HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-08-27, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, AVGUST 27th, 1942 The Huron Lumber Co.f! will give away FREE with every $10.00 cash over the counter purchase from this date until the 30th day of September, 1942, one Lions Club coupon which entitles the holder to a chance on any one of the prizes in the 300.00 dollar cash contest for the benefit of local childrens’ welfare and Lions British Childrens’ War Victims’ Fund A. J. Sweitzer, Manager Used Cars 1941 Ford Coach, like new. 1937 Ford Coach, with radio and heater. 1936 Ford DeLux Coach with trunk and heater. 1934 Ford Coach, a beauty. 1930 Ford Coach 1928 Buick Coach, nearly new tires. 1934 Ford long wheelbase 2 ton truck. r.Fordson Tractor — new pis­ tons, pins and rings. This tractor has been thoroughly overhauled and should give years of good service $150.00 GREENWAY Miss Ina Bullock is at present working at Exeter. Mr, Bruce Gardner, of London, spent a few days last week at his home. ” Tpr, Lloyd Bender returned home from England last week on account of ill health. Rev, and Mrs. J. Foster, of Wrox- eter, called on relatives here over the week-end. Miss Annie Laurie, of London, spent a few days last week with Mrs. R. L, Sheppard. Mrs. A. McIntosh returned from Port Huron last week improved in health. Word has been received that Messrs, Oscar Steeper and Pickering have arrived safely seas, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wellman, ilyn and Robert, of Port Huron, spent the week-end here. The church social church. Mr, and Mrs. Claude Fallis, -of Mount Forest, and Miss Muriel Fal­ lis, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and family. We are glad to report that Mrs. Don McGregor and Mrs. Gordon Woodburn, who have been patients in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, have been able to return home. home much here John over- Mr. Ray Sweitzer, of Shipka, is recuperating at his home after his recent operation for appendicitis. Miss Alice Kedwell Passes Miss Alice Kedwell, a former op­ erator at the Bell Telephone Cen­ tral in Exeter, died Thursday of last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. L. Oliver, of London. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Isaiah Kedwell, of Petrolia. Franklin, also survives, oral was held Saturday from Baptist church, Petrolia. LOCAL NEWS tf* A brother’, The fun- the LOCAL NEWS were Ir- of to Rev. A. B- and Mrs. Irwin in Toronto Saturday where Mr win officiated at the marriage his niece, Miss Irene Brogden, Mr. Jas. Webb. Donald Belling, of Detroit, visit­ ed for a week with ’Mr. and Mrs. .Wilfred Shapton. Mrs. Manfordt Belling spent the week-end with relatives here and Donald returned home with her. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer and Miss May Skinner, of Grand Bend, call­ ed on friends in Exeter Tuesday on their way to London, where Mrs, Beer and Miss Skinner will visit for a couple of weeks. Mrs. C. C. White and Mr, and Mrs, Ray Frayne are visiting in Toronto with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Sullivan. Mrs. White returned home on Tuesday and Mr, and Mrs. Frayne are remaining for the week. Mrs. M. Hannigan left to-day (Wednesday) for North Bay, where will visit for two weeks with son-in-law and Mrs. Tom Page, who is visiting there, will re­ home with her, Mrs. Mervyn Wilson, of London, spent the past week with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hicks. Mr. v Wilson •spent the week-end here. A.C.I Laverne Christie, of Mt. Hope, Hamilton, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. He was transferred Monday to Pendleton, near Ottawa. Mrs. W. H. Wood, who has not been well, was taken to Victoria Hospital* Monday for treatment. Her friends will hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. C. V. Pickard and family and Mrs. M. F. Gladman and fam­ ily returned home the latter part of last week aftei’ holidaying at Grand Bend, Miss Alma lyiner, who has been on vacation the home of on Wednesday to her duties at Queen Alexandra Sanatorium, London. for several weeks at her parents, returned Classified Directory 3 GOOD REASONS FOR USING WANT-ADS; 1 , . Readers 2 . , Litfle Cost 3 * , Results Classified Ads—l)£c Per Word Each Insertion, Minimuin Charge 25c Per Insertion; 10c Extra when re- plies are delivered to the Times-Advocate office, ”*A. charge of .10c is made if not paid within ten days, HELP WANTED HELP WANTED—Reliable man to . work in dairy; one who is exempt from military man to live at home preferred, Wm. service. Exeter Hatter, Exeter,27c WANTED. --- - ft . WANTED—A baby’s high chair and crib. Phone 266, Exeter.; 27c FOR. SALE—No. 1 cunning peaches, ready this week and next. Sev­ eral varieties to choose from Apply Howard J. Stutt, 2i miles north and east of Forest, R.R. 2. Phone 612rlll. 27:3c PROPERTY FOR RENT FOR RENT—Service station on Highway at Hensall, present ten­ ant going into Air Force. Apply Box 64, Exeter. 27:.Sc FOR SALE—-Yorkshire hog, ready lor service; also a power cutting box. Apply to Lorne Allen, Kirkton, phone 63r9. . 27* PERSONAL she her and gan, turn Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simpkins, Stratford, and Frank Simpkins, of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simpkins, of Sar­ nia, spent last week on a. fishing came daughter, Mr. Mary Hanni- trip at Lions Head, They home with some nice trout. News From .... NUMBER S S.F.T.S. (Continued from page 1) Reeve Tuckey will bat and Mr. V. Pickard will catch. The Station band, which has always proved an, attraction, will be on hand to sup­ ply some music before the play be­ gins, It will form up at the south end of the town and march down the Main Street to the fair grounds. Please mark your calendar ’’Busy” on September 2nd. c, WANTED—By elderly widow, room with board and care in quiet home in Exeter. Apply to Box 280 P, Exeter Times-Advocate. 27c WANTED TO BUY OR RENT—A boy’s or girl’s bicycle. Phone Exeter 236 or apply to the Exe- tei’ Times-Advocate, Box 280W 27* STRAYED STRAYED- Stephen, red with white face round hole in right Phone 17r4, Crediton, ■From lot 21, con. 5, a two-year-old heifer, FOR SALE—Peaches are ripe now. Call at the farm, 1 mile north of Highway No. 21, at Ravenswood, Duffus Brothers. 20:27* FOR SALE—2-wheeled cabin trailer, all conveniences, price reasonable. W. J, Tideswell, Hensall. 20:27* t- LLOYD’S CORN AND CALLOUS SALVE ♦ SALVE” the new corns tp at Robertson’s “LLOYD’S CORN tains Benzocaine, anesthetic, Puts immediately. 50c Drug Store. con- local sleep PROPERTIES FOR SALE 50 ACRES FOR SALE—Small house, barn on wall, neai’ town and school. Other farms of different acreages. C. V, Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. v MISCELLANEOUS CASH FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed, Two-hour ser­ vice, day or night. Phone Credi­ ton, 47rl5, collect. Jack Williams. SEE GEO. F. CLARK for all kinds of windmills, pump jacks, pumps and piping. Repairing windmills and pumps, Phone Crediton 23-6 R.R. 3, Dashwood. FOR SALE—Two lots in the Village of Dashwood. Apply to Mrs. Wm. ^Ness, Dashwood, 20:3* ear. Percy Mollard. 27* Someone once said, “It's the little things in life that count.” How true it is J One day this week our phone rang and Mr. D. C. Size was there asking if we had anyone who would like a trip to North Bay by car. It seemed he was going on a holiday and had accommodation for one. It wasn’t long before a happy young airman jyas on his way home on leave, the first time he had been able to reach his home in months, for your thoughtfulness, preciate youiv kindness. In connection with our library, we wish to thank Mr. Harness for doing a splendid job of collecting books through his barber shop on Main Street, thereby making it easy to get books to the Airport. This is a worthy piece of work Mr. Harness is doing and we from No. 9 apprec­ iate it. We Wish to acknowledge a fine collection of books from Mr. R. N. Creech, Rev. James Anthony, Mr. W. R, Goulding, and Mrs. Wm. May. These contributions are helping tremendously to supply good reading” for airwomen. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Fall rye at 9 0c a bus. Apply to Dan Finkbeiner, R.R. 2, Crediton. 27:3* FOR SALE—l|-storey brick house, well located, all conveniences. Othei* houses and cottages. C, V. Pickard, phone 165. AUCTION SALES Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Sat­ urday, August 29th. 100 head of mixed stock cattle. Also calves and pigs. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. FOR SALE—Albert St., brick cot­ tage in good repair. Main St., brick house with conveniences, extra lot. W. C, Pearce. FOR ' SALE—Axminster rug -9x12 feet like new; chest of drawers; dishes, cut glass, down pillows. Mrs. G. Mantle, Exeter. 27*CROMARTY and Mrs. Jamie- for two weeks. Houghton, De­ is visiting with Rev, P. Jamieson son are holidaying Signalman Ross bert, Nova Scotia, his mother. T i Mr. and Mrs. James Fulton, Mitch- oi tne United . elj Vjsited with Mr. and Mrs. Dun- an ice * - g Mar- with relatives* I Thanks a lot, Mr. Size, We ap- WHILE THEY LAST—150 0 pullets ranging from 21 to 5 months of age. Schantz Poultry Farm, Hen­ sall. Phone 48. ^2 7 c Mission Band are holding on Friday evening at the Everyone welcome, and Mrs. fr®a3n-1 can McKellar. Mr. Frank Flintoff, of Stratford, and Mr. Buckingham, of Toronto, visited on Tuesday with the former’s sister, Mrs. J. C. Snell. Mrs. Norman Hockey and Wayne have returned home after spending the ,past three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Waldron, of Clinton. Miss Anna Smaltz, Mildmay, and John Houghton, Ottawa, are visit­ ing with Mrs. Houghton. Mr. John Young and family, Gran­ ton, visited with Mrs. Young at the home of Mrs. Tufford and Mary Currie. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace at Carlingford. Mr. and Mrs. James Howe Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howe and Mrs. William Houghton-’ attended the funeral of the late Kenneth Thorn­ ton, of Walton. Rev. E. Aidworth, of Staffa Un­ ited church, occupied the pulpit at" the morning service and gave a very tmpressive sermon. Mrs. Aidworth and Mrs. Henry Harburn favored with a duet.” to our airmen and young men have their spare time FOR SALE—Two Scotch Shorthorn bulls of serviceable a-ge. R. D. Hunter, phone 39r7, Kirkton. 27* ................. FOR SALE—Frame house and two lots, Gilchrist survey, Hensall, the property of. the late Mary McKay and Isabella Gordon. For furth.er particulars apply to Mrs. Margaret Nichols, Grand Bend. Must be sold at once to” close es­ tate. IT PAYS . . . The number of Classified carried in this column each has increased 40% over this period* last year. More add, people a’re learning that these ads, can say big things. Ads. week same more little SOFTBALL Scanning — Sports Birth, Death and Marriage Notiees are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriiftn Notices 50c for single verse, 25e extra for each addi­ tional -verse. Engageingents 50c Announcements •I J Wednesday and Thursday September 16 and 17 EATON’S SPECIAL - 5 MARKET HOGS 17 classes.$4S0 in prizes in this class. Girls’ Bicycle Race V2 mile 75c, 50c, 25c Boys’ Foot Race 12 & under 75c, 50c, 25c Girls’ Foot Race 12 & under, 75c, 50c, 25c Boys’ Bicycle Race, 16 and Under® 1st prize Bicycle tire, 2nd $1.00, 3rd 50c CALF RACE for boys or girls 15 yrs. and under: Prizes $2.00, $1.00, 50c EXETER LIONS' CLUB SPECIAL, $12.00 IN PRIZES FOR SCHOOL WORK PERTH-HURON SHORTHORN CATTLE SHOW (Prizes $12, $10, $8, $6, $5, $4 See the Fair Book Prize List for Rules splendid educational films “Churchill’s ‘Island” and for Oil.” These films are by the Dominion Govern- TRIAL of SPEED — 2.22 trot or pace Purse $100.00 Every heat a race. Purse divided. 40, 30, 20 10. 5% to enter to be paid at 1 o’clock. Horses eligible on day of race. Horses at owner’s risk. At least 5 to start. FREAK OUTFIT must be drawn or driven by its own power.9 9 9 Sound System Will Be Used Special Attraction in Front of Grandstand . Music by the Exeter Band and the No. 9 Airport Trumpet Band A great many been working in -this past few weeks helping the hard-pressed farmers get in their harvest. The boys have been only too glad to lend a hand where they can in this important war effort. n- u- kU . a-sp t A special musical program was held in the Recreation Hall on Sun­ day night followed by the showing of two entitled “Battle released ment and have been filmed in many cases on the battlefronts of the world. They are exceptionally well produced and are of great value in* helping one to appraise the present difficulties. # iji The sports field at the Airport is beginning to take shape and por­ tions of it are already being used for play. Two softball diamonds have been laid out and two horse­ shoe pitches are in use; two others are being prepared. „It is hoped be­ fore long the field will be a bee hive of activity. f Have you a radio you no longer need? There is a scarcity of radios in - the hospital where many hours are passed unwillingly by numerous airmen and airWomen. Several ra­ dios in the long wards and rooms could be used to advantage. A call to the “Y” office to say that you have one you would like to t share ■wi£h the patients in the hospital at No. 9 would be appreciated. « :'<« * # The regular Church Parade was held in the Recreation Hall and conducted by the Padre, Squadron Leader Crankshaw. Early morning communion Was held at 8 a.m. ’ " The Roman Catholic Church Par­ ade was held at Mount Carmel, sje # The two pictures foi’ the week Were “Happy Landing” starring Sonja Henie and Don Ameche, The other picture was “Hawaiian Night”. Both pictures provided excellent en­ tertainment and were enjoyed by all. • :’X :!< * Next Saturday night great night for Number the first travelling show to the Station will be on hand, is called "The Cracker Jacks” is put on through the courtesy of the Lownoy Chocolates Go. We can't tell you -much about the ac­ tual show, but by next week we can give you a play-by-play cri ption. See you next Thursday, (J. B, Wadland) Y.M.C.A. Supervisor very will Nine much Admission 25c; Children 15 c; Cars 25c All exhibits must remain on the grounds uh til 5 o’clock. Dr. E. S, Sidnev, President Clark Fisher, Secretary & Treasurer A Dance will be held in the Arena at Night flWfl be a when visit It * and des- 2 at 6.3'0' on-the The first game be- teams, a Red Cross ended in a 7-7 The tie-breaker between the Air­ port boys, champions of the South Huron softball league, and the All- Stars, will be played on Wednes­ day, September local diamond, tween these two benefit contest, draw. Besides deciding a winner, the proceeds are to help defray the expenses of Art Haist, who was in­ jured’ in the first game. The boys put on a real display of ball in -the former meeting and the score see­ sawed back and forth for nine in­ nings. This second game should be the contest of the year, Don’t for­ get, next Wednesday at 6.3 0. ❖ ❖ -r * BOWLING NOTES . Telfer, with 2 tourna- Six rinks took part in the weekly bowling jitney Friday evening of last week. First prize was won by Mrs. Ryckman, ’Sgt. W. 0. Roynon, Bert Rivers, Jas, Hembly and M. W. Telfer, skip, with two wins plus 17; second by Mrs. Motz, Mrs. Mr. Porte ahcl Ulric Snell wins plus 4. A men’s doubles bowling ment for the Tip- Top trophy was held Wednesday "afternoon and ev­ ening of last week. The weather Was ideal. Eighteen rinks partici­ pated. President G. W. Layton spoke a few words of welcome. Three 15-end games were played, two in the afternoon and one in the eve­ ning. First prize and the trophy were won by R. Cuthbertson and H. Porterfield, of Mitchell, with 3 wins plus 24; second by F. Clark and Phil Pensa of the London Row­ ing Club with ^3 wins plus 15; third by L. Hawes and F. Moore, of Mit­ chell, with 2 wins plus 22; fourth by C. Haskett and R. Welsh, Lon­ don Elmwoods with 2 plus 21; fifth by Borden Sanders and R. N. Creech with two wins plus 18. *Other win­ ners were H. E. Ross and Chas. Martyn, of Stratford, 1 plus 4; E. Wright and S, Newcombe, Stratford, 1 plus 3; Armiston and G. H. An- wyll, London Rowing Club, 0 wins; F. Ruston and E. Harris, Mitchell, 1 plus 13; F. A. May and M. W. Tel­ fer, 2 plus 13; L. P. Whaley and C. Tesky, ' St. ' Hockey' ahd George W. Soiithcoft, 0 ders and R> G, Cowie and A. McLeish, London Thistles, 0 wins; F. Bonthron and J. Wilson, Stratford, 1 plus 4; J. Lancaster and A. Paul, St. Marys, 0 wins; G. McClocklin and W, J, Mohr, Mitchell, 2 plus 9, Marys, 1 plus 1; K. Bert Rivers, 2 plus 2; Layton and J. M. * wins; Wm. E. San- G. Seldon, 2 plus 12; BIRTHS JONES—At Mrs. George Hunter’s, on Thursday, August 20th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Norval Jones,, of Exeter, a son (Robert John). WERNER—In Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, August 25 th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Wer­ ner,’-a daughter. HYDE—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital on Friday, August 21st, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hyde, of Usborne, a son. JOHNSTON—At Victoria Hospital, London, on Wednesday, August 19th, 19 42, to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Johnston, *of Exeter, a son, (Ro­ bert Joseph). ( DESJARDINE—At Mrs.’ Godbolt’s Hospital, on Thursday, August 20, 19 42, to Mr. .and Mrs. Robert Desjardine, of Parkhill, a daugh­ ter. ELSTON—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospi­ tal, on Saturday, August 22nd, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Elston, of Crediton, a daughter. THOMPSON—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospital on ' 36th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd TMtompson, of St. Marys, a son. MOSIER—SCHROEDER — In De­ troit, Michigan, on Saturday, August 8th, . 1942, Wealthy V. Schroeder, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroeder, Exeter, to Stanley J. Mosier, son of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Mosier, Fowler, Indiana. HEWITT—SCHROEDER — At the Thames Road manse on Saturday, August 22nd, 19 42, Miss Norma Ruth Schroeder, daughter of Mr. ” and Mrs. Russel Schroeder, of Mooresville, to Mr. ..Lloyd Austin Hewitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. cy Hewitt, Exeter, by Rev. Mair. ENGAGEMENTS Per- Wm. wishMr. and Mrs. John N. Willis to announce the engagement of their daughter, Ila May, to Mr. Chester 0. Dunn, son"of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunn, of Usborne, the marriage to' take place early in September. CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Johns and daughters desire to express their sincere apprecia­ tion to the neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy ex­ tended during their bereavement, also for the kindnesses extended and (the visits made during Mr. Johns’ | illness; special-, thanks to Rev. Mr. i Mair, Mr. E. R. Hopper and to those Who loaned cars. The family of the late Jeffrey Fisher wish to express, their sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for the kindness and' sympathy ex- Wednesday, August j tended during their recent bereave- • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ment and especially to” Rev. Mr. DEATHS FISHER—In Usborne Township, Thursday, August 20th, 1942, Jeffrey Fisher, in his 83 rd year. KEDWELL—On Thursday, August - 2'0 th, at Mrs. W. Avenue, daughter Kedwell, JOHNS—In on the home of her. sister, L. Oliver, 522 Central London, Alice,' beloved of Mi*, and Mrs. Isaiah Petrolia. Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, on Friday, August 21st, 19 42, Henry Edward Johns, in his 57th year. PATTERSON—-At the. Metropolitan Hospital, Windsor, on Sunday, August 23rd, 1942, John Patter­ son, beloved husband of formerly of London, in year. Ella his Gill, 38tli marriages SIMMONS—ARTHUR — home of the bride's parents on Wednesday,. August 26th, Miss Edna Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ar­ thur, St, Marys, to L.a.C. Freder­ ick George Simmons, R.C.A.F., Rivers, Man., son of Mr, and Mrs. Wesley G. Simmons, of Exeter, by Rev, A, Rapson, f At the Irwin and Mr. W. R. Goulding, also for the floral tributes and th® loan of cars. Mr. Ray Sweitzer wishes thank his friends for cards treats and his good neighbors the help given 'While he was a tient in Victoria Hospital. to and for pa­ tient in Victoria Hospital. These tokens of kindness were greatly ap­ preciated. IN MEMORIAM 1940. evening shades are falling, we sit in quiet alone, hearts there comes a longing, GOTTSCHALK—In memory of Mrs. Sam Gottschalk, who passed on to her eternal reward on August 31st, When And To our If she Only could come home. To those who have a mother, Treasure her with, special care, As you never know her value Till you see her vacant chair. -—Sadly missed by her daughters, Mrs. Jack Hopkins and Mrs. William Stade. Leaves for Brandou Thos. Walter, who has been• Mr ..................... . spending several weeks with his father, Mr. H. S. Walter, has joined the R.C.A.F., and left Wednesday for Manning Peel, Brandon, Man.