HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-08-27, Page 8Page s EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27th, 1942 V’s Beauty Shoppe ♦ e For Perinanents of Lasting Beauty, EUgeae, Spiral, Croquinole, Com­ bination, Machineless VERA DECHER, Prop. Phone 113 Evenings by Appointment Exeter Markets Wheat. 85c-86e. Creamery butter, 39c. Eggs, A Large, 33c. Eggs, Medium, 31c. Eggs, B, 25c _ Dressed Hogs, $15.35. iiiiinniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 Special Feature THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Archie Etherington 1 Phone 171 rll, Exeter ~starring ANN SHERRIDAN ROBERT CUMMINGS RONALD REAGAN MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY two features “The Spoilers a Rex Beach story starring— JOHN WAYNE and MARLENE DIETRICH 8 I Mexican a feature comedy with-— LEON ERROLL, LUPE VELEZ ___________ Memorial Service for Mrs. Moored A memorial service was held at! the Pentecostal church Sunday! morning, August 23, in memory of I the late Mrs. Moore who passed away I recently. The hymns sung -were all I in keeping .with the occasion. A beautiful duet, “Good Night and Good’ Morning Up There” was sung by Misses Jenny Jolly and Jean Mc­ Donald, this being i ~ of the deceased. Rev. Clemens took. for his text, “What shall it profit a! man, if he shall gain the whole world ‘ and lose his own soul?” Plate Glass Insurance iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiL i Save Tires and Gasoline | E For your future convenience E E ship your hogs with E local trucker where get th© highest prices yield S CONCENTRATION soon tires faulty eyes » . . then they fog and jitter . » » cause errors and nervous ex* haustion. Don’t risk sending that kind of eyes to school. Have their eyes examined at once and if correction is called for, scientific care and you your you and *, scientific expert fitting will help keep them clear-eyed and efficient. C. B. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Office open eveiy week day except Wednesday iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiii CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Galloway Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.-—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public Worship “Great Things Some Men Miss’ Morning service only during August The C.'C.C. will meet Tuesday af­ ternoon at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. A. Mitchell. 13 m111 ■ Sale of Summer Dresses Two dozen only Summer Presses in Crepes, Spun Rayons and Bemberg Sheers, These s price .fiifiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiif iiiiiniii I MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev. N, J, Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y, Willard, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School II a.m.—Public Worship. The Min­ ister. 7 p.m.'—Public Worship. The Min­ ister. Wednesday, Aug. 20, 8 p.m.—-Union Prayer Service in James Street church. Excellent Values in Towelling We are showing a good range of part linen towelling in blue and red checks at 30c a yd Also a dozen patterns in pure linen at per yard 50c and 55c, Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Work Guaranteed I I I I I LOCALS I I I! VACATION NOTICE j Dr. Roulston desires to announce’ » • i . that commencing today his Office Jr f will be closed, whilst he is absent i on vacation. Date of re-opening will?Cai. of Alberta Coal and a ear oA be announced. i Anthracite Pea Coal j Book your orders now when we have it in stock, for by Fall It might j be hard to get. Phone 33 NOW! LOCALS Phone 245 10 11 7 English Terry Towelling In* a range of good patterns. This is scarce goods. Per yard 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c, 30c All are welcome. Pastor—E." Clemens . 13th Sunday After Trinity 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a,un.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon “The Law and the Gospel Anniversary Sunday—September 4-yard wide Linoleums. Get the habit of buying them each week, Phone 16 4 HI DO YEAST Try this -for your next baking, pkg. 15c TEXAS GOLDEN GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20 oz. tin ............ 15c JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. A, B, Irwin, B.A. AV. R. Gpfllding, A.T.O.M. Organist and Choir Leader I a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—Public Worship “Re­ proachable Goodness” p.m.—Public Worship “A Quiet Testimony’’ Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Ser­ vice Full Fashioned Hose 'prnentjof hose'jn plain lisle, mesh lisle and in bemberg, newest shades priced at 85c and $1.00 Mrs, Vyrne Smith is spending a j ! week’s holidays up north. Miss June Cutting is confined to | her bed with hay “fever and asthma. | Miss Allie Eacrett, of Preston, is i visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. | Beavers. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Appleton, of Greenway, spent Sunday J. Appleton. Mrs. Wilson Anderson, ton, is visiting with Mr. George Hay. Mr. Jas. Jewell, of London, spent J the latter part of last week visit-1 “ ing in Exeter. t Pte. Gerald Skinner, of the R.C., S O.C., Ottawa, spent the week-end • a favorite song r at kig home here. j Cpl. Ted Wilson, of London, spent i the week-end -with his parents, Mr. j and Mrs. C. L. Wilson. 1 Miss Isobel Turnbull spent Friday ’ in London visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardiner. Miss Ruth Fraser, of London, j spent the forepart of the week with j Mr. and- Mrs. Wm. Fraser. Miss Ada Delve, of Dresden, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Misses Myrtle I with Mr. ] of Credi- j'and Mrs. I I Jas. P. Bowey Sun Life and General Insurance TOMLINSON’S TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul • Choir Deader, Mr. Middlemiss still\^kow you four good patterns in four yard -wide linoleums. >r covering we advise early buying. These goods are very scarce Old price per yard $4.25 sa I What a loss you would have if your store window’ was broken or cracked. Not only -would you close the window for display but the plate glass is difficult to' ob­ tain and very costly. re-Here are a few claims paid cently by an Insurance Co. Toronto, Window Cleaner .....:................................... §123.03 Midland, Two Men Fighting ......................................... §131.11 Chatham, Car out of control .............1.............................. §86.9!) The above are. but a few of the claims paid annually. .Let us quote you prices on Plate •Glass Insurance. Our rates are very low. W. H. Hodgson If It’s Insurance We Have It EXETER Hairdressing Phone 146 Phone 146 Exeter PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 10 a.m,—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Worship 7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer meet- Taxi Service —Phone— Day 100 Night 271 SNELL BROS. & CO. this. week at the home Parsons. Carruthers and 1 Doris Hay, of London, are assisting at Miss Decker’s beauty shop. Miss Marjorie Heywood, who re­ cently fractured her collarbone, is recuperating at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle "Worden, of •Staffa, visited on Sunday with Mrs. C. A.. Southcott at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman and. Toni, of Listowel, spent Sunday I •with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman. | Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and Miss Ila [ - - -/--------->--------—■Westcott, of Toronto, are visiting I who has spent the summer specializing in Personality Haircutting Finger waving PERMANENTS ‘AL’ PICKARD PROMINENT IN HOCKEY CIRCLES Mr. Allan W. Pickard, of Regina, ST. PETER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH South of Centralia on Highway No. 4 Mass will be celebrated as follows: August 16th and 30tli, September 13th and 27th, October 11th and 27th at 9 o’clock All other Sundays . at 11 o’clock TAXI SERVICE will leave Shell’s Garage each Sunday 30 minutes be- fore„each Mass and will return after the service. WE SELL WAR SAVINGS STAMPS- Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday SHERRIFF’S GINGER BREAD MIX Just mix with water and bales MAZOLA OIL FOR SALADS Excellent for cooking ..................... Borden’s CHOCOLATE MALTED MILK Sweetened ready for use., large tin 40c SHERRIFF’S LEMON PIE FILLING Makes delicious pies ......................... 15c KRAFT’S FRENCH DRESSING Ready to serve^ per bottle .............. 25c Something new! Stokely’s TOMATO SOUP ‘ It’s delicious, per tin.............................8c PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES Late peaches for canning are now ready— leave us your order. WOODBURY’S SOAP DEAL Ic sale 4 for 25c Southcott with their sister, Mrs. Rd. Coates. Mrs., Robert Wenger returned to her home in Exeter after spending the past three weeks in West Hill. Mr. A. R. Tomlinson, of Windsor, and Miss Leno re Lawson and Mr. Harry Wayward, of Toronto, spent I with his brother, Clerk C. V. and Mrs. , Pickard, and with his sister, Mrs. M. F. Gladman, in Exeter and at Grand Bend, left on Thursday of last week to attend a meeting of the executive ’ of the Canadian Ama­ teur Hockey Association, of which he is vice-president, which met ini- J.O V eoiu Uli L, WJUJUU, 111 til 111 Toronto Friday and Saturday, and Miss Jessie Woods, of Watford, is | from there he returns to1 his home a guest this week with Rev. and i in the West. Mrs. N. J. Woods at the Main street! dent of the Saskatchewan Amateur parsonage. I Hockey Association and the Sas- Miss Edith King has accepted a j katchewad Seuioi/ Hockey League. Mr. Pickard is presi- Miss Edith King has accepted a katchewafi Senior Hockey League. iposition at Middleton’s Bakery, tak-!®11’0111 ^e 1941-1942 Saskatchewan ing the place of Miss Ila Willis, who Hockey Annual we quote: “Al. I has resigned. Pickard’s name is synonimous withONTARIO'has resigned. i - - - ---- Telephones: Office 24, Res. 102 JI Miss Betty Witmer has returned I ho^ey in Saskatchewan For many - Ito Detroit after snendina the snm- Xe"s »« ?as. »« »«. the -—■.--T= er months in Zurlch a°d TClth ’eratora ot the Regma Aces and aunt, Miss Vera Decker, Bxeler. I ,„°,L t they fust around the corner!- Frequent cleaning not give and stains chance to deter­ iorate fabrics. dry does dust a, DRESSES MEN’S SUITS A i lyrices Reasonable Cleaned Pressed W ELMORE HARNESS BABBEH SHOR Agent for OntariQ CLEANERS AND DYERS Mrs. Chas. Cox and daughter, Patricia, of Welland, are visiting j with the former’s mother-in-law* ; Mrs. N. Hannigan. { Pte. and Mrs. Douglas Triebner ! I and Roy and William and Jetson 1 Corbett, of London, spent the week- I end with Mr. and Mrs. Nat. Corbett. I Mr. and Mrs. Len Peters, of Mont- ■ real, and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon New- I ton, of Strathroy, called_ ____ {and Mrs. Fred Newton on Monday.j, i ’ ! team ; ownership end of hockey has de- i voted many, many hours to the gen- I eral promotion of the game. Sas- I katchewan has no finer sportsman [than ‘Al’ Pickard.” Sufferers! sssxa on Mr. of Ot-Ij Mrs. Charles Gladman,i tawa, and her mother, Mrs. D. Bri- |en, of Ridgetown, visited over the . week-end with Mr, F. W. Glad- i man. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Butler, Miss j Nellie Pybus and Mrs. Robt. Bragg, j all of London, attended the fun- • eral of the late Edward Johns oil ' Monday. ! Mr. J. W, Morley, of town, was ; the winner of a pen and pencil set in the draw at the Goderich Lions Club frolic Wednesday evening of ■ last week. ’ Miss Lillie Miller and Miss Mary I Johns, of Exeter, and Miss Katlilyn Mustard, of Brucefield, have been holidaying at Bonnie View cottage at Inverhuron. ‘ i r Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers visited with Mr. and Mrs, /Giles, of Hamilton, t (at Cedar Springs Community Clubj over the week-end. t f Attention! The Special Representative of Miracle HAMILTON* ONT. Will be at A. E. WUERTH’S* STORE “The Home of Bunny White’L where shoe repairing is neatly and promptly done Exeter, on Monday, Aug. 31st 1 to 8 o’clock PLAN TO SEE HIM! No Charges fdr Consultation “Miracle” Method of Correctionid Mrs, J, J, ‘“““VW mtuwa UI vurrecuon at their cabin successfully proven by our many satisfied customers in this district. Your clothes must be able to withstand the hard and constant wear they will get at school. ’ * ' Pentecostal W.M.S.- The August meeting of the W.M.S. wasv held on Thursday, August 12, witfi a very good attendance. The meeting opened with the president, Miss Della Peart, in the chair. Two hymns were sung, after which Rev. Clemens led in prayer. Roll was answered by “How I came Pentecost”. The minutes of last -meeting were read and it moved by Mrs. Clemens and onded by Mrs. Blanchard that be adopted. It was moved and sec­ onded that Mrs. Gordon .Parker be first vice-president for the balance of the year. It was decided to quilt some quilts right away for some of the returned missionaries, whose husbands are still over in China. A letter was read from Miss Annie Cressman, one of the Canadian mis­ sionaries, who is in Liberia, telling about her work and how mail and parcels and supplies are reaching her with such difficulty. Miss (Cressman’s home is near Elmira, j Ont. Mrs. Eldon Miller then gave an, address on “Our Christian Walk” which proved very helpful and in­ spiring. Scripture lesson was read from Psalm 125 alternately, after which the rest of the meeting was spent in prayer. Special prayers were offered for some of the mis­ sionaries who are in internment camps and who haven’t been heard from for considerable time; also for | the starving people in Greece and all i countries in Europe who are being j oppressed, Mrs. Edgar Cudinore 1 closed the meeting with prayer, LOCAL NEWS ■Miss Beth Perkins, of -Detroit, is visiting this week with Miss Nola Perkins. Mr. Edgar Hunkin spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Hunkin at Belmore. Miss Nellie Hudson is at present visiting with her sister, Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner, at Shipka. Miss Helen Shapton is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hamil­ ton at Ipperwasli. Sgt.-Major William BalkwiU, of Port Albert, R.A.F., spent the. fore­ part of the week here. Constable John Norry and Mrs. , Norry are visiting With ' their ' daughters in London. Mr. S. Clark and Beatrice, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Hinds • A.C.2 Gerald Lawson, of Camp Borden, is visiting with his aprents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lawson. < Mr. Marvin Howey,. of Toronto, visited for a couple of days with his mother, Mrs. L, F. Howey. Mr. C. H. McAvoy, of Wingham, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. McAvoy and Miss A. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Miners, of Tillsonburg, attended the funeral of the late H, E. Johns on Monday. Mr. Wm. Ludford and Mrs. Gor-! don, of Toronto, spent the forepart! of the week with Mr. O. Southcott, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. were the guests D. A, Put in your order.now for a su'it, trousers or jacket. We can give you just the thing you want, The Store for Men W. W. TAMAN r and Mrs, Miss Francis Armstrong has re- a in McLaren Mrs, last, W.Tuokey Anderson and Ross and Jack, Jean Peterborough; Dr. and Thursday Mrs. B, Mrs. Leo Hennessey, and Jimmie are holidaying at Grand Bend this week. O.S. Ross Oke, of the R.C.N.V.R., stationed at Halifax, is holidaying, for two weeks with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Luther Oke. Blaine Barbara Baker, of Dashwood, also visiting with Mr. and Oke. and are Mrs. and Mrs. Mervin Johnston and Margaret, last week at of Stratford, Grand Bend and week with Mrs. and Mrs. Who for several Mr. Richard Tapp, of Clinton, is visiting With his son, Mr. Arthur i Tapp, j Mr, I Neil I spent are spending this Johnston’s parents, Robert Sanders. Mr. Jos. Creech, years ha's been principal of the Exe­ ter public school, has enlisted with the R.C.A.H., and will take a special course at the Galt Aircraft school. He expects to report for duty Sept, Sth. turned home after visiting for week with Miss " Helen Davis London. Miss Helen Buswell returned her duties at the Sick Children’s Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday, af­ ter spending two weeks’ vacation at her home here. A three-in-oiie. tomato, almost ripe was picked in the garden of Mr. Wm. Ward, town, and is on exhibition In the Times-Advocate window. 'The tomatoes are uniform in size and form three “V for Victory” signs. Gunner W. F. Hick&, who has been with the Canadian Artillery in Eng­ land, recently returned to Canada and with Mrs, Hicks is staying with the latter’s parents, Mr Walter Attfield, Mrs, daughter, and sister, Mrs. D. feeble, have returned to Exeter ter holidaying in Owen Sound, to > and Mrs. Hicks and A. af- Mr. Bert Pilon, of Manning Pool, Toronto, spent the week-end visit­ ing with Neil Jones. Mbs. a. j. Sweitzer, Lois and Ralph, returned home Sunday after visiting for a week with relatives in New Hamburg. Mr. Sweitzer spent the week-end there. Mrs. Bill Chambers and Misses Vera Decker and Doris Hay enter­ tained Leading Airwomen Ida Brit­ tain and Joan Hanley, of No. 9 -8., Centralia, oil Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns Lois, of Toronto, are holidaying week with Mr, and Mrs. Bercy Falls. Mr, Johns: sang a solo very acceptably In James st. United S.H and this 1 Me- Falls. • acceptably In church on Sunday morning last. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Selves, m/. Amos Barling, Mr. Efed Darling and Mrs. Ohas. Snell spent Sunday in Forest. Mrs, Barling, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Inglis, returned home with them,