HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-08-20, Page 5T
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams and
children, of LondonT spent a day
recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mrs. Kate Canteion, who has beexx
convalescing at the home of her
son and daughter-in-law, near To
ronto, has returned to Hensall.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian
church was held in the schoolroom;
■ on Thursday, August 13th, at 3 p.m,
The meeting opened with hymn 595,
"Work for the Night is Coming”.
The Scripture lesson was read by
Mrs, Parkixxs from Plxilippians, chap
ter 4, after which Mrs. Manson led
in prayer. Hymn 381, "Zion’s King
Shall Reign Victorious”, was sung.
Miss Reid read a letter from Andrew
McKenzie, who is a missionary stu
dent in the West. He gave an inter
esting account of his work there. The
meeting closed with hymn 600, "Lead
Kindly Light”, and the Lord’s pray
er in unison.
and Mrs; Edward Morlock
returned from Rochester,
where they visited with their
Grosser - Sararas
In the Hensail United church,
Saturday, Miss Doris Sararas, of
Toronto, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Simon Sararas, of Cromarty, and
Leading Aircraftsman Roy Grosser,.
R.C.A.F,, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wil
liam Grosser, Toronto, were married
by Rev. R. A. Brook. Miss Greta
Lammie played the wedding music
and Miss Florence Welsh sang.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a gown of white s
Sheer with Chantilly lace, finger-tip
illusion veil caught with rosebuds,
and her bouquet was of Better Time’
roses and bouvardia. The attendants*
were Mrs. Jack Reed, sister of the
: have
son, Dr. Carl Morlock,
Mr. and Mrs. V, W. Beaver and
son, Vernon, and two nieces, Joan
and Shirley Thomas, of Carnegie,,
Pa„ are holidaying with the for
mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Cpl. L. England, of Chatham, spent
the week-end at his home,
Sgt Jack
day fox' No,
aftex* having
home here.
Sgt. Gerald England, of the
R.C.A., Petawawa, is home on fur
Pte. Harold Wolfe, of Petawawa.
spent the week-end at home.
Shirley Fahrner, of London, spent
the week-end at home)
Bob Wolfe, of the R.C.N.V.R.,
has been transferred to Ralif(ix,
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Van Winkle and son
Junior, and Mrs. Harry Dier, of De
troit; Mrs, Garnet Baker and Louis
Orme, of Toronto
Harry Hookway,
visitors last week
E. K. Fahrner.
Mr. and Mrs.
Of Detroit, spent
relatives in the community.
Mrs, Earl Haist visited last
with Mr. and Mrs. Carman
gins, of Donegal,
Mrs. Albert Fahner, who. has
.been a patient at Victoria Hospital,
London, returned home last Satur
and Mr. and Mrs.
of London, were
With Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Koeltzon,
a few days with.
bride, matron-of-honor, and
bridesmaid, Mrs. Earl Sararas.
Reed wore white silk jersey
. pink shoulder veil caught with
flowers, and carried sweetheart
roses. The bridesmaid was in white
sheer and blue veil caught with
blue flowers, Hex* flowers were pink
roses, Leading Aircraftsman Jack
James, R.C.A.F., Toronto, „ was
groomsman and the ushers were
Mr. Ross Sararas and Mr. Ronald
A reception was held at the home
of the bride’s’parents.
Peacock - Harpole
Nuptials at Hensall
Pink and white Picardy gladioli
formed the floral background for
a charming wedding at Hensall Un
ited church at 3 p.m. Saturday when
Pearl Jarvis, only daughtex’ of Mrs.
Grace Harpole, of Hensall, became
the bride of Flying Officex’ Doug
las Henry Deacock, R.C.A.F., God
erich, . son of Col. and Mrs. G. W.
Peacock, Toronto. The ceremony
was solemnized by Col. Peacock, fa
ther of the .groom, assisted by Rev.
R. A. Brook, minister of Hensall
United church. Miss Greta Lam
mie, A.T.C.M,, ’was at the console of
the organ for the bridal music, and
during the signing of the register
played "Intermezzo”.
Given in marriage by her grand
father, Henry Horton, of Hensall,
the lovely young bride chose a
floor-length gown of White sheer
and lace fashioned on princess
lines. Her floor-length veil of white
French illusion was caught with
white roses, and her bridal bouquet
was of red roses and bouvardia.
Her only ornament was an air force
locket, the gift, of the groom.
The -attendants were Miss Doro
thy Peacock, Toronto, sister of the
groom, as maid of
Elizabeth Morphy,
Miss Mary Beck,
bridesmaids. Miss
was blue sheer
fashioned in princess
hei' shoulder-length veil
with red roses. The
were gowned alike in
floor-length, with matching shoul
der-length veils, caughf. with pink
roses. Bronze mums completed the
ensemble of the trio,
A.F., London.
To receive, Mrs. Harpole, mothei’
of the bride, wore a gown of pow
der blue crepe with white acces
sories, and a corsage of Talisman
roses. She was assisted’ by Mrs.
Peacock, mother of the .grdom,
who wore the uniform of a colonel
in the Salvation Army, with a cor
sage of Briarcliffe roses. Forty-
five guests were present for the
reception, which was held on the
spacious lawn at the residence of
Mrs. Anne Berry, Hensall. The bri
dal table, centred With the wedding
cake, was attractive with vases of
1’ed roses and pink and white tapers,
Serving were Miss Helen Hartry,
Mrs, John Peaker and Mrs. John
Andrew, all of London.
For a wedding trip to
Bay, the bi'ide wore a tan
semble with dark brown
ies. The bride and groom
UP residence ixi Goderich,
were present from Montreal,
ronto, Rondon and Hensall.’
honor, and Miss
of London, and
of Ingersoll, as
Peacock’s gown
in ffloor-length
style, and
was caught
pink sheer,
A.C.2 Gor-
Peacock, R.C.A.F., Montreal,
his brother’s groomsman, and
ushers were--Lieut. Bill Thomp-
and W.O. John Andrew, R.C.
crepe en-
will take
Sergeant—"Dicl you sleep well on
your cot? I’m afraid that it was a
little bard and uneven, but—"
Conscript—"It was* ail right, sir;
I got up new and then during the
night and rested a little, you
Allan Bray and son, Doug-
Exeter, are' spending this
las, of , . _
week with Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth
Johns. Sgt. Allan Bray is spend
ing the week in Calgary.
Miss Verda Kellett spent last week
with relatives in Stratford.
Mr.. Tom Ravenay, of the R.A.IJ.,
at Hamilton, visited in the village
last Sunday.
Pte. E. Carscadden, of Petawawa,
spent the week-end with his wife,
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. Miners.
Misses June Bierling and Cather
ine Gibson, of Exeter, were visitors
last week at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Kenneth Johns.
Mr. Billy Fraser, of Galt, visit
ed at the home of his friends, Mr.
and' Mrs. J. Dykeman, last week.
Mrs. Lewis Johns has been con
fined to her bed, but is able to be
up for a short time each day. Her
friends hope she will soon be around
•Quite a number from here attend
ed the Bomb Victim^’ program at
Lakeview Casino, Grand Bend, on
Sunday evening.
Mr. Silas McFalls, of Pontiac,
Mich., and his mother, Mrs. J. Mc
Falls, and Miss Leila McFalls, of
London, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Wes. Horne last Thursday. Mrs. A.
McFalls, of Exeter, is also visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Horne, for a
few days this week.
Miss Lulu Hunter, who teaches
school in Northern Ontario, is spend
ing her vacation at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Sherwood Hunter. •
A.C.2 Clayton Herdman has been
posted to LT.S. at Dunnville, A.C.2
Earl Coultis to Camp Borden and
Sgt. Obs*erver Clarence Ford is tak
ing a Bomb Armorer’s course at
Mountain View, near Belleville.
Mr. Ed. Johns was taken to- Vic
toria Hospital on Friday of last
week. His condition is serious.
Mrs. Johns is staying with him.
'Miss Jean McCann, R.N., of De
troit; spent her holidays at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. McCann.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hall, of Detroit,
spent the week-end with. Mrs. Ned
Hall and Mr. and Mrs. John Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mahoney and
daughter, of London, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. D. Mahoney.
Mr. an.d Mrs. Noah Geromette, of
Goderich, spent Sunday - with Mr.
and Mrs, A. Desjardind.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Regier On the arrival of a baby
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Etue and
family, of Detroit, Spent the week
end with Mr. James Carey.
Mr. and Mrs. Noali Hartman vis
ited at the home of Mr. W*m>. Hart
man on Sunday.
The C.W.L. held their monthly
meeting last Thursday evening at
the home of Mrs. A. McCann.
Miss Marie Regan, of London,
spent the week-end With her mother,
Mrs.M. Regan.
Mrs, John Thomson wishes
MERKLEY—At St. Joseph’s Hos-
- pital, London, on Thursday:,'' Aug
ust 13th, 1M2, to Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Merkley, of Rondon,
daughter*, Phyllis Irene.
Thursday, August 20th, 1942
England left on Mon-
1 "Y” depot, Halifax,
spent his leave at his
W And lhe best way to make
sure that your tires won't let
you down is to give them
systematic, skilful and com
plete tire service. We’ll do it
for you . . . starting now and
keeping on for the next twelve
monthsi Come in now and
find put about the low-cost
Snell Bros. & Co.
Passmore’s Garage
W, C. Passmore
Phone 31 Hensall, Ont
Mrs, J. Petzold, of Florida, is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. Hoop
er, and sister, Mrs. E. Guenther.
Miss Joan Smith, of Windsor, who
has been, spending her vacation with
relatives here, had the misfortune
to fall and fracture her arm above
the elbow.
Mrs. Milford Mclsaac and twin
sons, Ronald and Donald, and Jim
my, are spending a week with Mrs.
Lucinda Mclsaac.
Bill Ness, who has been in St.
Thomas with the R.C.A.F., and who
has been transferred to Vancouver,
spent the week-end with his mother,
Mrs. Ness, before leaving.-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of
Windsor, are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. R. Baker.
■ Mr. and Mrs. Keys, of London, are
visiting with her mother, Mrs. G.
The following is the Red Cross
Shipment for this month: Army
socks, 3 pairs; turtle-neck sweater,
1; whole mitts, 2 pairs; gloves, 2
pairs; alternative
caps, 3; seaboots, 2
18-in. socks, 1 pair;
3; bootees, 1 pair;
boys’ shirts, size 6,
size 6, 4; girls’ knickers, 2.
caps, 2; aero
pairs-; seamen’s
girls’ pullovers,
mitts, 1 pair;
8; boys’ shorts,
Labour Shortage
The common cold is a big factor
in lost time from your work
------ Start soon to take ——
Nyal Vita Vim Capsules—they
will keep you on the job
Your Drugs at
Phone 50 Exeter
Mrs. Lewis Fletcher spent a few
days with her sister, Mrs. T. Bak
er, of Exeter.
Miss Elizabeth Nairn, of Toronto,
spent the past week
Mrs. Allan Fletcher.
Week-end guests
Mrs. Truman Tufts
Mrs. Brown, of Toronto; Mr. Ross,
of Kingston, and Miss Marian Tufts,
nurse-in-training ’at Stratford
eral Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cluff __
son Paul, of Kitchener, spent sev
eral days with friends in and around
the village. Master Don returned
home with them after a three weeks’
holiday with his grandparents.
Miss Shirley Moser of
spent the past week with
trice Doupe.
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland
and daughters have returned from a
pleasant holiday at Port Dover.
Dr. and Mrs. Glen Sawyex* and
daughter, of St. Thomas, were week
end guests with Mr, and Mrs. John
with her niece,
with Mi*, and
Were Mr. and
Miss Bea-
HammondClayton Lewis, of the R.C.A.F., is
otx leave with his parents.
The Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. of the
United church met on Mrs. Wm.
Morley’s lawn on Wednesday.
Leo Doyle has returned from the
hospital, but .will have to remain Sawyer..
In bed fox’ some time due to a crack-<j Mrs. Harold Tufts and little
ed pelvic bcme. . daughter, Marilyn, have returned to
Marlene Allison, daughter of Mr. their home in Toronto, having spent
and Mrs. Melvin Allison, is under the past two weeks at Kirkton, Mrs,
the doctor’s care, having had her S, Tufts accompanied them home to
tonsils removed. / spend some time In Toronto.
thank her deax* relatives and neigh’'
bors, also the Women's Association
of Centralia, for the lovely flowers,
cards and remembrancer that
given to hex’ while ill.
carp of thaws
Miss Meleeta Wein wishes
thank all who remembered
with cards, flowers, treats and mes
sages, while a patient in St. Joseph’s
ly appreciated,
These tokens were great-*
and Mrs, C. W. Christie
wish to thank all those
in any way while Mr. Chris-
tie was a patient in Victoria Hos
pital, London. Special thanks to
Rev. D, McTavish and Rev,
Page and all who remembered
Christie with flowers, cards,
ters, treats and calls, They
wish to express their appreciation to
the neighbors and friends for the
kindness and ^help given in many
ways during his continued long ill
ness and for flowers, letters, cards,
and calls since his return
diton, AAAAAMUXAMC. AAAW CllgclgdAieiAL U1
their youngest daughter, Grace La
Belle, to Ray Lennis Morlock, only
son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C.
Morlock, the marriage to take place
shortly. *
and Mrs. Garnet Hill, of
announce the engagement of
RICHARD—In loving memory of
our dear fathei’ and husband, John
A. Richard, who passed away one
year ago, August 19 th, 1941.
Our loving family circle has been
A link gone from our chain.
But though we’re parted for a while
We know we’ll meet again.
—Sadly missed by his. wife,
and daughters
.’’.'..V...Sept. 9,
..:......... Sept. 10,
Blyth ..
................... Sept 4-7
........... Sept:..11, 12
.............. Sept 10-12
Milverton ......................Sept 10, 11
Tavistock ................... Sept 11, 1.2
Wellesley ........... Sept. 8, 9
Wiarton ...................... Sept. 10, 11
Clifford ..................... Sept 18,' 19
Dresden ................... Sept. 15-17
Exeter .................... Sept. 16, 17
Hanover .............'......... Sept. 17, 18
Kincardine .................. Sept. 17, 18
Mildmay ................... Sept. 15, 16
Mount Forest .............. Sept. 17, 18
New Hamburg ........... Sept. 18, 19
Orangeville .............. ;Sept. 15, 16
Palmerston ............).. Sept. 18', 19
Strathroy .................. Sept. 14-16
Tillsonbnrg ....................Sept. 15-17
Atwood .................. Sept. 26, 26
Bayfield ................. Sept. 23, 24
Collingwood ............... Sept. 24-26
Drayton .................... Sept. 22, 23 ■
Embro ............................. Sept. 21
Galt ...................... Sept. 24-26
Glencoe .........
Grand Valley ............... Sept. 25, 26 1
Harriston .............. Sept. 24, 25 j
Kirkton ............... Sept. 24, 25
Lis tow el .................. Sept. 23, 24
Lucknow .................. Sept. 22, 23 1
......... Sept. 22, 23
Owen Sound ......... Sept. 26, 28,29
Paisley ...................... Sept. 21, 22
Port Elgin ................... Sept. 25, 26
Ridgetown .................. Sept. 21-23
Seaforth ................. .Sept. 24, 25
Shedden ............................ Sept. 23
Stratford ».................. Sept. 21-23
Thedford ................. Sept. 22, 23
Thorndale ..............T..... Sept. 23
Wyoming ................... Sept. 24, 25
Zurich ...................... Sept. 21, 22
Arthur ..................... Oct. 1, 2
Aylmer .............................. Oct. 1-3
Chesley ........................... Oct. 2-. 3
Dundalk ................. Sept. 29, 30
Dungannon ....................... Oct. 1, 2
Fordwich ..................... Oct. 2, 3
Forest ........................... Sept. 29, 30
Mitchell ............... Sept.. 29, 30
St. Marys .............. Sept. 30, Oct. 1
Dorchester ........................... Oct. 1
Highgate ............... Oct. 9, 10
Ingersoll .............. Oct. 8, 9
Teeswater ........................ oct. 6, 7
Walkerton Nov. 23
Teachei4 (to small pupil)—"Spell
Pupil—"S-t-x -a-i-g-h-t"
Teacher—"Correct, what does it
mean?” «
Pupil-—’‘Without ginger ale."
* sk
Patient - (pompously)
can really say I am a
man." Second Patient
You’re in luck. I’m the
"Well, I
revised work of my wife and three
Fern and gladioli in pastel shades
adorned the Creditori Evangelical
church on August 8 at 12 o’clock
for a pretty wedding in which Al-
donna Lepore, eldex’ daughter of
Mr, and Mrs.
the bride of
Blackwell, of
Mr. and Mrs.
ficiated. Mr. W, R. Goulding, uncle
of the bride, was at the console of
the organ, and Mr. L. A. Wein, also
an uncle of the bride, was soloist,
singing "Because” during the sign
ing of the register.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a pretty bridal
gown of white brocaded satin fash
ioned on princess lines, the full
skirt extending into
.the bodice designed
heart neckline and
sleeves, She wore
wedding veil of embroidered net,
finger-tip length, which fell from- a
halo of orange ” blossom and car
ried a shower of deep x*ed roses. An
air force pendant was her only orna
Doris Wuerth was
bridesmaid in a floor
of old rose brocaded
a shoulder-length veil
shade and carried a bouquet of cream
The groom’s brother, Joseph M,
Blackwell, was the best man, and the
ushers were Dawson L. Goulding, of
Exeter, cousin of the bride, and
Frederick M. Blackwell, of Dunn-
ville, brother of the' groom.
After the ceremony a reception
was held at the home of the bride’s
parents. A luncheon was served to
some sixty guests by friends of the
bride, Miss Nola Faist, Mrs. Martin
Morlock, Mrs. Arnold Robertson,
Miss Verna Wein and Miss Berneice
Fahner. Mrs. S. S. Wuerth wore a
street-length dress of blue sheer
with navy accessories and Mrs-. F,
W. Blackwell, another of the groom,
chose a street-length .. navy blue j
crepe sheer with a red hat. Both
wore corsages of Briarcliffe roses.
After a short h°Deymoon spent in
the Lake Nipissing district, Mr. and
Mrs. Blackwell will reside in Port [
Dover. For travelling the bride
wore a navy ensemble, with acces-j
sories to match, also a beautiful gold !
wrist watch, the gift of the groom.
Guests were present from Dunnville,
Caledonia, Niagara Falls, Welland,
Aylmer,- London, Exeter and Credi-
S. S. Wuerth, became
A.C.l Robin James
the R.C.A.F*, eon of
F, W. Blackwell, of
, Rev. M. E. Reuber of-
Mr. W. R. Gouldin.
a long train,
with -a sweet-'
long pointed
her mother’s
her sister's
-length gown
taffeta, with
of matching
Greetings to the
Avalon Sandwich Shoppe
Opening Up This Week
Traquair’s Hardware have supplied the Kitchen Equipment,
the Bathroom Outfit, the Paints and Varnishes
A pretty wedding was solemnized
on Saturday, August 15th, at the'
King Street United church parson-’
age, London, when Rev. Wood united
in. marriage Miss Beulah Marjorie'
the late
don, to
lert and the late Mrs. Willert, of
Dashwood. The bride was charm
ing in a floor-length gown of blue
sheer over satin. Her veil, worn1 gg.
shoulder length, matched her gown, '
and was caught in a tiara of pale '
pink baby roses. She wore a beau- |
■tiful diamond ring, given to her
by her mother for a keepsake, and
carried a bouquet of pale pink roses
white carnations and fern, tied with
pink tulle ribbon and white satin
streamers' with rose buds and fern.
Miss Agnes Johnson, of London, act
ed as bridesmaid, wearing a floor
length dress of pale blue flowered
net over taffeta with a headdress
of blue net and matching flowers.
The groomi was attended by his cou
sin, Milton Willert, of Dashwood.
After receiving the best wishes of
their many friends the happy couple,
dressed in matching brown, with
blue striped suits, left for Hull, Que.,
where they will visit the bride’s bro
ther, Corporal Charles Jones, of the
R.C.A.F., after which they will re
Jones, only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of Lon-
Mervyn William Willert, of
only son of Mr, Simon Wil-
in London, on Stanley Street,
The Red Cross Society are plan
ning for a chicken supper on Sep
Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Kennings,
of Lobo and Mrs. Wm. Hill, of Exe
ter, visited on .Sunday with Mrs.
W. T. Elens, Ula and Dorman.
Mrs. Ross Griffeth, Of London,
visited last? week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson and
family, of Arkona, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. RUssel Brown
and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown.
Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia,
spent the week-end with Mr, and
Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and family.
We extend our sympathy to Mr.
and Mrs. i)on McGregor in the death
of their infant son,
Miss Jennie Dorman, of AilSa
Craig, Visited last week with Mrs.
W. T, tJlens.
Misses Harriot and Ruth Wilson,
of Arkona, are spending this week
with their aunt, Mrs. Russel Brown.
Mr. Clarence Brophey, R.C.A.F,,
left on Saturday fox* Quebec, after
a couple of weeks* vacation with
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur
20th. Further particulars
Th os. Burnett, of London,
last week with Mrs. S. Mc-
and other friends.
and Mrs. Ronald Hill, of
The floors are finished with Almatex, a new surfacing
material for use on concrete, mastic, wood floors and
uair’s Hardware
The sign in front was painted by our Mr. Andrus
Sandwich Shoppe
Compliments to .
« ■<
the Avalon
The Store Front of the Avalon Sandwhich Shoppe, the
Booths, Cabinets and Counters were the work of the
R. E. Russell
Huron Lumber Co.
on the opening o£ their new
Restaurant in Exeter
Complimenting theCongratulation^ to the
It was our privilege
install the new Eleetrle
General JElcctrio Sales and.
Reftdgomtorsi, RadloSf Ranges
The Electrical Instollatioiis
were made by
Ernest Davis