HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-09-24, Page 3Page S Prize Winners ait Exeter Fall Fair' (Continued from page 1) Cattle Grades —- Aged cow, Howard Wright, W. S. O'Neil; 2-year-old heifer, W. S. O’Neil, Howard Wright; yqar-old heifer, W. S. O’Neil, 1st and 2nd, H. Wright; g-yenr-old steer, W. S. O’Neil, H. Wright, 2nd and •3rd; year-old steer, Gordon O’Neil, H. Wright, W. S. O’Neil; 3 butch­ er steers, W. S. O’Neil, H- Wright, W. S. O’Neil; thi^e butcher hei­ fers, H. Wright, W. S, O’Neil; hei­ fer calf, Russel Manson. Polled Angus—-Aged cow, Edward ■ Bros.; 2-year-old heifer,- Edward Bros.; year-old heifer, heifer^calf, bull calf and bull, Edward 1st and 2nd. Dairy. Breed—'Aged Hodgins, J, R. Henry, gins; gins, 1st year-old Hodgins; and 2nd, , Hodgins, best dairy cow, W. Hodgins, J. R. Henry. Herd of beef cattle, Edward Bros,. W. S. O’Neil, H. Wright; three ani­ mals, get of sire, W.’S. O’Neil, Ed­ ward Bros., H, Wright. Usborne baby beef, AlfrecI Coates; baby beef, open, W. S. O’Neil, Kins­ man Bros., Alfred Coates, Russel Manson; special for best dairy coy, W, Hodgins, 1st and 2nd; Traquair’s special foi’ best calf any breed, Kins­ man Bros.; Simpson’s special for best grade calf, Kinsman Bros.; Eaton’s Special for best dairy calf, W. Hodgins. Judge—H. Snell. Shorthorn Cattle Tamworth—Boar, 8 years Geo, Douglas, Russel Manson; be 1 year old, Deo. Douglas; boar, r der 1 year, Geo. Douglas, Rm Manson; sow, 2 years old, C Douglas, R. Manson, 2nd and 3 sow, 1 year old, Geo. Douglas, Manson, 2nd and 3rd; sow un 1 year, Geo. Douglas, R. Mam 2nd and 3rd. Canada Packers’ special for 1 sow, any breed, Geo, Douglas; PI Rivers’ special, for three ba sows, A. H. Warner; G. A. Canr gons, for two hogs fed on Sh Gain, A. H, Warner, Judge—G. W, Miners. Bros., cow, Ward Ward Ward Iiod- Hod- 1- 2-year-old heifer, and 2nd, J. R. Henry; heifer, J. R. Henry, W. heifer calf, W. Hodgins J. R. Henry; bull calf, W, 1st and 2nd; special for Sheep Liecester—-Aged ram, Ephr Snell, D. A. Graham; shearling i D, A. Graham, Ephriam, Snell, A. Graham; ram lamb, Eplu ■ Snell, D. A, Graham, Spin Snell; ewe, Ephriam Snell, D Graham; shearling ewe, Eplr Snell, A. D, Steeper, Ephriam S » Lincolns—Aged ram, A, per, W. Steeper; shearling D. Steeper; ram lamb, A. per and 2nd</ W. Steeper; D. Steeper, W, Steeper, A, per; shearling ewe, A. D. W, Steeper, A. D. Steeper; Steeper and 2nd, A. D. Ste'epci Shropshire 'Downs — Aged i’r»i Orval McGowan, Glenn Broad4- • shearling ram, Orval. McGowan j 2nd; ram lamb, Orval McGo x t ewe, Orval McGowan, Glenn Bi •’ foot, ewe, Orval McGowan, Glenn B; foot, D. ,f ram, D. £ ewe D. Ste • ewe Orval McGowan; shea* ’ Bull, -January 1st, 1939 to April 30th,’* 19.40, Robinson Bros., St. Marys; R. M. Peck & Sons, Zurich; Kinsman Bros., Cromarty; W. Culbert & Sons', Dungannon. Yearling bull, White Bros., . Marys; James Beer, Mitchell; Roy Pepper and Son, Seaforth; Wilbur Turnbull & Son, Brussels; - W. A. Culbert & Sons. Senior Bull Calf (seven entries) —‘R. M. Pack & Sons; Robinson Bros.; White Bros.; Clifford Keys and Son, Varna; Wm. Oestreicher, Crediton; White Bros.; Andrew Gaunt, Lucknow. Junior Bull Oalf (20 entries)— Wm. Oestreicher; Hon, J. G. ‘diner, KirktOn-; White Bros.; inson Bros.; 7.. Wm. Oestreicher, diner; Hon. J. G. Gardiner; Waldie, Stratford; Wilibur bull & Son; ' Bulls—Senior iChampion, hood Colonel, Robinson Bros, serve Senior Champion, Elector, R. M. Peck; Junior Cham- Majestic -Command, R. M. Reserve Junior Champion, Oestreich- Robinhood Colonel, Robinson Bros.; Reserve Grand Champion, Klaymor Elector, R. M. Pecjk. ’ • ’ Cow or heifer, January 1, 1939 to April 30, 1940, James • Robinson Bros.; White Bros., Gorrie; Rs M. Turnbull & 'Son; Home, >Clinton; Andrew Huron County Home. Yearling Heifer—James A. St. Gar- i', vvjuiLe diu». , ^Rob- Roy Pepper- & Son.; Hom. J. G. Gar- George Turn- pion, Peck; Roister’s Winner, Wm. er; Grand Champion, Colonel, Robin- Re- Klaymor„ Beer; Bros.; Peck, Huron Strong Wilbur County Gaunt; Senior B.eer, James Beer, Wm. Oestreicher, '-White Bros., Andrew Gaunt, W. A. Culbert & Sons, Wilbur Turnbull & Son, W. Turnbull &' Son, Wm. Oes­ treicher. Yearling Heifer (14 entries)— Geo. Waldie, Robinson Bros., Geo. Waldie, R. M. Peck, Eph. Sndll .&■ Son, (Clinton; Clifford Keys & Son, • Wm. OestrCicher, W., A. Culbert & Sons, Strong Bros., White Bros. \ Senior Heifer -Calves (17 entries) —Robinson Bros., Kinsman Bros., Geo. Waldie, Robinson 'Bros., Kins­ man Bros., Geo., Waldie, Clifford Keys & Son, Geo. Waldie, Robinson Bros., Roy Pepper & Sons. Junior Heifer -Calves (17 entries) —Kinsman Bros., Geo. Waldie, Jas. Beer, Wm. Oestreicher, R. M. Peck, Wm. Oestreicher, White Bros., Wm. Oestreicher, Hon, J. G. Gardiner, Geo. Waldie, Breeder’s Herd -(Bull and three females)—Robinson Bros., Jame$ Beer, Kinsman Bros., White Bros., R. <M. Peck & Son, Geo. Waldie, Wm. Oestreicher, Roy Pepper <& Son, Wil­ bur Turnbull & Son, Andrew Gaunt. Get-of-Sire (three animals) — Robinson Bros., Geo. Waldie, Kins­ man Bros., Wm. Oestreicher, Geo," Waldie, White Bros., Roy Pepper •& -Son, Wilbur Turnbull & Son, Clifford Keys & Son, Andrew Gaunt. Females—Senior Champion, Sul­ tana Princess, Jas. Beer; Reserve Senior Champion, Athelstane Aug­ usta 14 th, Geo, Waldie; Junior Champion, Robinhood Blythesome IB'elle, Robinson Bros,; Reserved Junior Champion, Rosa Dae, Kins­ man Bros.; Grand Champion, Rob­ inhood Blythesome Belle, insoli Bros, pion, Sultana Princess, Hogs Y or kshir e—Y oar-ol d Powell, Jr.;,.boat under Powell, Jr„ Alfred H. Warner Filsoii; sow, 1-year-old, Hugh Fil- son; sow, 2 years old, Charlie Front and 2nd; sow under 1 year, A. H. Warner, Hugh Filson, 2 and 3. Rob- Reserve Grand Cham- BeerJames Il ear, 1 year John John Hugh Orval McGowan,- ewe lt.t. Qrval McGowan, Glenn Broad Orval McGowan. Dorset Hprned—Aged ram, I .• ton Dearing, Orval McGowan, 3 j ton Dearing; shearling ram, ( McGowan, Preston Dearing, 2nd 3rd; rum lamb, Preston Dea Orval McGowan, Preston. Dea ewe, Preston Dearing,- Orval Gowan, Preston Dearing; shea- ewe, 2nd and Dearing Gowan.. Oxford Henry, O. McGowan, Donald Dear­ ing; shearling ram, J. R. Henry, O. McGowan, J. R, Henry; rath lamb, J. R. Henry, O. McGowan, Donald Dearing; ewe, O. McGowan, J, R. Henry, and 3rd; shearling ewe, Donald Dearing, O. McGowan, J. R. Henry; ewe, J. R. Henry, 0. Mc­ Gowan, J. R. Henry. Pen of short wool—-O. McGowan, Preston Dearing; pen of long wool, Ephriam Snell, A. D. Steeper. ’ Judge—Wm. iGod'dard,* poultry B. Mills, F.- McClymont; pit., B. Mills; hen, J. B. Mills, D. A. Orval McGowan, P. Dea 3rd; ewe lamb, Pr-‘-'-. 1st and. 2nd, Orva? Downs—Aged ram, J. *W SCENES AT EXETER'S SUCCESSFUL ANNUAL FALL FAIR THE HTO TJMES-APVOCATS, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24th, 1942 With fine weather to help it along, Exeter Fair Thursday attracted a large crowd. There was a varied program of which a feature was the showing of young 'Shorthorn cattle. The abqve picture appeared in the London Free Press. No. 1—Some of the young Shorthorns being judged'—the judge, standing in -the middle foreground behind the line of stock, is Stanley Douglas, of Caledonia. No. 2—Here is the junior reserve grand champion 'bull, Majestic Commander, shown by R. M. Peck & Son, of Zurich, and being exhibited by John i Pair .pigeons, Donald JF.J. J. Graham; ckl., pit., O. Battler. Co­ chins, ckl., pit., J. B. Mills; Orping­ tons, cock, hen, J. B. Mills, Geo. Douglas; ckl. pit., Geo. Douglas, 1 and 2. Wyandottes, cock, pit., J. B‘. Mills, D. A. Graham; hen, 0. Battler, J. B. Mills; ckl., D. A. Gra­ ham, J. B, Mills. Barred Rocks, cock, hen, J. B'. Mills, 1 and 2; ckl., J. . Mills, F. McClymont; pit., F. McClymont, Donald Dearing. White Rocks—hen, D. A. Graham; ckl., pit.,. F. McClymont, D. A. Graham. Rhode Island Reds—Cock, hen,- J. B. Mills; ckl., J. B. .Mills, Preston Dearing; pit., Preston Dearing, J. B. Mills. New Hampshire Reds— Hen, -ckl., -pit.; Donald Dearing. Black Giants—-Cock, hep Graham, Geo. Dpuglas; D. A. ckl., Geo. Douglas, D. A. Graham; pit., J. B. ' , Sussex— F., Mc.Cly- i Mills, Geo. Douglas. Cock, Donald Dearing, mont; ckl., F. McClymont, 2nd; pit., F. McClymont, 1 and 2.. Cornish— Ckl., pit., J. B. Mills. Minorcas— Cock, J. B. Mills; hen, Preston Dearing, I J. B. Mills; ckl., P. Dear­ ing; pit.; P. Dearing 1 and 2. White Leghorns—Cock, J. B. Mills, Geo. Douglas; hen, J. B. Mills, F. McCly­ mont; ckl.; pit., F. Mc.Clymont, J. < B'. Mills. Brown Leghorns—-Cock, J, B. Mills, o Donald Dearing; hen, Donald Dearing, O. Battler; ckl.", J, B. Mills, 0. Battler; pit., O. Battler, j J. B. Mills, Mills, 1 i Battler; ■ —-nCock, hen ckl., aid Dearing. Dearing. Utility •Clymont, Reds—P. Rock-s, F. McClymont. P. Dearing, Earl Shapton. ness special for best 'birds, breed, • Donald Dearing. A. Wuerth’s special for best Leghorn chicks, F. McClymont; A. E. Linden­ field’s special for best showing of Rock poultry, 'F'. M'cClymonlt. C. J. Green special for three fat roosters, F. McClymont. Judges—(Clarence Fairbairn, Ken-, neth ’Wein. ‘ Grain and Seeds x Fall wheat, white, H. A. Fuss; fall wheat, red, H. A. Fuss; malting barley, Harry Coates, Mrs. J. Quin­ livan buckwheat, Mrs. Ed. Lawson; timothy seed, H. A- Fuss; clover i seed, Jacob Battler; ensilage corn, | stalks and ears, Cecil Rowe, Jacob i Battler; barley, by field * competi-1 tors, Harry Coates, George Link. Pens—Leghorns, F. Mc- 0. 'Battler, Geo. Douglas; Dearing, 'Donald Dearing; Minorcas— Har- any >E. trait, Mrs. .Dalryn^Ie. Water Colors-Landscape, Mrs. Dalrymple, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; sea­ scape, Mrs. Dalrymple; fruit or flowers, Mrs. H. A. Fuss, Mrs. Dal­ rymple; portrait, Mrs. Dalrymple; any subject, Mrs. Dalrymple; com­ mercial art, Mrs. Dalrymple. . Pastel, Mrs. Dalrymple, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; charcoal scene, Mrs. Dal­ rymple; pen and ink sketch,” H. A. Fuss, Mrs. Dalrymple; pencil draw­ ing, Mrs. Dalrymple; sepia, Mrs. Dalrymple; crayon, Mrs. Fuss, Mrs. Dalrymple; wood carving, Mrs. Dal­ rymple; collection- of snap shots, Gwenneth Jones, Mrs. Dalrymple; Robertson’s special, Mrs. Dalrymple; new craft not lis-tedT-.H. A. Fuss; wooden projects, Mrs. Dalrymple, Mrs. Fuss. -V Judge—Harold L. Sturgis. Flowers Cartier oats, and ckl. J. Dock, J. B J. B. Mills, O Battler. Donald Donald Game Dear- Dear- Anconas- 2; hen, pit., O. B. Mills, O. -Battler pit., J. B. Mills, 1 and 2 EL hen, J. B, pit., P. Dearing, —Cock, hen pit., D. A, Any other variety Bantams, hen J. Glenn —Gan- pgBaaSgMMjjB RSI i Peck. No. 3—The agricultural team shown by the Huron County Home at Clinton, being driven (by Dick Jacob, of Clinton. No. 4—The long wool sheep class being judged by W. Goddard, of Denfield (■bending over and prodding the wool-coated flanks). No. 5— Watermelons were among the features of the day for the young folks. Here are four boys with a melon split four ways. They are left to right, Don Pope, aged seven; Tom Steiner, aged nine (whose dad is president of the fair)/Allan Tapp, aged XI, and Clare Balk­ will, aged 10, all of Exeter. 1 Peaches—Late Crawford,. Mrs, H Norry; any variety, Mrs. F< McClymont;, Judge—Arthur Weber, « Ladies’ Work Ladies’ Wear—Silk Edgar Darling; W. Doupe, Dashwood.. ing ing Cochins Bantams—Cock, ing* J. B. Mills P, Dearing brights- ham. Cock, P. Dearing, .1 and 2; B. Mills, 1 and 2; -ckl., pit., .Broadfoot. Toulouse Geese- der and goose, young and old, Geo. Douglas; any variety geese- and young, Orlando Battler. Ducks—Muscovy, drake, young duck, P. Dearing, Donald Dearing; old duck, Donald Dearing, P. Dear­ ing; young drake, P. Dearing, ^J. B. MIlls.j Pekin—Drake, Glenn Broad­ foot, 0. Battler; duck, young drake, young duck, Glenn Broadfoot, Geo. Douglas. Battler, duck, G ner—0, Guinea Fowl-—Cock, D. A, Donald Dearing; hen, F, mont, D. A, Graham; ckl,, Dearing, D. A. iGr-aham, Rabbits—Buck, Mrs. Ewart Donald Dearing; young buck, Dear- Mills, Sea- Ura- old , Rouen—Drake, duck, 0. Geo. Douglas; young drake, eo. Douglas. Indian Run- Battler,. four firsts. Graham M'CCiy- pit., P. Pym Doh* Veget-ables Beauty of Katahdin potatoes, Ja­ cob Battler; Red Elephant, ■ Jacob Battler; Chippewas, Jacob Batt-ler; Irish Cobblers, Jacob Battler, Mrs. J. Dalrymple; Green ^Mountains, Ja­ cob Battler; Dooleys, Jacob Batt­ ler; any other variety potatoes, Ja­ cob Battler; three varieties, Jacob Battler; blood beets, Jacob Battler- Gibbs Yelland; globe beets, Robert Sanders, Gibbs Yelland; sugar beet mangolds, Cecil Rowe; long citrons, Cecil Rowe; Winer’s special for Ship­ ping turnips, Cecil Rowe; Early Horn carrots, Robert Sanders, Gibbs Yelland; Nantes carrots, Mrs. Al­ fred Melick, Robert Sanders; or­ ange oi' red carrots, Jacob Battler, Mrs. A. Melick; white or yellow carrots, J. Battler, Fred M-c'Cly1- mont; white sweet corn, Cecil Rowe, J. Battler J. Battler; Bantam corn, J. Battler Mrs. J- Robert Sanders, Mi's. Wilfred Doupe; pumpkins, Robert Sanders, J. Batt­ ler melons, J. Battler onions, J. Battler, Spanish nips, J. hubbard Sanders; fall cabbage, Robert Sanders; win­ ter cabbage, Gibbs Yelland, collec­ tion of vegetables, Robert Sanders, Judge—“Hugh Berry, Woodham. Fine Arts I Foliage, Mrs. Ed. Lawson; ger- - aniu-ms in bloom,'Mrs. Lawson; col­ lection of flowers in .pots, Mrs. son; novelty in potted plants, J. Quinlivan, Elaine ,Coates. Cut Flowers—Snapdragons, Quinlivan; collection of a'&ters, mrs. Quinlivan, Mrs. N. Norry; asters, white, Orlando Battler, Mrs. Quin­ livan; asters,, mauve, Cecil Rowe, J. Battlet; asters purple, Gibbs Yel­ land, Mrs. Quinlivan; asters, pink, Cecil Rowe, Elaine Coates; asters, ostrich plume, Mrs. Quinlivan; cox­ combs, Mrs. Quinlivan, Mrs. N. Nor­ ry; coxcomb, feather, Mrs. Quin- Law- Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. livan; cosmos, Mrs. Quinlivan; de­ corative -dahlias, Mrs. Norry; Sanders, G. lias, Robert pinks, Mrs. best spike, Norry; best Mrs. Quinlivan; best collection, Mrs. Norry, Mrs. Quinlivan; balsams, Mrs. Quinlivan, Mrs.- Norry; African marigolds, Mrs. Norry, Mrs. Quin­ livan; French marigolds, Mrs. Quin­ livan, Mrs. « Norry; stocks, Mrs. Quinlivan; phlox, Drwm-mondi, Mrs. Quinlivan; phlox, perennial, Mrs. Norry; single petunia, Mrs. Quin­ livan, Mrs. Norry; double petunia, Mrs. Quinlivan; pansies,. Mrs. Quin­ livan, Mrs. Norfy; single rose, Ce­ cil Rowe; salvia, Mrs. Norry, Robert Sanders; sweet peas, Mrs. Quin­ livan, Mrs. W, Doupe; verbenas, -Mrs. Quin-livan, Mrs. Norry; zinnias, crested or curled,- Mrs. Quinlivan, Mrs. Norry; zinnias, dahlia flower­ ed, Gibbs Yelland, Mrs. Quinlivan; zinnias, displayed, Mrs. Norry, Mrs. Clayton -Sims; collection of an­ nuals, Mrs. Quinlivan,, Mrs. Norry; collection of perennials, Mrs. Nor­ ry, Mrs. Quinlivan; bride’s bouquet,, Mrs. Norry,-Mrs. Quinlivan; basket of cut flowers, Mrs. Quinlivan, Mrs. Norry; hand bouquet, Mrs. Quin­ livan, Mrs.- Norry; novelty in cut flowers, Mrs. livan. Public school •will, Gloria Smith. Judges—N. G. Clarke, G. S. How­ ard. Robert Sanders, cactus dahlias, Robert Yelland; pompon dali- Sanders, Mrs’ Norry; Quinlivan; gladiolus, Robert Sanders, Mrs. six spikes, Mrs. Norry, Norry, Mrs. Quin- special, Claire Balk- Appleton, Bonnie Domestic 0 Indian corn, J. B. Mills, Dalrymple; watermelons, squash, Robert Sanders; musk *; white or yellow , Robert Sanders; J. Battler; pars- Robert Sanders; oiuons, Battler squash, J. Battler, Robert table squash,-'J. Battler, TIRE life EXTENSION PLAN * Snell Bros. & Co. Phone 100 Exeter*Ont Dai- Mrs. Dai- f oil painting, scene, Mrs. J. * ryihple; fruit or vegetables, 1 J. Dalrymple; flowers, Mrs. ‘ryrnple; animals, Mrs, Dalrymple marine view, Mrs. Da/Irymple; por Passmore’s Garage W. C. PaSsmore Phone 31 Hensall, Ont. F. McClymont, 2nd; tomatoes, Mrs. Clayton Smith, Mrs. corn, Fuss; beans, mota juice, Cecil Rowe, Mrs. Meil- ick; apple jelly, Mrs. Clayton Sims, Mrs. W. Doupe; red currant jelly, F. McClymont, Mrs. Melick; any conserve, Mrs. Melick; pick-led on­ ions, Mrs. Melick; pickled cucum­ bers, Mrs. Edgar Darling; pickled pears, F. M'cClym.ont, 2nd; tomato catsup, J. -B'attler, Mrs., Doupe; chili sauce, Mrs. Darling, J. Battler; peppei* relish, Mrs. Melick, Mrs. Darling; canned chicken, F. McCly­ mont, Mrs. Berry; canned beef, F. McClymont, Mr.s C. Sims, canned sausage, J. Battler. Honey—Light, Mrs. amber, Mrs. Dalrymple; Mrs. Dalrymple; maple Dalrymple/ H. *A. Fuss; F. McClymont, Mrs. H. A. peas, Mrs. Fuss; string Mrs. H. A. Fuss;, to- Dalrymple; in sections, syrup, Mrs. F. McClymont; choco­ late fudge, Mrs. -C. Sims, Mrs. Me- li'ck; plate of--butter for table use, Mrs. C. Sims, J. Battler; cured ham, Mrs. -Sims; assortment of cured meats, Mrs. Sims; vegetable salads, Mrs. Melick; fruit salad, Mrs. Melick, Mrs. Quinlivan; sup­ per dish, Mrs. Quinlivan; Geo. Law- son- special, Mrs. Quinlivan; salad dressing, F. McClymont, Mrs. Sims; roasted rooster, Mrs. roasted roosters, Mrs. Mrs. Norry; Clarence Quinlivan; Quinlivan, Fairbairn special, white eggs, F. McClymont; brown eggs, F. McClymont; mixed eggs, F. MoOlymont. Judge—'Mrs. Wm. Consitt. Horticultural Products Home-made bread, white, Mrs. Alfred Melick; home-made bread, brown, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe; fancy shaped rolls, Mrs. Alfred Melick; fruit buns, Mrs. Doupe, Mrs. Me­ lick; tea biscuits, Mi's. Allan Ber­ ry, Mrs. Ed. Lawson; sandwiches, Mrs. Melick, Mrs. Berry; Mrs. Melick; white cools McClymont; drop cookies, Clymont; oatmeal cookies, lick, Fred McClymont; Mrs, Berry, 2nd; angel cake, Edgar Darling, Mrs. Berry; layer cake, Mrs. Doupe, Mrs. Berry; chocolate layer cake, Mrs. Berry; spoflge cake, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Me­ lick; apple pie, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Berry; raspberry pie, Mrs. Berry, Presbyterian Unit, Red Cross; or­ ange cake, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Quin­ livan, Decoration -—'“Attractive centre­ piece, Mrs. Quinlivan, Mrs. Melick, iCanned Products—-Grapes, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Melick; strawberries, Cecil Rowe; raspberries, Jacob Batt­ ler, Mrs, Clayton Smith; pears, J. Battler, Mrs, Melick; peaches, Mrs, Berry, J. Battler; cherries, F, Me- Clymont, Mrs, W, Doupe; plums,rmdnt. ; -muffins, ties, Fred Fred M-c- , Mrs. jelly . Me- roil, Mrs. light ap- i. of var­ iety of fall apple, Mrs. Ed. Lawson, F, McClymont; Rhode Island Green­ ings,' F. McClymont, Cecil Rowe; Northern Spies, F. McClymont; Rox­ boro Russets, .Mrs. Lawson, F Golden Russets, F. 'Snow apples, F, A. Fuss J. Battler Apples—-Collection of winter pies, F. McClymont; collection fall apples, F'. Mc-Clymont; any ' Mc- Mc- Mc-Ciy- Colverts, F. Mc­ Fall Pippins, King of Tompkins, ■Cecil Rowe; MciClymont; Davis, Ontario, Wealthy, Talman -Sweet, F. Me- St. Lawrence, F. McCIy- Clymont; Olymont; mont, H. Clymont, F. McClymont J. Battler, Pippins,- 'F, Blush, Ben G. Pippins, Oldenburg, Clymont mont, Mrs. J, Dalrymple; Baldwins, F. McClymont, Pears—Winter pears, Hall pears, Clapp’s Favorite, Beur’s Olairgeau, Sheldon, East Beurre, Louise Bon­ nie de Jersey, Bartlett, F, McCly­ mont; Buteau Anjou, J. Battler, Plums-—Co’s Golden Drop, Lom­ bards, any variety, Ponds Seedling, Glass Seedling, Rein (Claude, F. Me- Olymont. Grapes—Any variety, F, McCly- Ribstone Maiden’s , 'Grimes DucheSs of nightgown, Mrs. Edgar Darling; bed jacket, Cerojl Rowe, Mrs. Ed. Lawson; Jim- gerie set, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; cotton house coat, Mrs. Fuss; dress, H. A. Fuss; -apron, Mrs. Gar­ net Hicks, Mrs, A. Melick; tea ap­ ron, Mrs. Garnet Hicks, Mrs. Melick; ladles’ knitted suit or dress, Mrs, Fuss, fancy sweater, Mrs. Fuss, Mrs, Lawson; scarf and glove set, Mrs. Fuss; handsewn leather gloves, Mrs. Clayton Sims. Men’s Wear—Pyjamas, Mrs, Law- son, Mrs. Fuss; socks, Mrs. Lawson, J. Battler; hand-knitted mitts, Mrs, Lawson, Mrs, Fuss. Infant’s and Children’s Wear—- Infant’s jacket, bonnet and booties, Mrs. Darling, Mrs, Melick; child’s play dress, Mrs. Darling; child’s knitted costume, Mrs. Garnet Hicks; child’s wool sweater, Mrs. Darling. Living Room Accessories—-Ches­ terfield set, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Me­ lick; wool cushion, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Clayton Sims; fancy cushion, H. A. Fuss, Mrs. Melick; afghan, wool, Mrs. Darling; new living room accessory, Mrs. Melick, Mrs. Lawson; dining-room accessory, buffet set, Mrs, Allan Berry, Mrs. Sims; lunch­ eon set, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Darling; luncheon cloth and serviettes, Fuss, Mrs. Darling; breakfast and serviettes, H. A. Fuss, Sims; dinner napkins, Mrs. son, Mrs. Fuss; crocheted cover, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Lawson; tea cosy, wool, Mrs. Melick. Bedroom Accessories -— Pillow­ slips, Mrs. Sims, Mrs. Fuss; pillow slips, nutwork, Mrs, Hi'cks, Mrs. Sims; pillow Slips, other style, Mrs. Lawson, H. A. Fuss; sheet and -pil­ low slips, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Fuss; guest towels, Mrs. Melick, Mrs. Fuss; bath towel, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Me­ lick; boudoir pillow, Mrs. Melick; bedspread, candlewick, tufted, Mrs. Darling, J. Battler; bedspread, embroidered, Mrs. Melick. Kitchen Accessories—Tea towels, Mrs. Melick, Mrs. Fuss; curtains, H. A. Fnss; best collection of kit­ chen accessories, Mrs. Melick, H. A. Fuss. Miscellaneous—Woollen garment, darned, H. A. Fuss; repair on knit­ ted woollen garment, Mrs. Fuss; patch, Mrs. Fuss, 2nd; darn on table linen, H. A. Fuss; boy’s shirt, Mrs. Fuss; woman’s blouse, Mrs. Fuss; woman’s nightgown, H. A. Fuss; skirt and blouse, Mrs. Fuss. Quilts, Comforters, Rugs—Fan­ cy, quilt J. Battler, Mrs. PUS'S; pieced cotton quilt, Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Darling; floor mat, hooked, Mts. Me­ lick, Mrs. Sims; floor mat, braided, Mrs. Allan Berry, Mrs. Melick; floor mat, hooked yarn, Mrs. Berry; floor mat, hooked rags, Mrs. Melick. Judges—Mrs. Robson, Flo. Rob­ son. Mrs. cloth Mrs. Law­ table Red Cross Competition 7 Knitting—Sock, No. 17 Red Cross' Unit, James Street Unit; V-neck sleeveless sweater, James Street Un­ it, No. 17 Unit; turtle-neck sweater of Scotch fingering yarn, Trivitt Memorial Unit, James Street .Unit; turtle-neck sweater of heavy service yarn, James Street Unit, Trivitt Me­ morial Unit; mitts and gloves, Tri­ vitt Memorial Unit, No. 17 Unit; seaman’s sock, James Street Unit,. Presbyterian Unit; seaman’s stock­ ing, James 'Street Unit, No. 17 Unit; turtle-neck tuck-in, No. 17 Unit,. Centralia Red .Cross; boy’s -knitted suit, James St. Unit, Centralia Red Cross; girl’s -knitted dress, James Street Unit; .boy’s knitted sweater, James Street Unit; girl’s knitted sweater,’ James .Street Unit, Cen­ tralia Red Cross. Exeter Agricultural Society spec­ ial for quilts made from flannelette scraps, James Street Unit; W. M. Goulding special for quilts made from cotton scraps, Centralia Red Cross, James Street Unit, Presbyter­ ian Unit. Judge—Flo Robson. Manual Training Public School—Any woodwork project, Irvine Armstrong, Peter El­ lis, H. Preszcator. High School—Grade IX, wood­ work, tray, Grant Case; best piece of lathe work, Grant Case, 1 and 2; any other project/ Grant Case, Don Preszcator, Grant Case best piece -of lathe work; J effrey Jeffrey, ial for collection of rope -splices. Grant Case; Browning's drug store, special for project, metal or wood* Grant Case; Cole’s drug store spec­ ial for best model airplane, Robt. Winton, Donald Davies; special for pupils in Grade IV for Union Jack* Orland Taylor, June Cutting; -Grigg Stationery special for scrap book -of current events^ Gwenneth Jones. Public School Frances Armstrong, Viola Bierling cotton skirt, Viola Bierling; cotton skirts, Gwenneth Gwenneth Jones; blouse, Gwenneth Jones; Infant’s garments, Frances. Armstrong. i Judge—Alf Andrus. Grade X Harry •any other project, Harry Dr. E. S. Steiner’s spec- Rin cushion, Jones; apron, “Doesn’t that Mrs. Tomkins on* am el her face?” “I think so, X notice she has to leave the room When she wants to change her ek* pression.”