The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-09-03, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3rB, 1942 i Announcements ( riirRi, Notices charge. Notice# 50c for single Verne,. gf.......,, ......................“...... tional yer^e. HniSWpeaJeatM t»O<j are inserted free ef Card, of Thanks 50c. la !5e extra for .'uaeU ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Payne an­ nounce the Engagement of their daughter, Doris Ivy, to Sgt. Vai. Ricci, R.C.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Ricci, Aidershot, the mar­ riage to take place Sept. 12th in Toronto. Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY “It Turned Out Nice Again” with—GEORGE FORMBY Britain’s Ace Comedian —,—added------ BRINSLEY Christening services were held at St. Mary’s church on Sunday by Rev. Mr. Elston, when Mildred Jane, infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Lewis was baptized. Grant Amos had a very success­ ful barn raising on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wylie and two boys, of Shumacker, visited with their grandfather, Mr. J. H. Amos. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lewis spent Sunday with relatives. i I (J* MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY two features , id“I Married an Angel’ starring— JEANETTE McDONALD and NELSON EDDY Outlaws of the Desert” with—HOPALONG CASSIDY (William Boyd) ■ «l WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ONLY WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs. Leigh, of Colonsay, Sask., spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shier re­ turned home from Thorndale re-- cently, having spent a month there with Mr. and Mrs. John Stevenson. Pte. Geo. Webb, of Kitchener, who is training with the engineers, spent a few days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Makins, of Bayfield, and Mrs. Vooden, of Al­ berta, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. John Routley. Mr. and Mrs. Glayton Hern, of Chatham, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern. The W.M.S. this week in the basement church. This coming Sunday, Sept. Sunday School bible class will be taken by Mr. Tufts, of Kirk­ ton, and it will be a temperance les­ son. Love an- starring— ROBERT TAYLOR, and LANA TURNER ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Teale,. Forest, wish to announce the engagement •of -their elder daughter, Gwendo­ line Amy, to Ray McDonald Creech, youngest son of Mrs. Catherine Creech and the late Thos. Creech, of Exeter, the marriage to take place early in September. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. nounce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Christine, to Ross Ellison Whiting, only son of Mr, and Mrs, Ross A, Whiting, of Parkhill, The wedding will take plaee on Sep­ tember 17th at Dundurin Farm. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Gossman wish announce the engagement of them eldest daughter, Dolores Mary Ellen, to Alfred A. Kurtz, of Kit­ chener, son of Mr. W, Kurtz and the late Mrs. Kurtz, of New Dundee, the marriage to take place early 'in September. News From ... ,1 NUMBER 9 T (Continued from page 1) • Following his inimitable perfor­ mance there was no holding the air­ men and airwomen, each succeeding act bring met with louder applause. We had magicians, for no Show is complete without them, Spanish- dancers and acrobats, tap dancers, and, a charming group of specialty dancers who were, to well received. When down we hours of tainment history-, we could hardly believe it, Yes, it was indeed a great show and Number Nine is waiting anx­ iously for a return engagement in the not too distant future, meantime a great big members bringing men and Forces. rolling say thb least, curtain came that over two the final were aware sparkling fun and enter*- were nothing more than the the for the In hand to of Lowney’s Chocolates pleasure in this way to women in Canada’s Armed May your Caravan keep through the wintei* months. has beep a week of enter-This tainmentl In addition to the “Crack­ er Jacks” we have seen three ex­ cellent pictures, “Sleepers West”, “Affairs of Annabelle” and last, but by no means least, “Keep ’Em Fly­ ing”, starring those funsters, Ab­ bott and Costello. We are happy to say we now .have chairs for all who care to attend the pictures. This CARDS OF THANKS | Mrs, Albert Fahner wishes I thank hei- many friends whoj kindly remembered her with cards, I adds greatly to the enjoyment as j treats, flowers and visits while a' you ean weu imagine, if you have i patient in Victoria Hospital, London. 1 I Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten and . Gladys wish to thank the Elimville | Sunday School and her school! chums for treats and cards received ' while Gladys was a patient in the War Memorial Hospital; also Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern for the loan of a radio. * sat through a full-length picture on the floor.:’c Last Thursday evening a large group of airmen and airwomen at­ tended the Red Cross carnival and dance held - at Lucan. Free trans­ portation was supplied by the dance committee to all who wished to at­ tend. Three bus loads took advan­ tage of the opportunity to visit our I I Mrs. John Coward wishes to ex-’ press her sincere thanks to all those friends in Lucan. Everyone report- who so kindly remembered hei’ with . ed a splendid evening. We are al- flbwers, fruits and cards while a j ways glad of an opportunity to fra- patient in Victoria Hospital; also all ternize with .the neighboring com- those who visited her and made the munities. * time pass so much quicker. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnston *p The number attending Church *3 V *?»2% met Wednesday of of the 6, the lesson Rev. Aidworth to Preach In Main St. Church On Sunday morning next in Main Street United church Rev. E. A. Aidworth, of Staffa, will conduct the service and preach, The min­ ister, Rev. N. J. Woods, is conduct­ ing anniversary service at the Zion appointment on the Staffa charge. Classified Directory 3 GOOD REASONS FOR USING WANT-ADS: 1 » + Readers 2 ., Little Cost 3 , , Results Classified Ads—l|ac Per Word Enbh Insei'tiou, MSirimwn Charge 23c Per Insertion; 10c Ext^a when re-* plies are driivored to the Times-Advocate office. A charge of 10c is made if not paid within ten days. HELP WANTED WANTED—-Girl over 20 for wait­ ress. Apply Box 126, Exetei* 3c WANTED A middle-aged lady as housekeeper, duties light, ply at Times-Advocate WANTED Ap- 3c WANTED—Fifty to 100-acre farm, either foment or buy, close to Exe­ ter. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3;10* POSITION WANTED—Young lady with business training and two years’ experience desires full or part time position. Apply at Times-Advocate office, 6* WANTED-—Some yearling hens or pullets; also 2 or 3 loads of sec­ ond cut alfalfa hay, for cash or exchange for honey, W. F. Ab­ bott, Exeter. 3c LOST AND FOUND LOST—A black Waterman’s foun­ tain pen. Reward. Mr. E. Dig- nan, Exeter. 3c FOUND—In Exeter, a lady’s silver wrist watch. Apply at the Exe­ ter Times-Advocate. STRAYED—From the 4 th conces­ sion of Usborne, four yearlings, three black and one black and white. Archie Etherington, phone 171rll, Exeter. 3 c FOR SALE FOR SALE—5 sucking pigs, 6 weeks old. Wm. J. Boa, R.R. 1, Hensail. ,3* FOR SALE—-Axminster rug 8x12 feet nice new; chest of drawers; dishes, cut glass,. down pillows. Mrs, G, Mantle, Exeter, 27* FOR SALE-—No, 1 canning peaches, ready this week and next, Sev­ eral varieties to choose from Apply Howard J. Stutt, 2S miles houh and east of Forest, R.R. 2. Phone 612rllL 87:3c PROPERTIES FOR SALE ESTATE HOUSE MUST BE SOLD- Medium-sized conveniences, well located, lot, garage, sion if desired, phone 165, Exeter. brick house, all nice Imemdiate posses- C. V. Pickard, 50 ACRES FOR SALE—Small house, barn on wall, near town and school. Other farms of different ’ acreages. C. V, Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. FOR SALE—Two lots in the Village of Dashwood. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Ness, Dashwood. 20:3* FOR SALE—Albert St., brick cot- l tage in good repair. Main St., brick house with conveniences, extra lot. W. C. Pearce. FOR SALE—Frame house and two lots, Gilchrist survey, Hensail, the property of the late Mary McKay and Isabella Gordon. For further particulars apply to Mrs. ^Margaret Nichols, Grand Bend. Must be sold at once to close es­ tate. PROPERTY FOR RENT AUCTION SALES ” S truth roy.Lambert Sale Yards, Saturday, September Sth. 200 head of mixed stock cattle. deliver, A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer, Trucks to AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS IN EXETER on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER- 1, 1942 The undersigned auctioneer has- received instructions to sell by pub- . lie auction at One the following: HOUSEHOLD tension table, 6 O’clock EFFECTS —- Ex­ chairs, china' cab­ inet, radio, buffet, 4 rockers, drop­ leaf table, 3 kitchen chairs, kitch­ en cabinet, two rugs, congoleumi rug, hall rack, wash stand, bed­ room set, 3-piece toilet set, sewing machine, clothes box, washing ma­ chine, boiler, 2 clocks, cupboard, .4 pairs window curtains, lawn mow­ er,- quantity of dishes, mirror, tea set of Aynsley china, electric plate, coal oil heater, garden tools, hall tree, kitchen stove for coal or wood. TERMS—CASH MRS. MARY A. KESTLE, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer wish to express their sincere thanks Parades on the Station grows_each to their friends for cards, treats,1 etc., while Mrs. Johnston was a pa-. tient in Victoria Hospital, London.I IN MEMORIAM MORGAN—In loving memory of my dear father, Frederick Morgan, who passed away Sept. 5th, 19 41. In sorrow we waited day by day, And watched him suffering there; Slowly but surely passing away From the pain he scarce could bear. And then God called from His throne above, His suffering and pain is past: We know he has gone to realms of love, And in Heaven has peace at last. —Sadly missed by daughter, son- in-law and family. ’ Sunday „and the Reverend F. F. Crankshaw, chaplain at No. 9 S.F. T.S, has been preaching some excel­ lent sermons. Communion was held following the parade last Sunday and a goodly -number remained to participate in this service. At ten o’clock the Roman Catholic Mass was held in the recreation hall A It was conducted by the Command Chaplain, Squadro.n Leader Cahill, | who was visiting' this Station. I I I fourth year of the plans for remem- a befitting manner FOR SALE—6 pigs, 6 weeks old. Geo. Barkner, Exeter North. 3* FOR SALE—Seed wheat, good Grade No. 1 Dawson’s Golden Chaff, $1.00 per bushel. . Harry Strang, 177rl6, Exeter. 3:10c FOR SALE—Wooden barrels, 25^, each; wooden lard tubs, 3'0c each.' Apply Middleton’s Bakery, Exe­ ter. 3 c FOR SALE—-4-burner Perfection coal oil stove and oven, almost as good as new; clean .mattress. Ap­ ply to Mrs. A. Harltoru Centralia. FREE RANGE PULLETS — Leg­ horns and Barred Rocks, 3 and 4 months, also - ready to lay TOO choice yearling Leghorn hens. Phone 57r7, Dashwood. Lake­ view Poultry Farm. Wein Bros. 3* FOR RENT—Service station on Highway at Hensallv present ten­ ant going into Air Force. Apply Box 64, Exeter. 27:3c PERSONAL BABY'S SKIN AILMENTS, ECZEMA cuts, etc., respond quickly to KLEEREX — “A Quick Healing Salve.” Also heals Psoriasis, Im­ petigo, Erythema, etc. 50c, $1.00, $2.00. (Medium and Strong). Re­ commended and sold by Robert­ son’s Drug Store. v LOOK COOL AND SLIM THROUGH hot summer days. Take Slendor Tablets. $1.0’0. Robertson’s Drugs. MISCELLANEOUS lb. a chains, 4 cow rope and sacks, and tube, tire scythe, whiffle- / Girls’ Foot Race 12 & under, 75c, 50c, 25c Boys’ Foot Race 12 & under 75c, 50c, 25c its Special Attraction in Front of Grandstand Admission 25c; Children 15c; Cars 25c All exhibits must remain on the grounds until 5 o’clock, MffinMHMN Boys’ Bicycle Race, 16 and tinder 1st prize Bicycle tire, 2nd $1.00, 3rd 50c CALF RACE for boys or girls 15 yrs. and . under: Prizes $2.00, $1.00, 50c ft Music by fhei Exeter Band arid the No. 9 Airport Trumpet Band . EXETER LIONS CLUB SPECIAL, $12.00 IN PRIZES FOR SCHOOL WORK Wednesday and Thursday TRIAL of SPEED — 2.22 trot or pace Purse $100.00 Every heat a race. Purse divided 40, 30, 20 10. 5% to enter to be paid at I o’clock. . Horses eligible on day of race. Horses at owner’s risk. At least 5 to start. EATON’S SPECIAL -- 5 MARKET HOGS Prizes $12, $10, $8, $6, $5, $4 See the Fair Book Prize List for Rules PERTH-HURON SHORTHORN CATTLE SHOW $450 in prizes in this class.17 classes. must be drawn or driven own power. Prizes $10, $8, $6, $4 FREAK OUTFIT At the request of His Majesty the King, Sunday, the 6th of Septem­ ber, is to be set aside as a day of prayer and rededication to mark the beginning of the war. The following ber'ing the day in were approved at a meeting of the Exeter council and clergy? In the morning there will be services in all the churches in town. The Air Force band and personnel, together with the Legion and reserve units z>f Huron County, the Boy Scrvjts and Wolf Cubs, will parade to Tri- vit>t Memorial church for the ser­ vice at 11 a.m. The Roll of Hon­ our of those serving with the forces from the church is. to be dedicated at this service, September 6th also being the dedication festival of Tri- vitt Memorial church. In the evening -there is to be a united service at Trivitt church at which the congregations of all the churches will join together_Jh a single act of worship, prayer and re­ dedication to the task which lies ahead. The addresses at noth morning and evening services-will be given by the Reverend 'F. F. Crankshaw. It is Hoped that everyone who can possibly do so will make a real ef­ fort to be present tor at least one of the services and to play part in making the day in sense a day of prayer. ! 'Ji 'X I On Thursday everting our softball team will play the girls’ softball team of Following an exhibition be played at the Station, will be entertained at a the Recreation Hall. , Flight Lieu- and his dance cOm- some inter- and >Ve are the evening. * tenant McLean mittee are arranging esting, entertainment all looking forward to Sound System Will Be Used Dr. E. S. Steiner, President Clark Fisher, Secretary & Treasurer iiiHiiiiriiiiiiiHitHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiHiniiiiiiiiiiniinimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitnr their every girls’ hosts to Brinsley, game to the girls dance in reached the FOR SALE—Fall rye at 90c a bus. Apply to Dan F'inkbeiner,'. R.R. 2, Crediton. 27:3* CASH FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser­ vice, day or night. Phone Credi­ ton, 47rl5, collect. Jack Williams. Place an Ad here and watch Results. hesitant about sending them. We just want to say hew happy we will he to have any donation regardless of the quantity. Drop them in to Mr. Harness -on Main Street or if it is more convenient, phone the “Y” office and -willing hands will deliver them to the Station. Our educational officer, Flying Officer Carothers, would be glad to receive any high school text books which may not be in use. This seems to bring us up to date for the present, so until next Thurs­ day, I------,------------------------ Au Revoir (J. R. Wadland) Y.M.C.A. Supervisor CAMP IPPERWASH ALMOST READY FOR SOLDIERS Modern Advanced Infantry Training' Centre Near Lake Huron’s Finest Beadh. a few weeks • Canada's most up-to-date training open in Lambton County soldiers SEE GEO. F, CLARK for all kinds of windmills, pump jacks, pumps and piping. Repairing windmills and pumps. Phone Crediton 23-6 R.R. 3, Dashwood. AUCTION SALE OF CHATTELS M. • • The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction on MAIN STREET, EXETER . on SATURDAY, SEPT, 12th, 1942 at 1 o’clock, the following: Two-wheel trailer, 1,2 QO scales, ’ 2 large logging chains, number of lighter chains, quantity of robe, 21-in. tire pump, wagon jack, trees, pair large block and tackle pulleys, number of smaller pulleys, stone hammers and iron wedges, set of mason’s tools, wheelbarrow, 4 screens, onion screen, 6 large barn door hinges, assortment of iron and piping, vise, carpenter’s tools, 4-foot level, several small levels, 2 cement pounders, ’ number of large and small crowbars, -tile scoop, number of shovels’, spades, forks and hoes, grass seeder, several horse 'collars, crosscut saw, potato cutter, corn sheller, number of wooden trestles, a pile of mixed lumber, quantity of 2-in. plank, pair long ladders, ce­ ment block machine and plates, pair of tool chests," cutter pole, several window ■ sashes, tarpaulin, small Daisy churn. Jersey cow, milking good. TERMS—CASH • MRS. LOVINA BAWDEN, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. the and y ■ Within latest and centre will and approximately 2,000 will be sent there for advanced in­ fantry training. Old Indian Reserve 1 Our second course Station Sunday and they have keen pretty busy since their arrival, ad­ justing themselves to their new re­ sponsibilities, White banded hats will soon be commonplace as our courses continue to arrive, young lads ners of the Who needs share your countryside These come from the four cor- World, so if you see one a helping hand, please knowledge of the local With him. * a: Books continue to come in for the library and they are bring used to advantage. Some have wanted to make contributions but on finding only one or two book* on hand were Scene of what is already known in military records as “A-29 Advanc­ ed Infantry Training Certtre” Is the site of the ol#d Indian reserve between. Forest and Thedford and will be popularly known as Gamp Ipperwash. Already well on the way to com­ pletion by civilian contract, under supervision of the Royal Canadian Engineers and the District Engineer­ ing Officer of M.D. No. 1, Lt.-Coll W. M. Veitch, the new camp pre­ sented a striking scene when visit­ ed last week by the press. Two thousand, have been taken partment of Indian Affairs and the few Indian, families-—some 15 in all—who previously resided in areas have been compensated moved away, t Construction Rapid Started early in May, construction has -made rapid progress, six build­ ings, including living quarters for military personnel, workshop, quar­ termaster’s stores,, office and“ sal­ vage headquarters and supply de­ pot have been already completed under direct supervision of the Roy­ al Canadian.. Engineers. tfhe re-, maining 37 buildings, comprising barracks, drill hall, fire hall, hospi­ tal, officers’ and N.C.O.’S quarters and other structures are nearing completion by the general 'contrac­ tors, Johnstojn Bros., of Brantford. The Engineers have also supervised all underground construction, in­ cluding water pipes, siewers and drainage. Water Lake Huron and .and chlorination well as modern sewage disposal. Fire Fighting! Plans One of the most conspicuous structures visible from a distance Is the large fire hall and tower. Huge emergency water tanks will be placed underground throughout the camp area, containing 1,300 gal­ lons of water' for emergency Use, in addition to the hydrant system. There will be a modern fire pump­ ing-engine and hook truck. Electricity is vided by the Ontario trie Power Commission A 150-bed hospital will the soldiers who become nurses and commissioned sisten attached for duty, keeping with the recent policy of the Canadian military authorities,- will be piped from a filtration plant as for plant set 'up, septic plant and ladder being pro- Hydro-Elec- •care for ill, With nursing Also, in *■ representatives of two hundred acres over from the de- Women Have Part Indeed, the new part that wo­ men have come, to play in total war as Canada now knows it was strik­ ingly demonstrated to ‘ the press. After being shown something of the structural work and engineering work at the camp by the R.C.E. of­ ficer-in-charge, Lieut. W. Adams, they went at his suggestion to look, through what at the moment is the pride of the camp, the quartermas­ ter’s.- stores. /Received by the quartermaster, Capt. R. A. Heath, they found a building, E-shaped, which for ef-. ficiency of design and utilization of space cannot be surpassed any­ where. Every lesson already’’ learn­ ed by past experience has been in­ corporated in the planning and .lay­ out Of the building and its stores facilities. One wing of the E is given over to clothing and blankets; a second to barracks supplies, and the third to ordnance and other technical equipment. ♦ And • here a detail of five girls, all members of the C.W.A.C., was discovered busily packing away sheets, blankets and , other stores on shelves'and in draw­ ers with a neatness and efficiency that would draw the admiration of the most hardened R.S.M, Shelves, Clipboards Filled Wearing fatigue uniforms, the girls Were smiling and happy as they bustled about setting things in or­ der. Thousands of socks, shirts, blankets, tunics, trousers, boots and web equipment occupied one section. Elsewhere shelves and cupboards were filled with huge quantities of plates,. cups, forks and knives, pots and pans, mops and brooms—in fact everything from soap and toothpaste there will he a detachment of the. greatcoats alia gas masks. It Canadian Women’s Army corns at1 was abundantly plain that the army the camp, which will perform a is providing the best of everything multitude of clerical and other du- , for the boys in its ranks, .and lots of ties for which they ate fitted and it. It is estimated that, 90 per cent which will release mon for more of the work In Q.M. stores can bo vital work. . done by the C'.W.A.C. personnel. V B %