HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-08-13, Page 5i *
\ •
Cnmin<5 tn HpnQfill blue sheer with matching quilted
’M"******.^. Aiciioat* jacket and carried a bouquet of
C. R. Wilkinson, R.0.
Ophthalmic: Optician
will be at W, O. GOODWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
in ‘the month, for the purpose of
testing eyes and fitting glasses.
Difficult cases, and those that
have not been properly fitted?
specially recommended to
suit me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6
Phone 16 Hensail
for appointment
Little Frances Morris,
niece of the bride, as flower girl,
i wore a smocked ivory organza over
: green taffeta with rosette of pas
tel ribbon falling from the shoul
der and nosegay of sweet: peas. Mr.
Ernie Chtpchase was the groom’s
attendant. During the signing of
the register the pianist played soft
ly “Oh Perfect Love”, After the
ceremony a dainty buffet lunch was
served from a table decorated in
pink and white streamers and glad
ioli. Mrs. John Richardson, aunt
of the bride, poured tea and Mrs.
James Morris,- sister of the bride,
poured lemonade. Miss Jean Ivison
and Mrs. Harvey McLarnon assist
ed in serving. Receiving were the
bride’s mother, gowned in blue
chiffon with matching jacket and
corsage $f sweet peas, and the
groom’s mother, who wore sheer witlf corsage of sweet peas.
After a short honeymoon the young
couple will Reside in London, Guests
were present from London, Byron,
Thamesville^and Hensail,, For tra
veling thezrbride wore a dress of
perriwink-i'e blue with white
sories. AB
in ar-
Beatrice Scott has returned home
from the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs, Ab. Morgan - spent
Sunday with Mrs. Melvin Allison.
Leo. Doyle, while
grain, slipped off the
was hurt internally.
The annual picnic of
ivray W.I. will be held on the lawn
of Mrs. J. L. Amos’ home on Wed
nesday afternoon next, Aug. 19.
Everybody welcome.
. Rev. Reuber, of Crediton, had
charge of the service In the United
church on Sunday last. There will
be no service for the next two Sun
days as the minister, Rev. L. H.
Turner, is on holidays.
Marie and Carol McGovern, of
Toronto, are holidaying with their
grandmother, Mr'S. Dan Lewis. Mrs.
Hamilton (nee Olive Lewis) is
holidaying at the home
mother, Mrs, Dan Lewis
drawing in
wagon and
the McGill-
When spraying hi§ cows one
morning last week, a local farmer
noticed that the flies actually
stayed dead, „ ,„
He was using a new insecticide
found in
We have a special spray for
household use too.
Your Drugs at
Phone 50 Exeter
Miss Isabelle Alexander visited
last week with friends in Wind
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of
Quelph, spent the week-end with
the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Jarrott.
Rev. Gilles, of Saskatchewan, vis
ited last week with several old
friends in the community following
preaching for a call in a church
near Sarnia on Sunday.
Several from this vicinity attends
ed the trousseau tea at Mrs. H,
Workman’s in Hensall in honor of
hex* daughter, Miss Mabel Work
.and Mrs. G. F.
of St, Thomas,
sister, Mrs, H.
on Wednesday evening last.
Shower for Bride-Elect
very enjoyable evening was
on Wednesday last at the
of Mr, and Mrs. John C: Bell,
the neighbors and friends met
Rev. A. Laing:, our pastor, is on
vacation for three weeks.
Miss Marian Johnson, nurse-in*
training at Victoria Hospital, Lon
don, spent last week at her parents*
home, Mr. and Mrs. Delmax* John
Miss Helen Thacker, of Toronto,
has returned, having spent a few
holidays at her home here.
‘■Miss Evelyn Wynn, of London,
spent the week-end at the home of
her mother, Mrs. Wm. Wynn.
Mrs. Verda Gunning, of Granton,
was a week-end guest at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Albert Scott.
On Sunday last Mr. and
James Squire called to see
John Thompson, who has been
ill lately.
The five young ladies from Wood
ham who were holidaying for ten
days at Grand Bend returned on
’ Miss Marjorie Parkinson, Miss
Madeline Rodd and Miss Johns are
spending a few days at Grand Bend.
We are pleased to know that Mrs.
David Spence is much improved,
having been quite ill lately,
Mrs. Wilbur Wynn is confined to
her bed through illness. We hope
for her speedy recovery.
Private Gladwin Langford is on
leave at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Herb Langford, for
several days.
Farmers are busy stook-threshing
these days.
Mr. Russel Laing, of Avonbank,
was a week-end guest at his home
to honour Miss Ruth Bell,
elect of Saturday, with a miscel
laneous shower, An address was
read by Mrs. Alex McMurtrie and a
decorated basket laden with gifts
was presented by Miss Jean Ivison
and Mrs. Allan Johnson. Ruth, in
a very ipleasing manner, thanked the
donors. A dainty lunch was served.
The bride’s trousseau was display
Chinese patient (on telephone):
“Doctor what time you fixee teeth
for me?”
Doc: “Two-thirty—all right?”
Chinese: “Yes, tooth hurty, all
right, but what time you fixee?”
by her sisters, Mrs. Janies Mor-
and Mrs. Ernie Chipchase.
Mrs, McGregor, of Seaforth, is
visiting with Mrs, Hannah Work
man this week.
Pte. Llpyd Brock, of Brampton,
has been visiting with his mother
and other relatives in Hensail,
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip*and child
ren, of Toronto, are spending a short
vacation at their summer home here.
Miss Margaret Johnston, accom
panied by her mother, is spending
• a week at Hyde Park with Mrs.
Douglas. . z
Lila,‘ Betty and Gerald Mojjy’are
spending their holidays^ -with Mr.
and - Mrs. Norman Baird" in Bruce-
field and also in^Bayfield.
Mr. and JVIfs. W. Hagget, Mrs.
__ Eppi^-Gafrick and Cecil Ryan, of
Goderich, were visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. Charles Wolff over the
Pte. Jack Shepherd, who has been
in London for some tjme, is spend
ing three weeks’ holidays with his
parents before returning to his un
it in Kitchener.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Passmore, of
Delhi, are spending a few days with
Mr. and Mrs, John Passmore) also
Mrs. Lome Elder, of Hamilton, and
Mrs. Wm. McLean and children,
Qeraldine, Betty and Billie.
Shqwer for Bride-to-Be
Complimenting Miss Pearl
pole, popular bride-elect, whose
riage to Flying Officer Douglas
cock, R.C.A.F., Goderich, will be a
smart mid-August event at Hensall
United church, Saturday AuguSt 15,
Mrs. Eric Kennedy was hostess at
her home, "when some 40 friends
and relatives honored her with a
miscellaneous presentation. The^
home was lovely with huge baskets
of late summer blooms. The en
tertainment for the evening was
arranged and directed by Miss Vic
toria Bolton, of Toronto, Miss Flor
ence Welsh accompanied at the piano
Council Meeting
The regular meeting of the vil
lage council was held Monday eve
ning at 8 p.m. in the council cham
ber with all members present. The
minutes of the previous meetings
were read and adopted on moti6n of
Cameron and Horton.
■ Reeve R. E. Shaddick reported a
request from the Chinese Relief
Fund, asking permission to hold
a tag day.- Same was granted.
Correspondence was read from
Dept, of Highways, Imperial Oil
Ltd., County Engineer, C.N.R., Town
ship of Hay, Huron County Plow
ing Match Committee, Hurbn Ex
positor, Dept, of Municipal Affairs,
Unemployment Insurance Commis
sion. This correspondence was con
sidered and filed.
On motion of Kerslake and Camer
on it was decided that a resolution
be forwarded to the Unemployment
Commission, certifying as to the per
manency of the employment of T.
The following bills and accounts
were read and ordered paid on mo
tion of Parkins and Kerslake: R. E.
Shaddick, car and telephone ex
pense, $8.55; J. A. Paterson, freight
and telephone, $9.75; R. Todd, la
bor, streets, $4.75; G. M_. Case, team,
has been
Miss May Hodgins, of
holidaying at Mapleside.
Mr. Robert Murray, who
ill for the "jiast week, is able to «be
around again.
Mr) and Mrs. Colin Love and Mr.
and Mrs. William Love attended the
funeral of their nephew, Mr.
Lawson, of near Crediton, on
A number of the men who
been working at Grand Bend airport
and boarding in this vicinity have
left to resume work at North Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McLean, of
Detroit, who have been holiday
ing at Grand Bend,
Mrs. William
Bend, and Mrs. Will Hardy and Miss
Winnifred, of London, visited at
Mr. Mansell Hodgins’ on Monday
her mother,
Hayter, of Grand
Miss Thelma Parker is holiday
ing this week at her home.
Mrs. JIarris, of London, is visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Har
The W.M.S. met at Mrs. Fergu
son's, home for the August meet
Miss M. Gardiner entertained her
Sunday School class at. Grand Bend
on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harrison have
purchased a home in Exeter, where
they will make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. McBeath, of Kip-
pen, spent Sunday with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Hunkin.
' We understand that Miss Dorothy
Dougal has been engaged to teach
at Lumley, commencing
fall term.
Mrs/ Dawson and Mrs.
attended Miss Workman’s
tea Wednesday evening. Miss Work
man taught school here during the
past year.
with the
R. Cann
Mr. and Mrs. Koessel and family,
of Lansing, Mich., spent last week
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
J. Kuntz and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Pfile. Mr. and Mrs. Kuntz return
ed to Lansing with them and will
spdnd a few weeks visiting there.
Mrs. Howland and son and Mrs.
Rotzel, of Pontiac, Mich,, called on
friends here on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vincent and
family and Mrs. Katie Vincent and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold E. Prance, of Thedford.
Mrs. N. Evans and family, of
Kitchener, are visiting with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman.
Miss Ann Marie Baron and Miss
Virginia Trundy of Detroit, spent
a few days with Mrs. Lucinda Mc-
Isaac. *
Misses Antoinette and Tillie
Zimmer, of Detroit, are spending
their vacation at their home here,
Miss Zeta Nadiger/R.N., of How
ell, Mich., hospital, spent a
days with her parents, Mr.
Mrs. Wm. Nadiger.
Mr. and Mrs. George'Bullock
family spent Sunday with Mr.
Mrs. Harold E. Prance, of Thedford.
Mr. Harmon Gill, of
called on Mrs. Gill on
Mr. and Mrs. Chas,
gersoll, and Mr. and
Nichol, of Hickson, visited with Miss
Lavada Hartleib on Sunday.
Mrs. (Dr.) J. Sippel, of Detroit,
spent the week-end with Mrs. C.
Mr. Fred Heagy, of London, was a
week-end visitor with Mr. Donald
Oestreicher. x
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Coxworth,
of London, called on Mrs. Gill on
The forty-second convention of
the Ontario district of the Evangeli
cal Lutheran Synod of Missouri will
be held at Dashwood
•to 28th.
Mrs. Harold Prance
Shirley, of Thedford,
days with her sister,
A very pleasant evening was spent
on Thursday last when tile Mission
Circle and choir of the Evangelical
church gathered at the new home
of Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman
in Jionor of their recent marriage.
of a
games, after which a dainty lunch
was served and all joined in wish
ing Harry and Maud much joy and
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Restemeyer
and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Meldorf, of
Sebringville, motored <up north to
Neustadt Ao visit with Mrs. Reste-
meyer’s mint, Mrs. Fred Ische. Mrs.
Ische is the only surviving
Mrs. Restemeyer’S mother,
Walper, out of a family of
fell recently and brdke her
at present is in a critical condition.
She is the mother of Mrs, Meldorf.
Her friends extend deepest sym
pathy for her and best wishes for
her recovery.
Betty Tierney, of Detroit,
last week with Miss Joan
\Glaude Gelinas and family,
of London, are visiting her mother,
Mrs. L, Dietrich.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis O’Rourke on the arrival of
a young son last week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Adams, of Lon
don, visited last Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. E. G. Kraft.
Miss Aldene Eagleson spent
week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Stanlake, of Grand Bend.
Mrs.Harry Lehley, of Buffalo, is
spending a few weeks with her
sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. Stebbins.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lawson have
the sympathy of this community in
the loss of their son, Jack,
passed away last Thursday at
$4.00; W. Love, labor
$5.25; T. Kyle, salary,
Bank of / Montreal, inter-
$15.9 0; C.N.R., rent, band
$1.00; Huron Expositor,
printing, $2.66; A. Spencer & Son,
material, hall, $2.90; Imperial Oil
Ltd., road oil, $568.06; Hensall
hydro, ’hall, $8.68; Total, $701.50.
The meeting was adjourned un
til September 8th on motion of Hor
ton and Cameron.
James A. Paterson,
Adair - Bell
The home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. Bell on No. 4 Highway was the
scene of a pretty wedding on Sat
urday, August 8th, at 3 p.m., when
their youngest, daughter, Ruth
played by Miss Jean ivison,
young couple and their attendants
took their places in front of a ce
dar arch banked with gladioli. The
ceremony was performed by Rev,
John. Richardson, of Thamesville,
uncle of the bride. The bride, who
was given in marriage by her fath
er, wore a floor-length gown of
blush pink sheer over taffeta, full
Skirt shirred at the waist and tiny
buttons of the same material around
the neck forming a yoke and long
bishop sleeves shirred at the wrist.
She carried 'a bouquet of snapdrag
ons. Mrs. Ernie Chipchase, yho
Was her sister’s bridesmaid, wore
a floor-length gown, of turquoise
of 22 years.
Miss Dorothy Vale, of Woodstock,
holidaying this week with Jean-
Clerk J
r youngest,
cron. Was
and Mrs.
To the
united in marriage to
Floyd Adair, son of
F. S. Adair, of Lon-
strains of- Lohengrin
! is _
ette» and Margaret Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter spent
Sunday with friends in Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hamilton, of
Brinsley, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Davis, of London, 'spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, James Turner.
Misses Irene and Anna BrOck And
Master Tom Brock, of Zion, are
spending a few days with Barbara
and KatherTne Hunter.
Mr. Allen Elston spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis.
Mrs. Dyer, of Detroit, Mrs. Bax-
er, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Fahrner, of Crediton.
on their cousin, Mrs, William
oil Sunday.
Miss Pauline Abbott, of
was the guest of her cousin, Miss
Jeanette Davis, on Sunday.
Mr. George Essery, of London, is
spending al few days with his
daughter, Mrs. Wm. Dobbs, and is
helping with 'the threshings.
Miss Margaret Davis returned
home on Sunday after holidaying
with her aunt, Mrs. Will bickens.
Teamwork is the only alterna
tive to dictatorship. It must not
Laurene Hern is spending
weeks’ vacation at her home.
Bobby Kerslake Has been visiting
with Mr. and' Mrs. Melville Hern.
There will be no church services
held in Zion church next Sunday as
Rev. Laing is on vacation.
- The August meeting of the Zion
W.M.S. was held last Thursday at
the home of Mrs. Allan Jacques.
The meeting was opened by singing
hymn 308. The minutes of the1'last
meeting were read and adopted. The
roll call was answered and the busi
ness was discussed. Mrs. James
Earl then took charge and hymn
408 was sung, after which Mrs. War
ren Brock led in prayer. Mrs. Ev-
erard Miller read the scripture and
Hazel Hern sang a solo, “The Lord
Is My Shepherd”. Marjorie Earl
read “The Soldier’s Life Preserver”;
Mrs. James Earl read “Bales Go
Travelling”; Hazel Hern read “A
Nickel for the Lord” and hymn 523
was sung. The meeting was clos
ed by a prayer by Mrs. Warren
Grand Bend,
Eidt, of In
Mrs. R. G.
Misses Mary, Margaret and Helen
Essery visited last week with their
aunt and uncle, Mr.
Mrs. W. Spencer,
is visiting with her
Mr. and Mrs. John Bowie and
family, of London, were Sunday visi-
| tors with Mr, and Mrs. A. Wright.
Miss Edith Bowie remained for a
Mrs. Loretta Hicks and Miss
Dorothy Hicks visited last week with
home after spendin.
friends in London.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Shapton and
Helen visited with Mr, and Mrs. J.
Pollard on Sunday,
Fit. Sgt, Jack Andrew and Mrs.
Andrew, of London, spent the week
end with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Geo, Hicks and Mr. and Mrs.
G. R. Andrew.
Mr. Thos. Smith has accepted a
position as truck driver with Canada
.Packers and will replace Mr. Clare
Kennedy, who has been, transfer
red to Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs.
K. Hodgins will move here from
Walkerton in the near future. Mr,
Hodgins will fill the vacancy at the
creamery created by the appoint
ment of Mr. Harold Murray to the
position of manager of the Exeter
and Centralia branches. Mr. and
Mrs. Murray and family will be mov
ing to Exeter.
Miss Beulah Skinner, R.N., of
Sarnia, is holidaying with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner.
Members of the Harris family
from Toronto, Munro and Mitchell
called on Mr. and Mrs. John Essery
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. McCann and
Ronald; of Simcoe, and Basil Mc
Cann, of Stratford, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F'red
Bowden. Maxine and Marina Bow
den returned home after spending
a week at Simco.e.
The service in the church on Sun
day morning will be in charge of
Rev. E. Grigg, of Exeter.
W.M.S. Meeting
The Centralia W.M.S. entertain
ed the Mission Band and Baby Band
at their regular monthly meeting
in the schoolroom of the church on
Tuesday afternoon of this week.
The meeting opened by singing hymn
185 with Miss Flossie Davey presid
ing. The Scripture lesson was read
by Mrs. W, Bowden. The president,
Miss Doreen Baker, then took the
chair and the members of the Board
sang their Hymn of -Praise (a
Chinese hymn). All repeated the
Mission Band Purpose. Donna
Bowden gave a report of the year’s
work and also thanked the W.M.S.
for the invitation to attend their
meeting. Marlene Smith sang
“Jesus Loves Me”. Mrs. R. Smith
asked some Chinese riddles and a
play prepared by Mrs. Powe was
presented by the girls in the Band.
The boys sang “Tell Me the Stories
of Jesus”* and were assisted by
some of the girls, as there were on
ly a few boys present'. Chinese games
were demonstrated by both the boys
and girls. Mrs. Powe, the superin
tendent, spoke briefly on their work
and expressed her appreciation to
the children and to the W.M.S. for
their co-operation during the year.
The meeting was closed with hymn
19 6. Mrs. Skinner, president of the
W.M.S., took charge of the business.
A very dainty lunch was served by
Mrs. T. Willis, Mrs. Bowden and
Mrs. Lome Hicks. There were sev
eral visitors present.
in Toronto and Qshawa.
Abbott and Mrs. Fairhall
on Sunday with relatives in
Evelyn Wright has returned
ig a week with
Tbumhqr, August 13th, 1M25
— A Red Cross
Mrs, Lammond spent a day with
Mrs. Quance in the village.
The farmers are busy storing in
the grain and they report that it is
a bumper crop'.
Mrs. MacDonald motored „ to
Brussels on Tuesday and spent the
day with,her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggarth •' will be given away to holder of..
are at present visiting in the neigh- j lucky ticket
Ta nitli zs zl •nni’rintf TV/T** n A *
will be held at
at 8.15 sharp
in War Savings Certificates
borhood, with his parents, Mr. and " qjhe opening number on the program
Mrs. Robert Hoggarth. |_ji> -----• —
A hollyhock growing in a garden
in the village measures thirteen
feet, five inches. Anyone having a
taller one please come forward.
Miss Nettie Scott, daughter -of a
former pastor of Crpmarty church
is renewing old acquaintanceships
and on Sunday last unveiled an hon
or roll of those who have
ed. It is some time since
visited these parts.
i will be Miers, noted magician, of
London, followed by Bingo and other
games for amusement, including
New and old time music ’by the
Refreshment Booths on Grounds
August 25 th
and daughter
spent a few
Mrs. George
Free Admission to Frolic
Don’t miss this annual event
I .
{ w OTTimHHQiCTTOiwiiuwiI -------------------------- ------. ---- -------- - --
King, *
Counsel (to woman witnesses):
“I hope I have not troubled you
these questions.”
In two and a half years of war,
3,189 Canadian Soldiers, Sailors
and Airmen were killed or are
missing. In the same period, it is
estimated that 16,000 Civilians
have been accidently killed and
1,600,01)0 injured,
Anyone in tl\e armed forces that
are injured are given a monthly
pension by the Government. We
will give you a monthly pension
if you are injured and unable to
provide a living for yourself for
a very small premium each year.
So far the dangers of you having
an accident have .been far greater
than in the armed services.
C. Becker read a very approp-
address and Myrtle Gaiser and
Pollen made the presentation
beautiful end table and lamp,
evening was spent in playing
Miss Ruth Ratz had her tonsils
removed at Dr. Taylor’s hospital on
Monday last.
Miss Reta Ratz, R.N., of Peter
borough, is spending two weeks’
holidays at her home here.
There will be no preaching ser
vice 01' Sunday School in the United
church on Sunday next, August 16.
Mr. Ray Sweitzer was taken to
Victoria Hospital on Friday last and
operated on for appendicitis. He
is getting along as well as can be
Winnifred Mack, Eunice
Elaine Mitchell and Betty Lou ’with all these questions.” Wit-
Schwartz are spending a week at a ness: “Not at all—I have a -small
girls’ camp near Goderich. ’ boy aged six at home.”
Practice These
sister of
Mrs. C.
ten. She
hip and
C. J. Hennessy
Phone: Crediton 27r6
Mr. Harold E. France, of Thed
ford, spent a few days with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John France,
Miss Betty Prance and Miss Eloise
Pym, of Thedford, are spending a
few weeks with their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs., John Prance,
Master Paul Dykeman spent the
past week with relatives in Galt.
Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas,
is holidaying in the vicinity
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly
daughters, visited with Mr.
Mrs. Allan Summers in St. Marys on
went to
to spend
their new positions, Bessie as an
army nurse in the U,S. Army and
Florence as a public health nurse in
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Bell on Saturday and Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Bell
daughters, Louise and Annette,
Miss Mildred Bell, of Detroit;
Lloyd Bell, of Rivers, Man.;
Chas. Stephen, of Thames Valley
Camp; Mr. Laurie Stephen, of Sky
Harbor; also Mr, and Mrs. Sam Mil
ler and children, of Dashwood.
Bessie and Florence Bell
New York on Wednesday
two‘Weeks before starting
an d
3 Simple Safety Measures:
Threshing fires will be practically eliminated if these three
simple precautions are taken :
E Use a water sprayer at the base of the blower—supplying
20 to 40 gallons of water per hour according to the dryness
of the» straw. This will keep down dust which increases
fire the moment it starts.
rL”l Prevent matches, either loose or in boxes, from passingI a. | through the machine. Boxes of matches have proved more
dangerous than loose matches. Insist tha,t none be carried
by anyone engaged. Obey the Fire Marshal’s order posted
On the .machine.
E Set the engine or tractor well away from straw or any
other readily combustible material. Prevent loads of
. sheaves from standing of passing near to the engine*^
^specially in wartime it is every farmer’s duty to prevent
threshing fires from starting. But if they ltd start, be ready
for them. Kedp a barrel of water near the blower—
another near the engine, A flame-proof blanket is an excel
lent thing to smother d fire the motnent it begins t but a coat
or a smock Will do, Bight by presenting fires.
Hay Township Farmers* Mutual
Fire Insurance Co., Zurich Ontario
East Williams Mutual Fire Insurance CJo., Nairn Ontario