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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-08-27, Page 6
6 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST a7fl>, 1942 WlLSOO- V FLY PADS I Ph Hjl PR' 1-Oc WHY PAY MORE Best of all fly killers* Clean, quick, sure, cheap* Ask your Drug gist, Grocer or General Store. THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., HAMILTON, ONT. who died in England. A cheque for has been received by L. P. Secretary-Treasurer of the Board and deposited to the George Medfortli United Church Receives Legacy St. Marys United church has henefitted through the will of the late George Hedforth, recently $238.66 Whaley, Trustee church’s credit. .lived some years in Downie and attended church here. He was a genial, kindly 'man and made many friends. About fifteen years ago he returned to his native England. In his last will he left a number legacies to church and charities. of SICKNESS, the CAUSE OF MUCH LOST TIME ■a half through occupational acci- This estimated yearly wage Canada is over 5 0 million “We look after our machines, then why not offer our human ma chines the same care?” is the ques tion posed in an article, “Dividends from Health”, in the summer issue of Health Magazine, official organ of Health League of Canada, which is devoted to the subject of health for industrial workers. Chief cause of absenteeism in wartime industry is neither strike nor accidents but sickness, the ar ticle states, noting that the aver age wage-earner loses nine and a •half days’ work and wages per year—nine days through sickness and non-industrial accidents- a day dents, loss in dollars. In terms of production the value of the work lost is considerably higher. It is shown that the employ ers’ loss is one and a half times the wages lost through this same illness. The estimated figure in Canada approximates dollars annually. Many factories today, quate health measures, ing by up to 50 -per cent the aver age yearly loss of nine and a half days’ work and wages per worker. What, exactly, are adequate health measures in industry? Brief ly: To ascertain, by examination, the physical and mental condition of the prospective employee—and by so doing to place men and women type of work best suited to 7 5 million using ade- are reduc- in the them. To health ready employed. To educate the worker in accident prevention and -personal hygiene. To reduce lost time and absen teeism because of illness or injury. To improve working conditions. A report issued by the Division of Industrial Hygiene, Department of Pensions and National Health, Ot tawa, points out that in Canada “about 80 per cent of all establish ments and 50 per cent of establish ments with more than 500 employ ees have no formal arrangements for the services of a physician; that the services of a nurse are only available in 6 68 establishments.” Dr. Victor G. Heiser, medical con sultant to the National Associations of Manufacturers in the United States, reports that the average 500- employee factory saves over $5,000 annually with a -program of health conservation. The Industrial Divi sion of the Health League of Can ada offers data to show that health promotion in the factory means im proved efficiency and reductions in such categories as accidents, occu pational disease* absenteeism and labor turnover. maintain and improve the and efficiency of those al- CUT COARSB FOR PIPE CUT FINE FOR CIGARETTES THAMES ROAD Misses Mary Johns and Lillian Miller spent a week ht Inverhurou. Miss Mary Gardiner and Mr. Bert Gardiner spent last week at Grand Bend. Mrs. John Cann, who os at present in Toronto, is not doing so well. Miss K. Robb, of Stratford, visit ed friends ■ at Thames Road over • he week-end. Jack- Duncan, of the R.C.N.V.R. is home on six weeks' furlough. The Elimville W.M.S. met at the Thames Road manse today (Wed nesday). Rev. Mair visited with Mrs. John Cann in Toronto this week. Mrs. Fred Evans, -of Toronto* sis ter of Mrs. (Rev.) Mair, left for home last week after spending a week with the family at the manse. Mrs. William Jeffrey was ad mitted to Victoria Hospital, Lon don,last week, foi' observation SHIPKA Mrs. Wesley Jones, of Crediton, visited during the past week with Miss Pearl Keys. Miss Gertrude Dinsdale, of Lon don, spent the past week visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ratz, Miss Violet Sharpe has returned home after spending part of her holidays in Toronto. She has engaged to teach public school near Peterborough. Miss Nola Sweitzer, R.N., of don, is spending a month’s holidays at her home here. * Mr. Herb Fahner, of Crediton, is redecorating the interior of the United church, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bawden and daughter, Ann, -of Windsor, have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob RatzT Miss Reta Ratz, R.N., of Peter borough, has been spending her holidays at her home here. . Mr. Roy Baynham has joined the army and is at present stationed at London. Mr. William Lochner has joined the army and left on Monday for Brandon. Mrs. J. Sharpe spent the week-end with relatives at Parkhill. been Lon- "I can trust my maid at any time. I can go away for three days and know exactly what she will be doing all the time.” Mrs. Brown: “That’s remarkable! What do you think she will be ing just now?” Mrs. Jones: “Nothing.” LIFE IN BRITAIN WILL BE HARDER CAVEN W. M. S* The summer meeting of the W.M.S. of Caven church was held at. the home of Mrs, Wm. Hatter on Thursday evening, August 20 th. with the president, Mi'S. William Sil- lery, in the chair. After the open ing hymn, roll call and minutes,' arrangements were made for the Presbyterial meeting to be held in Caven church on September 8th. Miss L. M. Jeckell gave a splendid resume of the wealth of information contained in the monthly W.M.S, publication, “Glad Tidings”. Mrs. Sillery and Miss Jeckell conducted an instructive questionnaire on mis sionary Miss M. events, Pictou, of the of the ton and also of the work of the W.M.S, in the Maritime provinces. Miss F. Hatter led in the devotional period and. Mrs. Lamont sang the 23rd Psalm to an old, Scottish tune. The LETTER BOX RONS OVERSEAS THANK WARTIME COMMITTEE FOR PARCELS RECEIVED HP ■w do- life and In almost three years of war, in Britain has become more more Spartan, but new restrictions will make it even more rigorous. A development likely to involve many hardships next winter is the call for a saving of 10,000,6'00 tons of coal. Domestic consumption has to be cut by 6,0'00,0'00 while the remaining 4,000,000' will be saved through economies by larger coal users. Old clothes are being renovated to such an extent that shops doing this work are unable to keep pace with the orders. In one large Lon don shoe repairing shop- there are 15,000 pairs of shoes waiting to repaired- and new orders cannot filled for three or four weeks. be be Stocking Situation Serious The firms that undertake “in visible mending” of stockings are requiring two weeks for deliveries, and the whole stocking situation is so acute that there will shortly be special shops where stockings can be resoled and reheeled from sal vaged material which ilized. In every big store get shirts recollared from material taken You can get a woman’s suit made up from a man’s tailcoat and trou sers. After Aug. 1 no more articles not considered strictly useful are being manufactured. That means no more ornamental glassware, coffee per colators, soup spoons, metal or rub ber toys, jewelry, eyebrow tweezers, Less water for baths are urged. Of a bath is set at a five-inch level and the u has been ster- you can now and recuffed off the tail. leather trunks, to name a few. baths and fewer The plimsoll line bath official injunction is every other day.” 'Have neighbor: Are you really start- Second “I’ll say. By the time we First saving any money since you ed your birdget system? I neighbor: balance it up every evening it’s too late to go to the movies or anywhere else but bed. H© Happiness in the Heme When Mother Is Sick the tired, worn out mother cannot make a happy home if she is sick and worried by the never ending household duties. She gets run down and becomes nervous and ___ Irritable, downhearted and discouraged, can’t rest at night, ahd gets up in the morhing feeling as tired as when she Went to bed. Women suffering in this Way may find in Milburn’s Health and Nerv® i a remedy with which to help recuperate their health, build up the runPills a remedy with which to help recuperate their health, build t down system, and desist them back to health-happiness again. « Price 50c a box, 65 pills, at ah drug Counters. Look for our trade mark a “Red Heart” oh the package. Th« T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, work in British Guiana. . Weekes read some current Mrs. George Lamont, of Nova Scotia, spoke briefly early missionary enterprise Presbyterian church in Pic- meeting closed with prayer ’ WINCHELSEA . Misses Jean and Grace Hocking and Mr visited Mrs, R Miss at of Mr. Gordon Hocking, of Munro, on Sunday with Mr. and E. Pooley, Irene Pooley returned from the Girls' War Service camp Cottam on- Tuesday last, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Burns, London, visited on Sunday with and Mrs. R. W. Batten,. Master Don nie returning home after spend ing a few weeks holidaying with Master Billie Batten. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Roy Brock, of Kirkton. % Miss Grace Collier, of Kirkton, is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey, Mrs. M. Elford, of Exeter, is spending a few days with her daugh ter, Mrs. W. J. Veal. Miss Ethel Pooley has returned home from Pickering, has been employed in tion factory for the months. Misses Eloise Pym Prance, of Thedford, are holidaying with Mrs, where she an ammuni- past three and Billy - g their grandparents, Mr. ahd John Prance. CROMARTY Otto Walker and family, of into their new We welcome Mr. Staffa, have moved home in Cromarty, them to the village. Rev. Mr. Aidworth, of Staffa, oc cupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday last and preached a very splendid sermon. Mrs. Cooper and son, Archie, of Toronto, were visitors over' the week end with friends. Mrs. Robinsdn, of the village, is at present visiting in London and Windsor. Miss Chappell, of Moose Jaw, is visiting with friends and at present. Mr. and Mrs. Archie called on friends in the few days ago, ■ FALL FAIR DATES Blyth ............ Durham ........ Elmira ....... Fergus .......... Midland ........ Milverton ...... Tavistock ....... Wellesley ...... Wiarton ......... Clifford ....... Dresden ........ Exeter ........... Hanover ........... Kincardine ..... Mildmay ....... Mount Forest . New Hamburg Orangeville .... Palmerston .... Strathroy ...... Tillsonburg .... Atwood ......... Bayfield ........ Collingwood .. Drayton ......... Embro ............ Galt ................ Glencoe ......... Grand Valley .. Harriston ...... Kirkton ......... Listowel ........ Lucknow ....... Norwich ......... Owen Sound ... Paisley ...... Port Elgin ...... Ridgetown ..... Seaforth ........ Shedden ......... Stratford ........ Thedford ......... Thorndale ..... Wyoming ....... Zurich .......... Arthur ............ Aylmer ............ Chesley ........... Dundalk........ Dungannon ..... Fordwich ....... Forest «..... Ilderton ........ Mitchell St. Marys ........ Dorchester ..... Highgate ........ Ingersoll ........ Teeswater ..... Walkerton ...... relatives Hoggarth village a 9,10 11 4-7 12 17 18 18 16 18 19 16 19 24, 24, 23, 22, 22, Gnr. Leonard J. Wein on August 2nd wrote: “Received parcel and was very pleased with it. X thank everyone concerned. I am in good health and getting along fine. I haven’t seen any of the Exeter or Crediton fellows since last Christ mas Pte. says:was very glad parcel when 1 hard course, a few German * * Jack Sweet on 'I the swell from a seen only England for seine time, reds of our planes roar day on their way to enemy, We look with boys in the planes, 1 would like to go too. been to London and saw St, Paul's Cathedral, ground it . for blocks^ the houses are flat. The damaged material has been shipped out to the Canadian army to build roads in the forest camps. Thank you again.” July 31st to receive got home We have planes over i, but hund- ? over every pound the envy at the because we I have just PERENNIAL WEED CONTROL Easy ways of • killing weeds are always in demand, but in this per iod of labor shortage, farmers are especially interested in .getting rid of weeds with the minimum of labor. According to the results of experi ments conducted by the Field Hus bandry Division, Central Experi mental Farm, Ottawa, states George Knowles, of the Division, the eas iest way to get rid of Canada thistle, perennial sow thistle, chicory, milk weed and tdad flax is by growing alfalfa on the infested area for three or four years in succession. In the spring, alfalfa grows more quickly than these weeds, and soon ex cludes the sunlight from them. When the alfalfa is cut, its second growth is much more rapid than the growth of the weeds. This crop, if the land is suitable for its growth, will produce a high yield of nutritious feed and will kill most species of perennial weeds at the same time. This, surely, is trolling weeds. Couch grass, eradicated by case the growth of the weed starts earlier in the”'spring than does the alfalfa growth. The easiest way to control this weed is to smother it with buckwheat; but buckwheat cannot do this without other help-. Before seeding the buckwheat, the vigour of the couch grass should be reduced considerably so as to give the buckwheat crop tage as possible in fight. To control couch wheat the following proceedure is recommended. Plough the infest ed area in the fall. In the follow ing spring, after the. early spring crops are seeded, give” the- couch grass area considerable cultivation as there cannot be many young so as bring as many as possible of fellows around Exeter any more.; the roots to the surface. Rake German raids here do not amount, these up-with a hay rake‘and burn "........... Seed the buckwheat not lat- J er than the middle of June. If the an easy "way of con unfortunately, is not alfalfa. in this 1 USE THIS CHECK LIST FOR RUBBER SMVAGE - Almost every home in Canada con tains scrap rubber articles be salvaged and used over Canada’s armed forces and industries. The following vides a good check against her articles you may have in home: Auto tire# and tubes Bicycle tires and tubes Garden hose Rubber-soled footwear Kneeling pads Rubber Tennis Tractor Rubber . Hot water bottles Rubbers* Rubber Rubber Rubber Bathing . Syringes Used tap washers CANADIAN NATIONAL MAS Tpr. wrote: ceived •4* ♦ F. H. McDonald on July 31 “Thank you for parcel re yesterday, It .was greatly appreciated. X see by the Exeter paper that Verne Harness visited Exeter and Crediton in England. I am going there on my next leave. I have visited London, Edinburgh and Cardiff. The camp of Japs you have should help in the harvest, as 'much advan- the subsequent grass by buck- to much lately, although some of | them, our fellows who were in London fought fire-bombs for four nights. soii jS moist at that time,- the T wap in CJr»oflf3Yir1 oi fha HtYIA M _______it. -.a it.* t i. _ * jI was,in Scotland at the time.growth of the buckwheat rapid, and soon s'mothers growth,* * * . _ , S1VWIU.Tpr. E. E. Pollen wrote on July i ____________28th: “I wish to thank you for the] parcel. It was lovely and I sure ap- CUCUMBER GRADING ‘ preciated it. All the Exeter boys. I happen to see are in good health. My love to all and cheerio for now.” MILL IN CLINTON is all most weed mill for that can again in essential list any pro- rub-’ your gloves and golf balls tires and tubes aprons * galoshes heelsx and soles sponges tobacco pouches caps GODERICH OPENS CLEAN-UP DRIVE ofA concerted effort on the part civic and military .police is at pre sent being made to rid the of Goderich of rowdyism and enness, particularly on pay and Saturday. This action a free-for-all street fight i town some weeks ago. Since the first of this month 13 men have been arrested or sum moned to court on charges of in- ( disorderly conduct,’ Joi- Some have served jail i streets 1 drunh- r nights follows in that , toxication, tering, etc. terms, some have paid fines and others have had cases adjourned. In addition- over a score have bybeen removed from the streets military police. * V Spr. Gordon' Squire writes on August 2nd: “Just received parcel. It is awfully nice to receive those lovely gifts. The face powder and chocolates and other articles were what we needed. I am fine and enjoying the life. I hope the far mers are able to get their crops off as I understand help is scarce. Just now we are doing construction work, building, and laying cement. It is interesting work, but we will be glad to get through and back home again.” The cucumber grading this centre this season is located in Peter Douglas’ garage, Albert St., with" Mr " Douglas as operator and manager. This is the second year of operation for the company in this locality and there are upwards of 100 acres of farm lands planted to encumbers. Over six tons of cucumbers were handled at the mill on Monday.—Clinton News-Record. •MESSENGER SERVICE WAR TIME PROBLEM “Frequently a messenger delivers a wire to a, munitions plant and returns to the office to announce that he has a new jqb,” said an of ficial in charge of the messenger staff of the Canadian National Rail ways in explaining a war time prob lem, and he added: “The introduc tion of . girls as messengers is prov ing satisfactory but even with that new source of supply it is not easy to recruit complete staffs in city offices. Smart messengers can grad uate into office work and into the' operating department after a year’s work in the delivery department. FORMER EXETER RESIDENT IS HONORED ON 83rd BIRTHDAY Croswell, Aug. 15—William Fran- Sr., resident of Sanilac county who is celebrating his -birthday at a party in Friday night, and friends. was served and Mr. Fran- today, was Buel Glean- attended by cis, 53 years, eighty-third honored er hall, relatives Lunch cis was presented with gifts. Born in Exeter, Ont., Aug. 15, 1859, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Francis, he was one of a family of eight children, four of whom are living. He married Miss Elizabeth Bray in 188 0. Several years later his wife died. Mr. Francis came to Sanilac county in H889 and settled on a farm in Buel township where he has lived ever since. He became a citizen of the United States in 189.5 and has been a direc tor of the Patron’s Mutual Fire In surance Company of Sanilac county for 32 years.’ He served as road commissioner from 1922 to 1932. He has been a member of the Methodist church more than 50 years, first joining the Buel church and later the church in Croswell. Mr. Francis has a daughter, Mrs. Amanda Temple, Buel township; a son, Rev. William I. Francis, Sag inaw; six grandchildren and two great grandchildren; also a brother, Edwin Francis, Croswell, and two sisters, Mrs. William Straff on, Cros well, and Mrs. John Fletcher, Exe ter, Ont. Mr, Francis is still very active ahd does many chores around the farm where he lives with his daugh ter, Mrs. Temple. • HAROLD BERRY’S HORSE WINS Mr. Harold Berry’S two-year-old trotter won the Futurity Race at Stratford on Wednesday of last week. His victory vms ^outstanding, being much ahead of his competitors. He also won the trophy, a beautiful silver tray. “The man next door has just borrowed the garden roller.’' “Then I suppose we'd better tell the .foneses so's they'll know where it is.” “It doesn’t belong to the Joneses, they got it from the Harasses?’ “Then we’d better tell the Robin sons.” • ALPHABETICAL DIVISION When railway builders were ex tending Canada’s lines of communi cation prior, to the First Great War the timetable man was kept busy naming uew stations. Evidence of his ingenuity may be found west of Portage la Prairie where an “alpha betical division" suggests that he had organised a system for names. Daily the “Continental Limited^, of the Canadian National Railways,, now rolls by Arona, Bloom, Caye, Deer, Exira, Firdale, Gregg, Harte,. Ingelow and Justice, Here Brandon North intervened but he 'managed to slip in Knox and the line ran into Rivers so that “R” was out of place. Beyond Rivers the list continues in order —— Myra, Norman, Oakner, Pope and Quadra, Miniota fills in where “R” should be and after ''that the balance of • the alphabet is at tended to, although Uno comes be fore Treat, and Victor moves over two stations to mark the last name in Manitoba with Welby introduc ing the first of thes Saskatchewan names. Spy Hill is out of place but Yarbo and Zeneta terminate that, alphabet after which the timetable man started, over again with At-, water and Bangor. West of Melville another alphabetical" series began, this one including Nena, missing from the first lot and the only co'm>- munity Eluded list of beginning with an “X” in in the Canadian' National stations. PARKHILL—When he fell from a load of grain, Neil Johnson, of Centre Road, West Williams, suf fered a fractured leg. Neighbors, and members of the Oddfel-lowis, Lodge held a bee and finished draw ing in the remainder of his crops. We expect a car load of High land CEDAR POSTS this week. A. J. CUTWORTHY GrantonPhone 12 We Deliver FARM COMMANDOS 4 Q PEND a day or two each week on the farm during harvesting. Join the thousands of Farm Commandos who are prepared to “close up shop” or lay down their tools for a time, if necessary, to “raid” the harvest fields and help ensure the safe harvest of millions of dollars worth of precious food. Farm Commando Brigades are springing up in Chanibers of Commerce, Boards of Trade, Service Clubs and Churches all over Ontario -—bringing together townsmen who ate will ing to make a direct, patriotic Contribution to the War Effort and gain the good-will of neighboring farmers at the same time* If there*’’is no Farm Commando Brigade forming in youL locality, take it up XvitH your Service Club, Board of Trade, Chamber of Commerce or Church Executive and get your local Brigade started at once. The need for a great emergency reserve of Farm Commandos is urgent. The “stake” is tremendous. Ontario farmers must have every possible man-hour of labour during harvesting to prevent irreplaceable loss of foods to the Allied War Effort and to Canada herself. Your help is heeded The Farm Com mando Brigade and be ready, to help If harvest emergencies arise* ONTARIO INTER-DEPARTMENTAL COM^l.TTEE LABOUR — EDUCATION ~ AND DEPARTMENT OF NOW. Volunteer in