Fred Newton; second low, 1st 9, Rus Snell; sec­ ond low, 2nd 9, Dr. Cowen; third low, 1st 9, G. Lamport; third low, 2nd 9, F, Clark; birdies and pars, J. M. Southcott; ibest 'aggregate sealed holes, D, O. Size; second ag­ gregate sealed holes, Geo. Wright; longest drive, Ulric Snell; longest putt, B. W. Tuckey; other ‘prizes, Ted Davies? E. R. Hopper, K. Hockey, T. O. Sotuhcott, W. J. Floyd, 'Earl Rus­ sell, C. y. Pickard, A. O. Elliot. Women—Low, 18 holes, Mrs. M. Gladman; second low/ 18 holes, Miss Stella Southcott; low, 1st 9, Mrs. F. Newton; low. 2nd 9, Mrs. G. Wright; second low. 1st 9, Miss Eileen Snell; second low, 2nd 9, axai The Exeter Lions Club will hold their 5th Annual Frolic in the EXETER ARENA THURSDAY HrT 1 A. 9 and FRIDAY, VJV 1 . 1 CC Z, ENTERTAINMENT GAMES $300 in prizes $50 in door prizes Dancing each night to Moonlight Serenaders commencing at 10 o’clock Proceeds for Local Children’s Welfare and the Lions British Children’s War Victim’s Fund. $300 will be awarded in prizes as follows: 1st prize $100; 2nd prize $50; 3rd prize $25; 5 prizes of $10 each and 15 prizes of $5 each. The draw for these prizes will be made on Friday Evening. Military Parade at 8 p.m, sharp Thursday Night Mc- $50 IN DOOR PRIZES On Thursday Evening $50 will be* given in. door prizes. The holder of the first ticket drawn will receive $10 cash and the next eight will deceive $5 each. Mysfery Prize • A mysterious’ lady Will mingle with the crowd Thursday night and the first parson holding two tickets on the main draw who accosts the lady with these words: “Are you the mysterious Exeter Lioness” will reddiva a prize of $10. The words must be correct. consisting of R. C. A. F. Trumpet Band from No* 9 S.. F. T. S. Centralia. First Hussars and Company Middlesex and Huron Regimental Band of London including D Company Exeter Brass Band followed By the Boy Scouts and the Wolf Cubs Admission: Thursday Night 10c Friday Night 25c BIRTHS ALEXANDER—At Mrs, Godbolt’s hospital, on Saturday, September 19, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Alexander, of Hensail, a daughter. LUXTON—At Dr, Fletcher’s hospi- tai, on Friday, September* IL 1942, to Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Lux* ton, of London, a daughter. PARSONS—At Dr. Fletcher’s hos­ pital, 1942, sons, on. Monday, September 14, to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Par- of Usborne, a daughter. DEATHS —- In McGillivray TownshipMASON on Monday, September 21, 1942, ■Edward, beloved husband of Su­ sanna Mason, ip his 70 th year. iFtuneral took place from his late residence, concession 25, McGil­ livray Township, on Wednesday, September 23, at 2 p,m„ Inter­ ment in Grand Bend Cemetery. ENGAGEMENTS ’ Mr. and Mrs.' William H. Rat?, of Dashwood, wish* to announce the en? gagement of their youngest daugh­ ter, Gertrude Lavina, to Karl George Heideman, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, Egbert Heideman, of Zurich, the marriage to take place, the ter part of October. CARDS OF THANKS lat-* ex- and Mrs. Will Jeffery wishes to press her thanks to the friends relatives who so kindly remember­ ed her in any way -during her ill­ ness at home and while in Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. W. H. Wood wishes to thank her friends who so kindly remem­bered her with cards, letters, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, * Having disposed of my barber shop at Grand Bend to Mr. Fat Ty­ler, I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my thanks for the loy­al support given me during my nine years ,.there and to wish for my successor a continuance of your pat­ronage. —Jack Walper. Make Plans for Fall Work A special Rally Day service was., held in the hjaiik -Sunday ’ihorhmg'/ Sunday School were present in­ classes. There was , a splendid; at­tendance. Mr. J. Wadland, Y.M.C.A. director at the ‘Centralia’Airport, was the special speaker. He gave an im­ pressive object-sermon by means of candles. The principal candle re­ presented Christ,-the Light of the World. From this six other candles were lighted, Love. Forgiveness. Coufage, Understanding, Faith and Truth. Christ lit these candles by examples and by the telling of stor­ies or parables. There were two other’ candles,-., one representing “self” and the other representing “others”. “Let your light so shine before men that they may glorify you Father which is in heaven.” Mr, Frank Wildfong, Sunday School superintendent,- was in charge and was assisted by the minister, Rev. N. J, Woods. At the close of the service promotions were held in the Sunday Schoo] rooms. ^St. United church I Members of the were Classified Ads—l^c Per . Word Each Insertion, Minimum Charge 25c PerInsertion; IQc Extra when re­ plies ape delivered to- the Times-Advocate office, A charge of tOc is made if not paid, within ten days. * COMING EVENTS DANCING—Every Saturday night. Town Hall, Parkhill, Clayton Steeper’s Orchestra. Admission, 25 cents. 24* FREE RANGE BULLETS—Leg­ horns and Barred Rocks, 3 and 4 months, also ready to lay. pul’ lets. Several hundred choice yearling Leghorn hens. Phone 57r7, Dashwood, Lakeview Poul­ try Farm, Wein Bros,. 24:1* REAL ESTATE FARMS WANTED—Highway, 50acres, With good buildings, elec­tricity, for purchaser. 100 acres, for tenant. W. 0, Pearce. HARVEST HOME SERVICES The Women's Association James Street United Church hold Harvest Home services Sunday, October the 4th, Rev. Irwin will be the speaker. Arthur Palmer, boy .soloist, of St, Paul’s Cathedral, London, will assist the choir. Of will oh Mr. PERSONAL o.e.s. meetings Exeter Chapter O.E,S. meets ev­ ery second - and fourth Wednesday at eight p,m. in the Chapter Rooms on Main street, Visiting members welcome. LLOYD’S CORN AND CALLOUS SALVE “LLOYD’S CORN SALVE” con­ tains Benzocaine, the new local anesthetic. Puts corns to sleep immediately, 50c at Robertson’s Drug Store. FOR SALE—The D. Foss 2-gtorpy brick house on Hensall Main street, Ip good repair, Extra lots if desired. W, C, Pearce, Exeter, 17* WANTED WANTED—Immediately, late model car in first-class condition, good tires.' Exetei’ Times-Adyocate, .Box 2 80iC. 24* WANTED—Highest prices paid for aged living horses. ■ Phone 34-3, Kirkton, collect. Ross Francis Mink Ranch. tfc BOYS—Age-16 to 19, required im­ mediately as Apprentice Aircraft Mechanics. Apply, in person or write to Box 1, National Selective Service Office, Goderich, Ont. 17:24c GARAGE MECHANICS—Experienc­ ed, license ' preferred, required immediately for aircraft mainten­ ance wonk. Apply in person or write to Box 1, National Selective Service Office, Goderich, Ont. 17:24c FOR SALE FOR SALE—About 225 White Leg­ horn pullets. J. A. (Nichol, Lake Road, Exeter.24* FOR SALE—York ,hog, 6 months old. Harold Hern, R.R. 1, Gran­ ton,'phone Kirkton 4rX4. 24* FOR SALE—Frame stable, 16x24. R. E. BalkWill/ Exeter*. . .24*' FOR SALE—Two pairs of oxfords;- for girls aged 8 and 11*;. three coats for girls aged 10 and 11. , Apply at Tiiues-Advocate. 24* FOR SALE—Cedar square frame of building, 16x28. Apply to" J. W. Hern, Exeter.24* FOR SALE — Second-hand cylin- "d-er pulper and ’four-wheeled trailer with three new tires and ■tubes. John -Campbell, Exeter. MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM PLOWING^ at reasonable rates, Apply to Leon Triepner, phone 36r-l6, Dashwood, 24* THAMES ROAD FARMERS' CLUB has on order another car of • Al- . berta coal and orders will be fill­ ed in th.e order received. Order early. P. Passmore, Sec. 24*lc APPLE BUTTER—Ouv ’ plant in Exeter for the making of, apple butter will be open from Tues­ day to Friday next week, S. J. V. Cann. * ■, 24c ESTATE HOUSE MUST BE SOLD— Medium-sized brick house, al] conveniences, well located, nice lot, garage. Imemdiate posses­ sion if desired. 0, V. Pickard, phone 1^5, Exeter. 50 ACRES FOR SALE—Small house, barn on wall, near town and school. Other farms of different acreages, C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. FOR SALE—Frame house and two lots, Gilchrist survey, Hensall, the property of the late Mary McKay and Isabella Gordon. For . further particulars apply to Mrs. Margaret Nichols, Grand Bend. Must be sold at once to close es­ tate, TENDERS WANTED CASH FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser­ vice, day or night. Phpne Credi­ ton, 47rl5, collect. Jack Williams. SEE GEO. F. CLARK for all kinds of windmills, pump jacks, pumps and piping. Repairing windmills and pumps. Phone Crediton 23-6 R.R. 3, Dashwood. NOTICES NOTICE—High 'School girl desires board in return for housework. Apply at Times-A-dvocate. 24* Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Monday, the 5th of October, 1942, at 1 p.m„ for crushing and hauling 1,2‘OO^yards of gravel more or less "from Wm. Moodie’s Pit in the Tp. of Usborne on roads in Tp. of Stephen from Con. 1 to Con. 10 inclusive/ Gra­ vel to be hauled as directed by Road Supt, and tender to be at a flat rate for crushing and hauling. The lowest or any tender not ne­ cessarily accepted. H. K. EILBJDR, Tp. .Clerk, 17:24:1c Crediton, Out. AUCTION SALES NOTICE—Having discontinued the agency for the Cockshutt Plow Co., I would like . all accounts settled. John Campbell, Exeter. 24* VOTERS’ LIST, 1942 Municipality of » USHORNE TOWNSHIP County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that .1 have, complied with Section 8 of the Voters! List Act and that ,1 have posted up in my office in Usborne on the 20th day of July, 1942, the list of all persons entitled to vote­ in the said Municipality in the municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all /voters take immediate . procedure to cor- last day t° -have any errors or, omissions " , theFOR SALE—Fordson fuel-oil trap- rested according to law, fpr. Completely overhauled. Phone day of appeal being the 25th ? 22r9, Kirkton. < ’ ' ~e --------—’ jof September, 1942. Dated at Usborne this F'OR-'SALE—A boy’s winter over- of FOR SALE—-’29 Ford, tudor, tires good, for $85.00, Charlie Mc­ Caffrey, Clandeboye. 171'24* -FROM NO Q SERVICE FLYIN6 TRAINING SCHOOt, * CENTRAOA ® ONTARIO we floor is out for are sev,- basket- and fa- There one one tennis court, playing almost nny kind you can thifik of. It is 8th day coat, 10-yeai; size/in good con­ dition. Apply at Times-Ad.vo- cate. 24tf September, 1942. A. W. MORGAN, Clerk, Twp. of .Usborne, R.R. 1,- Hensall, Ont. There’s. no dead heads here—- every Want Ad works hard. Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, September 26.. 200 head of mixed stock; cattle, including choice -two-year-old steers. Sales every Saturday, A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell -by pub­ lic auction at EXETER NORTH on SATURDAY, SEPT. 26th at 2 o’clock, sharp: Quebec cook stove, nearly new; kitchen cupboard, electric plate, coal oil stove, rocking chair, 6 din­ ing-room chairs and 'table, morris chair,. 1 heater, kitchen chairs, single cot . and mattress, day bed, Simmon’s bed and spring-filled mat­ tress, nearly new; dresser, comm’ode, small tables, chest of black walnut drawers, sewing machine, hanging lamp, curtains, dishes and garden tools, 3 single cords mixed wood. TERMS—CASH GEORGE FORD, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer was bearing down upon us before we could encourage them to leave the planes and enjoy some hot tea and’ sandwiches which had been pre­ pared especially for their enjoy­ ment. lames of the which books were put up a good show, working under ^difficulties. By the time, the next track meet comes along they will 'be able to come home with some of the prizes. Keep up the. good work! “Mark of Zorro”, starring Tyrone Power, Lynda Darnell and Basil Rathbone, was a terrific Success on the Station last Week, fast-moving picture full of and all, kinds, of excitement All persons in the uniform of His Majesty’s forces who take part in the parade will be admitted free and Will be eligible for the $50.00 door prize. “ GOD SAVE THE KING” At last, it has actually happened! Our Drill Hall is open for all types of indoor sports and now rain or no (Tain our athletic programs can go' on regardless, This from the Station point of view is something to cheer about. We really are very proud of our drill hall and no doubt it will be a source of great pleasure to .all ranks as the winter .bears down upon us and snow and short evenings make it imperative stay at the Station. The all hardwood and is laid all types of games, en badminton courts, ball court, cilities for of a game all under the supervision of Pilot Officer McCaa, who has done such an excellent job of planning to make the maximum number of courts available for play. # * # News spreads quickly and nd doubt you have all. heard by now that when our good friends at (No. 31 Wireless School, Clinton, visit­ ed us for the return softball game last Wednesday evening* bur 'boys really opened up and beat Clinton 6-1. it was a great game and a lot of fun. We are in hopes this is only the beginning of many more tiljts with our friends to the north of us, Following th© game the boys were taken on a totti* of the station, it was somewhat of a novelty for most- of them, for although they are airmen to all intents and purposes, they seldom see planes. Darkness «<9M '«i> -fcU , .T *<* Usually good things come in small packages' but this week a very wel­ come letter arrived from Paterson, secretary-treasurer Hensall Bublic Library, in he said over one hundred from tlie Hensall Library available for the airport library. We have picked these books up and they are certainly grand. We are indeed indebted to ^he village for this generous contribution. We also received books from our staunch supporter, Mr. Harness, and a splen­ did selection from a newcomer to the village of Irwin.- To all we say, thank Exeter, ’Rev* A, B. of these good people you! * * St One day last week wecJ had to Send a distress signal jin to Mr. Dick Creech to borrow some sporting equipment, You see, the Royal Canadian Air Force held a track and field day at the Varsity Stadium on Saturday afterndon and We needed Some equipment in order to put ottr team, through their paces. Mr, Creech, through the school board, came to our assistance in his usual good style and we were able to,get What' We needed. ' F.O. . Weston, L;A.C. . .B'hrrett, L.A.G. Beardmore, L.A.C. Beaton, A.-C.2 Bundy and A..W.1 Pate re­ presented tie Satioii at the meet. L.A.C. MaV’tin affectionately «re­ ferred. to as “Pep” was the traiiier and the group was coached and su- pervised by F.O. Asher. The team It -was a thrills . _m --------- which kept us. on .the ends of our chairs right to the final curtain. Later in the week we had another -good picture, but of a different type, “Appointment for Love”, starring Margaret Sullivan and Charles Boyer. Monday night the feature was “Swing That Cheer, a college picture, as suggested by the title, and always, enjoyed by airmen *and airwomen alike.. As has" been our custom we hada a series’ of educational shorts on the Station Sunday evening. These short great those tion time are ready for Some action. The films used on these occasions are supplied by the National Film (Society of Canada. Sunday we had “London. Can Take It”-, a story 'of the blitz Of” London in September, 194'0, “Fighter pilot” featured the life and activity of a fighter pilot. ‘‘Timber Front” showed very vividly 'the part played by Canada’s great tim­ ber reserves in. the winning of the. war. right to the final curtain. programmes always cause a deal of interest for there are who must remain on the sta- over week-ends and by the Sunday evening rolls around « This week we lost two popular officers, Squadron .Leader Monteith and Flight Lieutenant Bushell. Oui’ best wishes accompany you both wherever you may be posted. We .are all sorry to see you go and hope you will miss us you. Good luck! Wherever small ed you Will find darts and ping-pong, and all kinds of other games too numerous to mention. There is always some­ thing going on for th,ose who care to be entertained and for those who like to library always hours. as we will miss games are play- -checkers, chess, read or to write there is the and writing room which are filled to capacity in the off m » stage is making great pro-Our gress and although it Won’t be fin« ished for opening day it will be well on the way. Squadron Leader Crankshaw lias the supervision of this Weil in hand and When it is completed it will 'be something to point to with pride, always remem­ bering that It was the generosity of this Garden County of Huron which made it possible. # S|c # # As this goes to press you will be wending your weary way home-' ward after spending a delightful afternoon at No. 9. We are glad" you Were able to visit us, Wo hope you were able to gae^al! you plan-’ ned :on seeing when you came and having seen will feel that new you really have a stake in ths Station. *—If really is a community project, the success of '•which you bah share 'In* ■; (1 .... ‘' ■’Till■' next Thiifsday, J. B, Wadland, Y.M.C.A, SUpervW