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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-09-10, Page 5
tk * r*f THE .EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING,. SEPTEMBER 10 th, 1942 . Coming to Hensall ] C, R. Wilkinson,. R,0, Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at W. Q, GOQDWIN’3 Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the, purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. . Difficult cases and those that have: not been properly* fitted, specially recommended to con sult me. Hours IQ a.nm to 6 p.m* Phone 16 Hensall for appointment HENSALL < 4 4 M. Mi- * f •< I Miss Edna Walsh and Audrey spent the week-end with friends in Blyth,. Mr. Wm. Cook of London, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs, Devlin, Orion Stephen had her . tonsils removed at Dr, Steer’s office on Friday last. Public School opened on Tuesday The High School will remain clos- ed until the 21st, Mrs. Carter, of Loftdon, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, G. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Matt England spent the week-end visiting friends at Niagara Falls and St. Thomas. Miss June Saundercock, who had a position at Grand Bend for the summer months, has returned home.- ■ Pte./ Gerald Campbell, of Chat ham, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Camp bell. Miss Florence Schwalm, of Clin ton, and Mr. Lee Schwalm, of Ham ilton, spent the week-end with Mrs. Violet Schwalm. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin and Mary, also Mrs, Maulkison attend ed the Clark - Paterson wedding in . London on Saturday last. The Misses Beryl and Alice Pfaff Mary Goodwin, Margaret Bell and Helen Moir spent the labor Day week-end at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smillie and family spent the Week-end. with Miss Murray, the latter returning to Toronto with them for a visit. Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Ingram, of • Pleasantville, N.Y., who have vis ited for some time with the latter’s mother, Mrs, Devlin, left for home on Tuesday. Mrs. George Hess and Ruth, also Miss Georgia Hancock, Donna Mc Ewen and Lenore Norminton, are spending a few days at the Hess cottage in the Pinery. — Additional quantities of pear and, plum -marmalade must be made in order to make the full quota. Those having pears to donate, please phone Mrs. Maude Hedden and those having plums, contact Mrs. -C. Cook. .Pear marmalade will be made in the United church Thursday, Sept. 10th, at 1 p.m. Your help is need ed, While hacking a team of horses down the gangway on his farm on Saturday, Mr.. Alex Buchanan had the misfortune to have the l^rses and wagon upset over the edge. He sustained a double fracture of his leg while making an effort to save himself by jumping from the wagon. Mr. Buchanan is at present .in Scott Memorial Hospital under the care of Dr. Donald Steer. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of the United church was -held on Thursday, Sept. 3rd, at 3 p.m. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Cross, Carrie dent. prayer Stand _ business period a discussion was held regarding a pot luck supper and it was decided to hold it at the . November meeting. The scripture lesson was-read, by Mrs. Jinks, af ter which Mrs. Merner led in pray er. Mrs. C. A. McDonnel read a paper, “Youth Goes on Strike”; Miss Greta Lammie contributed a. pleasing piano solo; Miss Murray gave a short talk - on temperance. . The meeting closed with a hymn, followed by prayer. CREDITQN Lewis FaisL <?f Ottawa, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fai«t. , ' ’ Mr. and Mrs. Carmian Dod'gins anil daughter. Joan, of Donegal, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haist. Mr. and Mrs. Tanton and Mrs. Joseph Mountain, of St. Marys, spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haist. .Rev. and Mrs. F.. M, Faist famliy, of Milverton, Apent week-end at the home uf Mr, Mrs. G. E. Faist.We regret to learn that , _ Emil Burn, of Milverton, formerly of Crediton, is very ill, We hope for a speedy recovery.Harry Beaver and H. K. Eilber at tended a directors’ meeting of the Hay township Fire Insurance Co,, at Grand Bend last Saturday.Mr. and Mrs. Herb Haist and son, Douglas, of Detroit, and Miss Doreen Kallfas, of Sarnia, sppnt the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Emery Fahner, Mr. Gerald Zwicker has left for the Peace River district op a business trip,Mr. Buttersworth, of the Main .branch of the Bank of Commerce, Toronto, is relieving Mr. Teller, who is on his vacation. Cpl. Lloyd England, of Chatham, spent the week-end at his home.Airwoman Cpl. F. Marshall spent the week-end with Miss Ruth Eng land.Miss Laura Woodall, of London, and Mr. Will Woodall, of Tilbury, spent the week-end at ’the home of their parents, Mr, and Woodall.Sunday visitors with Mrs, Woodall, were Mr. Jack Pryde, of Exeter, Mrs. Arthur Rowe, Mr. _ _. Abe. Raasse and Mr, John Paasse, of Clawson, Mich, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Anderson, Mr. Chas. Anderson and Mr. R. Anderson, of Lucknow, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H, K. Eilber, at their cottage at Grand Bend on Sunday. A temperance program was held in the United church Sunday school on Sunday. I , „ ing, “A Little Science Teacher’ , Joyce Chambers sang a solo, “Is That Somebody You?”; Elaine Mit chell gave a reading, “Why Girls Should Not Smoke.” x Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Voisin have the sympathy of many friends in the loss of their little daughter, Dorothy Marie,. who died Septem ber 2nd,, at the age of 1 year, 11 months and 26 days. The deceased had been ailing for about two months. Interment took place in Mt. Carmel cemetery on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Brown and Mrs. Mildred Hinton, of Windsor; Rev. and Mrs. Jack Brown, of Selkirk; Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Brown, of Sebewaing; Mr. and Mrs. Mose EjUWU <XX1U. XUIQ. XVUSC bQClll U VXVC1 ,_ Pigeon, were visitors over the weekend with Mrs. Florina Brown, WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING MIXTURES OF Shurgain Fertilizer in Stock T n*DASHWOOD Hugh Edighoffer, of Mitchell, is CENTRALIA Jack Bowie, of London, visited Mw WWtMWW* 1 *■ A spending Ms holidays with Ray ^during tfte welc with clare Gucntlwr. »» < *Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weido, of To- +h?r weektend ^nh* relatives °Vin ronto, spent a few days with rela- chesley66* wnlA ,®jAtives n Dominion War Risk Insurance and the and Rev. Mrs. Jos. Mr. and and Mrs.Mr. and and Mrs. 2.12.6 0.12.6 4.12.6 20% Geo. T. Mickle and Sons Hensail Ontario SHI FKA Due to the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ratz and family the service of public worship was - con- ducted by the minister, Rev. Law rence H. Turner, in their home. In concert with the expressed desire of * church and state a service wherein the central theme was de dication, was conducted. The text chosen by the minister embraced the words uttered by Jesus when nearing the end of His earthly pil grimage, “For their sakes I sanc tify .myself.” At this service hym- narles presented by members of the congregation were dedicated and used by the worshippers. The Young People’s Society presented a hymnary, music edition, for pul pit use. Progress is being registered in the renovating of the church and when comple'ted will be a delight to the eye and an added incentive for worship. The reopening exercises will take place on Sunday, Septem ber 20, when the .church, having reached another milestone in its honored tradition, will celebrate <the birthday of its founding. For thisIla Tilley gave a read- I occasion the pulpit will be occupied bv Rev. Reba Hern. B.A.. of Varna.by Rev. Reba Hern, B.A,, of Varna. Timely and appropriate music will be rendered by the choir with Miss Pearl Keys officiating at the piano. the chair was taken by Mrs. Ballantyne, first vice-presi- The meeting opened with and the hymn “Stand Up, Up for Jesus’’. During the CREDITON EAST Mr. Alvin Flynn, of London, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Emma Edwards and daugh ter Vera, of Ingersoll, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. Gordon Merner, of Windsor, and Mr. Murray Nell, of Sarnia, Spent the week-end at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Truemner and son, of London, spent Monday with Mr, Dan Truemner and Mrs. Aaron VZein. Mr, Mrs. days Wm. Mr were ed to iting , and Mrs. Robert Wm. Motz spent a in Sarnia with Mr. Wilson. , and Mrs. Robert Reid, who recently married, have return- their home in Cargill after vis- with their aunt and uncle, Mr.“and Mrs. Wm. Motz. Reid and couple of and Mrs. ronto, spem a lew nays wnn reia- cimsjey tires here. anj Mrs. J. Pollard visited Mr. and Mrs. Elgm Merner are on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy spending their vacation with friends Nichols, of Parkhill. i in Detroit, ] Mrs, Fred Cunnington has return- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elsie, of De- ed home from London hospital, hav- troit, spent the holidays at their mg had her tonsils removed.home here L School opened on Tuesday with 1’ MpIsaac and Mrs T Haisf Mys- LomeHlCkS and MlSS EVft Mis. L. Mymaac and Mrs. J, Haist, j^orrJam teaching at No, 9 Biddulph. of Crediton. visited with friends t Miss Beatrice Essery. R.N-, visit- hexe on Friday. * ed during the past week with her Miss Grace Morenz, of Detroit, aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mr. and Mrs, K, Pickering, who Mrs. Milan Watts. . have been residing here for the past,Murray Wolfe and Theo. Luft, yeaL moved to Thedford on Satur-’ Of Hamilton, Spent the Week-end .Mnlnar anfl with their parents. Miss Irene Martine, spent the holiday with Mrs. Mary Martine. Miss Myrta Taylor, spent a few days with Dr. and Mrs. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hamacher and family visited with friends in Lon don- over the holiday, Mr. and Mrs. .Victor Edighoffer, i of Zurich, were week-end visitors Thos? Willis' and Miss" Flossie Da- with Mrs. L. Mclsaac. vey attended the Dunn-Willis wed- Mr, and Mi's. Garnet Wildfong ding on Saturday. took a motor trip to Niagara Falls 1 „ Mr. and to, George Raynham, •wH Tnrnntn last wpek , Mr, and Mrs, E. Carruthers and Mr. Miss Ruth Guenther left last |orsF?act”^?WsSatfordttSnd]Jabor week tor Kitchener, where she is ^se iaees 111 strat£ord <>n attending business college. | Holiday week-end visitors were: Miss Sylvia” Schendal, of Water- Miss Laura Knight, of London, with loo, spent the week-end at her her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. home on theUAth concession. - I Knight; Mr. and Mrs. R. Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther, of family, of Clinton, with friends; Mr, Holidav ’visitors "witli Aiis< EL of ILoiiuoil*wmusoi, were noimay visnois wnn M1. and Mrg. Baynham. »I Rev. Reba Hern, B.A., of Varna?. 01. the only ordained lady minister of n’R the United church in active work in Ontario, will speak at both services in Centralia United church next Sunday, Sept. 13th. The ladies of the 'community are especially invited attend the evening service. of her of her Detroit, mother, London, brother, < Mrs. Molnar and Steve returned home on Monday evening after spending the past few weeks in Delhi, I Mr? and Mrs, Harold Lightfoot and family were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs, W< Baker at Grand Bend,i Mr, Leonard Abbott, of Detroit, visited last week with Mrs. W. Parsons. Mr. Abbott has enlisted with’ the Air Force, _ Mr. and Mrs. Harris West, Mrs. < The Domixxipr^ Government has passed legislation to comp ensate property owners for loss or damage to property or chattels. This insurance is purchasable at low rates,, ’ for further information apply to W. Herman Hodgsop Phone 24 or 162j Exeter, Ont, Mrs. J. visited a Mr. and Bend. Mr, and Mrs. B, McCann and Mr. and Mrs. Clement McCann and Don ald, spent Labor Day with relatives in Chatham, Miss Evelyn McCann left on Monday for Windsor, where she is engaged to teach school for the coming year. -Miss Leona McCann, Joseph’s Hospital, has London after spending with her parents. Mrs, J. Barry and have spent the summer with her brother, Mr. Gerald O’Rourke, have returned to her home in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wurm and daugh ter, Shirley Ann, Of St, Catharines, visited last week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wil- Jert. Baker and daughter, Joan, few days last week with Mrs, T. Baird, at Grand R.N., of St. returned to her vacation family, who few left with good tires at low prices. Used Cars 1941 Ford Coach, like new. 1937 Ford Coach, with radi© and heater. 1936 Ford DeLux Coach with trunk and heater. 1934 Ford Coach, a beauty. 1930 Ford Coach 1928 Buick Coach, nearly new tires. 1934 Ford long wheelbase 2 ton truck. his mother, Mrs. E. Guenther. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender, < ’ Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender. Betty& Taylor, of London, spent Labor Day at the home of her par ents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Steinhagen. Misses Viola and Evelyn Greenway, visited with Mrs. T, H. Hoffman last day. - * School reopened on ____ with Mr. McInnis as principal and Miss McMath and Miss Gaiser as assistants. Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Hopcroft and son, of Pert Colborne, were holi day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T, Hopcroft. Mr. and* Mrs. W. Schultz, of De troit, visited with her sister, and Mrs. Maurice Klumpp, over the week-end. Howard Klumpp, who is attend ing the radio school at the Univer sity of Toronto, spent the week-end at his home-here. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Klinkman and son, Kenneth, of Elmira, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile. Miss Zeta Nadiger, R.N., of How ell hospital, Michigan, spent the week-end with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger. Mr. and Mrs. Berensen and Miss es Ella and Rose Zimmer, all of De troit, spent Labor Day with Mr. Wm. Zimmer "an/L'Ida. The Bethany" Sisters’ Sunday School class, of the Evangelical church donated $5 to be used for purchasing quilt lining for the Red Cross Unit. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Windsor, were Labor Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Ba ker. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Zimmer, of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Zimmer, of Toronto, spent a _few days with Mr. and Mrs. mer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Niagara Falls, and Mr. Riney Keller, of Exeter, tors last Sunday with Mr. Chas, ler and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vernon and. Melville, and friend, of Dearborn, Mich., were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer. Mr. and Mrs. Restemeyer and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon visited relatives in Lon don on Sunday..- Mr. and Mrs. Gus Chesna and family, of Birmingham, Mich., spent the week-end here with her mother, Mrs. F. Willert. Mrs. Wil- lert has spent several months with her daughter and returned home Saturday evening. Death of Jacob Willert Henry Jacob Willert passed away at his home on the 14th concession of Stephen township on Tuesday, September Sth, in, his 60th year, fol lowing an illness of about eight months. He was born in Stephen township and was a farmer and a member of the Lutheran church. He is survived by his wife, former ly Bertha Miller, and one daugh ter; Edna, at home; his mother, Mrs. Catharine Willert, and sister, Susan, of Dashwood. The funeral will be held from residence on Friday at 2 p.m., lowed by a memorial service in Lutheran church at 2.30 p.m. terment will take place in the Bron son Line Lutheran cemetery Rev, Curts, of Mr. and Wednes- Tuesday tO KIRKTON and Mrs. W, Heywood and of Toronto, are holidayingMr. family, . _ - - „with Mrs. Frank Anderson, Sr, Gordon Burgin, of the R.C.A.F,, Toronto, spent part of the ’past week with his brother, Mr. G, H, Burgin. Mr. E. N, Shier and Mrs. John Hanna are patients in Victoria Hos pital, We hope to see them both home in a short time and much bet- ter.Mr. and Mrs. W, Blatchford and family, of Detroit, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobson.Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Deeks, a for mer Kirkton boy, now of Toronto, called on a lot of old friends in and around the village on Sunday,Holiday visitors were: Mr. and/, Mrs. W. Williams, of Woodstock; with Mr. J. Williams; Mr. and Mrs, Lome Marshall and Billie, of Lon don, with Mr. A. Robinson; Miss Velma Doupe, of London, with Mr. N. B. Doupe. KHIVA ’ Miss Martina Dietrich visited week with relatives near Zurich. Mr. Gordon Miller, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ziler. Mr. and Mr.s J. Hutchinson and ■daughter, Ruth, of London, spent 1 last Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. E, G. Kraft and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert attended the horse races at Stratford on Monday. School reopened here after the summer holidays with Mrs. Free man Morlock, of Crediton, as tea cher. last Fordson Tractor — new pis tons, pins and rings. This tractor has been thoroughly overhauled and should give years of good service $150.00 ELIM VILLE Mr. Howard Pym, of Tilsonburg airport, here. Mrs. newing lage. A.C.2 Clayton Herdman, of Dunn- ville, was home week. > Mrs. Bullock, spent Sunday at his home J. Johns, of Toronto, is re acquaintances in the vil- for a few days last Mr. Sandy oi Beoewamg; Mr. ana Mrs. MoseBrown and Mrs. Rose Sehlucker, of ( ~ou* ~ay withJ. Dykeman. Mr. and Mrs. of Galt, spent La- her daughter, Mrs. Allen Johns motor ed to Niagara Falls on Sunday, re turning Monday. Master .Jackie Cornish, of God erich, spent last week with his a grandmother, Mrs. J. Cornish, here. ! Mrs. Reg. McDonald, of Exeter, -; spent a few days last week with her THAMES ROAD Mrs. Robt. Kydd is spending few days at Shallow Lake.Mrs. William Jeffery is doing j q well after her recent operation. .Rev. Robt. Hicks will speak at'the PUients, Mr. and M^s. E. Skinner. Thames_Road church on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Art Jones and fam- iting teith. Rev. and Mrs. Irwin and Rev. and | Mrs. Woods were callers ■ at thejj manse last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner, Bert and Mary, were in Toronto on Saturday attending the marriage of the former’s niece, Mary ^Annabella Reid. The W.M.S.' /meeting was held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. John Hackney with a good attendance. Opening hymn, “Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life”> was sung and the-president led in prayer. The lesson was read from the Missionary Monthly. After the singing of the hymn, “O’er the Trackless Ocean Guided” the scripture les son on prayer from St. Matthew was read by Mrs. A. Gardiner. Minutes, roll call and letters of thanks were read. Mrs. Wiseman read the topic from a booklet on “Wings Over China,” which was very interesting. -A reading, the Christian Home, Mother and None Other” was given by Mrs. Robt. Cann. “Peace, Per fect Peace” was the closing hymn, followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. • Mrs. Ramsay, of Winnipeg, is vis- ily, Of St. Thomas, were visitors at at the home of Mrs. A. Mon- Mr. R. Williams the first of the week. i Miss Joy Whitlock returned to j St. Thomas on Molnday after a 'month’s vacation liere and at Port -Stanley. ' Master Murray Stephens and Mas- ter John Batten visited a few days .last week in London at the home of the latter’s - aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pyne and two daughters, from near. Sarnia, were visitors at the home of Mr. S. Pym over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hunter and son, of Kitchener, were guests over the week-end holiday with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hunter. Mrs. Gordon ‘Ford and son, John, of Flint, Mich., and Mrs. Mary Ford, of Exeter North, were callers at Mr. H. Ford’s last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Williams and Miss Joy Whitlock were visitors on Sun day-with Mr., and Mrs, Lloyd Hor ton, near Listowel.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw and David, of Seaforth, were visitors with Mr. John Herdman on Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Whiteford also visited there on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin spent a couple of days recently with the letter’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods, on their re turn to London after a holiday in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Johns, Mrs. fR. D. Hunter, Mr. Wm. Garnet Miners, Mrs. E. also Mrs. W. Pybus, of tended the funeral of a Pollard, at Tilsonburg day. WINCHELSEA School has' reopened again this Week with the usual attendance. Misses Marion and Irene Pooley ,spent the holiday at Turnbull’s Grove. Mr. and Mrs. E. Willard, of Hen sail, visited on Sunday with ^Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Glenn, of Brinsley. Mr. and Mrs, James Knox and family,, of Stratford, visited on Sun day with Mr. and MI’S. Frank Brock. Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thom as, spent the latter part of. the .week With her sister, Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mr. home days Burns, _ Quite a number from this com munity attended the church parade held in Exeter on Sunday and also the decoration services at Hensallj and McTaggart’s cemeteries John Batten after spending with Mr. and , of London. has returned .the past few Mrs. Wesley ‘Alex Zim- Keller, of and were Mrs. Visi- Kel- son, 88 Johns, Mr. Garscadden Exeter, at- cousin, Mr. last Satur- one BRINSLEY The Brinsley congregation of Crediton circuit will be Sunday,(( September 13, Rev. Duncan 'McTavish, United church,'London, ■ the pulpit. TO former friends and adherents, a Hearty in vitation is extended to worship and Share in the inspiration of services of worship at 11 a.m, and 7.30 p.m. On “ ...... the en fete on when the of Calvary will occupy r members, Monday evening Mr. McTavish give a lecture entitled “What You Make of It?” assisted by “pack Family” of London, which render vocal and instrumental selections, the latter on the cello. Rev. McTavish’S sermon themes are; 11 a.m., “Shall We Swing to the Left?”} 7.30 p.irt., “The Writ ing on the Wall”. The services of worship at Cre dited! on Sunday evening, Septem ber 15th and 20th will be with drawn. Crediton United qliurch an niversary services will be held on Sunday, October 4. Upon all these anniversary services we invoke the blessing of Almighty God. A dance Will be heid at the Exeter Arena Saturday evening when music from no. 9 S.F.T.S., Centralia. Ad mission 40o and 25c, Tv Luft officiating. WHALEN the fOl- •the In With Mon time. Miss Maida Morley left on day for Elmira to Spend some Mr; Roy Hodgson, of Goderich, spent the week-end Under the par ental root Rev. Reba Hern, B.A., of Varna, will be the guest speaker at this church next Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Stevenson, of Yhorndale, were Sunday visitors- with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkin son. Miss Betty Morley, of Stratford, and Mr. Howard Morley, of Hazel Park, Mich,, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley. Misses Rita Hollinger and Irene Heller, of Waterloo, Mr. Roy Bar ker, of Toronto, and Miss Annelda Shouldice, of London, were visitors I over the holiday at the home of <■ Frank Squire. THE WAR IS ON THE WIRES calls* r” to Ot[-t . clear *e line 1. Be bnef - L for the next 2- Cu tore yo» c’‘‘ for a number.tatnily—especial' 3- membe^0 S3 ==« •* „ party hne.On Mg Dbtcnce CA peak hours. after q -2 P*M*’ 0 9 p.M* iLf*- 3. Plan 4-C:tal w Keep them clear for ESSENTIAL CALLS Minutes Count; war calls must go through without delay. But how? Increased local and long distance traffic is already taxing facilities to the limit. And further extension of telephone equipment is ruled out by shortages of copper, aluminum, rubber. There is just one way out. Every one of us must learn to use his tele phone more carefully. We'"must voluntarily "ration*’ our talks. JWc must remember^ always, that urgent war calls can’t wait* 0 Buy W&r SaykigV SfUiWjsA and Cbrtificafet at any Boll Wephan* BodhARi Office. J, F< ROLFE, Malinger. * Watt- 4* .♦4