HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-07-08, Page 5Page 5 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Thursday, July Sth,
Additional Hensail news. will
found on Page Six.
Mrs. J nek Williams,
spent the holiday
Mrs. N. E. Cool? and
spending their vacation
Mr. and
Mr,’ and
family are
at Wasaga
Mrs. Tom Suitor, of Montreal, is
spending a short holiday with hei'
mother, Mrs. Arthur Coxworth.
L.A.C. Ken Passmore, of Belle*
vibe, is spending two weeks’ leave
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. George Huehn, of Wiarton,
is in charge of the C.N.R. station
at present while Mr, A. L. Case is
on a week’s vacation,
Sgt. Pilot Gerald Passmore, of
Mossbank, Sask., spent a few days
last week with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Passmore. ■ ,
Mrs, A. Johnston received a
cable from her son, Pte. Gerald
Johnston, recently, informing ‘her
that he had arrived safely in Eng
Mr. H, O, Dayman, whose grocery
stock was badly damaged by fire
recently, is having a fire sale this
week. -The building is owned by
Mr, T, C. Joynt.
Miss Joyce Broderick, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Broderick, is
enjoying a couple of weeks’ holi
days at Wasaga Beach as the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook.
of Windsor,
mother, Mrs.
Windsor, has
in Wingham
and Hensall. They were former re
sidents here.
Mrs. Carmen Hiscocks drew the
lucky ticket, No. 485, on the ches
terfield suite wjiich was donated by
Mrs. James Sangster and sponsored
by the five hundred club. The
sum of $45 was realized on • the
draw which will be used to buy
treats for the boys overseas.
Twenty ladies, of Hensall, includ
ing married women and girls, ans
wering a call for help from the far
mers, hoed an acre of sugar beets
on the farm of Alex Buchanan, dis
trict 'farmer. They realized $10.00
which will be donated to the local
Red Cross. Mr. T. C. Joynt was in
charge of proceedings.
Hensall Council
Mr. Tom Simpson,
accompanied by his
E. Simpson, also of
been visiting friends
The regular meeting of the vil
lage council was held on Monday
evening, July 6, at 8 p..m. in the
council chamber with all members
present. Minutes of the previous
meeting and also of the Court of
Revision on the assessment roll
vyere read. On motion of Council
lors Horton and Kerslake the min
utes were adopted as read. T. Kyle
reported on 'the condition of the
sidewalk in front of A. Spencer’s
dwelling. J. A. Paterson, trea
surer, presented the half-yearly
financial report and the same was
compared with the 19 41 report.
The following correspondence was
read, considered and filed: Transit
Control Regional Office, G. Me-!
Lean, seed and stock show; Depart
ment of Highways, Stratford; Im
perial Oil, County Clerk, County
On motion of Parkins and Camer
on the following accounts were or
dered paid: Township of Hay, Black
Creek Drain, $120.00; G. M. Case;
teaming, streets, $11.00; C. Huber,
labor, streets, $4.25; W. Hilde
brand, labor, streets, $7.0-0; J.
Pfaff, labor, streets, $2.00; R. Dick,
labor, streets, $3.00; T. Kyle, salary,
J. Paterson, part salary,
D. G. Steer, expenses,
$25.00; H. J. McMillan,
supplies, rink, 20c; K. Scott, fire
dept., 70 c; Geo. Hess, printing,
$3 2.50; Robert Middleton, supplies,
$20.15; Hydro Commission, hydro,
hall, $12.44; 'total, $445.74.
On motion of Cameron and Kers
lake By-law 6 be given first and
second reading. Carried. Per Hor
ton and Parkins, that By-law 6 be
given third and final reading . and
finally passed. Carried. On motion
of Horton and Kerslake the Reeve
was authorized to /issue. a proclama
tion for the observance of Civic
Holiday on August 3rd. Council ad
journed on motion
James A.
of Hofton and
Paterson, Clerk
Bride-EIeCtPresentation, to
Complimenting Miss Maud Bol
ton, popular bride-elect of Satur
day July, 11th, fifty relatives met
at the home of Mr. Henry Horton,
of Hensall (great uncle of Miss
Bolton) Tuesday evening to honor
her with a presentation. Bingo was
featured during the evening. Mr.
Harry Horton was master of cere
monies. Prize-winners were as fol
lows: Mrs. M, Silber, of Zurich, who
bingoed three times; Mrs. John
Shepherd, who captured two prizes;
George Glenn, Mrs. Anne Berry,
Mrs. John Bolton, Miss Maude Hor
ton, Carol Spellman and Miss Maud
Bolton. At the conclusion of the
bingo, the guest of honor was pre
sented with a gift of money, Mrs,
A. B. Rowelife did the honors. Re
latives attending from a distance
were Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Horton,
Oshawa, and the former’s two sis
ters, Miss Maude Horton, Mrs. Hor
ney and Mrs. H, Lindenfield, all of
Exeter- Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Horton
and two daughters, Miss Betty Jean
and Joan, of Detroit; Mr. Horton’s
mother, Mrs. Emily Horton, of Hen-
sail; Mrs. Sarah Broadfoot, Zurich: (great nun t of the bride-elect); Mrs J
(Dr.) J. A. Spellman, and her three
daughters, Carol, Helen and Joan*
of Kitchener. The event was one
of the most enjoyable of the season.
Red Cross Notes
season our faithful
The farmers who received help
from the many good folk, young
and old, when their sugai' beet crops
were in danger, have asked this
column to express their deep ap
preciation of 'the splendid efforts
that were put forth. These men not
only speak highly of the enthusi
asm with which many in the com
munity tackled this hard work, but
they also wish to acknowledge the
thoroughness with which it was
done, The local Red Cross branch
again expresses its thanks to the
goodly number who donated their
share of the money received fqr
hoeing sugar beets to the Red Cross.
The work of cutting and sawing
goes on steadily at the work'rooms
in the town hall and though it is
the holiday
workers are still busy turning out
materials for our armed forces and
for the unfortunate civilian
lation of Old Britain, More
could be ' accomplished if
were more sewing machines
able and if you have one that you
will lend, kindly advise Rev. R. A.
Brook or Rev. W. Weir and ar
rangements will be made to pick it
up at once. # -
The following clipping from a
daily paper last week helps to give
a picture of what is done with a
large part of the $9,000,000 col
lected throughout Canada last
month. Your donation is doing its
bit in this great work.
"Every prisoner of war from the
British Empire forces now in Ital
ian or German hands receives a Red
Cross parcel once a week, so M. H.
de Watteville, representative of the
International Red Cross Commit
tee in Geneva, Switzerland, said
recently. He is visiting the head
quarters of the Canadian Red Cross
The youthful Swiss .lawyer said
that he was on this side of the'ocean
attempting to secure the release of
more shipping space from- United
Nations representatives in order to
speed up the shipment of food, cloth
ing and supplies by the Internation
al Red Cross between Lisbon, Mar
seilles and Genoa.
Mr. de, Watteville said his or
ganization takes delivery of the
parcels in Lisbon. They are placed
on ships chartered by the British
Red Cross, but operated by the In
ternational body and taken to either
France or Italy, thence overland to
the clearing house in Geneva. At
the “ time of distribution a camp
leader, selected by the prisoners,
from their own number, signs a
receipt in triplicate, retaining one
When the delegate of the Inter
national Red Cross goes to inspect
the camps, which is done three or
four times a year, these receipts
are taken and then compared care
fully with the one kept by the
camp leader. In the millions of
parcels handled no serious discrep
ancies have been found. During
these inspections the Red Cross de
legate has the right of interviewing
the canup leader in the absence
any German or Italian, Mr.
Watteville explained.”
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lewis are
smiles. It’s a daughter.
The meeting of the Mission Circle
was held at the home of Mrs. Earl
Lewis on Saturday.
Mr. Arthur Lewis had the misfor
tune to fall off a load of hay and
break his collarbone.
Mrs. Hess, of Zurich, visited with
her daughter Mrs. James Treve-
thick, during the past week.
Gerald Lewis, of Peterboro, has
been spending his holidays with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Amos, and two
the h,ome 1
H. Amos,
Rev. L.
church, is
mons on the Sunday School lesson.
Last Sunday he spoke on "The Cre
, of Detroit, visited at
of his grandfather, Mr. J.
and other relatives.
H. Turner, of the United
preaching a series of ser-
Wireless Operator Stuart Main
arrived home this Wednesday after
a period of convoy duty on the At
Mrs. Addie Irwin and Mr. R.
Pearson, uncle of Mrs. Ernest Pym,
are both on a visit to Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Pym.
Hamiota, Man.
Miss Shirley
ton, is Visiting
Mair, at the manse.
The W.M.S. of Roy’s were
manse on Wednesday for
monthly meeting.
They come
Marchant, of
with her aunt,
at the
Teacher (to boy’s mother):
what’s : the matter? Has Johnny
got 'toothache?”
Angry Mother: "No, Johnny hasn't
got toothache. His suffering comes
from your foolish teaching. You
told him he was to tell you how long
it would take him to eat twenty
apples if it took him one and a half
minutes to eat one apple—“and he
got stuck on the fifteenth,”
Murray Wolfe, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with his iparents.
Walter Ness, of London, spent
the week-end at his home here.
Miss Ann Schroeder is spending
her holidays with relatives in De
Howard Klumpp, of Toronto,
spent a few days with his parents
last week.
Robt, Bruer, of New
is spending his holidays
Mrs.. Louis Kraft spent a few days
with her sister, Mrs, Haberer, in
Zurich, last week,
Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong,
Of London, visited with hei’ mother,
Mrs, Hamacher, last week.
Miss Helen Bruer, of New Ham
burg, is spending her vacation with
Mr, and Mrs. Duncan Snider.
Mr. and Mrs- Harry Guenther and
family, of Windsor, are visiting
with his mother, Mrs. Guenther.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson
returned to Detroit after spending
two weeks’ vacation in this vicin
Mrs. E. Edighoffer, of Zurich, and
daughter, Donna, of Ottawa,
spending a few days with M1’S- Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. W. Schultz
end with Mr. and Mrs,
Mrs. Leonard Schroeder and
daughter, Anne Marie, of Windsor,
spent a few days with' Mrs. M.
Mrs, Kleinstiver and Mrs. Hay-
ter attended the wedding reception
of Miss Grace Hayter in Windsor
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pieullisch and
son, of Kitchener, were week-end
visitors with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Krueger.
Mr. and Mrs. William Schroeder
and family arid Mrs. Hintz and
daughter, of Detroit, spent the
week-end with Mrs, Hamacher,
Miss Eunice Oestreicher, who has
Been successful in passing her Nor
mal School examinations, has been
engaged to teach at Greenway.( Mr. and Mrs .“ Jack Raschke and
family, of Detroit, spent the holi
day with relatives here. Mrs.
Raschke and family will remain
hare for their holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Rothstein and son
Vertne, and Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher
and\the Misses Rose, Antoinette,.
Ella\and Tillie Zimmer, all of De
troit were week-end visitors
Mr/ Zimmer and Ida.
nd Mrs'. M. Mclsaac
sons, James and Ronald and
aid, have returned to Detroit
spending two weeks’ vacation
Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac, leaving'Fran
cis to spend his holidays in this vi
The week-end of July 4th was the
occasion of a gay event at the homes
of Mr. Simon Hartman and Mrs.
Lucinda Mclsaac, when they had
the pleasure of entertaining Cap
tain H. L. ' Baron and Mrs. Baron
and their two children, Ann Marie
and Donald. * Accompanying them
were friends of Donald, the Messrs.
Stanley Johnson, Gregory. McDon
ald, Edwin Joliffe and Gordon
Cochrane, son of Lieut, and Mrs.
Mickey Cochrane, the world famous
baseball player, all of Grosse Isle,
Mrs, Truman Mills, of Sarnia, is
visiting with Mrs. H. Mills.
Mr*. Gordon Baynham spent the
week-end with relatives in Wind*
Mrs. Albert Smith visited with
Mr. -and Mrs. R. Smith -on Sunday* I
Dr* and Mrs, Heighway, of Lon*1
with re*
Elgin Merger and
visited with relatives in Kit
last week.
of Detroit, spent the week-
Alex Kennedy, of Vancouver,
nephew of Mrs. Sweitzer, is
spending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs.William Sweitzer.
Miss Ruth Bell, of London, spent
the week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith, of Guelph,
and Miss Wanda Baker, of Clin
ton, visited over the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jarrott.
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney were Mr.
and Mrs. William 'Ferguson and
Wilmer, of Thames Road; Mr. and
Mrs. William Motz, of Crediton,
Mrs. Joseph Stacey,'of Exeter, and
Mr. A. Gackstetter, of Guelph.
A very enjoyable evening was
spent on Thursday evening last at
the home of Miss Beatrice Cooper
when the choir met to honour Miss
Gwen Cooper, who is leaving short
ly. During the evening Gwen was
presented with a packaway.
W.M.S. Meets
The July meeting of the W.M.S.
of the United church was held on
Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Monteith. Mrs. A,
with a
J. Hyde
was then sung
‘The Case for Total Abstinence1
was given in a very interesting man
ner by Mrs. W. W, Cooper, assist
ed by other members,
ed to
Monteith. Mrs. A. Johnson
and the meeting opened
responsive reading,
read the scripture and
led in prayer. Hymn
A temperance
Hymn 351
sung and the meeting closed
the benediction by Mrs. John-
The August meeting will be
at Bev. and Mrs. Grant’s cot-
near Grand Bend, in the even*
Each member please be prepar
give a number on the program.
Bev, Father Baril Sullivan apent
a few days with his brother an4
sister here.
Mr. and Mrs. Nap. Geromette
welcomed a little son to their’ home
on Saturday.
Miss Margaret Doyle, of London,
called on and Mrs. James Dal*
don; spent Sunday with Mr, andI ton on Sunday.
Mrs. John Essery. ■
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Atkinson,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Eagleson> at Parkhill,
Dr, and Mrs, Heighway, of Lon
don, were Sunday visitors with $lr.
and Mrs. John Essery,
Miss Arlene Skinnei’ was holi
daying for the past week with her
grandparents at EJimville,
The sympathy of this community
is extended to Mr, and Mrs. Gibson
in their sad bereavement.
Mrs. David Rowcliffe, of Wind-]
sor, spent the past week with her
sister, Mrs, Albert Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson, of
Preston, visited with Mr, and Mrs.
Lloyd Hodgson on Sunday, )
Douglas Murray is holidaying •
with his grandparents, Mr. and JMrs. George Hay, in Exeter. I
Mrs. J. Sleamon spent the week-' gerty, of this place.
Little Paul Dietrich,
and Mrs. Joe Dietrich,
I Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Casey spent
Sunday at the home of her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Pat Sullivan.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Roulan aBd
family, of Detroit, spent the week
end with her father, Mr. James
Mrs, (Dr.) Lenord Ryan and
daughter, of Chicago, spent a few
days with Mr. Michael Ryan and
Mr. Teddie Etue and Miss Anna
Etue, of Detroit, are spending their
vacations at the home of Mr. andi
Mrs. Joe. Carey. |
Miss Elenor Collins, of Windsor, J
and Private Dennis Collins, of Lon-;
don, called on Messrs.' Gerald and i
Pennis O’Rourke.
Rev. Father Fogerty, of Holly
wood, California, spent last week
With his brother, Rev,Father Fo-
Feed Shur-Gain Feeds
Call at the Shur-Gajn feed mill and discuss your feed
problems with us. We carry a full line of poultry, hog and
cattle feeds second in quality to none.
-—You will find our prices right"*-*
16% Growing Mash $2.50
14i/2% Range Mash $2.45
16% Hog Growor $1.90
24% Poult Starter $3,60
20% Turkey Grower $3.40
Mixed Chop at $31,00 per ton
Liberal discounts on quantity amounts
We Buy Fall Wheat
Good second hand Thresher belt, 120 ft. x 8 in., fori sale
Phone 35w Exeter Ont
end with Mr. and Mrs, M, Sleamon ■
at their cottage at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Brokenshire, of
London, were week-end guests with
Mrs. Brokenshire and Mrs. Basker
Mrs. M. Rowcliffe visited with
her nephew and niece, Mr. and
Hodgson, on Friday ofMrs. Lloyd
last week.
Mr. and
Frayn e, of
with Mrs. James Atkinson and fam
ily over the week-end.
Mrs. J, Falconbridge and Laura
Marie are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. G. F. Penwarden. Master
Jimmy Falconbridge is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith.
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Martin in St. Thomas.
Mr. Andrew Hicks was in
ronto on Saturday attending
funeral of his brother, the late
Frank Hicks. The sympathy of
community is extended to
Hicks in the loss of his brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Lang Borden, Doug
las, Donald and Beverley, of Detroit,
Mrs. S. Andrew and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Mitchell, Marietta and Nor
man, of London, spent Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
The home of Mr. and Mrs. And
rew Hicks was ‘the scene of a double
christening on July 1st when Rev.
W. Kitley baptized two grand
children, - Jane Elliott, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. S'. Henry and John
Macaulay, son of Mr. and Mrs. I.
Macaulay. Mrs. Kitley accompan
ied her husband.
Mrs, Wren and Miss
London, were guests
and Mrs. G. F. Penwarden,
Falconlbridge and children
th e
son of Mr.
is improved
after having his tonsils removed in
St, Joseph’s Hospital, London.
Sunday visitors with Ed.
Margaret Hogan were Mr. and
Willie Ducharme, of Windsor,
Mr. John Fatton, of Hamilton.
Rev. Fr. Fogerty, of California,
and Rev. Fr. Fogerty, of Mount Car
mel, are spending a week with their
brother, Rev. Fr.
Mr. Gerald O’Brien,
and Mr. Earl O’Brien,
spent the week-end at
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Madelene Glavin is
ing her vacation at the home
father, Mr. Jos., Glavin.
Fr. Glavin spenf a few days at
Fogerty, of
of Hamilton,
of Goderich,
the home' of
of her
Also Rev.
Mrs. Harry Noals, of Aylmer,
spending a few days with her moth
er, Mrs. Will Dickens,
Mr-, and Mrs. Earl Atkinson
daughters spent Sunday with
and Mrs. Heber Davis,
Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs
family spent Sunday evening as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mann
in London. '
A.C. Harvey Dobbs, of the* R.C.
A.F., St. Thomas, and Lorraine
Dobbs, of London, spent the week
end under the parental roof.
The Misses Marguerite and Agnes
Lamport and friend, of Detroit,
spent the week-end with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. S, Lamport.
Lloyd Miller, of Stratford,
spent Sunday at the home of his
Mrs. Rourke, of Montreal, is at
present on a visit with friends in
the village.
Mrs. Weitzman, of Niagara Falls,
is at present visiting in the vicin
ity with friends.
The farmers are busy with the
hay and report a fine crop, while
the wheat is excellent.
Mrs, S. A. Miller returned home
Tuesday after spending a week’s
holiday in Toronto with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and Mr.
and Mrs. Duncan McKellar attend
ed the Hoggarth-Britton nuptials
at Constance on Saturday last.
Wilfred. Scott, of the Berth Re
giment, who was in training at
London during Army Week, spent
the week-end at home with his par
ents. j.
The July meeting of the W.M.S-
was held on Thursday last at the
home of Mrs. Thos. Laing, with a
good attendance, Mrs. Jameson pre
siding. A good account of the sec
tional meeting at Avonton was giv
en by Mrs.
gave Glad
Harper the
Hazel Laing, a solo. One visitor was
present. Mrs. Laing* served a very
dainty lunch at the close.
Farmers.. .
You are engaged in one of the
few occupations which are not
under workmen’s compensation
and yet your occupation is con-*
sidered tne most dangerous for
accidents of any.
Our accident protection which is
much broader than compensation
•will pay you if hurt hot only
while at work but at all times.?*
Consider the nuimber of Farmers
that are injured every year at
this season and ask us to explain:
our protection, the cost is very
j C. J. Hennessy
Phono: Crediton 27r6
Willie: “Can’t you give me an
other name, mother?”
Mother: “Why?”
Willie: “My teacher is always say
ing she will keep me after school
as sure as my name is Willie.”
with Phone News Items to the Times-
Advocate. Tips on happenings are
always appreciated.
Miller; Mrs. Hamilton
Tidings prayers; Mrs.
Scripture reading; Mrs.
the study book; Miss
well io
,wes-e s
y”” Wtefo’Y°u
®ssen” „d c«e of V-
take 9°° . tiy hoard
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Goodyea* ifstheonW CancJ.
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Gel f»« de,<Sn°Pl«n ’-o'" Y°U'
,*G v.fe ExtensV r today 1
Goodyear d^ler
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I Vite of IF xuv r _ n,c out advice w ,
out mes The
Replace V-J and « ^,e
„iUa9e G J’;jssr,e ..™V co51ng and
i UeGuard »s " . be. Shouia hre
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...here’s our